#idk just tommy pushing him on the bed and climbing on top
buckleyskin · 4 months
pushing away the thought of the season finale coming out today 🧍🏻
i love how we All hc that buck loves to be manhandled by tommy
(in my head it’s canon tho idc)
like we all just collectively agreed like, yeah he likes to get thrown around a bit 😭
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bittydragon · 4 years
Im sad tonight so; really fluffy au where everyone but Techno in sbi is a borrower in a his walls and because the heater gives out a lot at night and because Techno is a very heavy sleeper (or at least they think so) they take turns stealing his body heat. They only do it one or two people at a time because if everyone is out then there'll be no one to save the other if they're caught.
One not-so-cold night Tommy decides to go sleep with Techno specifically to spite Wilbur because he was bein over protective or something. thing is, Techno only sleeps heavily because of the cold (idk how that works but sue me, I need the fluff) and Techno wakes up while Tommy is sleeping on his chest :V BUT, manz just decides to go back to sleep thinking this must be some sort of dream in the real world thing cause he just woke up. Thing is it happens another night and he meets Tommy again, and this time they're both conscious...
Awwwww! This is absolutely adorable!
Techno wakes up in the middle of the night and notices a small weight resting on top of him. He brings his head up to see a very tiny boy. He lets his head fall back down and forces himself asleep again, he's way too tired if he's imagining tiny people. Tommy is none the wiser and sleeps peacefully and leaves like normal in the morning. When Techno wakes up and the tiny person is gone, he brushes it off as a sleepy hallucination and nearly forgets about it.
A couple nights later though, Techno was having trouble falling asleep, so he just laid in bed while staring at the ceiling. He laid there still for a bit until he heard a small rustling before feeling something start climbing his shirt. He waits until whatever it is is on top of him before lifting his head up to the source of the disturbance. He's surprised to meet the equally surprised face of the same boy he thought he imagined up the other night.
Tommy never really thought he'd be the one caught (everyone else guessed that if anyone was caught it'd be Tommy), but here he was. His breathing began to speed up as a hand began to reach up behind him.
Techno caught onto the boy's fear rather quickly and decided instead of picking him up off his chest like he originally intended to lightly rest his hand against the tiny boy's back. He was shocked by how cold the boy felt and how the boy practically leaned into his warm hand. Techno decided to test the waters by slowly adding pressure and pushing the boy into laying down. The boy complied with no resistance, the heat probably sending him to sleep. Soon enough, the boy was laying peacefully on top of Techno's chest with a warm hand placed over him like a weighted blanket. Techno smiled before laying his head back down and fell asleep faster than he ever had. They both had the best sleep either of them had had in a long time.
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innittowinit · 4 years
SBI headcanons awooga
Some headcanons and things for my sbi fd! Abandoned amusement park fic lol 
Here's the link if you haven't read it btw 
SBI last name is Reid, DT last name is Jackson btw lmao, i probably won't mention it much though unless it's like Mrs Reid for the sbi mom y'know
This has Tommy, Techno, Wilbur and Phil included; lmk if a dt post would be a good idea too 
The youngest brother, he’s seven lmao what a child
Even though he’s the youngest, he’s also the most confrontational and will gladly ‘fight’ anyone who talks bad about his brothers 
He can’t fight
He’s very tall for his age but is also extremely light since he’s always running around 
Phil tries to get him to try new foods a lot but Tommy’s a really picky eater
...Tantrums.. Every time he doesn’t get his way
This lead to his brothers spoiling him quite a bit, he’s still sweet enough though since Phil has had many stern conversations with him about being nice to people 
Has a toy music boy, with collectable discs
Wilbur got his first disc for him, it’s his most prised possession 
Every time he does all of his chores (which are really just small things like clean up after himself and keep his room tidy) someone, whether its his Mum, Wilbur or someone else, gets him a new disc 
Techno got him ‘Pig step’ for his seventh birthday and he listens to it every night before bed 
One time he snuck downstairs while Techno and Wilbur were having a sleepover and watched the horror movie they were watching without them realising it. Techno and Wil were the ones to get into trouble since Tommy wouldn’t sleep for a week afterwards. 
Techno had to read him a story every night until he stopped thinking he was going to be eaten by a demon in the middle of the night 
Drinks way too much caffeine for a kid, someone take this boys coke away
He’s got a habit of biting his nails, which has left him with some pretty crooked teeth, which will probably need to be fixed with braces when he’s older. 
