#idk how she does it! i get on a bus and start creating scenarios in my head
upperranktwo · 5 months
My twin sister loves to travel and has been to several different countries on her own and she has decided in a few months she is gonna spend a week in Japan since it's been a few years since she last went. She asked me if I wanna go and not only does the cost scare me 😭 I have never been on a plane before and they absolutely terrify me 😭😭😭 I'm such an anxious traveler I've only left the UK once! Maybe I will go though and try and get out my comfort zone a little
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bewareofchris · 5 years
Help! My plot is stalled!
It’s alright, friends.  We’ve all been there, sitting at a desk or laying in our beds, staring at the screen wondering what in the holy beef jerky has gone wrong because our ability to write has just come to a screeching halt.
We’re uninspired.
We’re unmoved.
We’re incapable of figuring out what happens next.
It’s time like this that our instinct is to grab a machete and start cutting through extraneous characters like a boiled steak knife through Jell-O.  We’re throwing romantic curve balls and car crashes at our protagonist so quickly they don’t have time to recover from one before they’re being traumatized by another.
Sometimes, we think, now is the time to reveal that our beloved Protagonist is actually an alien from another planet who survives by consuming the souls of lap dogs and his insatiable thirst for Pekineses is causing him great distress because the human mate he has chosen for himself has three such delicious morsels.
BUT, never fear my friends.  Here are some ideas to help you get out of that hellish valley of despair and back on track.
Take a break.  Have a snack.  Stretch your limbs.  Go for a walk.  Call a friend who listens to things and explain to them how your story is stupid and you hate it and it won’t move.  You don’t need to let your friend talk at all. Just keep complaining about your story until suddenly you realize what went wrong.
Daydream about what your character would do if you were to suddenly abandon him/her with six kids under the age of 5 at a busy theme park.  Or what he/she would do if they suddenly found themselves trying to talk two very angry kingly types out of starting a civil war because they disagree on which side of their toast to spread butter on.  Put your character in the MOST ridiculous scenario you could possibly imagine.  Make them rationalize their way out of it.  Don’t make it easy.  Six kids under the age of 5 when you’ve never dealt with children is basically hell.  Let your character suffer, and fail, improve and finally win (or at least survive).
Fantasize about beating your characters with a metal pipe.  Imagine their pleas for mercy as they try in vain to remind you that they are fictional constructs and this is not their fault.
Once you’ve cleaned your system of these violent urges toward non-real people, sit back down.  Re-read what you’ve written, if it’s still as bad as you thought it was, here are some actual bits of advice:
Regardless of what Rafiki once said about moving on and forgetting the past, the problem that you are presently experiencing is mostly caused by something that went wrong in the recent events of your story.  Take another look at the latest choices that your main or side characters made and ask yourself if maybe them making A DIFFERENT CHOICE might put your story back to rights.
Take another look at your character and his/her story so far.  Is your character excelling in every facet of his/her life?  Have they faced any obstacles that amounted to more than a mild inconvenience?  Are they generally well-liked?  Respected?  Do they have noticeable faults?  Are these faults presented in a way that allows other people to be annoyed by them?  Have these faults gotten in the character’s way?  If your main character is Too Good and Such Winning or Basically Useless and Always Failing then your story is imbalanced and it can’t move forward because you’re not allowing the protagonist to experience growth and change.
Are there relationships?  Friendships?  Family?  Rivalrys? ROMANCE?  You need relationships of at least 2 different types in a story.  Preferably more.  And they can’t all be the same kind with different names.  And they need to also be developing with your characters.  So Protag makes an unpopular choice with his family but his BFF is loving it and his Romantic Interest thinks it could be good for him.  You have so much material right there!
DO. NOT. MURDER. ANYONE.  Dismemberment is okay if you really want to have to take the time out of your story to focus on the emotional and physical effects that a traumatic event inflicts on your protagonist.
DO NOT MAKE YOUR ROMANTIC INTERESTS HATE EACH OTHER OVER SOMETHING STUPID.  Please.  Please don’t do this.  It’s really just not worth it.  If you make them so angry at one another they’re screaming death threats and then the next day they’re like: I guess we love one another again you cheapen the impact.  If this is a story about overcoming things and growing as people and forgiveness then yes, break them up and get them back together but don’t do it just to have an exciting screaming sequence.  Or do.  I mean, you do you.
Instead of tearing your couple apart, have them get together.  Have them spend a weekend doing silly, childish, amazing things.  Let them smooch, and cuddle, and eat candy together.  Let them waste money they don’t staying overnight in a fancy hotel.
Visit a Significant Character from your Protag’s past because they are in need of comfort and guidance.  Allow them to reminisce about the good old days, and whine about how they don’t feel like they’ll ever be that happy again.  Let your Significant Character hit your Protag with a rolled up newspaper.  STOP BEING A NINNY, PROTAG.  STOP IT IMMEDIATELY.
Give your Protag an unexpected promotion.  You were just a kid that cleaned stables, but we noticed that you’ve got a real way about you that suggests you’re WIZARD MATERIAL.  Build that Protag up, let him feel pride and joy and love.
(And then make the person that promoted him have questionable morals.  Make him vaguely untrustworthy.  Watch your starry-eyed protag battle against a shady man of questionable intentions to see who wins in the end!  But not with the fate of the whole world.  Like the fate of a small village at most.)
Give your Protag the single worst day of his entire life that does not involve physical altercations and/or death.  Maybe he/she pulled a muscle having athletic sex that morning, was distracted by the pain in the shower,got soap in their eyes, limped to the car to find it was out of gas, went to a busy gas station, got coffee that was too cold to enjoy, was late to work, had more work than usual, the pain meds never started working, left his lunch at home, couldn’t buy anything because they ran out of time, had to listen to the Obnoxious Co-Worker next to them complaining about Obnoxious Co Workers Obviously Useless Significant Other for an hour and a half, left work late, forgot about plans to meet up with a friend, got ignored by friend at meet up, comes home and collapses in a pile of self-pity and physical pain and has Significant Other rub their aching pulled muscle and listen to their complaints.
You could do a car wreck, or you could just ruin your Protag’s entire life by having the transmission die in the middle of traffic.
The point I’m trying to get across here is that you have to have a journey that is balanced with ups and downs.  If you’re only going up, or you’re only going down, or you’re not going anywhere at all but straight forward on a 300 mile car trip across a flat surface with no trees, there’s no story there.
You could shoot someone, or you could have your Protagonist do something that injures their relationship with their Best Friend and Confidante.  Then your Protag protests their innocence to the point that it’s obvious they are being Stupid now.  Let them roll around in undeserved pity.  Let nobody else agree with them, and still they refuse to acknowledge they are stupid.  And then let them FINALLY, sort of, a little, admit they were wrong and instead of them offering a half-assed apology and moving on like it never happened, make them work to repair the damage they inflicted.  
Put your Protag in a position where they have to defend a friend/family member or romantic interest in a non-physical way.  Susan from Biology was telling Quentin and Theodore that Protag’s BFF eats his own snot.  And Protag is like OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO GO FIND SUSAN AND SCREAM A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER AT HER.  (or start vicious rumors about her behind her back, and take utterly glee at her humiliation, and then finally think: did I go to far?  I don’t think I went too far.)
DO. NOT. GET. SOMEONE. PREGNANT.  Do you knows what happens when someone’s pregnant?  They end up with a baby.  (Or a miscarriage.)  That pregnancy cannot be handwaved away.  If you’re not here to write about the amazing journey from sex to birth and lifetime of parenting that follows, you are not here to get someone knocked up for the drama.
Sure, let your Protag develop a desperate attraction to someone’s that not the Primary Love Interest but if the Primary Love Interest and Protag already have sexual and romantic tension building between them, maybe let the audience know that this is one of those things where you’re lonely and you want companionship and it’s not really that fair to Someone You Just Met and Now Want to Have Sex With.  Let Primary Love Interest struggle to be supportive.  or let Protag and Primarily Love Interest be mean-spirited little shits and mock the poor Someone You Just Met.
