#idk i just have so many pics that i want to bring back so... might as well
lollytea · 1 year
Please, your finale Huntlow thoughts, my liege. We poor peasants beg of you, our bowls are empty and your tables full; if we might have but a crumb of your succulent meal to fill our bellies in these cold December nights.
I got a few asks about this but I guess I'll answer this one cuz it's phrased the funniest. I just wasn't too pressed about giving my Thoughts about finale Huntlow because I am fully a part of the Huntlow hivemind. Like I feel the way everyone else feels. I'm ecstatic, I'm delighted, I'm overwhelmed, I'm emotional, I'm so happy for them, I got everything I could have wanted. I won. We won.
First of all this scene is so special to me, you have no idea.
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It isn't inherently romantic but it's still so sweet and shows how much these two care for each other. Here's Willow, who's spent the last special Atlasing and repressing and refusing to rely on anyone else. But then she had her breakdown in front of Hunter and he realized just how stressed and scared she's been this whole time. She's visibly anxious and upset here, likely worrying up a storm because she hasn't found her Dads yet. And Hunter is right here beside her. He's seen her meltdown, he's felt her pain, he's heard her cry. He knows that Willow is in a fragile state at the moment. He knows she's been holding in a lot. He knows she's scared. I love that he's not only standing by her side and helping her search, but holding her too. It could be that she vocally expressed how worried she was to him, or maybe he just saw it on her face, but he probably placed that hand on her back to comfort her, let her knows he's right here, grounding her. And Willow, who's still learning how to depend on others, is letting him.
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The way Hunter lights up when he sees Harvey and Gilbert, thrilled by how happy he knows she's going to be and his soft smile when he points them out to her. And then THIS!
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Like Hunter is devastated. He feels alone and out of place here. He really thinks he has nobody. But Willow being happy can still bring a smile to his face. He just loves her so much!!!
And I know I already talked about the grom photo but UGHH!!!
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I got a pic in better definition. I'm pretty sure this is Hunter's first grom. So likely a few months after the events of WAD. And it's so cute to think about Hunter and Willow very awkwardly but eagerly navigating a romantic relationship. I love how grabby and flirty Willow looks here, messing with his bowtie. She clearly LOVES the floral suit, thinking he's like the hottest man alive. She needs to smooch him and NOW. Or she's just like "Oh my, what a nice collarbone you have!!" Idk the ambiguity of what exactly Willow is doing here but the vibe and general intentions being very obvious is my favourite part of this pic. You can speculate for years on this. Oh and Hunter's face, I love it so much. His dumb little blush is like an old friend. He's fucking THRILLED that he's getting so much attention from her. He's very excited about where this is going. But he's also like. So nervous he's gonna pass out. But overall he's having the time of his life. Bi rights!
Also epilogue Huntlow....guys....guys epilogue Huntlow....are you guys still listening to me at this point?
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God I love this scene. Its so natural and smooth, giving the characters a chance to breathe and exist and providing a glimpse of how they go about their daily lives. It's soft and lighthearted but it establishes so much about where Willow and Hunter are currently at in their relationship. They've been dating for like....3 years at the very least. And they're clearly very happy together!!
The way Willow casually slides on to the scene, giving the impression that she's often dropped in on him while he's working. And why wouldn't she? That's her sweetheart. What if she requires emergency smooches? What then? And of course, there's Hunter beaming at the sight of her. Seems he never gets tired of his girlfriend stopping by to visit. Or maybe he's sick to death of Willow the menace showing up to distract him while he's trying to work and he's just excited about the prospect of Luz's party. Either way, it's an adorable expression.
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Something else I love about epilogue Huntlow is how equally distributed the affection is between both of them. Back when FTF dropped I gushed about how sweet it was to see Hunter taking initiative with Willow and the significance of something as simple pressing his backhand against hers during the pinky hold. And God, this sequence here says it all. From what I can tell, as Hunter runs towards her, they both reached out at the same time and linked hands immediately, implying that holding hands has become the automatic gesture for them whenever they meet up. They're in love, you're honor.
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I love the huge carefree grins as they skate down the hill (still holding hands). They might have grown a lot since we last saw them but they're still young adults, they still love to have fun doing dumb reckless stuff. And even better, they love to have fun doing dumb reckless stuff together. All the handholding and fluffy cuteness is wonderful but I also love knowing that they seem to genuinely enjoy just hanging out and spending their youth with each other. Zeno was right, they ARE besties. Who knows how much shit Hunter and Willow get up to together? Being a pair of thrill seeking athletes, it's probably a lot.
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This part is just so silly and ridiculous. After they go stumbling, Willow's first instinct is to grab Hunter and hold on for dear life. Her intense scrunched up expression is just so funny. "I will protect you, my love. No big dumb hill is going to harm a hair on your pretty head. Your girl is here." And Hunter barely acknowledging it (it probably happens a lot) because his life is currently flashing before his eyes. GOD they're just such nerds.
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Oh and this frame is just SO adorable. The way Willow's hold on him lingers for a moment before he walks towards the grave, Hunter's heart eyes. They're clearly still so soft and touchy with each other. And this is after three years. I know they were insufferable when they started dating as teens.
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footytea · 3 months
disclaimer: these are all romain molina's claims. none of them are mine. romain is an investigative journalist who focuses on exposing corruption, abuse, etc. within the football world. i'm just sharing what he has said over the past few years. some of these claims might sound crazy, but not unbelievable, unfortunately.
trigger warning: his claims mention topics such as rape, abuse, pedophilia, etc. so if those are topics you're not comfortable reading about, please don't continue reading.
one particular topic romain molina has been repeatedly speaking about is the pedophilia and trafficking ring(s) within the football world, involving many (as molina said over half of the) federations, including the spanish federation and the french federation, but also in south & north america, asia, africa. what is happening within these federations is actively being covered up and romain claims that even the french government is involved in the shit happening within the french football federation.
here's a list of a few claims romain molina has made:
more than 400 international players from the premier league, championship, ligue 1 and ligue 2 have been raped multiple times during their youth. some of them had anal injuries and diseases as a result and would go to specialised clinics to be treated. this has been going on for at least two decades.
an international coach was caught raping two 13 year old girls in the middle of an international tournament. his employer covered everything up for him, but still fired him in 2017. romain molina later went on to say that this story was also covered up by a footballer who many idolise and would use as their profile pic on twitter.
a ligue 1 club covered up a pedophilia case, that took place in their training centre. the (foreign) victim was later sent back to his country of origin.
victims of abuse and people who knew about this cannot speak up without facing major consequences. a human rights lawyer who was in the space romain hosted also stated how dangerous it is for the victims to talk about the abuse they have suffered.
an ex-member of the french federation said the following: "when something happens, we keep quiet. they have too much power. the second you speak, it's over."
the ex-director of the french federation said: "at the FFF, everyone talks to everyone. they are all aware of these affairs but they are very quickly buried. it's a policy of silence. they are like ostriches: head in the sand. if you speak, you are eliminated."
didier deschamps apparently claimed he had no idea about the cases of abuse within the french federation, while he was in contact with several people involved these abuse cases and knew about everything happening, but kept quiet for financial reasons.
a lot of molina's work focuses on african football. he has shared stories of female players forced to get abortions (one even died as a result), luring children to their homes, giving children blowjobs and keeping their sperm in jars to perform rituals, academies ran by pedophiles. crazy stuff.
some claims he made unrelated to the pedophilia and trafficking rings:
a current (this was back in 2021, idk if he's still a current player) french international player would organise parties where he would shit in women's mouths and film himself doing it. he forced a girl to participate, who later on issued a formal complaint. molina was also sent a video.
apparently helium balloons are very popular at arsenal and there's a player who even threw a "nitrous oxide balloons"-themed birthday party.
generally, a lot of players smoke shisha. there was a time psg players would bring their shisha/hookah with them on away games. one of the players who would regularly smoke shisha is blaise matuidi.
a few notes:
these are just a few of his claims summarised. if you want more details i would have to deep dive into his work more. romain has written several books and has been doing investigative work for longer than a decade now.
this space was insane, i think there were about 80k listening, even clubs' official twitter accounts were tuning in. the rock was in the space at one point as well 😭 i can't remember who else tuned in as it's been 2/3 years already
these claims simply show how rotten football institutions are and how it isn't surprising that footballers with rape/abuse charges don't have their careers ruined, when the people in charge are doing the same things and even worse.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 2 years
Shouldn’t Have Traveled
Yandere Diluc, x chubby reader x yandere Zhongli
Words: 5,700+
warnings: poisoning mentions, slightly descriptive murder, unwanted touch,  reader made fun of by others, physically clingy Diluc (you can pry that from my cold, dead, hands)
Took a pic of where the ending scene is for clarity. 
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Sorry if anyone (besides Donna, Diluc, and Zhongli are ooc. Idk their personalities too well yet.
I’ve decided to leave Mondstat. Not for any reason anyone would think. It’s rather awkward and I’ll never admit the real reason to anyone. I can’t really stand being around Diluc anymore. Donna and other’s words are starting to get to me. 
What words? The scathing words of “He’d never like someone like you”. They say that’s due to my different appearance. The words never really hurt, but it’s getting irritating, and I’m unsure how much more I can hear them talk about it before I snap and deck one or more of them. That’s also why I can’t be around Diluc. Just seeing or interacting with him also brings up their words again.  
A few final things are being packed tightly into my large bag. My plan is to just stay at the hotel for a week or two and come back. Then again that plan might change, who knows? If somehow a job comes up and they’re welcoming, I’ll maybe live there instead. 
Thankfully I kept Mora saved up for a while and quit my job at Good Hunter. Being a cook there was exhausting too. One of Donna’s friends also being there obviously made things worse as she framed me for a lot of things, making the others not too happy with me. Think one of the only ones who do still like me is Barbara when they tried to frame me for making her food extra spicy. 
Another glance in my bag. Hmm… I’m a little low on things to drink on my travel to Liyue. Some grape juice would be nice, so I head towards Angel’s Share. 
The group of Diluc-obsessed parasites try to block me. 
“Yeesh, you guys still have a whole fence shoved up your asses? I should have known you have a poor tree up there now too. Sad it had to die for your personalities. All I’m doing is buying grape juice for travel.” I reply and give an eyeroll with it, entering Angel’s Share. 
Their insulted faces a sight to behold being the last thing seen.
A certain redhead was working, catching me by surprise. Really wasn’t expecting for him to be working instead tonight. Fuck. Ah, screw it. A last chat won’t harm anything. 
His head whips towards the door instantly. His eyes zoning onto the bag I’m carrying. They almost seem to narrow. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be working tonight.” I inform, sitting down in the free seat in front of him. My bag being placed onto the floor. 
Diluc places the glass he had in his hands onto the island and looks me in my eyes. “I decided to give Charles a break for the night.” 
“That’s one thing I admire about you-” His eyes widen slightly, meanwhile I mentally smack myself for letting that slip. “I- well- It’s how you treat your workers. Unlike many I’ve seen, you’re not as harsh with them, and more thoughtful.” 
I cross my arms and mumble “If only Good Hunter stayed the same, I would probably have stayed.”
He rather firmly slams the glass back on the island I didn’t notice he picked back up. “You’re leaving? Alone?” I could almost swear his voice slightly raised like he was worried. Maybe he is? Kaeya has told me he does care about others. As just said how he’s letting Charles have the night off. He  just doesn’t show emotions very well most of the time. 
