#idk why I put sm effort into this edit lmao
hi-im-greenjunipertree ยท 4 months
IT'S MFING JO-PYRUS!!!! ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
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doyouevenshipbr0 ยท 5 years
gruvia drabble:
~gruvia week: day one//fav gruvia moment~
author's note: yallllll its mf'in GRUVIA WEEEEEK omG i love this week sm it makes me so happy to see the whole community get together and post beautiful things ab this very beautiful couple and UGH<3 tbh i aint promising that im gonna post everyday cus tea is i probably wont! BUT i will try to post as much as possible. ALSO BIIIIG shoutout to the creators of gruvia week. thank u sm for continuing ur effort in making this event every year i love it sm<3 ok so idk if i'd say this is my faaaaav gruvia moment (idk if i even have a fav) but this is DEF up there. ok enjoy my bbies i love u all<3
ALSO ok so i feel like for day one of gruvia week writers have to get kinda creative??? cus i dont wanna just rewrite the whole scene. SO this drabble is piggybacking off of a certain scene. only the first bit is canon the rest is from mwuah. ok now enjoy lmao.... ok one more edit.....heard someone say its april first in japan rn...???? sooo... im posting this now hehe!!! even tho its 9:00 PM on the 31st where i am. close enough. can u tell im super excited.
"Your body is..." Gray was in the middle of scolding a very drunk Juvia.
"Juvia's body is?" She looked up at him from the ground, her face slightly twisted in confusion.
Gray had just then only realized what he was saying. It started out with him simply saying that Wendy would be able to fix the scar Juvia attained from their fight amongst themselves and Invel. It was only when Juvia flipped it onto him, saying that he could also have his scar fully healed, that he realized why he was saying what he was saying.
Gray's face burned with embarrassment as he looked down on Juvia's adorable face that was highlighted in pink, and after a long awkward pause he quickly broke eye contact and turned his head away.
"Your body is..." He muttered. "Something...I care about...'cause you're mine...kinda. Um." He tripped over every word that left his mouth.
Juvia's face lit up with excitement from Gray's bold, but poorly spoken, words. She giggled.
"Gray-sama is so romantic!" She sat back on her knees and held her cheeks with delight.
"H-hey!" He stammered, snapping his gaze back to Juvia's. "Don't go off gettin' crazy ideas! I was just sayin'!" He huffed and crossed his arms.
"Just sayin' that Juvia's body is a beautiful perfect temple that Gray-sama wants to protect at every cost!" She was slightly slurring her words.
"N-no!" Gray's face could've melted off with embarrassment. You show your emotions one time and suddenly you're a damn cassanova.
"Yes you most certainly are!" Juvia practically leapt up from the ground with exhilaration. It wasn't everyday that she got to hear things like that from Gray. Their relationship was somewhat new, afterall.
"Kya!" She yelped. In her dazed excitement and drunkenness, her heel slipped from under her foot, causing her ankle to twist, and she was on her way back down to the ground.
"Whoa!" Gray's eyes widened. He moved quickly, and he swiftly caught her just moments before her face hit the concrete. He carefully brought her back to her feet, keeping an arm wrapped around her shoulder to steady her.
"Jeez." Gray finally exhaled in relief. "You need to be more careful!" He was broken out in a nervous sweat.
Juvia chuckled under her breath. "See. You do worry about Juvia." She looked up at him, and Gray quickly realized their faces were only inches apart. He promptly took his arm away from her body and stepped forward.
"Come on." He ignored her teasing. "We should get back to the party." He looked back at her and it hit him that she wasn't wearing a top. She stripped it off during one of her drunk fits. His cheeks reddened as he immediately turned his head back to face front. "A-and we need to find you a frickin' shirt!" He was used to seeing her topless during battles, but when they weren't fighting it was a whole different context. It was like another world.
"If Gray-sama insists." Juvia said and began to follow Gray, but as soon as she took a step on that twisted ankle, a sharp pain stabbed at her. "Ouch!" She alleviated the pressure off of her foot and dangled it a few inches above the ground.
Gray instantly turned around at her gasp of pain. "What is it?" He asked, but he already saw the answer as she balanced herself on one foot.
He sighed. "Your ankle?" He asked, his voice as unentertained as ever.
Juvia gave a guilty nod. She really knew how to cause any kinda of trouble when she was drinking. First the tears, then the nudity, now this.
Without saying anything else, Gray walked back a couple steps, spun around, and crouched to the ground.
"Eh?" Juvia's impaired mind couldn't seem to put two and two together.
"Get on." His voice was low.
"G-g-get on?! Gray-sama's big muscle-y back?!" Juvia's face burnt and she found herself conflicted for some reason. It was all so much for her.
"Yeah. And we're not going back to the party. I'm taking you back to your apartment." He still wasn't looking back at her.
"What?!" She whined. "How come?!"
He finally turned his head "Because you're drunk, shirtless, and you're hurt." He faced forward again. "Just let me take you home."
She paused. She really wanted to go back to the party and celebrate Lucy's award some more with the others, but he was right. Not to mention his broad shoulders were way too intriguing to pass up.
"Alright." She said, mildly defeated, and did a little hop to get on his back.
Gray stood up and adjusted his grip so his arms were wrapped under her two legs as she had her arms chained around his neck, and he started walking.
"When we get back to your place, I'm gonna' come in for a minute and ice your ankle." He explained.
An idea popped in Juvia's imaginative mind. "Wellll," she sang. "It is pretty late. You might as well spend the night."
"Nah. Just wanna' sleep in my own bed tonight." He said, practically.
"Hmph." Juvia pouted and her head sunk into the crook of Gray's neck. "Gray-sama is so cruel."
"I'm sorry what was that? Do you want me to drop your drunk, limping, ass on the ground?" He teased.
"No!" Juvia squealed, clutching onto Gray harder than before, causing him to chuckle.
They walked on the outskirts of the venue of the party. It was still as lively and rambunctious as ever with all of Fairy Tail's members. Gray stopped for a moment. He saw a nearby bench and sat Juvia down on it.
"Stay here." He instructed as he walked away.
"Where are you going?" She called out.
"I'll be right back." He called back.
A minute or so later, Gray was back with crumpled up clothes in his hands.
"Here." He held out his suit jacket that he wore earlier that night to her in front of her practically bare chest. He looked away and blushed. "I couldn't find your stuff."
Juvia giggled with joy and excitedly snatched the jacket, putting it on her body in just a second. A smile curled on her lips as she wiggled in the coat, rubbing her arms up and down the sleeves. "So warm!" She cheered.
Gray was still blushing. He remained shirtless and said nothing as he spun around, signaling for Juvia to get on his back again, and she did so. He hoisted her up and returned to walking back to her apartment.
Juvia hummed with satisfaction and pushed her head up so her cheek was pressed right up against Gray's.
"Thank you for caring so much about Juvia's body." She whispered. "I'm very happy to be yours." She finished with a peck on Gray's cheek.
"Don't worry about it." Gray's scrunched face was coated with pink as he embarrassingly averted his gaze.
Although Gray wasn't always the best with words, Juvia could always count on his actions to tell her what he was really feeling.
And if actions could talk, she is sure they would be saying "I love you".
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