#idk i know i shouldn't care but like. it's ridiculous that she keeps making those jokes even when no one's giggling
exclaims · 1 year
no bc it actually needs to be studies why straight girls are soooo comfortable making gay jokes like...
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modernchillthings · 2 years
I know I just did a little rant about Sooho so let me just talk about Sieun and why he is the way he is (or why I THINK so)
It's pretty obvious his parents neglect him, probably as early as childhood based on that flashback scene. I don't remember which parent said it but one of them most likely did not want to have a child and that outlook can definitely affect the way you raise your kid.
Based on that flashback, they were so unprepared with the thought of Sieun ever getting hurt (he had a broken arm I think?) I get being worried, but that was not worry to me tbh, it was more like they didn't expect raising kids to be so troublesome which is such a ridiculous notion! They get hurt, they get sick and you can't just expect a child to raise themselves no matter how smart or good they are. They need guidance! They need love!
And I don't remember what ep it was but when the dad asked Sieun if he still fell asleep in class or something like that and Sieun responded 'I don't do that anymore'. Idk that made me think that Sieun had like a chronic sleeping thing that he probably managed on his own just so he wouldn't trouble his parents. And the way Sieun at that age, understood how much 'trouble' he seemed to cause his parents, I think that's what started his very 'cold' and 'unfeeling' nature.
And from then on out, Sieun decided not to be a bother to his parents at all. That also made me think...okay, if he didn't want to bother them...then did he want to make them proud of him instead to show that he wasn't gonna be their problem?
And I get it, he's so me lol. Because I try so hard not to be a bother to not just my parents, but honestly any adult authority figure in my life. But the diff is, I kind of strive for that validation whereas Sieun...doesnt seem like he does, or at least not as much as he thought it would. Like what are his goals? Did he even want to go to a big college and be a big time 'something'? I don't even think we learned much about him and his motivations because it's true that he's so studious and gets so many awards and good grades and yes his parents praise him...but Sieun doesn't even look like he wants or cares about those praises anymore.
On the first ep. when he got that award and showed his dad, his dad seemed like he was genuinely proud of him but his reaction was just...😐 perhaps Sieun knows that his purpose in his parents eyes is to generate good grades and be a good kid so he just does that. Like 'ok I've done my purpose, on to the next task' and honestly that's so fucked up.
Anyways, yeah. I feel like he lost any sense of purpose. Maybe back then getting good grades and validation from his parents meant he wasn't being a bother to them and he prolly liked it but after a while, it kind of just burnt him out. Also maybe after his mother left and his dad started being away more often for work, it just didn't seem like it mattered to him but he still keeps going because it's the only thing that will grab his parents' attention. But again, at the same time, idk if he still even wants their attention. He doesn't even want to try anymore
When he was eating with his mom, you could tell the mom was distracted and Sieun must have felt so discouraged because he must have felt like a task to her, like something on her to do list to check off because how easily she pushes aside Sieun's presence and assumes he was done eating. Like she was already standing up, like she was waiting for an interruption. Sure, Sieun never said anything or expressed his needs but only because his parents never tried to understand him in the first place and idk...be an ACTUAL PRESENT ADULT FIGURE IN HIS LIFE!!
Sieun is such a complicated and interesting character and my only wish was for him to snap at his parents at least once. He almost did it with his dad at the hospital but he held back which he shouldn't have!! Yell at them! They deserve it! (hopefully we'll see that in s2)
I never really knew I would be so attached to him. Usually I get drawn towards the Sooho-type (and dont get me wrong, I love him too) but something about Sieun just makes me want to wrap him in a blanket and never let him go and give him the proper love and care and attention he deserves!
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
I was thinking abt the occasionally fun but mostly frustrating tradition(in the states at least idk for sure if anywhere else does this?)of valentine's day boxes made for school.
That led me here. steddyhands and the dilemma of the valentines day box assignment for louis and alma, special feature on izzy and his rising blood pressure (sorry izzy bby akdnfjgn), which I'll be real i talk more abt in my tags on this since this probably isn't gonna be written out any further, so yeah. More plot talky izzy stuff in my tags.
Noting this in my tags too, but a moment to specify that ed and stede aren't trying to have like. a shitty parenting moment in this, they're just human and excited abt the situation and sorta fuck up a bit.
"The point is that they make the box themselves," Izzy says, for what feels like the hundredth time. "The only grade they get is 'did they do it or not'. Their teachers bolded that part of the email, remember? Said to mind getting too competitive about it?"
"Now I think Frenchie would happily take on the commission," Stede continues, thumbs tapping at his phone keyboard. "He'll reply quickly; he always does for me."
"It's a cardboard box," Izzy says. "To hold paper and cardboard valentines and cheap candy. That's it!"
"Money will help, but the overall design needs to be good," Ed says to Stede, as if Izzy and the kids aren't still standing there. "Money can buy resources, but it can't buy pretty, no matter how nice those resources might be."
"Oh that's good! Applies to other things too, I like it!"
"We bought them new shoes last week," Izzy sighs. Why does he keep trying? He couldn't say. "They each have a box already. We just need to help them decorate the boxes. That's it. That is all the teacher means with this project. I even asked Mary and Doug how they read it, and they agreed with me!"
"Ooh Frenchie has mock ups!" Stede cheers softly. "I knew he'd come through."
"It's okay," Alma pats Izzy's hand. "You tried really hard to make them understand. They're just excited."
"Can we go to the art stuff store now?" Louis whines, tugging at Izzy's other hand. "They won't even notice if we leave!"
"We should leave a note at least," Izzy says.
"Dad does love well written notes and random acts of abandonment," Alma sighs. "You dictate and I'll write. I want to practice my cursive."
"Dad can't read my cursive well yet."
"That makes more sense," Izzy says. "Louis, what are you-"
He watches as Louis tugs Stede's wallet from the countertop, and bolts outside, prize held up over his head with both hands.
"He won't notice," Alma reassures him. "You shouldn't have to pay for our stuff for this anyway."
"You've done this before."
"We'd be stupid if we hadn't," Alma tears a page from her notebook. "Here, I wrote it myself. I'm gonna get Louis in the car."
She's out the door after Louis, hands clapping to get his attention just like Mary did with them both.
"Either of you want to help me address that?" Izzy asks Ed and Stede, who he realises have indeed not stopped talking to each other the entire time. "She's a bit young to be acting like that, yeah?"
They're in their own world. Normally, he wouldn't care, but he's Guardian Five out of many and it feels like Parent/Guardians 1-4 could and should have already noticed it ahead of him.
"Fine," Izzy drops Alma's note by Stede's hand, deciding not to read it. That she actually went through with writing it is kindness enough. "I'm going to let her rack up a ridiculous bill on one of your seven credit cards, and they'll make those stupid fucking valentine boxes so fucking ornate..."
His anger fizzes out mid-sentence. Stede isn't listening. Ed isn't listening. Alma keeps honking the horn in the car and how did she get the fucking keys?!
"You know what? Fast food and ice cream for dinner too," Izzy adds. "On your dime. We'll bring you something back."
He turns his attention to Alma and the frank abuse of the car's horn. "Alma! The neighbours already don't like us, let's not make it worse! Not unless you've got something worse than this planned for later-"
The door thunks shut.
"Oh," Stede looks over to it. "Didn't Izzy just say something?"
"No idea," Ed replies, looking through design ideas on his phone. "Why?"
"They were just here," Stede continues. "Him and the kids. Right?"
"Maybe they went out for an after school snack," Ed shrugs. "To get inspired for this big art box project thing."
"Is that what this is? What was this for again?"
"Dunno for sure, but look at this," Ed turns the phone to show Stede the screen. "For Louis?"
Stede lets his concerns drop again. Izzy will mention if they're missing any key details about the kids' projects and what needs to be done. "I think he'd love it! Save that."
The house is getting dark around them, and he wonders if Izzy and the kids will be home for dinner.
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
all righty, i am back and it's time for asks (if you'd like them of course)! :D have ☾, ☆, ♡, and ▼ for Galla and Sigilis! -kerra-and-company
Thank you @kerra-and-company :D War Cat Wives Time ❤
☾ - sleep headcanon
Sigilis snores like you would not believe, sounds like a freight train running over a mile of chainsaws. It was often the source of irritation for their old Warband because she would end up keeping some of the other members awake. It used to piss off Galla too, but the older they got the more it's become a comfort. Sort of a 'well at least she's still breathing even if it's loud as hell' thing.
Unlike her mate, Galla can fall asleep at anytime, as long as it's fairly quiet. As soon as she closes her eyes and has five minutes to relax - she's asleep. This is a turn that irritates Sigilis because she has insomnia and it takes her forever to fall asleep, if she does. Meanwhile Galla can go "Night." and be unconscious and in restful sleep in under 10 minutes.