“Yeah, I was planning on heading to Liyue early in the morning. I was hoping to get some grape juice for on the way there though. It would need to be in something portable. Bottles or even jars would be fine. Of course, I’d pay the fee for those too.”
Diluc’s frown deepens.  
The door open and closed, but I think nothing of it. 
“If you don’t have any, I could go find some and come back for you to fill them, if that would be alright. I don’t want to overwork you.” 
He shakes his head. “No, that would be fine. Believe it or not, it’s not the first time someone has asked for transportable items to be filled. I’ll work on it. You won’t have to worry about carrying them since I’ll be coming with you tomorrow.”
Wha- no! The whole reason I’m leaving is involving him!
“That’s alright. I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’re quite a busy person as it already is.” 
His eyes narrow at me. “I’m not taking “no” as an answer. I’m going with. You need a guide.”
His tone scared me a little, I won’t lie to myself. 
He crosses his arms and closes his eyes for a second, taking a breath in before looking at me again. “You don’t even have a vision. You also don’t know where you’re going, and I am worried, whether you believe it or not. I also was planning on going to Liyue as well to visit someone close to me.” 
I hate everything he said was nothing but logic. I would just ask him if I could ask a knight or something to come with, but knowing his strong dislike for them, it would be a bad idea. 
It stays quiet between us for a minute. 
“... Why don’t you go rest up for the night? It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”
I wonder if I could get far enough before he could catch me if I left tonight.
“You’re giving away what you’re thinking. You better not. I will catch up. Don’t test it.” 
Ugh, fine. I’m still worried since he’ll be tired tomorrow. 
While leaving, the group comes up yet again with bottles in their hands. The door opening and closing must have been a friend I didn’t notice was there. 
They hold out the empty bottles towards me. 
… are they serious? What makes them think I’d trust them? They probably put poison or something in these. Doesn’t help they’re not see through. Yeah, no. I’m not using these. Their smirks are just making me more tired and not wanting to deal with their shit.
“Oh, you guys already know I’m leaving? Uh, thanks…” I take them, already knowing they’re going in the trash. 
“Just a little goodbye gift~” 
Wow, how thoughtful. 
They leave giggling. Probably from malicious intentions. 
“Would you like me to take those, (Y/N)?” suddenly asked a voice. I turn to see Charles. 
“You haven’t left yet?” I asked him. 
“I stayed to clean up a few final things in the back. It’s not my place, but I don’t trust what those women gave you.” 
I glance at the 3 glasses in my hands again. “That makes two of us. Are you sure they won’t be dug into by the cats and dogs around? That’s my main concern if I throw them.”
“I can assure they will be taken care of properly.” He informs. 
I mentally shrug. Eh, whatever. He’s reliable. I pass him the bottles and go to my house one final time. 
I feel a hand on my shoulder as I prepare to exit to the bridge with Diluc. Diluc’s not here yet though. Oh archons, if I ever come back, I’m not going to ever hear the end of I took their “precious Diluc”. Turning around, it’s Venti. One of the closest friends I made here, and only ones left. His face is far more serious than I’ve ever seen it. 
“... Stay safe out there,” He cautiously looks around. I do as well, and the nuisances are not around for once. Diluc however is seen with his own bag coming up. “Especially from him.” He quickly takes his hand off before Diluc could see. 
Diluc glares at Venti while walking up to me. “We better get going.” A hand of his is on my lower back, gently pushing me forward. 
Numerous quiet hours pass, and my feet are starting to kill me. I’m starting to think Kaeya lied to me it was an easy day trip. 
Looking at Diluc, he doesn’t even seem to be the slightest bit uncomfortable. The only noticeable thing is the bags growing under his eyes. 
I’ve been trying to think of things to make it less awkward, but nothing comes to mind. He hates small talk. 
“So… should I find a way to message you or something if I want to come back to Mondstadt?” 
Diluc stops for a moment. “... I’ll inform who I’m going to meet.” 
Okay. well, that was a good talk, I guess. 
About an hour later, I’m at my limit. Curse everything and whoever created pain. My feet are going to be sore for weeks at this point. How the hell do people wander like this? 
Diluc still stays vigilant and glares around at every direction like something will pop out. I’m more worried about him collapsing from exhaustion than anything. 
… why do I feel like I still would before he would at this rate? 
“When should we set up a small camp for rest for a while? I only brought my small one for more easy transportation, but I think we could both squeeze in.” though I’d much rather not. 
It’s already near sunset. Holy fuck I’ve been walking ALL day. 
Diluc gives a stare off into the distance in though,, then nods. “I’ll get some firewood.” 
I nod and dig out the tent. Fortunately, slamming the sticks in deep enough was pretty easy and I remember how to set it up from camping with a few friends years ago. 
Diluc comes not long after with an impressive amount of wood, and drops it onto the ground not far from the tent. He piles a few together and scrapes dirt into a pile around it. He then lights his claymore and holds it onto the wood until it starts to burn. 
I begrudgingly have to admit having someone with a pyro vision likely makes traveling a lot easier.  
We both crawl under and it’s so phenomenally awkward. Him closer to the back and I in the front. It’s really crowded just between us. We’re both just staring awkwardly at each other in the eyes. 
… something drops onto the tent. Then another, then several- it’s raining. How did we not notice that sooner? There was no point in making a fire. 
Nope, it’s now already pouring. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” I mumble, but the close proximity likely made him hear it. 
“I never need an umbrella, so I’d be fine. Hopefully the temperature won’t drop too much.”
The temperature does rapidly starts to drop though. Now I’m wishing I brought a second blanket with. My arms get tucked together, trying to keep a bit more warmth. 
Arms grab my sides, making me let out a surprised noise. “Wha- Diluc! I’m not sure if-” 
“Don’t care,” His arms quickly wrap around my back, squeezing me close. “I’d rather you not get sick while we’re on our way.” His great smelling cologn from proximity hitting my senses hard. 
The heat that rushes to my face is even warmer than the warmth radiating out of his clothes. 
“Uh…” What the fuck am I supposed to say? “Ooh this is nice!”??
It’s definitely not! Ugh, why did he have to be the one for this? I should have lied about when I was leaving… 
He tightens his grip when I uncomfortably try to squirm free. “Quit. Moving.” 
I stop and mentally sigh. It better not rain again tomorrow night. 
He never loosens his grip.
The tightness around me while slowly coming back makes me try to squirm free again, while the memories of last night catch up.
Diluc’s arms tighten more than last night. Looking at his eyes, he appears to still be asleep. 
The way I’m so torn between enjoying this, and being disgusted is wild. Donna’s words trying to come back. Thankfully the little I know about Diluc is he will never talk about this out loud, even with a blade pointed at him. 
For a second, I wonder if I should wake him or let him sleep. But he should probably get ready to get back to Mondstadt ASAP. 
Well, since it’s not raining anymore, and I’m still uncomfortable at this, I’m waking him up. 
Fortunately, my arms are free. I reach up and shake his shoulder. “Diluc, it’s time for us to continue.” my feet throb in protest at the idea. 
He lets out a sigh, almost like he was disappointed. He lets me go and I roll off onto the ground, then getting up. Checking my bag, it thankfully stayed dry.
I pack my bag back together, and we head off again, much to my feet’s displeasure. But from Diluc informed me earlier, we should be about halfway there. Luckily we’ve only encountered some hillachurls, and he gets rid of them so easily it makes me almost feel bad for them. 
The sights have been beautiful though. Almost to the point I could ignore the still-growing pain in my feet. 
I turn to notice a clear bottle of grape juice handed to me and take it, finally realizing I haven’t drank anything in a while either. I drink it quickly. 
“It’s better to stay up with fluids and food for long travels. I’ve… learned my lesson before.”
Well, that’s a can of worms I’m not opening. In speaking of bottles though… “Sorry to change off that, but did Charles give you three that weren’t clear?”
Diluc frown gets worse. “He did, and told me how Donna and the others gave you them,” His voice dipped like he was disgusted even thinking about it. “Had them drink from the poisoned bottles they gave you. Unfortunately, it won’t kill them, but it better make them think twice about their actions. Next time I won’t be so lenient.” 
So they were poison- wait, what??? He’s fucking insane! I mean, sure, they were pretty bad and wanted to poison me, but poisoning them back isn’t right either! I force myself to stay calm. I can’t outrun him anyway, and I don’t know where I’m going either if requiring to leave the path. This does open my eyes more on him though. 
A secret part of me is touched he did such a thing for me though. 
“That’s a bit far, isn’t it? Couldn’t you get in trouble for that?” 
“I have my connections if they decide to try anything.” 
I shrug. Eh, whatever I guess. I am still staying a bit away from him, which he seems to notice. He comes over and grabs my bag, pulling me right beside him. 
“I also don’t think me being this close is necessary.” 
“You’d be surprised how quickly an ambush could happen. Especially if we encounter a ruin guard or abyss mage.”
Fat chance a ruin guard would be on the main path. Even I know that. 
Yet another day already flies by. I plop my backside onto the ground, take my shoes off, and rub my worsening sore feet. “Ugh, I’m not usually one for complaining, but holy Celestia my feet hurt. Smack Kaeya for me next time you see him for lying it was a rather short trip.”
Diluc jabs the stake quite deeply into the ground and is setting up the tent this time. “I’m surprised you got this far without complaining. If it’s really bad though, do you want me to carry you tomorrow?” 
Gods no. I could never deal with that embarrassment if anyone traveling were to see it. “No. You’d have a lot more to carry than just your bag already. Me and my bag is too much to ask.”  
He gives me a look I can’t understand. Kind of annoying it’s always been rather hard to understand whatever he’s feeling since he hardly shows it. 
“It wouldn’t be.”
“I’d rather not test it. Besides, we should be there by tomorrow noon, right?” 
He nods.
Looking at the darkening sky, it’s likely not going to rain this time. I glance at the tent, not wanting to stand up and walk to it. 
Diluc seems to notice and comes over, crouching down. An arm wraps under my knees, making me instantly realize his intention. “Wait- stop! I can do it!-” 
He puts his other arm behind my back, and easily stands up fully. “Don’t struggle.” 
I feel like I’ve heard stuff like that more the past few days than all my life before combined. 
He places me down on the blanket and sits next to me. Too close next to me. Honestly? I’m too tired to really care at this point. 
An arm wraps around my torso, keeping me closer. What is his obsession with touch!? He never is with anyone anymore, not even his own brother! 
A very gentle squeeze to my stomach makes me whip my head to look down at his hand. 
??? When did he take his glove off!? 
“... I’ve heard what many have been saying. If moving is really what you want, I can’t stop you. However, if you ever wish to visit again, both the Winery and Angel’s Share are always open for you to stay. As for me, I’m angry what they’ve been saying.”
I can’t look at him. I should have known someone like him would so easily catch on.
I begrudgingly have to admit his shoulder is a lot more comfortable than the ground. At least not laying on his chest this time. 
“Who do you have to see, anyways?” 
“Someone you could say I’m very close with. I have something urgent to discuss with them. 
I let out a light chuckle. “Wonder who in the Teyvat got the attention to be cared about by the great Diluc. I’ll surely have to meet them.” 
“You will sooner or later when in Liyue.” 
Not going to tell me? Alright, he can keep his secrets. Not like he has a lack of them. 
I could kiss the dock we’re walking on to enter Liyue. The guards stand down pretty quickly upon seeing Diluc, so they likely know him. 
