#idk what do people even tag on tumblr anymore. i'm an oldhead. hashtag spilled ink?
maowives · 17 days
Hello! I've just published my brief(ish) essay about my current working hypothesis about the Extant Gender Ternary ("there are only three genders!") and how it relates to the process of Faggotization / the policing of the Gender Subaltern Class.
I attempt to use a Marxist-Leninist framework applied to a materialist feminism to assess what the actual nature of gender which exists under the current gender regime is.
Please give it a read and a share/reblog, if you feel so inclined! I also welcome good faith comments, questions, and critiques. Please try to come into this essay with an open mind! I suspect that some of the things I say are going to be rather controversial, including to other transgender women, but I think that my analysis is both cogent and, hopefully, valuable.
[Also! The Substack link is accessible, and has a voice-over from yours truly for visually impaired audiences! Or if you just want to hear my pretty voice read my own writing lol.]
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