#idk i have a lot of anger and it helps me process that yknow
bigengar · 5 months
people who hate metal and actively talk about how they don't like we get it you're lame as fuck nobody cares
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Explaining Songs on Norman & Goblin's Playlist
I made a PowerPoint for this AU to show to my friends, and while I'm not going to share the whole thing, I do want to share me going insane over The Crane Wives explaining some of the songs I put on the playlist I made for Norman & Goblin's relationship in this AU. I was going to include Allies or Enemies as well, but that song is more for a scenario & technically a spoiler. idk I think people care about those.
If you want me to explain I put a song on their playlist (or on Goblin's playlist) then feel free to ask!
Goblin in this AU goes by Salem & uses she/her pronouns.
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Starting off with the obvious. We all know the lyrics to Never Love an Anchor right. I don’t need to put them here right.
Me when the siblings are doomed but also still love each other but also oh no they’re kinda sick of being doomed together.
All of these songs are from Salem’s perspective btw. So. Really I imagine this her reflecting on everything pre-serum/before she went dormant. Even maybe reflecting on if she should’ve gone dormant (though I’m not sure if it was a choice? Idk brains are weird).
Her choosing to let go and let Norman have a “normal life” when he went off to college, thinking he was finally safe. Only to be forced awake and see that he still needs protecting (in her eyes at least. If he didn’t want that then maybe he shouldn’t have drank green goo). I would also not want to leave my brother’s side ever again after something like that ngl.
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The only peace I have ever known
Is the peace I made with you
Salem has been with Norman – and JUST Norman – for so long that he’s really all she knows. He’s basically her baseline for everything and she often turns to him when she herself doesn’t know what to feel or think (sometimes changing her opinions to match Norman’s).
And if I were someplace else
And if I were someone else
And if I were not myself, would this be easier?
You see it’s funny because she’s a changeling and can change her form to whatever Norman wants—
No but fr. Sometimes Salem wonders if Norman would like/prefer if she left, or if she was different somehow. And that thought angers her, because he IS the reason she’s like this. And it’s just – if things were different, if they got different bodies when they were younger, would they be better off? Would it have been easier then? Would they even like each other if this happened when they were kids. (I have…an AU. Like this. And ironically it’s reversed: Norman wants Salem’s attention & Salem wants nothing to do with him lmao).
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I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel
It's all that I can give to you, my dear
Because they shared a body, Salem used to have to act like Norman. Like…a lot. And yknow, I think we can all agree he was a little shit. So, Salem had to act like that, too, even though she didn’t really want to.
And I know that you mean so well
But I am not a vessel for your good intent
Ough when you try to hard to redeem a villain, but they are still. A Villain.
Yeah overcoming trauma is hard, especially if the person you share that trauma with has moved on and expects so much maturity from you. But for you it was literally yesterday while for them they’ve been able to process it in therapy for decades.
Abandon all your stupid dreams
About the girl I could have been, my dear
What if I just showed the trans flag. What then. 
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I could have been anyone, anyone else
Before you made the choice for me
SHE COULD HAVE BEEN ANYONE!!! ANYONE!!!! Like yes both in the “she’s a fairy and can shapeshift” way but also. She used to be Norman’s protector…that’s all she was for a very long while.
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
Salem puts Norman on such a HIGH pedestal. Like. Girl why are you worshiping a white man. Help.
I shine only with the light you gave me
She only exists because of Norman (well. Specifically because of his brain). As stated before, everything she is/has is thanks to him. His “greatest creation”. 
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More of a specific scenario but. When your whole life and even POWERS revolve around not being yourself…damn.
You also get pretty good at lying! And uh. Kinda don’t know when to STOP lying. Also. Who are you. Like. Truly.
And nobody believing what you say….because now you’re a known liar…..
AKA Salem has trouble being her own person and Norman does the bare minimum to help with that. 
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
Dorm Leaders with a Yosano like MC
warning(s): none
notes: bear with me if they're a little ooc
You carry yourself with grace and dignity. You pride yourself in being a strong individual and a capable doctor. A feminist who believes both men and women should have equal rights.
