#idk what other tags I'm going to try when I inevitably look back and realized I have no consistent tagging system for my actual writing so
holyhappyhour · 1 year
The Bad Deal: part 2
part 1
Le goes quiet, keeping her gaze unfocused and away from Conrad's look of concern. But she joins him in sitting up in bed, though she stays close, shoulder against his broad chest.
"What do you mean? There's no way--"
Le cuts him off. "I got a message on Tumblr. Told me where this uhh. Some deal was s'posed to go down. And, fuck, Connie..."
"What happened, Le....?"
She sighs a long, tired sigh. "It's. Uh.. Shit. Hold on. I got a uh, a video--"
Excuses herself for a moment to fetch her phone from where she'd undressed in the entryway She takes a quick pull from the open bottle of Irish whiskey she'd left in the living room, then quickly rejoins her partner in bed. She settles in and unlocks the device, pulls up her most recent videos, and holds it for them both to watch.
"Just... Look."
The shaky, unsteady video is taken from a distance, though the focus zooms as far as possible within the first few seconds. Four figures can be seen, three presumably male figures dressed in more clothing than appropriate for the warm weather, and a much smaller female with blonde hair. The group appear to be standing in the middle of a nearly empty warehouse, cast in the warm, golden glow of sunset.
The blonde reaches into her pocket, pulling out a small bag of something. Even zoomed in on the phone's camera it's hard to see just what was contained in the sack. She reaches out to one of the people, and a quick deal is made. "Now don't use it all in one place!"
The bubbly voice chimes in as the bag is held. The three men begin to argue amongst themselves, and it is clear the direction that is being taken as the woman takes a couple steps back, swinging her hands clasped behind her back.
The man with the bag barks something at the other two, and quickly gobbles the content up, "oh, look at you go," the blonde says, still slowly inching away. The plastic container falls daintily to the floor, letting itself ride the wind down.
Le wants to look away from the screen. She's already seen this, she knows what's coming next. But she keeps her green eyes glued to the video anyway.
Immediately the man begins hacking up, coughing and welching to himself while it echoes through the empty room. There is a distinct sound of skin beginning to tear and rip as the whines become screams.
His partners look on in confusion up until the sound of his arm snaps, the visuals showing the limb bending at ninety degrees, bone jutted outward. Muscles and tendons hang loosely from the tear when the other arm snaps, the screams louder and easily puncturing into the outside world. An ichor rolls from his eye sockets, reverb adding to his voice.
Flesh shifts, muscle moves down and his height slowly begins to increase. The jagged bones that were once arms elongate even more, protruding out like makeshift spears while the remaining arm falls off. The other two Supers now also back away, watching the mouth of the first rip open and grow in size.
The video pauses, Conrad's finger against the screen. Le looks over, only to see his brown eyes wide with horror.
"...Yeah. Uh. We don't have to finish it, but--"
Conrad shakes his head. Takes a deep, slow, unsteady breath. "No. No, it's okay I just." Another deep breath, and heavy sigh.
"Look, I know it's a lot to--"
"Le. Le, look at me," Conrad says firmly, turning to put a hand on each of Le's bare shoulders. "I get it, I get.. Why you didn't tell me first. And we! Can talk about that later." There's high note to his voice where he was going for a joke, only to fall flat in the sternness of the moment. "But I'm your partner, and I'm your boyfriend too. Whatever you face, I. Want to face it too."
For a moment, Le just stares at him, her typical, unreadably dour expression in place. "...That's. Like. The gayest shit I've ever heard." She can't help but break face into a light, hint of a chuckle. But a deep breath brings the brief comedic break to an end.
"Okay. It's. Not much longer. But uhh," she vaguely warns as she presses the screen to resume.
"Oh, hun, told you not to take it all," she says, marveling at her work. The other two Supers seem uncertain what to do as the screaming slowly comes to a halt, but the same ichor now rolls out of the mouth, his head having lost eyes and nose during the process. What was once a normal sized person was an ugly and gaunt looking creature of skin and bones. Clothes begin to rip at the seam, protrusions of bone popping up like spines.
"Oh, dear, would you kindly give your friends a message from the Church?"
Her words are turned to action, as the transformed Super impales his left most colleague with the bone arm, lifting the man high off the ground.
