#idk it was Wildt folks
lanamemories · 7 years
lockwood nye | chatzy
SUMMARY: literally everyone kissed everyone. metaphorical blood was shed. lives were lost. no-one will ever be the same. jude ashed on gabe’s muffin and he ate it anyway. lana sucked imogen’s finger and caused all penises within a five mile radius to hoist their flagpole and sing the national anthem. jude and venus made out. twice. chloe grit her teeth at the anarchy and uttered the yikes that everyone else was thinking. magnolia and blake canoodled like an old married couple sat on the porch of a country ranch. a three way kiss stirred tensions. teddy and imogen locked lips and started a forest fire using the tension as kindling. hearts were broken. drinks were drank. ragrets were had. a lockwood new year’s eve for the ages.
magnolia: Maggie walked into the party, bright red cowboy hat on her head as she carried a similar blue one, popping it onto Gabe's head. "Happy Birthday Country Boy, I lurrve you!" She called out, before walking on in search of a drink with no further comment.
gabe: "Yeehaw," Gabe chimed in rather monotonously, tipping his hat to no one in particular as he watched Magnolia walk away.
blake: Anxiety making his chest feel tight, Blake's legs jiggled in rhythm with the music. He watched the party from a couch spot he'd snagged early in the night, his form well imprinted into the cushion now.
jude: "Booooooy!" Jude declared suddenly, pointing a finger repeatedly down at Blake's legs as they jiggled like noodle strands in front of a high power fan. "Look at them go."
blake: Blake tilted his head up at Jude, eyes narrowing slightly. "I didn't even notice. Ass," he mumbled into his red solo cup, clearing his throat as he placed the empty one down and reached over to grab the flask he'd been nursing all night, almost done too. "You look like a majestic creature...person from a period film. Fuck off."
magnolia: The girl finished making her rum and coke, heading back over to Gabe. "How does it feel to be an old man? Have you acquired a taste for lunchtime buffets yet?" She asked, poking his stomach like he was the Pillsbury Doughboy.
lana: Donning a star spangled pair of novelty glasses spelling out '2018' over both eyes, Lana practically pranced into the party like a fairy on acid, flashing Gabe a fiendish grin as she finally reached his side. "Gabriel! You're a stinky old man just like the rest of us sorry fools now. Anything to say on record?" she asked, pretending to hold up a tape recorder to his mouth.
arryn: She had already done a bit of pre-gaming before she went to the party, so when she arrived, she would instantly start having fun. Arryn entered through the door, bottle in hand. She took her time walking through the mass of attendees
gabe: Gabe jumped at the poke of his stomach, easily ticklish. He looked between Magnolia and Lana and tried to hold in his laughter. "Good evening, MTV, and welcome to my crib," he flashed his teeth at Lana's fake tape recorder. "I'm 21 now and quire frankly, I want to die slightly less than I did yesterday!"
arryn: and drank from the bottle as she drug along. Arryn finally made it to the one place she loved most, the booze table.
jude: "Quire frankly? Is that a relative of yours, perhaps?" Jude piped up after overhearing the conversation, flashing a politician's smile before redirecting his focus back to Blake. "You didn't even notice my ass? That's harsh, Blake. I polished it especially for this event."
magnolia: Maggie laughed as the unfamiliar girl held the tape recorder up to Gabe's face. "I'll leave you with your fans. Just wanted to wish you an official Happy Birthday," she told him, heading off in the direction to find more friends. She settled into the couch next to Blake, flashing a drunk grin at the two boys and tipping her hat. "Howdy, Cowboys!"
lana: "I don't know about you but I totally feel like that one gif of that woman screaming as she removes her wig. Like, that's just... the vibe for tonight, you know?" Lana nodded along, eyeing the dwindling contents of her cup before peering back at Gabe again. "You know it's, um... Aly! It's Aly's birthday tonight, too. Is this a joint bday bash?"
blake: "Is this event mandatory?" he called out to the party, not really expecting an answer. Blake sighed at Jude, shaking his head. "I'm glad you cleaned your ass, Jude. But that should be a regular thing," he said, glancing up just as Magnolia arrived. "Hey, nice outfit."
jude: "Don't be such a Negative Norman, Blake," Jude criticised halfheartedly, taking a swig from the beer in his cup before he raised it in a toast-like greeting over Maggie's arrival. "Alright, goblin? Gnash on the toes of any particularly lanky ghouls yet? I have my third eye on one named Margaret."
gabe: "Is it?" he raised his eyebrows at Lana. "I think she mentioned it was her birthday too but we aren't every close. Assumed she'd have her own party?" He shrugged. "The event is mandatory, you belligerent goblin," he called back at Gabe. "Invite me to you and Mags' wedding!"
magnolia: "Gentleman," she greeted them, raising her drink, her voice formal. "I had my eyes on a particularly thicc with two c's spector, be he ran off before I could astral project into his plane," she told Jude. Her cheeks grew bright red at Gabe's comment yelled across the room. "We're not getting married until ghouls have the right to wed too!" She called back lamely.
blake: Blake reached over the table to retrieve a chip from one of the food bowls, nipping off the end before deciding against eating and tossing it back on the table. Blake winced slightly as Gabe called out to him, sighing heavily. "Sorry about my friend, his mouth smells of feet because they're always in his mouth," he said to no one.
gabe: "I heard that!"
jude: "Shame. They're always scuttling these days. Ghouls just can't be trusted," Jude sighed so solemnly, it was as if he was recounting the death of an old friend. It was only at Gabe's comment that his playful demeanour wavered slightly, scoff parting his lips after a second long delay. "Stop it, Blake. You know Gabe has a thing for feet... He'll get hard a hundred miles and hour and poke a poor girl's eye out."
blake: Blake was in the middle of taking a swig from his vodka when he nearly spat the contents out, wiping a bit of the alcohol from his skin. "Jesus Chroist."
gabe: "Bold claim from someone who gave a girl thrush because he fingered her the wrong way," Gabe grinned at Jude. "Who do you think I am? Quentin Tarantino?"
lana: "Gabe! You have to be a gracious host. Just... Promise you'll offer her some chips and dip if she turns up. It's her birthday, I feel bad. She won't even get a celebratory spank from Frankie like I do every year. That's a crime," she sighed loudly, aimlessly dusting a bit of imaginary lint from Gabe's shoulder. "God. Tramp."
magnolia: Maggie flung her feet up on the arm of the couch, leaning her head back to drain the contents of her glass. She gasped as Blake spat out the contents of his glass. "Guys! Blake is so bored he would actually rather choke. Help the poor sweet summer child."
jude: "Fuck off, cretin! That was just a rumour," Jude refuted, reaching over and slapping at Gabe's ass like a parent might with a miscreant child. "Enough of that backchat, young man."
gabe: "You make it sound like we're a married couple and we're hosting our annual New Years dinner party. I'm not Gatsby," he sighed, pouring a mixture of alcohol into his red solo cup. "I'll find her and we can... pop bottles of champagne together like old men did in the 1950s. Here's to 2018, fuckers!"