A calm and composed individual but when angered, you're quite the force to contend, often sadistic in retaliation.
his parents are doctors/healers so knowing that you are a doctor too, makes him have a bit of respect for you
he likes the way you carry yourself, SOMEONE can surely learn a thing or two from you a little
probably angered you one time during the tart incident
sometimes he woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night because he have a nightmare about it
your uh hobby? interest? in scary stuff is making him sweat a little😁
esp when he got hurt and the way you used your ability on him makes him wants to run for the hills
don't get me wrong, it's a cool ability
but he does not want to EVER go through that again
(for context, yosano's ability is "thou shalt not die" and it's a healing ability but she have to put her victims near death to heal them)
other than that, he enjoys being around you!!
you don't go around breaking rules like your two friends did and your aura is just chef kiss
at first thought you're just some goody two shoes
until crowley blackmailed asked you to investigate that thing idk what to call it
yeah well uh he lowkey angered you so here we are
he went from 🙄😼 to 😃😦⁉️
well he kind of like how you're strong and know to stand your ground when something that displeases you happened
but damn did that 180 personality and aura switch scared him a little
one thing for sure, he never wanted you to heal him again
even the whole savanaclaw cowers in fear when they see you bc they got reminded of how you healed them
you remind him of those women in the afterglow savannah(?)
he earned a small bit of respect for u
only a little tho
doesn't really care about your hobby for scary things honestly
like you could see a building on fire and say its pretty and he would just shrug and go back to sleep
he can relate to you!!
the way you're just full of grace and calm until you did a 180 to a scary and sadistic is just 🤰
(yes thats some random emoji bc idk how else to describe this)
he knows a lot what's that like 🤔
your healing ability is reaaalllly cool yknow😁
he's just saying! but it's reaaaallly reaaaally cool yknow😁😁😁
oh if only he can get his hands on it
along with the others, pls never heal him again.
he'll give u his contracts just pls never heal him EVER again.😁
yes, he's that desperate for you to never heal him again
it gave him more issues than heal honestly /hj
he doesn't really mind your hobby for scary stuff, its just uh
a hobby? u do u. he have his own hobbies too
plus, look at the school y'all are in
mhm. exactly.
oh wow you're a doctor and you have a healing ability? THAT'S SO COOL?
he has fun following you around
probably accidentally followed you on your shopping trip and became your bag holder
while he's more than happy to help, he have the attention span of a goldfish so
see he might've accidentally dropped ur stuff😬
and he may or may not seen you go 😦🤬
anyways, hes fine!! no kalim is harmed in the process!!
he doesn't really get your hobby but he's fine with it
u like these dark and scary things? oh sure!! there's probably smth interesting abt them one way or another
anyways, creativity left the chat again sorry JSNSJS
went debby ryan on u
well not literally but yknow what i mean
like FINALLY someone who's even worthy of being looked at by vil
but pls do try to calm ur uh sadistic nature?
while he doesn't mind it that much, he does think it's a little haha uh😬😅😱
well he sure don't mind ur hobby much
i mean look at the people he's next to everyday
look at rook and epel
shopping buddies⁉️‼️
literally got chef kiss taste
probably bond over yalls scrumptious taste
doctor or not, graceful or not, u are a human
meeting human = interaction
human interaction = ❌no❌
or u can talk yeah that's all
well i mean ur healing ability is cool but seeing how you heal ur victims um😅😱
well it's safe to say he found another reason to never go out
that personality switch of urs bro
thank the seven he haven't made u angry yet
well y e t
cause have y'all seen chapter 6
well i haven't but u get me
well he doesn't treat u any different
a friend is a friend yes:D‼️⁉️
tho, he does quite admire how u carry yourself
that 180 personality switch amuses him honestly
well he was probably not there to witness it personally(since he's not invited)
lilia probably told him and he went "ooo interesting😮🤔"
heard of ur healing ability from lilia too probably
or maybe sebek idk
angry scared rants about it and he went 😮⁉️AINT THEY MAGICLESS⁉️
well uh at least he's interested?
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
apologies in advance this is gonna read like an overshare-y diary entry, but i feel like this may help someone so:
i spent like the vast majority of my life, ever since i was about 6 years old, absolutely hating myself. completely wallowing in anger and misery and self-hatred, thinking i was an inherently terrible person and i did terrible things because i was lazy and evil etc etc and i thought that was just how life was. i didn't think it was like. possible. for that to change without me miraculously becoming like some perfect person.
