#idk man KRHF
beauzos · 1 year
brother i have so many villager-adjacent OCs i have thought an obscene amount about. i have villager-adjacent OCs i’ve thought an insane amount about that i’ve never even mentioned KRHF
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beinfriends · 2 years
( answer the questions for your muse. )
TAGGED BY it's an old meme
MUSE’S NAME.  Leder Bertram Herze
LEAST FAVOURITE NICKNAME.  I don't think he cares one way or another. But he'd rather be called Leder than Beanpole/Beanstalk, which was a lot of people's nickname for him prior to the cataclysm.
LEAST FAVOURITE COLOURS.  I don't think he likes bright or neon colors. Probably yellow in particular, idk. He likes dark, monochrome colors lol.
LEAST FAVOURITE SEASON.  Summer for sure, especially since he used to stand outside all fucking day during the insane heat. He'd rather be cold than hot, though his preference for cold has lessened as he's gotten older and developed joint paint.
LEAST FAVOURITE WEATHER.  Hot weather, as I said, though he hates super cold weather too. Please just give him a nice temperate climate. He is tall and very old he does not need this. He also doesn't like it when it gets super windy.
LEAST FAVOURITE HOLIDAY.  I don't think he really dislikes any, though he doesn't care for his birthday at all. Leder just doesn't see a reason to celebrate that for himself, really? Not that he hates it, he's just whatever about it.
LEAST FAVOURITE FOOD.  I don't think he enjoys marzipan.
LEAST FAVOURITE FLAVOUR.  I think Leder probably dislikes strong flavors rather than any particular one. Too sour, too spicy, too sweet, too bitter, etc.
LEAST FAVOURITE DRINK.  Not much of a soda guy, I imagine. Too sugary. Also same for iced tea in Tazmily, they probably got the diabetes type sweet tea there KRHF
LEAST FAVOURITE SCENT.  After being held prisoner in a sewer, I'd assume whatever the fuck those awful, musty apartments smelled like lol.
LEAST FAVOURITE SOUND.  Probably doesn't like the sound of people eating. That or just 'whatever distracting sound there is when he's trying to work'.
LEAST FAVOURITE BOOKS.  Leder doesn't like conspiracy books or dishonest, hokey nonsense like that. Especially as a former book publisher, lol.
LEAST FAVOURITE MOVIES.  Probably not into particularly violent ones. Not a big action guy, prefers quiet dramas.
LEAST FAVOURITE TV SHOWS.  Same sort of thing, but I don't think he enjoyed TV in general. A lot of it was likely propaganda back in those days.
LEAST FAVOURITE AREA OF STUDY.  I don't think he cares any which way-- he appreciates everything.
LEAST FAVOURITE ASPECT OF JOB.  I think dealing with the others towns' bullshit. There's a lot of whining and griping at Tazmily since they're the most established town and the most successful in some ways, and dealing with the people running these towns can be obnoxious, particularly Molewarp Council.
LEAST FAVOURITE PERSON.  Porky Minch babey!!!  It couldn’t be anyone else but him, and most people would agree with that.
LEAST FAVOURITE TRAIT IN OTHERS.  Selfishness, good God. He loves the Tazmilians to death, they're all like family to him, but man it was painful watching them do all that stupid shit during the Pigmask occupation.
LEAST FAVOURITE PLACE TO BE.  New Pork City. I think that's self-explanatory.
LEAST FAVOURITE THING TO TALK ABOUT.  While Leder is basically Tazmily's one therapist, he doesn't like to talk about his own trauma. Because of this, he rarely talks about his past, his wife, his family, so on.
LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THEMSELF.  He's a pushover sometimes and he didn't do nearly enough to protect Tazmily when he felt he could've. He's not sure what he'd tell them would've changed anything, though.
LEAST FAVOURITE DAILY CHORE.  I don't think he cares either way. Chores are chores, but he's never been the best at anything that takes him bending over a lot. Bad back and all, y'know.
LEAST FAVOURITE STYLE OF CLOTHING.  Leder isn't much into casual clothes himself. He likes to dress formally and nicely all the time. He doesn't care what others do, though.
LEAST FAVOURITE ACTIVITY.  I don't think he enjoys cooking much. It's not bad, just not his thing.
LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT HUMANITY.  How easy it is for them all to forget where they came from and what they've gone through. Leder was always vehemently against erasing their memories, and he knew it wouldn't end well and was right. He never blamed the Tazmilians for that, but it could've saved some heartbreak, perhaps, if they'd known how to deal with conflict better. Even prior to Nowhere, though, humanity has been like this. Egos get in the way of everything.
LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT FALLING IN LOVE.  Knowing you could lose 'em. And he did. It's hard not being able to be with someone you love forever.
LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT DEATH.  The fact that it just isn't fair sometimes. Leder doesn't fear death and he accepts it, but he can't deal with it too much when someone dies "before their time," essentially. He was crushed when Hinawa died because she had so much life to live.
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beauzos · 1 year
Tazmily couples ranked by how cute they are (they’re all S tier except Pusher/Elmore and Lisa/Thomas)
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beauzos · 2 years
one of the things i particularly like about the Tazmily villager dialogue (as well as some of the flavor text) is just how many random little details there are about them. nothing important, just little details that add a bit more to them. like:
Bob loves peaches
Abbot likes to collect things
Donna doesn’t know how to swim
Donna loves art
Bud and Lou mooch off of Lighter by living at his house
Ollie continuously talks about how depressed he is
Nan loves Boney and will excitedly greet him in particular whenever she sees him
it’s just little things like that, idk. i like it.
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beauzos · 1 year
i’ve been having trouble reading as much lately. i think part of it is focus bcs it’s starting to get a bit warm in the house during the day and it makes it difficult for me to focus. and i feel hot and cold towards A Terrible Glory sometimes. i think it’s interesting, then sometimes it’s kinda boring. i think i like the cult of personality stuff with Custer but sometimes the descriptions of the campaigns are so dry... i actually just finally reached the part where they start fighting the actual Battle of Little Bighorn (about 220 pages in) so maybe it’ll get more interesting from here.
that said. man and i think i’m gonna be able to pick up that fucking hefty ass bio Chernow did on Ulysses S Grant and get through it??? i was going to pick it up after i finished A Terrible Glory but i think trying to read Grant while also still chipping away at The World sounds like a mess. maybe i’ll take a break after A Terrible Glory and read some fiction instead. i was meaning to read My Heart is a Chainsaw or Little Big Man but started on ATG instead.
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