#idk i drink ll&b a lot and i had thoughts
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lexi-the-twilight-dragon · 4 years ago
Guys i know this is random but
Matthews x Palomo x Bitters
= Lemon Lime and Bitters
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pinkykitten · 5 years ago
IT chapter 2
Richie Tozier x female! reader
Warning: curse words, violence 
Specifics: comedy, fluff, drabble/blurb, race neutral reader, requested 
People: richie tozier, eddie kaspbrak 
Words: 639
Requested: By anon OK HI! i saw you wanted IT requests soo!!! could i request chapter 2 richie reuniting with the reader (who’s apart of the losers)? extra points if the reader like, is usually a sweetheart and timid but like, DECIMATED pennywise and went all aggressive with pennywise?? IDK IF THIS IS TOO IN DEPTH?? SORRY AND THANK YIU FOR YOUR TIME
Authors Note: im sorry the anons request lol “extra points”! heck yeah i want me my extra points. first i am loving my bill hader and his glow up and his show barry its so good, you should definitely watch if you are a fan of his.
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Meeting with the other losers was something you thought you would never experience. Your friends from your hometown were something of the past - they were like a mist in your mind. But when you heard Richie’s voice on the other line on the phone, its like if everything connected. 
You met up with them at a Chinese restaurant and like a snap you felt like there was no gap or there was a never a time when you didn’t have your friends. They changed so much but their personalities were the same. It felt like you never broke up. 
When Richie walked into the restaurant you froze mid wiping your mouth. The one you loved all your life. The reason you never married or had gotten into a serious relationship was because of the man standing only a few feet away from you, eyes widened. He looked almost afraid. Maybe he thought you were his ghost. 
“Hello Richie,” you brought your hand out to him. 
“Holy sh*t.” You heard him muttering as he got a good look at you. “I can’t believe its you y/n.”
You and him - with the rest of the crew - talked. You talked about your life, how much it changed and how much you grew. It astonished Richie and made him fall for you all over again. He always thought you were too good for him.
“So are you married y/n?”
You were the shy one of the group. You scratched your neck sheepishly. “No. I’m still single.” You chuckled. “Guess nobody was as funny as you.” You realized you said that out loud and choked on your drink. “What I meant to say was I want somebody with a sense of humor and that’s gonna make me laugh.”
When will there ever be a time to express your love. 
I guess when you were kicking the clown’s a*s.
Pennywise had Richie and Eddie cornered, about to strike when you put on a brave face and grabbed a sharp, big, pointy rock. Raising it high in the air you threw it at him. It was hard and got his attention. 
“Hey d*ck head, look over here and stop messing with my friends!” You threw more rocks at him. 
Pennywise took the bait and ran to you. You punched him and kicked, thrashing as hard as you could. You were done with this clown! There were bruises on you, your clothes were disheveled, you were a mess. Finally, you brought a rock and stabbed it in his eye. He backed away enough for you, Richie, and Eddie to escape. 
“What the h*ll was that y/n?” Eddie asked, looking scared. 
“I wasn’t going to let him hurt you.”
“That was f*cking nuts. You like kicked a*s out there. I’m not used to this side of you I gotta say.” Richie fangirled like you were one of the Power Rangers. 
You wrapped a tourniquet made from your shirt around one of your wounds on your arm. “Well get used to it Richie. The old, shy, scared me has gone. I’m done running away.”
Eddie walked ahead and Richie caught your waist. “Why did you do that? Why would you risk your life?”
“Duh dumb a*s, its because I like you. I swear you think you would be more bright now that you’re old.”
Richie grabbed onto you as you tried to leave, “oh no, old? You think I’m old?”
You chuckled as you kissed him. Your lips moving in sync. You licked his lips and nuzzled his nose with a smile. “Yeah, super old?”
Richie grabbed your butt as he tickled you. “I have you know I am the brightest and youngest b*tch in town.”
“C’mon grandpa lets go finish this fight,” you kissed his lips again, holding onto his hand as you ran ahead. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
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bwicblog · 8 years ago
RS: | Is Anyone Here not Enthralled by the Battle Talk | ? |
ID: yo.
RS: | Because | Heavens | I know I'm Not |
RS: | How Did That Even Start | ? | =:1 |
ID: i hit things until they stop moving, don't need to talk about it. =:I
ID: nerds. that's how.
VA: I Think iT sTemmed frŏm Talk abŏuT The upcŏming fair
RS: | Yes | Haha | That's about All You Need to Do | Isn't It | ? | RS: | Or Hit Them Hard Enough You can Abscond |
ID: i mean. i always hit them until they stop moving but absconding works for you so rock it.
ID: don't need to read about armies to figure out how to cull a troll. =:/
VA: Survival is The mŏsT impŏrTanT parT anyway
RS: | Haha | Well | I don't Always Abscond | RS: | Just | Mostly | It's a Little Pointless to Actually Fight People |
RS: | Never Mind | Cull Them |
ID: hey you take that back. =:P
RS: | Haha | Me | or VA | ? |
RS: | Survival is Important | ! | =:B |
ID: well i meant you but i guess i can fight survival too.
VA: I dunnŏ, survival is preTTy alrighT
LL: That's what I keep SAYING, tbh! LL: Like, everyone's on about fighting with STICKS and I don't GET why you don't just go and pick up a GUN.
VA: WaiT why are yŏu here
VA: Yŏu're Teal
LL: Insider secrets??
ID: fucking hell we're under attack.
LL: Also I'm moirails with ID.
ID: ...other id.
LL: The REAL one, not the dude that won't fight with a gun.
VA: ŏh, ThaT's beTTer Than The answer I was expecTing
ID: i have psi, i am the gun!
LL: IDK, I was just CURIOUS.
LL: Oh, shit.
LL: See, that actually makes SENSE!
VA: I dŏ jusT fine wiThŏuT ŏne
LL: Yeah, I was just CURIOUS about why there's a LOWBLOOD channel. LL: I can only see it like HALF the time anyways, I think the OTHER mod keeps kicking me.
LL: Yeah, but, like do you FIGHT people with guns?
LL: Bc if so: BADASS, tbh.
RS: | I have Contemplated Firearms on Occasion |
VA: I mean, I have
RS: | They're very Efficient |
LL: ^^^^
RS: | | Also | Dramatic | Haha |
ID: i fight everyone.
ID: but when you're reaching for your gun you're fucked!
RS: | You can Do All Sorts of Tricks with Them | ! | More Glamorously than With Psi | Hadean | =:P |
VA: BuT I have mŏre use fŏr a differenT kind ŏf weapŏn
ID: i can do anything with my psi that you can do with a gun. =:P
LL: How's that different from reaching for a SWORD?
RS: | Well | Yes | RS: | But When You are Using Your Psionics | There's Always a Bit of a Pause | Isn't It | ? |
ID: depends?
RS: | Can You Spin It Sixty Times in a Minute | ? |
ID: ...depends?
RS: | Er | That is to Say | You Said You can Copy Any Trick with a Gun | With Your Psionics | RS: | And I Sincerely Doubt You can Spin Your Psionics | =:P |
ID: jokes on you. =:P
LL: Psi's pretty COOL, tbh. My ID's got some sick pink psionics going on, they look pretty EPIC. LL: But I'm pretty sure I could get any psion with a BULLET in the PAN before they could crush me with their SPONGES or whatever it is they do.
LL: And, LOL
LL: RS has a POINT!
ID: is that id just. the telekinetic kind? stock psi model?
LL: Are there different KINDS?
VA: LŏTs
ID: ahahah.
LL: Oh, shit. I thought it was just, like LL: COLORS
ID: you innocent teal child.
ID: fuck no!
ID: i can't lift shit with my mind!
VA: I knŏw a guy whŏ can breaThe fire
LL: I mean, I know CERULEANS got weird shit, and CLOWNS have emotion stuff.
RS: | Your ID has pink psionics | ? |
LL: Whaaaat
TC: Fuck clow~s
LL: And I GUESS, RS. They're not, like, PINK pink.
LL: More like magenta?
LL: Does that MEAN something??
VA: Dŏes iT?
ID: fuck if i know. mine are usually just plain ol dark maroon.
RS: | Hahaha | It Means He has a Great Deal of Misfortune | in Both His Naming | and His Colours | =:B |
LL: What's THAT mean?
RS: | The Colours don't Mean Anything | RS: | Mine are White | ! |
LL: Why's that mean he's UNLUCKY, though?
VA: Iunnŏ, because magenTa is a high-visibiliTy cŏlŏr?
LL: Huh! LL: That's TRUE.
LL: ... He, like, works in an OFFICE, though. LL: I'm p sure it doesn't really MATTER.
RS: | Oh | RS: | I knew a Troll | named ID | with Similar Coloured Psionics | RS: | And | He's Dead | That's All | ! | RS: | It's an Unfortunate Coincidence | =:B |
RS: | That's All |
LL: Man, that's bad VIBES.
RS: | Isn't It | ? | RS: | Yours Sounds More Reputable | Though | ! | Offices are Nice | RS: | Hardly any Culling There |
LL: Besides, ID's just his HANDLE, not his NAME.
TC: Awkward
ID: boringgg.
VA: ThaT is an unfŏrTunaTe cŏincidence
LL: Dude, fake ID, if YOU had pink psi you'd be freaking, don't even FRONT.
ID: offices btw, not culling of friends.
LL: Oh, mb.
RS: | Hahaha | Not a Friend | Thankfully | RS: | And | Yes | But | On Less Superstitious Topics | RS: | | VA |
RS: | and | TC |
TC: What
RS: | What Colour are Your Psionics | ? |
RS: | Since ID and I | have Already Shared | ! |
ID: va is a flatscan.
TC: They do~'t have a color.
VA: I dŏn'T have any
RS: | We are Educating LL | So | RS: | | Oh |
TC: ! just touch th!~gs
RS: | I'm Sorry to Hear That | ! |
TC: A~d the~ they just - do the th!~g
RS: | Oh | The Thing | ? |
ID: ps pheres most flatscans don't like to be told i'm sorry about them being flatscans.
VA: Eh, iT happens
VA: IT wŏulda made wŏrk easier, buT I wasn'T sŏ lucky
LL: Dude, I don't have psi, and it's no big DEAL.
RS: | Oh | ! | Well | Ah |
LL: Besides, don't you, like WRECK with WEAPONS like you were on about?
RS: | I Apologise | VA | RS: | Even if You Don't Mind |
ID: ahahah you're teal.
LL: I still think my guns're LOADS better.
ID: of course it's not a fucking big deal.
TC: ! speed the decay t!me of objects, RS
VA: IT's differenT fŏr lŏwblŏŏds T'nŏT have psii
ID: eww tc.