It’s also gross because he climbs so much there’s almost always dirt under his nails 
Hasn’t really grasped the whole concept of not saying everything he thinks yet
Oh my god someone shut this boy up
He still believes in Santa and The easter bunny too
One time Techno told him Oogie Boogie from the nightmare before christmas was real and he cried
He talks a lot in school because he finds it boring but he’s also very good at maths and English for his age
Middle child, Wil is 13. Techno’s twin 
He’s pretty insecure about his music even though he’s been playing his whole life
That’s why he likes being able to practice in L’manburg, there’s no pressure to be perfect when he’s alone with his brothers 
Super extroverted and confident in everything else though, Since Techno can’t talk to most people, he usually tries to speak for both of them
After realising that Techno didn’t really like it when he said ‘Techno thinks’ a lot, back in primary school, he adapted to trying to speak for what Techno wants without making Techno’s issues obvious
They tell people who need to know, but for people they’ll only talk to a few times they usually just get away with Wilbur acting super obnoxious and loud so it seems like Techno just doesn’t have room to talk, rather than that he can't 
It’s easier than getting into it since they don’t feel like most people will understand
has separation Anxiety, when he’s not with his brother he doesn’t relax/ feel safe at all. If it happens at school he won't do his work at all/ Will probably just leave the room and try to find Techno
Everyone kinda knows this and they try to suit things around it without saying it outright 
He’s kinda embarrassed, he likes to think he’s the one protecting Techno but really they need each other the same amount 
Techno gets this though, He doesn’t mind if wilbur has a bit of a saviour complex, he’ll play along if it makes him happy 
They’re working on it with their Therapist though so don’t worry, he won't grow up to be an ass
Interests (besides music) include: 
Watching obscure documentaries 
Disney movies, favourite is peter pan 
He and Techno got Picked on in primary school for being so close, he learnt kickboxing so he could defend himself if things ever got physical. Luckily they didn’t but he still knows how to kickbox so watch out
Almost always turning in homework late, he’s good at talking his way out of Detentions though. 
And when he cant talk his way out, Techno finds a way to get detention too
He’s VERY protective of his younger brother(s(he was born first so he likes to insist that Techno is his little brother)) 
That’s good for the most part but he can be a little overbearing sometimes, he’s got detention many many times for cussing out people who so much as looked at Techno wrong 
When he’s feeling guilty he mumbles a lot 
Middle child, 13. Wilbur’s twin
Has selective Mutism, completely fine talking to Wilbur, Only talks to Tommy and Phil if Wil is there too but other than that he’s completely fine talking to them as well. He speaks to his parents but not as openly as he does with his brothers, with them its usually very quiet, one word sentences 
Like Wilbur, separation Anxiety also, It’s not as bad as Wilbur’s is though, Wil just makes him comfortable enough to talk with his brothers, he can deal with being without Wilbur but he absolutely doesn’t want to
He can be a bit arrogant and possessive of his brothers at times, he’s a bit scared of them leaving him because he can be so difficult so he has a tendency to be cold to any new people they bring home 
Interests include: Pvp games, ancient china, farming
He was hyper-fixated on a cartoon when he was younger and now he has multiple cosplays from it that he’ll probably never wear again
His hair is LONG and pink, they never figured out why it grew so fast or why it was pink but it is lmao 
When he was born his parents were terrified, they thought he had some kind of rare condition that was going to hurt him but the doctors eventually came to the conclusion that he just had healthy hair that grew fast and the pinkness was due to an abnormality in the melanin in his system or something idk fellas im failing science pls pretend this part makes sense 
Being silent with long pink hair as a kid, he got picked on a lot. There were many instances where he just pushed kids over or hit them because they were being mean 
Since he’s the quiet one, teachers usually trust him a lot so he and wilbur used to skip class a lot, back when they got picked on, by saying they had to help another teacher do something
In an attempt to get him to be more social, his parents signed him up for violin lessons aged 8, he really liked his teacher and had even managed to speak a little to her over the past 4 years he took lessons 
Spaces out a lot 
He watches a lot of conspiracy theory videos but he doesn’t actually believe any of them, he just finds them interesting
One time he convinced Tommy they were living in a simulation and Tommy hit a kid to see if his hand would pass through
He’s spoken a few words to squidkid too since they’re childhood friends and he’s very comfortable with him. Ironically all he seems to say to him is ‘bozo’ to tease the other for saying it so often, instead of literally any other insult
Oldest brother, 16 
