#idk i just love to spend my sleepless nights thinking abt shit like this and coming up w stupid conclusions
whumpshaped · 9 months
the phenomenon of people pining for emotionally unavailable and quite frankly just gross and horrible bastards has captivated me for so long. why do people do this. is it just saviour complex. is it just victim complex. is it the need to feel special. well i drew a new conclusion tonight.
i think it's not enough for you to melt someone's icy heart, nor is it enough for you that you're the ~special chosen one~. i think you need them to consider you a person and everyone else just dirt beneath their feet because every time you see them mistreat someone you can be reassured that they would never trade you. you apologise on their behalf and make excuses and give people placating smiles and say 'oh they didn't mean it' but deep down you know you'd feel worse if your beloved treated everyone with basic respect like they do you.
that or youre on the ace spectrum and pining for people who will never love you back feels safe + youre possibly into bdsm
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valcntinv · 6 years
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hellooooo i’m moose (she/her, cst) !! this is my lil bae valentina (or megara if u nasty) but there’s more info about her under the cut !! i wanna plot w all of u so HMU or just LIKE THIS and i’ll come to you !! u can also find her pinterest here bc i’m an extra bitch.
( cindy kimberly; 21; she/her ) – is that [MEGARA]? no, that’s [VALENTINA RIVERA]! the residents remember them as being [INDEPENDENT && AUDACIOUS] and we wonder if they are still [RETICENT && CYNICAL] when things get rough. when they dream about home, they remember [LILAC SKIES, A COOL SUMMER BREEZE, PERFECT EYELINER, and TEARS SHED ON SLEEPLESS NIGHTS]. hopefully their happily ever after is coming soon! 
sO she’s lived in town her whole life and absolutely hates it??? like.....idK all she wants is just to travel and experience new things and live her life and she feels like she’s just stuck in this small town and it’s driving her up the wall
she fully believes that there’s nothing like Here for her u know ???? she’s made for more she just hasn’t rly had the opportunity to leave bc she’s a broke ass bitch!!!!!
for her entire life she’s always had to rely on herself. her dad was never in the picture and her mom wasn’t exactly the greatest parent around?? they never had a lot of money and what little money they did had, valentina’s mom would rather spend on her next score. it wasn’t rare for leni to find her passed out on the couch when she got ready to leave for school or being woken up in the middle of the night when her mom came stumbling home with some random guy
she learned pretty early on how to take care of herself and it’s been that way ever since. she got emancipated when she was seventeen and has been living on her own in this shitty little apartment ever since. 
she’s currently working 3 jobs rn to get by. she’s got a waitressing gig at momma’s diner, she works as a maid, and she also works as a phone sex operator. u can probably guess which one she doesn’t like to talk about
personality wise she is v cynical and just like....generally distrusting of p much everybody ??? but men in particular. she isn’t exactly easy to get along with all the time but if ur her friend she is insanely loyal and she would deadass do anything for u
she’s very bitter and feels like the world is always against her but at the same time she’s like....determined to Fight ??? like everything may be shitty and the world might always kick her when she’s down but that’s not gonna stop her from getting back up on her feet u know??
she’s never been one for relationships bc she doesn’t really like opening up to people like that but she did just get out of a pretty big relationship fairly recently. ( this is for sure a wc!!!!!!!!) she was very in Love with this boy and they dated for a v long time and she was sure they would be together forever bc what they had felt so real and perfect. she literally would have done anything!!!!! he ended up getting arrested and she used every single penny she had & got into business w some sketchy people just to bail him out & afterwards she found out that he had been cheating on her and her entire world just like crumbled????
it basically killed her and she’s been ever more bitter than usual ever since. she’s totally convinced at this point that the whole idea of love is total bullshit and she doesn’t believe in it and any time she comes close to getting feelings she’s like YEET and runs the other way at full speed
& now she owes a lot of money to the wrong ppl so its like..........yikes
she is....hella proud and will not accept help from anybody ever for any reason at all. she avoids talking about her problems altogether and also u will never catch her talking about her feelings. she just bottles everything up and cries alone in bed at like 3am
get offended when ppl try to help her bc she doesn’t want to seem weak 
she’s always tired from work but....always down to party LMAO like....she’s definitely always out at the bar or a club or at some party drinking until her liver gives out and getting high
definitely a sass queen. she always has a lot to say and...........she has no filter so u best believe she’s gna say it no matter what
kind of intimidating, not very approachable, a lil mysterious, but always out here lookin lik a snack
guys probably tell her to smile more and say shit like oh a pretty girl like u shouldn’t be smoking, or such a pretty girl shouldn’t swear so much and shit like that and she’s always just............two middle fingers up fuck u
literally does not care at ALL what other ppl think about her and she’s just....doin her thing
she is v flirtatious and will....literally flirt w anybody just bc she can u know ??? my bi queen
idk what else to say rly so imma just go on abt some wcs now
a best friend!!! the one person in the world she rly trusts with everything and is actually comfortable opening up to?? prob a friend since childhood since she’d have to know them for a v long time
the ex-boyfriend that fucked her over
some party friends!!! she prob doesnt open up to them abt anything but they still go out and have a good time together
some co-workers!!!!!!
a drug dealer maybe???
some fwb for sure!!! she probably has a lot bc she is..........a no feelings kinda gal
literally....anything tbH
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