RS: | If It Helps | My Psionics are Hardly Worth Having | Haha | RS: | They're Barely There | Really | ! | I Spark a Little More than LL | Maybe | =:) |
TC: Shut up !D
ID: man when did it turn in to psionic share hour.
ID: because it is ll. you have value in society other than being a psi.
VA: Because sŏ many ŏf us Dŏ have psii, ThaT Thŏse whŏ dŏn'T are kinda unusual
RS: | When You Failed to Give a More Engaging Topic | RS: | Than the Murder Hour Happening in the Main Lobby |
LL: IDK, I think it's pretty COOL. LL: I didn't even know you could DO shit like mess with TIME.
RS: | =:P |
LL: That's HELLA trippy.
AC: .u. it happens
AC: some psiionics are very strange
LL: Oh, shit, it's the sorry guy.
LL: Hey, what's UP?
RS: | ? | ? | ? |
ID: okay, better subject than psi!
ID: is every loser here going to the fair?
VA: Aye
ID: no nerd history talk allowed in your answer.
AC: Ø .u. the nice weather, there are some very pretty clouds overhead. Ø
LL: NAH, but only to the LOSER part.
TC: !'m go!~g to k!ck AH's ass
AC: Ø I keep trying to find lusus shapes in them Ø
LL: Is EVERYONE gonna go fight?
TC: Yes
VA: I'm gŏnna sell weapŏns and armŏr
LL: And shit, u rite, AC
LL: u rite
ID: wait which one is ah.
AC: Ø I'm going with Pheres Ø
TC: The blue o~e
AC: Ø To help him sell stuff! Ø
ID: oh gliese.
LL: Oh, the one that's got a halberd up her WASTECHUTE.
ID: don't fight gliese gliese is my cheerleader.
LL: Dude, TOTALLY fight her.
ID: i need her waving pompoms for me and shit.
VA: FighT her
ID: ye olde medieval cheerleader.
LL: What if I wave the pompoms?
AC: Ø .n. gosh, everyone always mentions Gliese but I've never met her Ø
TC: !'m go!~g to punch them !~ the gut t!l they vom!t l!ke RR d!d earl!er
AC: Ø maybe that's a good thing though? Most people don't seem to like her. Ø
ID: you don't even know the routine ll.
LL: I can make a BETTER one, DUH.
RS: | Haha | AC | Be Glad |
ID: tc no fighting gliese.
RS: | Was She Dreadful to You | LL | ? |
LL: And idk, AC, I kinda LIKED her until she started being SHITTY for, like, NO REASON!
TC: Shut up !D
AC: Ø Oh, that's too bad .n. Ø
AC: Ø I hope she wasn't too awful Ø
LL: Like I ASKED what her issue was and she wouldn't even SAY.
AC: Ø .n. Ø
ID: seriously. no fighting gliese.
VA: She's jusT anŏTher blueblŏŏd
LL: It's, like, if you're gonna be WEIRD, at least OWN it.
RS: | Oh | That's Unfortunate | I'm Sorry |
TC: St!ll go!~g to f!ght her
RS: | | Hadean | Ah | Are You especially Fond of Her | ? | RS: | I wasn't Aware |
LL: It's NBD but I'm TOTALLY cheering for TC.
ID: i said no fighting gliese. got a problem with it, take it up with me at the fair. and i will dissuade you.
AC: Ø .n. Ø
ID: she fed me.
AC: Ø Um Ø
ID: that buys my loyalty for like. a perigee.
LL: Dude, I will buy you a food TRUCK.
TC: !'ll f!ght you too
VA: Have sŏme mŏre pride
AC: Ø Who's everyone friendly with though? Ø
ID: come at me tc. make sure you can't rot shit ever again.
RS: | Heavens | Am I Expected to Feed You at the Fair | ? | RS: | Because | If So | RS: | I suppose You should Tell Me Your Coffee Preferences |
VA: I dŏn'T mind mŏsT ŏf Th'lŏwblŏŏds I've meT
AC: Ø .u. Pheres makes good coffee Ø
LL: I'm friendly with YOU, I think. >:D And ID, obvi. My ID, I mean. LL: IDK. LL: I guess I'm here to make FRIENDS.
ID: i don't drink coffee.
RS: | Why Not | ? |
ID: does nothing for me.
TC: Fuck!~g come at me
LL: Mine all up and SPLIT or DIED, so I don't, like, KNOW anyone anymore.
AC: Ø .n. that's really sad Ø
RS: | Oh | That's Unfortunate |
ID: i'm telling you to come at me tc.
AC: Ø I really hope you make lots of new friends!! You seem really energetic and fun. Ø
ID: you wanna fight gliese, you fight me first.
RS: | Come to the Fair | and Visit with Maidel and I | RS: | And Hadean | RS: | I am Sure We Can Direct You towards People You are Suited For |
RS: | Assuming Hadean is Not Busy Fighting | the Entirety of the Fair |
LL: THANKS, I think!
ID: glad we got that settled!
AC: Ø Yes! Come visit our booth. ^w^ Ø
RS: | Aren't You Saving Yourself for Emerel's Fight | Hadean | ? | Haha |
LL: And HELL yeah. I'll bring you a SWORD and shit, even. LL: Since you all are into that shit.
MN: ;)
AC: Ø .n. you think? I really meant to be nice. Ø
TC: !'ll take a sword
RS: | Oh | ! | Yes | Please Do |
ID: i mean like i need my all to fight punching bag.
RS: | Come Buy a Sword | TC | I sell Hundreds | =:B |
LL: Dude, I only got ONE sword, sorry.
MN: you should dEfinitEly buy a sword from .PHERES.
RS: | | Not Hundreds | I think I Only Have Thirty on Hand Right Now | Actually |
ID: got plenty in reserves to fight tc!
VA: I'll meeT y'all fŏr a drink if y'wanT
LL: 31, now!
ID: and ll if she really wants to fight gliese.
VA: RS are yŏu a blacksmiTh?
LL: Hell no, I ain't fighting anyone unless they take a swing FIRST.
LL: Then I shoot 'em in the HEAD.
RS: | Haha | No | I am Not | ! | RS: | I am |
MN: whoa whoa whos fighting .GLIESE.
RS: | Um |
ID: great. noted ll.
TC: !'m mak!~g a 'Let's f!ght AH' Group, who wa~ts !~
ID: no one is fighting gliese.
ID: unless they fight me first.
MN: sorry but .I.m obligatEd to bE on .GLIESES. sidE for this onE so
TC: !'ll host the meet!~gs to pla~ !t
RS: | Emerel |
RS: | Really | ? | Haha |
MN: wEll who ElsE will watch star wars with .ME.
ID: yeah he and gliese are star wars nerd buddies too.
AC: Ø .u. those are fun movies Ø
AC: Ø I prefer the books though Ø
AC: Ø So much extra cool stuff! Ø
MN: .I. dont haVE timE for thE books usually
AC: Ø That's fair! I mean, some of them aren't very well written. .u. Ø
AC: Ø Oh! It's about trolls rebelling against a fake, usurping Empire. .u. Ø
AC: Ø And restoring peace to the rightful one. Ø
RS: | Haha | Well | I Suppose I can't Object to Movies |
LL: Is it, like, all POLITICAL, or is it the COOL kinda rebellion?
AC: Ø It's kind of cheesy, but it's fun Ø
MN: rEally though MN: whosE thE rEal monstEr hErE whEn you brEak it down
RS: | Star Wars is a Film with Fantastic Fashion |
AC: Ø It's super cool! They blow stuff up and there's aliens and it's fun. Ø
RS: | That is What It Is |
MN: hEy .PHERES. wanna cosplay as stormtroopErs
AC: Ø And some of them have really cool weapons and psiionics! Ø
MN: complEtE with aiming skills
LL: I'm there for the blowing up and the ALIENS
LL: FASHION'S alright, I GUESS, but that's, like, not MY thing.
AC: Ø There's lots of aliens. .u. I'm kind of surprised the Empire let a film be made with so many alien characters! Ø
AC: Ø But I'm glad they did, a lot of the aliens are really weird and interesting looking. Ø
ID: i mean i wear a t-shirt and jeans every day of my life so. what's fashion.
RS: | Unfortunately | I am Matching with Maidel | =:( |
MN: it was a timE pEriod whEn wE wErE still ExpErimEnting with moViE ElEmEnts
RS: | But You are Free to Join Us | ! |
ID: except when i'm pheres' booth babe, then i'm wearing. white?
MN: .I.m not wEaring thE dElivEry uniform
RS: | | And | Ah | Hadean | RS: | Don't Forget | I am Dressing You as Well | So | That will Give You Practically a Written Definition of It | ! |
RS: | It Being Fashion |
RS: | Not White |
RS: | | I could Put You in White | Though |
LL: Are you watching at the FAIRE?
ID: i'm fine with not white. =:I
MN: .I. stand by my statEmEnt that whitE sucks
AC: Ø .n. but Pheres looks nice in white Ø
RS: | Hmm | How Pale are You | ? |
LL: White's good if it's the kind that GLOWS at a RAVE.
VA: WhiTe is beTTer fŏr hŏT climaTes
ID: i got plenty of tats. are tattoos fashion.
MN: oh .I. didnt say hE doEsnt look nicE in whitE bEcausE hE doEs
MN: its just a shitty color
LL: Tats are DEF fashion
AC: Ø .u. oh okay - pfff Ø
RS: | White is a Perfectly Good Colour | Emerel | RS: | The Best Colour | Really |
AC: Ø Emerel you're goofy Ø
MN: no it isnt stop that
RS: | But | Thank You for the Compliment | Both of You | =:P |
ID: well pheres i'm partially tattooed.
LL: I'm like 70% sure it's not actually a REAL COLOR.
MN: hE startEd it maidEl MN: with his whitE shirts
ID: so i'm partially always pale.
LL: Like BLACK and WHITE aren't colors, right?
MN: that stick out in thE dark
AC: Ø I guess he did, that's true u.u Ø
RS: | Marvelous | I will Have to Find Something to Show Those Off | Then |
ID: i mean i have them on my chest and back and arms.
AC: Ø Pheres, you started it all, I guess Emerel has a point there. How dare you wear nice shirts. Ø
VA: WaiT, dŏ yŏu have whiTe TaTTŏŏs ID?
MN: wEll that sEttlEs it MN: hadEan is going into this shirtlEss now
ID: well they're not stark white.
RS: | Heavens | ! | RS: | Well | Emerel | Am I at Least Allowed to Wear Terrible Shirts | or | Do I have to Eschew all Shirts | to Meet Your Standards | ? | =:) |
VA: ThaT's a cŏŏl idea. ShiT my nexT ŏne may have Tŏ be whiTe nŏw
MN: .I. could answEr that but wErE in public ;)
LL: I think we're making it WEIRD again.