Cares about his brothers so so so so so much like he will do anything to keep them happy and safe
One time he missed an exam because Tommy was sick and he wanted to take him to the doctor before anything else
Tommy was fine btw, just one of those bugs you get when you're little
Their parents are pretty distant so Phil has been pretty much raising them since he was little, he doesn’t mind though
Their parents aren’t bad people or anything, they just get called out a lot for work and can’t be at home a whole bunch, it’s a big part of the reason why Techno never got comfortable talking a lot around them
He works at a Nearby florist to get extra cash to buy his brothers things when his parents arent home
When their mum is home, he brings her flower arrangements home from work because he is sweet <3
He’s really into mythology and Folklore as well as drawing, when he was younger he had multiple sketchbooks filled up with different creatures that he had drawn 
When he, techno and wilbur were all little, he used to play a game with them where they’d describe a monster off the tops of their heads and he’d draw it for them 
Techno and Wilbur loved this and always put up Phil’s drawings on their bedroom walls 
When he was 13 he used to write angsty poetry, He told wilbur about it one day and that's when wilbur first started adding lyrics to his songs 
He can be pretty gullible, he likes to believe that people mean good no matter how hard it might be to see it that way 
He can hold grudges for a pretty long time, he’s quick to forgive when it’s himself that’s been hurt but it’s very very hard to get on his good side again if you hurt his brothers 
Watches Alien theories with techno, unlike techno he actually believes in them
Has the ‘i believe in aliens’ poster 
When they were little, he used to grow strawberry plants with techno and Wilbur, this is what prompted techno to start growing other vegetables in their garden himself
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smcc212 · 5 years
A secret unfolds
Pairning- Tommy Shelby x reader
Warnings- fluff, cute, smut, unprotected sex, idk... I’m drunk hahah
A/N- I know I’ve been home for way too long, and I’m so sorry for that. School has been horrible and my mental health is t getting worse, so trying to find time to write Has been difficult. On top of that, I’ve rewatched Peaky Blinders wwwwaaaaaaaaasyyyyy toooooo much. Sooooo... until twd returns I can write Tommy Shelby fics, hope you’ll are okay with that. Also I know about twelves days of ficmas, I wrote them all just never posted them so I’ll post them next year, I promise!!!!
Please let me know if you want to be tagged!!
Tommy stared at you as you worked, just like he did everyday. He’d loved you for months and you were oblivious, although, Tommy was also oblivious to the fact that you felt the same way.
Polly walked into Tommy office, but he was too lost in your beauty to notice her.
“Tommy?!” She said for third time, before he noticed her.
“Uh, yeah, Pol, what’s up?”He stuttered, trying to act like he wasn’t caught staring, even though his full family knew how he felt, it was obvious; obvious to everyone except (Y/N).
“Just came to check up on you,” She mumbled innocently. “And... to tell you to tell (Y/N) how you feel about her,” She added, a cocky smirk slowly growing on her face.
“Fuck off, Pol.”
“Come on, Tom. You’re clearly in love with her, just tell her already,” She sighed.
“I’m not gonna ruins are friendship because of my feelings,” Tommy snapped.
“Tommy you’re acting like she doesn’t feel the same way,” She raises her voice the match his.
“Because she doesn’t, Pol!” He shouted, just before she had time to respond (Y/N) walked in and Tommy instantly calmed down.
“Sorry for interrupting, but I heard shouting and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay?” Your sweet voice soothed Tommy and he sat back down in his chair.
“(Y/N), I’m glad you’re here, Tommy has something to tell you, isn’t that right, Tommy?” Polly smirked looking at Tommy. For the first time you were able to read Tommy’s expression; he was clearly nervous.
“Uh.. yeah, sure, why not?” He chuckled nervously. You began to worry something bad had happened.
“What happened? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You panicked.
“Nothing, nothing, it’s just... I uh... I’m in love with you.”
“What?” You breathed out.
“Finally!” Polly cheered, but you and Tommy didn’t pay attention. You were shocked by his admission and he was terrified to see your reaction.
“I’m in love with you,” Tommy said, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Tommy, open your eyes,” You mumbled. “Tommy?” He slowly opened his eyes one at a time. “I’m in love with you too, Thomas Shelby.” You smiled. He stared at you as if it wasn’t real, because to him, it wasn’t. There way no way you could love him; angry, bitter, evil, unlovable Thomas Shelby.
“What?” He asked, making you giggle. He smiled, a rare sight from Tommy Shelby, he loved your giggle.
“I’m in love with you,” You repeated.
“Really?” He asked, standing up and walking towards you. As this happened John and Arthur walked in, wondering what was going on. Before they had the chance to say anything Polly stopped.
“They’ve finally admitted how they feel so keep your mouths shut,” She seethed quietly through her teeth, the look in her eyes making the boys obey her commands.
