#idk when the precise moment i got into wrestling was
klaxiaaa · 1 year
Started throwing some notes in a draft to later turn into coherent thoughts about the end of oc's run with the international title and realised the motions that got me into wrestling started just after all out last year.
So, uh, happy one year of wrasslin' to me I guess?
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Haven't seen anyone talk about this, but it's very likely we'll be getting a flashback montage from Mike's perspective in Vol. 2, similar to Max's in Vol. 1.
In season 1-2, Mike was arguably the main character of the show. He was at the center of most scenes, which allowed the audience to get a lot of insight into what he was thinking/feeling during that time. Whereas lately, but especially in season 4, we are almost entirely in the dark.
We've been forced to read the subtext, because the text itself is refusing to give anything away.
I think it's funny when people say Byler fans read too much into things, when it's very likely they are the only ones ready for what's to come precisely because of their knack for reading too much into things.
For example, the three notable hints in 4x01 alone, out of only a handful of scenes we got from Mike that episode: (1) the one way sign pointing into Mike's closet, (2) his dreamy eyes at Eddie w Fever in the background, and (3) the wrestling room w Mike's POV zooming out of two boys doing... idk what they're doing feat. some bowl-cuts.
Even though it's subtle, it's intentional when considering the fact that we got so little else from him in Vol. 1. And I think the appeal of leaving us in the dark in Vol. 1 is to inevitably bring us into the light in Vol. 2.
And Mike getting Vecna'd is the most logical way to do that.
There's a bunch of things I can imagine going down in terms of what he hallucinates and stuff as a result of his shame/fears, which is why I don't want to go down that rabbit hole, since the possibilities are sort of endless.
I'm not sure how it would go down exactly, but I think it's safe to assume that if Mike makes it, we would see something along the lines of what Max saw, which was memories of all the people she cared about most, but with Lucas at the center of it.
It's not a stretch to assume Mike's montage would be Will centric, especially when we're talking season 1-2.
Byler Flashback Montage: Wish-List - "You said he was alive!" - "Crazy Together" - "Maybe all of this is happening for a reason..." - Mike's arm around Will's shoulder (2) - Mike on Will's bedside (2) - "We won't let him" feat. handhold - "It was the best thing I've ever done." - The Snowball... - Every single "You okay?" + season 3-4 moments. You get the gist!
And I just think it will be interesting for casual viewers to get this refresher of not only how it all began, but also how for Mike, Will has always been one of, if not the most important person in his life.
A lot of scenes between them are just going to feel different than they did the first time for most casual viewers. Especially now after having Will's feelings for Mike out in the open, and most likely after seeing Mike maybe looking at Will differently. Those flashbacks are going to make a lot of people wake up.
What I'm most excited for is that ST was arguably at its peak during those Mike/Will moments, and I think a lot of fans forgot that. We're also likely going to see pieces of Mike we haven't seen in a while, the sides of him we only really see when he's in a good place with Will, which is going to have a lot of people going, " now, wait a damn minute... I love this Mike?? I missed him??".
While there are a lot of people that won't be too happy about Mike reciprocating Will's feelings, I know there are just as many, if not more that don't really care about ships. Most people watching shows will go with whatever pairing is presented to them, especially if it feels right and true to the story. And Byler is as true to ST as it gets.
So heres to all of us out there who read too much into things. I look forward to educating the masses with you on and after July 1st!
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theworldofotps · 3 years
Letter From The Road
AEW Superstar: Adam Cole Word Count: 430 ~A series in which I write letters from superstars to their partner or friend back home while they’re on tour.~
Sorry for such a long wait, I hope you enjoy this @biforrollynch thanks for being such a doll with waiting I appreciate it more then I can express.🧡 ________ Tag list:
@hungmanhorsecarriage @writtingrose @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sassymox @new-zealand-chic @xladyxfatex @mrsacklesevansmgk @sjwrites22 @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @melblacc @letsgivethisonemoreshot @alination @ava-valerie @thatnerdwriter @thatpanpal @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37
AEW tag: @wheelergrealish (idk what your new tag is) If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ________ Hey baby, Just finished our show in Kentucky, we’ll be leaving for Iowa in the morning. This tour has been a lot of fun so far. But I think I may have twisted my ankle. I’m going to get that checked out tomorrow. Not exactly sure of the precise moment that it got messed up. But it was definitely throbbing by the end of the match I had against Christian.