blake: "We should..." he glanced over to Magnolia. "You're right, we should play a game or something."
jude: "He's wasting away," Jude solemnly announced, clapping a hand down onto Blake's shoulder with a furrowed brow. "Somebody should've had more breast milk as a baby... Brittle boned. Weak."
gabe: "Oh, daddy," he retaliated towards Jude. "Please, spank me harder. I'm the birthday boy, after all."
blake: "I'm gonna fucking punch him," Blake mumbled under his breath, mostly to himself. "What's your problem?" he asked, brows furrowed as he glanced over to Jude.
lana: Involuntary flush creeping up into her cheeks, Lana pressed the cool side of her cup against her throat, rolling it there absently in a fit of boredom. "Do you really have a foot kink, Gabe? Look into my eyes and tell the truth. Don't be a coward."
jude: Eyebrows knitting slightly, he offered Blake a bewildered expression, lowering his voice a notch. "What? The breast milk thing was a joke, man," came as he patted his shoulder a hint harder than necessary, moving his hand away after. "We're good."
magnolia: Maggie sat up, fingers nervously clutching the cup in her hand as her other hand drifted towards Blake's arm before she thought better of it. "Who wants a shot?" She declared, voice wavering.
gabe: "I don't have a fucking foot kink," Gabe pleaded, smile plastered on his face as he took another gulp from his cup. He kicked Lana with the side of his sneaker gently. "Why? Do you? Do YOU have something you'd like to tell me?"
blake: "I'll -- I'll take a shot," Blake said, cut off just before he could finish the sentence with the slap against his back. "Alright! We're good. Fantastic," he replied, not entirely believing it, but knowing he'd only get heated if he persisted.
lana: "Once I had a wet dream about one of the thumb men from Spy Kids," Lana sighed honestly, thumb smoothing along the rim of her red cup. "I won't even lie, it was pretty hot. I don't regret it. Also, me! I'll do a shot. I'm like a dehydrated camel in the outback. Rasping for mercy."
chloe: Chloe walked into the party, and immediately began the search for a drink or someone she knew— she wasn't terribly picky about the order. Not too far away was Gabe, the birthday boy, surrounded by a few more friendly faces. "Happy birthday!" she said as she arrived, ruffling Gabe's hair. "What'd I miss?"
magnolia: "Cool. Awesome," she said hurriedly, getting up off the couch and taking off towards the drink table with Blake in tow, meeting up with Lana along the way. She poured drinks for all of them, plus a few more for anyone else that wanted one. "Look me in the eyes when you clink or it's bad head for ten years!"
gabe: "That's... the most the disgusting thing I've heard all night besides Tripp admitting he's into bestiality," Gabe said, grabbing a handle of Smirnoff from the fridge. "And after that, I need a shot."
jude: Flopping down onto one of the adjacent couches, Jude popped open his tin of rolling papers and started thumbing through the contents, setting about fixing himself a joint. "Fuck. Anyone got any filters?"
gabe: "Chloe!" Gabe beamed, bringing the brunette into an awkward side-hug. "Thanks. You didn't miss much. Collectively? We're on our way to getting fucked up. Emotionally? I sense a tension in the air. Not like I haven't experienced that on any other of my birthdays though."
lana: "Whoa. I totally thought you said look me in the eyes when you twink for a second there. Mindfuck. I was spinning my head around like the Mr. Krabs meme looking for the nearest toyboy," Lana scoffed, plucking up the shot and reaching out to knock glasses before she tossed it back.
blake: Sighing and running his hand over the back of his neck, he glanced over the Jude and mouthed a simple 'What the fuck?' in his direction. "Yeah, I got some," he said, leaning forward to pry them out of his back pocket, tossing the pack onto the coffee table.
chloe: "Oh, excellent," she laughed, scooting into an empty seat. "I'm trying to look God in the eyes by the end of tonight. Fuck me up."
gabe: "You could look God in the eyes if you just got on your knees... and prayed. With a bible," Gabe stammered, in horror of the awkwardness that just ensued from his mouth. "Welcome to Bible study, we're all children of Jesus!" He looked over to Magnolia, who was downing shots already. "Kumbaya... my lord..."
magnolia: "God. I just had a flashback to that dude in the leather suit from American Horror Story," she told Lana. "Tonight I drink to forget Michael Scott bending Evan Peters over and spanking him on The Office."
jude: "Noice," Jude emphasised like his accent had suddenly warped into that of an Australian crocodile wrangler, reaching forwards to snatch up the filters and pry one from the rest. Plucking a rolling paper free, he slithered it onto Blake's lap in pitiful means of a half-assed apology.
venus: "I've arrived, Thots!" Venus shouted at the bustling crowd, particularly to the few faces she recognized immediately. Her fur coat and sparkly dress screamed New York socialite, and her brain was screaming for a drink. "What's all the hubbub, boys?"
blake: "I'm good, man. Already on enough," he said to Jude, laughing with the admittance. "Where did Maggie go with our shots, though? The real question."
lana: "DON'T mention spanking and Evan Peters in the same sentence. My frail heart can't take it. I was one of the abominable thots that wanted to take a ride on the Langdon express. It was a dark time," she exhaled mournfully, coughing slightly to escape the bitter taste of vodka in the back of her throat. "Gross. I feel like I just sucked on Satan's teat."
chloe: "Ah, so I guess you want a church girl that go to church.... and read her Biiiible," Chloe said, expression unchanging but her voice shifting to imitate the Vine. "We love Bible study!" she yelped, taking a shot.
jude: "Think she left with Lana or, uh... Dunno," Jude offered along with a shrug, licking a stripe along his paper before he smoothed it together. "Vanished into the abyss. Dicks out for Magambe."
magnolia: "He was a hunk-a-thon, I'll give you that," Maggie said, her voice suddenly warping into a Valley Girl accent. "Shit! I forgot that the gentlemen and I scheduled a very important business meeting. Gotta bring the materials," she told Lana, gathering up a few shots and bringing them back over to Blake and Jude. "Boys, i've brought the third quarter numbers."
gabe: "Don't-" Gabe stuttered as Chloe took the shot, wrinkling his nose at thought of consuming the mixture. "God, that was... the equivalent of isopropyl alcohol. I don't even know what mixture was in that Smirnoff bottle, but it wasn't Smirnoff. Please don't sue."
teddy.: Walking through the threshold into the BKE living room, Teddy managed to juggle three chocolate chip muffins in one hand and a red solo cup in the other. Mouth already half full, Teddy approached Jude and Blake with all the seriousness of a businessman looking to close a deal. "Have you guys been in the washroom lately? I found, like, twenty muffins there. Want one? I can grab more. They're so good. I hope they weren't meant for Gabe cause I already ate two."
imogen: Walking in, eyes red and squinted from the few joints she had enjoyed on the walk over, Imogen entered the party, in an unusual attired of plain black jeans and a hoodie. Entering the house, she immediately found her way towards the messy table of crumpled chips and began munching.
