#idk how to feel about that first sentence anon 🤨
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years ago
Your ask box is always full of bullshit, so I’m going to share my bullshit with you.
Love is:
Having a huge fight with your partner about the fact that you had a terrible day at work and they came home equally as pissed.
You spent a couple hours apart, even trying to sleep in separate rooms.
Then they come to you and tearfully apologize for being a tit while asking you to come to bed.
It’s not the fights that matter… it’s the way you can so easily make up.
This gives me such intense CI Clexa vibes I'm breathless
Mini snippet?
You're coming home from a very long day. Been up since 5am and haven't stopped once since your feet hit the very expensive little rug you keep next to your side of the bed to cushion your knees whenever you push Clarke down and bow to her, if you will...
Except you'd had no time for anything that fun that morning, much less any second of the day after because it'd been one meeting after the next. Putting out one corporate fire after the next. Kissing so much concerned stakeholder ass that it was no wonder you'd completely forgotten to even eat lunch. You're pissed and you're exhausted and you're in no mood for anything other than inhaling whatever the cook made for dinner and then draping yourself dramatically across your bed.
Here comes Clarke.
Your beautiful, sensual, exquisite wife.
Hurling a thousand questions at you in rapid fire succession.
Demanding why you aren't also responding to each color swatch as though these are the most important decisions of your life.
Like you should have known to activate some magical energy reserve for when you got home because Clarke was on a deadline for the gallery fundraiser. Like somehow, because you could not give less of a shit in this exact moment if that certain shade of teal looks tacky with the gallery's signature royal purple, that means you do not respect your wife's work.
It— She— You—.... It does not go well.
A decent sized yelling match and a few slammed doors later, you find yourself alone in the bedroom, staring at your tear-brimmed eyes in the vanity mirror right where she had left you with a very thoughtful goodnight wish for you to "go fuck yourself, Lexa" before she'd dismissed herself to the guest suite for the night.
The following hour and.... seven minutes, you count as the number flips from where you lay watching your clock from the dark and loneliness of your too-big bed, are miserable. You regret every word, even if you did kind of mean them at the time. You know you could've been gentler.... maybe. You are just tired and so frazzled with everything going on at work. But you should've done better. Wasn't that what you'd both promised. Should've just pushed through and looked things over with Clarke. Taken the time to explain that of course you care, darling, and that no of course none of it was stupid. It was flattering to know your wife valued your opinion to begin with, right? You should've made that clear. Made plans to go over it over breakfast.
It's a restless hour and... eight minutes now that have you sitting up in bed, dragging your tired bones over to grab your robe with a mental note to set an alarm to call in late to work in the morning, at the exact same time your bedroom door creaks open and that wonderful head of blonde pops in. Red and puffy eyes searching for you in the darkness, frowning at the empty bed, before finding you frozen and halfway toward the door. A sniffle is her only announcement as Clarke walks over and just wraps her arms around your waist. Buries her head in your neck.
"I hate that guest suite."
Skin raising in goosebumps from where she soothingly scratches her nails down your back, you hum an acknowledgment and hold her right back. "Well... You did design it to make people not want to stay too terribly long," you reasons with a stroke of fingers through Clarke's hair. They're sopping wet and ice cold. Which means she'd been crying in the shower for the last hour until all the hot water ran out. "I'm sorry, darling."
Clarke shakes her head. Probably half wipes her nose on your sleep shirt, because she is a barbarian. Yo can't really bring yourself to care. "I was a dick," she says in a muffle of lips against your neck. "I saw how tired you were, and I kept pushing, because I'm nervous about this... But, I don't want anyone to know I'm nervous about it. And if you hated everything, then I knew—"
You know how incredibly hard that is for Clarke to admit. Because it's just as equally hard for you at times. Not the part about valuing each other's input, but about needing or wanting it at all to begin with. It's about doubting herself and her decisions when so much of her life is spent acting and believing that she doesn't need anything from anyone because she's entirely in control of it all.
She's Clarke Goddamn Griffin. Fuck everyone and their opinion.
Except you...
You've always been able to intimately relate to that feeling.
So her bristling reaction to your indifference, her sandpapered words and immediate serrated retorts, it all makes perfect sense now. Neither of you are entirely innocent here, and neither of you are entirely at fault.
Kissing her always makes Clarke feel better.
Taking a few minutes to blow dry her hair makes her feel pampered and cared for, even if she does hate any insinuation of being a princess.
Letting her undress you and tuck you under the sheets just to mold herself to your body with a whisper for you to go to sleep makes her feel in control of her life once again. Because despite all her hard edges, and her brashness, and her passionate anger, your wife likes feeling like she takes care of you.
Like you need her there just to fall asleep after a hard day battling the world.
And she's right, you very much do.
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cocozydiaries · 9 months ago
Can you tell me more about your mha dr please?
HIII tysm for the ask!!
noticed two mha related asks really close to each other? anon are you the same person twice🤨
okay okay if ur not new here u probably know i did post about my mha dr before BUT THAT POST WAS AWFUL so now it’s deleted and gone. sorry😞
Honestly with my updated version i’ve just kept most things kinda vague. Don’t get me wrong I love scripting, but i don’t do it that much anymore coz now i just let my subconscious handle it so my scripts are kinda empty.
I do still script, just less but dw i’ll share what i have!! I love over sharing🫶
be warned this is unorganised asf since i wrote it all at like 2am😭
My dr name (spoiler alert i don’t have one):
even tho i think names are very important I haven’t picked a name for myself in any of my drs💀. Partly coz I wanna be surprised but also partly coz just coz i’m lazy.