RS: | Hahaha | Not at All | RS: | Why would You Think That | ? |
ID: warning whtie fades like a motherfuck.
ID: you need to get them redone a lot.
RS: | Oh | Hm |
LL: Because MN totally just was like "Bluh bluh my answer is NSFW, bluh," dude.
RS: | Maybe You would be Well-Suited to Gray | Then | ! |
RS: | | I Mean | RS: | You could Interpret It That Way | RS: | If You are Weird |
AC: Ø .u. I like the shirt Pheres had designed for my uniform Ø
VA: I dŏn'T mind
AC: Ø It's very nice Ø
RS: | But I am Not | RS: | And Subsequently Did Not |
AC: Ø I like the red Ø
LL: There was a WINKY FACE!
RS: | Perhaps He Has Something In His Eye |
MN: ;)))
LL: Oh my god, I hate ALL OF YOU. D:
ID: i know a good guy va. if you can stand fish.
AC: Ø .n. I tried, LL Ø
ID: and him wanting you to smoke questionable herbs with him.
MN: wEll you arE thE onE in .OUR. chat so
LL: AC is my bro and the rest of you SUCK.
AC: Ø nooo, they don't suck Ø
MN: nobodys making you stay ll
AC: Ø they just um Ø
VA: I can fŏr The sake ŏf a gŏŏd TaTTŏŏ VA: My currenT guy is greaT, buT he's Teal
AC: Ø are affectionate Ø
AC: Ø they're very nice .u. Ø
RS: | Oh | Don't Run Them Off | Emerel | RS: | I Like Them | They are Endearing |
LL: And hell no, I'm not going to the chat with AH. LL: She wants my BLOOD.
ID: my guy is great, but he does uh. the thing where they do all the pokes with a hand needle. not a gun.
ID: so it takes for fucking ever.
AC: Ø ...I think she said she left? Looking at her last message. Ø
RS: | My Apologies for Causing You Discomfort | LL | ! |
VA: My arm was dŏne ThaT way
VA: Yeah, Takes a lifeTime and a half
RS: | We will Contain Our Japery | in Light of That | =:B |
LL: I mean. LL: There's nobody in that chat ANYWAYS, and I'm trying to hang out with PEOPLE.
MN: .I.m not MN: just pointing out that thEyrE not actually supposEd to bE in this chat tEchnically MN: so if wErE wEirding thEm out thats thEir fault not ours
AC: Ø beep boop I am secretly a robot. .u. Ø
AC: Ø boop boop whirr Ø
ID: looks good as fuck though!
LL: :\
ID: and i find it helps keep them looking nice longer. could just be my opinion though.
VA: Yeah, my arm was dŏne by an ŏrangeblŏŏd guy in a remŏTe area
MN: maidEl why are you a robot
AC: Ø .n. but I like LL, Emerel Ø
VA: Super greaT guy, I hŏpe he's sTill alive
AC: Ø oh I was just um Ø
LL: I USED to have a tat, but I had to get it get RID of.
AC: Ø I was making a joke, LL said they wanted to talk to people Ø
LL: Omfg
MN: thEn MN: likE ll MN: .I. wasnt tElling you not to maidEl
AC: Ø so I was being not a person a.k.a a robot Ø
RS: | Well | I Mean | They're Teal | RS: | I think They are Technically Allowed to Be Wherever They Want | ? |
ID: well that sucks ll. why?
LL: I TOTALLY didn't get that. LL: RIP, AC can't be my bro anymore. D:<
AC: Ø oh, I just - hahah .u. Ø
LL: JK, dude, don't even FLIP.
AC: Ø discriminatiooon Ø
AC: Ø no, I know you're joking .u. Ø
LL: And damn STRAIGHT I can be where I want! LL: Mostly cos I've got INSIDER CONNECTIONS, though.
ID: and it sucks when an artist dies on you va.
RS: | Robots Deserve the Disease of Friendship | Too | LL | =:B |
LL: And I had to get rid of the tat cos it's a huge, like, ID thing.
AC: Ø I know I'm bad at jokes sometimes but I got that one .u. Ø
LL: My line of work gets you on people's SHITLIST, you dig?
VA: ŏhh I see
ID: hahah. did you get your horns shaved down too?
LL: Yeah!
VA: ThaT's ŏdd fŏr a highblŏŏd
AC: Ø .n. did it hurt? Ø
ID: smart if you want to not be recognized.
VA: ŏr waiT, is iT nŏT ŏdd where yŏu live?
LL: Like a grubfucker!
AC: Ø whoa Ø
VA: Really?????
LL: And it's not THAT odd. I'm not the ONLY one I know, leastways!
AC: Ø you must be really tough! Ø
LL: HELL yeah! >:D
VA: Are yŏu dŏing iT righT?
ID: like. horns and sign and bloodcolor are your biggest identifiers!
LL: I mean, YEAH, but, dude, I had a LOTTA horn to knock off.
AC: Ø dang Ø
ID: so if you want to be sneaky you gotta get that shit taken care of.
VA: My rail shaves his and dŏesn'T geT pain VA: Unless iT jusT sTŏps hurTing afTer a while
LL: ^^^^^
LL: It don't hurt to, like shave 'em down a BIT on the regular, nowanights!
ID: i wonder what would happen if i shaved my floating horn.
ID: huh.
VA: His are like. Two, Three inches Tall
LL: First time when you're chopping off like a whole HEAD'S worth's a different STORY.
VA: AfTer shaving
RS: | Oh | It Hurts like Mad | the First Time You Cut Them Off |
RS: | But | It gets Easier After That | ! |
LL: Also, dude, WTF @ floating horn???
VA: I had nŏ clue. I knŏw iT hurTs like hell Tŏ break a hŏrn
ID: what you don't have a floating horn.
LL: Yeah, see, RS gets it!
LL: No, I got a floating MIDDLE FINGER for that HOOFBEASTSHIT.
AC: Ø I'm glad mine aren't too big. .u. Ø
RS: | Hahaha |
ID: i mean others can back up my floating horn claim.
AC: Ø it's true .u. Ø
RS: | He Does Have One | RS: | It is a Psionic Thing |
ID: all the coolest kids have one.
AC: Ø yup Ø
RS: | And | Be Glad | Maidel | ! | It is a Pain | Unfortunately |
LL: What happens when you're ASLEEP?
AC: Ø Big horns look really impressive but I can believe that. Ø
ID: yeah it keeps going.
LL: Or if someone, like, HITS it?
MN: at lEast your horns look grEat .PHERES.
LL: Like with a BAT or something.
ID: man i don't let people hit my horns.
LL: But what if they DID?
VA: Caring fŏr big hŏrns is hard Thŏugh
ID: i don't fucking know.
LL: It's never EVER happened?
RS: | They Do | But the Neck Pain is Awful | And | You can Never Lie on Your Back| For Starters | =:C |
RS: | And | Oh | Thank You | Em | ❤ |
AC: Ø .N. oh jeez Ø
VA: I shŏuld shave mine acTually...If They grŏw mŏre I wŏn'T be able Tŏ reach The Tŏps
ID: it's kinda a hard target. to hit my middle horn and not hit the main pair.
VA: CŏmfŏrTably
AC: Ø that's awful, Pheres Ø
RS: | Shave Them | VA | Before You have to Cut Them Instead | RS: | And | Haha | That's Why I Keep Mine so Short Now |
ID: wait you're supposed to be able to reach the tips of your horns. missed that memo.
VA: IT's easier fŏr me Tŏ care fŏr Them if I can
RS: | How do You Keep Them Polished | Hadean | RS: | If They are Too Long | ? |
VA: LasT Time my hŏrns were Tŏŏ Tall ŏne gŏT snapped ŏff
ID: polish.
ID: do i look like i have time and money for that.
MN: EVEr triEd making a homEmadE brEw
MN: its not that hard
RS: | | Brew | ? |
RS: | Are You Making Beer Now | ? |
VA: ŏh, hŏw dŏ yŏu make a hŏmemade pŏlish
LL: HELL yeah!
LL: Oh, shit, wait, actual POLISH.
LL: Nm, I've only done SUNSHINE.
ID: i don't bother. my horns stay alright?
VA: Sunshine is greaT Tŏ keep hidden away fŏr a bad nighT
RS: | Oh | You should Get Them Properly Polished at the Fair | ! |
MN: no .I. mEant polish
RS: | They'll Look Lovely | Especially Given Your Length |
ID: i dunno. maybe if i have time to kill.
ID: i don't let trolls touch the headgear too much.
ID: since that's just asking for some middle horn fondling.
LL: Omfg
LL: Dude, he's got a POINT.
LL: I bet someone would just, like, try and MOVE it just to see if it GOES.
RS: | Haha | Oh My | RS: | Heavne Forbid They Touch | Your Mysterious Middle Horn |
MN: gEEz go do your own fondling hadEan
ID: it's the source of my power- stop making it weird.
MN: stop asking the horn polishErs to do it for you
AC: Ø I've never gotten my horns polished before. .u. Ø
RS: | Oh | Really | ? |
MN: .I. haVE no idEa what yourE talking about~
AC: Ø Does it really make them look prettier? Ø
RS: | I'll Do Your Horns | at the Fair | Then |
RS: | It Does | ! | I always Keep Mine Polished | RS: | | Oh | And I'll Sand Them | Too | If You'd Like | ? |
ID: what, no it's not actually my power source.
AC: Ø Oh, that's really nice of you Pheres! Are you sure? .u. Oh, um, if you know best! Gosh, I'm just used to the regular scrubbing and bed checks. Ø
AC: Ø I used to think only highbloods sanded and polished them, hah. Ø
AC: Ø Silly, I know. Ø
RS: | | Or | Well | Hm | RS: | We could Actually Gloss Them | That would Look Nicer | I Think | Given the Angle |
ID: do i get horn service too pheres.
AC: Ø ooh, okay Ø
ID: doesn't your booth babe need to look pretty.
RS: | Haha | Well |
MN: damn .PHERES. bEttEr chargE Extra for that
MN: sorry .I.m going to bEat up your booth babE
ID: attempt to beat me up. ftfy.
MN: will beat you up MN: ftfy
RS: | | I suppose | You will get the Full Horn Service | Hadean | RS: | Heaven Forbid | that You don't Look At Your Best | For Your Fight |
ID: great~ thanks. =:)
RS: | | Do I Get to Do the Middle Horn | Too | ? |
ID: i mean i guess that depends if you can handle some weird sensations.
ID: that sounds wrong-er than it actually is.
RS: | Heavens |
RS: | Hahaha | It only Sounds Wrong | If We do not Pointedly Ignore All Possibility that It Could Be Wrong | =:B |
RS: | Do You Spark if People Touch It | ? |
AC: Ø these aren't the wrongs you're looking for. .u. Ø
AA: yrn wrnongs arne in anothern castle. >:} RS: | Yes | Thank You | Sipa | =:B |
ID: it's kinda like a mild constant shock. hi sip.