“Yes, Tommy, I’m in love with you.” Before he had the chance to question you again, you pressed your lips against his. He was taken aback at first, but soon melted into the kiss. As the tongues started to dance together, Tommy’s hands landed on your waist, your hands wrapped around his neck to keep him close. The two of you only pulling back to gasp for air.
“Finally!” Arthur and John shouted in unison, making both you and Tommy laugh.
“(Y/N)-“ Tommy turned to you, “-I think we should get out of here, would you agree?”
“Yes, Tommy, I would,” You smirked, knowing exactly what he meant.
You finally made it to Tommy bedroom in the family home, Tommy pulling you along. He pushed you onto the bed, climbing over you. Both of you rushed to get the others clothes off. Once both of you were naked, your lips crashed together, your tongues exploring each other’s mouth. Tommy’s mouth traveled down your neck to his collarbone, he looked up at you, a grin growing on his face before he pushed himself inside of you. A loud moan fell from your mouth as a guttural groan fell from him.
“Tommy,” You moaned, as he stretched you open. He groaned in her ear. After you adjusted to his size he thrust in and out of you. You moaned, rolling your hips against him.
“Come on, love,” Tommy mumbled into your ear, seconds before he came inside of you.
“Fucking hell, Tommy,” You cried out as your orgasm took over your mind and body. Enjoying the afterglow of your orgasm, you lay there your chest rising and falling, Tommy pulled you into his side.
“I may not understand why you love me, but I can never stop loving you, (Y/N),” He mumbled sweetly.
“I love you too, Tommy.”
@jamiekingofmen @khloekiddo @negansseventhwife @gamingaquarius @negan-morningstar @chloejanedecker1 @grimesrck @gamingaquarius
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tommyhardyx · 5 years
Burning Up
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x reader Word Count: 1.4k Request: Anonymous asked: Could you write one where Alfie takes care of his wife when she's sick? I'm a sucker for soft Alfie. Warnings: Well as always swearing, mentions of being sick & vomiting. (Idk if they need to be warned of but just in case). A/N: Yes anon I too am a sucker for soft Alfie, so here I hope you enjoy what my insomniac mind could come up with for you!
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A drawn-out groan leaves you as you wipe the vomit away from your lips. It’s the third time today you’ve found yourself bent over the sink like this, gripping the sides of the bowl so hard your knuckles go white. You turn on the faucet, cupping the cold water in your hands and throwing it over your face.
When you first woke up this morning you felt a little off, but you ignored it and went about your morning. Then, roughly five minutes after Alfie left for work you were bent over the sink vomiting up last nights dinner.
The smart thing would have been to call the bakery and ask Alfie to come back and take care of you, but last night he’d talked about an important meeting he had today and you didn’t want to be the reason he missed it, even though he’d have no issue whatsoever with missing it to take care of you. So instead you simply dealt with it yourself, Cyril your only, and somewhat unhelpful, company in your misery.
It’s around midday and you hear the lock on the front door opening, loud footsteps entering the house. Too exhausted after all the vomiting to bother going downstairs to see Alfie, you sink to the cool tiled floor and trust that your husband will find you soon Cyril whines softly, lying down next to you his head resting beside your leg.
“Y/n?” Alfie’s voice calls through the house.
He’s still downstairs, and the effort required to make your voice loud enough for him to hear you is beyond the energy you have left.
“Love, where are ya?”
Cyril’s head perks up from where he lies on the floor beside you, and you gently nudge him with your arm.
“Go get Alf,” you mumble to the dog.
Seemingly understanding you, the dog pulls himself to his feet before making his way out of the room hopefully heading downstairs to find Alfie.
A few minutes later, the half-open door creaks open the rest of the way to reveal your husband, Cyril standing behind his legs.
“What are you doing down there?” He asks.
His eyes are narrowed as he takes in the lack of colour in your cheeks, the look of utter exhaustion through your entire body.
“It was easier than leaving the room,” you mumble.
Alfie steps into the bathroom, leaning down to touch his hand to your forehead a hiss leaving him as he pulls his hand back.
“Fucking hell love, you’re burning up,” he grumbles.
You search for a retort, but you’re too tired and out of it to find the right words so you mumble something incoherently. Alfie ignores it, reaching down to slip his arms beneath you before pulling you up into his arms.
“Careful you don’t hurt your back,” you mumble, mouth crushed against him as he holds you close.
Alfie carries you from the bathroom back into your bedroom, gently placing you down on the mattress. As he slips his arms out from under you, you notice the slightly pained look on his face but choose not to mention it knowing you’ll just be dismissed as he worries about your own wellbeing.