but yknow at some point i just got tired of it and i realized i couldn't keep doing it. i couldn't keep hating myself and hurting myself as if that was going to make me shape up and be better somehow. so i made an effort. i tried replacing the self-loathing thoughts with kinder ones. i tried other things when i felt like i Had to hurt myself. sometimes i messed up, i messed up a lot, but i tried. i kept trying. it took years, but where i used to think about how much i hate myself or actually hurt myself almost every day, now i rarely even get the urge. i went to therapy. i realized that my inherent laziness and evilness was actually clinical depression. i'm on medication. i spend time with my friends. i spend time outside just enjoying the world and my own company. when i make a mistake, i don't flagellate myself for it, i just try to fix it and do better in the future.
and i cannot emphasize enough that while this is a process that takes Years, it's also a process that is so, so worth it. making the effort to have compassion for yourself makes you better. getting help when you need it makes you better. loving yourself makes you better. and i mean better in every sense of the word. i'm kinder to myself and to the people in my life. i see more beauty everywhere i look. i create more, i do better in school, i have healthier relationships, because it turns out that being healthy and happy makes you so much better than wallowing in your own misery and trying to beat yourself into being better. life is better.
so anyway yeah idk maybe this is just me oversharing for no reason but i guess i just wanted to tell anybody following me who might be struggling with the same things i was that you Can get better. you can. and it might be hard, there might be ups and downs, but it's so fucking worth it. you're worth it. you're worth the effort.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
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@greenhappyseed​ this needs a post of its own I think because I’m about to walk you through my thought process lol
Also, I’m gonna be a bit of a hypocrite here, because I know I said that I “understand now” in the tags but... I guess I’m realising that I understand your analysis, but my feelings on their own (away from fandom interpretations) are kinda mixed
Okay so, when I first read the chapter, I was actually quite worried over everything because of Aizawa
See, I was under the impression that Aizawa was brushing off Aoyama’s depressed words. Like “Yeah you wanna die but your feelings don’t matter, just fight for us”, yknow?
In a way, I suppose that could be one side to it
But from what I gathered from everybody else’s interpretation, it was actually “Yeah you wanna die, but right now we have to win this war. Because of you, we have an advantage over the Villains. Plus, you won’t be alone now or afterwards, and I’ll make sure it stays that way. You’ll have my support as well as your friends.”
There’s also the stuff with Kurogiri, that Aizawa connects his situation to what is happening with Aoyama
I know this now and your post was a big help in my understanding with all of that. I have calmed down a little more since reading the chapter
But I can’t stop thinking about the intensity with which these panels are drawn. This, solely, is what trips me up
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To me, there’s a lot of single-minded anger there? (I’m not sure if thats the word) Not with the dialogue on the second one, but specifically how intense he looks in both panels
Like of course he cares about his students and there is that big connection between Kurogiri and Aoyama and his feelings around that, but when I look at these panels, all I can see is his focus on defeating the Villains any way that he can - even by persuading a depressed child crying out for help that he has to join in the war, which doesn’t sit right with me
That’s my feelings surrounding it
When I look at it logically, I know that, really, Aoyama is an advantage to the Heroes that they can’t afford to lose. We still don’t know the plan yet but him joining with the class again could still help, not just for double agent stuff (if thats what could happen), but with Aoyama’s depression and guilt around his friends. This is Aizawa helping Aoyama
And, in the end, my concern is only with those expressions I think. The fact that he goes on to outline that he truly does care and that he doesn’t want to do what AFO does (the distinguishable thing between AFO and the heroes), it reassures me that things will likely be okay
But I am still a little worried over those expressions, and overall about Aizawa’s tunnel-vision around defeating the Villains
If he had a softer look on his face when he said those lines, I probably wouldn’t be fussing over it as much as I am, but the fact that he’s drawn like that makes me feel like there’s something to be worried about with his mental state and possibly those involved
I do agree with everything you said in your analysis, but... idk when I read the chapter on my own, I still get this uneasy feeling about Aizawa
It’s either intuition or anxiety lmao
I mean, I can still take the fandom’s interpretations into account, but even then, those expressions still make me 😖
I guess all that matters is that he’s supporting Aoyama through this and not leaving him alone. Like you said in your post, “he’s become more flexible in how he thinks about villainy and unfairness starting with people he personally knows well”. This is the best possible thing that could have happened, despite the situation
Generally I think I’m just confused on how to feel about those expressions
I’m realising that I’m just worried over the incoming war
Like yeah Aizawa’s expressions are one thing, but I think a large part of it is the war
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machinatings · 4 years
The tiny vader anon here, I loved you answer and I hope you'll write some more of it bc I really like your ideas!!! Also, what does the council do with the info that there is a second Sith apprentice? And where does Tiny Anakin live now that he's not hanging out with Maul? (And also how does Maul surving work in this au?)
