#idk we can wing this shit idgaf LOL
akuzeisms · 11 months
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  PLOTTED STARTER !     ⤷ @primitiveside
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Jack was the one that Cerberus had paid for, but even going into the prison ship Purgatory, Katrina had other plans. She’d done a little of her own research, once they’d stopped at the Citadel to pick up a few supplies; with her Spectre status reinstated, she’d managed to find a little information on someone she’d only heard rumours about years ago. Of course, the average person could only find those rumours; with a little bit of digging, Kat was able to find a lot more.
Richard Riddick. An ex-con who’d gone missing years ago, the kind of story that smelled like Cerberus involvement. It wasn’t confirmed, of course, but with the way the details lined up, Katrina wouldn’t have been surprised if that was the case. Cerberus was well-known for having their fingers in far too many pies, usually ones that were questionable at best. If he was liable to be an asset against Cerberus should they turn on her, then she would need it.
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Of course, Warden Kuril had decided that being a piece of shit was a better choice, despite the very life-threatening he’d made to piss off the Savior of the Citadel. Under fire, she’d managed to let EDI hack into a few of their systems from a nearby terminal, bringing up the prison block that her target was stored in; Jack had torn a path of destruction through half of the prison ship, and the place was little more than a riot. Jack had agreed to go back to the ship with Ashley, and with Garrus in tow, Kat was ready to get what she had come for.
Down a few destroyed hallways, she came across the cell; it’d yet to be released, which meant that with the ship going down, the poor guy stuck in there was liable to go down with it if he wasn’t freed. However, she had to be sure that he was ready to get out alive, or if he damn wall wanted to die here without a chance to do something.
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“You Riddick?” She asked bluntly, standing in front of the closed door. “If so, and you want out of here alive, I’ve got an opportunity you might find a little more enticing than getting spaced when the rest of this ship goes up in flames.”
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unrrrreliable · 3 years
its midnight now lol
anyways, on autumn break we decided to go to amsterdam, everything was going fine until like 3 days before the day we were supposed to go i realized the tickets i had bought werent valid anymore because the airline (alitalia) had gone bankrupt. long story short, i had to tell her, she got really mad (not at me - maybe yes but she didnt say in case-) and my mom got really mad, i felt like shit bc i didnt care to change the tickets after the arline had announced it was shutting down (3 weeks prior). anyways, after that i noticed that maria was just acting different. kind of apathetic, really not that excited. we get to the airport (i bought new tickets), it gets better, but as soon as we get to the hotel in amsterdam she kind of loses her sparkle. whatever, she sprobably tired. throughout most of the trip tho she remains like that. like u can see she’s not excited excited yk. the second and third night we met up with some friends of hers from ukraine. 1st night: started off nice, we met up at kfc and i ate a bucket of 20 chicken wings (worst decision of my life). after finishing eating we go straight to the coffee shop, i get my fake id ready and we get the weed. sativa. second worst decision was inhaling that shit like it was ventolin. after like 5 minutes and 3 pulls i start feeling really weird, no force, wanna vomit, get really hot and dizzy, i just storm out the coffee shop and try to puke but nothing goes out. i sit down in the street (it was an alley w a bunch of ppl - friday night-) and try to not throw up. stomach gets kinda better but atp im fucking baked. we get (they) a tavble at a nearby sandwich shop and they get me a coke. they sit me down for like 1h and im just plunged in oblivion. everything fades in and out, marias records me, idgaf. 1h later i feel like im able to walk so i try to and surprisingly dont fail. we rush to the bus stop, im still stoned and can barely keep my head up, they just run like that was the last fucking chance to get to their hotel. maria says were going to their room wo asking me if i even wanted to but ok. while we run to the tram stop shes just running with them like 5m ahead of me and occasionally looks back to check on me. idk why i got mad at her after that but whatever. we then get to our room, i staert feeling better, at this point theyre only speaking and russian and ofc i dont understand shit. at some point she looks at me and goes “can u go to sleep i wanna have fun”. again i got kinda sad when she said that but i really just pretended i didnt understand what she had said. thay went outside for like 10min to smoke again and then came back. the rest of the night isnt really relevant.
so 2nd night was a little spicier. red light district, we went to see a live sex show lmfao. just some strippers and ppl fucking in front of us. nothing that special tbh but it was funny. after that we go to a coffee shop and smoke there for like 2h. at the beginning i ask some random questions in english to her friends n shit but they just give short answers and than switch back to russian. she doesnt really seem to care, matter of fact at some point she goes “sorry im too high to speak english” like damn i didnt know weed makes u retarded but whatever. 
the following day were at a normal coffee shop having breakfast and when coming from the bathroom i peep at her phone and notice she posted a story on her close friends. i grab my phone and look for it while shes in the bathroom but dont find anything. i check her highlights (where she has some regular stories and some from her close friends) the close friends ones are gone. wierd. i vividly remember that she was checking the views and there was a green tag so i know it was hers. tbh i think it was a video of me stoned af, not that i care too much but the fact that she removed me from the stories to post that really says a lot. the video in itself isnt that bad but i had asked her not to post it. 
so yeah other than that theres also the fact that she would be on her phone all the fucking time. on the bus, tram, at lunch, while we were eating. fucking great. 
when i confronted her about all this she made up some shit - she acc aknowledged the speaking russian thing thing, but she said that she was just checking social media bc we had been talking the whole day so it was kind o flike a break - makes no sense but whatever. 
anywaysssss back to my birthday: yeah after the trip our friendship kind of fell off. not that we stopped being friends, but i ignored her for a week bc i was genuinely mad at her for said reasons. eventually she apologized but the close friends thing made me realize that were not close friends at all (sorry for the pun - its genuinely not meant to be “deep” but thats the simplest way to put it). like why did you hide something so blatant? also just in general her mood was just off. and she really didnt make an effort to cheer up. so yeah after we made up i really started looking at her a different way. i didnt fully express what happened in amsterdam on here but it was just a lot of sketchy shit. as in, i dont think a true friend would do this kind of stuff.
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