He sinks into the mattress beside you, large hand gentle as he strokes your hot cheek. Cyril climbs up onto the bed on your other side, curling up beside you to keep you company.
“When did you first throw up?” He asks.
“Just after you left this morning.”
“You should have called me love, I’d have come back for you.”
“I know, but the meeting.”
“Fuck the meeting, you’re more important than that.”
His hand is beautifully cold against your skin as he smooths the hair back from your face.
Alfie’s never seen you like this, never seen you so weak and he isn’t entirely sure what to do with you now. He’s never had to take care of someone sick before,
You turn onto your side, pulling in your pillow to hold close to your chest and burying your face into it.
“What do you need love? What can I do for you?”
“Sleep, I need to sleep,” you mumble.
“You want me to go?” He asks.
“No. Talk to me, tell me about your day or something.”
Alfie glances around the room and drags the armchair from the corner up to the side of the bed sinking into it and taking your outstretched hand in his.
His thumb rubs circles into the back of your hand as he starts to speak, you don’t hear much of it but hearing the music of his voice helps to lull you into sleep.
When you wake up a few hours later, the first thing you notice is the weight of Cyril’s head on your stomach. Looking down groggily, you notice the blankets have been pulled up to cover you and that Cyril himself is fast asleep where he rests his head on you.
Turning your head slowly, you notice Alfie isn’t in the chair by the bed anymore and you can’t help but feel a little disappointed. The curtains have been drawn, leaving the room dim with only a few slices of sunlight breaking through the gaps around the edges.
Gently you run your hand over Cyril’s head, fingers scratching gently behind his ear. You’re feeling a little better than before, but you know that as soon as you sit up all nausea and pain will come flooding back. But you want to find Alfie.
Steadying yourself you gently push Cyril’s head off your stomach, being sure not to wake the sleeping dog, you sit up and force yourself to step out of the bed. The floorboards are cool beneath your feet and the room spins and you grip onto the headboard of the bed to steady yourself.
Out in the hallway, you lean into the wall to hold yourself up small gentle steps carrying you towards the stairs. Looking down at them, you’re not entirely sure you’re up to it but you push that thought from your mind before slowly and carefully descending, taking it one step at a time.
As you reach the bottom step, a voice causes you to look up suddenly making the room spin again.
“What are you doing?” Alfie asks, stepping forward quickly to catch you before you fall, his arms slipping around your waist as you lean into him.
“I didn’t know where you were, and I couldn’t yell out for you,” you mumble, letting him steady you on the floor at the bottom of the stairs.
“I was coming back up love,” Alfie mutters, kissing the top of your head. “I was making you a cuppa, then I was gonna wake you up.”
You look up at him, smiling softly.
“You were making me tea?” you ask.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“You’ve never made me tea, not once since we first met.”
Alfie frowns, scratching his beard.
“I don’t know how to take care of someone when they’re sick! I thought you’d like it, that it might make you feel better or somethin’ I don’t know,” he grumbles, clearly looking disappointed.
“You don’t have to do much, just hold my hair when I throw up and rub my back to make me feel better,” you tell him.
“Yeah, yeah I can do that,” he decides.
Sighing, Alfie bends down to slip his arm beneath your legs so he can lift you up once again. You smile to yourself despite the pounding in your head, settling in against your husband's chest as you let him take you back to bed.
Back in your bedroom, Alfie sets you down on the bed before climbing in beside you. He settles you against his side so you can rest your head on his chest. His arm is wrapped around you, and you definitely notice when he reaches to pat Cyril’s head. His free hand gently rubs your arm up and down.
“So who was your meeting with this morning?” you ask.
“Just this cocky prick from Birmingham, Tommy Shelby. Had half a mind to shoot him, but I didn’t want to ruin my cabinet,” he says.
You frown, looking up at him with a wince.
“Do I want to know what that means?”
He smiles down at you, fingers tracing the curve of your cheek.
“Don’t worry about it love, I’ll tell you about it when you’re feeling better.”