(Concept, part 1, part 2) Thank u anon that’s so nice, I appreciate you sending these asks :) and these all very good questions.... that I don’t really know the answer to because again my memory is bad! But uh:
The council! Ok so this will probably be a bit confusing but before I answer this I have to explain the two ideas I had going into this: 1) was that anakin continues to work with palpatine and periodically runs into obi-wan over the years, they fight but maybe develop a bit of a friendly rivalry rather then full on hate each other (although neither of them would admit it). Vader would be slightly more chill then his canon counterpart- more fun evil then sad evil I think. Not sure if that’d be too ooc but I always love fun villains so whatever
The council’s reaction to this would probably be roughly similar to their feelings about maul or ventress- just a threat to the galaxy they’d be keen on taking down. I do think they’d be worried about obi-wan though- at the start because he’s poured everything into trying to track vader down instead of processing his feelings about qui gon dying, and later because and later because of the bond he’s started to have with anakin. THAT BEING SAID I think they’d be pretty concerned about anakins power levels, but I think he’d be a fairly mysterious figure that (maybe until the clone wars) hasn’t done a whole lot- at least not that can be tracked back to him. They’re being cautious but also aside from qui gons dying words maybe they wouldn’t even be sure he exists (obi-wan strongly objects to this notion) (more under the cut)
OK SECOND OPTION (I just have a lot of ideas ok!): the reason I came up with this au in the first place I’m pretty sure was because I had the idea of a jedi obi-wan trying to train a tiny sith anakin and help him with yknow. Emotional control and shit. SO the other idea I had was obi-wan manages to find anakin pretty quickly and goes “oh shit. This is a child. Wtf” and then decides since he can’t fight him in good conscience he has no choice to but to try to train him. Anakin obviously has some objections to this because yknow.. he killed maul but ANYWAY! None of this is the point let’s just obi-wan eventually manages to convince this sassy lost child to go with him! How do the council react?
I mean. Not amazingly. They hardly wanted anakin to be trained as a jedi in general let alone already fallen and trained in the dark side
But that being said... there’s a difference between being trained and being trained in the dark side HEAR ME OUT!!!
I think that they could allow obi-wan to train him if only to help him deal with the dark side and hell maybe even return him to the light (has such a thing even happened in canon up to this point??) especially since their only other options would be imprisoning or killing him and well look at that face! You can’t say you’re gonna imprison him to that face!! (And also obi-wan emotionally equipped to do this? Probably not! He’s still gonna try though!)
Either that or maybe obi-wan leaves the jedi temple with anakin? Man idk my brain is too dead to figure out what’s would work with the characters or not. It’s my au and I get to choose possibly ooc decisions
Ok second question- where does he live? I mean even with maul I don’t think they stayed in one place very often- usually doing their vigilante shit around the outer rim. ALTHOUGH I had to google it darth maul had a ship (fake fan, ik) and it’s called the Sith Infiltrator and the idea maul going around in that along with his ten year old apprentice made of sunshine is so funny. Anakin definitely defaced the paint job with stickers and drawings and what have you. I’m getting sidetracked
Point is: anakin goes from being trapped on a desert planet do going in a cool spaceship and travelling the galaxy so I don’t think he’d be a fan of staying in one place. Even if he does end up with obi-wan training him... well let’s just say obi-wan has to hand out missing flyers. A lot.
Ok now MAUL. Maul. Okay so the thing is I’m don’t know what he’s doing this whole time. Problem is I don’t know maul as well as I know other characters so I’m ESPECIALLY worried about making decisions for him that don’t make sense but...
I think the parallels between Sidious taking maul as a child and anakins current situation and i think this is why he doesn’t go full Dark Sith Lord Training on anakin and why they have more fun- maybe he sees part of what he could have been in anakin? Little bit? And I think this is also the reason he kind of just ignored the glaringly obvious “there’s only supposed to be 2 sith” rule up till now
I mention this because there is YET ANOTHER crossroads here. 1) this one is probably the most Star Wars-y... like in canon maul, fueled by hate maul survives and gets to lotho. Because of this hate, whatever affection he might’ve had for anakin turns to jealousy and anger, because of his (relative) innocence, power and palpatines obvious plans to replace maul with anakin. I think maul perhaps goes to sidious to become his apprentice again (around tcw era) but I’m not sure. Maybe by this point dooku has been killed (by anakin?) or maul kills him to take his place? Or mauls singleminded hate for anakin outweighs his hate for palpatine and they form an alliance just to take him down.