☆ - happy headcanon
Sigilis has made it one of her life goals to teach and get Ruby to know as many of the worst insults/curses she knows. She's collected quite a few over the years and a treasure like that shouldn't be wasted. Every time the Sylvari insults something or comes up with her own curse, Sigilis swells with pride.
When Galla met the Olmakhan and saw that there were other ways to raise cubs besides shipping them all off to the Fahrar, she was so relieved. That at least some group of Charr had broken out of the f'ed up system she had been part of. It made her sad, in a way, too. Because the idea of raising cubs instead of just poppin' them out and sending them off forever appealed to her but she's well and past the age for it. So when Valens came along, a sprightly rebel teen with boundless enthusiasm, who needed some form of guidance to keep an eye out for her - she basically got her wish.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Idk if I've said this one before? I feel like I may have. Sigilis thrives on coming up with the worst petnames and ridiculous gushy metaphors, just to irritate her. She gives people she's decently fond of mildly insulting nicknames, people she doesn't care about don't even get one. But GALLA gets the most soppy, extreme, just plain stupid ones. One time she was looking for her at the Hero's Canton and kept going on and on until eventually Galla threw a bottle at her general direction.
("Has anyone seen the love of my life? the most beautiful creature to ever walk the land? the light of my heart? the diamond of my soul? apple of my eye? the embodiment of perfection? the sun of my sky? the sweetness of my-
"Oh there she is." )
And this one I know I've said before, but I'll add it here again. Sigilis loves playing with Galla's braids and hair. Though her mate pretends it annoys her - she actually does like it.
BONUS ROUND: Galla holds a lot of tension in her neck and shoulders, a left over from tensing when pit fighting. Sigilis will stop mid-project to give her a neck rub or just plant a kiss on the top of her shoulder to get her to realize that she's holding tension again.
Galla isn't the best with romantic gestures, but she hasn't given up yet in all the years they've been together. She'll buy her flowers (even if she doesn't see the point to them, they just wilt - that's more depressing than anything) or snacks (at least those have a functional purpose). She'll try to arrange dates (even though she's confused as to what makes a 'date' different than any other event together). But she still tries - and it's the attempt that charms the hell out of Sigilis.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Sigilis tried to run away from the Fahrar a time or two! She hated it with a burning passion because she always got in trouble (sometimes her fault, most of the time not her fault she probably has some form of ADD that's never been addressed). And didn't make friends easily since she put up with 0% of anyone's nonsense. Cubs being jerks? Just kick their ass. Primus punishing unfairly? Put nails in their seat cushion. Scrap duty for a month? Jokes on you - I'm doing it for three months and I'm not even bothering coming to class.
Galla, as she got older, she had several admirers and people who had a crush on her. Which confused her because - y'all legit were trying to kick my ass before, what gives? Hormones, Galla, the answer is hormones. She didn't know until way later that the reason why all the guys flirting with her made her so uncomfortable was because she wasn't into them. Sigilis, contrarily, knew she was into ladies very early on and spent a good long while crushing on Galla from afar.
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neuropathicgypsy · 6 years
I've been remembering things... like a normal person... and unlike a normal person and forgetting things also...
I keep remembering when Matt's grandpa saw me at Putt-Putt... at least twice.
The first time he kept touching me while I was playing this kiss the frog game... enough to where I punched him and pushed him nearly down cause he kept touching me behind me where I couldn't see him and then he grabbed my arm that's when I pushed him
Then he acted like nothing happened and asked me how I played the game. I told him I would move and he could play that's when he pushed against me again and I told him to wait and i would move and he said he didn't even want to play he just wanted to know how.
What the fuck was that shit? He walked away cause he was already Hurt cause I didn't look at him Like I play the games he does.
Then I saw him again on Joe's daughter's birthday and he was behind the counter and we had this whole discussion, Joe and I did about who he was and he just kept going off so he then pretended like he was Joe's dad.
He left the same time we did... I was there with my ex husband and daughter in my exhusbands car... I sat in the back seat because we were going to get divorced but I didn't trust him alone with my daughter so we did family things so I could make sure they could be social together and she could be safe.
Then another time in my parents town we went to walmart... which wasn't normal for us and we parked far from the doors and there was plenty of room near the doors... and when we left there was a white rental car parked next to ours but way closer than I felt should be normal... and I was all super paranoid while my kid got in the car and stood on her side of the car while she got in... a lot because she got startled by him... sitting in the car... on a laptop.
I knew it was the same guy I thought was Joe's dad.
But then i saw a photo of Matt's grandpa not too long ago...
Tonight I asked Matt.... are you sure I was pregnant with you kids and it wasn't your grandpa? Cause it really seems like your grandpa is a rapist and I don't remember getting pregnant by you and shouldn't that be something I remember?
I remember getting pregnant with my daughter and I must say it wasn't the best sex in my life and in fact I was quite tired and wasn't really into it but...
But I sense all this general badness wi th my getting pregnant earlier ...
I mean... my mom did get all crazy when she realized I was and we had to call the cops....
And we were in a lot of foster homes...
But it doesn't seem right...
His answer is: Matt your gramma will read that..
well it didn't stop him from getting his ass beat when his wife was at the putt-putt with him and their friends. I think she should know the truth about what her husband does. Quit hiding behind children. It also explains why the infants were murdered. Because before I couldn't understand. I've been thinking about it at least once a week for months.
So now Matt says we had had sex after I was pregnant, in a new foster Home and I had said "finally the first time we have had sex..." and I was very tired so I didn't finish
Matt thinks he's funny so he says "what?!? Those aren't my kids?!"
And I didn't know what to say because back then, I had amnesia a good portion of the time... I had gotten pregnant in the summer then sent back to my parents house to start school. And i no longer could button my pants and I knew zipping them up part of the way wasn't going to last long and I had to tell my mom I needed new clothes and it seemed like there was some alien weirdness inside me.
So then MATT also likes attention so he called everyone he knew to brag he had had sex.... and his grandpa said something about finding out when the DNA came out whose kids they were, his or his.
And Matt said "what are you telling me, you have been raping my woman?!"
And his grandpa snap hissed, "I told you I had sex with her, didn't i?!?"
He's that old plantation type that comes from negro slaves and that sort although his family was poorer than his wife's, he understood that a "man" got his sex however he pleased and a woman had no right to disobey him. Although if his negros went on strike and didn't do all his work for him, he'd been a poor man with nothing to his name so Idk who he thought he was that his duck was made of gold plated stainless steel cause it sure wasn't anything I'd write home about except to say everyone should stay away from it...
So to this terrible old white man, rape and sex was the same thing. If he was willing then she should be, too. And if she wasn't then she had her own problems that didn't matter to him and never will.
His problems don't matter to me, either. So whatever Matt's gramma has to do, his gramma has to do.
And his gramma has always known. That's why we went to foster care, I'm quite sure.
The story always was that since I was pregnant we had to be removed from the custodial care. Maybe my mom threw a fit but really she didn't and doesn't like me much so idk. But it didn't matter either because my dad had the upper hand being military and my father. And her just being a bitch.
And so the story was since I was pregnant the people we were with (his family and mine) didn't pay enough attention to us for us to be safe.
But we had sex in the foster hones and they knew and that was supposed to be the whole reason we had to be in foster care, because we had had sex.
And we were always placed together.
I know his gramma knew so this ass hole grandpa all saying "your grand MA is gonna read that matt" as if matts grandma's feelings had ever mattered to him is absolutely ridiculous.
"I told you I had sex with her didn't I boy" as an answer to "you raped her" ..... rape culture should never had a place in our history and shouldn't have a place in our future
His gramma is all distressed and I'm like what is the problem didn't you go to the lawyer?
And she's all yes I called but he said he can't see me till next week.
I told her do you can just do one online and it's not a big deal.
She says that's what Matt had told her.
So I ask Matt well did you? She seems really worried and he said yeah and you know my grandpa isn't home.
She said that he said he will come home immediately.
(Because obviously his 4th family isn't as important as making sure he gets his money)
So I'm all what's that short little man going to do to you.
She said something I can't quite remember
And I said "oh he's like Matt, he's got that Hagan charm, makes you want to forgive him as if it was that easy"
Then we go on and she can get all th documents to file for divorce quite easily and since his family was poor and her father protective of his daughter and his family assets she could file and leave him with nearly nothing.
Since he's got multiple families across the country I don't see why he should continue to scrounge off her.
Of course he would do the whole verbal abuse calling her a scrooge and all... but really what's worse the truth or manipulation? Always the truth otherwise there would be no manipulation
He is a rapist no one likes. He's a rapist which means he forces people to have sex with him.
She tried to protect me, Matt and babies she probably never met and he calls her a scrooge. Which is absolutely untrue. She sacrificed great grandchildren and her grandchild of a son whom was murdered and still her seriously scrooge manipulation husband had her great grandchildren killed because he didn't want to lose her money.
So since he did that then I think that absolutely she should divorce him and let him call her Scrooge cause the real scrooge is him and he has destroyed many lives for his own greed and to keep wealth that wasn't his.