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stealth-spiderr · 6 years
MY FAVOURITE DUDE. Congrats on 1.8! I would like to request a fluffy Neighbour!Tom / slow burn pining on both ends cuz why not 🤷🏽‍♀️ love ya !
aight so you’d move into a new apartment after you’d broken up with your ex. you had been staying with a friend but her roommate wasn’t too appreciative of you sleeping on their couch so you found a place as quickly as you could.
anyways you’d be carrying your boxes of shit up, taking like a million trips bc no one was able to help aw :( and say youre like a few feet from your door when one of the boxes splits open, it was full of your books so they tumble all over the floor. tom hears the loud noise from inside his place so he gets up and opens his door to investigate only to find you glaring down at a pile of books. “fucking brilliant, im just gonna fling myself down the stairs now” you groan out loud. “are you okay?” tom would ask, scaring the shit outta you. like you literally scream and jump back. he apologises and tries not to laugh at your startled expression. you explain that the box broke and he helps you pick up your books and brings them inside for you before offering to help with any remaining shit you still need to bring up.
somehow you and tom spent a week without knowing each others names. you’d fallen so naturally into conversation on the day you moved in that you’d both forgotten to introduce yourselves. after two days you were too scared to ask for your neighbour’s name in case he had actually told you and it had slipped your mind and tom was the same. ((you were both that meme ‘at this point idk their name and im too afraid to ask’)) you’d be grabbing your mail as tom entered the building so he grabs his too, mostly peaking over your shoulder to try and spot your name on the envelopes but youd catch him “you spying on my mail?” he’d go beet red and just come clean that he didn’t know your name. and you would let out the biggest damn sigh of relief and say “i don’t know yours either” youd both laugh and properly introduce yourselves, handshake and all.
as weeks went by, you would be gushing to your friend about tom and he’d be gushing to haz about you. the two of you had slowly started hanging out outside of the building, giving more opportunity for stolen glances and longing looks when the other person wasnt paying attention. 
 months start to pass and there was a few close calls of feelings coming to the light, like when you got stuck in the elevator together. you usually didn’t have problem with small spaces but the longer you sat there in the dim emergency light the more freaked out you became. you had your head stuffed into the crook of tom’s neck as he held you tightly, whispering that everything was gonna be okay while he tried to ignore the sensation of your lips brushing his skin. he’d stayed with you that night because you were so shaken, you clung onto his shirt tightly and your grip didnt relax until you fell asleep and even then it wasn’t by much. you both take the stairs now.
another was when a very drunk tom came knocking on your door at 4am. haz had taken tom’s keys so his stupid ass wouldnt drive home from the bar but of course forgot he would need the keys to get into his apartment. leaving tom no other option, short of sleeping on his doorstep, to wake you. he felt terrible about it, apologising profusely the second you opened the door. you shush him and ask why he’s knocking at your door at the ungodly hour and he slurs out an explanation. you pull one of his arms over your shoulder and help him to your bed ((bc you have a tiny one bedroom apartment)) you tell him to get comfy while you grab him some water and when you get back he’s curled up under the covers, his clothes in a pile beside the bed. you make him sit up and drink the water before letting him lay back down and climbing into the other side of the bed. youre both facing each other, tom’s eyes slowly blinking but you’re watching him carefully incase he suddenly needs to be sick. “you’re really pretty ya know” he’d mumble, his eyes finally staying closed so he misses the soft smile that appears on your face at the words. “thanks, tommy” you’d whisper. a smile would twitch on his lips before his snores filled the quiet.
it was the first anniversary of you moving in and you had plans to celebrate. with tom, exclusively. because honestly you’d been crushing on him forever but initially you were getting over your break up from a two and a half year relationship so you didn’t want to rush into anything. and tom didn’t want to push if you weren’t ready so he hadn’t made any moves. so this was your move, a home cooked dinner but you were making it fancy. you had done your hair and make up extravagantly and you were wearing a little black dress that was very over the top for a night in. you’d left a sticky note on tom’s door telling him to dress fancy and come over. you were in the kitchen taking your homemade pizzas out of the oven when you heard the door open. you quickly put the trays down and took of your apron and ran out to the door way. you bit your lip as you took in tom’s appearance, just an ordinary black suit but the shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way and a black tie hung loosely around his neck. tom’s mouth was agape as he looked you over, the dress flattering you in every way possible. “wow” you both breathed at the same time. “what’s all this for?” he asked following you back into the kitchen. “well it’s been a year since i moved in and i wanted to celebrate.” you move the pizzas onto plates and set them on the bench in front of the bar stools. tom picks up the bottle of bubbly and raises his eyebrows to you. “and this?” you shrug, “like i said, we’re celebrating.” he nods, smirking lightly. “just the two of us?” you nod as you both sit down. “sounds oddly like a date if you ask me.” he looks at you out of the corner of his eye, taking a bite of the pizza. you take it out of his hand and protests loudly as you put it back on the plate “you know not to come between me and pizza, and im so-” you cut him off, grabbing the lapels of his suit and bringing your lips to his. he’s shocked but quickly recovers and kisses you back, sighing contently into your mouth as his hands find their place, one on your waist and the other on the back of your neck. when you part to breathe after what feels like forever he brings his hand to your cheek, rubbing circles with his thumb. “changed my mind, you can come between me and pizza any day.” he says before pulling you in for another kiss
1.8k celebration
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peakyxshelby · 8 years
Michael x reader
Request: “Hey, me again asking 4 something, could u please write something where the reader is with the blinders(kills 4 them)she and Michael are an item, she sees him fuck Charlotte at the wedding and kill someone idk helping Arthur or gets involved in the fire”
Authors note: Changed it up a tiny bit hope it’s OK
Warning: Swearing, fluff, violence
You were pottering about the betting shop waiting for a family meeting the first time you met Michael. You were at the family meeting because Tommy is technically your legal guardian for another year before you turned 18. Thomas and your brother, Matt, had grown up together and when our parents died Matt was your only living family left. When the boys went off to war Polly looked after you, as you were only a year older than Finn you all became very close. Matt didn’t make it back from the war and Tommy refused to ship you off to a family you didn’t know so at the age of twelve Tommy took you into his family and signed himself up to be your legal guardian.