blake: Blake laughed, feeling a little more at ease now that Jude had seemed to calm down from whatever had peeved him off earlier. A sigh of relief escaped when Magnolia returned, sitting up straighter. "Thank god, I was about to zamboni the table." As Teddy approached, Blake relaxed even more, smile on his face. "Can't say I have, Who put muffins in the washroom?"
venus: "Whose birthday is it?" Venus asked towards no one in particular. She spotted a kind-looking girl on the couch and plopped down next to her. "I see Jude's up to his wild antics again. Lana, right?"
jude: "Anyone got a light?" Jude called out aimlessly, flailing his head around like a child long lost in a convenience store. "Blease... Halp... I'm just a little baby boy!" Discontinuing his absurd cries once Teddy arrived, Jude lazily flung a leg out, poking at his friend's shin in means of fond greeting. "Hello, my son. What the fuck is a muffin--" he stuttered into silence, wedging his joint in place. "A muffin doing in a washroom, anyway?"
gabe: "Why are there muffins in the washroom?" Gabe asked, snatching one from Teddy's hand. "I don't see a cake anywhere so I'm hoping this is for me. Anyone got a singular candle I can put on this?"
magnolia: Maggie handed Blake a shot, trying not to spill any of it, sitting on the arm of the couch. She knocked back the vodka, wincing as she did so. "Nope, I just got zamboni-ed. Petition to use zamboni more in every day conversation. Shit. I'm drunk."
teddy.: "No, Gabe!" Teddy protested, voice taking on the whiny tone of a two year old who doesn't get their way. "Those were for my less fortunate friends! We can't all have birthdays today, y'know."
imogen: Answering to the calls of a frantic Jude, Imogen pulled the tiny bic out of her jean pocket and held it out, walking towards them. "I'm no hero, I put on my pants one leg at a time like everyone else, only I remember to bring a lighter"
lana: "Hi!" Lana greeted as earnestly as a golden retriever introduced to a new owner, corners of her red lips tweaking. "Yeah, Lana. Venus, right? Or, I guess... Weenus, according to Jude. He's a mongrel, ignore him. I try to."
blake: Lowering down his vodka as Maggie did, he sighed in relief, though it burned his throat. "You alright?" he asked Magnolia in a mumbled, glancing over to her on the end of the sofa.
chloe: Chloe's face crumpled after downing the contents of her cup, mouth puckered in disgust. "Oh, man," she groaned. "That is diabolical. Who's trying to kill you on your birthday?"
jude: Plucking the Bic off Imogen, Jude offered a wise smile like Gatsby overlooking his crowd of party guests in means of thanks, sparking up and sucking in a long drag before reaching over to ash on Gabe's muffin. "Bone app the titty." Turning back to Imogen after, he patted the space besides him. "Sit. You've earned a place besides the king -- I'm not calling myself that, by the way. Blake said it was fitting earlier."
venus: "Or better yet... penis!" Venus flashed a ruby red smile, raising an eyebrow as her gaze followed towards Jude's presence. "Looks like someone's getting... laid?" She watched as a brunette stumbled upon Jude flickering a lighter. "Oh, god. Is she trying to set him on fire?"
gabe: Gabe giggled at Chloe's crumpled face as it matched his own, a good amount of the strange tonic already inside his system. "Some sadist who's never been to bartender school apparently," he replied, pulling out a bottle of Spite from the counter and pouring the contents into the remainder of the cup. "Here. A chaser will make it better. I mixed mine with a bunch of a juice and I'm more off the rails than a thirteen year old boy at 3 am off a Four Loko."
magnolia: She nodded her head, giving him a smile. "Peachy. Living my diddly darn best life,"she said, trying to shake off the nervous feeling that accompanied her at parties. "Your hair smells good tonight. Like shampoo or something," she stated, fingers combing through it before dropping them nervously.
lana: "God! He'll probably cry out a lyric from The Smiths when he climaxes. To DIE by YoUr SiDe," she wailed out unevenly, eyes rolling back into her head as she reached around like a blind person for dramatic effect. "Terrible. I hope Imogen's prepared. Also... Huh. You know what we should play? Truth or dare."
venus: "True!" Venus emphasized, pointing her finger at Lana as if she made a breakthrough discovery. "Last time I played that I got someone to streak outside in the dead of winter. I can make anyone a victim tonight."
blake: "Shampoo would likely be it," he said, quiet laugh parting his lips for only a moment. It was strange being here, outside of his room on the worst night of Blake's year. But the company was nice, as long as things stayed civil. "Lana. Yes. A game. Please," he said, reaching up to hook his pinky into Magnolia's to draw her hand back to his head.
imogen: A proud look beamed across Imogen's face as she plopped next to Jude. "You can be the king all you want, at the end of the day things did not end well for Macbeth" she replied, snatching the joint from his fingers and dangling it off her lip, inhaling the smoke smoothly.
jude: Catching a glimpse of Maggie and Blake from the corner of his eye, Jude reached up to itch far more furiously than necessary at his tear duct, eye squeaking in protest. "Whoa. Stuart Little, uh, crying for mercy, there. Wild," he chuckled under his breath, focusing on Imogen once more. "Macbeth was just like Chicken Little. Dumb and he's a coward. You can't just come over here... Reap my harvest," he gestured at his joint in her mouth, "and PISS on the rest of my metaphorical crops. I'm distraught."
venus: Venus made her way through the crowd, stumbling in the dimness as she tripped over someone's foot and half-landed on someone's lap. "Fuck! You absolute gremlins!" she called out towards no one in particular. She looked over and found herself resting on top of Judas' knee as her eyes lit up, giving him a peck between his hairline and his forehead. "Judas! You're like a blessing dressed as a grungy band member. How is the evening treating you? Have you killed Jesus yet?"
magnolia: She continued playing with his hair gently, nodding her head as someone mentioned truth or dare. "Yes! I'm gonna find out who everyone has a crush on tonight." She glimpsed Jude talking to a girl she didn't know out of the corner of her eye, whipping her haze away sharply.
gabe: "Lana, do you have a candle? Or a fucking joint so I can blow out something anyway? This crowd's got me stressed," Gabe stumbled over, nearly knocking over the petite girl. "I feel like Jude and Blake are gonna tussle."
jude: "Whoa! Fuckin' hell, all aboard, I guess," Jude strained out as he shuffled beneath Venus' flailing limbs to get comfortable, looking every bit like Patrick Star mid coma as his arms fanned out around her. Eventually, he settled for steadying her gently by the waist, offering Imogen a sheepish smile. "Full house. It's like a nineties sitcom."
lana: "A CANDLE?!" Lana quoted like he'd just garbled out a sentence in ancient Latin, eyes bugging out of her head like the meme of the fish in Spongebob holding a glass of juice. "Who do you think I am, Gabe? A Bed, Bath and Beyond store? Disgusting! I just spat."
blake: Lowering down the rest of his vodka, Blake tossed the flask on the table. "Jude! Truth or dare."