AA: sup.
AC: Ø Your wrongs have not been rezzed .u. Ø
ID: fair talk. letting rs get all up on my headgear.
AA: lmfao, wow, phrnasing. AA: arne you gonna let him put beads on yrn horns, tho?? AA: b/c he totally used to do that. >:}
ID: what.
ID: no beads allowed my horns are weird enough. =:I
RS: | He doesn't Have the Grooves for Them | There'd be Nowhere to Hook Them | RS: | Unless We Carved Some In | But | That would Take Ages | Also | Brb | Customer |
AA: ... scrnatch that. no beads. you gonna let him carnve them up?? >:}
ID: hell no, i like my rack as it is. =:I
ID: also do you polish your horns sip. my horns look fine right. because i neglect the fuck out of them.
AA: lameee. why such a cluckbeast, dude?? AA: y, y, beforne fights. not, like, in gen. waaay too much of a bothern. >:} and the polish gets in yrn hairn. grnoss.
AA: and lmao. idk, man, they'rne not, like, flaking, rnight?
ID: i have a floating horn, i don't think my horns need more things for people to look at.
ID: note to pheres when he's back, no polish in my hair if you can.
ID: i mean. no? i never noticed them flaking. =:I
AA: idk, dude, ain't nothing wrnong w/ morne shit to look at. AA: it's what makes you stand out, duh. >:}
AA: have you checked if they'rne flaking??
ID: i think i stand out enough in a crowd already. no beads needed. =:P
ID: how do i check for flaking? not like i can reach most of my rack.
TC: !'ll look at them for you
ID: you won't be looking at anything once i'm done with you. hush up.
AA: rub 'em on a trnee and see if anything comes off?? that's what phern used to do. >:} AA: and lmaooo.
TC: Fuck ~o
AA: wow, hads, she's, like, trnyin' to be helpful. way 2bmean.
ID: i'm supposed to fight her so no she isn't.
ID: i don't know where to find trees in this stupid place.
TC: Shhhh let me help !D
ID: fuck off. =:I
AA: haha, shiiit, how many folks you fighting tonight??
ID: i mean i'm fighting them at the fair. tonight is my night off. i even got a hotel room, i get to use an actual shower. shit's gonna be great.
AA: bump 'em on a carnt, then. >:} orn, like, idefk, anything harnd?? AA: but not T O O harnd, you don't wanna snap 'em. AA: unless horn-grnizzled veternan is yrn aesthetic.
TC: !'m go!~g to shove !D's head u~der a horse wh!le !t takes a p!ss
ID: hmm. first attempt seems to result in no flaking and jeesh tc, gross and desperate.
AA: then yrn fiiiiiiine. they look fine, anyway. >:P AA: why arne you wornrnrying abt yrn horns, anyway?? AA: also, lmao, am i like AA: internrnupting, orn is tc just hella nasty? >:}
ID: so nasty.
ID: and because everyone was talking about horns and polishes and shit. =:I apparently i was the only weirdo not spending hours preening every night. so i want to see what i'm missing out on.
TC: Shut up !D
ID: how about no. and you shut up.
TC: Go fuck yourself
AA: ehh. phern's just a weirndo. he polishes his claws, too, dude. you gonna do that? >:} AA: and hahahaha, wowzerns. AA: tc, bb, calm yrn tits. like, spoilern alernt!
AA: but i am p surne he's just not that into you. AA: orn hornse piss. >:P
TC: AA please, !'m ~ot !~terested !~ h!m
TC: ! just wa~t to see h!m scream a l!ttle
TC: !~ horror
ID: is there any part of your body you can't polish? hey, maybe i'll let him polish my claws if he wants. i can look all shiny and new for like. five seconds.
ID: 1, you're weird, 2, not happening.
AA: n, prnobs not. rnoll arnound in oil and polish A L L T H E B I T S. AA: shit, if you ask, he's prnobs got that glitterny shit you dunk yrnself in.
AA: and - did i alrneady say lmao?? AA: bc lmao, W O W.
AC: Ø Glittery? .u. Ø
ID: i'm good without glitter. but hey. a little pampering never killed a troll, right? right.
AA: y. until you end up, like, in white up to yrn frnonds. >:} AA: and y!
AA: glitterny.
AA: like, y'know, sparnklernocks.
AC: Ø I never realized anyone put glitter on their horns, huh Ø
AC: Ø How long does it stay on? Ø
ID: hey, pheres said no white. and hey, get glittered up if you want ac. have to ask pheres for that info i bet.
RS: | Let Me Duck Over Here | However | ! | RS: | Because | Also | There is the Minor Matter of the Fact | RS: | Throwing Someone's Matesprit into a Conversation Erring on Pitch Flirtation |
RS: | is Not a Typical Means of |- DISSUASION -|
RS: | =:1 |
ID: remember she can usually spy in here.
ID: it totally works. what did you want me to say, stop this is icky? because, uh. definitely still fighting him. don't need to give him ammo.
ID: but scout's honor, definitely not pitch for the guy i couldn't even pick out of a crowd!
RS: | You Literally just Informed Me | That It is Entirely Possible to Tell Someone to Back Off | If They are Making You Experience Discomfort |
RS: | Is that Advice You are Evidently Unwilling to Follow Yourself | ? |
ID: someone you are definitely not going to fight, yeah.
ID: unless you want to fight me.
RS: | Yes | I am Dying to Fight You | You have Cracked The Case |
RS: | =:| |
LL: Dude, ID, it just sounds like you were kinda shoving your CARTILAGE NUB where it didn't BELONG.
LL: Like, this is usually the part where you say sorry and CHILL OUT instead of, like, making a weird THING out of it.
ID: thank you for your totally well informed opinion ll.
LL: I mean, I fuck up shit like that all the TIME.
RS: | Haha | Well | She isn't Incorrect |
LL: I don't KNOW you guys really well, and I don't know what HAPPENED
LL: So maybe PHERES needs to chill, too.
LL: But I'm saying GENERALLY.
RS: | I am Afraid You are Now Less Correct | =:P |
ID: well sorry~ and as for what just happened earlier. i tried to keep my flap closed and you encouraged me! so.
LL: I might be TOTALLY wrong, idk. LL: You guys just seemed kinda way more CHILL earlier, and you're both cool dudes.
LL: So I dunno why it has to be a BIG DEAL.
RS: | It is Not a Big Deal | RS: | I am Not Particularly Affronted | I am Merely Curious | as to What Hadean's Motives are In His Behaviours | That is All |
RS: | And | I Accept Your Apology | Although | I Encouraged You | RS: | Because I Was Not Expecting You to Actually | RS: | | Well | ! | I Thought We were Playing | Joking | Japing | That is All | =:1 |
ID: nope, that was definitely me trying to be nice and keep my flap shut.
RS: | | If You are Trying to Keep Your Flap Shut | RS: | Perhaps You should Not Say | That You are Actively Trying to Keep Your Flap Shut | RS: | Usually | We Simply Keep Our Flaps Shut |
RS: | No Need for Narration | Unless You are Orpheo |
ID: i like narration! and is orpheo the dumpster troll.
LL: He's TOTALLY the dumpster troll.
RS: | Yes | Haha | He is the Dumpster Troll |
ID: do i. want to know why others call him weeds.
RS: | Probably Not |
LL: I mean, guy that talks like THAT, he probably smokes BALES.
ID: well that's a lovely mental image.
RS: | Oh | Come Now | Smoking a Bale is not Historically Accurate |
RS: | I am Sure He Grinds It into a Fine Powder and Puts It in A Pipe |
ID: is that a thing you can do?
RS: | I do not Have the Faintest Idea | Haha | ! |
LL: That is
LL: NOT how you do it.
ID: damn ll you need to teach us clearly.
LL: lol
ID: in case i ever. want to see how well getting high works i guess.
LL: I mean, if you're freaking PULVERIZING IT, you're losing half the good shit! LL: Unless you're the kinda weirdo that goes licking it off the PESTLE, I guess.
ID: heavens forbid.
LL: Shit, I confused which RUSTBLOOD was TALKING for a sec.
ID: how dare you! =:P
RS: | How Very Dare You | =:P |
ID: it doesn't help that we have the same emoticons.
LL: No, dude, keep going, I bet you could do a NUTTY Pheres impression.
ID: i think me and pheres have had enough conflict for the night.
LL: Fair ENOUGH, dude.
ID: besides, pheres is like. one of the three or four trolls on here that hasn't threatened to kill me or wanted to hear me scream in horror or shit so i should be nicer!
LL: Duuuude, wtf?
LL: Don't people come to chatrooms to, like, MEET people to HANG OUT with?
LL: Why is everyone, like, FIGHTING and shit?
ID: i have a charming personality. =:P
LL: I dunno, man, you seem pretty COOL to me!
ID: and told tc no killing gliese. which has forever put me on her hitlist i guess.
LL: Oh, RIGHT, I remember that. LL: I don't get why GLIESE is all het up at me, neither, but I don't want her DEAD.
LL: She's just some RANDO on the internet.
ID: i dunno. something about you and calling the jades fakers. maybe she has a jade quad or something.
RS: | He does have a Charming Personality | And | Oh | She probably got Het Up on Emerel's Behalf |
ID: yeah they do seem close.
RS: | He does Like to Go On about How Unusual Jades Are | RS: | So | She likely Felt Offended at the Implication of | | People Faking Their Caste | ? |
LL: Dude, I've TOTALLY done that before.
LL: It gets you IN places!
RS: | I should Clarify | Hadean | the Charming did not Hold Scarequotes | RS: | Despite Your Many Slights |
RS: | | Should You Admit That Online | ? | Haha |
ID: good to know because i was about to offer to not show my face around you at the faire.
LL: Pffft LL: I mean, it was FOREVER ago. LL: If you wanna call the COPS on me for something I did as a WIGGLER, go ahead, but I bet I got more cop friends than YOU. >:D
LL: Oh, shit, WHAT?
RS: | What | ? | No | Of Course You Should | RS: | Why wouldn't I Want You at the Faire | ? |
ID: because i'm a jerk?
LL: No, dude, we're hanging out and I'm buying you, like. FOOD and shit like you wanted. LL: You can't go avoiding PHERES, though, cos I'm chillin' with him, TOO.
RS: | Oh | You're Aggravating | But You're hardly a Jerk | RS: | And | Besides | I like Sipara Perfectly Well | And | Compared to Her | RS: | You are a Perfectly Docile Meowbeast |
ID: well i mean if food is involved. =:P can i have like. four of those giant gobblebeast legs. those are a thing at faires right.
