#idk if i wanna tag this in the main tags thoooo
agirlinthegalaxy · 4 years
I’m like. Putting this under a read more, because in all honesty, a lot of the next generation is basically what I’ve deemed canon OC’s, because we know they exist, but they weren’t given a personality, so who knows, but basically: I’m screaming about my versions of the Morris boys.
Context: they moved back to San Francisco like a year or two after the show bc Darryl got a promotion they couldn’t pass up and bc I love the Morris boys and I want them to be best friends with the Halliwell kids, fight me, this is my emotional support fanfiction world here. Darryl Jr. goes by DJ bc a) he can and b) there is already one junior around here and I need to keep it straight and also bc this is my plaground now. Mikey is an Adult Lawyer and is Michael, not Mikey, mom, please. 
DJ Morris is simultaneously the only member of the next generation with a brain cell and perhaps the biggest dumbass of them all, bc, you see, he likes fighting demons and way too often is casually just like??? fighting demons with chris and mel?? he has No Powers, but is v Brave and Smart and refuses to die bc excuse you, he has shit to do. He is best friends with Chris, Wyatt, and the half-manticore baby (Sebastian) and knows way too much about magic for someone who is a MORTAL (as the Elders say) but also he knows about magic :) and has the Halliwells on his side :) whatcha gonna do? He’s a cop like his dad and is v chill about technically sharing confidential information, but also they orb and mel freezes time, dad?? it’s not like i can stop them? so he’s a hypocrite bc he’s out here being this kind of dumbass? but also he’s the only one with a brain cell, bc have you seen the rest of the next gen, lbr, they have none. but he’s prob the most level-headed out all of them. he’s so kind and just wants to help however he can. he has an emotional intelligence that v few of the other kids do and knows how to talk to people. such a big part of dj is that at the end of the day he has a v earnest desire to help and an inability to see people in pain or bad things to happen without doing something. he’s brave and smart and kind and i just really like dj, okay?? 
and like i kinda wanna go off about his relationships and his placement into the next gen bc he’s like the second or third oldest out of all of them and he’s just this solid presence who seems to always know what to do and how to handle almost anything. he’s not perfect, by far, but he’s just v good with dealing with the emotional/family conflicts bc he knows them so well. bc he spent his teenage years running around with wyatt and chris and sebastian getting into trouble and his best best friend is probably chris bc they’re the more level headed ones and he gets him bc he’s v good at seeing things and dj can’t watch people be in pain and teenage chris has a lot of pain going on but also chris is ride or die and has been since forever and it’s hard to not become best best firneds with someone whose that way (not that the others aren’t but wyatt is much more friendly and popular and so is sebastian and chris would rather just hang out with dj in the library and they’re just more similar to each other). but also he’s in love with melinda and tries to pretend otherwise, bc that’s his best friends little sister and she’s one of his best friends and that’s something that shouldn’t cross?? but she’s so stubborn and fierce and demands respect from people and she’s one of the few people that truly gets the feeling of being so integrated into this group while simultaneously being on the outside bc he’s a mortal in a group of witches and she’s a witch in a group of hybrids and he tempers her edges a little and she makes him be a little more selfish and a little more fierce and they work so well together and fuck he’s in love with her oops.
and to completely contrast dj is michael bc michael is a bit different, bc the thing is he really can’t get behind the magic thing?? like fuck no, magic needs to stay a minimum of 10 feet away at all times, but also: it doesn’t work that often. in any other reality, he’s the put together, successful older brother and he is in this one too, but he lives in new york as a lawyer (and a v good one) and he’s like seven years older than dj so he wasn’t v involved with the magical teenage hijinks bc he was a bit busy dying inside in law school at the time oops. but he lives in new york and is close to his family but whenever he comes to visit magical hijinks occur and it gives him anxiety. just. magic is something he doesn’t get and would prefer to not involve himself with but magic is like too bad :) bc it keeps happening and he’s not even in california and there is magic afoot are you fucking serious?? but he’s still very successful and smart and confident even tho it doesn’t show up a lot bc there is a demon throwing energy balls and sorry but his thorough cross examination isn’t exactly a lot of help right now is it?? (i’m a bit mean to mikey here, but it gets better and he’s cool we like michael) and like a lot of people think that dj should idolize michael bc of the age gap and michael’s success and michael just laughs bc dj idolizes no one bc he is so confident in his own skin and in every situation (and normally, so is michael, but his brother never gets to see those, just the ones where michael is freaking out about energy balls) but yeah. this is kinda long but i’m just v excited about the morris boys and i really need to actually write my fic so i can write them bc they’re the best
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