The video cuts off abruptly.
And a long silence floods the bedroom.
"...So that's uhh."
"The uhh.. The other one got away."
"Yeah, the uhhh. The- the junkie guy, not the uhhhh...." Le gestures with her free hand to the image of the Monster, frozen mid attack on the screen.
"The... Yeah." Le's voice sinks. She feels Conrad's arm pull her tighter. His hand is shaking.
"Did you.. Fight that thing....?"
"No! No no no, fuck no."
Le pauses a moment to recollect. She had almost dropped her phone in shock at the moment the video cut out, and had replaced it with her revolver instead. Which meant the rest of the bizarre rendezvous had gone unrecorded.
"There was another woman that I swear just kinda.. Came out of nowhere? Just uhh.. She let the other guy go, the one that-- Yeah, yeah. Then she just kind of.... Completely. Minced that thing with this like. This big ass spear..??"
Conrad's eyes go wide, but he nods for her to continue.
"Right, so uhhh. Yeah, she cut that monster up into pieces before it could even fight back, she was insane, Connie. Didn't bat a fuckin' eye. But this thing, it had uhh, it- it regenerated, you know? Kept healing itself up the little cuts, but it was like, too slow to keep up. She had it down just totally helpless on the ground and.... Fucking walked away, Connie."
"...Wait. Wha--"
"She said she wasn't gonna follow through and told it to go. Told it to go out into the world, like some kinda relocated possum."
"A possum with an.... Insatiable hunger for blood and flesh....."
"....Yeah. So uhh."
A look of horror suddenly crosses Conrad's face. "He's not still..."
"No!! No no no no n o. No I uh. I put it out. For good, I'm sure of it. But that woman got away before I could catch her."
Conrad is quiet for a moment, then sighs heavily. His tense shoulders slump, and he pulls Le in to a tight, warm hug. "So you didn't get hurt then...?"
"Nah, nah. Only the trauma-- Oh." Suddenly she readjusts, kicking one leg out from under the covers. "Cut myself on some glass, I uhh. Shit, I really forgot about that. Huh."
"You... Had a lot on your mind, I think. Here, let's.. Get that cleaned up real quick," He slides out of bed, walks around to offer a hand to Le, who rolls her eyes but can't help a little smile. "And we can think about this more tomorrow, okay? Or, iiiif you can't sleep, I'll stay up and we can talk about it tonight."
Le thinks for a moment as she takes her partner's hand. It's not often she allows him to take care of her so kindly, normally insisting to treat her wounds herself. But for tonight, she thinks maybe they both deserve this.
"Mmm. Tomorrow. Yeah. Gimme 2-- okay 3, more shots of that Jameson. And it can definitely be tomorrow."
(( Italicized paragraphs are written by @hulizi / @calestro and taken directly from the RP where these events took place!! thank youuuuuu Rayne for your contributions and for being a phenomenal RP buddy 💖💖💖💖 ))
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aaaaafro · 2 years
Girl In The Rain - TWICE - Sana x M! Reader.
Tags: idk lol, fluff i guess? Potential part 2 if requested.
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Life Sucks.
Work sucks.
The music sucks
This club sucks.
This drink sucks.
The rain outside sucks.
Everything sucks, as you take in the scent of mixed body odor, alcohol and tobacco. Not caring about a damn for nobody as you try to drink your problems away.
Getting fired from work, simultaneously finding out your girl was cheating on you. Yeah, it doesn't feel right to live. To top it all off, you got soaked on your way to this bar.
You called your last shot in, handing the tip to a decent bartender. The most thoughtful thing he did was to ignore your existence and give you attention when you asked for another shot.
Swimming through the crowd of sweaty and pleasure driven humans, you finally reached the exit. It's still pouring, that just pisses you off more. This night couldn't be better even if you have the tiniest luck.
The exit is relatively peaceful, people going by to rush to the rain trying to get somewhere they should be. At the corner of your eyes glistened a relatively new gradient and a smell that's foreign from where you were moments ago.
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It might be from the alcohol or other things but you can swear the world slowed down for a bit. The raindrops felt motionless. You stood there wondering...
"What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?"
Fucking smooth as ever.