We get to a hotel and both order rooms. Diluc disappears not too long after, and I stay in my room to rest. I wonder if I should ask someone a tour of Liyue since I know very little about the place. 
But first, some rest.
Several hours later, I’m wandering around again, more refreshed. There seem to be a lot of great restaurants to try. 
“Hey partner! I reckon you’re new here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around before.” 
I turn around to see someone with two ponytails walking up to me. She feels rather friendly, but still got my guard up a bit just in case. 
“Is it really that obvious?” I ask. 
“Yeah, But you don’t have to worry. We get a lot of people from all over visit here. So, what were ya lookin’ for? I might be able to help.” 
“I was trying to think of where to eat something, honestly. But uh… I’m not really sure what’s right to start with.” 
“That’s easy! You can try something at Wanmin Restaurant! I’m sure my friend there would love to figure out something ya might enjoy! C’mon!” She gestures for me to follow her. 
It doesn’t take long to get there, and there’s a girl cooking very enthusiastically. 
“Heya Xiangling! Got a new friend here for you to figure out what they’d like.” 
She whips her head up. “Xinyan! Ooh, a new person, huh? Where you from!?” 
“From Mondstadt.” 
How hyperactive can someone get? She somehow gets even more excited at the news. 
“Mondstadt!? Ooh! Just let me finish these orders, and I’ll try something you’d like!” 
Sooner than later she finishes, and makes something else I’m confused of, especially from never seeing such ingredients being used in food before. 
… Eyes are on me from behind. I decide to ignore it. It’s probably just someone curious or rude and not worth my time.  
Xiangling passes me something finished I’ve never seen before. I’m a little reluctant to try it, but eventually do after a moment’s pause. It’s delicious. 
I say so and nearly scarf it down. 
They smile back at me. 
“I guess you got another to try your new foods!” Xinyan pipes up. 
Oh hell yeah, I’m willing to try others she makes.
I jump out of my skin as a hand rests on my shoulder that isn’t Xinyan’s or Xiangling’s. 
“Oh Hey, Zhongli! Been a bit. Ya able to show the newbie here around Liyue? You’re a lot better at that than anyone.” 
“I would gladly show a tour around Liyue. I suppose it’s not unknown for me to be the one to do so anymore. Thankfully I’m free to do so now.” 
Hot damn that voice. Dude, don’t stop talking.  I turn to look at the man who was-
… I don’t like how he’s looking at me. It’s not aggression, disgust, etc. It’s more like wonder? Fascination? Something more like that which worries me worse than something negative or neutral. 
He offers his hand to me. Is it to give a handshake or to help me stand up? I reach out to grab his hand. I guess I’ll find-
He grabs it gently, and brings it to his face, kissing the back of it. 
Aw fuck, it was the weird 3rd option. Well, he’s a gentleman at least. 
“Are you ready for the tour, my dear?” 
My- my dear??? A little quick on the draw, Doesn’t he think? 
I stand off the chair. “Yeah! Even though I just got here, I can tell I like it here already.” 
He smiles like he’s very proud of that.
Great. I have a bad headache now with everything he’s tried to show and inform to me. This feels like something that should have been spread a few sessions. It was great to know, and I enjoyed it all, but this is too much. I can’t decide if Zhongli talking is helping or worsening the pain. 
I rub my forehead. Well, at least it takes away the pain in my feet. “Zhongli?” I cut him off on yet another story of information overload. 
He stops and looks at me. “I’m sorry to cut you short. I really like everything, and am totally down to know more, but it’s too much in one setting for me. Would you… maybe be free to continue tomorrow?” 
His eyes widen slightly. “Ah, I do apologize. I suppose giving more than just the best tour spots was too much. It appears to have given you a headache. Would you like to come to my place for a bit? I have some tea that would help.”
How about No? Have you ever heard of “stranger, danger”? Seriously, I could be a thief or you could be a murderer for all we know. 
“I’m good. Thanks for the offer, though. Just really want to go to bed.”
“Fair enough. Shall we meet at Wanmin Restaurant again tomorrow?” 
I nod and turn to head to my room. 
“See you then, (Y/N).”
A chill comes over me. Could have sworn my name was never mentioned with him. Or maybe I did? Ugh, head says no thinking. 
A group of girls come up to me. “You know, someone like you shouldn’t be interacting with someone like Zhongli.”
Ugh, seriously? He was just showing me around. He really seems to love this place and know the insides and outs. And they should shut up. Their voices are grating my nerves.
A shorter, younger looking woman with them rolls her eyes and almost seems to be playful about it. She comes up to me. “Hey! I’m Hu Tao! It’s nice to see a new face around here!” 
I blink a moment, trying to register how she’s super friendly to me already. Trying to sense if she’s just doing it to stab me later, I can’t feel anything off about her. Her being genuine makes it more jarring. Still keeping guarded though, I smile back at her. “Name’s (Y/N). Visiting from Mondstadt.” 
Hu Tao gives a massive mischievous smirk, like she knows something bit I don’t. “Mondstadt, huh?...” 
“What’s that look for?” I ask. 
It’s finally around noon when I exit my room. Something from the side jumps out. 
“Ha-what- Hu Tao! What was that for!” 
She giggles. “Nothing serious! It was just funny! 
Yeah, so funny to scare someone just exiting their room. 
“So what are you here for?” Might as well change whatever that was about. 
“To see how you like Liyue so far!” 
I was… not even here for a day? “Well, good so far. Though Zhongli feels a little odd.”
Hu Tao gives me the same massive smirk. “I Don’t know… I think Zhongli sure likes ya!” 
I try not to laugh at the impossibility, but the bark of a disbelieving laugh still comes out. “Yeah right. Not even in my dreams could that happen. I mean, look at him, and look at me.” I joke, while in the proximity of some girls making fun of me earlier. They’re around too, so may as well give them what they want, though it probably won’t help. 
She shrugs. “So? You’d be surprised!”
Thanks for the hope, but no. 
She runs off without another word. 
“I hope you’re well rested?” Inquired the too-familiar voice of Zhongli. 
Oh for fuck sake I just woke up for all this.
“Yeah. Weren’t we going to meet later, though?”
“A friend of mine informed me You’d be around here. With your headache from last night, I guessed it was going to take you a long rest before leaving. Would you like to eat somewhere before we continue where we left off?” 
My stomach growls in agreement. Ugh, stupid thing. “Sure. lead the way.” 
We reached a different restaurant.
One of the girls from before “Hey, look out everyone, they’ve come to eat all your food!” 
Yeah? And what if I do? I’ma nibble all your food for making fun of me. May you always have a mysterious bitemark in everything for eternity. 
A hand is placed on my shoulder. “I would like it if you’d refrain from such vulgar outbursts about someone innocent who’s come to visit Liyue.” Zhongli pipes up. 
The woman’s face was either red with embarrassment or anger at me. Maybe both. 
He lead me to a different one instead, and we ordered. 
I notice he keeps looking at me while we eat. What? He got a staring problem? I’m getting mixed signals of what he’s like. 
Someone came for the mora for our meals. 
Zhongli couldn’t seem to find his, making me nearly facepalm. Whatever, he’s a good man so far, as paying is just a favor for his touring I guess. 
“Ah, there. I apologize it took a bit to find.” 
The waiter didn’t seem to mind and left. 
“Well that sure took a bit to find. Having a hard time remembering where you put your mora doesn’t make sense to me.” I tease.
He nods at me. You’d be right. Thankfully someone very close to me has been watching out for my forgetfulness.” 
Good thing someone is for him.
He showed me the rest around the harbor, and even some grounds out of it. One place being the strange really tall statues by the thing in the sky, named the Jade Chamber I guess.
It was starting to get dark out.  
Zhongli looks over to his right, then stands in front of me. “Apologies, but I will have to cut this short. I need to… take care of something important.” 
His voice dipped into something that almost seemed to show anger. Yikes.
I was still restless after hanging out with Xiangling for a bit again, and left right out the town. It should be safe enough being so close.
The giant statues are visible all the way from here.
A pungent smell hits me as I walk the path. My eyes catch sight of a fight not far up ahead, making me hide behind the rock wall to make sure they wouldn’t see me. I peek up to see
!? Diluc and Zhongli… KILLING people!? The moonlight clearly showing their faces. Neither have psychotic smiles, making it all the more unnerving. Multiple dead Treasure hoarders dead, while one of the women that made fun of me already lying on the ground presumably dead too, and being burned. The pungent smell likely their burning flesh. I can’t believe they’re killers!” 
Zhongli pierces through the chest of the final woman still standing is the one who made fun of me earlier. She opens her mouth to scream, but Diluc covers her mouth.
“Surprised you’re helping. Doesn’t your contract prevent you from harming your Liyue people?” 
“That would normally be the case,” Zhongli then easily pulls his spear from the now corpse of said woman. Her body flops to the ground. 
I’m frozen in my spot. I want nothing more than to move, but my body won’t let me. 
“But that’s a good thing many don’t fully read contracts anymore. They broke my contract I made with them. They originally weren’t Liyue people. I could already tell from how they were not too kind to Liyue by making snide comments that they were nothing but trouble. The contract involved no demeaning remarks anymore, or they shall be removed from Liyue one way or another. It’s not hard to tell where they must have skipped. And they tried to damage Liyue’s newest, finest jewel.”
What the fuck does that mean!? I have to get out of here! Come on body! move!
Diluc sets fire to the corpse. “Suffer the wrath of the rock. Much better than that nuisance of a bard’s.” 
“I agree. I do also admit, I wish you could be here more often than around him. You’ll have plenty of time though. As for making you and our dear like me, that’s still a work in progress. Are you still sure you want to go through with it? Immortality can cause mourning of losing many.”
“I’m not close to many anyways. You’ve not been to Mondstadt, but outside of my work, I’m not well liked by many. They’re not exactly quiet when speaking their opinions. Besides, (Y/N) is in the picture now.” 
Me!? Their behaviors make so much sense now. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! I REALLY have to leave! 
My body can finally move, and I take a slow step back. Hiding might be the best option since there’s no way I’ll be able to outrun them. 
Their heads whip towards the sound. 
I can only hope they think it’s not a human. I hold my breath.
“In speaking of our dear, come on out. It’s safe now. I saw you try to hide earlier.” 
I don’t move. 
The sound of long strides comes towards me. 
I don’t get time to try to bolt before being grabbed by my wrist tightly, but not enough to hurt. My eyes get locked with Zhongli’s, who seem to almost glow a bright golden yellow.  
Diluc comes behind and rather loosely wraps his arms around me, his heat radiating off onto me with his close proximity. It slightly tightens before loosening again. A warning. A threat, showing he won’t hesitate to tighten his grip if I try to struggle free and run. their colognes combining almost making me dizzy. They’re not bad, but both at once is powerful.   
Zhongli reaches his hand and folds it under my chin, making me look up at him. “You must be quite lost, dear. I said we wouldn’t hurt you. And that was a promise.” 
He brings his face to mine and kisses my lips. I was so shocked I didn’t think of biting him until he pulled away. “Now, let’s get back, shall we? I’ll inform of what went on here, then I’ll join the both of you in cuddling. I’m patient, yet I cannot wait.” 
I should have just stayed in Mondstadt.
An: I’m sorry I made Diluc so physically obsessed or it seemed too repetitive to a point. I like to think due to his past, he’s touch-starved to the MAX. He just only shows it to a rare few how much he craves it. Yandere Diluc being even worse. That and I’m rather self-projecting of wanting my favorites being so obsessed with touch with reader lol. 