LL: Dude, if it FITS in you, you can have it. LL: I have, like, WAY too much cash rn, idgaf. LL: Bring your HOLLOW WALKFROND.
ID: and well. yeah. fair. I'm not so aggro i put it right in my tag though! so sip got me beat there.
ID: sweet. =:D jokes on you like 75 percent of me is hollow.
RS: | ! | ! | ! |
LL: Between the floating HORN shit and the weird PSIONICS, I am only like 50% sure you're shitting me, here.
RS: | Congratulations | LL | RS: | I am Fairly Certain | That is the First Time I have Witnessed | an =:D smiley |
ID: oh so if i'm not a stock model psi i'm weird i see how it is.
ID: =:P at you pheres. food'll make anyone smile.
LL: Omg
LL: I made HISTORY, apparently!
LL: >:D
RS: | =:) |
LL: That SUCKS about Gliese, though. LL: Should I, like, TELL her I wasn't calling that guy a FAKER? LL: I was just saying WHAT IF cos people were on about how it was even POSSIBLE and shit. Doesn't mean nothing to me either WAY if a jade's a dude or even a JADE in the first place.
ID: don't let it go to your head. =:P
ID: uh protip: don't defend why you said things when you're apologizing.
LL: Too LATE, dude, my horns already GREW BACK.
RS: | Mm | I would Advise Against Telling Gliese Anything | RS: | But | If You really Wish to Get on Good Terms With Her |
RS: | Just Say that You're Sorry | You were Wrong | and Do not Focus on the Details |
ID: 'sorry, but-' conversations just end in more fighting. so yeah.
RS: | And | Then Move On | While She is Basking in the Feeling of having Socially Bested You |
RS: | She'll Forget about Her Ire | Soon Enough |
ID: yeah definitely do it where others can distract from the conversation.
LL: I guess that makes SENSE. LL: Then how do I know not to do it AGAIN, though?
RS: | Mm | ! |
LL: If I don't ASK.
LL: Not that she wanted to ANSWER, I guess.
RS: | | Ah |
RS: | Just | Watch What She Says | and Make Sure You only Agree With Her | ? | ? |
LL: I mean, I'm gonna just do what you SAID. LL: You guys got your shit resolved really NEAT-like, so you probs KNOW better.
LL: What, like about EVERYTHING?
LL: I don't care THAT much about her!
RS: | Not on Everything | She doesn't Get Aggressive over Everything | I Don't Expect |
RS: | Just the Things that Send Her Off into a Froth |
RS: | I don't Know | I Make Lists | Usually | of Contentious Topics | for the Individual | RS: | You could Do That | =:/ |
ID: no talking about faking or jades.
ID: should cover it.
LL: Ugh. LL: I guess I can TRY that, but if she starts getting WEIRD about shit then I'm gonna STOP.
LL: ID's thing sounds less hard to keep TRACK of.
ID: making a list of topics to avoid for everyone in the chat sounds like a pain pheres.
LL: ^^^
ID: but then i like. can barely remember most of their names so i guess i'm a shitty judge.
RS: | Not for Everyone in the Chat | Haha | RS: | Or | Most People in the Chat | Just | Quadrants | RS: | Close Friends | Enclades |
RS: | | Although | Making Ones for Chat Members does Seem Wise | RS: | Now that You Mention It |
RS: | You should Tell Me about Your Pet Peeves | The Both of You | Right Now | =:P |
ID: is your clade big or anything then? what about you ll?
ID: jeesh pheres put some trolls on the spot.
LL: Mine's pretty SMALL! I just got my best guy and my moirail.
LL: Clydes ain't IN chats like this, though, and ID's the MOD.
LL: And, uhhh
RS: | No | Emerel's Kismesis is Gone | And | He never Let Me Meet Him |- Anyway -| RS: | So | He doesn't Count | Haha | Sipara has Her Ever-Rotating Kismesises | RS: | Riccin is an Old Clademate | But | Ah | The Rest of Them are Dead |
RS: | So | I don't Have to Keep Track of |- THEM -| Anymore | Haha |
LL: I get pissed off when people mess with my PEOPLE! LL: And when they get shirty and then get all CAGEY when I ask what their DAMAGE is. :\
ID: ll a lot of trolls in this chat are gonna annoy you.
LL: Gdi
LL: It's cool, YOU guys can be my bros. LL: And, like, that MAIDEL person.
LL: They're pretty cool.
ID: i cannot for the best of me remember which one maidel is.
ID: dr?
LL: The GREEN one that always says sorry! LL: Olive green, not JADE.
RS: | Oh | ! | Yes | Maidel is Practically Clade |
RS: | She is the Olive Green | Yes | Haha |
LL: Man, there's a lotta sorry GREENBLOODS around.
RS: | It's a Part of the Caste | I suppose | ! | RS: | The Ones outside of the Caverns are not a Very Confident Lot |
LL: Makes SENSE, I guess, if you grew up under a ROCK.
LL: CAVE, whatever.
ID: i kinda avoid talking to her. she seems so easy to set off. and then she leaves and that's no fun for her. =:/
LL: I mean, she should learn to DEAL with it better, then! LL: Like it doesn't matter how NICE people are, they're gonna say something shitty EVENTUALLY.
LL: So you gotte be able to CALL 'em on it or tell them to fuck OFF.
LL: Or have a quad to do it FOR you.
RS: | Oh | ! | Ah | RS: | He is Easier in Person | to Anticipate If He is Upset | ? |
RS: | He is just Very Shy | Mostly | But | Haha | Yes |
ID: i mean i agree but yeah. figure it'd be easier in person.
LL: He??
RS: | | I've been Looking for Her Quadrants | Actually | RS: | I think It would Do Her Good for Her Self-Esteem |
RS: | And | Confidence |
RS: | | He | ? |
ID: you called dr a he. and then a she. confused ll i think.
ID: also ll refresh me on what your name is.
RS: | Oh | They Switch | ! |
RS: | I am not Sure | the Particulars | ? | So | I just Switch | as the Inclination Strikes |
LL: That's CONFUSING as hell.
LL: But WHATEVER, I guess.
ID: means i can't call him/her the wrong gender i guess.
LL: Oh, shit, u rite
LL: Maybe it's LESS confusing, then. >:D
RS: | Hahaha | It is a Socially Fool Proof Strategy | on Her Part |
ID: ll. hand over the name. unless you prefer ll.
ID: but then at the fair people will think your name is ellell.
RS: | If You Prefer LL | That is Fine | Of Course |
RS: | Hahaha |
RS: | One of the Fellows Who Runs It | is Named Elilah |
RS: | LL would Fit Right In | =:) |
LL: Ellell sounds pretty RAD, but I'm BONNIE.
LL: And everyone keeps typing LL all LOWERCASE so it looks like II, ANYWAYS.
ID: bonnie. alright. bonnie is a nice enough name.
LL: Nice ENOUGH? LL: Damn, I SEE how it is! D:<
ID: it's no hadean. =:P
RS: | Hadean | Shame on You |
RS: | Clearly | Bonnie is at Least A Name | of the Top Five Tiers | RS: | Perhaps the Top Eight | ? | At Least the Top Ten | =:) |
ID: aww i'm just joking pheres. bonnie isn't really offended! i think.
RS: | Below Pheres | Of Course | RS: | But | We can't All Have the Best Name |
ID: how do you even pronounce pheres.
RS: | | How do You Think It is Pronounced | ? |
LL: Dude, my skin's not THAT thin, don't even lfip.
LL: FAIR-iss?
ID: fear-ease?
LL: Or, like, feh-ree.
RS: | Close | Haha | ! | RS: | It is | Fuh | like | Furnace | RS: | And then | Reese | like Breeze |
ID: huh. okay. is bonnie like. bunny with an o?
RS: | But | You should Use Fair-Is | RS: | It is Easier to Say |
LL: I'm like 90% sure there's only ONE way to say Bonnie.
RS: | | Isn't it Bonnie | as In |
RS: | She is quite a Bonny Lass | ? |
LL: Yeah!
ID: hey sometimes people have weird ways of saying their name even when it looks easy.
LL: Shit, I lied. It's totes actually, like uh LL: BONE-AI
RS: | Bone Ai |
RS: | Well | It |- IS -| Six Letters |
ID: well then how do you say my name?
RS: | The same Way that Bonnie Does | I Imagine |
RS: | Ha | as in Laughter | RS: | Dee | as in | Ah | Dice | ? |
RS: | Awn | like Dawn |
ID: nah. but that's how like. everyone assumes i'm sure.
RS: | =:? |
RS: | How do You Pronounce It | ? |
RS: | Is It a Standard Name | ? |
ID: i mean what's standard when it comes to names.
RS: | Oh | No | Standard | As In | RS: | Central Continental Standard Alternian Common Dialect |
RS: | You Know | Standard | Haha |
LL: Wait, is that NOT how you say it?
LL: HADEAN, I mean
ID: like...
H as in hi, long a like. base. d as in dye. a as in about. and an n. like. no.
ID: like. hey-de-an?
ID: it's easier to just say and have a troll repeat.
ID: also sorry for the pause, was ransacking the snack bar in the room next to me.
RS: | Hopefully | They weren't In It | at the Time | Haha |
RS: | Hadean is a Pretty Name | Though | ! |
ID: nah, most trolls have cleared out. probably to parties and their loved ones or whatever.
ID: pheres is a nice name too. is the fuh-reese way you say it?
SA: haydee-in, bonny, phair-Rees, was how I was reading them until corrected. You all have such different names.
ID: well what about you sa? what's your name?
SA: I don't remember my assigned name. I go by Prisma.
ID: ...assigned name huh. okay. prisma it is.
SA: don't most trolls have their names recorded by the cavern matrons?
ID: i mean most people don't call them assigned? i don't think?
SA: oh. I apologize, I'm not very familiar with the terms. I am very forgetful.
SA: Hadean?
ID: yeah that's me.
RS: | Oh | I got Distracted | My Apologies | That is How I Say My Name | RS: | And | Hm |
RS: | I don't Know If Names get Assigned | ? | I never Thought About It |
RS: | you Just | You Know | Have One |
SA: I see.
SA: So where did your names come from? Did you just know them at the front of your mind?
SA: That sounded rude, i apologize.
ID: don't lusii do that shit.
SA: I was mostly going off of Pheres's statement.
ID: i dunno. i just know i have a name and it rocks.
SA: Who are you?
ID: oh god it's in here too.
RS: | Oh | I never Asked | RS: | I Grew up in a Hivestem | Haha | ! |
RS: | So | People have Always Used My Name |
SA: Ariste.
SA: I like this one.
SA: I see... That sound different, RS.
RS: | Heavens | You're Enthusiastic | Aren't You | ? |
RS: | And | Haha | Is It | ? | RS: | Where did You Grow Up | ? |
RS: | | Everything | from the Sounds of It | ? |
SA: I meant I liked the name. But the enthusiasm is acceptable too.