At least that earned you a small giggle from her. "W-what?" She replied trying to hold back her laughter.
"I'm just wondering what happened to you? Too much good stuff?" Did you just profile this girl as a substance abuser?
"I wish it was that but no..." She answerd
"Oh..." Quick! Think of a way to avoid her getting offended.
"Actually... I was with someone."
"Was, being the key word." She continued.
"Why? What happened?" You said as you sat beside her and noticing how soaked her clothes are as well.
"Apparently, he prefers bitches who sniff face powder like there's no tomorrow." You accidentally chuckled hearing her explanation.
"I know it's not face powder." She scowled.
"I'm Sana." She extends a hand to you.
You gladly took it and introduce yourself as well and before you even know it. You've completely lost yourself with your conversations about how her night went, it was inevitable so you mustered all of your will to tell your own night.
"That must've suck." Was her comment after hearing your story.
"Trust me. It was." You replied with a light tone that contradicts the current topic.
"Was." Sana whispered getting caught up with that particular part of the sentence.
"Yeah, was." You replied before the two of you smiled at each other.
There it was, the 'spark' between two people who had fucked up day. Throwing all your worries away you shoot your shot.
"D-do you wanna like? I don't know... Go somewhere else?"
"I thought you'd never ask." She smiled but it faded within seconds.
You realized what the problem was, seeing how the rain isn't pretty much over, you literally said to yourself fuck it. I need something good this night.
"Our clothes are pretty much ruined anyway." You reason but not enough to make Sana stand up.
"If its because of your make up trust me. I can easily say that you'd be more gorgeous without it." That earned you a love tap on your shoulder followed with her adorable chuckle.
"So, what say you gorgeous?"
"Alright, playboy but you better treat me good tonight. This isn't really a good time to piss me off." She playfully replies before intertwining her hands with yours.
Without any other word said. The two of you just looked at each other as she talked to you with her mind. Both of you stood up and rushed to the pouring rain. Laughing, giggling, even playing with each other. As if nobody else exists.
You finally made it to your motorcycle, Sana stood there huffing, trying to catch her breath from laughing so hard when you almost slipped.
"Nice ride." She complimented.
"Not that practical though. Have you seen me when I entered the bar?" The two of you once more laughed before driving through the heavy rain.
It's slippery, it's not safe, it's distracting how she's hanging onto you so aggressively. Yet the two of you couldn't erase the smile on your faces.
This is it! Your tiniest bit of luck pulling all the stops to make you feel better and what an idiot you'd be to waste it. Turning to full throttle since the highway is quite open you speed off not knowing where this will take you.
But you promise yourself that this night will be better from here on, not just for you but for the girl clutching her hands tightly on your jacket.
"WOOOHHH!!! That was fun! I can't believe we didn't slip! Your tires are so reliable." Sana said as she steps into your apartment.
"I know right, the traction was good." You replied as you hand her the towel.
You worked on drying yourself up but that came as a mistake when you get to your face as you try your best to rub as much water off as possible, you suddenly felt something hit you.
A giggle from Sana gave you a hint of what it is as you quickly discard the towels and followed her to your bedroom.
"Why are you on the bed?" You asked as Sana just hid under your blanket.
"Coz' it's cold." You heard her reply.
"It's because you're wet."
"What if I am?" You can hear Sana's suggestive tone before finally having enough of her silliness you grabbed the blanket and yanked it off.
Oh boy you thought you're ready for this but this is beyond your limitations. Sana bit her pointy finger to act all sexy even though that just looks too cute but you're angry because of the ruined bed due to her soaked body...
And oh she wasn't naked, instead has all of her clothes on with her hair drenched and oh you're mad... Or you are supposed to be but that would ruin your night.
Instead throwing all caution to the wind as you joined her laying down right next to her. Not caring about your sheets.
"This is nice." You whisper to yourself, closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling of tranquility.
"It really is. Thank you by the way." Sana then threw her arms and legs on you bringing you in her embrace.
Before you even know it, you've fallen completely asleep without a care about anything else, not even the weight of the Girl in the Rain.
Groaning in headache as you tried your best to hit your alarm, you stood up realizing how relatively light you are. Your eyes adjusted with the light noticing that you're all alone.