venus: Venus looked up, surprised at the sight of the other girl. "Oh, fuck, I'm such a tramp aren't I?" she turned her back towards Jude again, narrowing her eyes. "You've got your arms around my waist while this woman is trying to fuck you?" she nearly hissed. "Am I cockblocking or can I join?"
jude: "Hey, whoa," Jude blustered hastily, glancing between the pair of them with a face of vague distress. "I'm just a little boy..." he trailed off vaguely, hoping that excuse, enough, would suffice, before realising he probably had to say more for himself. "Everything's fine. Make love, not war. We're all human beings."
imogen: Imogen handed the joint back to Jude and laughed at Venus' comment. "No, I'm not- no worries. I'm too high for this right now anyway. I think I'm gonna grab something to drink" she replied. pushing herself off the couch and walking away from the couch.
gabe: "You're all for birthdays aren't you? What am else am I going to blow?" Gabe answered frantically. "Wait, don't answer that." He took nearly inhaled the muffin in his hands regardless, squinting at Lana as he swallowed. "Oh... these are? Edibles? Suddenly I'm exiting this plane of existence."
jude: "Oh, Christ. It's Armageddon," Jude mumbled solemnly into Venus' hair, accidentally getting a strand in his mouth and spluttering helplessly in the aftermath. "Fuckin' hell. Look what you did, Venus. She practically took off on all fours. Imogen!" he called lazily around Venus, flailing a rogue arm. "Bring back rations!"
magnolia: Maggie scooted closer towards Blake's side, brushing her hair out of her face as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Judas! You were asked a question. Truth or dare?"
lana: Sucking in such a frantic gust of air at his statement that she nearly choked on it, she wildly flung a hand out to grab his shoulder for support, coughing into his shirt sleeve before composing herself. "Didn't Jude just ash on that earlier? Gross."
venus: Mouth agape, Venus pushed herself towards the end of the couch so only her legs rested on Jude's lap. "Oh, no! I totally fucked everything up for you! I'm sorry!" she pleaded, taking a gulp of her wine bottle. "So no threesome?" She glanced back at the rest of the room, realizing they were suddenly in the middle of a game. "Ah! It's time for the moment of truth!"
jude: "Hm ha hmhmhm ha?" Jude responded in reference to the iconic Yoda parody, wiping absently at a crumb that had somehow pinged and wound up on his eyelash before meeting Maggie's gaze. "What question? Oh... Uh. Dare, I guess. And don't worry, Weenus," came as he tapped sympathetically at her shins, nodding once over. "I forgive you."
gabe: "He WHAT?" Gabe blurted, catching Lana has she nearly fell into his arms. "What the fuck? I've eaten an edible that Judas ashed on. Incredible. I better see God right in his fucking face in the next twenty minutes."
lana: Slouching in Gabe's arms even after she'd steadied her composure, Lana peered up at him, neck retracted in on itself to impersonate a bleary eyed infant. "I look totally like baby Moses like this. It's kind of erotic, actually. If--... Wait, are dares starting?" she perked up from Gabe's limp hold, peering around like a meerkat.
blake: "I dare you..." he started, before gesturing toward Venus, "to make out with her." Considering she was easily accessible, he figured it was doable. "Then rate it from 1 to 10.
chloe: Chloe found her way back to the group, the front of her shirt soaked with an unidentifiable alcohol. "Someone just fuckin spilled their entire drink on me," she huffed to no one in particular, slipping into the circle to watch the game.
imogen: Mixing herself a concoction of whatever kind of liquor was on the table closest to her, Imogen smelled the red solo cup before wincing and taking a swig. Before returning to the couch, this time taking a seat on the arm of the sofa. Hearing the dare, the girl picked herself off the spot she had just settled in and went to sit next to chloe to avoid being in the splash zone.
gabe: "Daaaaares," Gabe murmured, more crossfaded than the time he was seventeen and inadvertently pissed on the neighbors lawn. He yanked on Lana's hand towards the circle in the living room. "Chloe! We're playing Saw Four! Mags over here is that Jigsaw fellow and she's gonna make us do tricks!"
chloe: "Amazing," Chloe replied, laughing at Gabe's inebriated state. "I want to see the tricks!"
jude: "Rate it? Jesus Christ," Jude huffed out along with a light laugh, rubbing at the scruff of his jaw before he shifted a glance towards Venus. "Well... alright, then," came along with a shrug, hand slipping easily to steady her thigh so that his other could catch her by the jaw and tug her promptly closer. It was a performance fit for a glimpse through a peep show that he put on, knuckles inadvertently bunching beneath the hem of Venus' skirt as he tasted the remnants of rum on her lips, nearly smiling against them at just how soft they felt. Pulling back and imitating an Italian chef kissing his fingers and throwing them outwards, Jude hastily retracted his hand from her leg. "Jesus. Sorry. Feral. I'd, uh... I'd rate it a sophisticated seven. Thanks and goodnight, New York."
magnolia: She picked up another one of the shots she had brought over earlier, choking it back as she watched Jude and Venus make out. "Great. Fucking showstopping, Pornhub will give you good ratings," Maggie said, forcing a laugh. "Who wants to go next?"
venus: Venus couldn't help but burst into laughter when she pulled back, her hair frizzier than an early morning fuck and her lipstick smudged. She wiped the side of her mouth to clean up. "No one asked me but it was a good six. Would've been a seven had he not nearly eaten my face!"
blake: Blake shifted somewhat uncomfortably at the display, nearly regretting his decision to dare him that immediately. Once Jude had finished with the kiss, he laughed, raising his brows. "Just a seven? Jesus," he said, clearing his throat. Glancing up to Magnolia, her reaction was rather transparent, but Blake said nothing. Instead, he chewed at his nail and squeezing Maggie's hand with the other. "Who's going next, then?"
jude: Clearing his throat casually, Jude held a hand out towards Imogen post kiss, wiggling his fingers like he was hinting she pass him a cookie. "Did you... Wait. You got my smoke?"
magnolia: "I'll go," she told everyone. "I'll do dare."
teddy: Slowly taking a sip of his drink while glancing between Magnolia, Jude, and Venus in turn, Teddy finally made eye contact with Jude over his cup, giving him an over exaggerated thumbs up and a wink, mouthing the word "Noice" at him like they were back in grade ten and Jude had just had his first kiss ever.
jude: Shooting Teddy a total of three winks back, he entered into a sort of Morse code battle via eye, throwing him the odd one every so often when the feeling struck. "Dare! Mags chose dare. Uh... Huh. Anyone got one?"
lana: "I dare Mag--... Maggie? Maglin," Lana announced before clearing her throat, cup raised to her mouth like a microphone, "to kiss the prettiest boy in the room."
imogen: "I thought I gave it back to you" Imogen replied to Jude, a look of paranoia on her face now as she, stupidly, checked her pockets. "Maybe you inhaled it" she offered, plopping down with a shrug.