SA: I grew up... elsewhere.
SA: It was very private and isolated.
ID: elsewhere is ominous as fuck.
SA: I was raised on a colony. Is that a less ominous answer.
ID: barely.
SA: Ariste thinks it could be fun.
RS: | What Sort of a Colony | ? |
ID: ariste has the intelligence of a sponge.
SA: I don't know how to explain it. I don't recall most of it, either. It was an experimental colony. Scientific.
SA: I suppose that is "fun" in a way.
ID: /oh/.
SA: my name is Prisma, LA.
SA: I am clairvoyant and telekinetic.
SA: I don't read minds. I simply know things.
SA: i msiread, I apologize.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | I Think You are Our First Telekinetic |
RS: | Congratulations | Haha |
ID: nah i don't read minds. but i can sense idiots.
SA: do all of you have psionics...?
ID: i think so.
ID: plenty of trolls.
SA: i like this.
ID: nah, being around you is like trying to spot the stars when the sun is out. your stupidity blocks everyone else.
SA: LA, I think they were being facetious.
RS: | Yes | I think So | ! |
RS: | Er | To the Fact We All have Psionics |
RS: | Not to the Idiots Thing |
ID: i'm fucking adorable as shit.
ID: how about no.
SA: what are you psonics, RS?
SA: look at them. they're bonding.
RS: | Presently | I suspect They are My Ability to Marvel at |
RS: | Well |
RS: | Everything in Here |
RS: | Haha | =:B |
RS: | | Ah | No | But | I can Teleport | ! |
SA: Teleporting... That's an admirable psionic.
ID: marveling at how weird la is you mean pheres.
ID: sure, i'm 2.
RS: | Yes | Yes | That is What I Mean |
RS: | Haha |
RS: | | And | Oh | I don't know If I'd Call It Admirable | ? | It's just a Thing |
RS: | Telekinesis is So Much More Useful |
ID: can you teleport far?
SA: But many psions I've met don't have it. It is unique.
SA: My telekinesis is very weak, right now.
SA: I'd rather teleport.
RS: | Ahh | Define Far | ! |
ID: like. out of sight.
SA: could you jump blocks that way?
RS: | Oh | ! | Probably | Um | RS: | I can Go Up to Fifty Feet | I think | And I've Gone Farther | But |
RS: | It's not Ideal |
RS: | Haha | Too Tiring |
SA: are there any risks associated with it?
SA: and how many sweet broken bones could be received.
AA: | | No Broken Bones | ! |
RS: | And | Um | Not Really | ? | Nothing More than the Usual | ! |
ID: the usual, that's comforting.
1 note · View note
yumenosakiacademy · 5 years ago
metr0con 2019 sunday diary
cosplayed: tsukasa, breakfast: ramen, snack: one (1) root beer lollipop
for future me only. also, disclaimer: im writing this at 5 am while extremely tired afte waking up from being asleep at my desk. i forgot a lot of specifics in all that time since i left the con n most of his is mediocre.
so i arrived at 10 am for the ha!kyuu panel only yo go to the panel room and see that it had been canceled (the panel name was crossed out n “cancelled” was written next to the panel name) so i had woken up early for Nothing bc i also had no panel at 11 so i had 2 free hrs to kill. i also checked the room where the UT panel was supposed to b happening in bc i like UT n had nothing to do, but there was no one in the room so.. unfortunately, my stomach started hurting rly bad, so a good chunk of that time was spent w me sat on the floor near a wall thingy or walking slowly. unfortunately the dealers room hadnt been opened yet so i just sat around then when the dealers room opened i started to wander a bit more. i didnt take a lot of photos bc my energy and socialness was kinda drained due to the stomachache pain so like. rip. 
then there was the dd-lc panel! in it, some guy in the audience offered natsuki snack bars (n she took one, as well as gave one to yuri) after calling her “the starving one”, and ome guy said “natsuki, your dad’s a dick. can i adopt you” n went up to the panel table n sifned a piece of paper monika wrote on that was ‘adoption papers’ and he gave natsuki a hug n called her his daughter for the rest of the panel. some guy dared natsuki to rip a page out of her manga (she had 2 books of manga on the table) n she actually DID rip out a page, and not a useless one like the “you’re reading the wrong way” page, either. the audience was like “why!!” n she n monika were like “i’m/impulsive!!”. natsuki was frequently referred to w “baby” (as im “she’s baby”) throughtout the panel. everyone thought yuri was the most fashionable when asked on a truth. sayori was asked how it was “hanging” and what her favorite brand of rope was.
after that, i Wanted to go to the she r-a princess alliance, but when i kept glancing out at the riverwalk, there was no one there?? so i just went to the bn-ha improv n it was!! actually funny. there was a skit where iida, denki, n kirishima were at a coffee shop n present m!c was the barista n iida ordered black coffee but said it wasnt right or smth or he never rly got his order, denki asked for a mocha with seventeen shots of expresso (he then drank it n did the “wey wey” friend brain thing later b4 the skit ended and was also vibrating after drinking it), and kirishima listed off a ton of things for his drink n kept going on and on. another one was bakugou being shown to be a “mommys boy” in front of uraraka and shinsou (i think) and there was a mitsuki in the audience so she went up (and actually brought snacks for the panelists! like a true mom) and during the skit she showed them his baby photos and pushed him down n at some point idk how she was sitting on his back n using him as a chair. there was also a skit w bakugou as the person at a coffee shop that had NO drinks whatsoever, only a bagel. n iida was like “what’s the flavor?” n bakugou just kept going “..bagel.” n “bagel flavor. i dunno.” n iida asked how much it was n bakugou went “$400″. then while present m!c was going on abt wanting a drink n getting angy, the iida went into the audience n started asking a few random ppl while they walked down the aisle “is this a dunkin donuts?”
after that i just walked around bc i had 2 more hrs w Nothing to do and stumbled upon a casual FP group in the dealers room but before i could get  picture one of them recognized the character on my sign or just the series or smth i think but onething led to another n i started talking with them and i sat down w them but they were like “can you like, introduce us to ens-tars we hear a lot abt it” so i went on the wiki n showed them the characters n the gentaro rly liked rabits (shino n nito in particular) n rei, dice liked yuzuru n shinobu, n ramuda liked tori n rei. i showed them reis cgs, specifically the one w kaoru and his crossroads cg n i was like “the cgs that signlehandedly made the whole fandom h*rny for like. a week.” n the gentaro was like “you mind if i [takes a drink] Thirst.” n the gentaro was also interested in koga n i was like “he’s an edgy wolfk!n who likes punk music” and i talked abt what wataru is like n fice was like “he seems like hifumi” n im like “he rly is!! he’s hifumikin.” n for shu, ramuda was like “apparently hes an asshole” n i was like “yea definitely.” n when they asked me to describe leo i was like “oh uh. he’s Fuck. i dunno how to describe him! i dont rly like him that much tbh. he’s ecentirc n one of the oddballs n he composes on walls and literally their drama cd back in the day is knights looking for him n like, finding him behid a bush composing going ‘i got inspiration!!’” n i referred to midori as the suicidal one n i was like “you tink im joking but anytime anything happens he always goes ‘i wanna die’” and when i talked abt souma ramuda was like “is he friends with shinobu?” since i’d already described shinobu n i was like “well they kno each ogher but theyre not rly friends iirc.. they had an event together tho”. at one point the ramuda paused the music they were playing in the bg n decided toplay ens-tars music n they chose undead n started blasting Death Game Holic n i was like “...oh. that’s not undead” n ramuda was like “it says undead..?” n i was like “its Deadmanz! a former unit w koga, keito, n rei” n i started jamming out n the gentaro slightly joined me for a sec. anyway uh. god these tidbits of convo r all out of order im sry but idk what caused this part of the convo but the ramuda said they were ramudakin n the gentaro said they were lowkey gentarokin n i think they mentioned these bc dice said they cosplayed dice yet arent dicekin?? i cant rly remember. oh also when i showed the gentaro rei they were like “oh i kin him now. im not saying in kinning, but im Kinning” or smth like that n im gjhnsmk at one point i mentioned my friend kuma’s dice rat art edit n the gentaro wanted 2 see it but i couldnt show em bc it was too far back in my tumblr dms. we started talking abt MTC and how ramuda wishes they got like, more hardcore rock stuff like Death Game Holic (which was still playing) bc they seemed “gangsta n hardcore” then immediately mellowed out in their songs after that n i said that yokohama walker still like, slaps tho n it kinda calms me down n ramuda said papillion calms them down. the ramuda was shocked at tori’s high voice bc they knew his va as worick from gangsta n didnt think toris voice would b That High n were surprised when they heard tori’s solo. 
after that, i had a hard time trying to decide between the LL dance panel or the hs panel n just decided on the LL panel n i hav the dances on video so yay (the final song got cut off 3/4 of the way thru n im so :(( but oh well...) n they played Telephone/Rumors and “Who’s Most Likely”. between this panel and the next one, i talked to a kaito who was the aki hana’s hanayo the previous day n we just talked abt some stuff n at one point they pulled out an izanagi plush n they asked if i was into pers0na n i was like “yea! i even was gonna cosplay adachi but my gun didnt come in n i dont think i coulda done his wig” n they apparently had abt 300 hrs on pers0na 3 FES n we talked abt how stat grinding is such a repetitive, boring thing in pers0na 3.
the bn-ha panel! i... dont remember a whole lot abt this panel im sorry. but like, halway thru, they started playing games w he audience after q n a n i got bored bc they did things like red light green light n simon says so i just took selfies while most of the audience played along. during the qna i remember someone asked shigaraki if their fog plushie could b a league of villains member tho n he said ys n held the push when it was handed to him. someone gave bakugou a giant human-sized fan n todoroki went up against bakugou w his rainbow fan. 
0 notes
bwicblog · 8 years ago
SA: i am on my train.
ID: =:P rude. have a safe trip.
SA: I will be working a lot when I get hive so I will not be around often. If I never come back just assume the worst.
SA: 👌
ID: wow pris. that's a nice thought. =:/
SA: it is a realistic and necessary one.
SA: but I suppose that too must sound very edgy.
ID: i meant that it's not nice to worry about you getting your ass culled. =:/
SA: I'm upset about something else.
SA: it's fine. I have a very good track record.
ID: well i'm sorry you're upset about something. but don't take it out on me bud! that's just cruel.
SA: I'm not trying to I'm sorry if I am
SA: I will move this.
ID: siiiippppsss. you around here?
ID: and, uh. still at the faire/around the faire?
ID: siiippsss. sippie cup. sip and dip.
ID: what are more nicknames. siphilis.
SA: That's horrible
ID: sipman. =:(
ID: damn. probably missed her.