DO. NOT. MURDER. AN. ENTIRE. VILLAGE.  Did a spell go bad?  Did a curse escape?  Did your magical being accidentally create a sixteen foot tall metal horse with a thirst for squirrel hearts?  Remember that wholesale murdering of innocent side characters nobody cares about does effectively nothing for your story.  Don’t kill the entire village.  Let your character freak out because he/she misplaced a curse and ANYONE COULD HAVE IT.  Let them ransack the village developing a reputation as a mad man to find it.  Let him work furiously to develop a cure to the curse and refuse to rest until everyone’s been inoculated against said Curse, and then idk, he finds it on the floor under his work station.  Or, let him realize a curse is missing and he just kind of says nothing while he watches the village to see how effective it is.
SIDE QUESTS, so here me out.  This works best for longer stories and serial type works of fiction, but if your character has only one goal and never any other goals or distractions or purposes or interests you are seriously shooting yourself in the foot.  Don’t focus all your energy on Protag Loves Love Interest.  Protag also has Family Drama.  (Did you hear that Bobert is trying to buy a fucking boat?  A boat!  Why does he need a boat!  He can’t swim.  He’s going to die.  A boat.  A god damn boat.)  Protag has ambitions at work that are being undercut by Evil Boss.  (And anyway, Worst Boss Ever, he just comes over and drops this massive work load on my desk and he smiles at me because the Main Boss is coming tomorrow and my desk will be the only one covered in unfinished work.  What choice do I have?  I can’t quit, I need this promotion, so I stick to it.  I stay late, I work as hard as I can and...)
I know it’s not for everyone but Sex.  Unless your characters are Too Young to have a developed sexuality, that sexuality needs to be in your story.  I mean, if your entire story takes place and Grandma’s funeral, then you probably can skip this one.  But if your story takes place over any length of time, sex and sex-adjacent things need to be brought up.  They don’t need to be graphic.  They don’t need to be gross.  It can be a kiss, or the yearning for a kiss.  It can be a meaningful, flirtatious touch.  It can be the idea of a flirtatious touch.  There can be complaints of a need for flirtatious touches.  To each their own comfort level, but some sense of sexuality and how that is a Driving Urge in your character is also good.
Introduce a Rival.  Go ahead.  Let your uncontested King of Bowling protag meet a New Challenger.  Send them spiral with fear that they may not be top dog anymore.
Force your Protag and Antagonist to form a momentary truce.  Let them come to some understanding of the other that makes their future interactions more difficult.  
Strike your Protag with a Great Unfairness.  They didn’t get the promotion.  They couldn’t pay the bills.  They weren’t selected to be court jester.  They didn’t get to the store on time.  Someone else got to the top of the summit before them and now they’re basically trash to history.
Randomly have your supposed Antagonist turn out to Actually a Decent Guy that you’ve been blaming for all the wrongs in the world because it was convenient and really the actual antagonist can’t be defeated because he/she overpowers you somehow.  But with Actually a Decent Guy and his Surprisingly Nice Friends and you and your friends, you stand a chance.
Push your protagonist into a mud puddle.  Just for shits and giggles, make it so there’s not a dead body in there with him.  Or put one in if you want.  Nothing says ‘happy fun times at plot-stalled high’ like a decomposing corpse where one shouldn’t be.
Break your Protagonists heart, and let there be people that love them.  
Have fun, take your time, embrace the mundane and ridiculous aspects of life.  ALWAYS give your character flaws, and make them aware of them, and let them grow.  That’s the story.  All the other nonsense, the car wrecks and gunshots, and serial killers doesn’t matter in the end.  The reader is looking for Relationships That Matter and Characters that Grow.  Characters that stink of humanity, that reflect something about human beings the reader has met (or the reader themselves).  They want to connect, they want to love your character and they can’t do that if your character is Perfect.  Nobody’s perfect.  Stories stagnate when they can’t grow.  Let your story grow.  Let your characters grow.
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theboyz-engup · 6 years
I Think I’m In Love? - Eric’s Birthday One Shot
a/n: just a little mention that I base all of my titles / imagines off of songs I really adore or think fits each character, scene, etc that I’m tryna convey; I’ll start linking the songs at the beginning of each piece starting this 2019 year :D I hope you all enjoy and that you all had a v happy new year! With love, Admin Zea 
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Y/n, 10:51 p.m: Do you want to come over tomorrow? I’m alone and kinda don’t wanna be
Eric stared at the message, not believing you even offered at all. You hated being home in general but you were sick and your parents were out of the country on business. With all the snow on the ground and the flurries in your area, you weren’t too keen on going outside and, from the looks of it, your friends weren’t too keen on coming over to visit. You messaged him everyday, talking about nothing and everything, but you’d never invite him over. It made his heart race.
Y/n, 11:06 p.m: Okay, you’re right it was a dumb question, you don’t have to come over
Y/n: 11:06 p.m: it was just like a suggestion or something idk
Eric panicked, quickly typing something in and sending it. Annoyed at himself, he muttered, “stupid read receipts.”
Me, 11:07 p.m: no it’s not dumb !! i was just washing a dish and opened it by accident
It was easier to fib than it was to admit his heart stopped.
Me, 11:07 p.m: what do you wanna do?
You sent back a little shrug emoji and he snickered. Of course you didn’t have a plan.
Y/n, 11:08 p.m: I’m providing the house, you figure out what to do
He thought about it for a moment, readjusting his position on his bed to get more comfortable as he did so. He had his blanket up to his chin but his feet were poking out, just how he liked it. To his left, a little orange tinted lamp was on and it casted deep shadows across his carpeted floor. Soon, he knew Juyeon would walk in and ask him to turn it off so he could get his ‘beauty sleep’. What he really meant though was that Eric’s light was bothering him because it was orange. They’d had many arguments about changing the lightbulb but Eric liked the dimness of it. It gave him a little bit of home, when the sunset in Los Angeles would dip into his room for a little goodnight kiss.
Mind preoccupied with his lamp for a second, he skimmed over all the possible things to do and typed out the thing he knew would make you smile.
Me, 11:10 p.m: nap, let’s nap
You responded immediately with an enthusiastic yes, typing something before the minute changed about how cute napping with someone else was. Then, the usual message at this time.
Y/n, 11:11 p.m: 11:11, make a wish !!
There was a slight pause as Eric closed his eyes and wished quietly, whispering it to himself. Then, he flicked his eyes open and responded.
Me, 11:11 p.m: made it
Y/n. 11:12 p.m: me too
After that little interruption, you two figured out a time and everything. Eric cleared his schedule, asking if he could meet up with Chanhee a little later on in the week. The boy agreed, saying he needed to pick up an extra shift anyways at work to cover a bill payment. With a bit of excitement, he settled into bed with his phone by his face. As he scrolled through the few pictures he’d taken of you recently, he wondered what you wished for. He wondered if you stood up looking at pictures of him too. He wondered if you knew that a little more time with you was all he ever wished for, every time.
“Eric, shut off that freaking lamp!” Juyeon shouted from across the hall. The boy snickered and turned over, clicking it shut.
Cradling his Switch, which he’d gotten for his birthday just a few days ago, Eric tiptoed outside of his shared home in hopes of not waking anyone up. Juyeon was out for a run, as he usually was at this time, but the other boys were still fast asleep. Sunwoo’s arm and foot were draping off the couch, sticking out from under his thick blanket. Eric clicked his tongue at the boy wearing socks to bed, trying to balance his boots and switch and everything so he wouldn’t make noise or leave the door open for too long.
It wasn’t easy but he made it despite dropping a few of his controllers in the snow, but he decided he couldn’t have it all. Fishing the controllers out of the snow gingerly and shaking them off after putting his boots on, he huffed. Bussing to your house was really going to be a hassle. It was good that he liked a challenge though, wasn’t it?
He couldn’t count how many times he imagined you opening that door. Would you be draped in a blanket, or in sweatpants and a big shirt? Would you look ill, with a chill hanging onto your hands but a fever running over your forehead? Would there be a mug in your hand, steam drifting up and casting mist across your face? He imagined as many scenarios as he could, absentmindedly chewing on his bottom lip as he leaned his head against the bus window. Between the ice of the glass and his ear sat his thick woollen hat, one you’d pulled over his eyes once so you could run away after teasing him.