Not my proudest work, but screw it. Debated whether or not to post it lol. Was trying to write a more self confident chubby reader since apparently a lot of people are annoyed when they’re not. Even though I’m not self confident at all. Oh well. 
Also, writing full fics still feels like pulling teeth
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Obey me brothers + crew watching MC do a diamond painting
I've never done a post like this before, let alone anything for this fandom, but I'm doing a diamond painting myself, and these boys decided to rotate in my brain while doing so. I hope ya'll enjoy this crack post!
-he thinks it's an interesting concept
-he likes checking in on your progress as you place the tiny gems on the right spaces
-far too tedious and time consuming for him to do
- if he ever had a break, then he'd maybe like to try it out with you
-he'd let you work on it in his office while he works as long as you SWEAR you wont make a mess with the gems
-if you do happen to spill some, he'll make sure you pick up every last one, double and triple check that they're all accounted for
-if you give it to him, hed definitely frame it and put it either in a hallway or in his room
-he thinks its dumb, why would you spend so much time doing something like that when you could just get a premade one or the same image without the gems?
-he loves watching you do it, he'll say all that to your face, but we all know he'd wanna watch you the whole time
-gets exited when you send him updates, but he'll just respond with a "nice" or something
-he'd wanna try it out with you so you get him one of his own
-he spills the crystals all over the sticky part on accident
-doesn't know how the tools work, he'd also put them on upside down on accident
-he'd frame your finished one and hang it above his bed~
-he's never letting his see the light of day
-he'd play lots of puzzle games, so he sees the appeal in doing something like that
-it's said in a group chat, idk what it was called, but he likes to be able to be in a room with a person and do two completely different things, he doesn't need constant communication or even doing the same thing as the person really to be happy in their presence
-so I'd like to imagine he'd love having you work on your project on the floor of his room while he plays a game or watches a anime
-he'd occasionally check up on you to see your progress!
-maybe he'd order his own of Hana Ruri off Akuzan to work on with you the next time you bring it over to his room
-I don't think he'd hang it anywhere if you offered to give it to him, boy has too many posters on his wall anyways
-he'd say that you worked too hard on it to give it away to someone so quickly
-my true love <3
-Satan is an art enthusiast and gives me a 'try anything and everything' type of vibe
-he'd want to do one with you, he'd make a date of it and everything
-get him a cat one PLEASE!!!
-he'd probably also like one of the starry night, but cats are the top priority 👌
-he'd start to get a bit impatient over time, and a little frustrated if he makes a mistake or spills the gems everywhere
-but he has you with him, so he can easily laugh it off and go back to working on it
-especially if you're enjoying doing it with him, that's the most important part!
-he'd probably want to trade with you once you both finish with them!
-Also very artistic, like Satan
-he'd comment on how you're doing
"Wow! Your hands are so steady~"
"You have such a nice concentration face!"
-all the compliments might get frustrating if you're trying to focus, but it's okay because you love him
-he'd get one to do with you once you finish your first one, he'd love the closeness of working on such a long project with you
-he is very VERY good at the placement of every gem, he does nails and makeup as well as art occasionally so it is only natural
-he wants it to be perfect
-definitely posting work in progress pics on Devilgram
-takes pics of you working for himself~ he loves the candid shots
-and of course posts the final products together once ya'll finish
-he'd let you hold onto the one you did together so you can look at it and think of him~
-he'd try to eat it
-it looks like little candies
-candy goes in his mouth
-simple math
-but seriously, make sure he's not gonna eat it if you do one of these around him
-he'd try his hardest to help you out if you ask, but I don't think he has the hand-eye coordination
-like Levi, I think he'd like to watch you in silence as you work on it
-maybe do some workouts while you work?
-he'd probably want to hang it on the fridge since that's where he is a lot of the time, and the others can look at it when they're in the kitchen :)
-Belhpie probably wouldn't care all that much
-he'd think it's pretty, but watching you work on it is putting him to sleep
-he'd probably also want to help you with it, just so it doesn't take you too long
-he can just tell that working on it hurts your back from being hunched over for too long
-go lay down with him, it'd be much nicer, he could rub your back as you both fall asleep
-there's always tomorrow to work on it
-he'd wanna show your work to Beel once it's done
-hed also wanna hang it on one of the walls on his side of the room
-he'd watch you do it, then try to learn the best ways to do one himself
-(may be projecting a little here) he wouldnt know that you could place more than one at a time
-gets well over a quarter or so of the way through before realizing the long thing at the end of the pen you can use to place multiple down at once
-he feels silly but that's okay because hes having fun!
-he'd get one for Barbs too so the three of you could work on it together during any free time you have
-Puts too much pressure while going to pick up the gems and spills them all over out of the tray
-you help him clean them up every time, and you frequently have to use tweezers to take the gems off of the spaces of the picture they spilled on
-even if it's a messy process, you both have lots of fun making them
-he'd put it on his desk in a frame if you gave him yours
-you probably gave it to him as compensation for his messed up one
-shows it off every chance he gets
-if he sees that you're struggling with your project, he'd take over for a bit to show you the best way to do it
-he's like an annoying art teacher that keeps correcting your project when you didn't ask for it
-it's fine though, just tell him you don't need help and he'll respectfully leave you to your work
-he'd make you tea and snacks while you work if you're someone like me who gets too absorbed in your work to take a break
-also would massage your shoulders while idly talking with you about whatever topics your conversation leads
-he'd organize the bags of gems for you, makes sure everything is neat and tidy weather or not you ask for it
-if you wanted to give it to him, he'd happily set it up somewhere visible in the castle
-he'd love watching you work on it!
-he thinks its so pretty how it comes together and becomes so vibrant!
-he'd go and get several to bring up to the celestial realm
-he'd love working on them outside in the light of the celestial realm because of how shiny they are!
-he'd definitely hide things from you just to mess with you
-you need a certain color? Simeon has it in his pocket
-you set your tool down to do something else? He's grabbed it
-will give it back if you kiss him~ he promises <3
-he'd cherish it forever if you gave it to him when you're done!
-he'd use magic to mess with you
-inverting the colors, making the colors the same, placing them on the spots for you with magic
-the fossil has no right
-anyways hes like Simeon with the prank pulling
-he'd stop once you tell him and will revert the changes, then would go back to watching you peacefully as you work
-would be so so happy if you gave it to him, he'd brag to the others that you gave him such a personal and intricate gift
-he's gonna get killed by the others some way or anthother
-but that's fine
-he loves toying with death
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goodlucktai · 1 year
So lil request if ya feel up for it :-}
★ A story about Mikey's brothers finding out about his and Woody's secret relationship(?). Like, maybe it can be that one of them are going through Mikey's phone and they see his camera roll full of photos of him and Woody !! Or like they walk in on the two cuddling asleep or something idk :-0
Do whatever U want 💖
i went with rise on this one. i missed those guys :')
read on ao3
Don slams into the infirmary with a shout of, “LEO! Leoleoleoleoleoleo!”
“Congratulations, my name just sounds like noise to me now,” Leo replies drolly, as if he’s not ecstatic to have company. Sure, Raph had been camped beside his bed up until like ten minutes ago, but a lot can happen in ten minutes. 
As if to prove it, Don shoves a phone into Leo’s face. “Michael—our Michael—has a boyfriend.”
Leo sits up so fast he feels it in his entire body, an ache radiating down his spine like it’s a gong that just got rung.
“You’re lying!” 
“I would never lie to you,” Donnie says, his tone a weird mix of agitated and absolutely giddy.  
Such a gossip, Leo thinks fondly. 
Don piles onto the bed, still careful of Leo’s broken bones but a far cry from the cautious, mincing way he climbs in lately for their Youtube video essay marathons or vent sessions. Leo might have to orchestrate more tantalizing secrets for his nosy twin to uncover if it stops him treating Leo like something glass that’s about to break. 
Shoulder to shoulder, Donnie holds the phone where they both can see it. Now that Leo’s looking at it properly, he clocks the glittery sticker-covered military-grade phone case and says, “Oh, no. Tello, you didn’t. Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t steal his phone.”
“It’s called the Freedom of Information Act.”
“That does not apply here!” Leo is torn between horror—because Mikey is objectively terrifying—and glee—because Donnie is an absolute menace and he loves to see it. 
“Agree to disagree. I could have just cloned his phone onto a new device but where’s the pizzazz? Anyway—”
He brings up Mikey’s camera roll, scrolling through dozens of post-invasion celebratory selfies and candids, past a few scattered pics of Mikey’s own cooking and digital art (and Leo makes a mental note to revisit that, because there aren’t as many of those as there ought to be) and finally making an “ah-HAH” sound under his breath, tapping on a particular picture to blow it up. 
It’s a selfie taken at arm’s length of two faces squished together to fit the frame. One face belongs to Leo’s little brother, caught mid-laugh. The other one is distinctly human, almost lost in a haphazard cloud of yellow curls and turned sideways to plant a kiss on Mikey’s spotted cheek. 
Leo finds himself smiling involuntarily. Mikey looks happy. It’s cute. 
Of course, if Mikey thinks he can have a whole-ass secret boyfriend and get away with it, he’s got another thing coming. Not when he has three older brothers and an older sister who have been waiting their entire lives for this moment. 
“This doesn’t prove they’re dating,” he points out, mostly just to play devil's advocate. “Maybe they’re super affectionate friends. The five of us do cheek- and forehead-kisses on occasion, too.”
“Mm-hmm, yes, I thought you might say that, and I am, of course, prepared to offer more evidence.” 
Donnie taps out of the photo gallery and brings up Mikey’s messaging app. He scrolls for a bit, past the sibling group chat, April, their own names, Raph, their dads—even Rupert, what the hell?—and then, right beneath Piebald and before Casey Sr., is a text thread with a contact simply, and tellingly, labeled babe💛.
On pure reflex, Leo smacks the phone out of Don’s hand before he can open the thread. 
“So what we’re not about to do is read his texts to and from his boyfriend,” he says, very deliberately, so a single world won’t be misconstrued.
“I wasn’t gonna,” Donnie mumbles, in a tone that suggests that he was, in fact, gonna. 
Leo picks up the phone and goes back to the picture. He checks the timestamp, humming thoughtfully to see that it was from a little over two months ago. They've certainly been busy since the whole Krang situation, but Mikey has always had time for the things he loves. He makes time. He’s just a kid, albeit one who had to grow up too fast, but he was born with a good sense of what’s really important.
And this guy, Leo thinks, seems like he could be important. So why is this the first they’re hearing about him?
“How exactly did you make this discovery?” Leo asks, handing the stolen phone back. 
“S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. regularly scans all of our devices for anything icky—you’re welcome—and he asked me who the blond guy was,” Donnie explains offhandedly. “He thought we had a new friend he hadn’t met. You know how he gets when he thinks we’re leaving him out of literally anything.”
“Like father, like son,” Leo says sagely.
Donnie lowers the phone and makes direct eye contact. “No.”
Leo laughs so hard he thinks he might actually be in danger of puncturing a lung with one of his broken ribs. Donnie goes back to snooping, but there’s a pleased quirk at the corner of his mouth. 
“DONALD!” a voice thunders suddenly from down the hall. “IF WHAT I THINK IS HAPPENING IS HAPPENING, IT BETTER NOT BE!”
“Eughh boy,” Leo says. 
Looking as though he just saw his life flash before his eyes, Donnie shoves the phone at him and blurts, “You take it! You’re a convalescent, he can’t kill you! It would be against the Geneva Conventions!”
