#idk i just like the name esperanza. sounds so pretty too
edenslice · 4 months
instead of working on backlogs i'm revamping my fandom ocs because fuck executive dysfunction i need to be productive on something
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i-am-parsec · 6 years
Unaddressed Letters - Part V
                                                           Leaving Jacksonville - part I
The night they leave is warm and quiet. End of the summer, the streets downtown are still fairly crowed after the sun goes down, Stacy has some costumers roaming around the thrift shop while Chase, just across the street, sweats in the kitchen of a Mexican restaurant, trying to leave no meat uncooked and no drink without ice.
During a brief moment of precious spare time, he checks his phone.
“Call me when you are done with the dishes, kitchen boy" reads the screen.
His heart skips a beat and he frowns. Of course she’s texting him, they are friends. They go back home together every single night after work. This is not something worth a heart-beat skipping, when the fuck is his brain going to get the memo?
He can’t continue his internal screaming - those burritos aren’t going to make themselves.
The young girl puts her phone away as an old man approaches the counter. Dark eyes, whitening short brown hair, a full goatee and about two heads taller than her. He doesn’t look scary per se, but neither does he look friendly and yet Stacy is invaded by an strange feeling of warm comfort when met by this unknown client and ponders, for a second, why. When it clicks, her hands freeze. She keeps her gaze glued on the light blue shirt she’s bagging, choking back the tears. It’s always like this, something ordinary, unimportant, pulls the trigger and the pain rushes to her eyes. She manages to snap out of it, but not without the man noticing.
“Is everything okay, ma’am?”
Fuck, even his voice is similar. She fails at smiling and looks away.
“Yes, sir, it’s just…you look a lot like...uh, my dad. Well, not a lot, it’s mostly the beard...I think…”
As she looks down, it’s impossible to deny the burn in her throat and the shaking of her hands. Not now, please, not here. Crying during working hours in a thrift shop that’s probably – totally – laundering drug money.
Well, that’s a new low.
“Did you lose him recently?” asks the man gently, prompting her to look up.
“No, I…I lost him when I was kid. He was shot…a robbery gone wrong…”
He nods, no trace of pity in his features, only compassion and understanding. Maybe he lives in town, maybe he also lost someone in the hands of the corrupted and greedy. Maybe he knows this pain too.
“I’m sorry to tell you, darling, that it won’t ever stop hurting, especially in your case, a loss so unfair, but let me tell you this…” the old man stops for a second, and then, with more conviction than Stacy has ever witnessed in her entire life “…you are strong enough to handle this and any other nonsense that life throws at you. You just gotta remember that, always."
Her phone buzzes for a long minute but she doesn’t pick up. She’s still holding her breath when he gives her the money. She wants to tell him to not worry about it, the shirt is on her, but with such a tight budget, every cent counts. All she can do is smile and thank him.
Another call. She tries her best to sound calm but Chase can tell something's wrong in the tiredness of her "hey". She explains quickly, hoping to ease his friend's mind - he's already anxious mess by default, wouldn't want to fuel it up - and after repeating at least ten times "yes, Chase, I swear I'm ok now", she sighs and then asks.
"Can we go down to the bar tonight?"
There's a second of silence. She hates drinking or, to be more precise, she hates seeing him drinking. She claims he likes it a bit too much for his own good. She continues.
"I'll hurry up and close this dumpster in a minute, and then we go straight down to Joe's, what do you say?"
He knows what his friend is doing, she's avoiding herself, avoiding the thinking, the pain and honestly, he can't blame her. He's been there, done that, and she always stayed by his side whenever he went into Emotionless Drunk Mess mode, so he has no problem returning the favor now.
"I say I'm covered in sweat, blood and other unknown bodily fluids so maybe we go home and take a shower first?"
When she laughs, he feels his heart become a little lighter.
"First of all: ew, gross; secondly: We take shower? Are you suggesting we take it together, Brody?"
And there it is, that's the Stacy he knows and loves - a teasing smart ass. This time though, he doesn't let her words fluster him - too much - and attacks back.
"Of course, Walters, we gotta do it for the environment's sake, you know? We gotta save water!"
"Oh, yeah, totally, that’s why, it has nothing to do with you dying to see me naked."
"I feel so insulted you would even dare to think that, young lady, I am a gentleman!"
"Oh, sure thing, perv. Okay, I'll finish here and meet you outside in a bit."
The smile on his face lingers all the way until he sees her walking out the store. He nods curiously at the bag on her hand. She smiles like a kid planning a prank and simply winks.
“I’m just borrowing a little something.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s called stealing, Stacy.”
She chuckles and then, as she usually does, starts a fire in his chest with just a short phrase.
“Don’t judge me, I just want to look pretty for our date.”
She’s joking, Brody, she’s fucking joking, like all friends do.
Just as they get to their stop, their bus arrives.