Part of me really hopes it’s not twisted so I can finish out this tour. But I wouldn’t mind a few days at home with you while I recover. I really miss you baby, it sucks not getting to wake up to you every morning. I’m tired of listening to Kenny sing to wake me up. Don’t get me wrong I love the guy but I just want to sleep in the rare chance I get.
How are things going for you? I know you said you were going to be busy this week or something I think? I honestly can’t remember I have once too many things occupying my brain. But I do want to tell you that I hope whatever it is, everything goes well for you and that you don’t forget I’m always rooting for you.
I wanna talk to you about something when I get home. And since I know you’re gonna stress the whole time it’s nothing bad I’m just a little nervous to hear your response. This time apart as made me realize just how much I hate that we live in separate houses. Especially considering I’m gone with wrestling and such. I’ll just leave it there. I'm sure you could probably guess what I want to talk about. 
Anyway, I hope that this time flies by. I’m so excited to have two whole weeks to spend with you doing whatever we want. I can’t remember the last time we had two weeks off together. Like both of us at the same time. I’m thankful that your boss was willing to let you take your vacation time now. Fourteen days is a long time to get a lot done.
Maybe could even tackle some of those crafts or whatever that you’re always talking about wanting to do. There’s a lot of kisses and cuddles to make up for. Along with a little pillow talk and fun in the sheets. ;) But enough of my rambling on I’m gonna get ready to sleep and I’ll give you a call before bed. Maybe we can have a little fun then.                             I love you baybay forever.                                        Adam
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masterheartsxiii · 4 years
Notes from mass 9/20/20
A note before I start. This was my first time at mass by myself, as a non-catholic. It was also my first time taking notes. I am looking to be challenged and hold discussion on my thoughts.
I grew up non-denominational, I didn’t know much about Catholicism other than that they worshiped Mary and stuff (things I found out were wrong later). Eventually I started spending time with my dear friend, who was catholic. She and I went back and forth as she brought forward points about catholic faith, and I would pose counter arguments. There was a point where she seemed close to snapping away towards a different denomination, closer to mine. But then, she suddenly snapped back. Her connection to her Catholic faith became like steel, forged in the heat of questioning. This fire fascinated me. I now know that she had an advisor who helped temper that steel into its current shape on this site, but that doesn’t change that she found something about Catholicism that resonated, or else no amount of advice would have caused it. So I had to know. I have to know. What about Catholicism draws one closer to God even when fought against with more Protestant views. For that reason, I have begun going to Catholic Mass, starting now due to covid, and long to have my answers about God and the universe answered.
Now the notes proper:
I arrived late due to traffic and going to a new church. Will have to prepare for that earlier. Due to this I had to sit in the back outside of the church proper.
Gospel was on the parable of the men who were hired at different times yet paid the same amount.
>An interesting parable. One that would easily reflect on any time period, and all have surely felt similar.
Homily begins:
Talking about vacation?
>Not really sure how this all connects
The priest went to Maine
>I get he’s trying to relate this, but talking about vacation as your connection seems odd during times where quarantine is supposed to be in place.
Got distracted on how to take notes
>I was trying to figure out how best to take notes by looking at the examples my dear friend has posted in the past. I resolved then to get a notebook and have since done so so that my notes can be taken and translated later.
The priest gets back to the parable
>Finally. I guess the connection was between lobster farmers and field workers, but that seems thin.
The fairness is what we focus on, but the point of the parable is gods love.
>Well that seems obvious. But it has an important point to make, and right as I thought that he continued
Christianity, like field work, can be back breaking.
>Living with an atheist, can agree.
We need to save all people no matter when in their life. (But what rewards are there besides the end?)