The smile you had written on your lips that day was unforgettable, just like your grin today when you tugged the door open. To confirm, you had a sweater on over your midsection and a pair of joggers that cut above your ankle. Fluffy socks stretched to cover the skin there but barely made it, and you were still shivering despite being swallowed by the clothes. Eric grinned.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he crooned, knowing how much you hated being called that. You only groaned, rubbing at your eye with your sleeve and pushing the door shut. His foot was in the way, laugh filling the space.
“Get out,” you groaned, drawing the words and whining while hardly applying any pressure. Eric only poked his head forwards, shaking it.
“Ask politely.”
You stared for a moment, sighing and deciding, “no thanks.”
Stepping out of the way, you let him come in and he took the chance. Kicking his boots off, your cat, Kitty, sidled up next to him and meowed softly. They held eye contact for a moment, Eric smiling and sticking his tongue out at Kitty.
“Hi, Kitty,” you hummed, dipping to pick her up. She buried her face in your neck, making a few more noises as if she was having a conversation. You nodded, playing along and murmuring, “I know, I don’t like him either but he’s got a Switch.”
More complaints. Eric chuckled, “she doesn’t like me, huh?”
“Does she like anyone?” You raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at Kitty pointedly. She gave a definitive answer, meowing and slumping against you. Eric found this fishy, remembering how quickly Kitty warmed up to Hyunjoon but decided to say nothing about it.
It didn’t take long for you two to settle into your usual place beside each other. Legs crossed and tea on the coffee table across from you, you played every game you could together. Eric watched as you called out to the screen whenever you died or went off course and cackled, calling you a bad player.
“I’m just sick!” you protested, elbowing him a bit, “I’ll kick your ass when I’m feeling better.”
“You seem fine to me, boney,” he hissed, rubbing at the place you touched him mockingly. Fixing him with a look, you swatted at him again but he dodged it each time. Smiles were stationed on your lips like they were always meant to be there when you were with each other.
Playing bingo tired you out though and you leaned against his shoulder. You had your hood up over your head and, when he complained about you getting him sick, you only shifted closer to him.
“The hood’s keeping the sick in here with me. You’re fine.”
“Mhmm,” Eric drew out. This time, you didn’t swat back. He found it odd, missing a number that appeared on his card. “Hey, you okay?”
You shook your head. “Can we nap now?”
He nodded, willing to do anything just to spend a little more time with you. You told him where to find blankets and pillows, leading him on a little goose chase while you pulled the bottom part of your sofa up and out to create a makeshift bed. He sifted through colours, finding a pink blanket for him and a green one for you, but he didn’t know what kind of pillows you liked best.
“Hey, y/n?” Eric called, staring at the two in his hands, “which pillow do you want? The one with the roses on it or the one with the crown? Y/n?”
You were fast asleep when he came to the living room, hood taken off your head and hands placed underneath your ears. Clicking his tongue, he lifted your head softly to give you the one with the crown design and chose the roses for himself. Lying down beside you, he tried very hard not to stare. The way your chest rose and fell created a lullaby. You looked like an angel with a head of hair and a crown to match.
Has it always been you?
His mind asked the question even though it didn’t have an answer he wanted to face at the moment. All he wanted to be face to face with you and look at the way your eyelashes fluttered or your mouth twitched into smiles that waxed and waned. You were as pretty as the moon and he wondered if that made him the sun. Was he forever fated to see you and not touch; to pass you by each morning and watch you shine at night from the comfort of his home? Would you only meet in still times like this where you crossed paths across the sky?
When he fell asleep was a mystery to him but waking up with you bundled closer to him, hands now clasped together and under your chin, he smiled. He wished the day would’ve never ended but, looking at the clock across the wall, it was getting late and he would have to be home soon. It was his turn to help with dinner.
“Y/n? Y/n, I have to go soon,” Eric hummed softly, trying his hardest not to wake you up in any obnoxious way. You weren’t exactly kind to people who pulled you from sleep.
Immediately though, you grasped at his pullover and tugged yourself closer. His mouth fell open a little, eyes widening as you buried yourself closer into him.
“Please don’t go yet,” you whispered quietly, he wondered if you even said it or he imagined it. He didn’t know what to say so he decided on gaping for words until you murmured another, definitive, “please.”
It took very little to make him say yes. Without him knowing, he had faced the answer to his question ages ago. Though, he supposed lying there for a little more wouldn’t change anything for the worse. He was already caught in a web of feelings and memories and your hair, which tucked itself neatly beneath his chin.
“Okay,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around you. There was no need to see your face to know you smiled, though he imagined it over and over that night when he came home and went about the rest of his night. He thought of the way you pouted when you spilled tea on your joggers and the laugh you gave when Kitty stuck her tail in the air at him. He thought the whole day over and over again, determined to keep the memories of you locked in his mind.
“Eric, I’m going to throw that lamp out the literal window,” Juyeon groaned as he stood in the doorway, looking as threatening as ever. Eric only chuckled, clicking the setting to make it brighter.
“Do it.”
Juyeon pounced, lunging for the appliance. Eric’s laugh grew, defending his poor lamp, the two play-fighting. He thought back to his wish, one which encompassed so much. I wish to be happy. The people in his life- you, Juyeon, the boys downstairs yelling at the tv- were the best gifts he could ask for, happiness coming in sprinkles of laughs and jests and games like this. The Switch was long forgotten at your house.
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092219archive · 6 years
I just got this idea so feel free to ignore if it's dumb or something similar was already there but: before Eren and Ephraim are official, Eirika and Tana get together for a tea party and invite Eren with the goal to get some more info on what's going on. Maybe saying they're gonna talk about weapons or battle plans if Eren doesn't wanna do a tea party. -cottoncandyships
that’s such a great idea thank you lulu holy moly :O
orignally this was supposed to be a fic but… lazy and not creative
eirika and tana decide to meet one day, just to converse about their lives since they have the time for once.
i always see tana the one bringing up ideas of “love” and all, since that just seems very… tana to me. she just gives off that kinda vibe to me and if i’m wrong about that, then i’m sorry and you’re more than free to let me know that tana wouldn’t react that way. i haven’t studied her character at all aside from what i know in her ephraim support.
eirika doesn’t actively think about relationships since she mainly focuses on bettering herself as a person, but she doesn’t mind thinking about it or being in one. she don’t need a person in her life, but it’d be nice to have someone by her side, you know? yes, she has ephraim and ephraim supports her, but ephraim can’t be there forever (which is shown in his “sacred twin lord” dialogue where he says that he doesn’t know where eirika has gone since his claim of the throne and focus on his people, i believe). “are you sad about that, eren?” yeah… i am……
they’re chatting, and then eren comes up in the conversation. woah, how did that happen?
i definitely think eren would be a topic of conversation after they end up joining ephraim’s army because… suspicious. it’s not so easy that “ephraim said that he trusts eren, so everyone should trust them” because that’s not how things work, and that’s definitely not how things should work! the fact that members are suspicious in the first place is something that’s very important, because that means they care about the well-being of the army.
aNYWAYS, this is probably a little after their recruitment (or maybe a little more after), and both the princesses are kinda like… “hey, so there’s something going on with ephraim and eren and that’s just not me noticing, right?”
and they call eren in for “business” even though they’re not actually doing anything combat related, because eren only ever answers a messenger if it’s something important.
tana: do you think eren likes ephraim?eirika: why don’t you ask them?tana: because you know how they are! [imitates eren by putting on a stern face and crossing her arms] “if your conversation isn’t important, then i don’t care about what you’re talking about.”
that was going to be actual dialogue in my fic had i not scrapped it.
the two of them end up inviting eren anyways… because it’s something they wanna know-
they start out by telling eren some dumb lie, like, “hey, we’re working on a strategy for an upcoming battle. you should give us your input since you were a general once.”
and eren’s just, “okay.”
and they get into details about what should be done with the given enemy and ally positions, the terrain, etc. before tana is like, “actually, eren, i think you should be placed here.” and puts a chess piece (or something idk) next to ephraim’s position.
eren doesn’t know tana’s motives for that and thinks tana’s stupid since eren’s a flier and not a ground unit - there’s no reason for them to be next to ephraim if there’s a major advantage of being positioned else where.
eren: tana, have you ever created a strategy before?tana: no, i usually leave that to innes or another strategist.eren: then why on magvel would you suggest an awful position like that?tana: i thought you’d wanna be next to him!eren: who’s “him?”tana: ephraim! you know, our leader.eren: but why?tana: i thought you liked him?
the conversation wouldn’t go like that word-for-word, but hopEFULLY YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN-
eren malfunctions, like? tana, what the fuck? why would you ever think that?