“Oh, I see, you want me to use my horribly mangled body as a meat shield between you and the consequences of your own actions.” Leo holds his hands up and open to avoid having any incriminating evidence forced into them. “Also, I think you skipped like six years of Social Studies.”
The infirmary doors slam open hard enough that one of Leo’s shelves of meticulously organized medical supplies rattles ominously. Mikey looms in the threshold, silhouetted against the light from the den. It’s appropriately intimidating.
There’s a beat of silence. Then Mikey’s eyes lower to the bright yellow phone in Donnie’s hands. It’s indie-film levels of drama. Leo is eating this up. 
Donnie whispers, “Oh, Hawking, I did not think this through.”
“When you die, who gets your laptop?” Leo whispers back. 
“I knew it!” Mikey shrieks. “You think S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. can keep a secret?? S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.?? You programmed him with all your own tells! I’m going to destroy everything you love!” 
The resulting cat-and-mouse chase around the infirmary is rowdy enough that it summons Raph, warm and fresh from the shower, dressed in his favorite huge pink hoodie. He catches Donnie on his way by and lifts him bodily out of the melee. Mikey is bloodthirsty enough that he scales Raph like a tree and their biggest brother is forced to hold Donnie out at arm’s length to keep the two of them apart.
“Woah, woah, hey—Jesus, what is happening?” Raphie says. His eyes dart to Leo, one dark and the other a pale milky pink, but it’s still the same look he’s given Leo a billion times before. The one that says loop me in. 
Leo searches under his pillow for the palm-sized knife he keeps there and focuses hard. Two little cyan portals open, maybe the size of dessert plates, one next to him and the other by Donnie, a neat little wrinkle in the dimension. He reaches through it and retrieves the phone. 
Pretending he doesn’t feel woozy after the brief use of ninpo well before he was technically allowed to use it again—because then he would have to admit that Draxum was right about something, and frankly he’d rather die—Leo waves the recovered goods at his brothers.
Mikey stops trying to kill Donnie and stares across the room with a very vulnerable, unhappy expression. Leo hates that, so he takes charge. 
“Just the Cain Instinct at work, Raphala,” Leo says, smiling. “How about you deliver Donnie to April for a lecture on respecting other people’s privacy, and I’ll talk to Mikey about the pros and cons of fratricide.”
“Pros and cons? What pros? You know what, nevermind,” Raph adds before Leo can answer, holding Donnie more comfortably in the crook of his arm as Mikey hops down from his shell. 
Donnie is dead-weight at this point, gone totally limp and accepting his fate. Since a lecture from April has a fifty-fifty chance of turning into a gossip session, Leo doesn’t feel bad for his twin at all. 
“And don’t think you're not in deep shit for that portal just now,” Raph says severely, pointing at him. “Yeah, Raph clocked that. No ninpo while you’re healing, Leon, or I’m telling pops.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Leo says dismissively.
But Raph still comes over to rub his head, and Leo still leans into him when he does, because a little part of Leo is always going to be six years old with stars in his eyes, gazing up at his biggest brother like Raph could hold the whole sun in his hands if he wanted to.
When Raph has carted Donnie away, the infirmary is much quieter. Mikey slinks over to the bed ungraciously and invites himself right up, pressing into Leo’s side and hiding his face in a yellow-striped shoulder.
Leo passes him back his phone. Mikey tucks it against his plastron and doesn’t say anything.
“So the pros of fratricide would be that your stuff would get stolen way less,” Leo begins airily. 
With a huff, Mikey nudges him. 
“He showed me a picture, but we didn’t read any texts,” Leo adds, less playful. “As far as we know, you have a really good friend we just haven’t met yet.”
“Yeah,” his little brother says quietly. He presses his face harder into Leo’s shoulder. Leo works his arm out from in between them and wraps it around Mikey’s carapace instead. 
Tracing a familiar pattern between the scutes, he says, “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
When Leo came out, a few years ago now, he was terrified. 
It was just another thing that made him difficult, that made him harder to love, that might cost him what little of his father’s good opinion he thought he had. He kept it a secret, tucked behind the armor of his plastron where no one but himself would ever see it.
But then one day, when he was fourteen, Leo found Raph in the living room, watching Youtube videos of the NYC Pride Parade with something young and hopeful on his face, only to slam the laptop shut when Splinter came in. Raph’s expression had twisted into something ashamed. Afraid. 
And Leo thought, Absolutely not.
So he came out to his family over dinner that same night. He said it like his hands weren’t sweaty and shaking beneath the table, like he hadn’t practiced the words and tone in the mirror for an hour beforehand. 
He couldn’t force himself to look at Splinter, twisting some spaghetti onto his fork and following his big announcement with something stupid, like, So I guess you could say the only straight I am’s a straight-up bitch. That way everyone would know it wasn’t serious, wasn’t a big deal, they could stop looking at him now please. 
Raph didn’t even get after Leo for saying the bitch word. He flew to his feet and rounded the table and scooped Leo up into a big bear hug. Well, Leo and Mikey, because Mikey was already attached to him at that point. Donnie said, “Gasp! This is my surprised face. Whoever could have anticipated this astonishing turn of events?” because he was an asshole. But he also reached over the table to put his garlic bread on Leo’s plate, because he was the absolute best. 
Leo’s heart didn’t stop racing for what felt like hours, even after his brothers squeezed him to death and made a bunch of noises about loving him no matter what, even after Splinter informed the table at large that his Baby Blue could start thinking about dating boys in another thirty years and not a minute sooner! 
But he did that for a reason. So his brothers had a lead to follow if they ever needed one. So they wouldn’t be scared like Leo constantly was.
And now the tension slowly leaks out of Mikey’s frame. 
“I know. I know,” he says, stronger the second time. “I guess I got all in my head about it. At first I wanted it to just be my thing, for me. I liked him but I wasn’t sure if he—you know. And then when he did, everything was perfect, and I didn’t want to mess it up.” He sits up enough that he can look at Leo, red-brown eyes earnest and wide. “Then the longer I didn’t say anything, the more impossible it felt to ever say anything. It’s not ‘cause I didn’t—”
“You don’t owe me or anybody else an explanation, Angie,” Leo says, tugging on the tails of his mask. “If you want to talk about him, I’m all-ears. If you want me to blackmail Donnie into forgetting he exists, I can do that, too. I’ve got the goods.”
Mikey smiles. It’s a relief to see. “I have no idea how you did it,” he says. “How you just told us like it was nothing. Told dad. I guess being his favorite probably helped.”
Leo chokes on an incredulous laugh. He thumps his own chest, wheezing. Mikey rolls his eyes and slumps down again, gets comfy, a familiar weight under Leo’s arm. 
“Puh-lease, Lee. You two are like the same person, all the way down to the inherent self-worth issues and validation-seeking. Of course he’s going to feel complicated about loving a carbon-copy of himself when he hates himself so much.” After a moment, Mikey adds, “I think you help him feel better about who he is.”
Huh. Welp. Time to pack all of that up to think about later because otherwise Leo’s brain is going to explode.
“Nice attempt at distracting me, but I’m the master of misdirection.” Leo jostles Mikey, enough to make him whine stoooop. “If you think for one second you’re not everyone in the entire family’s favorite person, then there’s something deeply wrong with you,” he adds severely. “Junior has only been here for like five minutes and even he likes you best.”
Mikey’s grinning by the time he’s done. Leo can feel the shape of it against his arm. 
“It’s a gift,” the youngest Hamato says humbly. 
Identical chimes from the phone in Mikey’s hand and the one on the bedside table alert them to a new text in the Mad Dogz group chat. 
Bootyyyshaker9000 After an illuminating conversation, during which absolutely no robot sons were taken hostage to force my compliance, I have seen the error of my ways and will endeavor to change my behavior. I wanted to offer my sincerest apologies to Angelo for my invasion of his privacy. I am not making this statement under duress. YellowSubmarine Good enough for you, baby?
Mikey’s grin graduates with honors into a laugh, that charming, full-bodied thing that fills whatever room he happens to be in. He types a quick reply and the group chat goes crazy. Leo sort of just lays there and takes the moment in. 
In about an hour, it’ll be time for another round of medication, but Leo thinks—even though it’s sappy and saccharine and he would never, ever say it out loud—that this is medicine enough. 
“Sooo,” Leo says, “you gonna tell me about him?”
“Leo,” Mikey groans, but he’s still smiling. 
“Oh, come on, you have to give me something.”
“How ‘bout a trade?”
Aww, his baby brother knows how to barter. Leo is so proud.
“I’m listening,” he says.
“I’ll tell you about Woody,” Mikey offers, waving his phone around, “if you tell me about that bunny waiter from Run of the Mill who asked for your number.”
Leo would shoot upright if he had, like, a completely unbroken back. As it is he has to move a little slower. 
“What?? Why—how did you—I mean, who?” Nailed it.
“Raph overheard the entire thing,” Mikey says sweetly. “He thought it was cute so he told me since I was right there. You know he can’t handle cute without gushing about it to somebody.”
It’s Raph’s knee-jerk reaction, like cute-aggression; only instead of squeezing or biting, he has to overshare to the nearest available party, usually while choking back tears. 
Kneading his temples, Leo forces out, “Mm-hmm.” 
He can’t even be mad, though. It’s Raph. If Donnie had been the one to overhear, it’d be plastered on a billboard above Times Square by now. 
“Lemme have this one on Donnie,” Mikey says, and brings out the big guns, brown eyes all wide and liquid. “He always gets your secrets first.”
“Disaster twins privilege,” Leo replies, so he doesn’t have to think about the novel concept that his family could believe his secrets are worth anything. “Alright, Miguel. Since it’s to spite Dontron specifically, you have yourself a deal.”
Mikey whoop-whoops, with the arm and everything. It’s so stupid. And it makes Leo think, This Woody guy doesn’t know how lucky he is. 
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
im so confused about that taekook pic. is jimin trolling? it's like he's toying with us? pls plss plss don't forget this ask bpp. pls answer my asks. i don't get why everything feels fake about jikook, tkk, jimin. is he even happy? it's like hybe is pulling the strings and trying to confuse jimin stans to frustrate us.
Ask 2:
At this point I just feel like we're getting played with lol. By who and for what? I don't know. But I've felt this way ever since we got photos/video that jimin did in fact get a cake for his solo and I'm sure big hit saw what the fandom was saying about him not getting one and they still waited to announce that he did.
BTS just isn't fun anymore for me rn. There's just this tension surrounding everything. And not just with shipping. It's fandom wide blatant favoritism. Shifting confusing narratives from the guys themselves (Jungkook claiming he's not trying to shy away from the maknae image when that's all he's been saying for months now???). Tae doing whatever it is that he's doing (bless his heart chile). Namjoon seems to be a mess rn, I wanna give him a hug, he speaks like life is kicking his ass. And our jiminie, I can't get a read on but he seems happy. And the other 3 being in the army so they're not causing trouble lol.
These taekook pics from jimin, hmmm idk, maybe it's his way of telling people he doesn't care about the backlash, and tae bringing jungkook up constantly, and we should back off.
It's all a mess. I never thought I'd long for the day we'd get a real break lol. I WANT to miss them.
I don't hate them. This is just exhausting. It's like them and the company are trying to be strategic with everything and it feels a bit disingenuous? Idk if that's the word. Maybe disconnected is more the word. And I know they've always been strategic in the things they do, so idk why this feels different to me.
Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble in your inbox lol
Ask 3:
Something feels wrong about suchwita. It feels forced. Am I the only one who feels Hybe is doing damage control with jikook to contain the fallout from Golden? BPP I'd like to hear what you think about vminkook's date, suchwita revealing the travel variety in context of all the controversies that happened lately. Does Jimin just not care about taekooker hate? He might be kind but he's still human.
Ask 4:
I give up on Jimin. Tired of stanning a grown man letting himself get played for a fool. Hybe, you won. Gloat away BPP. You and the rest of the OT7 cows win.
Ask 5:
BPP your asks about that RM - FACE credits controversy from Pjms reminded me of one debate I saw btw flat earthers and scientists. It's the most fascinating thing I've ever seen. The part that made me think of you is how flatearthers called the scientists uneducated, said they did their own calculations and made their own observations to arrive at fringe theories that disputed the wider consensus. I found it so strange how both scientists and flat earthers could observe the same thing but reach widely different conclusions. I know you've been going over and over with solos for some months so I hope this can make you laugh a bit BPP.
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Q7yvvq-9ytE
Hi Anon(s),
Lol, Anons in asks 1 through 4, why are you letting your minds torment you over things that should be obvious? Anon in ask 5, you sent me that ask last week, but it feels apt to post it now given the sort of asks I've gotten in the last few hours.
How many times can we go over the sort of conspiratorial thinking that plagues people who eventually become akgaes, thought patterns that have been shown several times this year to be completely misguided? If the only conclusion you can reach after everything we've seen in the last 10 months, after seeing Jikook, Taekook, Yoonmin, Vmin, and Yoonkook's conversations recently, is that 'someone' must be trying to pull a fast one on you, then maybe you should take a step back.
Honestly, in my opinion, you all fit the profile of people who should engage with k-pop very sparingly. Most times, I've observed these sort of views (also in the case of flat-earthers) are caused by gaps in foundational knowledge about the subject coupled with personal implicit biases. I see this happen all the time, and it's unfortunately the sorts of people who think like this who only get further sucked in, to the point they lose any semblance of a reference point. If you're still at the point you're asking these questions, especially Anon in ask 1, 2 and 3, there's still a chance. I'd suggest a clean break, a detox period, and very limited exposure going forward but starting from scratch and actually watching official content from the early years. A lot of people who joined the fandom post-2020 have only seen compilations and selected clips of BTS's formative years, and so they lack the background to better interpret everything that's happening in Chapter 2 - from why HYBE wouldn't respond to akgaes whining about cakes by posting it right away, to how vminkook have behaved throughout Chapter 2.
Listen to how you feel and please step back.
With flat earthers it's funny because in a bid to be skeptical, to 'question everything' so they aren't "played as a fool", they end up becoming just that. For most other people there's no joke, but for them the joke is always on them.
Thanks for the video, Anon in ask 5. But rather than make me laugh, it did the opposite. The conclusion of the video is that no flat-earther, not one, changed their minds after debating with the scientists. I had a theory that the people who end up as akgaes were always going to be that regardless of any arguments that run contrary to their beliefs, because at the heart of it, it's not about the arguments but about them. But I hoped I could be wrong. Extrapolating the conclusion of this video to my theory, the suggested implication is bleak as hell.
Anyway, stream Golden and enjoy jikook jikooking. Sounds like we're about to get a full calendar of content.
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venusdevotea · 6 months
My Tavs!
I've been lurking on BG3 tumblr for a while, but I wanted to finally make a proper post showing off my characters! I've got a couple of campaigns going on, and I'm always looking to make new characters and explore different playstyles and think of fun lore. It's been so awesome to connect with other members of the community too, namely @basketobread's gorgeous mind and OC's, creator our best girl Lunara!
Without further ado, here is my first Tav Tal'riia!
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I had originally named her Karliah after the legendary archer of the nightingales in Skyrim, but then got annoyed that her name was too similar to Karlach's, so I changed it. I usually run rogues or clerics in my irl dnd campaigns, so again she was originally a rogue but then quickly realized Astarion was a rogue too so.... to make more sense having him in my party all the time, I changed her class to ranger and holy hell was that sick as FUCK. I made her strong type at first so she gives off femme himbo vibes (lovable loser rizz) because GOD I missed like half of the content in my first run.
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She is a Seladrine Drow Ranger!! Honestly haven't thought much of her personal lore because I just went for what I thought sounded super awesome to me off rip. I don't have any pictures of her in scene, because I just didn't think to take more tbh and I wasn't super proud of many of my choices and the things I missed in my excitement to finish the game asap to then.... start my next run!
Which brings us to my next two OC's, a re-run of Tal'riia's story and my first Durge Muerta! I... ended up deleting my first campaign and ran a whole do-over, since like I said, I felt increasingly dumb as time went on and after consuming more and more bg3 content online, I realized just how much I had missed in my first campaign.... SO brings us to a re-realized Tal'riia with a different skillset and playstyle. I went for sorcerer/tempest cleric, because I had heard how strong that build was, and with the cheats ring I got from the basket equipment mod, I had a lot of fun playing around. I've got a couple pics of her here:
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Tal'riia 2: Electric Boogaloo Seladrine Drow Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric (I'll post more pics of her when I get back to her story!)
Of course had to also start my first Durge Run, which I chose to go a good route (I'm too nice even in rp to go full evil, but idk, I might try it soon!) and I decided to run an eldrich fighter Durge because I feel fighter makes more sense of a chosen of Bhaal than a sorcerer? But idk that's just me. Here's Muerta!
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I actually have such an unhealthy obsession with her Muerta Half Wood-Elf Eldrich Knight Fighter (Yes the lightning jabber build) Heart of gold, little murder-y at times, but ultimately does resist her Urges. What's a little murder between friends!! Red rum is my drink of choice at a bar! POV: Durge is also casually your bff. Honestly pretty normal. Just don't meet the parents...... or the sister.
I'll share my next campaign in a separate post here. This campaign I'm running based on my dnd character I'm playing in an irl campaign with friends! I made our whole party in the character selection screen, but only moved forward with my character because.... there's only so many unfinished adventures I can have lol.
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
This what I don't like in Tom decisions,he almost all the time picking up roles before scripts is twitter. So he never know what he will get. With TCR he done same thing and he was flexing like it's good thing. Many famous actors doing opposite of this, never take roles if they not like script when script already done, waiting for "their" role,ehh Tom...I have bad feeling for FA. Problems is even with good performance u can't save bad scripts and all blame usually gets lead of film in this case would be Tom.
If it's early stages and small chance he will shoot this in 2024,so uncharted 2 or nothing and FA after spiderman shooting in 2025
Hey Anon, I think some of your msg was a little bit unclear, but I think I understood the general gist of what you were trying to say.
I'll be honest, I've seen several fans of Tom being upset by his manner of picking roles (like yourself), but I always say that at the end of the day, I just want my favorite actors to be HAPPY. 😊
If Tom were not HAPPY picking the roles that he's choosing, THEN I would probably feel some kind of way about it. But as long as he's happy doing the projects that he's been doing (and, let's face it, he seems pretty happy with most of his projects), then I'm happy for him and I'll always support him in his roles! 😊
With that said, I am kind of curious about what kind of projects he could possibly find himself getting into if he were to step away from the Russo Brothers, Amy Pascal, Sony, or anything Marvel-related period... 👀
I'm just curious! 🤔
I wouldn't mind seeing him do a role which already had a script finalized before he signed on to it, or even a role that was based on a critically-acclaimed book/novel, so that even if there isn't a script written yet, you kind of know where the story is going ahead of time and how well-written the plot is because of the novel. 🤔
But we might have to just be patient. Tom JUST had a much-need year off break from working last year. 🙂 We're currently only at January 4th. Fans need to give Tom some time to start getting back into working mode again.
I'm sure 2024 will bring more Tom project announcements our way, and some fans might get their wish.
BTW, I'm not exactly sure why you have such a negative feeling already about the FA biopic? 🥴 Despite what haters and Debbie Downers might think or say 🙄, biopics are a GREAT genre to get into! And they usually often do very well with most audiences... especially if the film is done well.
Paul King is a very respected and decent Director, and his films tend to be beloved by moviegoers.
This will also be the FIRST time we FINALLY get to see Tom dancing on the BIG SCREEN!! 😁 If that's not exciting, idk what is lol 😅
Idk why some fans are automatically throwing crap at this movie when we haven't even gotten any bts filming/set pics yet, let alone a trailer or even a script! 😵‍💫
I think some fans need to chill on the pessimist-ade they're sipping on this winter, and just let things unfold organically without being so negative about a project every step of the way. 👀
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
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elendsessor · 10 months
i’m terrified of most arachnids but goddamn i want the monhun dev team to bring back the akuras or try their hand again with scorpion wyverns.
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they’re are so fucking cool. i mean it’s entirely possible now that temnocerans exist (that wasn’t a classification when these two were introduced so they were carapaceons) and let’s be honest there’s only so many times you can make big spiders before it gets old.
these guys are definitely my favorite more “accurate” mons since they really are big scorpions but with deadly crystals (which btw crystallization is another cool thing that should be brought back) and thank you design team and a lot of fictional scorpions for having their eyes not be on top of their head since it’s actually ten times creepier and i can’t handle it lol. i really like how vashimu’s more based in physical/bulky prowess while jebia is speedier and uses its tail—real world scorpions with larger claws tend to be less venomous than those with smaller ones as they can rely on the pinchers more for protection. ones that are smaller/slimmer have to rely on tails and being tricker to harm. while physically they aren’t too different, having the akuras have these varying advantages both makes sense and creates an interesting duo. this might be just me but i also noticed the hair lengths on them are a bit different too? as in jebia’s are shorter. again probably just how i see it.
the kusubami are also just baby scorpions.
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yeah baby scorpions tend to be lighter skinned since they haven’t molted much and are generally more vulnerable. tend to be less territorial as a result so they chill with one another. though this also implies the akuras might be cannibals since scorpions do eat their young. uh oh.
something i would love to see done with a scorpion monster tho is for them to glow since they can, in fact, do that. (TRIGGER WARNING: SHOWING A REAL SCORPION PIC BELOW)
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yeah this is real. it’s unknown exactly the purpose of this, but it’s likely to attract prey who can only see uv light.
idk how a fight with another akura would go if they did glow but seeing how monsters like lucent nargacuga are only fought at night that could be how it’s done. regardless it’s a thing i don’t see enough of with fictional scorpions and i’d love for there to be more.
just gimme another scorpion mon please.
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trashnightshade · 2 months
hey! i love that line in your bio(?) AND THE BACKGROUND it's the one of the best photos of moon jellies i've ever seen!!
i'm also deeply enamoured by physics. i actually don't know why i'm here. i think the jellies captivated me when i clicked on your page. i guess you just seem interesting, so
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any interests?? or if you want an actual question umm i guess
a strange/interesting thought you've had recently
a fanfic/book that broke yu & put yu back together (either/both)
you're favourite character from ice age (feel like that says a lot about someone idk)
random fact that yu know/found out
something that made you question the perception of homosepians
something yu like that might be considered weird/strange/odd/arcane. eg. i like tide pools, tiny things and the unusual peculiarity that is the mad hatter and all things Alice in Wonderland
the fragility of morality
oh! and something mundane but meaningful, like your comfort movie or something
OMG HI THIS IS SO SURREAL I literally love your blog also the profile pic is amazing
Thank you so much!! Im glad my jellies captivated you :) here is a lobed comb jelly for you
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If I didn't know the steps of a relationship, would I still try to dance them?