The important thing his is that: maul has convinced himself he hates anakin meanwhile anakin is on the other side of the galaxy mourning... this could lead a pretty fun interaction huh.. wink wink nudge nudge
The other option which I honestly don’t know any details for is just that maul survives through the ✨power of friendship✨ and him and anakin reunite and maul and obi-wan and maul bicker and everyone is vibing and palpatine is dead <3
Ok that’s all for now this has become less of my talking about my au and more just rambling about different ideas but whatever here you go!
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ryeguns · 4 years
hey! so ive been missing streams 😭 and i was wondering wtf has been happening in the dream smp since the election results were revealed? i'm so lost and i really dont wanna watch all the streams 😔😔😔
oh god a loooot has happened; i personally recommend watching wilburs edited vids on his channel if u rlly want to understand everything but ill give a basic summary!! 
major MAJOR spoilers for the dream smp (obviously) so if u don't want to hear about it then don't continue on (also its kinda long bcause all i think about is the dream smp-)
SO schlatt and quackity won the election, schlatt banished wilbur & tommy from l’manberg & renamed l’manberg to manberg. wilbur and tommy created a new place called pogtopia which is a bit away from the manberg / main area. quackity is schlatts vice president, tubbo is secretary of state (i believe?)
 tubbo is a spy and is secretly working for pogtopia. technoblade joins the server and joins pogtopia to help take down schlatt. all he did for the most part was farm potatoes...and breed horses....
dream reveals he doesnt support schlatt out of fear that schlatt will begin to take over the entierty of the dream smp, but he cant show his support of pogtopia publicly. niki doesnt like schlatt, schlatt taxes her, they just hate each other in general. fundy is also secretly a spy, but hes not directly giving info to anyone, he just keeps a journal about what he has learned. fundy begins to question what side he supports, and begins to lean more in favor of schlatt because schlatt has been cleaning up the area and basically has been making everything look nice. 
tommy and tubbo make a giant tunnel under manberg that leads to pogtopia (which is also connect to the prime path for, well, obvious reasons). technoblade has mostly just been trying to get the best gear for himself & has been trying to breed the best horse (he gets a trident at one point). 
wilbur goes insane and believes he and tommy are on the bad side of history, that they’re the villians. wilbur gives up on getting l’manberg back and has settled on just blowing it all to shit so no one can have it. dream backs wilburs plan and supplies him with TNT and wilbur rigs the entire underground of manberg with TNT (much like dream did in l’manberg during the dream smp war) tommy doesnt support wilburs decision to blow everything up. 
(this isnt exactly really story-related but sapnap killed tommys cow, henry, and dream, techno, and tommy teamed up to fight sapnap and a few others. idk it isnt rlly important to the plot but i enjoyed it so :D)
schlatt announces there will be a manberg festival, in celebration of democracy and everything. wilbur decides thats the day hes going to blow everything up. tommy still doesnt support wilburs plan. tubbo and fundy (and i think quackity?? idk) set up for the festival. tubbo has a speech written for the festival and one of the lines is the cue for wilbur to press the button to blow everything up.
the day of the festival comes along, schlatt gives a few speeches, wilbur and tommy watch from the top of one of the buildings. everyone is invited (even technoblade) to the festival, except wilbur and tommy. technoblade brings and OP rocket launcher crossbow and tries to get info on manberg. they play games and stuff.
 wilbur starts to question if he really wants to go through with blowing everything up (because he will be blowing up all his friends in the process) and tommy continues to try to talk him down. wilbur ends up asking tubbo what he should do, and tubbo doesnt know. wilbur tells tubbo that if he says the cue in the speech, he’ll do it, and if he doesn’t, he wont. tubbos speech comes along eventually, and at the end he hesitates saying the cue, and schlatt begins to ask if he had anything more to say. tubbo eventually does say the cue, and wilbur goes and runs off to find the button to blow everything up. 
schlatt starts encasing tubbo in a box and wilbur gets distracted and goes back to see what is going on. schlatt announces infront of everyone that tubbo is a traitor. schlatt calls technoblade up to the stage and tells technoblade to “take him out”. technoblade tries to stall, wilbur and tommy assure tubbo that techno is on their side and wont hurt him. techno gives in to peer pressure and kills tubbo with the rocket launcher crossbow, killing schlatt and quackity in the process (because they were on stage as well and just vacinity stuff yknow).