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tana doesn’t take the bait and neither does eirika, because… you know. that’s denial right there, happening right in front of their eyes.
eren decides that the conversation is gonna be a waste of time and eirika convinces them that it won’t be a bad conversation to have.
eren is like, insanely stubborn though. stupid stubborn. it’s not the fact that they could be attacked at any second (but they could), and it’s definitely not the fact that they can’t face their own feelings because they don’t understand their feelings. no, absolutely not. what makes you think that?
after trying to get eren to put their walls down (like… their three walls. you know, like aot/snk? those kinda walls), they succeed in getting eren to kinda confess about it (with given patience and understanding).
it’s not that eren’s stupid, but eren’s stupid.
but it’s really? weird? it’s not a direct confession but you kinda know that it’s a confession given context. eirika and tana have probably encountered reserved (maybe not like… severely emotionally damaged people bu t) characters in their life - they’re royals and i’d think that they interacted with a lot of people. kept to themselves, but interacted with people nonetheless, especially with the scenario they’re in.
and yeah, i still dunno who confesses tbh i never thought about it that deeply but… yay for best friends \o/
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Meant To Be
Group: SF9 Member: Taeyangie! Genre: Fluffy-angst because that’s all I’m good for. Soulmate!AU, non-idol!Taeyang, and some mess; collegeAU because I’m trash Request: Yes! Hello~ I saw that your requests are open! Could you do your take on a SF9 Taeyang scenario? Maybe something involving the soulmate trope of being able to see what is written on your soulmates skin on your own :) //I fell in love with your recent Taeyang scenario and just had to see more >< Length: short|medium|long-ish|idk man A/N: This has been a WIP for a while & I hope whenever it is finally posted you enjoy it, thank you for requesting. I really hope everyone understands it takes so long because I’m a college senior who has none of my shit together ever! *nervous laughter*
At the age of fifteen, all of you kids were told about the soulmate system if you guys didn’t know about it already. They had an Elder come in and explain it to the room full of rowdy kids what the system is, how it works, how each of them will find their soulmates one day.
It didn’t really interest you at first, in fact you thought the system was rather dumb. You didn’t get to choose who you loved, you were assigned someone who was “perfect” for you. Whatever that meant. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to find the person you’d end up spending your whole life with because you wanted too so badly. Your parents had showed you early on in your life just how wonderful the system could be. They were the perfect example as to why you secretly could not wait for your turn. They were happy together, they were a support system for the other. They were the poster couple of a happy and healthy marriage.
However there were always downsides, your soulmate was assigned to you and it was a societal standard to marry when a couple found each other. It was taboo to marry someone that was not your soulmate, yet there were plenty of stories. One person had fallen in love with another, they would have created a life plan even if they knew in the back of their minds it could fall apart. Then a soulmate would show up or happen upon the couple. If both chose to stay together then the soulmate was left to be alone. That was something that scared you, meeting the love of your life only to have them want nothing to do with you. Those horror stories stayed with you from the first time you heard them, always at the back of your mind.
Of course as teenagers no one took the system seriously. Everyone had a few serious relationships here and there, dating was mostly casual since parents were strict about the soulmate system. It drove everyone your age mad and  it wasn’t a huge deal until you turned 20 anyway. None of you teenagers could understand the need to be so proper about things when you wouldn’t even be able to start looking until then.
Because for whatever reason on your twentieth birthday you were able to see any mark on your body that your soul mate made on theirs. You essentially became white boards for the other. There were countless stories of soulmates sending messages via this system, leaving addresses on arms or names on hands, even numbers on hidden body parts.
The day you turned 20, you awoke with a scribble on the back of your left hand. It seemed to be a girl’s name and number. The audacious feeling that boiled in your stomach had sat with you all day. 
“Good morning birthday girl!!” Inseong busted into your room, a small wrapped present and a cupcake with a single candle.
“You’re especially annoying in the morning Inseong.” You groaned as your brother started to loudly sing to you, the pillow you put over your head not doing a damn thing.
“C’mon! You can finally see what your soulmate is up too!” Inseong was a hopeless romantic who ate the soulmate idea up, “You can find him! Her! Them!” You peaked up at him from under your pillow. “You know I don’t discriminate. Especially since I thought the guy down the street was mine.”
“I know Inseong.” You chuckled, remembering how quickly Inseong had accepted it himself when he saw a similar writing on the wrist of a guy in the neighboring apartment complex as his. “You were ready to propose to him the next week.”
“If it were meant to be, I feel I would have been very happy. He was a nice guy, but his soulmate is much sweeter than him. And that guy can cook!” Inseong set the cupcake on your bedside table and sat beside you.
“You still meet up with them?”
“Of course, almost confessing to a complete stranger lead me to Sammie.”
“That’s right.” You thought back to Inseong’s current girlfriend, who was more of a really good platonic friend where they both act like a couple because they haven’t found their soulmates yet. “How is she? She hasn’t been over lately.
“Her last message to me yesterday said that her workload was recently tripled because two coworkers quit in the same day and she’s currently dying.”
He moved you around and pulled you into a sitting position and started examining your arms.
“What are you doing?”
“Checking for signs of--AH HA!” He pulled the back of your hand closer to his face. “They’re a player? I’ll have to fix that.”
“Okay, keep the protective older brother in check please.” You tried to laugh it off.
“If your soulmate is a shitty person I’m beating the shittiness out of them. Now old still.” Inseong pulled a black marker from his back pocket and scribbled over half the numbers, in no particular order to render the number useless. Then he drew a weird looking animal out of the name.
“Why does it have to look so phallic Inseong?” You groaned, looking at the new mess on the back of your hand. “I have class in a few hours.”
“They’re already being a dick, so it’s fitting.” Inseong ruffled your already messy hair. “Just scrub it off in the shower, if it still looks like a dick afterwards I’ll draw something less, dick-ish.”
“I swear.” You grumbled. 
But you made a wish, blew out your candle, thanked your brother, and bounced off to the shower. After you had gotten yourself ready and managed to get most of the phallic picture scrubbed from your hand, you flew down the stairs to find Inseong in the kitchen.
“Eat before you go.”
He had prepared a simple breakfast for the two of you to eat together. After you made sure all you would need for class was on the counter by the door, you helped Inseong set the table and happily started eating.
“You think you’ll find them quickly?” Inseong was moving his food around, not really eating.
“I -- I don’t know.”
The atmosphere had taken a more solemn turn suddenly. You stole a glance at your brother to see him staring blankly into his bowl.
“It doesn’t really bother me if I do or not.” You shrugged. “I have a lot on my plate right now, and I have you.” You paused to grab his hand. “We have each other and frankly that’s all I need right now. But if fate were to bring whoever it is to me, then so be it.”
“I hope it would end up Rowoon ya know.” Inseong joked. “Zuho even, if it were someone we both already knew it’d be so much easier.”
“You and I both know I’d end up killing Zuho, he’s my polar opposite.”
“Opposites attract!” Inseong rolled his eyes.
“No, if you hadn’t drop Social Psych you’d know that’s not true.”
“Technicalities.” He waved it off. “What about Rowoon then?”
“He’s my best friend Seong, of course I love him but I don’t think I do in that way. If he ended up my soulmate I wouldn’t be upset it’d just be weird.”
“That’s understandable.” Inseong smiled at you, ate a few spoonfuls of food before putting his stuff in the sink and grabbing his things. “I took an early shift today so we can go out for your birthday. So don’t make too many plans after class and invites your friends, it’s on me tonight.”