For fanfic: Alice, Look at Me because it was the first Nobleflower fic I read and it DESTROYED ME
My fav character has to be Sid the Sloth...he is my queen
Cats meows are actually learned behaviors to be able to communicate with humans. They dont meow often with other cats but they learned it gets them things from humans.
Reading blogposts on Tumblr as well as poetry from different time periods. People have never really changed. We still love and lust and long for that one person. Its nice to have this sense of certainty.
I think death and theories about the afterlife is super interesting! I have been asking all my friends about their theories and one of my friends said I was going to cause a frat boy to have an existential crisis and go on a killing rampage if I bring it up at parties haha
oh boy don't get me started on morality. Who decides the scale? If someone who loves me saw all of the terrible things I have done in my lifetime would they still look at me the same? Can the good things you do erase or outweigh the bad? Are we born pure or are we born dammed? I'm inclined to believe that morality is useless because what is the point of laying awake at night trying to weigh all my actions, but my self-hatred argues that if I claim to be a good person then I am ignoring everyone i have ever hurt. Not to get political, but I think that the idea of morality has been used to control people way too many times for me to fully believe in it but I do think it is a fascinating idea :)
My comfort movie is Kiki's Delivery Service but I have to stop it before the end. I don't think I've seen the ending in years.
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toinfinitywinning · 8 months
confident about confidence & not confident that makes sense.
*real Quick. This (G)entry might make ur head spin. Could also Title : what you think no one knew. U tried it.
I wont ask for a raise of hands. Everyone deals with it. There’s no solution, no answer. Experience & being a dumbass——>Guidance and wisdom. There are many reasons I bring up confidence. One, it’s one of those words that’s not a word …it is a State of being. you just kind of don’t know where to place it b/c well, you’re not confident of where to land w/ it and even if you were you’d be like just leave it bc i don’t have time for this. to debate confidence v confidence? again Dog-ear the page or burn it bc im not even confident about THAT. Then once and only if it’s (the whole world of confidence) placed hyper-questioning kicks in: is that where it should be? Then… be and stay? Also am I losing it? I’m not confident about that but maybe. That’s always on the agenda you never agreed to and I AM confident about that i think.
If there is one constant in My Life it’s been My back n forth relationship with confidence. I have this thought daily, truly. I’ll say to myself ok yea I’m cute…
[insert any other compliment you give yourself or even receive by others only b/c you’re actually insecure— and just like the fact you’re still sick from being healthy (Me) it doesn’t make sense so bc it doesn’t make sense just I guess get over it and carry on]
…but R u cute enough to actually be happy and okay about that or do you want to change something? Take another chiseled mirror picture flexing? And u never went to a trainer? Feel better now? But I only got 3 likes. So idk.
Er No i think I’ve figured it out. Just dont eat. Exercise 2-4 hrs a day. Weights. 100 Push-up’s. 100 Calf raises. Repeat. Twice a Day if ya can. Anything to find confidence in the material. Find Pride. Only Pride you’re good at tho is the lgbtq spectrum and recently are glad it’s a spectrum since u have no idea where you fall into it anymore bc you’re not confident and it’s completely irrelevant b/c I can live between the letters+ the rest of my Life— that’s fine. Any of which could be foreshadowing of any category of Illness to come. But yea Now that you’re sick…you gotta trash your other Pride AGAIN b/c you can’t do anything without help.
10, 9, 8…my Tourette’s R throttled.
Then lately, aka the past 2 years—I can make the cute comment, i like my sun freckles and My eyes. My baby hairs when i wear a hat backwards. My smile. Just dont smile where you look fat or have a dbl chin bc you worked too hard to get all that weight off and how would that look if you just got fat again? Pitiful and weak and a fraud. Going back on your word b/c anything I declare Online is binding. So just Show some of your body in pics but not all so people dont think youre trying NOT to be totally honest with internet fame but so you still look confident. but as for doing anything about it…physically can’t now b/c trying to get better is not a good idea bc of POTS and Pppunishment for trying to be in shape but oh when u tried to be in shape never was not-not punishment. Then what…back to no confidence. Felt like My Face is cute but _______ oh, ill still think that later. Confident about that. Forget about iiit. Post it.
Then all the sudden youre not just fighting with yourself. there’s the whole social Media thing also including the “felt cute, might _____ later.” What R we doing later (?!) LOL. We say Shit that doesn’t make sense at all. (English still deemed the hardest language to learn b/c we have three versions of the same thing). Who decided why ppl need to know what we’re doing later if we are cute? LOL, Well then, I’m typically the later. I think. B/c if I even did feel cute I didn’t have enough confidence to say it, yea? Even if I was?
This goes back to My eating Disorder(s)—which, is technically a fantastic eerily precluding example of the back and forth weight and confidence issues I’ve always had on and off. Ok so weight, up and down. Confidence obviously plays along. Self worth in that scale- turn the lights off. Can’t see your bones anymore, I’m doing something wrong. I’m healthier but I also have Long COVID-19? I lost all this weight and im fainting? Oh and science does back up that the reason u were so susceptible to getting sick is bc you got healthy! Your body was so assaulted it kicked into overdrive to help you but did a 180 gainer instead of the whole 360. So u Quit smoking. stopped drinking, et. Working on an eating disorder mixed of anorexia and exercise bulimia bc you used to be morbidly obese and lost 150 lbs and dammit you’re gonna let ppl know it for confidence’s sake. Do. Not. Waiver. Social Media is holding us all hostage and accountable.
That’s weak, Gentry. B/c if it’s on the Internet it’s REAL and it’s permanent. Keep it up. Don’t think about it too much.
Back to my body being so healthy it gets sick. The most laughable backwards bull shiggity I’ve ever been a part of. My Pleasure. Again, body got So healthy in fact, the health takes form and wants to protect you so badly that it turns turbo, fast, furious and wants to heal you SO fast and so well, well, it’s bad. And, AND, you cant do anything about that trust me your body is confident in that. Oh and also wait even tho u did follow all the covid safety rules half of America made fun of that is also irrelevant. Why? I’m confident the answer is bc What why? LOL. This gets Good, gets better. Need 2 years to explain. So book it in advance.
Speed ‘round to tie all the above mess? not confident I can do that with this entry. Can’t speed through any of this type Schitt in a few words. Forget a proofread.
Engine sputters. Then stops even sputtering. And pls stop using that word.
Pretty confident I can’t go anywhere now!
See now? Ofc you don’t.
Truly it was the beginning of the End. I’m confident about that. I do thank God for that tho. Not that this needed to happen but something needed to distract Me from myself and its prison only I could have built. Go ahead and add that pressure to your Tab too.
Me thinks i do. I sound Manic. And steroids influenced.
PS: if you take anything from this—these strategies of extremes to get extremes don’t work. They’re temporary. It’s more your mind than your body. They’re not going to make you happy everlasting.even Snow White got F’d temporarily and she was not even cute. There’s a shallowness to the extremes intoxication but unless like an Addiction you’re ready to Face and admit it honestly healing cannot Begin. TIME is on your side and most of the time you’d prefer it the other Way then the other Way. So This “advice”— or call it what you want— doesn’t just apply to confidence and the extremes we Will take so you CAN be all about you you you. Where is the line btw confidence Health and cockiness and a titch narcissism? The obsession—It Will leave you empty.
I just read the above and thank goodness I didn’t handwrite it b/c then you’d really have no chance of deciphering any part of it! Even so you may have to learn the hard Way like most of us. Something I’ll never understand but can look at somebody and know they’ve been there too.
Just do you. Don’t try so hard. You’ll be so tired. But just be present. That’s gonna bring joy. Not a scale. Not a selfie. What do YOU want. Trust my confidence on this at least. Ya can’t beat it. Truly is what is at your Core. What do people think first? I’m still unsure I want to know that anyway! Being yourself is terrifying. WHYYY?!
I need a scribe.
Don’t ask Me ;)
Be blessed.
Xx, g3
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
Twitter is trying to cancel SnC yet again I see.
If I were SnC I would literally just delete all my twitter profiles except for their channels twitter which I'd then use ONLY for promoting when new videos drop. Just so the twitter fans can learn that they aren't as important as they seem to think they are because those boys are nearly at 12 million subscribers on youtube, twitter is but a mere handful of that subscriber count so it really wouldn't matter if they all decided to stop watching.
(plus the video they're all angry at is actually performing very well, it's already at 2M views on just day 2 of releasing. This suggests a lot of the fandom may not share twitters opinions...)
i don't see snc deleting their twitters, but i do see them continuing to not use them and just letting them sit dormant bc that side of the fandom is too dramatic.
i've said my peace on this 100 times over, but i don't mind saying it again bc it keeps happening and no one over there is getting it lol
not that i'm telling them either since most of them i have blocked or they have me blocked lmao
that side of the fandom has cried wolf one too many times and now expects snc to still listen to them. and look, back in 2020/21, maybe that would have happened. bc twitter held a lot more stock back then. but not anymore. they thought they could call out snc for every little thing and expect them to always listen and for all of the fandom to agree. and reality is that just won't fly anymore.
were there genuine reasons to call them out before in the past (and even now)? sure. i'm not here to argue that. but what i am saying is once everyone jumped over the line in the sand and started getting mean and calling them out for nonsense things, idk what you expected to happen.
it's one thing to complain about content and what's going on in it or that it's taking too long to get new content out. it's another thing to bitch about their gfs and say they shouldn't date them, or in general to bring up personal shit.
where our input starts and ends is content related, and that's it. anyone that thinks they have a say in what snc do in their own personal lives are delulu. it doesn't matter if you believe you have their best interest in mind, your input is unwanted. that's just reality.
also i think a lot of ppl on twitter think they speak for everyone in the fandom but they fail to realize that this fandom has 12 mil ppl in it (roughly). even if one of the louder fans on there has a 1000 followers, that's not even 1% of the entire fandom. that's not even .01%. that's how little the amount of ppl you speak for.
my thing is, all of this complaining and drama started in january, around colby's bday, when the pics of them with the girls leaked. and since then, this fandom and that side in particular hasn't shut up since. and look, obviously not everything is about the girls and not everyone is even complaining about the girls. i'm not trying to cast wide nets here and assume. but… be honest: yall have been complaining for WEEKS about a variety of things, ranging from them having gfs that might be clout chasers to snc not talking about a genocide, and somehow…….. i'm supposed to take any of that seriously??? snc are supposed to take that seriously??? those are two VERY different things, no?
but hey, you wanna be upset at snc for whatever reason, be my guest. i'm not here to stop you. do whatever you want. but at what point do you just accept that snc aren't gonna meet your demands and thus your only option is to leave?? just curious. and are you okay with the fact that just bc you leave doesn't mean anyone is gonna miss you, including snc? harsh reality is snc don't know who you are, and that's not bc you don't deserve to be known - they just realistically don't know you, and you leaving isn't gonna do anything.
but if you aren't enjoying your time here, leave. it's better in the long run to pay attention to something that actually brings you happiness rather than stick around and be miserable.