AA: siphilis is the wornst fucking thing i have evern hearnd, gjjjj.
ID: hey, it worked didn't it?
ID: is the giving me a ride out of this place offer still valid?
ID: i got my coupon and everything. and i'm ready to demand to talk to the manager if you say no.
AA: like, even wornst than everny othern godawful thing on that list. >:}
AA: and lmfaooo.
AA: soz, soz, i am the managern and we don't accept coupons. C A S H O N L Y, frnesh fancy beetles orn bust.
AA: y, y, you can have a rnide. I G U E S S. wherne arne we drnopping you??
AA: ... and yrn pops.
ID: where ever. =:) but i don't want to travel alone this busted up.
ID: and you and pris are the only ones i trust not to cull my injured ass.
SA: are you sure you shouldn't just stay with Sipara for a bit?
ID: i mean, i'm not gonna intrude on her. that's hella rude.
AA: aww. that's adornbs. i am offic, like, not crneepy skinsuit connoseuir level. >:} gtk.
AA: wait, n, that's fucking indeciphernable.
AA: g2k. >:}
SA: oh right, the skin suits.
AA: y. a verny imporntant and valid concern. AA: how many skinsuits you own, prni??
AA: and y/y/y, trnavel w/ me forn awhile, hads. idgaf. gotta drnop off lal and then get 2 a fight. AA: but eyyy, if you don't carne abt rniding shotgun, wtfevern.
ID: i mean you came to my fight. i can totes go to yours. show off that rust solidarity and all. =:P
SA: none. Thank you.
SA: where are your fights, Sipara? If one is ever near Provenance let me know.
SA: likewise. Hadean, if you come close.
ID: i might eventually make my way your way to visit! you promised me a shopping trip, remember? =:P
SA: !!!
SA: please
AA: soz, soz, am juggling, like.
AA: this stupid teapot. >:0
ID: ...teapot.
ID: =:?
AA: y! it doesn't have a handle. bc ppl arne fucking nuts.
AA: and it is hot. >:{
ID: why are you handling a teapot to begin with?
AA: to pernsonally intrnoduce it to my quads as my latest beau, duh.
AA: to make tea, dornklornd, trny2keepup.
AA: and they'rne, like, evernywherne, prni, lmfao. AA: how's the fight scene in prnovenance?? bc lbrn herne, have prnobs totes fought therne, even if idr the name. >:P AA: like, i've gone eveeeeeernywherne.
ID: i mean why are you making tea?
ID: ...and also, uh. you want an apple pie smoothie? i mean. gotta bribe my way in to shotgun and all. =:P
AA: >:? AA: >:??????? AA: >:????????????
AA: to drnink it!!
EA: +T=a is on= of th= obj=ctiv=ly b=st drinks to hav=.- EA: +Appl= pi= smoothi= do=s sound... r=ally up th=r= how=v=r, too. H=llo =v=ryon=!-
SA: oh. I don't know. I am familiar with the crime scene but not the fight scrne
ID: psh, have a smoothie instead. =:P
SA; so I couldn't name names.
SA: what about a regular smoothie.
EA: +All smoothi=s ar= r=gular smoothi=s.-
AA: gausie gausie gausieeeeeee. AA: sup. AA: and y, y, will totes take a smoothie. arne you gonna brning it? is deliverny parnt of the brnibe?? >:}
EA: +H=y sipa sipa sipaaaaa- EA: +Mayb= h= is trying to sw==t=n you up. Butt=r you up. Mayb= both? It is an appl= pi= smooothi= aft=r all.-
ID: i mean i gotta get to your sweet ride don't i? i'll bring it over.
ID: i saw sips eyeing up apples before so like. i thought she would want one. can't hurt being nice to the troll who's gonna cart me around and all.
EA: +W=ll... it is always good to practic= your mann=rs, I agr==! But... towards of all p=opl=, Sipara?- EA: +No off=ns=, Sipa, but I n=v=r took you for such a... hmm. No, mayb= sh= is th= typ=, sh= do=sn't hav= to buy it... 🤔 -
AA: ugh ugh ugh, this pot S U C K S.
ID: don't burn your mitts or else you won't be able to drive. =:P
EA: +Do you n==d a n=w t=apot? what happ=n=d-
ID: and sips is one of the only ones who deserves manners, so. =:P
AA: and. what? huh. y. ty. >:} a+ brniberny, i fucking love apples. AA: best frnuit. way bettern fucking lemons.
ID: i like any sweet shit, so. gtfo lemons.
ID: should i get lal a smoothie.
AA: and lmfao, stfu, gausia. i totes desernve all the mannerns. all of them. take a fucking cue. AA: my teapot is fine!! it's, like. this hotel rnoom has a diff type.
AA: and it fucking sucks.
AA: yyyyyyy!!
ID: alright, four smoothies it is.
EA: +I n=v=r said you w=r= und=s=rving of mann=rs! I just thought you w=r=... on= to forsak= th=m in =xchang= for.... =xc==dingly casual conv=rsation?-
AA: >:? AA: chillax, girnl, we'rne, like, joking. hads and me arne totes tight. no mannerns necessarny. AA: and yyyyy, awesome. >:} do you want tea, dude? will even make it w/ nothing added. on account of the fact yrn supern lame.
ID: sure, hit me up on some tea i guess. boring ass tea. =:P
ID: ea does she try and get you to drink mind honey tea. or am i special.
EA: +i am just saying! I n=v=r r=ally... p=gg=d you to b= th= typ= to =v=n r=cogniz= th=m. Fil=ld with surpris=s, you ar=! ANd...- EA: +... I r=m=mb=r h=r saying som=thing about mind hon=y wh=n w= last drank t=a. Som=thing about th= plac='s t=a b=ing too bland, or... som=thing...- EA: +Why do you ask?-
ID: because i need to know how weird sips is. naturally.
EA: +W=ll! I thought that it would go without saying, r=ally, h=h=.- EA: +I suppos= it is a bit bizarr= but I am not 100% sur=.-
ID: seems pretty bizarre to me. =:P
AA: ... oops. AA: shit, i was gonna say something. but, okay, like, dnw, nobodies getting tea now, it fucking brnoke.
AA: oh. yeah. rnight. G A U S I A does not get the honey tea, 'kay. >:P she's bougie, she can buy hern own.
ID: well good thing i'm coming to the rescue with smoothies.
AA: and both of you stfu, i am totes not weirnd.
AA: or bizarnrne. gj on the big wornds. >:P AA: and yyyyyyyy, good!! lmk when you need in. will come fetch.
EA: +I am sorry, Sipara, but I b=li=v= th= old saying of 'Tak=s On= to Know On=' rings tru= for this curr=nt situation!- EA: +And if you think bizarr= is a big word... w=ll, I will hav= to gift you a dictonary and th=sarus for your wriggling day.-
SS: (Okay, y'all, we're gettin' a new rule up in this place, aight?)
SS: (It's a real important rule!)
SS: (So you gotta be real attentive-like.)
EA: +Is this going to b= a jok= about 'no w=irdos in th= chat'?-
SS: (Make sure you don't miss it or some ish like that.)
SS: (And no, EA, then I'd be up and bannin' myself and the chat would die cos peeps'd be too depressed to go on.)
SS: (The rule is!) SS: (The rule.) SS: (The rule is that if you've up and got a guy sleepin on your cushioned seatin' platform, a guy what up and spends, like, what 12 hours a night makin' soy free low-fat 2% whip chai lattes and all that hoofbeastshit!)
SS: (If you got a guy like that around.)
ID: sorry, was getting the smoothies. uh lal i hope you like strawberry banana.
SS: (Ask him how to make your effin steeped leaf juice before you blow it up and scare the piss outta everyone in the buildin on accounta the new ceramic shard art piece decoratin' the nutrition block.)
SS: (Oh, shit, you got me a smoothie?)
SS: (Nm, idc anymore bout the tea, life is good again.)
AA: stfu, i made the nutrnition block bettern. it's, like, grnafitti. AA: w/ glass. AA: and burn marnks.
SS: (And crying wigglers.)
AA: it builds charnactern!
ID: pfff. i got everything packed and some smoothies so. where am i going.
EA: +I am going to b= hon=st, it do=s sound lik= you two ar= having your first days without prop=r lusii sup=rvision-
SS: (Oh, no, Sipa's lusus is here.)
SS: (He's probs laughin at me, too. (\qnq/) )
SS: (Flapbeasts of a feather!)
AA: n, n, we arne having a jolly good time w/ my lusus, gausie. that's why shit's exploding, duh. in honorn of 'em. AA: and y, y, that's what the mantling means. AA: and the firne. the morne rned it is, the morne he's, like, fucking chorntling. >:}
AA: fifth strneet!! second floorn. place w/ the giant hootbeast on the frnont.
SS: (I didn't actually, like, know we were in a place w a giant hoofbeast up top but now I'm extra pleased.)
SS: (Also, Sipa, random fact: )
SS: (Totes thought he was your psi first time I saw him.)
SS: (Wtf kinda flapbeast catches fire??)
AA: lmfao, whaaaaat. AA: dude, do i look like a sparnkplug?
ID: omw. =:) can't wait to see the teapot destruction.
AA: use yrn elf eyes and lmk. AA: will wait forn prnopern analysis. >:}
SS: (Wow, pal, that's some casteist ish comin outta your facegash. (\unu/ ))
AA: >:}!!! yyyy, good. have you eaten tonight btw?? orn arne you doing the starnving waif shit again?
SS: (Hashtag not all sparkplugs.)
ID: ...do two smoothies count.
AA: wow, n. AA: if it was casteist shit, it'd obvs be tell me what yrn dwnarf eyes see, losern.
AA: N O.
ID: i also had some sushi.
ID: but that stuff does not stick with you.
SS: (Is that, like, lits?) SS: (As in it ain't inside you anymore?)
SS: (Cos: gross.)
ID: woowww. no. i meant for keeping a troll not hungry. duh.
ID: it's fancy seadweller stuff. all pretty, no substance.
SS: (Wait, for cereals?) SS: (I had that ish, like, once, and it stays with you for, like ever.) SS: (It's rice and fish, pal, idk what you ate, buuuuut.)
SS: (And I ain't even had the ones with fish, just rice and veg.)
SS: (... You sure they gave you what they said they gave you?)
ID: i mean it was definitely fish and rice.
ID: pris gave it to me. but i burn through food fast.
SS: (Right, right, the bleatbeast sacrifice to the Demoness and ish.)
SS: (... Soz, pal, we ain't got, like, another one athose.)
EA: +... You know, uh. Sushi is mor= than just fish and ric=? It's a sp=cial sort of ric= with th=, g=n=rally, uh... b=st part of th= fish s=rv=d with it? It's usually d=ns= too. Rolls ar= also filling, but, uh.- EA: +I do think you may hav= gott=n, what's th= word... jipp=d?-
SS: (Fancy pants rice with fancy pants fish )
SA: it's good.