jude: "Ah, tits. She's gone, boys!" Jude called out to no-one in particular, clasping at his cheeks like the screaming man from Edvard Munch's painting. "Fucking R.I.P. It's cool, I'll roll another, I guess."
gabe: "Judas," Gabe started with a deadpan voice. "Why did you ash on my weed muffin? On my twenty-first? The audacity. Do you know how blurry my vision is right now?"
teddy: Making his way over to Jude, Teddy clapped him on the shoulder before nudging Imogen to the side, "Scoot, Im, best friend coming through." He mumbled, throwing his legs over Imogen's once he'd sat. "That kiss is going into my spank bank for later tonight, just so you know."
imogen: Imogen reached into the pocket of her hoodie and pulled out a pink plastic cigarette case. Dipping her fingers into it, she retrieved a tightly rolled joint and leaned over to hand it to Jude. "Peace offering" she said, smiling also at Venus.
imogen: Throwing her hands over Teddy's shins, Imogen nodded. "Mine too"
jude: "Pranked! You've been pranked," Jude declared suddenly, whipping his joint into view right around the same time Imogen gave him a fresh one. "Oh, fuck. Overflowing. I'm drowning... So many. Too many men..."
venus: Hair strewn across the end of the couch, Venus' head shot up at the acknowledgement of another person. "Oh, you're a doll!" she gushed at Imogen, taking her joint gladly. "Though I'm not sure what you mean. Are we fighting? Baby, what have I done? I'll get on my knees and everything."
magnolia: Maggie looked like a deer caught in the headlights as Lana announced her dare. She finished off a sip of vodka that was left in her shot glass. "Shit. Okay, fine." She stood up, making her way over to Gabe who still had Lana in his arms. "Make way for Thomas the Train engine," she told Lana, extracting the boy from underneath her as she sat down on the couch. She pulled him in by his shirt for a kiss, hesitant at first with all the eyes on her, but her hands wandering up to tangle in his hair as the kiss deepened. "Wow," she said in the voice of the kid from Vine as they separated.
lana: "Begone, thot!" Lana exclaimed with a prominent wrinkle of her nose, swatting at the prying hands of a frat boy leering in from behind her around the circle. It was only then that she whipped around to clock Maggie, a quick hop seeing her clear the path. "It's like a hundred mile an hour moshpit in here. Cold and afraid... Hope diminishing."
teddy: "What the hell was the prank? Not your best work, Jude." Teddy mumbled, grabbing the joint Jude was currently brandishing. Lifting it to his mouth to take a drag, Teddy stopped halfway to the destination, mouth agape at the scene Maggie and Gabe put on for them, "HOOTY HOO!" He shouted, practically right in Jude's ear.
venus: Hands entangled in Maggie's hair, Gabe nearly fell backward as the girl was on top of him, lips locked. As she pulled back, his face was amused in bewilderment, considering he barely heard what the last dare was. "Happy birthday to me?" he mumbled, looking around like a puppy to the rest of the room. "That was... fun."
jude: "Shut your wretched little mouth, boy," Jude grit out like he was a medieval lord from Game of Thrones, jest clear in his tone before he clocked the make out across the circle. Lips pressed into a thin line as Teddy bellowed, Jude pushed his cheek away from his ear a little harder than necessary. "Oh. Sorry."
imogen: Imogen shook her head, "No need to get on your knees. My apologies. I shouldn't have been so hasty about the threesome" she replied, before her sight darted towards Magnolia and Gabe.
lana: Eyeing Gabe at the side of her like the human manifestation of a disgruntled moon emoji, Lana slurped rather obnoxiously from her cup, rattling the dwindling contents after to distract a niggling thought at the back of her brain. "Who's next! I'll go. I'm feeling spicy."
venus: Venus widened her eyes, flailing her legs as she straightened herself on the couch and nearly kicking Jude's face in the process. "Judas! Did you hear that? Immy wants a threesome!" She buried her hands in hair as if he was a new golden retriever. "God. Amazing."
teddy: "Ow! You fuckin' Thot. Was your first makeout not satisfactory enough?" Teddy whined, rubbing at his cheek like Jude had winded back and personally tried to hit Teddy as hard as he could.
blake: On a normal night, Blake would have likely been jealous, but only in a subtle way. However, tonight, he felt rather numb to most things and couldn't help but think the birthday boy was, in fact, deserving of a kiss. And he looked the part. Laughing softly, he raised one of the shot glasses. "To the birthday boy, you've been deflowered in front of us all."
magnolia: "Sorry for the ambush," she said with a small laugh, grabbing the cowboy hat that had fallen off her head and settling back into her position next to Blake, bringing her knees under her arms. "It's his birthday He deserves to be pretty."
blake: "He is pretty, I agree," Blake said, laughing softly as he nudged Magnolia. "Someone give Lana a truth or dare, she's weeping over there."
gabe: "Are you saying I'm not pretty on a normal basis?" Gabe replied in mock disgust. "These curls? Bounce naturally, for your information."
jude: "Who's Emmy?" Jude blinked in sheer confusion, only piecing together what she'd actually said moments later. "Oh, fuck. Oh... Fuck. What? What's... going on? He needs some milk..." he mumbled under his breath, faking a frantic massage at his own temples.
imogen: "Which is it Lana, truth or dare?" Imogen called out from the couch.
magnolia: "Lana I... Dare you to give a lap dance to the person of your choosing."
lana: Tossing back the last of her punch, Lana defiantly hopped up to her feet, going the extra mile of crushing up her cup and throwing it to the floor purely for the dramatics. "I feel like a great white shark looking for the fattest swimmer to chomp on. Kind of arousing, honestly," she stated coolly as she eyed the circle, eventually pausing in her slow stride around it once she reached Imogen. "You. You look kind of like a dusty little choir boy, I dig it," came as she slipped onto her lap without warning, thighs hitched up to delicately straddle her. Snatching up her hand, she ground her hips easily with the oncoming dips of bass, a brief kiss pressed against the tops of her knuckles before she boldly slipped a first finger into her mouth and sucked on it. Lips tweaking as she pulled her hand back with a pop, Lana leaned in and pressed a scarlet kiss to Imogen's forehead like a sinful baptism, rising up to her feet after a few more tortuous shifts. "Bone app the teet! She tasted kind of like beef jerky. 5/10, do not recommend."
chloe: "Oh my god, she said beef jerky," Chloe gasped, finding the whole thing unbelievably funny. "Who's next?"
venus: Venus raised her hand. "I've got a lying Pinocchio shooting straight out of my skirt, to say the least. Lana, please me, next!"
teddy: Chuckling as Lana sauntered over to Imogen, all humour vanished the moment Lana staddled Imogen, jaw dropping and red solo cup contorting in his tight grip the moment Lana slipped Imogen's finger into her mouth. "Christ. I have to go to church." He blurted out, placing the cup in between his legs and bursting into applause. "Phenom. An excellent show."
magnolia: "Oh my god," Maggie said in the slow drawl of the guy from the "and they were roommates" vine. She burst into laughter. "It's Jason Fucking Bourne! Look at her move. God I don't think anyone can top that."