>So the parenthesis are the thoughts I had at the time that I felt needed to be jotted down. These carrots are post church reflections. But it is a common thought. How often have I gone to God and said “I’ve done all this for you. I’ve been here since I was a child? Why am I not getting benefits. Why don’t my wishes carry more weight? My god, my god, why have you forsaken me.”
We might harbor feelings that we’ve been unfairly treated (no rewards to be in early)
>precisely. We feel that just because someone “got on board late” they shouldn’t be given equal treatment. But that’s not right. We should want the best for everyone. To hold someone to a standard of when they became a follower, why do we assume that makes them lesser? Isn’t that judgement? There is only one Judge, and it isn’t any of us on Earth.
Why do we think that? Why do we feel it’s “better” that we wish we could have joined later.
>That brings up an interesting conundrum. Often times we think the best way, even as Christians is to fall into this trap. We say “well it’s alright if I break this rule as long as I ask forgiveness” but that could devolve into a whole tangent of what is right vs what feels good. I’d be happy to discuss that more in the comments or a dm.
Better to rejoice that we added more people to the kingdom of heaven.
>On this we can easily agree. It is a victory to add someone, but where does it end? Do we check in and make sure they’re actually living it out? Surely just getting them to confess isn’t the end. That gets into circle of control vs circle of influence. Something my therapist and I have been working through. But while my circle of control is small with a larger circle of influence, an interesting irony is that God’s circle of control is massive, but he chooses to only use his influence, less we become puppets. Idk. This is where my mind wanders to.
Started talking about donations? That felt out of place.
>Yeah I guess just because it’s nearing the end of the fiscal year, it’s time to bring in money. It was an unfortunate time for me to first visit as I’m sure it sounded more greedy than intended, but it did feel weird that they ended the homily with it. Is that normal. I have no comparative reference.
I left before communion as I don’t feel I can go to it yet as a non catholic (why so isolating?)
>Something I’ve always wrestled with. The requirement to be catholic before receiving communion. Jesus said “let the little children come into me”. He didn’t require them to vow to him first. Jesus dined with beggars, crooks, and tax collectors. He never required them to be a part of his church before then. And then of course there’s the fact that is in spirit the body and blood of Christ. I grew up with communion being symbolic, not a true transformation. For a long time I viewed that as a weird interpretation. But I’ve seen it. The times I went to mass with my dear friend in the past I saw the power that the reverence and respect the priest placed on it. The Meal is more than a symbol, but I believe that is only to those that believe it so. My literal brain has trouble seeing past the veil, but I did for one fleeting moment and it’s stuck with me.
I felt so alone. How does one connect to god at these things? He is held so far above. How can one reach.
>I’ve never gone to mass by myself. I’ve always had at least my dear friends long side me. Ins one ways that was a detriment. After all, if ones focus is torn between two places, can one truly grasp Heaven’s message for you? But on the other side, without anyone beside me at church, how am I to parse these feelings. I am a Stranger in a Strange Land, and without a spiritual guide, how am I to reach it. I fear my journey will be impossible alone. I will pray on this.
One final note: the priest says it feels like the devil has really had his way with this year. It has been a hard year for sure, but how much is this the work of devils and how much is the work of man. The age old question does the devil really exist: or is it just the Bible’s embodiment of man’s free will, given personification. May pursue this more.
>A thought I’ve had many times. One I’d love to discuss. The Bible has many allegories. Might the devil be one as well. After all humans with free will don’t need something bad influencing them. That’s actually the problem with some other denominations. The ones that make “Hell Houses” the prescribe everything to “demons” and that takes humanity’s free will out of the equation. The devil may not exist. There may instead just be humanity’s desire to turn away from blinding light. Thoughts?
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ravenvsfox · 5 years
So you’re one of my fav writers ever and I was hoping for a bit of advice about something but idk how to word it really okay so i love writing but I find that a lot of my writing when I read it back everything sounds so instructional like he did this and she did that as he did this and they did this when she did that like it drives me crazy but I can’t figure out how to change my wording style sorry if this makes no sense 😭
Hi love! first of all, what a compliment, I’m thrilled that you came to me. Second of all, you’re making perfect sense, I totally know the feeling!