“Alright, don’t work too hard, I’ll see you later Seong.” He waved as he slipped on his shoes and left the apartment.
Ten minutes later you were mirroring his actions and heading to the bus stop to meet Rowoon. He was half asleep as you tugged him onto the bus after you and found a pair of open seats. He mumbled a quiet happy birthday before nodding off, head on your shoulder. Knowing he was probably up late either working on assignments for his classes or playing games well into the morning with Zuho, the latter being more plausible. You wake him up at the stop outside the university and the two of you trudge to the cafe on campus.
“My usual please.” Rowoon told the older cafe worker behind the counter we knew as Jaeyoon. “And her usual, it’s on me today.”
“Ah! Morning kids!” Jaeyoon’s smile blinded you so early in the morning. “I’ll get them, just a moment.”
Jaeyoon jumped into relaxed action, doodling your names on two cups and going to work. Rowoon waited by the counter making lazy conversation with Jaeyoon as you stepped towards the display. There wasn’t a lot of baked goods out yet since the cafe had been open maybe an hour. You had been mindlessly wondering around the familiar cafe for only a few minutes when Rowoon called you over.
“C’mon (Y/N), our classes start in twenty.” You looked down at your watch an noticed it was in fact 7:40, your 8:00am class was on it’s way.
“Thank you Jaeyoon.” You smiled at him as he finished your drink on the bar just out of your sight. “Why are there sprinkles on it?” You tilted your head a bit to the side.
“Happy Birthday!” He grinned bright, presenting you a colorfully topped drink. “Rowoon made the request so blame him if it tastes funny.”
“Thanks Jae.” Rowoon rolled his eyes. “You could have just acted like you knew.”
“I knew it was coming up but with the extra hours I’ve been working the actual dates have slipped my mind the last few weeks.” He shrugged. “And the last time I tried to flare up her usual she didn’t talk to me for a few days, our (Y/N) is very particular.”
“It was a day, mainly because I was busy but believe what you want.” You  stuck your tongue out at him. “Inseong is taking me out to eat tonight and said I could invite some friends, when do you get off?”
“I’ll be done about 4 today, since I opened.”
“We’ll both be out of classes by then, we’ll meet here and you can walk back with us.” 
“Sure, that’d be a lot of fun, thanks kid.” He ruffled your hair.
“I’m in a decent mood so I’ll ignore that.”
“Okay you two, we have class remember. See you later Jae.” Rowoon tugged you away as the two of you were playfully glaring at the other smirks adorned on your faces.
As you bid your see you laters, you took your normal seat in class. Your creative writing class had an interesting array of students, from wide-eyed freshmen to stressed seniors hoping for an easier class amongst their major based classes. You pulled out you notebook and pencil, loaded up the slides on your ipad mini and took a few sips of your drink as the rest of the class filtered in.
The room was chilly like usual and you were thankful for grabbing a thin hoodie on the way out. You had tucked your hands into the pocket of your hoodie as you heard the usual classmates enter and take up the row behind you in the amphitheater-esk classroom. Without meaning to, in the rather quiet classroom you listen to the conversation going on behind you.
“Hwiyoung, did you finish the short story for class today?” A voice you’ve heard all semester sounded tired.
“I finished it yesterday after class, is that look saying you didn’t?” The studious younger guy behind you chuckled.
“Dawon wanted someone to go drinking with him and obviously you can’t go, and he guilted me into it.” A soft voice groaned from directly behind you. “I only got about half of it finished.”
“It needs to be turned in before the end of class, if you want to finish it I’ll take notes for you.”
“The notes are online but I’d appreciate that.” You heard him get settled and start up his laptop before you heard their loud friend, the one named Dawon enter the room.
“Taeyang, Hwiyoung, I’m gonna need notes from one of you, I need to sleep.” You rolled your eyes at that, this Dawon guy never took notes in class. Granted, the class was an elective for most and a seemingly decently easy class.
“Did you at least finish the short story?” The tone from Hwiyoung was doubtful, and his question was followed by a crunching sound.
“Of course, 750-word story? I finished that before I went out last night.” Out of the corner of your eye you say Dawon shoot them finger guns before he folded his arms on the table in front of him and thumped his head down.
“Incredible.” The disbelief in Taeyang’s voice made you smile to yourself.
The trio made class pretty entertaining with Hwiyoung always up to participate in discussion, and on the days Dawon is awake for the lecture he’s always making the 8:00am lecture more lively and enjoyable.
A few quiet moments later, aside from the quiet snoring from Dawon, the creative writing professor walked in at the bottom of the room and set up for class. You resigned yourself to doodling on the open notebook page when you felt a weird tickle on your left forearm. Like someone was writing on your arm.
After a moment and a quick glance to see if anyone was looking, you slid your hoodie sleeve up just enough to see in plain and quite pretty print a simple statement.
You can see me now
A chill ran down your spine. You soul mate was reaching out to you. The tickle came again as you watched the words appear on your arm.
Happy Birthday soulmate
In your neatest print you use the black pen to the right of your notebook to reply just under the last message.
I can uh thanks
You watch as a small daisy is sketched onto your arm and a blush rises onto your cheeks and you start to feel too hot in your thin hoodie.
I’ve waited for you for quite a while
Oh? How long?
Turned 21 in February
Just a bit older then
Only a year
You looked up every few moments to copy notes, the tickle on your arm making it hard to focus on the lecture but the thrill of actually talking to your soulmate sent your heart into an erratic beating pattern.
What are you doing?
Lecture, unsuccessfully taking notes
Am I bothering you?
No, the lecture is boring. What about you?
Trying to finish an assignment, also unsuccessfully
Already pretty similar aren’t we
You added a smiley face as an after thought because if this were a text conversation you’d have sent the laughing emoji. The conversation, if you can call it that, pauses as the lecture drones on. By the end of the class you realize how covered your arm is in this person’s pretty handwriting and yours.
In a haste to get to Rowoon to tell him you quickly pack your things as the professor dismisses the class, reminding the class about the short story due in ten minutes. You hear a grunt as Dawon wakes up and stretches and a successful sigh directly behind you. You don’t realize your sleeve is still up until you stand and see Dawon staring at your arm. In a sudden flush of embarrassment, you yank your sleeve down and shove your stuff into your backpack. Just as you stand straight up and turn to leave you come almost face to face with Taeyang behind you, who was leaning forward to get the rest of his things from the edge of the table just behind you.
As your eyes meet, for the first time being this close you can see how pretty and clear his eyes are. You’re so close to each other in this moment you could count his eye lashes. Dawon sees this but stays silent. Hwiyoung is who breaks up the moment by asking them if they wanted to grab something to eat at the campus cafe before their next class.
Embarrassed you run off, leaving the three guys standing there, Taeyang’s two friends trying to figure out what they missed.
You bolt towards Rowoon’s classroom to see him waiting and the two of you head off towards the Social Psychology class the two of you have together. As you walk across campus you fill Rowoon on what happened and show him the writing all over your forearm.
“Look at that? Barely old enough for this soulmate business to have taken affect and you’ve found them.” Rowoon smiled as he ruffled your hair much to your dismay.
“You know I don’t give the soulmate idea much pull in my life.”
“I know, but wouldn’t it be nice? To find the one meant for you.”
“I guess, but I don’t even know who they are. Inseong asked me something similar this morning.” You shrugged, as the two of you entered your classroom and found your seats.
The conversation dropping as class started soon after you got situated. Class flew by because you loved Social Psych, lunch went by quickly as well. Then your last class each, yours being a 3-hour lecture, went by surprisingly quickly and before you knew it you were back at the cafe to pick up Jaeyoon.
“Drinks are on me!” Jaeyoon giggled, raising his hand to catch the server’s attention. “I made bank on tips today.”
He quickly asked for a few bottles of soju, even though he knew that you wouldn’t drink nearly as much as the three guys around you. Meat was cooking and conversation was flowing. The stress from the day melting away from the group gathered around you.