Instead of allowing his ass to take money for his greed and multiple families and gambling she could create a charity or memorial or scholarships or all of the above and more.
And then we will all know who is really the Scrooge.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Can I just say something, Hazel is not v. realistic. Like I'm 13 and i can't say the same for all 13yolds but neither me nor my friends dream of growing old w/ a husband and like rick makes her and sammy to be soulmates and that's not how a 13yo's mind functions. Also, she shouldn't be completely dependant on her. And as someone who has experienced racism its v wierd that she only experiences in her schooling rather than also w/ her mum and even in new rome. 1/2
2/2 : And Rick just randomly makes the chracters diverse but then he forgets that race is a part of character. I mean Hazel was living in the 40s as an African American and now when she’s resurrected we hardly hear anything about her experiences w/ racism. It’s not realistic. I’d expect her to maybe have some centering as a character on that. I just think that Rick cannot display characters out of his perspecitve at all and im just very annoyed. idk what do u think on this all
When I was thirteen, we all didn’t quite think past the point of high school graduation - our life was in the now. We definitely did not think about growing old and picket fences.
But yeah, I said it in a post before - many posts by now - but Riordan writes only what he himself experiences. And that is the life of a fifty year old white CIS het man. And while I can’t attest for the CIS part because I’m not reading that one series that features the genderfluid character, you can feel every other aspect of that list very strongly.
You can feel the “fifty year old” when you read about literally every single teenager dreaming about the white picket fence.
You fan feel the “white” when you read Hazel, Reyna, Piper and Leo.
You can feel the “hetero” when you read the clumsy coming out of Nico at the end of Heroes of Olympus. And actually also in Will’s flippant attitude when talking to Nico about it, because in my experience as a fledgling lesbian, older and more experienced gays and lesbians were being very gentle and welcoming and not like “LOL that’s why I was trying to talk to you for so long because I’m gay too!”. That was just to retcon in that Will was also gay; had Riordan actually cared about the gay sub-plot before, then we would have had interactions between Will and Nico in PJatO.
You can feel the “man” at every female POV in the Heroes of Olympus series. Every. Single. One.
Gotta admit, as a white girl from Germany, I do not know how things are for black people in the US (you know, beyond the generic news coverage online and the police propaganda in cop shows), but nowadays with things like Black Panther, Black Lightning, Dear White People, Timeless (seriously, the part that I adore most about that show is how it dives into the female and black history, the kind that’s brushed under the rug), also gotta mention One Day at a Time here for the Latinx representation, I realized just how very… white-author the Heroes of Olympus characters feel.
Especially with Hazel it infuriates me because she comes from a different time and to include how her experience is, how things have changed - and worse yet, how things haven’t changed - would be so incredibly interesting. How she experiences everything.
I mean, seriously, Percy got shunned for being a son of Neptune because Neptune was feared - but so was Pluto. Just how awful must it have been for the black daughter of Pluto in New Rome…?
But oh no, worry not, the black girl from the 40s with no knowledge of the modern world perfectly integrated into New Rome in 2010. No issues here at all.
We live in a time and age where not everyone can be straight and white.
We live in a time and age where representation isn’t just asked for, we demand it, because the world isn’t straight and white.
So the author of the book series where every single major character was white started sweating. (Beckendorf and Ethan were the only non-white characters and oh look, both got killed off.)
So he… he literally just looked around what there is to represent and just slapped a label on each of his characters, like a check-list.
We need A Black Character - Hazel, check.
We need An Asian Character - Frank, check.
We need A Gay Character - Nico, check.
We need A Native American Character - Piper, check.
We need A Latinx Character - oh, let’s be generous on that one; Leo and Reyna, double check.
I didn’t notice that back then, when I first read the books. But by now…?
I’m not saying I could do better - heck, unlike Riordan I also have the disadvantage of living in Europe and thus not even second-hand witnessing what the American Experience might be like for people of color - but if you decide to write a major book series and represent something you are not familiar with - may it be being gay, or from a different cultural background, or being a woman - then you should at the very least put the research into it to back it up.
Or, the easier cop-out, stick to what you did before.
And I don’t mean that as “just write whites”.
It really would be less of an issue if Heroes of Olympus had still been only from Percy’s perspective. Because we would have only gotten to meet the characters through Percy’s eyes - and not their own.
Because then we wouldn’t have had those flashbacks to Hazel’s past, we wouldn’t have to question how it came that those characters didn’t think about certain things or complain how they all seemed to think about other things collectively. And literally no one would have complained about a lack of POV changes, because PJatO didn’t have those - it was all Percy, so no one would have questioned if the sequel had also all been Percy.
It’s one thing writing about characters, but it’s different writing as characters. And in my personal opinion, Riordan shot himself in the foot by making HoO a POV split between this very diverse cast of characters, without having the actual background knowledge to flesh them fully out.
Not to mention the part where I generally think that going from one POV up to three and then to seven and nine different POVs had already been too much of a jump, but if you do that with so many different characters, who should also all have a different feeling to them, that only makes a difficult task that much more difficult.
Now, obviously, having the Seven all be white males would have been a disaster and also the wrong choice.
There are different things that could have been done though.
Like I mentioned, keeping it Percy’s POV, which we all would have been used to and no one would have questioned (heck, even if he had just done it a Jason and Percy POV due to Lost Hero).
Doing actual research for the things you write about. Also an option.
Or dialing down on the unknown. Let’s not forget, he wasn’t just juggling seven characters who represented something he wasn’t personally familiar with (also including Annabeth, because girl), out of the total of nine main characters all but three were completely new and had to be introduced.
In my personal opinion, he should have carried more characters than just Percy and Annabeth (and then later on also Nico, but not important enough to be one of the Seven) over into this book-series.
Clarisse, for example - she is over twenty, she is an experienced fighter and hero. That’d be a female character to be fully explored, but who has already been introduced (and would have made more sense than Frank, Hazel, Leo and Piper on terms of them literally having been introduced to the demigod world barely months prior with a total of one quest of experience before going to war).
Chris Rodriguez, who while never explicitely stated to be Latino as far as I remember, the name does imply and Riordan could have doubled down on that and included him. Hermes is a very diverse god, considering how much Riordan played with the powers of not overly powerful gods like Bellona or Aphrodite or Hephaestus, he could have done the same with Chris. It’d also have been fascinating to see the former traitor work hard to earn back his place at camp and to explore the mental strain put on him in the Labyrinth.
You would not have to start from scratch if you take characters you already have established. It makes everything easier, both for you as the writer and also for the readers, who don’t have to familiarize themselves with half a dozen completely new main characters.
And it takes away that edge of it being utterly ridiculous that, despite both camps having veteran heroes who fought in the Titan War and are around 20 years of age, they decided to send four kids who are essentially total newbies and of whom one is 13 and two are 15.
But yeah, those are just… personal picks on how he could have handled it better. Me, I simply wouldn’t have written about a prophecy of seven because this is a damn war. Seriously, the quest for Atlas, a minor stepping-stone on the way to the Titan War, already featured five main players with Percy, Thalia, Grover, Bianca and Zoe, only two less than this entire freaking war needed according to the prophecy.
Have it be the Giant War. Feature all of those new characters, but also your already established ones. Keep it first person Percy POV and show them fighting together, instead of singling only seven demigods out in something that is supposed to be an all out war against Mother Earth.
Neither of those are be all end all kind of answers to the problem, but suggestions on how it could have been handled differently.
The important thing would be growth and as someone for whom HoO was just too much, I can not judge that. Because everyone makes mistakes and everyone grows as a writer. So if Riordan saw what he did and learned from it - I know one of the Magnus Chase mains is a Muslima, another is mute, I think, and one is genderfluid, so if all of those are handled with more respect, research and dedication and it shows that he learned from the past, then that’s good and okay, because nobody is perfect and it’s all a learning curve, but if those are also just cardboard cut-outs put in place to be Representation, then that’d be… sad, I guess. And disappointing.
But, well, due to not having read that - and not planning on reading that - I can’t attest to it. I can just hope for the best for the readers who seek representation and got giddy about the prospect. I hope they didn’t get disappointed in that.