Polly walked in proudly showing off her son. You were polite and happy for Polly but you don’t know what it was about Michael that you didn’t like you just really didn’t like him. About a week later he was standing munching on a tomato and reading some papers whilst standing in your way.
“Move.” He looked at you in shock. This was pretty much the first time you had spoken to him and he pinned you for the shy type.
“If you ask nicely.” You weren’t having this.
“I said get out of my fucking way,” You say grabbing the tomato out of his hand and barging him in the wall and out of your path.
“Bloody hell.”
“Words of advice newbie, stay on that one’s good side,” John warned Michael, John admired how fiery you were not like a typical young woman.
“She’s just a girl what’s the worst she could do.” Michael scoffed. This made John chuckle.
“Mate, she works for us illegal business and all she’s killed more people than half the men in this place.”
Things went on like this, awkward and sour, for about a year before one night he was walking to the Garrison with Isaiah when he saw you outside crying.
“(Y/N)? I’ll be in a second.” He said to Isaiah before coming over to you. “Are you ok?”
“Do look like I’m OK?”
“What happened?” You stayed quiet you didn’t want to tell him your stupid ex-boyfriend kept being forceful and hurting you, you knew he’d get Tommy who would kill him.
“Shit must be bad then.” You looked at him confused. “Well, you’re not one to hold your tongue are you?” He quickly wiped away a tear from your face and hugged you comfortingly. It felt safe like you belonged in his arms even though you didn’t get along. “I’ll be back in two seconds.”
“Right who the fuck made the girl cry? Who was it?” By the time he had come out of the garrison he had bloody knuckles and a split lip. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” He whispered approaching you slowly. You were embarrassed he knew. Everyone around here thought you were strong, one they shouldn’t mess with. But know Michael knows you had been taken advantage of. You were weak.
“Who told you?”
“A few people pointed fingers, but that’s not important.” He held out an arm for you to take before walking you home. When you got in he helped tuck you into bed and when he walked away you grab his arm.
“Stay.” and he did. He climbed into the bed as you snuggled into him.
About 6 months had past and since then you two had got along like best friends. You had a little thing with him going on, but it was mainly when the two of you were drunk or you were just alone. No one else knew exactly but accusations started flying around that you two were an item.
“So (Y/N), what’s the craic with you and Michael?” Arthur asked ruffling your hair that you had just combed, as he walked past you. You huffed walking over to the mirror as Arthur laughed at your stroppiness.
“Literally nothing, I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“Nothing eh? I don’t believe that.”
“I couldn’t think of a more repulsing situation,” You say whilst pulling a face indicating the thought of you and Michael was gross.
“She couldn’t get me even if she wanted to.” Michael walked into the room hearing your conversation with Arthur. You rolled your eyes at this cheeky remark.
“I have stuff to do I’ll leave you two love birds to it.”
“Repulsing huh?” Michael said pushing you into his office then closing the door behind him. Placing kisses up and down your neck.
“Just a bit.” You hopped up on the desk while Kissing Michael roughly and passionately. Things were getting a bit heated when someone shouted you. “(Y/N)!” It was Tommy.
“I’m off home, you’re staying with John and Esme tonight remember! Michael will take you to the church in his car tomorrow! I’ll see you then!”
“See you Later!” You wrapped your arms back around Michael’s shoulders. “Well, it looks like you’re my driver tomorrow.”
“Are you going to be my date to the wedding then?”