I always worry that if I just write to get ideas down and explain what’s going on, there’s no magic, but if I write soupy purple prose then all of the crucial “he did this, they did that” gets lost. I’m really still trying to find a balance between the two.
Generally I think it’s important to recognize that not every single beat has to be catalogued, you can let your characters live and breathe without necessarily describing the way they put one foot in front of the other.
Here are a couple of things that I try to do:
1. Describe feelings/reactions as well as actions. Anyone could say “she walked into class and sat at her desk”, but if you focus on mood and description, you can get: “the desk in the back corner was mercifully empty, and she held eye contact with it until she was close enough to claim it. She drooped into her seat, tucked her bag between her knees, and tried not to think about the school day stretched in front of her like a gravel road, when the shimmer of dust blocks your path home.”
So we still have a class and we have a desk, but we also a sense of dread, a descriptor like “mercifully” that suggests that this character is not the sort of person that sits up front, we have a touch of personification, a student and her desk whose “eyes” are locked. We have a simile because I can’t resist.
As soon as you start putting in little embellishments and internal details, you elevate a cursory description to a moment of character development and scene building. 
2. It’s a little obvious, but sometimes if I find a passage is too barren, I go back and literally just drop poetry and metaphor back in. Sometimes you get into the rhythm of short perfunctory descriptions and you need to wake your writing up.
So instead of: “he walked to the edge of the cliff and looked over. She joined him on the precipice and put her arms around him. They were both thinking of the last time they’d been here, when tragedy struck.”
You say: “he walked haltingly to the edge of the cliff, where the sickly winter grass sloped off into nothingness. Bile crept up his throat. He thought of his brother careening past the guard rail, the long yellow teeth of his headlights, the cold fear he must’ve wrestled with all the way down. He barely felt it when Maura looped her arms tight around his neck. ‘When do we stop feeling like this?’ she asked. He looked deep into the blackness beyond the precipice, and felt that bile shape the answer in his mouth. ‘When we reach the bottom.’”
So we’ve got adjectives all over the place, you have showing instead of telling (a brother, a car, a fear, a cliff, you know it’s a tragedy without saying it’s a tragedy), a smattering of meaningful dialogue to indicate state of mind instead of a heavy-handed “they were both thinking it”. If you make every single line loaded, it’s a lot easier to pull the proverbial trigger.
But also there’s nothing wrong with being instructional sometimes! You can get a lot across that might otherwise get lost in the weeds. To avoid being surgically precise though, let yourself linger in little things, how is your character reacting? should you the author say this or should the character say it? Could you transform this action into a feeling? Could you transform this feeling into a metaphor? Find your balance!
I don’t know if that helps at all, I hope I said at least one thing that you can adapt to your own work!! Very best of luck 💖
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How often do you eat your favorite food?  Very seldom do I get to have burgers because the good ones are usually quite expensive and I don’t want to waste my parents’ allowance on selfish stuff like that; I’d say I have them once every couple of months. I get Yabu at least once a month though, that’s something I kinda make sure I’ve saved enough for.
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes): When we have family car trips that run through the night, I do sleep but only for a short while because I feel bad when we all fall asleep and my dad has no choice but to continue driving. I’ve only fallen asleep on a plane once and that was because we spent like seven or eight hours waiting at the airport with nothing to do, and for some reason that made me so tired.
What room of the house are you in right now? My room. My day hasn’t gone well and I haven’t had the energy to go downstairs.
What was the last tv show you watched?  Descendants of the Sun.
Have you been using Apple Music? No thanks.
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often?  My parents don’t.
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? Exhausted, a little heavy, and resigned. Yes, but I’m taking this survey now precisely because I don’t want that stuff to occupy my mind too much.
Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? Albay with my parents. We were there for three or four days, which I consider to be more of a vacation than the weekend trip we had in Tagaytay.
List all the colors you’re currently wearing.  Brown, black, and scarlet.