And I hope he will continue to learn from mistakes and grow as a writer, because yeah I generally don’t wish anyone anything bad and I truly, truly loved Percy Jackson and the Olympians. He hurt himself by trying too many new things in the sequels and if he learns to handle that and return the writing to the quality of PJatO, that’d be pretty amazing.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: [Picture of messy Nancy] Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Is this gonna be my fault too, like? Rio: Nah Rio: Sure she could make a case but School is stressing her, got that info 'fore we got here so you're good Rio: How's your evening going, like Buster: Being hungover's really gonna help her ace all those classes but whatever Buster: I'll be the boring twin for the night again Rio: It's alright, we got it sorted before we went out Rio: she's helping me get my CV out Buster: Yeah? Buster: Proud of you, babe Rio: Maybe I'll work at the gay club, keep an eye on her Buster: The way she's going, someone needs to Buster: Maybe get off my back mum, you know Rio: She reckons the teachers don't really help her out now, since you know Rio: Idk if I should tell your Ma or if Nance will flip if I do Rio: I've told her to ask the others for help more Buster: We should tell her, she thinks she's failed me so she can claw some good parent points back Buster: But yeah, be careful 'cause Nance might not appreciate it as much as mum will Rio: Why does she think that? Buster: 'Cause I had to tell her how unhappy I was, you know, before Buster: So she'd cut us some slack now Rio: Ahh Rio: Yeah, imagine she wasn't buzzing to hear that Rio: I think Nance was okay but she wants to talk to you Buster: You're not wrong Buster: Well, I'll await the drunk texts then Buster: Always fun Rio: Yeah, leave it 'til she's sobered up and make her accountable, like Buster: Yeah Buster: So how drunk are you? Rio: Not even! Rio: How rude Rio: professional Buster: Just checking Rio: 😒 Rio: No faith, honestly Buster: Nance drives the best of us to join her drinking, that's all Rio: I mean, not being a nun about it Buster: Good to know Rio: Idk if I fuck with the vibe of this one anyway Rio: not to be a fussy bitch about it but you know Buster: You're a know-it-all that's your vibe, gotta trust it Buster: You'll find somewhere else Rio: Not that I can convince her to move on just yet Buster: It's like that then Buster: I see Rio: You know Rio: suppose I could leave her to it and pick her up like the 👵 I've become Buster: Ma life Buster: It don't sound like she'd mind though, so do what you want, babe Rio: 🙄 Rio: I'm bored Buster: Me too Buster: It's shit Rio: What are you doing Buster: I got talked into going to the literal worst house party I've ever been at Buster: I'm just gonna leave Rio: Ahh fun times Rio: People stop having house parties when you're out of school, which is weird because it's your house now like, you can do what you want Rio: is there not even decent booze to steal? poor boy Buster: 'Cause they're always shit and not worth the damage cunts are trying to cause to ease their boredom Buster: Nah, not even, I've got better at home, cheers Rio: True Rio: the shit Indie and her mates have wrecked Rio: and that's just 'cos they're clumsy stoners, like Rio: but we sound 100 this is ridiculous Buster: 😒 Buster: Is this what happens when you put a ring on it 'cause sorry, like Rio: Ugh, don't Rio: and we're getting carried away Rio: Gracie is sending me dress options and your sister basically wants her fee now, like Buster: Fuck that Buster: Forget carried away I'm about to run away from all their bullshit Rio: Yeah well take me with Rio: I'm the one fielding most of their bullshit IRL Buster: I'm sorry, babe Rio: It's alright Rio: They're just compensating for how weird it makes 'em feel but Rio: already over it Buster: At the start of this convo I was gonna say I wanna come home but Rio: Baby Rio: I miss it just being us Buster: I wish we could go somewhere else Buster: Fucking school Rio: I know Rio: least when exams start you do most at home right and just go in for the actual tests Buster: Giving me more time to miss you, like Rio: Nah, I mean Rio: we can work with that Rio: you can come here or I'll go there whatever Rio: I just need to get this flat situation sorted for Inds, she's staying 'round the house but it's not ideal Rio: especially when Eds comes back Buster: I can get a flat for you Buster: Probably not Drew's but a better one maybe Buster: Until then could you two not stay in the one over the pub? Rio: I don't actually know Rio: but I should ask Rio: I know the last student they had in there graduated but that was a while back now Buster: Hit up Granddad he'll never say no to you Rio: Worth a shot Rio: Got any other good ideas whilst we're here, babe? Buster: Always Buster: Get a drink first Buster: Catch up to me Rio: Long Island it is Rio: gotcha Buster: At least you ain't in Chelsea, could run through all your funds with a tab like that Buster: A tiny silver lining for you Rio: Is it? Rio: not even gonna buy me a drink now, okay 😜 Buster: I reckon that was another thing going in the vows Buster: 'Cause you hate it when I buy you shit Rio: Yeah I mean, exceptions to the rule though Rio: not trying to bankrupt myself Buster: I love you Rio: Love you idiot Buster: Cheers for looking so good it keeps me on your socials instead of my sister's Buster: That's another reason, like Rio: Yeah? Rio: Good to know you're still interested, like Buster: Good to know that my absence doesn't make you into a car crash, you know Buster: Save that for her Rio: Little harsh Rio: but don't think you need to take responsibility for it either Buster: Don't worry I wasn't Buster: I didn't break her heart like that Rio: Reality always gonna take that shot Buster: Anyway, bit rich to call me harsh when I bet she was saying worse about me Rio: You wanna know or? Rio: Should probably let you tell you herself Buster: I'm sure I'll hear it all firsthand tonight with no filter Rio: It wasn't that bad Rio: I just put her right on some things Buster: You're cute Buster: Defending my honor Rio: You're not mad? Buster: Why would I be? Rio: idk Rio: 'cos I'm emasculating you or some shit Buster: Shut up Buster: I like that you wanna speak up for me Rio: I'm glad you aren't mad Buster: It's hot, babe Buster: You are Rio: Shh Buster: Never Rio: I miss you Buster: I know Buster: I want you here Rio: I wish I was Buster: Me too Buster: I'd even rather be there and deal with the bullshit than be here without you Rio: Yeah? Rio: At least you can come when this kid finally shows Buster: Thank fuck Buster: Even my mum couldn't fault me there Rio: Be in the shit if you didn't put in an appearance Buster: Yeah, Ro loves me so much you can't dull the shine, babe Buster: I'm the fave Rio: Charming Rio: Only 'cos you're such a 🤓 Buster: You love it too Buster: Win, win Rio: 😒 Rio: Oh yeah, we'll bond over that Buster: 'Course Buster: You're welcome Rio: Truly who I want as my new BFF Rio: not got that old and boring, tah Buster: Glad to hear it Buster: As shit as it is to miss you I don't want you to change so I don't, like Rio: 😏 Yeah trapped now dickhead Buster: Charming Rio: 😂 you didn't wanna change me, like Buster: Yeah yeah Rio: Basically in the vows, soz Buster: It's fine, I'll write my own Rio: Uhmmm Rio: Slightly concerning Buster: Rude Rio: You want your ego stroked go to your Auntie babe Buster: I reckon she's a bit busy right now but I'll bear it in mind Rio: Is she tho Rio: we all waiting Buster: Always on the verge of that breakdown, takes time and a toll Rio: Oh my God Rio: speak of the devil, that was freaky Buster: What? Buster: Rio? Buster: Why am I talking to myself? What the fuck? Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Buster: You're freaking me out now Rio: Sorry, sorry Rio: That was a whole thing Rio: Drew was here Rio: first time I've seen him since, first time anyone has but Indie, like Buster: Are you okay? Rio: Yeah, I mean Rio: he was gross as ever but what's new Buster: What did he do? Rio: Nothing, like Rio: he's just always got chat ain't he Rio: though no one asked him Buster: Alright then what did he say? Rio: You're not going to be happy but she didn't hear him, like he wasn't saying it to her Rio: just some shit about being able to turn her, every straight boy ever Buster: Are you sure she didn't hear it Rio: Pretty sure, she was chatting to some girl at the time, like Rio: distracted anyway when he saw the ring Rio: that was fun Buster: Do you wanna go home? Buster: Nance will understand Rio: Fuck that Rio: Only here dealing anyway he's had to go off now, like Buster: Good Rio: How has he still not changed, like at all Rio: he didn't even ask about Indie Rio: or Ro or the baby or any of it Buster: He's a cunt Buster: He don't wanna change Buster: Or deal with any of it Buster: There's only one type of dealing he knows how to do, like Rio: Christ Rio: it almost makes you feel sorry for him Rio: what's it gonna take, man Buster: Maybe on his death bed when no fucker cares he'll have an epiphany Buster: I doubt the next stint in prison will do anything Buster: Are you gonna tell Indie you saw him? Rio: What's the point Rio: Poor bitch Rio: she don't need to know Buster: Yeah Buster: You're right Rio: It ain't giving her any false hope by not she still hates him Rio: but I don't need to drive home a point she already knows too well, like Buster: It's so fucked Rio: Yep Rio: and I'm the one feeling like the fucked up one Rio: thanks, Drew Buster: Fuck that Buster: Don't Rio: I'm trying Buster: I know, baby Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Not your fault Buster: But you shouldn't have to handle this on your own all the time Buster: I should be there Rio: It's nothing I can't handle Buster: Still Buster: I wanna handle him for you, the cunt Rio: So cute Buster: I'll find him when I'm back it won't be hard to do Rio: No you won't Rio: you'll be too busy Buster: Promises, promises Rio: You know you will, golden boy Buster: Fuck off Rio: Rude Buster: It ain't my fault you're not selling this Buster: Do you want me back or do you want me to run in the other direction from everyone else, like Rio: Sorry Rio: I'm being a bitch Buster: Don't say sorry Buster: Talk to me properly Rio: I don't know, I just feel gross Buster: Are you sure you don't wanna leave? Rio: I just want to be with you Buster: I know Buster: If you can get somewhere you can hear me, I'll call you Rio: Alright Rio: I feel like a party pooper Buster: Don't Buster: I wouldn't be faring any better if I saw that cunt out and about Buster: You know I wouldn't Rio: It's so stupid Rio: why do I even care Buster: It's not stupid Buster: He gets under your skin, he's always been good at it, with everyone Rio: Yeah Rio: Gotta be good at something right Buster: Exactly Buster: You know you'd tell me he ain't worth it, babe Rio: Yeah but what do I know Buster: Please Buster: You're a know-it-all and I love it Rio: Don't take the piss babe Buster: I ain't Rio: I have no idea what I'm doing Buster: Who the fuck does? Rio: At least you all have plans Buster: We have plans together, don't we? Rio: Yeah but I can't just piggyback off yours can I Buster: You won't be Buster: You can do anything you want Buster: When you decide what that is Rio: This is exhausting Rio: I should've finished School Buster: Shit that's worth having doesn't come easy, babe Buster: and you still can, if you want Rio: Well it'd be nice if it did Rio: just for a change, like Buster: You're telling me Rio: Fuck it Rio: I'm going somewhere else Buster: With Nance or without? Rio: She's busy Rio: I'll give her my location if she cares, like Buster: You can't say fairer than that Buster: Or do more, like Rio: Yeah Rio: she don't need a babysitter Rio: and not the job I'm after Buster: Where are you going? Rio: Not decided Rio: see where I end up Buster: Just try not to end up where he is again Buster: That's all I'm thinking Rio: Wow Rio: like I'm that stupid Buster: Calm down Rio: Nah you know what, I'll go back find him, see if he wanna get high again Rio: for fuck's sake Buster: How about you leave your attitude in this club and walk out Buster: Jesus Rio: Fuck off Buster: Don't take this out on me Rio: Go away then Buster: You're an idiot Buster: No Rio: I know, you've made it abundantly clear you think so Buster: Bullshit Rio: Whatever Rio: I don't wanna talk Buster: Stop doing this Rio: What Rio: Doing what Buster: Shutting me out Buster: It's shit that you couldn't keep avoiding Drew, fuck knows I wish you could, but how is giving me the silent treatment gonna help? Rio: Look, it ain't personal Rio: I don't want to think anymore Rio: I'm just gonna go get fucked up Buster: Fuck you Buster: It is personal 'cause I love you Rio: I know you do Buster: Just talk to me Buster: Let it go that way Rio: I've got nothing good to say Rio: everything is just Rio: not even shit Rio: just mind-numbingly meh Rio: I'm back in my childhood bedroom, for fuck's sake Buster: So do something about it Buster: That isn't getting fucked up Rio: I fucking am Rio: but I'm pissed off because I sank so much money into making his place decent and he's probably trashed it already Buster: Let's get it back then Buster: Or somewhere better Rio: How Rio: Ask him nice Rio: it's not like it's his Rio: it's done now but it just makes me realise how much time I've wasted Buster: It's not a waste Buster: You did it to help Indie Rio: Yeah well Buster: Yeah well nothing Buster: We'll figure this out Rio: You're being disgustingly optimistic, you knos Buster: Shut up Buster: Let me help you Rio: I'm just being dramatic Rio: must be catching Buster: Hilarious Buster: I've texted Granddad as soon as he texts me back I'll let you know Rio: Why have you done that Buster: To see if the flat's free, obviously Rio: I could've done that myself Buster: It's done Buster: If you want something to do make me a list of anything you actually want from Drew's so I can go get it when I'm back home Buster: I know they only got your bedroom shit, I remember you saying Rio: Why are you even bothering right now Rio: I've been nothing but a dick to you all night, never mind being useless with it Buster: Do you actually need me to answer that? Buster: Come on, Rio Rio: I'm sorry Rio: I'll do better Buster: Don't Buster: I don't want it or need it Buster: And you're allowed to have a bad night, especially after seeing him again Rio: What do you want or need Rio: salvage this night from being a total write-off, like Buster: You Buster: That's all Rio: You've got me Rio: I'm here now, honest Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Rio: [Selfie] Rio: See? Buster: You look so fucking good Buster: I see that Rio: Send me one back Rio: I miss your face Buster: [selfie] Buster: Feel better? Rio: 😊 Yes Rio: You're so pretty Buster: You and me both, babe Buster: God, I miss you so much Rio: I miss you more Rio: defending you just made me realize how much I actually love you Buster: Well good, 'cause it'd be a bit awkward if you didn't at this point Rio: Shh I'm being sincere Buster: Carry on Rio: 😏 Rio: I don't know, think the moment's gone Buster: [Sends more pics] Buster: Are you sure? Rio: Fuck Rio: you are oh-so convincing, aren't you? 🤤😻 Buster: You tell me Rio: You are Rio: you really fucking are Buster: That definitely felt sincere Rio: I'm more than down to prove it to you, babe Buster: Yeah? Rio: [Bathroom nudes] Rio: Believe me now? Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay I believe you Rio: Good Rio: I love you so much Buster, don't forget Buster: I won't Buster: You know I can't Rio: Don't ever wish you could Buster: Never, baby Buster: You're so fucking perfect I have to keep you forever Rio: Please Rio: that's all I want Buster: You're all I want Buster: And I want you so much Rio: How much Buster: I heard your name in class, meaning the place, obviously, but I was so distracted I literally heard nothing else all lesson Buster: If I could have gotten away with touching myself at my desk I would've Rio: Baby Rio: I get you in so much trouble, don't I? Buster: I get myself in trouble Buster: You're an angel Rio: No, you're a good boy Rio: you didn't touch yourself once/ Buster: I wanted to but I didn't trust myself to stop if I did Rio: Just because you heard my name Rio: what did it make you think of? Buster: I couldn't stop thinking about how much you like hearing me say it Buster: That's how it started at least Rio: I do Rio: It sounds better when you say it Buster: You say my name like you're tasting it and me Buster: I think I'd do anything if you said it in a certain way, like Rio: I wish Rio: I know you would Rio: but I'm never gonna ask you to do anything you don't wanna do, trust me Buster: There's nothing you could ask me for that I wouldn't wanna give you Rio: Interesting Rio: I'm going to have A LOT of fun testing that Buster: Me too Rio: Now I'm distracted Buster: I'd say sorry but since you left I've woken myself up 'cause of dreaming about you so many times that I'm actually not Rio: No fair Rio: you know that's my favourite Rio: I'd help you get back to sleep, your dreams would be so sweet, like Buster: The other night I had to watch a video of you begging me to cum to make me so I could go back to sleep Rio: Fuck Rio: I love making you cum Rio: it's my favourite thing to do Buster: If I don't get to really see you soon I'm gonna go insane Buster: It's so much harder than before Rio: I know Rio: I can feel you touching me and holding me and kissing me all the time but it's never enough it's the worst kind of teasing Buster: Yeah same Rio: You'll be here soon Rio: and you only have to be a little bit social Rio: I can keep you the rest of the time Buster: I don't care if none of the others get to see my face Buster: I just want you Rio: Motivation to get a place, we can be as loud as we need Rio: 'cos I need to tell you how much I've missed you over and over Rio: and over, like Buster: I really fucking need that Rio: I know baby Buster: Whether the pub flat is occupied or not, I'll find you somewhere perfect, babe Rio: I love you Buster: I love you Buster: Everything's gonna be okay Rio: Yeah? Buster: I promise Buster: Whatever we have do to make it happen Rio: Okay Rio: I believe you Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you know I mean it Rio: You're so nice Buster: Shh Rio: You know you are Rio: I wish everyone else knew it too Buster: It's for you Buster: I don't care what anyone else thinks about me Buster: Unless you wanna tell 'em Buster: 'Cause like I said, that's hot Rio: You're silly Rio: What's so special about me Buster: I'm gonna have to work harder if you're still asking that question Rio: I wouldn't say no to you working me out right now Buster: I'm not gonna say no to that Buster: Where are you? Rio: Different club, same shit Rio: Where do you want me to be? Buster: You can stay there, we can make it work Buster: Tell me how you want me, you've had a shit night, you deserve everything you want Rio: 👑 right? Buster: You know it, baby Rio: Hmm, there's just so many ways I want you Rio: It's hard to choose