tommy and wilbur panic. wilbur goes and rushes to find the button, but cant find it. tommy reveals his position and goes in to kill techno, claiming techno has betrayed them. techno just starts shooting his rocket launcher into the crowd, killing basically everyone. tommy and tubbo meet up in the manberg-pogtopia tunnel. wilbur, tommy, tubbo, and techno all go back to pogtopia. wilbur and tommy are the most mad at techno, but wilbur forgives him. tommy doesnt and still believes hes a traitor. wilbur manipulates tommy and tells him to use that anger and to kill techno, so they fight in a pit that wilbur made. tommy dies, and everything is basically settled (though tommy is still mad at techno). niki also joins pogtopia. niki, tubbo, and tommy meet up just outside pogtopia and discuss whats going on. they all agree that wilbur has lost his mind and that they can only trust each other, and they begin to discuss plans of building up pogtopia so they can fight back to reclaim l’manberg. sentimental bit of them three looking off into the sunset as tommy plays the original blocks disc. 
schlatt doesnt really care what happened, him, quackity, fundy, and a few others continue to play games after the whole techno thing. (i believe something with antfrost, bbh, and awesamdude happened? i dont quite know because i havent watched their pov yet but i believe they formed some kind of alliance to fight against schlatt? correct me if im wrong-) schlatt starts talking about his plans for manberg. he plans to replace the hto dog van with an apartment complex. fundy, quackity, bbh, antfrost, and awesamdude try to talk him down from it. they eventually come to an agreement that the appartment building will be built around it, so you cant see it. schlatt kills a few cats for no real reason. schlatt talks about how he wants to remove the white house (the one quackity built with wilbur and such), quackity gets defensive and tells him not to destroy it as it is a symbol of peace and he worked hard on it. schlatt still wants it to be removed but they plan to discuss it at a later time. fundy is left alone, he questions which side he supports. he is now more in favor of wilburs side because of the public execution of tubbo and the fact he killed cats. 
day after the festival quackity and schlatt are on, tommy eventually joins as well. tommy plans to JFK schlatt and goes over to manberg to do so. he watches quackity and schlatt from a far, who are both at the white house. theyre both arguing over whether the white house should stay or go. schlatt wants it gone, quackity doesnt. tommy doesnt make a move and continues to watch. schlatt begins to insult the white house and starts to take it down. quackity gets pissed and kills schlatt and claims that he is no longer a part of manberg and proceeds to run off into the forest. schlatt then continues to demolish the rest of the white house. 
tommy goes after quackity; quackity joins pogtopia and they head off to pogtopia. wilbur gets on and claims he has found where the button is and that he doesnt care if no one else is on, all he wants to do is kill schlatt and blow everything up. tommy tells wilbur quackity has now joined them. quackity and tommy then proceed to build a giant dick infront of the manberg flag.
 wilbur then goes and shows quackity and tommy the button, quackity finds out about wilburs plan as a result. wilbur tries to push the button multiple times and quackity and tommy try to talk him down from pressing it. quackity says the only reason he ran against wilbur was to prevent dictatorship. they continue to attempt to stop wilbur from pressing the button. tommy at one point stands infront of the button and wilbur tells him to move to the side if he trusts him. tommy hesitates, but then moved. wilbur then destroys the button. wilbur says that now tommy will be leading them and making the next move. before returning to pogtopia to discuss the new plan, wilbur asks for quackity and tommy to wait outside. theres a sad moment and wilbur sings the l’manberg anthem and places the button back and says its just incase, as a backup, just so he knows that if something goes wrong, he can always rely on the button.
the three head back to pogtopia and discuss a plan. im going to be honest i was v lost on what they were saying when discussing the plans because they were all talking at once basically but the first plan, named plan a, is to use quackity to get to schlatt (its named plan a because ass...), then the second plan, plan 1, is yet to be determined, and the last plan, if those two fail, is plan b, which is to go with wilburs original plan of blowing everything to shit (b because bomb haha) 
YEA thats the basic summary i think? theres a lot of other details like the fact that fundy, tubbo, and sapnap are now dreamon hunters but !! yea. sorry for this being so long aaaaaaa
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ellagracehargreeves · 5 years
“The Spark” Music Playlist.
Here’s the Playlist on Youtube! The songs are also individually linked below!
I don’t have spotify or any of the other music things because I don’t listen to much music and I am BROKE! 
