#idk if the lighthouse will be populated now that we know it’s in the fade but theoretically we’ll have allies
mabaris · 7 days
that stupid comicbook.com article and also fan response in general to the companion romance situation annoys me so bad for the sole reason that everyone acts like the only people in the game are the pc and playable companions
#mine#dragon age#so many people use dorian as justification and like. you know we could have non romanceable characters who are gay#where’s the people using cassandra as evidence for why this is good actually#‘it limits the types of stories you can tell’ with THOSE specific characters. however there are probably others#i’ll admit i thought it was bizarre that they made every companion romanceable. i hate to make this comparison bc i know everyone has been#saying they’re similar when they’re really not. but that specifically feels like some baldurs gate shit#but like. think of leliana in inquisition. joker in mass effect. etc. characters whose story develops even if they’re not going on missions#it’s just this weird video game conception that sexuality only exists for romanceable characters#(or i should say. people assume every NPC is heterosexual by default. until proven otherwise by a romance arc)#but like. everyone uses the dorian example. his conflict with his homophobic father happens regardless of whether you romance him#it’s not tied to the fact that he’s romanceable. y’all just see sexuality as only relevant when you personally can or cannot smash#idk if the lighthouse will be populated now that we know it’s in the fade but theoretically we’ll have allies#and some of those allies. may identify as something other than cishet#or other than pansexual if that’s the problem but grow up. pansexual characters are not cheap and not lesser#playersexuality is a concept so gamer bros can pretend their companions are straight#because if they don’t interact with dorian and sera they can pretend everyone is straight in this game#here’s the thing like. i can understand the disappointment that every character is romanceable bc. sigh. gaider does make a good point#but that’s not what’s going on here. people are upset the companions are explicitly pan and the game is Woke#and they might try to spin it as ‘b but what about dorian’s arc in a game like this’ when once again#there may be other characters. who are not companions. who we spend time with#varric and solas are literally in all of the stuff we’ve and neither of them are playable#come ON
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justal0wk3yg4mer · 4 years
Things I’ve Said: Dishonored (Some Spoilers)
My words                                                                                                                  *Player/My actions*                                                                                                   Character dialogue
I’m beginning to think that Unreal has a kink for darkness, steampunk, and protagonists that work in the shadows.
‘Rat Plague’? Do you mean the ‘Black Plague’? 
A water elevator?! That’s pretty cool.
You know, I think I’m gonna recant my earlier statement. Everything is hella bright, and this dude is apparently a Lord.
Aw, that’s adorable. A tutorial in the form of hide and seek.
Oh I like her. A monarchy that actually gives a shit about ALL her people. Also, the title Empress? That’s more badass than Queen.
WTF! That was the quickest game progression I’ve ever been through, those fuckers are defiantly the villians. Who happens upon a murder, sees a man who is obviously upset about the death of his Empress, which I’m beginning to wonder if she was something more to him than just his Empress, and think ‘Oh yeah. He killed her.’ 
Guard: This meal comes from a friend.                                                        Oh does it now? The poisoning kind or the file in the food kind.                  *A few seconds later.*                                                                                    The kind that know how to hook a brother up! 
Are the rats following me? Do I have some kind of connection with them like they help me or something?   :D                                                              *Proceeds to watch as a group of rats attack and eat two grown men.*      Nope, hungry. They are hungry.   :(
What kind of black magic BS.
Thanks for the burn mark asshole, also all this power but at what cost. If this stuff is gonna make me go mental, I don’t want it.
Watching me with great interest? Okay, you do you boo.
Granny Rags, you are a delight. I hope I see more of you.
I’m sorry, you can’t be a doctor and have infected rats running around your home. That makes no sense.
Aw thank you Granny Rags, you’re such an angel! Even though you just had me poison most of the gang population.
*Reads graffiti*                                                                                              Not gonna lie, I thought that said send nudes.
Samuels, I feel like you’re the real OG.
Wait, I was just fucking with the mask’s optics just a minute ago. Now you’re physically putting the mask on which would mean I wasn’t wearing it when I was messing with the optics? That’s so weird GamingSins would sin that.
Slackjaw: Somebody put plague in the brew.                                                Wow that’s terrible, I wonder who would do something like that. Now are you gonna help me or what?
First of all, you still don’t know who has it out for you and if you think it’s Granny Rags then I can’t help you there. Second, you said that you would get me into the Golden Cat. You gave me a key to the building beside the Golden Cat. Now I have to go to the roof of said building, get onto the Golden Cat’s roof and then I still have to find a way into the Golden Cat. You are useless to me.
*Looks all over the Golden Cat first before doing the mission.*                    Upstairs? I was just upstairs and I didn’t..............*thinks about it for a minute and realizes that I didn’t check a room because I thought a prostitute was in there and I didn’t want to waste a sleeping dart.*........ I am such a dumbass.
Excuse me? I just saved you, no way am I going to let you wonder off--      *Emily disappears*                                                                                        Disrespectful little shit.
I am an independent highly chaotic man who don’t need no Lord Regent.