What’s your favorite type of doughnut?  I like smaller, local brands that make their doughnuts fresh, and may have gourmet selections as well. The only place I know that does this is Cello’s, near my school. 
What do you usually eat for breakfast?  I normally skip it but with my whole family home for quarantine, we’ve been having breakfast every single day since March. That said, we typically have steamed or fried rice, eggs, hotdogs, bacon, longganisa, and some kind of dried dish like danggit or tuyo.
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? Nope, never invested on candles before.
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?  Yep. I used to be able to, then I wasn’t able to for a very long time, then after having my really rigorous PE class two semesters ago I was able to do it again.
When was the last time you went out for dinner?  First Monday of March.
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current?  I’ve seen the first one because they aired it on TV a thousand times at one point in like, 2013. Never got to see the rest.
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? “You here?” I was talking to Kimi in the dark.
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? Mac.
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week?  2-3 times a week maybe? Gab and I don’t need to call each other everyday, and a fewer calls mean I’m more excited when one does happen haha.
Have you cooked anything today? What was it?  Nope.
Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? First cousins would be Gage, Elijah, Cholo, Toffe, Bia, Lei, Kesler, AJ, Kent, Seth, and Sam. The second cousins that I know of are Ben, Nico, Selah, Luke, Maggie, Bree, Isabella, and Jethro – I have tons of family living in the US and those include second cousins I’ve never met, and I also have many other second cousins on my dad’s side that I was able to name none of here because we aren’t at all close with that side, and I’ve never had a relationship with those cousins. I only know a handful of third cousins, namely Nicole, Elliott, and Kristen. What does your shampoo smell like? Idk, it doesn’t have a distinct scent and is just one of the basic Dove shampoos.
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? The scent is called bourbon vanilla.
Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? Are horses unusual?  My sister had a chick for a few days. They definitely are here, but I don’t know about other places.
Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? Not a movie sorry, but I just watched Vice TV’s Dark Side of the Ring documentary on Owen Hart and it’s sooooooo fucking brilliant. Its production value is just astounding, and they did not fuck around with the sources they chose to speak in the piece. I recommend anybody – even if you’ve never watched or been interested in wrestling before – to go see it, because the storytelling is so great the outsider-est outsider would be able to understand and appreciate its narration, and see exactly how fucked-up the industry is.
Why did you last go see a doctor? Oh my god, this has been on every survey recently...eye appointment. At that time my left eye twitched and teared up whenever I wake up and when I’d head to bed, and in random times during the day. It’s gotten better during the quarantine, but I’ll still sometimes get the occasional attack.
Do you know how to play Minesweeper? Yes. I don’t have the patience for it though. < Ugh same. I’ve never won a game, and I just never had the appetite to keep trying lol
What was the last thing you bought online? The last time I answered this saying a Hydro Flask and a couple of necklaces, but now that I remember more clearly, Andrew and I did get Chinese food from online a few days before classes got suspended.
Where do you usually park your car? There’s some extra bare space beside our actual carport that’s super super tiny, but we found out my car could fit in so that’s where I park it so it could be in the shade. To this day I’m the only one who can effortlesly fit it in after doing it everyday for four years in college, as my parents are too scared hahaha.
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it?  House. As far as I know, that’s how it works for the whole country.
Are you more logical or creative?  Logical. My creativity is for sure in the negatives.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Only if it incredibly bothers me and if it’s not that big a brand. If it’s a big name, I’d rather suffer the itch.
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you?  The dream job is still to do PR for WWE, but I’ve been questioning that decision more and more lately because they’re turning out to be such a shit company and I don’t want to end up selling out and launching fake-ass cheery articles and campaigns to paint the company in a nicer light, despite the many shitstorms it is currently and has always been embroiled in. I do think it’s attainable, since it’s generally easier to get into WWE corporate than be in the branch that does events and gets to be on TV, but I’ll have to do a lot of thinking on this particular path.
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.?  30 minutes ago, maybe.
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go?  Just one. Jum and I went to the Senate for a journalism class. I would’ve driven but I hate driving in Manila.
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