“No that’s a bad idea, Michael.”
“I don’t think it would be that bad.”
“Yes, it would because if we go together you’ll see me in my new dress dancing around and you’ll fall in love. And you’re not allowed to fall in love with me.”
“And why’s that.”
“I’d break your heart.” You both laughed at this because you both knew it’s partially true. You couldn’t really be involved with each other that much otherwise business would get messy and more personal and both of you understood that. But you did both like each other, the feelings were there. Neither of you letting them show.
Tommy and Grace’s wedding was beautiful and now the party was in full swing. Michael came over and sat next to you offering you another whiskey when you already knew you maybe had had one too many.
“You’re trying to get me drunk!”
“I think I’m too late.” he giggled sitting back in his chair. He reached under the table and started stroking your inner thigh.
“Michael don’t.” You grabbed his hand looking at him holding it for a couple seconds.
“Why the fuck not (Y/N)?” This was when you knew you were both too drunk and you really didn’t want to be the one causing a scene. Not today.
“I’m not talking about this right now?” A young man came over dressed in a cavalry uniform smiling at you.
“Can i offer you a dance?” You looked at Michael who was staring at his hands and decided that it wasn’t like he was going to stop you. You took the man’s hand and took to the dance floor. After a while of laughing and dancing you had spilled some whiskey down your dress. Polly went to call over one of the maids to clean you up but when she came over you simply asked. “Where’s the laundry room? I’m in need of a towel.”
You had made your way through the maze which is Tommy’s house when you finally got the laundry room. You swung the door open barging in when you saw two people going at it on top of one of the counters.
“Oh my goodness!” you say bursting out laughing and turning around so you’re not facing them. “I am so so sorry.” You started to close the door to leave.
“Shit.” You knew that voice, It couldn’t be Michael. You didn’t want to look. “Shit. Shit. (Y/N) you weren’t meant to see that.” You turned back round keeping on a strong face and looked at Michael.
“Good on you Michael.” You laugh trying to make it seem like you were happy for him.
“(Y/N) wait.” You quickly closed the door behind you cutting him off. Your chest started to heave and tears started streaming.
“Fuck this.” You started running through the halls of Tommy’s mansion. You didn’t exactly know where you were meant to be going to. You were honestly in a bit of a daydream until you saw a gun slide past you in a crossing corridor. You could Arthur struggling and fighting some man. You normally don’t get involved with violence unless it’s well planned out. But right now you couldn’t care less what would happen. You were filled with rage and adrenaline. You step out of behind the wall grabbing the gun and standing on the guy’s hand as he tried to reach for it.
“(Y/N) get out of here!” Arthur yelled pinning the man to the ground locking his arms down so he couldn’t move. You crouched down on your knees next to Arthur putting your face next to this other man and holding the gun to the middle of his head.
“Don’t fuck with the peaky blinders!” Bang. The trigger was pulled as you were covered in a splatter of blood.
“Shit… We need to get you cleaned up before any of the girls see you. Shit. (Y/N) bloody hell what were you thinking you could’ve got yourself killed.” You sat on your knees as the tears started to pour from your eyes, Arthur wrapped a strong arm around your shoulder. “It’s ok kiddo.”
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” you heard Michael coming closer as he was searching for you through the halls. When he finally reached you and Arthur he froze. He saw the gun beside your hand and the blood splatters all over you.
“I need to go outside, will you get rid of this?” You asked Arthur who nodded whilst helping you to your feet.
Once you got outside you let it all out. You screamed and kicked the wall whilst taking big deep breathes of fresh air.
“Are you ok?”
“Are you joking?”
“Look you were off dancing with some boy I wasn’t going to sit around waiting, you should’ve known that.” You said nothing, still breathing heavy trying to keep yourself together. After a few long moments, you sat down against the wall.
“I told you, you weren’t allowed to fall in love with me, that didn’t mean i wasn’t going to fall in love with you.”
“Wait. You love me?”
“I guess so.” He stared at you, the strong girl that just killed a man now slumped against a wall absolutely broken. He did that. And he hated himself for it.
“I loved you too, you hid me away. You hid us.” You sat in silence for another few minutes before you eventually started to get up off the ground.
“Oh well, not like it matters now anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“We were never friends were we? We either hated each other or had feelings and there was never an in between. I think we need to back to the first.”
“Don’t say that, don’t do this.” You started to walk away back towards the entrance of the house. “(Y/N)! Please stay..” But you didn’t, you couldn’t. Michael watched the girl he finally admitted he loved to break down in front of him and the girl he admired to be strong enough to pick herself up and walk away.
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