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Hello dear rhythm!! I’m glad that your rest was fruitful 💜 i do hope u get some more “me time” soon. I think i kinda have a lot to say but so little brain cells left so lemme just ramble 🥹 (sorry in advance cuz this is definitely not proofread)
First off, minotaur changbin 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i’m mush with how he tries his best to communicate with little human even if his words are a bit broken 😭 gosh he’s something else indeed. Would love to learn more about him and their relationship!!
in connection to another anon, i agree that you’re like, one of the kindest writers here 🥹💜 for real, i still always feel giddy and kicking my feet whenever you interact with us even if we’re anonymous. I totally feel that you’re so genuine too, so ilysm 🥹
Random thoughts have brought me back to one older anon ask that i sent. i feel like i haven’t revealed it to you. It was about how you made me realize that i might actually be into monster fuckery HAHAHSHAHDHSH i’m coming clean now because i just wanna tell you that it’s definitely because of how you write (and other users that i follow!!). I think a recent anon said something about finding it rare to have stories with werewolves or vampires that are more on exploring how “human” they are. I would like to tell u that u are so awesome for writing that kind of stories :)) [again i am so sorry my brain is mush rn but i just wanted to tell u everything!!!! 😭]
in more personal news, i am at that time of uni where i am undergoing on the job training 🥲 and although i find the topics that i study really interesting, i am an extremely introverted person in an extroverted career choice 🥹 AKSBXJSBBDHDH my social battery is currently drained and i am now curled up in bed and ranting to u 😂
Am currently catching up on tumblr stuff like your recent posts so here i am!! Sending big hugs to u as always!! Head pats for Raven :)) kinda miss seeing the void, may i pls ask for a pic?
alsooo have u watched the baseball skz code?? WHAT IF wr!seungmin takes his s/o to teach them how to play 🥹 or that hybrid seungmin that u wrote about 👀 both breeds would definitely catch the ball 😂
ahh, thank you, dear berry💜 i hope i get more "me time" soon 😭 i need it desperately.
glad you liked minotaur!changbin 🥺 he's the gentlest giant.... there were some things i wanted to explore with them both, but idk i didn't feel like putting them in this fic. maybe one day i'll write a bit more for them💜 i may or may not be...... considering writing a story about that young man in the labyrinth 👀 but... we'll see
you're too kind💜 i genuinely like interacting with y'all~ so i'm happy you all find some entertainment in it, too hahah
exploring the human-like nature of monsters is my passion atp sdfhsujhfsdik it's so much fun, which is why i keep doing it (or try to, at least). i find pride in the fact that i've helped bring many of you to this side 👀👀👀
i haven't watched the baseball skz code!! i want to but i haven't found the time. don't worry, though.... baseball player wr!seungmin has been living in my mind for a while now👀 we'll see if he makes an appearence in the actual story.
hope it goes well with uni!! i'm sure you'll do great. here's a Raven pic to hopefully ease your soul:
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ashmp3 · 1 year
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my face after seeing your new pinned <33333
okay what is your FAVE haircut/color for each svt member. also who do you think has the best or most frequent GOOD HAIR
(i might send you multiple asks just fyi)
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it had to be done i think i bragged about that pic to everyone who cared to listen its just TOO CUTE..... NOW onto the question! coups: its a tie between l&r era i facken loved the longish blue and the long two toned hair! jeonghan: short brown hair NEXT QUESTION also the picture u sent both of them actually its like you knew. but also of course the one i have now the long ashy blonde i love it he was dreamy... and the long red. thats my holy trinity i am shaking just thinking about this joshua: i am a long dark permed hair joshua lover first and foremost. jun: predebut long dark hair i think he should bring that shiet BACK. also two toned just tickles my brain just right! hoshi: thats my fake natural blonde cousin anything other than platinum blonde would feel wrong to say... wonwoo: maybe unpopular opinion i dont really know but i like him with short dark hair i think it goes so well with his sharp features. but also long permed hair was for the history books... Difficult man difficult decisions... woozi: long story short i was obsessed with pink woozi you shouldve seen my blog back then i mean im glad u didnt. but i love the long dark hair that he has now i think it works well like he is so romantic and just soft to me and that hair just emphasizes it and i adore it dokyeom: he is kinda always in the brownish shade range so i guess dark brown perm. i like him with longer hair too! mingyu: short brown hair or medium lenght black i am realizing i have a favorite... the long black hair he was crying about when he was cutting it? not my favorite i was cheering LMFAOSFVEVKNSFKVN minghao: hes way too hard he suits so many but my favorites are longish black mullet in call call call and home;run long curly red hair. vernon: dark hair with undercut + silver fear vernon. i mean come ON.... you cant blame me seunkgkwan: ORANGE HAIR BOOO and i love when they show off his forehead idk it suits him so well... dino: my dinito the black mullet did something to me and i think he knows it... and okay who has the best hair constantly? i dont want to say dokyeom or gyu or wonu bc they are always playing it safe. So i think jeonghan (many hits i like every single hair he had) and minghao (i like that hes so experimental and he suits many cuts and colors).
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firespirited · 1 year
Today I fixed up a steamer/vacuum which will probably go to the second hand store, attempted to clean and revive an old Siemens pre-smart phone.
Got a Fidgie Friends head and took measurements of the eyes and replaced them with something less glarey. (ultimately I think it's simpler repaint the ones they come with to have bigger irises and might make a tutorial for that) - pics tomorrow.
I impulse bought a Beauty Cuties arriving next week- i know i know. Head the size of a football, neck peg 1/6th size so rebodying on a large doll is not only an engineering puzzle but finding a skin tone match from the mostly white disney animator dolls is going to be rough.
But i'm not feeling guilty about still engaging in the doll hobby and bringing in new stuff that's hard to flip though because it's keeping me sane until I can find something else. Turns out something that doesn't engage the shoulders and isn't strenuous is not easy to find. Keeping me busy and using knowledge has it's own value, I'll worry about the clutter later.
I left a repaired VIP pets at the phone box library a kilometer down the road this weekend and she was gone and not trashed the next day. 😁 A trial balloon for rehoming dolls when the local 'toys for tots' type charity takes new in box only.
I'm also planning to visit the upcycling and second hand shop this month and maybe I can offer my services wiping or repairing devices (can't do the fiddly work of screen replacement or anything with my hands but I'm quite happy to do the tedious work of scanning, formatting and installing). Idk.
Lily the dog is feeling better, her arthritis flare up is calming a little though she's still a little stiff in the back legs. She's back to mischief which is a great sign, she had me so worried when the pain was making her lethargic. I've looked at various harnesses in case she needs long term assistance getting up and being carried down stairs.
Turned off anon again. Don't want to end up between proshippers and antis when my argument is for critical creation and 'consumption' (I hate that word but reading, listening watching is a mouthful) not purity culture. I believe horrible things have their place in fiction because life has horrid parts but they have to be well handled not just there as a narrative device or shock value.
I can see a whole spectrum ranging from people protecting healthy representation of real life horrors from blanket censorship to folks who just feel entitled to write whatever they want without thought of its impact because right now they find that as exciting and for some it's exciting in the same way as saying the n word.
How about we have some introspection about how open honest discussion in the bedroom seems so improbable and cringey to many people that they'd rather imagine a mind reading lover who doesn't ask... and if writing fiction to normalise having so called 'awkward' talks that 'interrupt the passion' might work as well as all the folks who've successfully turned the condom from annoying formality into sexy foreplay.
Whether we're examining the widespread misconceptions about torture that spread via fiction and have become part and parcel of the carceral and military systems or having complex conversations about whether to put sexual assault or suicide in a story and how to handle it with the utmost care...
My life has been changed for the better by stories that handled dark subject matter respectfully with the weight it deserves. So my argument isn't pro or anti. It's let's do something constructive: the way we ask people to unlearn racism and learn anti racist thought: how about the guidelines on death by suicide in mass media, how about we ask people to apply that to their fiction and get to tag their work as tw: suicide but with a second tag that it's been checked for that guideline compliance.
I want to open the scope from whether or not AO3 should exist into how we can help eachother engage in more thought-through creations and more importantly real long term support networks for all sorts of survivors with all sorts of messy ugly thoughts.
But any time I write a post it's a whole ordeal to dare press send. I really hope folks know that it's always a 'yes and' or 'I wish this were true but it's debunked/mislabelled'
Just realised I didn't get anything on my to do list for today done. Eeesh. Well, that's tomorrow's problem. 😅
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
older h meeting her parents!!! And she’s nervous cause she’s never introduced a boy to them let alone a MAN! And he’s just the sweetest helping her around the flat preparing everything with her just kissing her “do they even know I exist?” He as,s her and she’s all 😮 “of course they do h!” And he brings her into him calming her telling her to take a deep breath “if they ask we are not having sex” she blurts out and he’s full on laughing “why would that even be brought up?” She shrugs her shoulder “just making sure” he kisses her lips “you are old enough I’m sure they know you’ve done it by now” he’s smirking she hits his shoulder “stop they don’t! Do they?” She asks he smiles “i don’t know you tell me” kissing her neck just kissing everywhere he can besides her face since she has on some makeup and he was threatened not to ‘ruin it’ “stop messing with m-me they don’t know” and he’s focusing on a spot he knows she likes “Harry don’t leave a mark I’m not changing p-please” he stops “okay let’s get ready for your parents and tell them how I’m your boyfriend and pretend I have never seen you naked” pecking her lips
Literally so obsessed w this idea I’ve read it SOOOOOOOO many times since u sent it in I’m def def def going to be writing a whole blurb w a moment like this soooo obsessed🥺 like it’s so obvi she’s nervous fluttering around the place trying to straighten pillows and dust shelves and keeps checking in the status of the takeout she ordered for lunch that she’s going to pretend she made and every time h asks her if she wants help or if she’ll sit w him she just is like oh no I’m okay thank you!!! All smiley even tho he can see she’s soooo nervous and like she already told him he’s the first guy she’s introduced to her parents so there just lots of extra tension in her bc of that and h is just leaning against the counter while she fussed around in the kitchen and “love they know who I am right?” Bc now he’s getting nervous that this is all a big mess that is going to surprise everyone but that’s the first thing that gets her attention and ofccthey know ab u h! I talk ab u all the time! And they follow me on insta so they’ve seen all of our pics!! And he just relaxes after that feeling a little better before she’s all stiff and just when he’s ab to ask what happened she’s like “we also have never had sex before and I’m still a virgin if anyone asks” and he’s so ?????? Bc “who’s going to ask that?” And she’s just idk!! I just want to make sure in case my mom says something idk! And h is just so endeared by her bc what a cutie she is all nervous over this and he stops her from flirting out of the kitchen w his hands on her hips and he’s got a smile on his face and “darling I don’t think u need to worry about that okay? I don’t think they’re gonna ask and besides ur old enough to make those choice I’m sure they’ve already assumed as much” and she just deadass 🧍🏼‍♀️ u think they know? Are u serious? And he just can’t help himself before he’s teasing her and idk baby do they??? Have u said anything that might make them think that???? And then she’s all omg eyes wide and omg I think I might have told my mom I stayed the night at ur house a few weeks ago omg they totally know oh no and he just shakes his head and can’t help himself before kissing over her neck to leave her makeup alone and he’s like ooooh you’ve definitely done it now making it clear he’s teasing her and that’s when she pushes him away a little tho it barely does anything since she keeps laughing and h stop teasing ur being meannnnn and he’s just being annoying and cute before he’s pulling back and chancing a kiss over her lips and alright alright they don’t know so I guess we’ll all have to play the game where I pretend I don’t know you have a body under ur clothes and I only hold ur hand when u stay the night and she can’t help but laugh at him bc he’s being so annoying but cute and it’s just the biggest stress reliever to have him there w her:(
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