#idk im a pet owner and it pisses me off when one of the animals is misbehaving
itsadragonaesthetic · 2 years
A genre of internet content that I hate very much is "this pet is misbehaving/close to harming themselves or someone else but I find it funny so I'm posting it for views"
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Marc Antony and Mercury expect terms to be met by Friday. 3 days says Mercury. Possibly by Friday says Marc.
So then listen. Stay inside.
We have 3 more planets along with planet Zulululu.
2 said "just kill them we don't want them"
2 others said they want their dead. So Marc and Team said they would send by air to certain meeting place. Marc warned them if they didn't find it acceptable there would be no war. He and I will kill the rest and they won't get any bodies at all and we will evaporate what we gave.
Beggars can't be choosers.
I will destroy a fucking planet that pisses me off. I'm very good at giving blind explosions of what is deserved. Sometimes they get good shit. Sometimes i blow up and destroy shit.
And so they are asking for something in my opinion don't deserve. Dead bodies? Fuck you. Youre lucky it was Marc. Im beyond pissed. But I'll let him do what he wants then I'll destroy shit cause i can.
I'm fucking pissed about this shit.
So yall Just stay inside. Don't get kidnapped. Don't get beaten up. Don't get molested. Don't get raped. Don't let an alien peep in your shower when you're nude and wet and soapy.
And just be extra cautious for the next 3 weeks.
This Friday he should be done with Mercury.
Then he will do each of the 4 planets one at a time.
After each planet is supposed to be complete he will wait 1 to two days to ensure everything is going well before he starts on the next task
He will make sure that Tree details y'all about progress.
So a total of 5 planets are left.
Now Mars is picking up its "sexual studs" trees are watching very closely and other than Mars our atmosphere is clear of aliens.
After all the 5 planets are completed we will then attack any UFO that enters our atmosphere.
And kill it. They're all on warned. So.
6 billion UFO are 900 billion kilometres away from the atmosphere of Earth. Not the land but the highest cloud/air layer we have.
They are Just spectators. 726 million UFOs are prepared to protect our planet with warnings and/or violence.
They are the closest to our atmosphere. As they have learned so much regarding aliens and relationships from Eaerth. So for their appreciation and desire to watch more progress we benefit from their love.
Still we will watch and protect. And even so.
Follow Quarentine.
Marc Antony has told Tree and asked him to write the underlying most important points of the reasons of Quarentine. And tree has also filled in the blanks. So. That is pinned up. So it's all about being at the top for your sake and ease.
So focus on those things. 85 points and reasons to focus on. How to retrain our minds. Allot of good information. We all really need
So remember to laugh at the memes i reposted two tonight.. One made Marc Antony really laugh - the gorilla. And the joke about the woman eating cats made me laugh more but he laughed too. I was worried about the Gorilla. Where was he? Did someone take care of him? Was he just playing?
But I appreciated the joke. I thought it was cute and I know at zoos that is actually a normal behavior.
Some people after 3 weeks pass. Will lose their animals. Some are possessed by aliens. There are 782,569,857 planets that will have their creation returned to them and possessing aliens will die.
What happens is an alien will share a body with an animal. Its prohibited and all planets know.
Then there is oysters. Which will be all dumped in the most luxurious of neighborhoods like it is a landfill.
Zebras. Ostrich. Orangutans. Chihuahua dogs (he literally sheds a tear. We know so many love that breed. But we will try to help you after your loss). Prarie dogs -- which we found dead in the yard todsy as a death threat against me. My 16 year daughter found it and pointed it out. So i loooked and asked it what it wanted and it said nothing. So i said don't look at me with your beady little eye which made my kid laugh. It was a bloody wet mess. Fuck y'all. I ain't scared I'll shove dead and living ones up your ass. Fredrick's grandma's best friend's daughter. Try a claw trying to come out your ass hole. Bitch. Coward bitch at that.
Some snakes like rattle. Coral. Most poisionous. No one would claim the King Cobra for example but they are part of a historical culture so we will save them for their owners as the poison is very hard to eject because it's midway down the body and not in teeth or head. We didn't know but I asked tree and he says it was a competitive snake Christopher Columbus made. He said please don't bully him. I have one on my wrist. So they are the ones that dance.
Grass snakes are made by Mercury as an apology. They will take.
We want only what Earth created. Its not about the apology we have enjoyed and used them for billions of years. So we gift them back as a thank you.
So they remember their sorrow in killing Cleopatra and Jesus 20 years later. (Me)
And as a request to please leave us alone in the future. They also made a poisonous snake called the Goldan Coerel. We eradicated it in the 1970s after it killed a sleeping infant. We just killed them all. They were mostly in Vietnam.
Dingo in Australia are not ours. But hey kangaroo is!!!
Rabbit is not. We will replace with either ducks or a chimpanzees. Or both. We use a distinct intuition. Like Santa Claus. Literally.
Like how i find space ships to blow up.
Now ALL animals are trained to use the toilet. And are infants. They come with a special cabinet and 1 year supply of food. And play toys and so on.
Chihuahua are replaced with chimps and/or a dog breed of choice.
There is a website you can type your animal into.
You can type your address like if you're like my dog is a mutt Idk how to find out... Well you put your address.
A Chihuahua of 25% breed and more will go
So if you have a small dog with only 3% Chihuahua. It stays.
Putting in the address allows you to create a family link. So you want a chimp. You pick the color.
So mom wants Orange
Dad brown orange.
Daughter 1 wants electric yellow.
So then tree will review... And make a bright orange with yellow when the hair is brushed a certain way and the brown like streaks
So he will decide and inform your family in the link then you can have other options.
If you don't preorder he will surprise you which he really likes to do.
So that is about 5 weeks away. You'll board the ship and say good bye. You may drive with them to the dock to drop off
All other animals stay home under Doctor Tree care where he trains it to use potty and speak and eat at the table,using fork ans spoon.
I have a list of 57 items that must be trained to each animal by tree. Now you can specify "no I do not want my dog asking more than 2x to borrow/drive car. In one day or 1 full trip on errands, or family road trip" otherwise he csn ask 35 times. But it's fun. He will sulk. Get angry. Beg happily. "Well I'll beat you up if You won't let me drive!!" "I hate the back seat why wont you let me drive?? I don't care. I don't wanna know. I just wanna Drive. Seesh parents don't understand anything!!"
So realize he may be speaking feelings but mostly its just acting and playing. Its a Trick or Treat.
Just yo Keep things lively. Fun. Kids will laugh and learn bullying and threatening does not work. They love it even teenagers.
Its play acting to develop healthy psychological prograss. So remember manners and don't let him drive because he intimidated or annoyed you. Unless you say trick or treat and have a family discussion
When he is violent in asking to drive he will have offensive driving skills. Fast and digging through traffic. And road rage m which is hilarious!
If you say yes to "but I'm an old gramma i know how to,get there m don't take away my rights I'm a perfect driver and omg watch out, just kidding." He will be super cautious and double checking. Driven 6-10 mph under the speed limit.
Its fun. Tree will train it to be humaneyezed.
So he will give advice. Like "watch the fuck out!" In road rage mode. While granny will say "hey there little dearies you almost wrecked. Slow it down buster"
My pill is saying time to sleep.
3-5 weeks to spend with your pet before we evacuate.
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