#idk maybe that’s why I’m doing my reimagining series because I wanna see how I would have done things differently + as for fun
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rockaberryx · 2 years ago
Helluva boss is such a strange show to me. The current quality of the latest season is such a downgrade from the first with recycled plotlines, female characters who are either sidelined or written as a complete bitch (or both), the show thinking that swearing every 5 seconds and unfunny raunchy jokes = funny and a romantic kind of side plot but not really that’s written and structured like a 13 year old’s yaoi fanfic. But at the same time I’m still watching this show every time a new episode releases. Maybe it’s because vivzie does a great job of getting you invested in her characters and world? Maybe it’s the consistent animation quality? Maybe it’s the constant hope from my of “maybe this time this episode won’t disappoint”? Or maybe I just wanna know how much more tropey the favourite ship between the unstable lizard and bird idk.
Either way this show is one of the most bizarre show experiences I ever had. I swear it’s like one part of me wants to stop watching because of how much of a downwards spiral the quality is but at the same time I’m like “is this episode gonna be good? Is my favourite character verosika gonna show up? Are said the said unstable lizard and bird gonna actually talk about their feelings to each other?”
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theboardwalkbody · 5 years ago
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That’s me (in my nursing cap because it’s my most recent photo and capping ceremony was cancelled so I took pics in my house to send to nursing school buddies instead): Amanda - meme - Manda 28 NJ Tired AF And bored so I am answering this Ask Meme I found by @myautisticjournal​
What music have you discovered or listened to lately?
I’ve been listening to my Recently Added playlist on iTunes. Only “recently added” has been adjusted to include the last 28 months. lol But I did discover Blinding Lights by The Weeknd and that song’s been making me happy. Hurricane (Reimagined) by I Prevail has hit me in the Depress and next week The Used’s new album comes out so I’m waiting for that.
Have you made any new playlists since quarantine times? If they’re on Spotify, maybe drop a link?
I haven’t made any Quarantine Playlists because ALL my music is about being isolated and depressed anyway that like... what’s the difference? 
Make a three-song-minimum playlist of songs that make you happy!
Blinding Lights // The Weeknd (also makes me think of Data because I discovered it around the same time I started watching TNG so now they Go Together) Paradise Lost // The Used Dance Monkey // Tones and I
What’s your go-to show that you like to binge watch? Why do you like that show?
Currently its Star Trek TNG - because Data And One Day at a Time because that shit hits real. 
Are there any shows that you‘ve been planning to start watching? Why do they interest you?
It was just Star Trek and I did start watching. Interested because I wanted originally to watch ST Picard because Harry Treadaway but having never seen any ST before it didnt make sense (obvs) so I went back and started watching TNG. I didn’t want to start with the original series because honestly my attention span is garbage and I just was always curious about Data and so I started with him.
What movie(s) always comforts you?
Twister, Forrest Gump, The Lion King (1994). I’m currently wearing Lion King pjs lol. Pirate Radio is a relaxing feel good movie, too. 
Are you an arts-and-crafts person? If so, what types of art/craft do you enjoy?
I try SO HARD to be lol. So far during quarantine I’ve tried crochet, I’ve tried making string bracelets as if it was 2005 and I was in 8th grade again but I forgot how to make them and my brain refuses to re-learn its too full of music, nursing school, and data now. I tried coloring and lost patience. I have been working on a Quarantine Photo-Journal. Every day I post a tiny update and a few pictures (mostly memes since i cant leave the house and several Data photos lolololol) but my printer isn’t working right all of a sudden so I can’t print out any new pictures which I guess that one project I was really enjoying is out the window.
Do you have any planned projects to work on during self-isolation? If you’ve started any and you’re willing, share a photo of what you’re working on!
Here’s a pic of page like 3 or something lol
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If you had to recommend an art or craft for people to get into, what would you recommend and why?
Man. Just do what makes you happy. I saw someone on TikTok making GIANT ass Worms on Strings and honestly. Pure genius. 
What are your favorite YouTube channels? Why do you like them?
Achievement Hunter. Rooster Teeth. Markiplier. They make the funny. Various ASMR channels. They make the sleep.