I did however script that my name suits me and has a nice meaning. I also scripted that my siblings and i all have the same first letter of our names (smth we have here!) but my parents also have different names for each of us, like a sorta nickname (mine is yara coz i have a love/hate relationship with butterflies)
Onto actual stuff related to my mha dr. Also probably the only thing you really care about smh. yeah ik your intentions anon🙄
soooo basically quirk basically siren/mermaid irl?? tbh idk but the main thing (aside from occasionally cosplaying as ariel) i’m basically able to shape and manipulate water. Very korra coded of me ik but she has always been my favourite.
Me, some of my siblings, and parents mostly have different quirks tho due to that fact that my parents adopted us. That’s a whole different thing tho we can get into later.
I haven’t scripted my family’s quirks because again lazy asf and wanna be surprised. I’m assuming based on their jobs they’re gonna have either powerful or really useful quirks anyhow. Just makes sense
Anywhooo onto actual mha stuff like
Idk if i’m gonna get in lmao💀 all i scripted is IF i do i’ll end up in class 1A. I did that coz i wanna know if i can get into class UA without scripting it. I mean ik i will but idk funsies ig.
I also changed the uniform coz it’s ugly asf. Honestly i just think dark blue would’ve been so much better than that vomit izuku inspired green.
i also scripted that midnight and mineta are actually chill and normal people. IM SORRY GUYS💔 but mineta is lowkey funny when he isn’t a creep and midnight is so extra i love her. i just don’t like when they’re…. icky. so i scripted that out!
and i scripted that toru gets a proper hero outfit kinda similar to mirio’s thing. makes absolutely NO sense that his hero outfit was made to adapt to his quirk but they leave my girl to freeze? nuh uh
i’ve actually scripted quite a few minor difference or things i want to happen. let me know if that’s smth you guys are interested in!!
Anyways that’s kinda it coz idk what to say… I need y’all to ask me specific questions PLS😭 i suck at answering vague stuff💔
EXAMPLE: “coco” (or yara since you lot did technically unlock a new name) “exactly what are you gonna do when you wake up in ur dr at 5:21am because you heard one of ur rat siblings cluttering around outside ur door while getting ready for school.”
how i’m feeling after checking what other people’s dr intros look like and realising i was only meant to write a couple of sentences and not explain why i picked each thing i scripted for my dr in a stupid amount of detail: 😐
i can drive in my dr btw!! can’t do that here tho. thought you should know. IDK HOW TO
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kaveuh · 3 years ago
hi, i’m so happy ure back! (assuming u were @chifuyous if not im gonna be embarassed LMAO)
shawty boo thang can i request smth?! bcs requests are open and you know im ur fav anon 😍 /hj … ok so yk those character!reader aus and how im obsessed with yours … so i was thinking 🤨 hutao!reader with petshop trio bcs i remember she was the first one u did 😼 ty in advance!!
— suki <3
[ note ] : IMAGINE I WASNT AND YOU JUST SENT THAT TO A COMPLETELY RANDOM PERSON LMFAOAKA but omg im actually so touched that u could tell it was me
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hutao!reader — chifuyu, baji, kazutora
masterlist | requests are open ♡ | warning(s) : spoilers obv
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m. chifuyu
• i feel like he’d be the most patient out of all.
• he’s perfect so 🤪‼️
• ok but seriously, chifuyu would also get so nervous when he’s hanging out with you LMAO
• especially if you guys are with baji … lord, have mercy on him.
• "[name], please refrain yourself from doing anything reckle—" before he could even finish his sentence, you were already off doing god knows what.
• ok but imagine a pet shop owner & a funeral parlor director dating 💀
• you’d show up at his shop promoting ur fucking business
• "oh? wanna die? here, have some 50% off coupons! we customize coffins as well by the way!"
• cute scenario tho ‼️ he’d definitely let you put posters on the windows of his shop, and you’d promote his while you’re talking with a client sometimes LMAOO
• "about the coff—" "oh! and by the way, if you have time, you know, maybe after the funeral, my sweet precious boyfriend’s pet shop is right across the street from here~ maybe you’ll find something cute there!"
• baji loves hanging out with you ‼️ that means extra stress for chifuyu /j
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b. keisuke
• especially if ya’ll were still in middle school, which obviously u would be cos yk… he’s kinda 🪦…
• omg imagine you two burn cars together…
• he’ll join in whenever you’d go and prank people, and even plans some with you that you could pull on toman members.
• one time baji and mikey had an argument bcs mikey fell for a prank that you and baji planned LMAO
• but, he thought he was safe… baji’s also been one of your victims and it was hilarious.
• yk how he’s scared of his mom right ?! you’d def convince his mom to go along with your shenanigans LMAOAOA
• his mom would pretend she had found out about baji’s grades at school, and force him to leave toman, obviously baji was confused because he hasn’t failed one single subject since
• then he eventually came over because he loved you a little bit too much :(
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h. kazutora
• he thought you were one of a kind tbh 💀
• kazutora met you after he got out of juvie and immediately he went ???????? bcs u started promoting ur fucking business to him outta nowhere like
• "hey, u wanna die or someone died? come visit the wangsheng funeral parlor!"
• literally doesn’t even know how he fell in love with you 😐‼️
• "lmao remember when i met you after u got out of juvie"
• "?? why are you bringing that up?"
• "idk kazutora it was kinda funny."
• 24/7 victim of your pranks :/ literally so tired of it
• actually touch starved tho and yk that so you always try to show that pranking him is ur love language :(
• but he gets so caught off guard whenever you’d slide ur hand in his LMAO
• "what are you doing?" "oya? getting shy now, are we~?"
• honestly loves you alot but doesnt know why he thinks ure braindead /j
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