Buster: Public or private? Start there Rio: If I don't get to be alone with you I want you public Buster: I like the way you think Rio: As if seeing him wasn't bad enough, every boy out here tryna prove how much they aren't you Buster: Forget them Buster: I'm right here Rio: I want to Rio: Make me Buster: [sends a video] Rio: Daddy Rio: How do you get me like this so easy Buster: 'Cause you're mine Rio: Yes Rio: Say it again Buster: You're all mine Buster: Forever Rio: Fuck Rio: I can't wait 'til you're here Rio: and we can be together all the time Buster: Me either Buster: It's the only thing keeping me sane here right now Rio: Everything is gonna be so good and so right Rio: I promise Buster: I know Rio: Not to mention you can fuck me everyday 😋 Buster: All day Rio: Well Rio: Might have to do some work baby Buster: Shh Rio: 😏 Okay Rio: all day every day Rio: I'm going to make you cum more than you've cum in your whole life Buster: I can't wait for you to prove that Rio: You won't need a video no more Rio: I'll be begging for your cum at your feet baby Buster: Jesus Rio: I want it so bad, it's all for me, isn't it daddy? Buster: You can have everything Buster: Anything Rio joined the chat 10 hours ago Rio: All I really want is you Rio: that's just how it is Rio: I wanna live good with you Buster: That's easy Rio: For you, 'cos you're the best Rio: no one has ever been this good to me Buster: It's a good thing you said yes to marrying me then Buster: 'Cause I always will so you don't need to worry about anyone else anymore Rio: I guess so Rio: How did they expect me to say no? Buster: My mum thinks I'm too young to know what I want Buster: Both hypocritical and hilarious Rio: Just one of those parental things they feel they have to say, probably Rio: when they don't know what they actually reckon Buster: Yeah Buster: Nobody in this family can just let there be a silence about anything Rio: Yeah, unless it's about Drew Buster: Literally Buster: It pisses me off,  I have to be held accountable for everything when I'm not doing anything wrong but he can do whatever he fucking likes Rio: It's a joke Rio: not even a good one Rio: I don't know why Grandad didn't fuck him up ages ago, he's far from being a kid now Buster: 'Cause he's the kind of petty cunt who'd take you down for making him look a mug Buster: Granddad's got too much to lose Rio: Yeah Rio: I know you're right Rio: I wish someone would though, Christ Buster: You should've let me Rio: What, like you've got nothing to lose? Rio: You got to break his nose, more than I did, like Buster: You could too, or worse Buster: I won't stop you, I'll help you Rio: You're funny Rio: but nah, that ain't how it goes down Rio: I just freeze Rio: I don't know why, him, Ryan, always happens Buster: Baby Rio: Don't be sad Rio: Like you said, I don't have to worry about anyone else anymore Rio: especially not them Buster: I just hate that all that shit happened to you Rio: I know Rio: I feel the same about the things that have happened to you Buster: I should have got my shit together and told you I loved you sooner Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Maybe it would've fucked shit up, who knows Buster: Okay yeah Buster: I'll take that Buster: I was a twat Rio: Awh baby 😂 Rio: I mean yeah Rio: we were all on our bullshit, just the age, idk how both our parents stayed so about each other Buster: They were both as bad as each other Buster: You were above me Rio: Please Buster: Come on Buster: Deny it Buster: You can't Rio: How good could I be Rio: I was such a hot mess, letting boys like that treat me like shit, like Buster: Shut up Buster: That wasn't your fault Rio: No one made me go out with wasteman Rio: I can own it Buster: It's not like you signed up for it Buster: You weren't there like let me find the shittest fucking prick in the 24 to get with Rio: Obviously I didn't know everything, I mean, I still thought he was alright, just a bit of a lad Rio: but there were plenty of warning signs I was happy to ignore like an idiot Rio: all his 'crazy' exes, for a start Buster: As someone who literally has a crazy 'ex' if we can give Chlo that much credit, it's not always that simple, babe Buster: You wanna see the good in people, don't let him think that's a mistake just 'cause he used it wrong Buster: make you* Rio: It's such a fucking catch 22 Rio: he knows how to play it, give him that Rio: 'cos now if I try to warn his next, I'm just one of those crazies who's actually obsessed with him, prick Buster: Yeah Buster: It'd be impressive if it wasn't so fucked Rio: You've got better game Rio: More fun Buster: Cheers, babe Buster: I'd fucking hope so, like Rio: Not high praise, fair Rio: but you already know you're the best I've ever had baby Buster: Tell me again though Buster: I love hearing it Rio: No other boy knows me like you Rio: so no other boy can turn me on like you because it's you, everything you do is my fetish, my fantasy, you're so Rio: Jesus, I need you Buster: You know no other girl knows me, yeah? End of story Buster: You're the only one Rio: So lucky Rio: seriously Rio: I'm so glad I know you, Buster Buster: I'm glad you wanna know me Rio: Of course I do Rio: I always have Rio: Why wouldn't I? Buster: I haven't really sold it before now, like Buster: Nobody else is trying that hard for a reason Rio: You were never as bad as you're saying, or think Rio: I want you to know that, no bias Buster: Shh Rio: I mean it Rio: You were just a kid Rio: it's ridiculous to judge yourself by those old standards, never mind anyone else still doing it Buster: I know what I was Buster: I can own it Rio: I'm just saying Rio: Maybe it's time to let it go Buster: Stop being right all the time Buster: So annoying Rio: You love it Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: I'm gonna look after you Buster: I wish you were here with me now Rio: Me too Rio: My poor baby Rio: You need to destress Buster: We both do Rio: We're going away as soon as we can Rio: Somewhere hot and far away and it'll just be us Buster: That's all I want for us, babe Rio: First, gotta flex your brain and get those A*s Buster: On it Buster: I've been getting decent feedback in spite of the rest of this bullshit going on Buster: It'll be easy Rio: I know, you work so hard Rio: I'm proud of you Buster: I'm proud of you too Rio: I'm not doing anything to be proud of right now but I'm gonna make you Buster: Bullshit Buster: I see you working hard, baby Buster: You've even been helping Nance do hers Rio: Anyone else would do the same Buster: Nah Buster: You're an angel and you know it Rio: Baby Rio: you make me melt Buster: Prove it Rio: Ah, so daddy wants to see how hot he's got his baby girl, yeah? Rio: Hold on, can't upskirt myself here and now for you in this outfit, sadly Buster: That's what happens when you go out with my sister Buster: Priorities, babe Rio: I'm sorry 😔 Rio: I didn't know how badly I'd need easy access without you here but I should've known you'd have be needing to touch myself Buster: Lesson learned Rio: I don't know, I still think I'll need you to really show me when you're here Rio: [Snaps] See? Such a big wet patch, so messy Buster: Christ Rio: I know Rio: You see how much I need you, daddy? Buster: I'm this close to getting on a flight so I can fulfill that need for you that's all I know Rio: Such a good daddy Rio: loves his baby so much Rio: but you can take care of me from there, that's how trained you've got me Buster: If you keep talking like this I'm not sure I'll be able to do anything Buster: You're so fucking hot Rio: That's okay, I can do it Rio: I'm a big girl, let baby do all the hardwork and you just lie back and enjoy the show Buster: How do you not know that you're perfect? Rio: I know you think I am Rio: and that makes me so happy Buster: I don't think it, I know it Rio: Every time you say that, it makes me tighter Rio: I wish it was your cock inside me instead of my fingers so you could feel how good I feel Buster: Soon baby Rio: I know Rio: I try to be patient but you know I'm bad at taking my time when you're not telling me to Buster: It's okay, I feel it too Buster: I just fucking need you Rio: You've got me Rio: I'm fucking myself for you so hard Buster: Yeah you are Buster: You're gonna cum for me so hard too Rio: Is that what you want, daddy? You want me to make an even bigger mess for you?  