#idk i think general lilia will just be a pretty card
crystallizsch · 5 months
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SILVER AND EPEL BIRTHDAY???? (very excited especially for silver's jp's platinum card groovy bc i wonder if it'll be similar to rook's where he doesn't make a goofy ass evil grin) (then again i can't imagine silver even remotely making that kind of face)
ALSO deuce SSR two months in a row??? damn yall deuce simps are being fed
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stuff in my head about what's happening
there is absolutely no end to the drama that is Twisted Wonderland :-)
"what's happening now" so basically everyone is disappointed with how Vil's SSR has absolutely no story. no personal, no appearance in the event. he's just there to be pretty. and give furniture.
and you Know it's bad Bad when not only the EN fans but the JP fans are talking about it. and by talking about it, i mean
personal story has trended
a big twst artist, twst_13, made a tweet expressing that they were pretty upset with the lack of story, and well.. that honestly ended up being their last straw in leaving the twst fandom. and due to their rep, it really spread throughout the fandom and uh yeah here we are
and rn a lot of people are doomposting. just your regular twst afternoon
so yeah it's been fun so far B)
in all seriousness, ik a lot of people aren't happy with this. if you're really discontented with what's going on so far, email twst. giving feedback is the best way for them to know what their audience wants, and they do listen to their fans if enough people send them concerns. you can send through this link. i think it would be great to email them in Japanese, but if you really can't, wellll let's hope some people there understand English <3
anyway there's a cut because i currently have talk too much disease and have Opinions on this so i want to make it an easier scroll for people encountering this post.
hi welcome to under the cut, where you will find the real reason why i'm making this post: to not Shut Up about what's going on.
personally my thoughts on this are mixed. on one hand, I really don't mind some cards just getting furniture instead of stories because (1) guest room feature nice for me, but I also understand that those who aren't immersed in it would be more frustrated; (2) more importantly is the thought that with less stories to write about, the writing team would actually, idk, have more breaks. the main focus would be delivering a Good main story chapter, and they put event stories on a halt for a bit.
on the other hand, this Is an event SSR, so it feels weird. club cards are acceptable because at least it's new New art and kinda accepted already that it's not gonna get personals. the main story cards, like cerberus Ortho and upcoming general Lilia SSR, are acceptable because they are already accompanied by main story. some tsumsted cards like the SRs and Rs are acceptable too because the event story itself already accompanies them. but an event SSR of an event being reran. it's a bit disappointing.
but at the same time, i've also gone through the time that twst was slow in pacing. and it was really hard. that was the first wave of exodus, and it's still the biggest one to this day. so it's like, if guest room furniture can let them keep updating the game so that it doesn't go too quiet, then I'd really much rather have what we're having now over slow pacing.
and diasomnia has been in the waiting room for wayyyy too long. a lot of fans, EN and JP alike, have been frustrated with how long they had to wait for diasomnia content. and ik twst listens to complaints especially from their JP audience. so it's good that now they're shifting priorities to dia story and ensuring that fans aren't dying too fast. and ngl after how long pome and igni felt (emphasis on felt because pome actually wasn't that long in hindsight, it just felt long after how we went from frequent octa and scarabia to two-month halloween), it's good that main story is getting updated at a good pace.
most importantly, i really just hope that the writers have more room to breathe. making a lot of personal stories, as well as revising, editing, and getting approval would be understandably difficult. in the end, we really don't know the situation in the hq, so whatever is happening there, i hope that the teams and devs aren't burning out
at the same time though, i also don't want event SSRs like upcoming Silk Vil not having personals to become a norm. a big part of what makes twst enjoyable is their story and their characters. and much of what we know of the characters is found in the personal stories. but see, this is where sending in a concern is important!! because we want this game to be as best as it can, and simply complaining about it will cause an echo chamber of doompostings with no substantial effort being put into actually doing something about it. i'm probably gonna see if i could send a concern to them about it because yeah, I want to see twst doing better.
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fictionfixations · 5 months
dan heng & malleus
idk im bored.
Im pretty sure this characters a walking spoiler LMFAO but also twst cards that relate to the main story count as spoilers too i think so
(THIS is like the .the the 5 star dan heng)
also major book 7 spoilers (of twst. book 7 is like the last book. i think.)
twst is twisted wonderland. its disney. but anime villain boys.
redownloaded honkai star rail (on the pc this time) since i have a genshin shaped hole in my storage lol (if you dont know, i ran out of space so i didnt get to play arlecchino quest). havent been following the story at all nor do i intend to now (theres so much to catch up on...). i just like it because auto battles are a godsend. and haha anime characters.
since there might be some hsr players here who stumble on this post, here's malleus (this is his dorm uniform. instead of pulling for like weapons? i think that's the equivalent of light cones. my brain is very genshin-coded. so instead of that, or just the character with its one set outfit, you pull for different cards, which come in different outfits. that's it, although pulls dont save over banners after they end.)
(also apparently his dorm uniform card art is a spoiler. but i dont know how so im not gonna touch it with a ten foot pole.)
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i have malleus brainrot ever since book 7 so im just listening to this imagining him (i was listening to it because i realized i had eng and jp va downloaded so was trying to figure who i preferred. i like the jp ones better.) so these lines kinda remind me of him.
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maybe especially overblot. ('do not be afraid' makes me think of 'Why do you look so afraid? A great future awaits you' or something like that)
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'i wish not to use this strength' probably being like… not liking that ppl are intimidated by him. bruh just wants friends.
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'you are flawed' OW ???
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Dragon malleus form where -- /hj
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'do not fret' idk malleus gets hurt. we worry. and hes just li.ke 'dont worry. im fine lol' snaps back his 300K HEALTH back to full i am NOT over that malleus what the fuck. i know that battle was meant to be unwinnable but you fucking…
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'the consequences are mine to bear' angsty malleus
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anyway i just thought it was cool i had this guy with his little fae-like ears and horns. bro i forgot everything that happened in the main story. i tried to pay attention to dan heng's thing but i forgot everything. i think he's like some sort of reincarnation of like. dan feng..>??????? I FORGOR.
ignore the dialogue thing LMFAO
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my bruh looks so majestic
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i just realized his phone is so plain
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edit: i dont know the difference between quests nor their names (although the colors are telling)
but i think this might be dan hengs story quest... ? i think?
so thats why hes trial here. anyway i just noticed he floats in battle
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which if we look at malleus (i dont have him, reusing from this post) (also slight main story card spoiler LMFAO. we have imbibitor lunae and general lilia cameo as characters belonging to main story and thus spoiler go brr)
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