blake: Blake was shocked by the turn of events, eyes wide as he watched with fake lack of interest. Staying silent as Blake had no desire to actually take a turn, he watched as Lana left with an insult. "Fuck... Man down," he mumbled under his breath.
lana: "Thank you," Lana nodded solemnly, imitating a small curtsy before she flopped back into the space besides Gabe once more. "I was thinking of Nigel the whole time. Thornberry, that is."
imogen: Sitting completely still, Imogen watched with amusement as Lana put on a show for her. "Fuck, there's no un-creepy way to receive a lap dance" she finally muttered, going along with the finger sucking and forehead kissing, bursting into a loud applause when she was finished.
teddy: "Nigel Thornberry? A hunk, to say the least." Teddy stated, sitting up slightly straighter and flashing Lana a thumbs up after she sat down. "Alright, sluts, my turn! Dare me."
gabe: Gabe clapped a thunder of applause. "Your best work, Jameson!" he called out. "Someone do a dare for me. I thought my face would be in a cake by now."
teddy: Taking the last gulp from his cup, Teddy threw the empty plastic at Gabe's head, pointing an accusing finger. "Wait your turn, cretin! We don't have to conform to society's ways because it's your birthday!"
lana: Letting out an unearthly shriek as the cup rebounded and landed on Lana's lap, she picked at it like you might a soggy piece of food while washing the dishes. "Abomination! Teddy is disqualified on grounds of treason."
teddy: "What?! No! You're all in cahoots! Gimme my cup back, I wanna toss it at someone else now."
magnolia: "Boo!" Magnolia shouted at Teddy, throwing one of her collection of red cups at the boy.
jude: "I," Jude started out of nowhere, having been stuck in silence for the past minute or so -- apparently he needed a moment to compose after witnessing Imogen's finger getting sucked. "I say... Gabe kisses someone. Some-ONES, actually. Plural. A threeway kiss."
imogen: "I didn't think college kids were all actually this horny, you guys know about the internet, right?" the brunette asked, sipping at the drink she was holding.
magnolia: "Blake, I'm terrified. Hold me. I feel as if I'm about to witness the Dan, Vanessa, Olivia threeway all over again," Maggie said nervously, chewing on one of her nails as she grasped at his hand dramatically.
jude: Jude whipped around to look at Imogen like she'd just harshly backhanded him. "Wow... tell us how you really feel, Imogen. Thottimus Prime. I want my friendship bracelet back."
gabe: "Let the games begin," he sighed, looking to his right. Lana was staring at him with big eyes, and he was too inebriated to make good judgement on the repercussions of what would happen if his lips met hers. Itching his way to kneel between Lana and Teddy, he pushed their heads together like a sandwich so their cheeks touched and inched towards the two of them. Meeting his mouth with Lana's, and then Teddy's, the three were in sync as if they were one entity as the rest of the room cheered them on.
blake: Blake was already drunk enough to give into any inhibitions, a laugh escaping him following Magnolia's words. Tugging her closer to him, he made a space for her between the arm of the couch and his lap, barely large enough to fit her but it worked in the moment. "Truth or dare is uncomfortable," he mumbled, vodka-scented breath brushing against the back of her neck.
imogen: "I'm just saying, if you want to kiss someone you should just kiss them- who needs a game to make a move" Imogen muttered towards Jude, before looking at the trio with a smile on her face. "Like Gabe."
lana: Expression painted like a kid on Christmas morning when Gabe glanced her way, Lana abandoned her absentminded fiddling with the crumpled cup on her lap completely. Fingers creeping up to hook inside the neckline of Gabe's shirt, she bundled the fabric up inside an earnest fist as she pressed a kiss to his lips, lingering there perhaps far longer than necessary before drawing back and only remembering last minute to give Teddy a quick one, too. Drawing back after, she thumbed at the corner of her lips with a sheepish smile. "Wrow! Spicy. I need a refill."
magnolia: "I'm terrified," she mumbled back, throwing her legs up over his lab and she scooted down into the small space on the couch. She normally wouldn't have been as brazen as this, but the shots were catching up with her. "Oh my god, I think she swallowed him! He's GAN!"
teddy: Bursting into laughter when Gabe smushed his face into Lana's, Teddy's laughter quickly died when he watched the two of them kiss. Jealousy beginning to eat at his stomach and turn it into a pit, Teddy barely reciprocated when both Gabe and Lana gave him a quick kiss after, awkwardly twiddling his thumbs. "Yeah, Maggie, we get it." He mumbled, standing up quickly. "Shots? I want shots. I need more alcohol. Someone come with me. Blake. Come with me."
blake: "Oh boy," was mumbled under Blake's breath, unsure if his legs would even work anymore. "I'll be... right back," he assured Maggie, lifting himself up from underneath her and following behind Teddy toward the drinks. "Teddy, it's just a game. Don't get worked up. Everyone's fucking...wasted." He almost started laughing, but thought better of it.
jude: "Hungy harna hingini dana squashed banana," Jude crooned out the infamous tree shaking Vine in an attempt to diffuse the tension, sucking on his joint quickly before he threw Teddy a concerned glance. Whipping out his phone, the most comforting thing he could think to do in a moment like this was send him a lone kissing emoji via text.
gabe: Watching Blake and Teddy slip away from the rest of them, Gabe peered over to Lana with a look of questioning. "Fuck. What?" he mouthed at her, nodding towards Teddy's back getting farther away from them.
jude: "Fuck!" he suddenly exclaimed, grasping at his chest. Quickly sending Teddy another text, he wrote: "bad choice. that was my lips on you. oh this sounds like a sext. sorry. love u" and locked his phone with a sigh.
lana: Eyeing Teddy as he hastily retreated, Lana shrank back against the sofa like a wilting flower. "God. Ground control to major Tom..." she trailed off into solemn silence, sheepishly trading a glance at Gabe before shrugging slightly. "I, um... don't know. It's fine," she lied with a soft nod, gnawing at her bottom lip after. "He probably just needs... a shit."
teddy: Pressing his lips together as Blake attempted to calm him down, Teddy scoffed, biting his lip and nodding. "Yeah. True. A real Enlarged Emotion there." He mumbled, opening up a vodka of tequila and moving to pour some into the new cup Maggie had given him before deciding the better of it and just taking a shot right from the bottle. "Jesus Christ," Teddy spat, checking his phone as it continued to vibrate again his leg before narrowing his eyes at his phone then up at Jude. "Thank you, Jude. Fucking weirdo." He called to the other from the kitchen.
gabe / venus: "Welp, the drama queen has gone to shit himself," Venus sighed, downing the rest of her wine. "Y'all were a thing, I take it?" She sat up properly. "Do me, next! I'll break the streak. Challenge me and my pathological lies."
chloe: Chloe winced at the palpable tension in the room and made eye contact with Lana from across the room, putting 2 and 2 together. Raising her eyebrows, she took another sip of her drink. "Yikes."
