#idk what to tag this bc its abt romrem but not pro it
dykeceit · 5 years
tw: discussion of incest
i usually try to stay away from commenting a lot on fandom drama and discourse but hooo boy have incest fetishists been pissing me off-
y'know romrem shippers didnt used to bother me that much, i thought eh most of them are kids and will grow out of it and have some reason they don't think roman and remus are "really brothers" (which they are). ive been there, i shipped thorki when i was like 15, and my excuse was that "well they're not really related" which of course is invalidating to people with family they aren't biologically related to. they're just as much family no matter what.
that being said, i don't condone sending hate to people. that being said, i think the way at least some remrom shippers are handling the hate or reasonable fucking criticism is downright absurd and disgusting. apparently, if people request you to make a new channel in your server to keep the romrem seperate from the rest bc uh Most People are made fucking uncomfortable or are even triggered by that (oh but thats right, talking about triggers makes you uncomfortable. surely as uncomfortable as those who actually get triggered, im sure. yknow, those who've for example experienced incestuous abuse. but of course your feelings matter more than theirs) then theyre being demanding and "coming at you". i dont know what exatcly was said by those people but i highly doubt it was overreacting. this isnt like sympathetic deceit for example where whether youre triggered by him depends on how you view him as a character. no, this is actual incest. roman and remus are actually brothers. but apparently youre the victim here.
its fucking ridiculous the extent of which these people paint themselves as martyrs of some kind, noble defenders of Free Speech... grow the fuck up. yknow ive been fine with these people existing as long as they do so in their own little incest fetishizing bubble and i have now blocked them so yeah, i guess technically that should be it, but goddammit i needed to rant about this, it's fucking ridiculous. you arent an awesome free speech champion, you just ship incest. and while thats disgusting, whatever, i cant change your mind, glorifying how you're being shunned by most of this fandom and just loving it and acting like everyone else is morally inferior to you just bc you Live And Let Ship.....no. stop. ship whatever i guess but you're not fucking jesus.
now, on the topic of romantization. ive seen remrom shippers argue you cant define that term and that It's Not Really Romantization Because Roman Feels Conflicted About His Feelings For Remus and just. no. what would make it Not Romantization is if you, the author, potrayed it as gross and wrong as it is, that you disapproved of it. and yet here you are, writing incestuous smut. here's a quick little tip. if you, the author, are into it, maybe thats a sign you're fucking romantizing it. Because romantization doesnt just mean potraying something as good, it can mean potraying something as bad but It's Hot Because It's Taboo. romantization happens with things that are bad, after all, like mental illnesses. they're not necessarily potrayed as Good but painting them as being in some way, desirable, there being something in them, that makes you a wiser person or whatever, but with the cost of being miserable i guess. now romantizing mental illnesses is a bit different obviously but the point is romantization doesnt equal This Is Normal And Good.
then there's the fact that....this fandom literally has 14 other 2 person ships just among the sides. 14 other ships that aren't canonically confirmed to be Platonic Only. and even more ships if you count poly ships! now, i personally used to ship loki with thor bc i wanted to ship him with Someone, and thor was who he interacted the most. that's obviously still wrong, but isn't really based on them being brothers. remrom however...if you choose that as your favourite ship uwu then...i think that's pretty fucking telling. but like.......yhink thomas maybe wanted to portray a sibling dynamic? because he hasnt? with the other characters? like here you have the One Confirmed Only Platonic relationship and you go ah yes that one, either bc of just being into incest or out of spite or smth.
now you may ask, what does this accomplish. just block them and move on. well, sometimes you got some Feelings. and you express them. free speech amiright, should apply to "antis" too right (i stg if they coin the term romremphobic i) and i dont expect this to change their minds, especially those who will just thrive off of this post and shape their whole identity around being hated for shipping incest i guess.
now when it comes to people who follow me...if you ship romrem, i...personally dont care all that much but i dont want to interact with you. yeah. idk this was a long rant im sorry
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