Love y’all. And I love these songs, Here’s why:
Lean on me - Bill Withers : Ella’s lullaby. Vanya started singing it to her around the age of 1 when she heard it on the radio at the 7/11 while she was trying to calm a fussy Ella. She began singing along with the song as a last ditch attempt, and it surprisingly worked like a charm. Ever since then, Cara and Vanya, mostly Vanya, sing it to Ella sometimes at bedtime, substituting the words with “Mother” and “daughter” when needed. It always calms Ella down.
Hazy Shade of Winter - Gerard Way (feat. Ray Toro) : …. Duh. Plus this gets me hype for Ella being powerful and happily violent and just being a part of the Hargreeves clusterfuck. ….This just slaps.
Cold Blooded - Khalid (slowed) : So this doesn’t fit entirely, but basically to me this feels like what Vanya feels when she’s empty, sad, and just blank, but then she sees her daughter being happy. It doesn’t erase the deep sadness within her, but it strengthens the resolve that she has. She will give everything she has for her daughter, just to make sure she’s warm and happy. Also this song makes me think of Ella forcibly cuddling Vanya on the couch when she is having a bad day.
(Slowed Down) Elastic Heart - Sia : Just…. V a n y a.
Dancing with your Ghost- Sasha Sloan : This song makes me think of Vanya and Ella and Cara, being happy and dancing together and making memories, but at the same time Vanya struggles with her guilt involving her siblings. She can see them sometimes within her girl, she can see them as she makes the memories. She feels like she doesn’t deserve to be happy, because she never has. She struggles with that feeling when she feels so happy her heart could burst. This song also makes me think of the relationship between Cara and Vanya, it just makes me think of Vanya trying not to cry over something but then Cara pulls her head down to her lap and runs her fingers gently through her hair and Vanya can finally let it out and it’s peaceful and happy.
(Slowed down) I found - Amber Run : Vanya…�� If the commission wins.
(Her mouth is open in a silent scream as she cradles the small body towards her, this can’t be happening, no no no nonononono not her baby-
Why aren’t they helping her- Please, she’s hurt, can’t you see-?- She can’t tell the difference between her tears and those of the heavens, between the tears on her face and the blood on her hands-)
(She is no longer herself, she is a steadily growing drum-beat of pure pain and grief and power and she is not thinking but the very earth shall pay for the blood that has spilled, HER FLESH AND BLOOD-)
Somebody That I Used To Know (slowed down) - Gotye (ft. Kimbra) : The Hargreeves siblings and Vanya, after her betrayal is revealed. They feel like they should’ve been told about Ella, even if they weren’t close to Vanya at all, which is valid. But Vanya remembers them as being cold and shitty to her and tbh she’s only telling them for Ella’s sake. Plus this song is just melodramatic and I feel like it would fit the Hargreeves in any situation. Like, I can see Klaus or Diego stubbing their toe and then having this song playing in their head. They’re all extra as hell and this song works for any betrayal.
( slowed down ) lovely - Billie Eilish (ft. Khalid) : This is honestly one of my favorite songs, especially slowed down. I just listen to it while writing because it’s beautiful. But it also kinda reminds me of Vanya and her glass wall, constantly struggling with the feeling of being trapped and being stuck within her childhood abuse. She fights against it for Ella, her beautiful Ella, who gives her hope no matter how trapped she feels. This song is just a sad bop tho. Good shit.
Night Bus (Slowed) - Gabrielle Aplin : A happier sounding bop, but still slow and chill. I know it’s about lovers, but we ain't gonna take it that way okay. 
“I’m on my way home to you for the last time” obviously doesn’t fit, because Vanya wouldn’t leave her daughter alone, ever, but this song kinda makes me think of Vanya gradually letting Ella go and letting her be her own person. Like, she’s still her mom, and this song also makes me think of the love between them. It makes me imagine Vanya watching Ella play in the park, or maybe watching her interact with the other girls at Gym, and thinking to herself “She’s got this. She’ll be okay. I don’t have to stay so close, she’ll still come back to me in the end even if I let her go.” 