“I know as kids we’re warned about eating dessert before dinner, but I brought this from the cafe for you.” Jaeyoon’s grin went to each ear as he pulled a small box from his bag and set it on the table before you. “It’s only right that we have cake in honor of the twentieth anniversary of your birth.”
“Why did you say it like that?” You giggled, covering your face with one hand as you opened the box with the other. “That you Jae.” You thanked him sincerely, eyeballing the cake before you. “It’s big enough for all of us to have some too!”
“I didn’t know what else to get you to be truthful, Seong here was suppose to go with me to help pick something out but this asshole doesn’t make time for me anymore.”
“Sounds like a lover’s quarrel.” Rowoon muttered, hiding the remark in his glass of beer.
“Sorry I’m late!” Zuho waves as he drops down in the open seat between Jaeyoon and Rowoon, giving you the biggest smile he can muster. “Happy Birthday (Y/N)!” And he slides you a gift, as he notices the situation.
You heard Rowoon’s remark and choked on the sip from your own glass of beer. The coughing fit draws the attention of the tables directly beside you and Inseong quickly apologizes as Rowoon pats your back holding back his giggles.
As you look up you see at the table directly ahead of you, your three 8:00am classmates staring right at you with two people you don’t recognize. For a moment, everything freezes before Rowoon smacks your back rather roughly and you shoot daggers at him.
“That hurts!” You whined, bending out of the swing of another pat when that tickle hit your arm again. “You shouldn’t be mean to the birthday girl.”
“Okay, quit playing the meat is done cooking, let’s eat.” Inseong pulls all the attention to him as he’s cutting the meat into a pile on a plate in the middle and putting more onto the grill. And the eating begins, the conversation dies down to occasional comments, like Zuho informing all of you that his dance classes he is teaching are going well.
The table straight across from you and your friends and brother keeps looking over after hearing your coughing fit earlier. You don’t notice because of the four guys around you keeping your attention on them.
“She’s in our class.” Dawon addresses quietly, metal chopsticks resting in the corner of his mouth, waiting as Hwiyoung and Chani finish cooking the meat.
“(Y/N)? Right?” Hwiyoung asks, looking between Dawon and Taeyang.
“Yea, that’s (Y/N).” Taeyang agrees quietly, focusing on the drink in hand.
“What class?”
“Creative writing Hyung.” Dawon looked from the table you were at to his friends around him. “The class Taeyang is always staring into nothingness during.”
“Nothingness?” Hwiyoung perks up, “He’s always staring at her!” He very obviously points at your table.
“Don’t do that!” Taeyang jumps and jerks Hwiyoung’s arm down.
“Oooooh! Is she really pretty hyung?” Chani teases, his back being towards your table and not having seen you.
“She’s the quiet type in class, very cute and studious. She’d put our Tae to shame with her grades.” Dawon teases Taeyang by pulling on his ear.
“All his stories are about her.” Hwiyoung adds, ducking when Taeyang goes to smack the back of his head.
“Ah, this is the girl you’ve told me about.” Youngbin rests his chin on his hand, watching Taeyang blush.
“Can we not talk about this here?” His friends watched in deluded joy as Taeyang’s face was pink.
“It’s her birthday.” Dawon’s tone is casual. “If you haven’t talked to her before, why not now?”
“We’ve have a few times before, mostly in classes we’ve had together.” Taeyang tries to play it off. “I wouldn’t even know what to say to her right now.”
“How about ‘happy birthday’?” Chani laughed at Taeyang’s discomfort.
“Here.” Dawon pulls the bag from his side and hands it to Taeyang. “Figured since you like her so much you can give her this for her birthday.”
Taeyang, under the watch of his friends around the table, very slowly peaks into the bag to see a small plastic box with a red velvet cupcake and a small bouquet of daisies and some other tiny yellow flower.
“Her favorite flavor of cake is red velvet and she likes daises.” Dawon chirped, feigning boredom.
“How do you know that?” Chani asked completely and blatantly shocked.
“We have a mutual friend. (Y/N) and I.” He shrugged, a glint in his eye. “Besides, something tells me that Taeyang here and (Y/N) would make a good couple.”
“The only problem here is she is surrounded by three friends and her brother, and they all look intimidating meaning Tae will never make it over there.” Hwiyoung pointed a chopstick at his older friend.
“10 bucks he does.” Chani stuck his hand out towards Hwiyoung.
“Really? Alright, 10 bucks he won’t.” They shook on it.
“I can help.” Youngbin stood, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
The remaining guys at the table watched in shock as Youngbin walked over to the table you were at and sat down between your brother and a friend.
“Inseong?” Youngbin smacked your brother on the bak lightly. “I don’t think I’ve seen you since we graduated college!”
“Youngbin! Wow! What are you doing here?” Inseong spun around and gave the new face a quick hug.
“This is where some of my juniors frequent and they invited me here tonight, what about you?” Youngbin turned to face everyone at the table. “Hello, I’m an old classmate of Inseong here, I’m Kim Youngbin.”
“I’m Kim (Y/N), Inseong’s younger sister.” You bowed your head, greeting your brother’s friend.
The rest of the guys introduced themselves as Inseong sat there beaming.
“We’re here to celebrate (Y/N)’s birthday!”
You noticed the way Youngbin stared at your arm for a second, the arm that was still covered in the conversation with your soulmate throughout the day. He caught sight of a familiar hand writing before smiling to himself and focusing on your face.
“Happy Birthday (Y/N), my juniors were just saying that you looked familiar. Do you have class with any of them?” He motioned towards his table and everyone looked in time to see the four very obviously pretend they weren’t trying to listen in.
“I have a class with Dawon, Hwiyoung, and” You paused, locking eyes with Taeyang, “Taeyang. We have a lecture together.”
“So you do know them,” Youngbin’s grin seemed mischievous, “One of them heard it was your birthday and got you something but he’s too nervous to come give it to you himself. I know it’s your birthday and all but if you go over there he’ll give it to you.” Youngbin nodded behind you and as you looked up, Dawon left for the bathroom.
In the next moment Hwiyoung grabbed Chani by the sleeve and dragged him away, a wrap hanging out of Chani’s mouth. You once again locked eyes with Taeyang and you felt your entire body heat up.
“Oh, Inseong she’s blushing.” Youngbin loudly whispered to your brother.
“Go on.” Inseong encouraged, ignoring Youngbin. “We’ll wait for you to get back.”
“Alright, I’ll be back shortly.” With a deep breath and an encouraging look from each of the guys, you stood and moved towards Taeyang.
He quickly started scribbling a message in the card he found at the bottom of the bag. A quick happy birthday and well wishes. When he looked back up his hand froze because you were right in front of him.
“May I sit?” You gestured to the seat beside him Youngbin had previously been in.
“Go ahead.” Taeyang’s voice was quiet, just like in class. “I -- uh, here. Uhm... Happy Birthday?” He offered weakly, his cheeks and ears pink.
You looked down to see a cute card in one hand with a cupcake box resting on top of the card and a bouquet of daisies in the other hand. Shock was evident on your face at the thoughtful gifts, you hadn’t talked to Taeyang as much as you would have liked so you had no idea how he knew you liked these two things so much unless he made a lucky guess.
“Dawon helped pick them out. He uhh - he said that you liked daisies the most. I can’t take credit for the gifts. But please accept them.”
You gingerly took them from Taeyang, trying to control your own blush when you practically held hands as you took the gifts from him. You smelled the flowers first, daisies smelled so fresh and pleasant. They were simple and beautiful too. You looked into the cupcake box to find quite a large single red velvet cupcake with a little edible heart on the side. Then the note that fell onto the table caught your attention. You set the box down and cradled the flowers as you opened the card. His little message and the encouragement at the end made your heart swell a little, even if it wasn’t completely his idea it was still really sweet. 
“Thank you Taeyang, this was really sweet. Thank Dawon for me too. I appreciate the flowers and the cupcake so much.” He watched with a smile as you put the card into your pocket. “I must return to my brother and friends though, they get rowdy with my watchful eyes.”
“Of course.” Taeyang stood with you. “It was no problem, (Y/N). Uhm, happy birthday again.” He watched dumbfounded as you sent him such a pretty smile.