I'm so fucking needy and helpless right now, your baby girl is whimpering your name, anyone can come in hear how fucking much you own her Buster: It's exactly what I want Rio: Good, I wanna be your good girl, I wanna make you as happy as you make me Rio: and I feel like I'm gonna squirt, so it's going to be loud and messy in here Buster: Fuck Buster: I wanna see you so badly Buster: You look so fucking beautiful like this Rio: I'm recording for you best I can Rio: so you can enjoy it whenever you miss me Buster: Oh god Buster: The sound I just made then Buster: I've never been happier about the layout of this house 'cause I swear if you turn me on anymore I could still wake my dad up Rio: I can't be sorry Rio: the way you moan could make me cum by itself Buster: I'll record it for you 'cause I know even with all the others you have of me you can't get enough Rio: I can't, I wanna hear every time I get you off Rio: it's only right Rio: You're moaning my name, fucking yourself to the thought of me and my body Buster: Every word you say gets me closer, I can't get over it Buster: You're so Buster: I don't even have any words, like Rio: I don't wanna waste a single one Rio: if I'm not telling you how good you are and how good you make me feel, what's the point? Buster: You're too good Rio: It's all for you Rio: No one else Buster: Good, I need it all Rio: My whole body is yours, daddy Rio: nah, all of me, heart, soul, whatever the fuck else, me, I'm for you Buster: Rio Buster: I don't know how this happened but I'm so fucking glad it did Rio: Me either Rio: it just did Rio: but it feels right, like it's how it was always meant to be Buster: It does Buster: I don't have any fucking clue how I ever got this far without you Rio: I know Rio: I barely function without you now and it's like Rio: I hadn't seen you properly for so long before, then there was so much waiting and wanting before anything even happened Buster: Yeah Buster: Stay with me, okay Buster: No matter what Rio: Of course Rio: I need to Buster: I love you Rio: I love you so much Buster Buster: Say my name again Rio: Buster Rio: My Buster Buster: Every time I reckon I can't moan any louder you do something to prove me wrong Rio: Good, be loud with me Buster: For you Rio: You're such a good boy Rio: know just what to say to make me go harder Rio: deeper Buster: I need you to cum Buster: Do it for me Rio: Yes, keep going Rio: Tell me what to do, I'm so fucking close Buster: Stop being a tease and go harder Rio: Oh God Buster: You know how you want it Rio: I do, I want it to be so good it hurts Rio: I love it when I make you lose control like that and you fuck me like the whore I am Buster: I need you to feel it tomorrow when you're back home celebrating with the fam Buster: Don't forget about me Rio: Baby that's so fucked up Rio: I fucking love it Buster: Do it then Rio: Yes sir Rio: I'm not as good as you but I'm really trying Buster: You're so good baby Buster: Don't stop trying Rio: Can I leave bruises Rio: as I'm pretending to be you Buster: If you can Buster: I want you to Rio: I don't know how I haven't been kicked out Rio: I'm nearly screaming Buster: Maybe they're all enjoying it too Rio: I like that, Jesus Buster: Or maybe they know you couldn't stop even if they tried to make you Rio: Seriously Rio: There's no way I can now Buster: Don't Buster: Finish what you started Rio: I promise Rio: I'm not going to do you like that daddy, I know you need your baby to cum so you can too Buster: Please Rio: You've earnt it Rio: If you were here I would reward you with letting you cum wherever you want Rio: before letting you clean mine up, of course Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Where do you wanna cum, daddy? Buster: You know how good your tits look tonight dressed like that Buster: Easy decision Rio: Mmm, I like that one too Rio: means I can look you in the eyes when I lick up every drop Buster: Baby Rio: Yes daddy? Buster: You've got me so desperate Rio: Is your cock leaking precum for me? Buster: Jesus, I'm so close right now Rio: Please cum for me, I want it so badly Rio: I'll do anything to make you cum, daddy, anything Buster: I'm making so much noise for you Buster: I just wanna cum Rio: Let go, baby Rio: I bet your Dad has already heard you Rio: it's okay Buster: I bet half the street has heard me by now Buster: Lose control with me Rio: Fuck Buster: You make me feel so good Rio: You're my favourite person Buster: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Rio Rio: Marry me Buster: You're gonna be the best wife Rio: Yeah? Buster: Seriously Buster: I can't wait until you are Rio: Baby Buster: I can't believe you want that as much as I do Rio: Really bad Rio: to be honest, the way everyone's gone on made me wanna do it now just to piss them off Buster: I'll marry you now Rio: I know Rio: but fuck doing it for anyone but us really Buster: I know you're right Buster: Again Rio: We'll do it whenever we want though Buster: 'Course Buster: You're the only one who gets to tell me what to do, babe Rio: I'm not gonna spring a wedding on you though Rio: even if I want your name Buster: You do? Rio: Of course Rio: You know I do Buster: That's so hot Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck it, let's get married now Rio: You're so cute Buster: You are Rio: I want to show you off though Rio: don't reckon our turn-out would be all that hot right now Buster: We can have more than one Buster: Your parents did Rio: Well, their first didn't count but Buster: Still Buster: I'll marry you every year if you want Rio: You're killing me Rio: and making it sound like a good idea Buster: We have to do something for our anniversary, yeah? Why not, like? Buster: You can have a different dress for every one, that'd kill me Rio: and bankrupt you 😏 Buster: You wish, babe Buster: I'm gonna be a rich hot shot lawyer soon Rio: Yeah, I think I wish that more, babe Rio: 😻 Buster: So will you? Rio: Are you asking me to marry you again? Buster: Marry me now and then marry me again Rio: Can we? Buster: I want to, so if you want to Buster: Don't say yeah just 'cause I'm an impatient prick though Rio: I want to Buster: Just me and you? Rio: Yeah Buster: Where do you wanna go? I'll take you anywhere in the world Rio: I'll start looking Rio: This summer is going to be perfect Buster: It will Rio: I love you so much Buster Rio: I don't know how to say it in a way that explains how much anymore Buster: I know Buster: I feel the same about you Buster: And I always will Rio: I miss you Buster: I miss you too Buster: I'm sleepy and I want you here Rio: Baby Rio: if you can stay up a little bit longer, I'll facetime you when I get home Buster: Alright Rio: Nance already left off for home apparently so I've just gotta get a cab myself now so I won't be long Buster: I'm not gonna ask if she's alone, I don't wanna know Rio: I didn't ask for specifics Buster: If she tells you, don't tell me, like Rio: 🤐 Rio: 'Course Buster: I'm worried about her Buster: Don't tell her I said that either, obviously Rio: I'm not stupid, or that much of a blabbermouth Rio: You are? Buster: Like, okay worried might be a strong word but Buster: Going out, drinking, hooking up that isn't her, that's me Rio: I know what you mean Rio: but I think it's a case of, look where being me got me Rio: she's just trying things out, she's still her, she's sensible enough not to get too lost in it Buster: I don't want her to have more regrets just 'cause she reckons with all the shit that happened she has to be someone else Buster: I don't know Buster: Maybe I'm the stupid one, yeah? Rio: No, no Rio: It makes sense, I'm worried too but Rio: I don't think there's anything you can do, or any of us Rio: it's something she's gotta do, you know? Buster: Yeah Buster: At least she can't get pregnant Buster: Thank fuck for that Rio: I know Rio: The gays truly have that working in their favour Buster: And Indie's single now, right? Buster: I like our odds at keeping everyone out of too much shit Rio: Yeah Rio: Thank fuck again Rio: Bless 'em Rio: Heartbreak's a bitch Buster: Do I need to add him to my list of people to sort when I'm back home? Buster: 'Cause you know I will Rio: Stop being so hot Buster: If it matters to you then it matters to me Buster: We're a team, babe Rio: You're so daddy rn Rio: but seriously Rio: he's just a stupid kid, like a cunt but he didn't really do anything wrong you know Rio: it just weren't what she thought it would be Buster: Been there Buster: Not that I was ever leading girls on but you know Rio: It happens Buster: And sometimes being as honest as you've gotta fucks them over still Rio: Yeah, that's what I don't wanna ask her Rio: Sometimes you just want a thing a certain way, he might not have been selling it as that ever, idk Rio: like Nance really thinking her teach might be into it Buster: Yeah Buster: And my mum thinking I'm gonna wake up and realize I'm just not that into you Rio: Gotta get you worked up when she's in, clearly Rio: then she'd get it Buster: Probably not a good idea Buster: But I wouldn't be mad about it personally Rio: 😏 Buster: She's just obsessed with uni that's all Buster: Not like she can put pressure on Nance to go to Havard or Oxford or wherever so Rio: I'd get it more if I was stopping you from going, like Rio: show me where I said that Rio: I wouldn't Buster: She's losing her mind that I'm going to Trinity 'cause its not top for Law Buster: I've never cared about that Buster: I can succeed anywhere Buster: You're not the only 'distraction' she wants me to walk away from Chlo's kid too even if its also mine Buster: That's just how it is with her Rio: She knows it ain't that easy Rio: No offence but you wouldn't be here if it was that cut and dry Buster: Everything was a fight for her, it's easy for me so I have to do even better than she did Buster: Dad too Buster: Not make their 'mistakes' Rio: Damn Rio: does she realise how cold that sounds or? Buster: Have you met her? Buster: Babe she is cold Rio: Yeah but to say that to your face Rio: Jesus Buster: Maybe you don't get to go through all the shit she did and stay warm Buster: Or maybe that's just how she had to be to handle it, I don't know Rio: Probably Rio: I'm not trying to talk shit on her Rio: I just care about you too Buster: I know how it sounds, but it's not personal, she'd be like this if it was any other girl too Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Buster: And like it or not, I'm her only living son so Buster: I'll thrive under the pressure like always Rio: I know you will baby Rio: but you're allowed to not be perfect when you're with me, you know that, yeah? Buster: Please, you know I am perfect Rio: Yeah Rio: even if you weren't, I'd still stay Buster: You're gonna make me cry Buster: Behave Rio: That's allowed too, like Buster: Shh Buster: You're so nice to me Buster: And so cute Rio: Because you're nice Buster: It's so weird sometimes Buster: Remember when we weren't Rio: I know Rio: even then though, I knew you weren't as bad as you were fronting Rio: 'cos know-it-all first and foremost Buster: 'Course Buster: You had me all figured out, didn't you, babe? Rio: What, you think you were such an enigma? 