Also, this song is calming but happy, instead of most of these which are calming and sad. I needed a happier song, one that made me think of hugs and playing outside and having snowball fights and happy squeals and playing tag with wide involuntary smiles and flushed cheeks. In short: ‘Tis a bop. A happy bop. Happy times.
revenge (slowed & reverb) - xxxTentacion : Makes me think of Vanya, disillusioned, believing that her siblings have known about her powers this entire time. Makes me think about her thirst for revenge, to make them feel the soul-deep infraction against her. Makes me think of Vanya being torn between keeping her daughter safe, keeping her terrified daughter comforted, and her revenge. Torn between holding the one she loves most and punishing those who were supposed to love her. It makes me think of agonizing indecision.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I don’t know if this scenario will happen in the fic! I’m not sure how things will go down, and how Vanya will find out and react to her powers. I’m making this shit up as I go! But this song made me think, “What if?”
Dollar For Your Sadness - Unlike Pluto : (They hurt her daughter, her world, her Ella, She will DESTROY them, ALL OF THEM-)
JOLT - Unlike Pluto : The lyrics perfectly describe Vanya’s eternally growing resentment, her struggle of trying to forget her childhood, her trauma, her siblings, while raising her daughter. Trying to leave the past behind so she can move on with her Ella and Cara, her real family. They’re all she has now. Aren’t they?
(Also, Jolt. Electricity. Sparks. Heh heh heh. I’m so clever.)
Villain of My Own Story - Unlike Pluto : I’m unsure of this one, not sure if it fits. Vanya getting fed up with her siblings’ muttered remarks and snide comments? (*unconvincing cough* Diego and possibly Luther) Her just going “yknow what fuck all y’all you can suck a cattapilla dick” and being angery and pissed off? Tbh I just put this song in here because I discovered Unlike Pluto yesterday and went feral. 
Maybe Vanya during the explanation, or her when she snapped at Diego? (The first time) or maybe it’s just her feeling so put down and invalidated and such a failure that she just goes “fuck this.” Vanya when Ella got bullied? It makes me think of the moments where she’s ticked off and her powers show up but just barely bc she eventually calms herself.
It makes me envision a young girl, possibly Vanya, idk, in tattered, dirty clothes, running down an alleyway in slow motion, and all I can see is the back of her hair flowing in the wind as she runs, the bottoms of her feet as she takes another step. I can see her checking behind her to see if she’s being followed, her hair whipping on her face so she can hardly see. It makes me think of frustrated anger, just an overall feeling of “FUCK THIS SHIT.”
Whatever. I listen to it when I write. It’s in the playlist.
Stay and Decay - Unlike Pluto : (Cartoon masks and gunshots. Flashing lights, ears covered tight, eyes squeezed shut, tears staining her cheeks, fear-)
(Mommy? Mommy! Mommy, no, nonono-) 
(There’s dark blood staining her small, small hands- they hurt Mommy, they hurt her, she’ll hurt them- Mommy’s blood dripping- spilling, flowing- onto the wood floor and why won’t it stop-)
(-MommyMommyMommy- Please Mommy, I’m scared-!)
(She’s running after them, her feet hitting the ground, her mother’s blood splattering behind her, Mommy yelling garbled, broken protests- ringing ears, pounding heart, eyes sparking green, r a g e- )
(-she’ll get them, she’ll hurt them, she has to, THEY HURT HER MOTHER-)
Rocky Mountain High - John Denver : :) this is Cara’s favorite song, and my mother likes it as well :) Cara hums it a lot, and sometimes she sings it to Ella. Vanya’s not approving of it, because the song is about WEED, but she doesn’t do anything to stop it. Cara finds the hidden meaning hilarious when she sings it to the child.
everything i wanted (slowed + reverb) - Billie Eilish : Vanya has everything she needs, but she’s still drowning inside herself. Vanya has everything, yet she still feels so so dead. But Cara holds her, smelling like forest leaves, and Ella smiles at her, looking like beautiful starlight, and they make it better. They will always make it better, and she loves them.
The Phoenix - Lindsey Sterling : Ella. Ella, dancing in the air. Ella, hugging her mother tightly. Ella, sweet, gentle Ella- bright as the sun itself, Ella, powerful Ella. Ella, her happy light infecting everyone she meets, Ella, her excitement emerging in response to every new thing she encounters. Beautiful, beautiful, chaotic Ella- adjusting reality with a twitch of her finger. Ella, summoning a tornado full of destructive everyday things with a single tantrum. Ethereal Ella, dancing and laughing and smiling and hugging and throwing and yanking and crushing and destroying Ella. Just… Ella. Loving, Obliterating Ella.
That’s all I have for now! I gotta admit, writing all that out kind of drained me. I might reblog this with additions as I add them, if you guys want! Thanks for checking out this glance inside my process.
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