“I’ll see you in creative writing later?”
“Yea, of course.”
And then you were walking back to your table and Taeyang’s heart was beating so fast he felt it was going to give out. Youngbin apologized for interrupting and promised to call Inseong later that week and rejoined Taeyang at their table. Slowly the rest of the table returned, Chani was ten dollars richer, Hwiyoung was ten poorer, and Dawon seemed to be waiting for something to happen. Before anyone could ask him about it, especially Taeyang, they heard you gasp.
You stood back up and walked straight to Taeyang, a small card in one hand you hadn’t seen before. You immediately grabbed the sleeve of his jacket of his left arm and pulled it up to reveal all the writing that was a copy of the writing on your arm. You just stared for a moment, Taeyang started to panic because you weren’t saying anything.
You wordlessly pulled the sleeve of your hoodie up to show him your arm, a perfect match to his.
“This.” You handed him the note you found hidden in the bouquet.
All it said was “Check his handwriting again” which definitely would have been weird, but when he looked between your arms he understood what it meant instantly.
“Dawon?” Taeyang spun on his heels, without force enough for you to let go of him. “How did you know?”
“I saw her arm this morning in class. I recognized that handwriting immediately. It felt too good to be true and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Especially since you woke up me freaking out about the picture you woke up to on your hand.” Taeyang flushed again.
“Oh my god.” You covered your face, Taeyang had seen the dick drawn on his hand this morning. He must have thought you did that. “Inseong drew the dick this morning.” You admitted sheepishly, only to find yourself wrapped in a hug.
“I’ve waited quite a while for you.” Taeyang murmured to you. “Who would have thought that my soulmate would end up being the only person I’ve crushed on since high school.”
You moved to check your ears, had Taeyang just confessed to liking you? Liking you for an extended period of time? After a moment, you hugged him back, just burying your face into his chest and holding him tight.
“I don’t really believe in this soulmate stuff and I’ve heard you talk about how you don’t either but if you’d give me a chance, I’d like to try believing.” Taeyang asked quietly, trying to look you in the eye, but the focus flitted around a lot. “I mean, if you’re meant to be, we could alteast give it a chance right?” 
“I’d really like that actually.” You could only smile, things worked out surprisingly well, like it didn’t feel real.
The cat calls and hollers followed from the mixed of the groups you two had been eating with. Inseong and Rowoon were cheering the loudest, almost being overtaken by Dawon who single handedly was screaming.
“I knew you’d find them quickly.” Inseong mused, staring at the two of you with hearts in his eyes. “But looks like we need to take a talk, your name is Taeyang right?”
You chuckled when Taeyang gulped, ultimately agreeing to take things slow since the two of you weren’t too far into your college degrees. Even with the slow burning relationship you were happy, and the fact that this happened so quickly after being about to really see your soulmate, it felt like a 1 in a million chance.
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Love, Simon comes out today in America.
Pun intended.
Since there are strangely enough still people crying about how we shouldn’t support Love, Simon because the book it is based on (Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda) is written by a straight woman.
Sit the fuck down cause guess what time it is? It is time for my unnecessary opinion! Lemme tell you why this entire thing bothers me so much.
It actually started a while before I found out there were LGBTQ+ peeps shitting on Love, Simon. A similar thing happened in the Check, Please! fandom, which is a HAPPY mlm webcomic. 
“Gay people? Happy ending? Too unrealistic!”
Honestly, I was so pissed. I remember talking about it on the Gay af debate app (a group chat filled with other LGBTQ people to talk about more serious issues in the community, as a result of the Pulse shooting). The same thing is happening with Love, Simon.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not denying that Becky is straight and that she will probably never fully get the Gay Experience, but there is still a difference between Becky, who worked with LGBTQ youth and who decided to write a happy book for them in the hopes they could find support and happiness in it, and straight people who think homophobia doesn’t exist anymore and go “is Love, Simon still needed in this current progressive time?”.
Hell, I don’t want to spoil too much because I really encourage all of you to fucking watch this movie and to support it, but straight people who think that homophobia isn’t a problem anymore are in the actual book! And guess what? It is shown as a problem and their ignorance actually results in some homophobia because guess what straight people, homophobia still exists.
“His parents are soooo supportive it is so fake! It is not realistic.”
Listen, I am truly, truly sorry that you were given a reason to believe that. This world still sucks a lot, I am not denying that. But there are very supportive parents out there (mine included) and one of the goals of this movie is showing teens that it does get better, and hopefully it will show straight parents that there’s nothing wrong with their kid not being straight. But also, it shows that even those supportive parents still make mistakes that can hurt their kids (mind included). Again, I don’t want to spoil much, but Simon even confronts his parents about subtle homophobic jokes and so on. 
This movie needs to do well, okay. The media influence the public opinion and this movie shows how a cheesy gay romance is not that different from a straight one. It normalises homosexuality, and since y’all are still yelling about homophobia, isn’t that what we want. We want to show to an audience that we are here and queer and happy and we deserve it.
Looking back in history and LGBTQ portrayal, it fucking sucks. That’s all I can say, okay? It sucks. Homosexuality was not always permitted on television, but there were always the sneaky gay characters. They were the psychos. They were evil men stealing innocent husbands from their loving wives. And then it eventually got better, but most stories about LGBTQ people were still the typical: “I’m gay and I wanna kill myself.” 
And somewhere around 2013, it started to change. LGBTQ characters became more common. If you’d told me 5 years ago that we’d get a big commercial LGBTQ+ teen movie, with the same promotion and leverage as typical straight YA adaptions, I wouldn’t have believed you. And now it is happening. Yes, LGBTQ representation is still not ideal, but it is changing. 
I have read so many posts of: “Man, if I were younger and we would’ve had positive LGBTQ content, I’d be so much more confident/my parents would’ve understood better/I would feel safer/I’d know I’m okay and that there’s nothing wrong with me.” Or: “Wow, I wish straight people would use more LGBTQ characters in their works!”
I read posts about how we need more happy LGBTQ content so that we can normalise it for children and to show the world that LGBTQ people can be happy and don't always have to be portrayed as the sad or the mean ones (so side-eyeing you, Heathers 2018).
And now it is happening.
And it is seen as bad?
And I also think it is kind of sad because most of those haters are actually LGBTQ and if you look deeper into this, it basically means that this community is so used to all the shit that the moment we get some happiness, we turn against it because we've come to a place where homophobia etc has been normalised and I think that's even more sad.
As if after years of being thrown under the bus, we finally get the opportunity to crawl out of that shithole and we choose to stay because that shithole under the bus is all we've known and that's what we've gotten used to.
Don’t get me wrong. That is also a problem created by straight people. I am not saying that all the evil started in the LGBTQ community, you know, like straight people do.
But really, you won’t support happy LGBTQ content because it is “too unrealistic”? I have great news for you! If you want to watch stories about how awful being gay is, just watch most of the media content that already exists! So much self-loathing. So much hate. So much pain and bullying and death.
Besides, straight people have so many unrealistic scenarios, it is kinda weird. Happy mlm content is unrealistic, but a woman falling in love with a bee isn’t? 
Well, it is a “straight bee” so it doesn’t matter anyway.
Also, this movie has to succeed in order to show Hollywood that there is indeed an audience for LGBTQ rom coms. And idk man if Becky being straight is such a big problem for you, just think that if this movie succeeds, the chance of LGBTQ authors getting full blown movies is bigger.
Look at Wonder Woman and Black Panther. Like, Scarlett Johansson has been Black Widow for ages and no one was going to make a Black Widow movie because “women aren’t into superheroes so a female superhero won’t do” and then Wonder Woman not only smashed the box office but that movie also single handedly saved the entire superhero franchise and it opened the doors to move female-led action movies. And Black Panther got shit as well because uhm “an all black-movie? who’s gonna care???” and it totally annihilated the box office records and it shows Hollywood that black magic is magic and that there are indeed people willing to see more diversity in big movies.
And last but not least, if you are still not convinced, then please support this movie for the actual LGBTQ people who have put their heart and love into this project. Support the LGBTQ crew. Support the LGBTQ actors. Support the LGBTQ artists on the soundtrack.
