#idk its also Extremely difficult to get my praise irt internet horror bc ive been into that shit since a VERY young age and kind of have
foulserpent · 3 years
Tried to find one of your Mandela catalogue rants and couldn’t (tumblr’s search’s inability to function and googling to no avail) so if you wanna rant I wouldn’t mind hearing about it
ok you are the third person to ask and i cant find the posts either LOL so i will go on the exact same rant again
basically i think like.... in some respects im being a bit of a hater bc i dont think its Bad bad, like i think theres some good aspects and i actually do like how it executes its scares irt the images, but my issue is more just that it feels like it has SO little to say and makes virtually no use of the analogue horror medium
like analogue horror by necessity almost cannot be accurate to its medium, but i think its INFINITELY better when it plays itself straight and doesnt try too hard to be scary. like the point i always get stuck on in mandela catalogue is the police training video part
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like this is supposed to be in a police/ambulence dispatcher training video, and it completely demolishes suspension of disbelief. the point theyre trying to get across is "there are scary duplicate people in this town and emergency services dont know how to deal with them/dont care and are instructed not to help you". but this is written nothing like ANY dispatcher training would ever be lol like "no matter how frantic their screams are". to some extent you have to assume your audience arent stupid and can understand the creeping horror of the situation without breaking form to spell it out to them
and in general in terms of mandela catalogue having very few fresh ideas. yeah the "alternates" thing is so PROFOUNDLY played out, like this specific brand of "thing that is like a human but.......Wrong" has literally dominated online horror for like the past decade or so and its just SO stale to me. they arent really doing anything fresh with it imo.
and yeah- doesnt really use the medium effectively at least as far as im concerned. i dont even really know why they bothered with it, especially given that it doesnt even try to stick to a specific medium or explain why these videos exist? and i dont think doing something Different and genre-breaking is a bad thing, but i dont think its Intentional and thus isnt utilized well (like im not personally into it but i think walten files is a good example of pushing the medium in a more intentional and successful way)
AND THE LAST THING. i actually LOVE the appropriation of terrifying old police sketches as a concept, but even then its using these images that anyone really interested in creepy shit has probably seen 200 times. like its a cool idea but im not gonna be impressed by literally the first image results for "creepy police sketches" being slapped on the screen. idk like ymmv with that bc if you HAVENT happened to have seen these before they Really are creepy, but the effect is like. annihilated if you recognize them.
the distorted faces are kind of the highlight of the whole thing bc some really are creepy but its just like, it has very little substance beyond that to me. yeah thats my rant. currently have edibles taking effect so apologies for any bad wording
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