What is the weirdest YouTube video you’ve ever watched?
Conspiracy Theory videos probably. I don’t really know. 
Recommend a book or book series to read!
Across the Universe trilogy by Beth Revis read it and fangirl with me I am so alone.
Are there any books that you’ve read multiple times? If you could re-read a book that you loved as if it were the very first time, what book would you choose?
The Islander by Cynthia Rylant. I don’t know why but the first time I read it it just transported me into the middle of it and it was amazing (I was like 11) and it was so mysterious and everything. I’d like to read that one like the first time. Also Living Hell by Catherine Jinks did a similar thing 
What’s your favorite book genre? Why do you enjoy it?
Science Fiction. Because I like science. and Fiction and space and robots and things. 
If you were to write a fanfiction about your own life, how would it go?
LOL The tags would be like : #depression #anxiety #ptsd #childhood abuse #adulthood abuse #i miss having sex but at least i dont wanna die #except i still do #twsuicideideation #badluck #dontread lol
What’s the best fanfiction that you’ve ever read (or the top three if you can’t choose just one )? What about it made an impression on you?
My brain hurts too much to pick a top three but I will say I am currently reading May I by @ladyfogg​ and it’s been giving me the squishy feels and I am loving it and ya’ll should read it. Her OC is relatable and also inspiring and I think at this point I don’t need to mention Data anymore. (But I did). 
Do you listen to podcasts? What kind of podcasts do you listen to?
Off Topic podcast and used to listen to RT podcast when Burnie was still on. IDK what kind of podcast that is other than ‘usually wild’ 
If you could make your own podcast, what would it be about and who would you invite to make a guest appearance?
It would be about anything and everything. I’d invite anyone for an appearance lol
Are you addicted to Animal Crossing: New Horizons? If yes, what’s your favorite thing about it so far?
Yes. My favorite thing has to be CUBE. CUBE I LOVE CUBE. I WOULD DIE FOR CUBE.
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If you had to recommend ONE video game, what would it be and why?
Cube. I mean, Animal Crossing. 
Have you tried any new recipes lately? If yes (and if they were good), share it with the class! I’m sure everyone is as bored with the same old foods as I am by this point.
I am too lazy to cook even when I want to so I always end up getting take out or delivery. 
What is your favorite website to waste time on? (Is it, perhaps, tumblr?)
Tumbebells. (Tumblr yes)
How are you finding ways to stay connected with your friends and family? From video calling to playing online games, what would you say has worked the best for you?
Nothing. I’m sitting here wallowing in deep loneliness and it’s killing me. It’s just my grandma and my cat and that’s why I can’t go out or work (I am a Patient Care Associate and I know the hospitals could use help but my grandma is 83 years old and it’s too high of a risk for her for me to be working in a hospital and coming home from there). 
If you have pets, first of all share some photos! Second, how have you been spending your time with them?
LOLA. L-O-L-A LOLA. LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LOLA She doesn’t leave me alone. Her new trick has been LAUNCHING her 7lb body on to my back while I’m standing and pretending she’s my goddamn backpack. And earlier today she decided to pull the socks out of my sock drawer. Because she loves me. 
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Share your general quarantine experience so far. How are you handling it?
Bad. I often forget to take my meds, we’ve been on “spring break” from nursing school this week so I have 0 sense of time and no routine and I’ve sometimes been going to bed at 4am, sometimes 4pm, sleeping until like 9-11 regardless and I spend 95% of the day in bed. I can’t be bothered to change, sometimes can’t be bothered to really eat, and I care 0% about showering and Doing Anything. lol 
I mean it’s been great guys. Ba-da-ba-ba-ba I’m lovin’ it!
I did somehow loose 2lbs without trying tho. That’s a total of 7.8lbs lost since March. Only 125 more to go BUT THE GYM IS CLOSED AND IT HAS BEEN COLD AND RAINING.
I’ll shut up.
I tag @lyrslair​, @ladyfogg​ @datalaur​ and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it even tho its really long and I fucked up the layout so instead of 25 questions they’re ALL NUMBER 1. lol 
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