blake: "Ah man," Blake said, running his hands over his face as he clumsily poured himself another drink. Alcohol didn't mix well with his medication, making him rather uncoordinated. "Gabe is... not a threat to you and Lana, if that's what you're worried about. He's... they're not on the same like -- fuck... what was I even saying? Goddamn it."
lana: Placing a hand over her eyes like Lady Gaga pulling her hat down to evade the paparazzi, Lana sighed loudly enough to draw the attention of anyone within a five mile radius. "Listen. I'm a big, raging whore. Now let's move swiftly on."
magnolia: "Everybody please look away, there's nothing to see here," Maggie echoed, latching onto the celebrity bit, putting her cowboy hat on Lana's head. "No further comments, blease."
jude: Smiling to himself as if his work was done, Jude patted his phone as he slid it into his pocket, nodding soulfully before he sucked on his joint again. "Who's next? Oh, wait. Uh... Venus? You pick dare?"
venus: "Whatever, was gonna break the streak but I'd assume you'd find a loophole to get me to strip anyway," Venus yawned. "Dare. Hit me with your best."
teddy: "It's fine." Teddy said, sounding distinctly Not Fine. "It's cool. Sorry for dragging you away. Let's just..." Without saying anything else, Teddy swiftly moved back into the living room, plastering a giant smile onto his face as if that would convince everyone that he hadn't just had a toddler like temper tantrum. Sitting beside Jude, he plucked his friends joint out of his grasp and took a long pull, nudging him with his elbow. "Jude next time you hit me with an accidental sext can't you at least make it a bit more obvious?" He asked, giving the other a weary smile.
imogen: Finding a spot besides Teddy, Imogen rested her head on his shoulder, tucking her hand under his bicep. "If a thot's heart breaks and no ones around to hear it, then it doesn't really break or something helpful" she muttered to the other, in an effort to make Teddy feel somewhat comforted.
jude: Instantly narrowing her eyes after tugging her hands down, Lana flung her hand out in childish impulse, swatting at the edge of Imogen's thigh without thinking about it. "Oh! God... Um. Nasty... bug!" she added in a stammer, dusting at the area after before casually leaning back against Gabe's shoulder. "There was... a bug."
magnolia: "Wait, shit, is it the New Year yet?" Maggie asked to know one in particular.
teddy: Grinning at Imogen, Teddy rolled his eyes fondly as she jokingly tried to make him feel better, leaning over and kissing her on the top of her head. "Me? Heartbroken? Never. You've got me confused with an emotional thot, Immy!" Teddy proclaimed. Glancing over when Lana smacked at Imogen's thigh, he raised a questioning eyebrow at her excuse, "Really? I didn't see anything. Did you?" He mumbled bluntly, turning back to Imogen.
gabe: "There's a bug on me now," Gabe whispered at Lana, who was already leaning on him again. "Yes! My balls are dropping. I'm 21 now, after all. Time to count down, everyone!"
lana: "It was a beetle, if you must know. A muscly one with a dimple chin like John Travolta," Lana mumbled halfheartedly, eyebrows knitting slightly before she straightened in her place at the arrival of the countdown, throwing Gabe's hand mid air like an Olympic victor. "He's finally a man!"
imogen: Spitefully glaring over at Lana, Imogen waited for the countdown before leaning closer towards Teddy's lips, her hand resting on the side of his face as she pulled him in for a lingering kiss. Pulling away she gave the boy a playful smirk as her hand continued to caress his face. "New Years resolution is going to be to ask for permission before I kiss people, sorry"
venus: "THE BALL IS DROPPING!" Venus pulled Jude in for another kiss as the countdown went to zero on the television. Pulling away, her jaw dropped at the sight of Teddy and Imogen as she took in the sheer chaos of it all. "We've just been nuked, folks!"
jude: Dramatically pulling her over his lap like he was bowing her mid ballroom waltz, Jude cradled her head afterwards like you might a newborn baby, pad of his index crossing down her forehead like a holy blessing after. "Holy father, hallowed by thy name... Please exorcise the demons from this thot."
teddy: Blinking in confusion at Lana's description of the so called beetle on Imogen's leg, Teddy didn't even have a moment to realize Imogen was going to kiss him until the very moment it happened. Hardly thinking twice about it, he kissed Imogen back, grin on his face when she pulled back. "No one actually follows resolution's anyway." He pointed out, laughing slightly at the scenario, before leaning in and pressing another, more chaste kiss to her lips. "HAPPY NEW YEARS THOTS!"
venus: "Well, considering all the tension in the room right now," Venus offered. "How about we ring in 2018 with a Wet Hot American Orgy? Then no one's angry with each other!"
lana: Jaw hanging open all the way down to her knees, Lana straightened to press a quick kiss against Gabe's cheek for the sake of leaving him a parting birthday wish, quickly mumbled "Catch you later!" in his ear seeing her straighten to her feet after and storm off without a glance Teddy's way.
imogen: Imogen pushed herself off the couch and brushed off her pants, speaking a quick "Happy New Years. No Ragrets" to her peers before waltzing toward the door and exiting the party house.
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dietsocla · 5 years
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sup for some reason i got another chara and i’m never active to begin with!! someone stop her (me). anyway this is trinity formally known as ren. ren was her spysona please call her trinity or trin. maybe trini if she rly likes u we’ll see 
idk where exactly to start so ima be basic
name: trinity moon (qUIRkY)
fc: heeyeon ahn (HANI!!!)
age: 26. (she’s actually the baby even though she doesn’t look like it! everyone in mtt is YEARS older than her isn’t that wildt)
gender: demigirl. she’s like IG but also everything is fake. she just wants to always look cute and u can b any gender to do that soooooo. cute rights
pronouns: she/her is ok she’s not particular!
species: 1/2 leukrokotta 1/2 lamia. trin won’t fully disclose it  bc trauma “i’m a bit something and a little of that, yeah.”
this is trinity at all times c: and you’ll never know when it’s passive-aggressive c: or you will c: eventually c:
she smol and has a lot of energy so ofc she’s a drummer
i was supposed to go to sleep three hours ago s this is gonna be very short and im going to try to hurry up
trinity is from a well known and well off supernatural family
her parents only married in order to have powerful children with a combination of their abilities
trin is the youngest of 3 and is the only one with the full array of powers lamias and leukrokotta posses, making her parents very strict towards her
she learned how to fully control and use her powers at a young age and spent most of her life before m.t.t training
she was supposed to become the head of the family and inherit everything but trin was like maybe i hate this and ran away
uh her personality is a little messed up like she’s unlearning a lot of unhealthy behaviors and still figuring out certain things even though it’s been years
needs a lot of reassurance and seeks approval for a lot of things but then is like OH yeah i’m free to do whatever i want
uhhhh that’s it for now folks any questions just ask i’m sure the answer is somewhere in the shallow pools of my sub conchas 
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lucozdes-blog · 6 years
finally !! here’s the intro guides to my children !! blease....plot with me. 
