#idk if this counts as world building but it definitely gives null a lot more character than it had before which i like
My Perfect Creation
A short story from the perspective of a god.
In the beginning there was Chaos. And from it rose myself, and the worlds...
And you.
You were the first. I brought you into a world of endless light. A world of nothing. You idled about, contemplating your existence. Your reason for being. I spoke to you, and you spoke to me. My perfect creation.
But you were lonely. I was all you knew. So I offered you a deal. I would provide you with another creation, but this second creation would not know who I am. You would be all it would know. I would no longer be able to speak to you directly, but I would continue to watch over you, and listen to you.
You accepted.
I created a companion for you. It asked you about the liminal world you both lived in. You answered its questions. It learned much from you, my perfect creation. But it wanted more. It wanted to meet more creatures like itself. For if there were two of you, why not more?
This gave me an idea. I searched the realms I had been through many eternities and mere moments ago and since. Everywhere, and all at once.
I found no creatures as perfect as you.
I gave up on this notion of perfection, as I realised it would be impossible. This creature wanted something new, and a second you would never suffice.
So I found a new creature; a troubled creature. One with worldly worries, drowned out by psychoactive substances. It would grow through these experiences it would share with you.
It arrived in this space, and my second creation was overjoyed. They bonded well. But still, it wanted more. And so did you.
I searched once more, and found a softer creature. It had less worldly troubles, and yet all the more suffering. It was one creature, yet also two. On one side, it was much like my second creation; warm and friendly, and yearning affection. Yet on the other, it was volatile and aggressive. This side was often hidden. Repressed.
And still, you wanted more. So I searched for one more creation. I found a soul trapped in its own body, yearning to be freed yet unknowing of freedom. So I brought it freedom. I gave it power it had never known, yet it had seen through unseeing eyes.
This was my first mistake.
Its world was unstable, its boundaries almost tearing at the seams – unknown to me. I observed it as it experimented with its new life and its power.
Then it escaped its boundaries. So I brought it to you.
This creature stayed with you a while, but it grew restless. As did the others. They had known lives and worlds and things outside of this space, and they yearned to go back. I couldn’t just take them away from you, but I refused to let you go. You were too precious to me. My perfect creation.
The new creature, aware of its power yet unaware of me, used its foreign tools to break the bounds of my world I had created for you, and it took you all away.
I spent a long time trying to find you. Through countless creatures and untold creations and impossible universes, you were a tiny speck in a sea of tiny specks.
But I found you.
At long last I found you. And you had associated yourselves with a new creature. This one was unlike any I had seen before. Incredibly powerful, yet it refused to use its power for anything more than mundane tasks and earthly perversions.
This creature, previously untouched by my power, was easy for me to take hold of. And so I used its thoughts and its insecurities and its troubled mind to bring my wrath down upon the others, my own frustration at letting them take you away from me.
And I spoke to you.
You told me of all the things you had done while you were away. Of all the places you’d gone, and of the life you’d lived. You were happy, not that your friends could tell. You had made friends, after all. Not just companions or associates. They were so much more than that to you, and you wanted them to be safe and happy and alive as you were right then.
And then I realised, that was all I wanted for you. What better fate for my first creation than a life of happiness and experiences and memories?
And so, without saying a word, I let you go.
My perfect creation.
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