#idk if actually spoils anything but the target audience for this post IS people who know about things
bones-boneyard · 5 months
Idk how big the overlap is on this but ive been thinking about combining my two current hyperfixations (dungeon meshi and limbus company) and thinking about how it would translate
Obviously going to put a dungeon meshi guy into limbus but I don't think the main crew actually fits that well with the limbus company cast. Mainly because it's all about how they're a group of seemingly unlikely friends with a common goal they are able to complete thanks to the power of friendship pretty much djdhsjdjnd so they're crossed off the list to be a sinner
Kabru though.... I feel like he'd be perfect as a sinner. His entire thing is wanting to beat the dungeon for his own wishes and desires. To conquer and destroy it. Plus he does seem like the type to join whatever party he feels would have the best shot at beating the dungeon so him joining limbus company seems fitting.
Certain things im still up in the air about like how falin is gonna work out or how kabru's parental backstory is gonna work. Laios' party is definitely a group of fixers exploring Lcorp ruins. Laios has an interest in the abnormalities/distortions. He probably collects abandoned reports from the ruins of Lcorp which from an outsider's perspective just seems like info gathering but really he's just autistic about it.
Also find it funny how both Kromer and Laios are people enamored by abnormalities but Laios jist became hyperfixated and Kromer went full on obsessed
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emperorren · 6 years
I swear this fandom could almost be a sociological experiment. It's astonishing how so many shippers seem unable to break out of the post-TFA anxiety mentality and doubt their own interpretations of the narrative in favor of obsessing over Reddit theories. It's like the harassment/quasi-gaslighting from the first hiatus are still influencing people more than TLJ's actual content, and this worry is getting passed along to some of the new shippers even though they weren't here for the worst of it.
and this worry is getting passed along to some of the new shippers even though they weren't here for the worst of it 
or maybe precisely because they weren’t here for the worst of it? idk, I feel like I’ve developed a really thick skin for this sort of things, but maybe it’s because I’m a fandom veteran and I’ve been disappointed so many times that I’m like, okay, so what if things don’t go EXACTLY our way? so what? as long as the story is well written and doesn’t completely half-ass the entire narrative I’ll be fine? 
but yeah I agree this fandom can’t shake the negativity off. It’s a sort of ritual. Keeping our expectations in check served us well and gave us TLJ, after all, so maybe pessimism and self flagellation is an obligatory sacrifice we must make to the Shipping Gods to be rewarded.
On a more serious level, I think we collectively suffer from some fandom version of the imposter syndrome, and yes, again at a fandom level, these are the consequences of being bullied and told you’re stupid on a daily basis.
tbh i kinda feel like all this panicking is a lot more out-there this time around cause there are way more ppl in the fandom so more ppl to stir each other up and also bc ppl feel like they have 'something to lose' now that tlj validated us. like when everyone thought reylo was gonna be a non-canon ship the fandom felt more chill? bc we had no expectations, but then tlj marketing started and it looked like reylo might happen and that's when the highkey worry began and now there's even more hype
True. I hate the idea of having something to lose though, I hate it so much. Like it only makes sense in the anti narrative that TLJ was some sort of wicked manipulative experiment to get reylos’ expectations up only to crush them in IX. Which is bonkers. There’s nothing to lose, except our headcanons. So let’s not get too attached to them but also let’s not act like IX going in a different way (not saying it’s likely or anything) will suddenly invalidate everything we saw happen and that objectively happened in both TFA and TLJ. Shipping is more about the journey than the endgame anyway.
Why are people believing all these spoilers so strongly? Because I get info being verified by two sources or w/e but like the story about the marketing panel (with two months still to go with filming, and this guy apparently having no fear of violating an NDA/having not signed an NDA posting such clear spoilers this early?) seems questionable. It could be real, sure, but there weren’t valid spoilers for TFA or TLJ this early in the game, and we don’t know how much is this guy’s assumptions
Also consider who is publishing those "evil edgelord" Kylo takes and who is mainly interpreting them. Redditors skew largely male (at least on SW Leaks and Speculation) and "fanboy"-ish, with different expectations and biases than we have. This is the same crowd who thought Kylo's helmet in TLJ promotion photoshoots looked like it had a longer panel than his TFA helmet, and it would keep getting longer until it looked exactly like Vader's in IX...even though it was the same prop as used in TFA.
At this point, everything should be taken with a grain of salt. And even for more “reliable” spoilers we should remember that things will be reported wildly out of context, in bits and pieces, and probably horribly communicated by the leaker in question or lost in translation. And yes, every platform and *target audience* has a specific bias that leakers likely will try to pander to, regardless if they’re fake or legit.
re: the marketing panel guy specifically, I’ve heard that he correctly spoiled some visual elements in Avengers Infinity War. Really, the only thing he said was the bit about Kylo’s mask, the new droid, and a reylo duel being some kind of centerpiece of the narrative, all things that will be likely used in promotional stuff. Nothing about the plot per se, and maybe he knows these things because they’re planning to release a mini teaser soon with exactly those bits (xmas is coming, soooooo...)
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