Your mind processed everything and you quickly remembered what happened last night. You suddenly felt unease as you looked for your phone and wallet.
Rushing out of your room to see it on the living room table along with a note that reads.
'Last night was such a turn around, I know, I know you're worried that I stole money from you. I probably did. After all you bought me to your place with basically nothing, so I borrowed a couple of bucks because I need to be somewhere and of I know you'll miss me when I'm gone. I saved my phone number on your phone, I guess you already know what that means. (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)♡
Ps. Sorry about your bed.
Ppss. I stole your jacket I won't give it back.'
-girl in the rain.
You couldn't help but smile before reaching for your phone. You got greeted by a familiar face and that made your day better as the sun peeks through the window with the morning breeze coupled with last night's rain you stretched your arms out and get ready for the day.
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This might have a part 2 if y'all want it. (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~ Enjoy
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radiorenjun · 3 years
nightmare surfs || hrj
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¤ pairing: huang renjun x reader
¤ genre: angst, slight fluff, idol!renjun
¤ warnings: nightmares lol, the reader has a panic attack, crying, pain, idk mentions of the readers health worsening, soft kisses
¤ summary: you've been suffering from random nightmares as of late. You didn't know how but when they get too far, you're glad you have something (or rather, someone) to seek comfort.
¤ wordcount: 1.3k
¤ song rec: freaks - surf curse
¤ a/n: I cried while writing this lmfao
¤ disclaimer: I am NOT ROMANTICIZING having panic attacks or having mental breakdowns. I just wrote this somewhat based off of my own experience to vent. Look away if these sort of things trigger you
¤ tagging: @neowritingsnet @nct-writers @neoturtles @culture-cafe
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Your body flinched as your eyes shot open, blinking as your brain tried to decipher that you were no longer in the hellhole you were previously in merely moments ago. A dark empty feeling sank in your chest, something you've never felt before. It was an ugly feeling, you couldn't get it out. Your senses were heightened as if something was going to hurt you, yet you didn't know what to do. The dark feeling lied deep inside of you and you didn't know how to make it stop or go away.
You couldn't breathe. As if the lump in your chest had spread through your lungs, inevitably enabling them to stop letting air flow through. You sat up against the headboard of your bed, trying to calm yourself down as your mind scattered into a mess right before you. Trying to breathe through your nose, you ran a hand through your hair, gripping it tightly as you closed your eyes as tightly as you could.
I dream
"Hey," a familiar voice called out softly. The sound of sheets rustling beside you grew deaf to your ears as your head began ringing loudly, flashbacks of the nightmare you just had replaying itself over and over again in your head like a broken record player. You then felt finger wrapping themselves around your wrists, gently tugging your hand away from your hair. You slowly opened your eyes at the sudden soft touch, surprised to see Renjun's soft yet concerned gaze on your face.
"Breathe for me," he whispered, his fingers moving to hold your palms in his, massaging your hands soothingly in an attempt to calm you down. "Breathe in," he coaxed gently, his melodious voice reaching your ears as you slowly obeyed his words, trying your best to shoo the thoughts away as you took a deep exhale. The pain in your chest wasn't going away as Renjun continued to help you breathe your thoughts out, it scared you.
Of you
It scared you even more that you wanted to cry, but as if your tears had run out from your previous crying sessions, you couldn't. Your eyes burned with tears but they couldn't stream down your face, they stayed stuck to your waterline. "It's okay, it's going to be okay," Renjun told you as your eyes shot down to your hand being caressed in his, your throat running dry as you were unable to form words. You weren't sure if it was because you were overwhelmed with all the different emotions at once or if it was because you had him right in front of you, comforting you right when you needed him.
You watched as he released one of your hands to cup your cheek, running his thumb soothingly against your skin. "It's okay to cry, don't hold it back. It's not healthy to bottle up your emotions like that, I know you're scared right now. But you're okay, I promise," he reassured, giving you a soft smile.
God, that smile.
It was enough for the tears to finally flow from your eyes, a simple reassurance that you were allowed to cry. You were allowed to feel scared. To feel sad. You were allowed to embrace your emotions and let it all out. You didn't even realize the tears flowing from your eyes like a water tap until you let out a small sob, the memories flooding back into you once again as you gripped Renjun's hand tightly. Your free hand coming up to his wrist, holding it tightly as if you were to let go, he would disappear right in front of you. A part of you knew that he will. He will disappear. He wasn't yours to keep.