*Kidnaps the physician and then ‘blinks’ my way down to Samuals*            Not gonna lie, I feel like I just cheated the game.
Physician: My will is strong.                                                                          Bitch, I got rats.
Tallboys? That’s too easy.                                                                              *A few deaths later*                                                                                      Fuck tallboys, fuck ‘em.
I really don’t want to kill this chick, where is the nonlethal mission at?          *Does the nonlethal mission and puts Waverly in a boat with a clearly obsessed man.*                                                                                            Maybe this was this a bad idea............... oh well not my problem now. 
Emily, honey, I would die for you.
*I was on my 15th time trying to get into the Lord Regents building with NO health potions and trying my damn hardest to be sneaky*                      Fuck me. I CAN’T. No nonlethal alternative for you bitch.
If the Lord Regent really doesn’t know who I’m at this point, I’m gonna laugh.
I am definitely earning this high chaos rating.
I know I said no nonlethal for the Regents earlier but I’ve got this bitch’s confession tape and now I really want to put this on full blast and listen to his dumbass explanation. So it’s off to the broadcasting station!
*Walks around the party, talks to people and notices Corvo’s vision fading in and out*                                                                                                      Corvo, I am so much younger than you and it takes me several drinks before I begin to get even slightly tipsy. What the fu-.........poison. They poisoned you didn’t they?                                                                  *Scene cuts to the guys confessing that they poisoned Corvo.*                    You idiots.
Samuals you really are the real OG.
Corvo, Emily better be your fucking kid. Even if she isn’t, claim her as a dependent then get the fuck outta dodge.
I’ve only seen you fuckers (assassins) once when you attacked me out of the blue. Why are you a problem now?
Assassin: We have to watch out. This ones clever.                                      *Me who is done with everyone’s bullsh*t and holding a full whale tank from a high vantage point.*                                                                            You forgot vindictive.
*Woman tells me about the plague wagon.*                                                  Ha! Bring out ya dead! (Monty Python anyone?)
Granny, honey? What the fuck are you doing?
Can I please be done? Like seriously, most of this is not necessary. 
*Enters the lighthouse*                                                                                  You know, for once, I would like to enter a place and not be assaulted by an orchestra. Also love the marbling.
Havelock’s diary! What juicy rumors will we read about today? *Reads for a few minutes.* And surprise, surprise. Corvo, you are the father.
*Saves Emily*                                                                                                Emily honey I’m so glad you’re okay! Don’t know how your doing mentally, but physically you look okay!                                                                        Emily: I’m going to be Empress now.                                                            ................That tone you’re using concerns me.
All and all it wasn’t too bad of a game, it just got a little tedious for me towards the end. I did get a kick out of the fact that I was playing a game that had a virus that was very similar that what we have now (not exactly funny but more of an odd coincidence). Anyway, the tally for this game was kinda stupid. I didn’t exactly say this lot but I was stupid enough to say it, so I figured everyone would get a kick out of it. For those that are not familiar with the game, Corvo get superpowers (cult powers? IDK). Whenever you use them, there is a voice that says something (I have a ps4 so the voice came through the controller). That voice scared me.............many times (I really am stupid sometimes). So ladies and gents here is your tally for dishonored:
What did my controller just say? : 25               
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hedaswarrior · 7 years
I was reading the supposed leaked spoilers, and i think it makes sense for Clake to die, i obviously don't want her to, but if they're going for the exact same conclusion again where she pulls a lever and closes the ark and a lot of people have to die or be sacrificed i think it's crucial for the storytelling that she sacrifices herself with them, because otherwise this show is the same again and again, idk how the show could survive without her though, it's gone downhill as it is
Okay, well, I wasn’t going to really write the theories I have about s4, but I'm bored this Sunday afternoon, so here is what I think COULD happen (if you read previous theory blurbs I have written…it basically is a continuation of that.) Of course, take all what I’m saying with a grain of salt and this is what I see “could happen” with some of the things i have seen and if I was writing the story and trying to salvage it. 
Also, I think the script leaks are hella misleading if you look at them closely. It says, “As she steadies herself on the desk, consciousness fading, we get our first look at her face: IT’S COVERED IN LESIONS, a mask of puss and death. We’ve seen this horrific look before: IN ABBY’s VISION. She stands there for another moment, fighting, fighting, before collapsing in a heap. Unconscious. Or worse. No sign of life. Dying on a dying planet.”  It just says that Clarke has collapsed to the ground and is dying.  However, there are six acts in television and it is possible that she is able to survive by being saved by someone that finds her in the lab. Because, like you said, I don’t see them even THINKing about getting a season 5 without Clarke. Jason has said before that this is basically Clarke’s story and unless Eliza asked to leave the show, killing her off would REALLY make zero sense. However, I had the same thought about them not killing Lexa off and they did so….yeah. But yeah I agree that Clarke’s story should end with her sacrificing herself to save her people. 
