#idk if this is necessarily a great showcase of this costume but
wewerepartners · 1 year
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Resident Evil Challenge: [1/5] Costumes ↳ Sherry's Winter Outfit
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sunjaesol · 6 years
the only things i really liked about this season was gilbert, bash and their storylines. i liked cole and that he was gay but the way they handled the lgbt community in the 19th century was done weirdly.
Yes, I agree. I do feel like they were also a little too on the nose with the racism. Often, images are more telling and poignant than words. Especially in Trinidad, Bash had to explain things to Gilbert that he had already figured out through simply just observing. It’s almost like they think the audience is too dumb to pick up cues? Idk. But yeah, I loved Bash and Gilbert’s dynamic and them as individuals as well. (I did find it odd how he married a woman he had known for about… two weeks? maybe even less? But I guess… love at first sight?) I think they wanted to portray that inclusivity existed, even back then, hence showcasing all these very weird types of people. But like… a man in a sunflower costume? Really? Again, I think it would’ve been more beautiful had it been subtle and less in your face. Simply letting two men and/or two women act romantic with each other can be such a powerful image. They did a great shot of that when Diana looked at a picture of Gertrude and Josephine. They should’ve done more of that, imo, instead of men in sunflower costumes, and a couple with white painted faces, like?? Being “different” doesn’t necessarily mean your exterior looks are different. 
Fuck i’m ranting.  
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