AA: 'kay, i am ornderning actual food. bc wow, fish is not actual food, srny2say. AA: fish is, like. the lettuce of the sea. it doesn't even have C A L O RN I E S.
AA: tbqfh, i don't even think it's rneal.
SS: (Idk, pal, there was that one fish that up and walked into Pher's stall earliner. (\unu/) )
ID: i mean it tasted alright. but it was a while ago. and i get hungry quick.
SA: salmon is nutritious 😦
EA: +... ???? Do you know what sort of sushi did you =at? You can't just put, uh.... tuna fish from a can and put it on ric= to call it sushi.-
SA: it was from a restaurant it was legitimate sushi EA
SS: (Wtf, pal, what kinda language policeradicatin is this??)
AA: y, pls do not make sushi outta that kind of fish. new rnule: this is a no cannibalism chat. AA: not even, like, low-key cannibalism.
AA: not even fish cannibalism. >:}
ID: ....
ID: yeah no cannibalism. hella rude.
EA: +?????????????????-
AA: don't you ??? at me. i'm talking to lal!!
SA: who brought up cannibalism??
ID: i'm gonna get triggered back to the fucking rainbowdrinker chat earlier.
SA: don't bring that up I'm still embarrassed by my ill received snark
SA: 🙁
AA: lal. he's grnoss, shame him. >:} AA: orn mb we should be shaming prni. AA: what's the rnainbowdrninkern chat??
EA: +I was mor= ????? about th= curr=nt conv=rsation but if you insist!- EA: +???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-
AA: gimme the dee - stfuuuuu stfu stfu.
AA: no q marnks!!
SA: my cappuccino has a kitty face
ID: team edward or team lestat sip. =:P
SS: (It was totes Sipa, omfg, all I up and said that fish exist. Ain't my fault she immediately wants to, like, eat em.)
EA: +?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-
SS: (Team Edward all the way!)
EA: +That is gross, Sipara.-
AA: oh my god. dude, n, i am not falling down that rnabbit hole. phern's gonna shank me if i get the wrnong on-- AA: n/m, n/m, team lestat.
AA: obvs. duh.
SS: (Mostly on accounta I'm p sure he's got a bigger followin and I ain't plannin on gettin shanked by some fantroll.)
AA: yrn grnoss, gausia, i am being misrneprnesented. >:}
SS: (On accounta not likin sparkly hoofbeast ish.)
SS: (Had enough athat with My Little Hoofbeast!)
AA: wherne is yrn faith??
SS: (It disappeared along with the teapot.)
EA: +I think you ar= th= gross on=s to =v=n b= thinking about sw=aty, sparkly vampir= and w=r=wolf m=n.-
SS: (Sweaty, you say?)
SS: (Ain't nobody said sweaty yet. Please, tell me more. (\ouo/) )
AA: why they gotta be sweaty??
ID: wow ea, it's all every loser is talking about these days.
AA: and arne they sweaty and shirntless? b/c you can't have one w/o the othern, dude.
ID: everyone wants to get necked by their own super special rainbowdrinker.
AA: lmfaooo.
AA: which supernaturnal drninkern's forn you, hads? >:}
AA: skinny jeans orn frnills??
SS: (Shit, pal, I ain't got nuff blood for myself, nm some other jade bulgewad.)
ID: from google images i like frilly's. mate?
EA: +Rainbow drink=rs and w=r=wolv=s ar= obj=ctiv=ly th= worst part of mod=rn fantasy nov=ls. Th= r=al thing w= should b= talking about is th= n=w movi= of Troll Star Wars s=ri=s!- EA: +P=opl= r=ally n==d to adjust th=ir tast=s! On= s=ri=s has a strong, tast=ful f=mal= l=ad, whil= th= oth=r on= has on= of th= most distast=ful, bland protagonists I hav= =v=r s==n in my lif=. -
SA: so wait is your goal to steal lestats mate from him?
ID: i mean they're imaginary characters pris so. no.
ID: but y'know, desert island and had to pick one.
ID: he seems the least tool-y.
SA: well that's what I meant -
SA: I can't commit to Star Wars
ID: i don't watch movies.
EA: +How can you not commit to Star Wars? =v=ry movi= is a good jumping point into th= s=ri=s!-
AA: n, starn warns and drninkerns arne both lame. AA: why watch a film if it's just gonna be, like, half rneal shit? AA: obvs, trnoll lornd of the rnings is wherne it's A T.
AA: also, filled with total not-tools.
AA: mostly not-tools.
AA: sornt of not tools. >:}
ID: loool really selling it there sips.
EA: +... Of cours= you would b= into th= s=ri=s about b=ard=d m=n killing =ach oth=r and th= short, uncooth p=opl= ar= th= h=ro=s of th= story.-
AA: stfu!! yrn totes gonna watch it w/ me and lal now, jsyk. AA: it is a rnequirnement of giving smoothies. M O V I E M A RN A T H O N S.
AA: also, a rnequirnement of eating this shit i'm ornderning. >:}
AA: ... arne you saying yrn totes N O T into dudes murnderning each othern, gausie?? AA: bc spoilern alernt, totes not buying it.
ID: ughhh fine. sorry it's taking me a while. picked up a different kind of snack on the way.
SS: (Pal, we're gonna need way more smoothies to marathon that ish.)
SS: (And possibly, like, field rations.)
EA: +Don't thos= movi=s actually tak= lik=... ov=r a day if w= ar= watching all of th=m?- EA: +And, okay, I am fin= with p=opl= murd=ring =ach oth=r, but th=y ar= still... ugly and filthy half th= tim=. At l=ast wash up b=for= you go to battl=!-
EA: +... wait you want m= to s== movi=s with you?-
ID: oh is ea joining us. more the merrier. am i the only one who has no idea what we're watching.
EA: +Wait, right now???? What is =v=n going on, som=on= giv= m= a straight answ=r h=r=.- EA: +... H=h=, straight answ=r, h=h=h=h...-
AA: hahaha. AA: washing up just to get coverned in blood? girnl, gtfo yrn lab forn once. AA: was talking to hads. >:} but y, if yrn in the arnea, you can come w/. brning food, bc brnibes arne rnequirned to get in the doorn.
AA: and we'rne watching trnoll lornd of the rnings, duh, dude. AA: once you get yrn candy ass up herne. >:P
EA: +.... Oh! W=ll, uh, okay, I'll g=t, uh, g=t my ass going th=n? Y=ah, uh, okay...- EA: +I gu=ss I can bring ov=r som=.. bak=d goods? Lik= cooki=s, browni=s, mayb= donuts... d=p=nds on what is clos= by. I am not at th= lab, so, it shouldn't b= long!- EA: +Lik=... I think donuts might b= a good id=a. Lots of flavors, though, th=r= wouldn't b= as many as cooki=s or browni=s, but th=y also hav= fruit in th=m, so, that might b= just b=tt=r in th= long run, but, I could also g=t a _lot_ of cooki=s-
ID: any of those sound amazing, so.
AA: ........ omg, y. AA: that is an adequate brnibe. >:}
EA: +Okay! Th=r= is a stor= right by that I can... uh, visit, didn't on= of you say that you want=d t=a? W=r= w= talking about, uh, sw==t t=a-typ= t=a or r=gular, normal p=rson t=a? B=caus=, you know, if I am at a stor=, I can go and g=t tons of stuff. W=ll, not a lot of stuff, b=caus= I am not r=ally as flush=d for cash as I usually am, but lik=, if th=r= is som=thing that som=on= is ACTUALLY n==ding EA: I can bring it? Or lik=...- EA: +... W=ll, no, you guys hav= drinks th=r=.- EA: +... hmm.-
ID: if you have a teapot. bring it and we promise not to let sips break it.
EA: +I... do hav= a t=a k=ttl= that should b=. Or, w=ll, is possibly imp=rvious to Sipara's d=structiv= hands. I'm... not sur=?- EA: +Sp=cifically a t=a pot??-
ID: i mean. sips you still have tea you didn't destroy right.
EA: +I... I am going to tak= that as 'I should bring my own t=a' just to b= saf=. I do hav= dry t=a that w= can br=w, not just uh... t=a, bags.-
ID: it's all leaves you put in water to me, so go for it.
SA: party?
AA: soz. pops is trnying to bake a nest on Lal's dome. little distrnacting. >:} AA: brning yrn own if you want!! am just making cocoa tea tbh. not yrn fancy blueblood shit. >:P AA: and lmaooo, you don't need to brning a grnocerny, holy shit. just donuts. chillax alrneady. >:}
AA: and y. a parnty of elves and feasting.
SA: oh! That sounds fun.
SA: send selfies.
SA: when you all get together
EA: +Alright!!! I am all dr=ss=d up and h=ading out!!!! I should b= th=r=, r=lativ=ly soon? - EA: +Also. I am not an =lf. Nor is anyon= =ls= at th= party going to b= an =lf. =lv=s ar= almost as bad as rainbow drink=rs.-
ID: damn, my delicate elven features go unused another night. =:P
EA: +You'r= only g=tting plain donuts now.-
ID: i got a broken arm, show some mercy. =:(
EA: +M=rcy is for th= cull=d!!!! Don't push your luck kid!!!!-
ID: pfffff. who're you calling kid, kid?
EA: +You! B=caus= you ar= probably a kid. I hav=n't s==n you y=t. I think. So you ar= probably a kid.-
ID: definitely not a kid.
ID: sips and lal can confirm. not a kid.
SS: (Deffo a kid.)
SS: (But, like, the bleatbeast kind!)
SS: (Just real smart-like one what learned to talk. And, like, type.)
ID: typing is hard with these hooves but i manage.
SS: (He's a real trooper!)
EA: +I wouldn't b= surpris=d. How many donuts? Doz=n? Doz=n and a half??- EA: +I don't know how much goats =at, r=ally.-
ID: a lot.
ID: lal eats a fucking lot too, so.
EA: +... I am not buying mor= than two doz=n.-
ID: well sips is getting food too, so. shouldn't eat that many.
EA: +Alright. I'll g=t... a doz=n and a half and call it that. I'll b= ov=r in... uh...- EA: +How far away is your plac= again?-
invertedDissident has sent coordsyo.txt!
ID: ps lal knock knock, let me in.
EA: +... Oh! W=ll, that's a first. I didn't think you would b= th= typ= to, just... put coordinat=s out th=r= on a group chat lik= that.- EA: +I'll b= on my way th=n! Giv= m=========== tw=nty minut=s? Tw=nty fiv=. At worst 30. At b=st 20.-
ID: i mean if someone wants to come fight us, come at us. =:P
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