“This must be our lucky night” exclaims Stacy surprised. Once they are settled in their seats, she rests her head  on his shoulder and grabs his hand. Chase simply does his best to not suffer a stroke.
“We have to get out of here, dude. Soon.”
“That’s the plan” stutters the young man, wishing he could sound a bit less nervous by something that they have been doing for years now.
“Yeah, I know, but we always talk about it as a goal in the future and I…I don’t know. I feel like we shouldn’t wait too long or we might end up never leave this town” mutters Stacy with a sudden grim tone.
“Don’t say that, dude, of course we are doing it,” says her friend as her grabs her chin, looking for her eyes, all awkwardness replaced by the imperative need to bring her smile back “we promised we would, didn’t we?”
She nods half-heartedly and snuggles up against him, like a lost dog hides from the rain under a frail tree. As he hugs her, bringing her closer, he whispers against her dark hair: “Let’s set a date.”
“For our wedding? Sorry, Brody, but you haven’t even proposed to me yet” she jokes dryly.
Ignoring the sudden rush of heat on his body, he replies: “No, dumbass, for our escape!”
She come out of her shelter and looks at him with a hint of excitement on her eyes.
“A date?”
“Yeah, a date. Tell me when you want to leave.”
She bites her lower lip - one of her many quirks that drives him insane - and inhales slowly. As she breathes out, she answers: “End of this year. That should give us enough time to save a decent amount of money, make a good plan and maybe find a place to rent.”
“Well, end of the year it is. December 31 we are getting the fuck out of Jacksonville.”
And when he laughs, she feels the whole world become a little lighter.
More info, previous chapters, tag list AND HEADCANONS under the cut
First and foremost, I apologize for any mistakes in the chapter. This one wasn’t proof-read either and on top of that I wrote it on a rush but hopefully it’s decent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
All chapters in chronological order, here. Previous chapter, here. Next chapter, here.
SO, yes, this is a two-part chapter - truth be told, I’m only posting this now and not both parts as one since I’m quite busy and have no time to finish writing it but I still wanted to post something now as, idk, a christmas special???? whatever, I just wanted to post it, lol
* As you may have noticed in the last chapter, Chase and Stacy’s daughter - Esperanza (which, by the way, means Hope in Spanish) - has a VERY Latino name, well, that’s because my hc is that Stacy is latina! Well, half latina, her mom is latina, her dad is white and because Stacy is white-passing and her mom knew about the struggles of being a Latina woman in the US, Stacy’s parents decided to give her a very white first name, so she would have it “easier” in life. Spoiler alert: she didn’t have it easier in life. Like, at all.
* Despite that, she still has a very Latino second name - Dolores (which means Pains in Spanish *winkwink*) - that she loves just as much as she loves her Latino heritage, and that’s why she named her daughter like that - Chase 100% loves the name as well.
* This is kinda spoilerish (because I will explore this headcanon in far more depth later on the fic) but I still feel you guys should know: Before they were the best of friends, Henrik and Chase were penpals - they met through an elementary school penpal project and kept writing each other all the way until adulthood, when they finally met face to face.
* Neither Chase or Stacy had pets - or were allowed to have any - by the time they became friends, but they both love animals and started feeding a cat they always came across on their way to school. They named the cat Sam.
* Stacy is allergic to cats. She loved Sam from a distance.
* Chase knows quite a bit of Spanish Stacy taugh him. She didn’t teach him just for funsies but because she ended up getting him a job in a Mexican restaurant and the owners didn’t speak English. She was very impressed by how easy it was for him to get used to the Latino enviroment and how good he turned out to be at cooking.
* Chase knows Stacy likes her second name better than her first, but sucks at pronuncing it correctly so he only call her Dolores jokingly andsometimeswhentheyhavesex
* They weren’t each others “first”, but Stacy told Chase after they did it for the first time that she had never enjoyed sex before him (and Chase almost cried because of such huge compliment).
* Esperanza is fluent in Spanish and English and knows a bit of German thanks to Uncle Henrik. Henrik is also Esperanza’s godfather.
I have way more headcanons but all of them are incredibly spoilery, so this is all you get for now. Now let’s move on to the next chap-
❤  Tag list ❤: @amyxmiaplay, @beck-pma, @closedworldofmathiel, @darktrash-drash, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @flyingfishflopsthings, @fruitycasket, @happysingingturtles, @hiimizzyxoxo, @hishex, @kitnkas, @mcomegalletas, @mijako98, @mjjau, @mysterious-cupcake-ninja, @mysticalanimallover, @novasingalaxies, @plutoandpolaris, @probablyghosting, @randomartdudette, @saltyweirdbi, @sassy-in-glasses, @scarlet--raven, @septicuniverse, @skyewardlight, @thevampireauthoress, @youllnevertaketheskyfromme
Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please reblog, that helps me a lot ❤
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