Almost every night
"That's it, let it all out," he pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you to give the biggest and tightest hug he could muster as you broke into a fit of sobs and hiccups. You clung onto him as if he was your only reason to live, as if he was your air, as if you couldn't live without him. At the moment, you truly felt as if he was your reason to live. Your hands clutched onto the fabric of the white shirt he was wearing, burying your head into the crook of his neck as you let out silent sobs. Your tears soaked the fabric of your shirt, but neither of you cared.
"Please don't leave me," you begged, your voice cracking as you spoke, sniffling loudly as you shut your eyes tight. You felt his grip tightening around your body, his arm hugging you closer by the waist as his other hand made its way to run his fingers through your hair in a weak attempt to sooth you. "I'm right here, I'm not leaving," he pressed soft kisses against your temple, his voice growing heavy as a lump started to build itself up in his own throat at the sound of your harsh sobbing.
"Don't leave," you whispered into his skin, sniffling back your tears as you started nuzzling into his warm skin in contrast to your cold one. He rocked your body back and forth as if you were a small child, shushing your cries softly as he pressed a longing kiss to your hair, playing with it in between his fingers as tears began to leak from his own eyes at the sight of you in great pain. "I'm sorry I can't take the pain away," he mumbled into your hair, pressing another soft kiss as your heart swelled for him. You shook your head at his words, mumbling how it wasn't his fault.
Your chest never stopped hurting as the nightmares kept replaying in your head. You didn't want to go back to sleep, you wanted to bask in Renjun's warm embrace as long as you could. You wanted to bask in the feeling of having someone to comfort you when you needed it the most. It felt like heaven. To be in the arms of your loved one. To be able to cry your emotions and stress out. You refused to let go of his embrace, you didn't want him to let you go.
"God, you're getting worse. Your nightmares are getting way worse," he hissed at your ear, causing you to shut your eyes tight. You tightened your grip on his shirt, nuzzling into his shoulder, inhaling his sweet scent as you chose to ignore his words. "Are you listening to me? You're getting worse," he repeated once again.
I won't wake up this time
Your eyes shot open, your body was covered in a cold sweat. Your head was on the pillow, tears staining your pillow and cheeks, your blanket was messy. It was barely covering quarter of your body in the cold air conditioned room, as if you were thrashing wildly in your sleep. There was a dull ache panging inside of your chest as you slowly sat up, choosing to ignore it as you reached over your nightstand for your phone to check the time.
3:28 AM.
You saw a few texts from your friends who were staying up late gaming. You felt numb as you opened the groupchat, seeing the messages your friends sent before placing your phone back on the mattress. Placing your palms against your forehead, you groaned internally as your phone screen illuminated the dimly lit room. A picture of Huang Renjun, your favorite idol, on your lockscreen as you began to shed tears.
Your mind liked to play mean tricks on you. You didn't mind them anymore, you were used to it. But you couldn't help but admit that this dream was the worst one yet in comparison to the other nightmares you've had the past few months. It left your heart stinging and aching, it left you crying and sobbing through the night. It leaves you in the reality that you had no one to comfort you when you needed it the most. It was a sign that you truly are getting worse
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@RADIORENJUN 2021. All Rights Reserved
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Gelid (John Shelby Drabble)
Character/s: John
Word Count: 902
Tag List: idek if I should add it @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @brithedemonspawn @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomrecs @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87 @babylooneytoonz @peakyxtommy @locke-writes @lucillethings
A/N: When I tell y'all this is dark!!! I'm hesitant to even post this and might end up deleting idk. It's similar to Hypothermia, very macabre, I am warning you!! I have to say tho I'm really proud :) It's been a month since I've written anything. I have tons of ideas, the words were all just awful. I hope this is a good sign that I'm finally getting out of my slump/ getting rid of writers block and can finally get all my ideas out! Hope you enjoy!!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Summary: Getting caught in the snow isn't as fun as it seems 💕
Gif Credit: @pcllygray :)
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You sat on his lap, heavy arms wrapped around you, his head resting on your shoulder. Unsure if he's awake or asleep, his breathing shallow, but consistent. You don't look back, though. Something about the uncertainty too enticing. Instead, cradled by the warmth of him, you watch the fire instead, listening to her sing-song voice crackle and whine. There's an infatuation you have with her, an admiration unspoken, a love you dare not share. The wisps, the whines, the cackle of her voice. On your cheeks, she is warm and inciting, her lips on your skin, face to face, skin to skin. Your hands threaten frostbite, though. Cold and small, every piece of your bone exposed. Never enough layers, he always chuckled, laughing the way he used to: always bashful, playful, pleasant. You lean towards him, his cap scratchy against your neck. She will not burn forever, and neither will you, but it'll be okay. You'll all go together, yeah?