😉 Buster: Well, yeah Rio: Awh baby Rio: shoulda left you living that fantasy Buster: Nah Buster: I prefer this one we're in Rio: Got to agree Buster: Good Rio: Town is so busy tonight, only just got a cab Buster: Do I need to get a coffee, like? Rio: You can go to sleep baby Rio: don't stay up on my behalf Buster: I'm just playing Buster: It's okay Rio: Hate to be distracting, you know Buster: Obviously Buster: I'm always saying that about you Rio: So you should be Rio: Very serious about your education Rio: who taught you how to kiss, like Buster: Damn I should have led with that argument when I was chatting to mum Rio: Missed a trick Rio: Keep it PG though, she ain't need to know everything I taught you Buster: Not with my competitive streak 'cause I'd have to let her know I've taught you just as much Buster: A very unnecessary convo Rio: Truly Rio: but I'm enjoying reminiscing very much Buster: I'm glad I kissed you that day finally Buster: I'd wanted to for ages before it Rio: Good thing you got dared to then so you couldn't bottle it Rio: I can't even remember who dared you now Buster: That annoying fucker who was always hanging around us Buster: What the hell was his name even? Rio: Oh I know who you mean Buster: He so reckoned I wouldn't do it Buster: He only dared me 'cause he was too scared to tell you that he liked you himself Rio: Awh Rio: he was probably gutted Buster: An irresistible heartbreaker even then, babe Buster: I know he was gutted 'cause he stopped hanging around, remember? Rio: Now I feel bad Rio: Would track him down but like, not got good news for you lad Buster: What so you'd have rather kissed him? Buster: Rude Rio: Obviously not Rio: could be the one that got away though Buster: 😒 Buster: If you wanna go marry him, like Rio: I'm tryna facebook him but I really can't remember his name at all Rio: I keep thinking J something but maybe that's just 'cos he was a twat too like a certain someone Buster: We all called him that same nickname but I can't even remember that Buster: Unlucky for you Rio: I'm gutted, like Rio: You cockblocking me forever Buster: You will only go to gay club lately Buster: Can't blame me for that Rio: Yeah, know you wouldn't stand in the way of that, babe Buster: I'm considerate like that Rio: You're a pervert like that Rio: it's okay, save you from the male gaze rant/your sister Buster: Cheers Buster: I've already had some drunk texts from her Rio: Maybe she did go home alone after-all Rio: anything worth hearing? Buster: They're hard to read Buster: I honestly don't know how that girl understood enough to wanna hit her up way back when Rio: Not gonna go there, you'll only get grumpy Buster: What is that meant to mean? Rio: There's plenty of ways to get wanna fuck understood, like Rio: ☛👌 Buster: It's Nance I don't reckon she went about it like that Rio: You reckon she sent her a poem Rio: She didn't even like her, like Buster: Shut up Buster: She's so awkward she can't even order her own coffee if we go out to breakfast Rio: Yeah, not drunk Nance though Buster: I'll take your word for that 'cause all I've seen her do then is wanna fight me Rio: You know Buster: Did she even fuck that girl though? Like you're saying she could've all but sent her nudes but like Rio: Apparently so Buster: She told you that or are you using your skills? Rio: Yeah, she told me Buster: Alright Rio: I didn't ask if that was her first time but sad if it was because she wasn't into it Buster: It would've been I know that much about her life, like Rio: Oh, that's shit Buster: Like I said, I'm worried Buster: But she ain't gonna talk about this to me Rio: I can try again Buster: I don't know Buster: Like you said, it's sad Buster: Do we wanna go there? Rio: Yeah, she might not want to Rio: I'll keep an eye best I can and be there how she wants but you know Buster: Yeah Rio: I'm sorry I didn't clock it Rio: I should've Buster: Don't Buster: You don't need to blame yourself for anything Buster: We don't even know the full story anyway, like Rio: Yeah Buster: Talk to her if it'll put your mind at ease Rio: I'm alright, just Rio: No one ever has a good time, you know Buster: Yeah Buster: Are we all cursed in this fam or what? Rio: I think it's weirdly standard, I don't know why Rio: impatience strikes again, probably Buster: True Buster: I know it did for me Buster: I had a good time until she dumped me after though Rio: Yeah Rio: Bit like Indie Rio: It's not the worst, I guess Buster: Had Indie not been with lads before him? Buster: I thought she had Rio: Not all the way Buster: I just assumed, I guess Buster: She's always got them around her, like Rio: Nah, those are just her mates Buster: Makes sense Rio: Yeah, she's not really one for other girl's company in general Buster: You'd never know it to see her with you Rio: Yeah well I'm great Buster: Obviously Buster: That's why I miss you so much Rio: Duh Buster: How far from home are you now? Rio: Not far now, promise Rio: 5 minutes Buster: I don't wanna go to sleep without seeing you Rio: I know baby, I can't do it either Buster: How did we ever? Rio: I've never slept well Buster: Me either, honestly Buster: It's hard to switch off Rio: Yeah Rio: Same Rio: I've never slept like I do when you're there Rio: not just because you've worn me out too Buster: If that worked I would have always slept well, like Buster: I used to drink and fuck so much Buster: It's always been different with you Buster: Remember when we fell asleep together before any of this Rio: Yeah Rio: Trying to look after me even then Buster: I've always tried to do that Buster: Wanted to Rio: I know Rio: even when I didn't appreciate it Buster: I behaved worse to you Buster: I don't know why you ever talked to me after some of the shit I said Buster: Well, I do, but Rio: You know, heard it all before Buster: Rio Rio: Hm? Buster: I hate that anyone has ever talked to you like that, me included Rio: It's alright Buster: It's not Rio: Well, I don't care now Rio: it is what it is Rio: easy target Buster: I'm never gonna hurt you again, okay Buster: Or let anyone else either Rio: I believe you Buster: Good 'cause I mean it Rio: You didn't mean any of it, did you? Buster: Baby Buster: Of course not Rio: Okay Rio: Good Buster: Did you really think I ever did? Buster: Seriously Rio: I wouldn't blame you Buster: Fuck Rio: Don't Buster: I have to Rio: Forget about it Rio: you didn't mean it, it's fine Buster: No Rio: Babe Buster: What? Rio: Sorry Buster: Don't apologise Buster: I should be Rio: You have and it's okay Buster: It's not good enough Rio: I say it is Rio: but what do you want to do to make it okay then? Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: This is on me, not you Rio: No it isn't Rio: it's my bullshit Buster: I still have to own what I did and what I made you feel like Rio: It's not like this came from you, is it Buster: That doesn't mean I'm fucking excused, like Rio: You didn't mean it, you apologized Rio: I'm not asking for more Buster: You never do Rio: Are you judging me for that now? Buster: I'm not judging you for any of this Rio: Then accept my acceptance Buster: Fine Rio: I wish I'd not brought it up now Buster: You never wanna bring it up Buster: Have we even talked about any of this since you were high on Drew's mystery stash, like? Rio: Why would I want to? Rio: You wouldn't wanna sit here and talk about your flaws Buster: I'm not saying you have to Rio: Yes you are Buster: I was just asking the question, Christ Buster: Don't get mad at me Rio: Whatever, I want to drop it Buster: Like I said, fine Rio: It isn't fine if you're gonna be pissy is it Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm not pissy I'm upset that you're carrying this bullshit around with you Rio: We've all got our own shit Buster: Obviously Rio: Just please can we forget about it Rio: I'm home now Buster: I'm not trying to upset you that's literally the opposite of what I was trying to do Buster: So yeah if you want Rio: Just Rio: you can't fix everything for me, babe, especially not tonight Buster: I know Buster: I'm just tired, alright Buster: I'm being dramatic Rio: Just taking off my makeup and getting comfy then I'll call you Buster: You still want to? Rio: Of course Rio: don't you want me to Buster: Of course I do Buster: But I get if you're pissed off at me Rio: Shh Rio: I'm not Rio: You're only trying to be gentlemanly and noble, as per, I'm not mad at you Rio: just myself Buster: I don't want you to be mad at yourself either though Rio: That's okay, I'll feel better when we snuggle Buster: I love you, Rio Buster: I'll be less of an annoying prick when we're together again Buster: I swear Rio: I feel it Rio: There'll be no room for miscommunication Buster: I'll do my best to make sure its hard for you to talk Rio: Promises promises Buster: You can hold me to it Buster: You know I really wanna hold you Rio: I know Rio: I want that so bad Rio: you make me feel so safe Buster: Soon Buster: I'm gonna look after you, baby Rio: You always do Buster: I try anyway Rio: You do Rio: Don't question it Buster: Okay Rio: Promise? Buster: I promise Buster: I believe you Rio: Good Rio: Okay, I'm in bed Buster: Good Buster: Call me Rio: 🧡
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