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jeongmin is a fashionista, from designing original pieces to styling. 
his current aesthetic: goth street looks. think seoul fashion week. 
he loves nothing more than styling his friends or anyone who asks for help; he works within your budget and closet. he knows how and where to find deals and just overall very resourceful. 
he’s all for the environment too, the studio is filled with a variety of recyclable bin from plastic to old garments. 
he works as a part time visual for a retail store, it’s only a couple hours three mornings a week when he doesn’t have class, it’s good to have some sort of income. plus they pay him well considering his major and eye for new campaigns. 
he’s the guy with a variety of hook up numbers on his phone, never by name but with an emoji and number next to it. he’s a hoe (no jk i love him) and finds validation with the amount of people he sleeps with honestly it’s sad i don’t think he’s ever been in a genuine relationship. it’s just angst n heartbreak so he’d rather just sleep with ppl. 
anyways, his goal? design for the met gala and BE IN the met gala to show all those celebrities how it’s TRULY done. 
hic current look: taeyong in the chain mv. 
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my son whomst i BIRTHED 
part of the fuccboi squad...SHOUT OUT..shout out..aahhhh..was popping ooooo
he’s obnoxious and loud and dramatic and YET people love him thank you very much. doesn’t know when to stop honestly someone kick his ass. 
he’s been to school everywhere, studying abroad for high school, doing a year in england, a year at julliard and finally amsterdam, i’m just going to say he’s been here for 3 years and he’s going to graduate next semester. 
he’s a performance/composition major and the LEAD of the orchestra because he’s just that talented that vivaldi is shaking in his grave. a prodigy if you will because it’s not the only instrument he can play but his favorite. 
he comes from a home of socialites back in busan, his family dabbles in the arts. his family also decided his fate: arranged marriage. it’s a secret though, only haebin and haneul know about it. 
cue why he’s part of the squad, he went through people so fast, indulging himself in variety knowing that after he graduates he’ll be tied down and he hates the very idea of it. which is why he’s an ass and wont accept that he maybe really likes misun more than a hook-up, also the reason why he’s BEEN OUT OF THE GAME that the lads are noticing lmao 
anyways he’s a disaster but he loves his friends so much he just wants to Protecc
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he is the mom friend probably idk he’s always dd when the lads go out and does a run down of who’s where and if they’re ok before calling it a night when they go out 
he doesn’t party often, it’s honestly rare for him to go ALL OUT unless he knows he can handle it and he’s with minji who knows about his chronic fatigue syndrome 
it’s back and forth, getting rest doesn’t help him at all and so he’s taken up dancing as a hobby again, just one class where he can a good amount of exercise without stressing himself too much when he has too much on his plate
he’s all good now though, it’s part of him but it wasn’t as bad as when he used to be a trainee; daehyun was gonna become an idol if it weren’t for his health issues.
he moved to cali for a while to go to school there and check out an american industry but decided that entertainment business might be better for him, less stressful and he gets to manage and help people who wish to be part of it. 
anyways he sounds like a monotone dad when he texts but in person he’s more into conversations, a good time, and he really loves the lads. 
he’s also lowkey dating taemin’s sister but no one knows that lol.
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he’s from san francisco, ca. comes from a wealthy family, his dad was the ceo and founder of a large company ( dont ask me abt what yet tbh i’m thinking about it ); however the company only became big because they launder money. maybe deal with extortion but you know. 
jisoo had it all though, he had the luxuries, he had the city, the parties, everything. only child, he was next in line to take over and actually? he didn’t mind at all if he kept living the way he was, and bonus points? his dad didn’t give a fuck about his sexuality. it was a dream. 
until his crazy ass mom destroyed everything. she killed his dad but was found innocent in court because she bought the judge, and the jury? all hired by her. he was in that very courtroom when she was found innocent and before he knew it, he was being dragged out by his dad’s old lawyer and best friend. he needed to get out of there fast. 
jisoo is the only one who’s allowed to touch his inheritance, his dad made it very clear that everything was to go to him. his mother still had a joint account and she still has enough to live off until she’s dying from old age but her new boy toy, 10 years younger than her kinda wants the company. 
jisoo knows his mom killed his dad, he doesn’t have the evidence but he’s going to bring her down through the law or without the law because she took everything from him and he’s still reeling over it, he still has nightmares of finding his dad’s body. 
and also, choi jisoo is an alias. no one knows his real name. (lol not even me, i’ll get back to you on that). 
he’s in witness protection right now, undercover as a student from florida. he figured he might as well take some fun classes aka acting, dance, and studio arts. he doesn’t care for it knowing his life is set out but might as well. 
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well, well, well if it isn’t the jack kerouac wanna-be. jk. he’s really not a bad person. maybe.
zander is a photographer, never staying in one place too long. he actually just arrived from mexico city and amsterdam is going to be the place he finishes his second degree. 
he’s basically that indie boy from all the coming-of-age films, an enigma if you will. simply because they way he presents himself is charming, fun, friendly. he’s the type of guy you get a crush on just because of how attentive he is, how he makes you feel so interesting, how he looks at you and touches you. and he knows it. 
he can read people’s emotions, he knows exactly how someone will feel before they feel it simply because of logic and tactic. 
he’s incredibly smart, pretentious even but that’s part of the charm. he talks about music, books, movies. his travels. he makes people fall for him because it’s fun, it sends a rush through him knowing someone is willing to do anything for him and then...he’s gone. because he can’t do the same for you, he doesn’t feel anything for anyone. he likes the concept of being with someone, idolizing them and then leaving them and he does it in a way that you can’t really point your finger at him and blame him. 
he’s really good at pretending to be someone he’s not tbh. like i want to emphasize that because i want to play him in a way that you really fall for it you know. anyways YEAH. 
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remember what i said abt a drunk josefine fc who ends up ranting abt how toxic capitalism is and why communism isn’t the answer like all those tumblr folk like to say? WELL HERE SHE IS 
she’s not a drunk lmao but if she’s at family dinners with the conservative side of her family, she GOES OFF she probably wouldnt go off at parties here unless she bumped into some asshole who wanted to mansplain something to her or whatever 
she’s no poli-sci major, she takes a class but it’s only for her to get educated and accumulate more knowledge to back her up in her actual major and just to be prepared for arguments 
i hate to say this bc wow cliche ! but....definitely noora vibes akhkjh i’m SORRY 
she really enjoys going to the weed cafes though, catch her in there with a book just enjoying her free time 
she has an accent !! considering english is her third language and french is secondl german obviously being the first. it’s cute rlly i was watching accent videos akljdhfj
still shes fluent in all three because it’s leonie why not 
her aesthetic would probably be better described by donna tartt but i’ll give it a go: cigarettes in her own special metallic case, long coats, boots, very formal/casual, billie holiday records, period drama movies as well as empowering movies, beige/dark browns and black, the smell of coffee beans, aesthetic instagram 
anyways uhh idk what else to add tbh if i think of anything i’ll mention it in the hc server on discord aklsjhdk
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