The smoke moves as if she knows something you don't. Confident, smug, dancing in the wind, tempting you to follow. You knew better, though. She could run off, run away, without worrying about scraped knees, without worrying about the chill, thicker than blood, in the air. Like a child, wanting to be chased, giggling with secrets. The desire is there, to escape, to disappear between the silhouettes of the woods. Trees tall above, looming, grinning, rustling leaves violent, sharp. It is only the three of you under the deep blue sky, stars spelling words you can't read, urging you in every direction. Twinkling, stitched across the infinite above. They might have been stunning, beautiful, even breathtaking, in another life, another memory. Here, now, it was only horrific. Mocking you for your own mortality, your own limitations of which they know not, warm blooded, so unlike them. Holding secrets of the universe you could only dream of, your last thoughts those of envy towards constellations.
The fire, at first a parade of delicate dancing, eager to please, to show off, grows tired, her skeleton aching. Behind, you could hear him sniffling, shuffling, the snow below him nipping back. It was his idea, the fire. Something familiar, a distraction, anything to take your minds off the inevitable. You weren't sure how long it's been. Not since the car stopped, skidding off the icy roads. Not since wandering for help. Not since the creeping realization there was nothing out here, no one to help, to call, to do anything, only you and the great beyond. You hoped he would say something, anything, but he didn't. It wasn't the time to fill with words. You guessed it was better anyways. The quiet grew comfortable, the silence, no use in fighting it. Instead, you sat together, not wanting to sit in the car, to freeze there instead. In need of dignity, even now. The freedom of choice. Here or there. You chose here.
Eventually, his shivering stopped.
Stay close. Keep warm. You weren't quite sure which came first: his want to protect what little source of heat you had left, or his fears of dying alone, with no one to hold, or to be held by. An affectionate boy turned man, his hands never strayed too far. You didn't make him beg this time. The chattering of his teeth, the quiet of his voice, as if not to disturb anything more, it was enough for you to listen. Now, even if you wanted to, you could not get away. Tangled. Seen together. Not one, or two, but something more, something less, something about to find out what rests on thr other side.
You can't bear to look. His hands are enough of a sign. A blue tint settles into his freckled skin. The pinky ring, shiny below the bright of the moon, frozen solid. His breathing no longer rocks you. Instead, a stone sits in his chest, unmoving, unwavering, quiet. His name nothing but a faint whisper. He won't answer back, you know this, and yet you try regardless. Such a human thing to do: keep trying. His coat over your shoulders, one last act, one last joke. Stripping, at a time like this? He'd go first. He'd been out running the grim reaper long enough, his hand lay on his shoulder longer than you ever realized. Trying to give you a chance. Naive, your John, or maybe just a little too human, hoping for a miracle in a place as godless as this.
You're okay, though. You squeeze his hand, solid in your own, reassuring the goth of you this is what you want, what you're ready for. A sudden warmth spreading through you, an ease, a way out, too kind to refuse. The shaking has stopped, the shivering, the ache in your back settled. No more discomfort. No more pain. No more fear. You rest your head against his, waiting. The only sound left is the wind, howling, praying, the two too close. Even the sight of your own breath in the air is faint, struggling, exhausted.
The fire, she is done, nothing more than a pile of blackened sticks. And he is gone, too. There is no one else but you, and you too, have found an odd comfort in this. There has to be something more, right? Sometime better, something they know you don't. If there wasn't, what's the point of all this?
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