I think it might end with there being Mountain Men, Grounders, and people living in space again at the end of the season. I believe we will have people living in the bunker that is on Becca’s Island (i think it is a bunker), Nightbloods will be able to survive the increased radiation levels and will be ‘the grounders’, and then the 6-7 people we see in the leaked script will be the ones living in space and possibly they will find out that they aren’t the only ones in space. 
Alright…where do I begin…okay, let’s start out with the new opening scene in the opening credits….
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This new location is on Becca’s Island that has the Lighthouse, Mansion and now it looks like a bunker that goes into the mountain. They will probably have people take shelter in this bunker, like Abby, Kane, etc. so that they will be able to withstand the increased radiation levels on earth until they find a “cure” from using the nightblood or the radiation levels on earth decrease to a level where they can survive. I have written previously that I believe that the antigens that a Nightblood has in their blood would be able to survive the increased radiation level. This was then “confirmed” when there was a script leak for 4.04: A Lie Guarded, that showed Raven telling Luna that her blood is going to save them  (x). Therefore, my suspicions is that Nightbloods will be able to survive the increased radiation levels, just like Luna has been able to, and will be able to survive without taking shelter. They would then be “the grounders” that are able to live on land while others have to live below ground. 
Next up…space. In the script leaks we see that Clarke manually activates the dish on the antenna tower that allows Bellamy, Harper, Monty, Murphy, Emori, Raven to launch a rocket back into space and maybe Echo? In one of the scripts it looks like she might not actually be with them at the end. Clarke mentioned Echo going up into space, but then it says, “Bellamy, Monty, and Murphy burst in from above. By the time, they reach the stairs, Emori, Harper, and Raven are moving to meet them.” There is no mention of Echo being with them in the final moments. Also, in the script we see Bellamy say “I left her behind and we all died anyways”…many, including myself thought he was talking about Clarke, however, he might actually be referring to Echo. So, Clarke manually activates the dish that turns power onto the rocket that will allow her friends to launch into space. In one of the scripts it says, “[Clarke] starts to climb. She may die today, but there’s no way in hell she’ll let her friends die with her.”  This is kind of paralleling Jaha sacrificing himself to launch the Ark to the ground to save his people. ALSO paralleling Jaha coming down from the Command Center on a rocket and them going up into space on a rocket. 
Now, there is no guarantee that Raven and them actually launch the rocket into space after Clarke collapses. The fifth act ends with the hangar door opening. However, it is noted that when they shut the rocket hanger door from within the Rocket, they won’t be able to open it. Now, I wrote in my May 2016 s4 theory that I believe Bellamy will end up pulling a lever that will shut the door. I do still think this will happen. He will pull the lever that will parallel him opening the dropship door in 1.01 and parallel Clarke shutting the door on him and Finn in 1.13 to save her people. Therefore, I do believe that they do end up launching the rocket and making it back up into space. The Command center is still up in space and I’m assuming they are planning on docking the spaceship they are taking up to space with the Command Center. Raven is probably going to fix the oxygen system so they will be able to live on the Command Station. 
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Now, what would the next step be for season 5? What could they introduce that would lead to another season worth of content? Well, i believe that there will be an introduction of another “other”. I was rewatching some Raven scenes and the monitors drew my attention:
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It looks like there were more people in space when ALIE launched the bombs than just the 13 space stations. I believe that many people thought that the lost of contact with this Astroid Mining Penal Colony meant that they were dead, however, they aren’t. This is just like how the Ark thought that there were no grounders on the ground…they also thought they were the only ones that had been suriving in space. Now, what is a penal colony? Definition: A penal colony is a settlement used to exile prisoners and separate them from the general population by placing them in a remote location, often an island or distant colonial territory. Now, this is kind of “redundant” on using the ‘exhiled prisoners to save the human race’ narrative, however, it would tie in nicely to the series as a whole. Maybe when ALIE was sent up into the Command Station that somehow triggered them coming to the station. So, my guess is that if they get a season 5 they might introduce this new colony or others sent into space into the show. Maybe when they get into sapce they will see the Command Center in space Raven will say something like “There are other ships docked.” Someone will say, “what does that mean?” and Raven will say, “We’re not alone”. I could see them reusing the “We’re not alone” line that would then tie in what sucked most people into the show in the first place…this idea of “others”. I know that that is what sucked me into the show. This moment: 
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That would then set them up for a lot more story telling as they introduce a new type of people. It would kind of be a throwback to season 1 with no they have “Mountain Men” (aka the people inside the bunker), “Grounders” (aka. nightbloods that are able to survive the high radiation levels), and “Arkers” (aka. the people now in space). However, now they know that there are Mountain Men, Grounders, and people in Space. And will be able to possibly communicate with each other. The Penal Colony that was on the Asteroid may have more advanced tech that allowed them to survive on an Asteroid for so long that they can use to help get back to the ground and save the human race. However, if this is the series finale having it end with basically how it began might be fitting too. With Mountain Men, Grounders, and people living in space. The ending might have Clarke in this “limbo” period of “is she or isn’t she dead” kind of like how they left Jaha’s survival open at the end of season 1. OR they might have someone save her at the end of season 4 and who knows…she might wake up in another white room. 
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