Do it.
Just do it.
For the love of god, watch Love, Simon.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Yeah, in the first Avengers movie Loki introduces himself like
“I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.”
(And then Dr. Selvig just has to say “Loki? Brother of Thor?” and ruin his moment)
That picture…oh my. Well, since I don’t exactly go around staring at people’s butts, especially when I’m watching movies (that can wait until I’m at least 16), I wouldn’t know if he’s truly burdened with glorious posterior or not…
Why am I laughing so much right now
Honestly I feel like I’m still at the maturity level where I find these things funny instead of attractive/sexy
Though since I’m 13 I guess it would be slightly worrying if I did found anything sexy lol
YEAH you watched the movie! And I know. Loki gets steadily worse as the movies go on but in Thor 1 he’s definitely relatable and it’s easy to feel for him. My other fave from Thor is Darcy (I also ship Darcy/Loki AKA tasertricks. Idk, it’s one of my crackier ships but it’s also pretty popular in the MCU fandom…possibly because Darcy is one of those sassy minor characters who get shipped with everybody and everything).
And now you’ve seen Loki’s daddy issues. At least his mother is a good parent…?
Don’t be salty Queen Luna! My hair isn’t that long either (it’s like the same length as Thor’s in the first movie, and my mom probably isn’t going to let it get any longer lol).
Also: I have no idea why I always want to make things into a Hamilton AU but
Loki- Burr
Thor- Ham
Nick Fury- G. Wash
Wanda- Eliza (I think you said you haven’t seen Avengers 2 yet, so I guess you’ll understand why I picked her when you see it…it was mostly a choice based on personality. Wanda is Scarlet Witch and while shipping her with Thor is extreme crack and a little bit creepy considering she’s the youngest avenger (minus Vision, who was literally born yesterday), I didn’t really want to have Jane as Eliza. Jane’s nice but she’s not fleshed out enough to be Eliza, plus she and Thor sort of break up later on)
Natasha- Angelica
I feel like Tony-Steve could also be a good Burr-Ham relationship, but I have no idea who would be who. Personality wise it’s really mixed up: Tony has Hamilton’s ambition and talent with words (he’s also reliable with the LADIES) as well as his slightly selfish attitude, but Steve has more of the incredible determination and sense of justice. And for the roles they play, I feel like it’s more Tony=Burr and Steve=Ham (Tony’s jealous of Steve in a way after all- this is the guy who is the perfect hero, the golden boy he can never hope to be, the man his father considered his best project. Plus, their moments in Age of Ultron and Civil War…) but I’m not sure…
And one more thing:
Loki vs. Burr: Who is saltier?
Yeah, Touka might not be one of my favorites but don’t kill her off ;-; at least not now.
Oooh, Ravenclaw definitely seems to suit you! :D But the little bit of Slytherin…you know, I’ve always considered Loki a Slytherin with shades of Ravenclaw (faint, but they’re there). You balance each other out, Luna/Loki was meant to be :)
Lizzy is DEFINITELY best girl. I mean, come on, look at everything she’s done for Ciel!
I’m excited to read those HCs XD
(And a random thing (my brain creates a lot of those):
Remember how Steve mentions in his first movie that he never learned how to dance? Well, I look like an injured octopus when I try to dance, so just imagine… I’d step on his feet, he’d have no idea what to do with his hands, we’d trip over each other’s legs. It’d be an awkward mess.
Then again, I’m so uncoordinated that dancing would probably not go well even if my partner was someone really graceful like Loki or Natasha lol)
Loki fangirls are a mixed bunch. There are the nice, intelligent people who love to make theories and headcanons and write really beautiful fics. There are the more casual fans who just like Loki and/or his actor, Tom Hiddleston.
Then there are the people who worship the ground Loki walks on and believe he can do no wrong.
(Let’s see…killed his biological father, tried to kill his adoptive brother, almost committed genocide, tried to take over an entire planet, fantastically racist towards humans, may or may not have brought his adoptive father to a sticky end…
Yep. 100% pure cinnamon roll. Couldn’t hurt a fly.)
Awww tysm <3333 @(^_^)@
(I do get jealous a bit too easily though. Probably because I have no friends outside of the internet and so when I like someone I really cling to them…and when a friend/just someone I’m close with starts getting close with a stranger I guess my insecurity starts to make me nervous about being left behind lol)
I shall get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, your majesty.
that won’t stop all these fandoms from taking over your life tho
Third things third,
Send a prayer to the ones up above
All the hate that you’ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove
Your spirit up above…
I think I’ve started creating lists of songs for various characters and is it ok if I send you some?
I actually went to rewatch the first few minutes to see that scene. My reaction: sweetie, put that spear away before you poke someone you’re not supposed to poke. 
Poor Loki… All of his moments get ruined XD
To be completely honest, my first reaction isn’t to look at the booty either, unless it is the first thing I see. Even then, I’ll quickly get over it.  and when I saw that picture, I wanted to laugh out loud. I would’ve if it hadn’t been 3am with most of my family sleeping.  Thor of Assgard really had me cracking up, though.
I’m pretty sure that that picture would make most people laugh, instead of finding it sexy XD And I unfortunately can’t find any sufficient pictures that’ll show if Loki’s got the booty or nah.
Is Darcy the oblivious friend of Jane? The one whose ipod got stollen? Honestly, like I said countless times before, I’m not a shippy person and I guess I’m not deep enough into the fandom to ship anything just yet (except for Natasha and Bruce. because hell yeah)
Doesn’t his mom die in Thor 2 though? Spoiler Minefield Internet™ makes its move yet again. I probably should’ve waited a bit before tearing into the Avengers tag ^^;;;;
That’s still longer than mine :p I mean, I’m usually fine with having short hair, but seeing someone as fabulous as Thor does make me a bit jelly XD
So, funny thing. This morning, I was in the bus, listening to my playlist when Wait For It came on. And I just couldn’t help but think of our dearest Drama King (not you :p) and then I come home to this, an Avengers/Hamilton crossover. Great minds think alike ;) I did see Avengers 2 (age of Ultron, right?) I just don’t remember it very well, that’s why it’s on my ‘to watch’ list ^^;;;
To be absolutely honest, I don’t like Jane. She just seems like she was thrown into the story to hame some Thor romance and that’s it. There was no real character development in the movie for her…
Boy, Wanda and Thor would be an interesting relationship XD Maybe Sif? She seems nice enough… I haven’t watched Thor 2, tho
I don’t know…? I still have to watch all the other movies to get a better grasp of Steve’s personality. And it’s be nice if I got reminded of Tony’s a bit more, which I’ll be after Ultron ^^
Loki is saltier. Burr did shoot Ham, but he didn’t attempt to wipe out an entire race.
Touka deserves a nice death, if she does get one. unLIKE YMIR WHOSE DEATH I AM STILL NOT OVER.
I was a bit bored in school today, which means my brain was working at full power, conjuring the weirdest scenarios ever. Here’s one of them High school au, where Loki is the soft nerd who always gets protected by his mighty Jock brother.  that’s as far as i got, but i do find the idea of Nerd Loki quite amusing XD
Awwww, the most adorable thing ever. And the stalker friend would be there filming the whole ordeal :)))
I call Loki my problematic fave. Keyword: problematic. He definitely has some very serious issues in his life and I’m not going to pretend he’s perfect. In fact, he’s very, very far from it.  Honestly, I don’t even know how he ended up as a favourite *facepalms into tomorrow*
You won’t get left behind. If anyone leaves Evans behind, they’ll have an angry Luna coming for them hahah Trust me, I don’t know how I seem, but I have my fair share of insecurities as well. 
I was choking in the crowd Building my rain up in the cloud Falling like ashes to the ground Hoping my feelings, they would drown But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing Inhibited, limited ‘Til it broke open and rained down It rained down, like…
Also, can I say one more thing? I am very, very impressed with how they handled Clint's archery. I used to do archery and usually, i get incredibly mad over how badly it's executed in the movie, but i was seriously impressed this time! They even gave him an elbow guard!
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