#idk how many children eliza is about to have cause i haven't done my final roll but it should be a few more after this one.
(Adalynn's POV)(I'd finally gotten my queue to a place where I was happy, and then that update came and fucked my game sideways. So now I've had to reset the ages of my sims and resurrect some sims that were murdered by the update. So I'm slowly going through the game and getting everyone back to where they're supposed to be so that I can continue to play.)(Here's the family tree for a little reminder on who is who, because I know it's been a while)
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Happy Easter! What a glorious day for us to appreciate all that our saviour has done for us to be able to live eternally! This was our first easter with 8 children, so the prep for church started on saturday afternoon with doing the piles of laundry and packing the diaper bags so everything would be ready for our 10am service. With every kid after Paul (number 4) we've found it easier and easier to adjust to a new baby, as the boys get older and are able to help around more they can be trusted to get more things done themselves. With 4 toddlers there was a bit more running around, but soon Joshua will be older and we'll just have to worry about running after the twins and little Titus.
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It's so good to see Mason's parents lead our church, Aaron has been the senior pastor at Willowcreek Baptist for almost 20 years and it's wonderful to hear him preach weekly for the past 12 years. Angie has been a great example as a pastor's wife and now that she's not homeschooling anymore she's got a lot more time to minister to the women in the congregation. She's an amazing nana to the boys and shows them all the time that they're all blessings in her life, since Molly moved out she's been coming over a lot more or having the boys over in small groups for some nana time. She even helps homeschool sometimes just to give me a little bit of a break and to give me more time to get other things done around the house. When she's not helping us she's using her time to help around other mothers in church who are in need or hosting bible study for a group here or there.
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Easter is such a precious season, all this new life and renewal makes one thank for Lord for his blessings everyday! Eliza has been such a blessing to me in the short time that they've been our neighbours, when I in the home stretch of my pregnancy with Titus and couldn't see my feet, Eliza was there helping with laundry. When she told us she was pregnant I found it the perfect time to return the favour for her. Now she's in her third trimester and it's just hitting her that she's having another baby! Her youngest child is quite a few years old so she says all the time that she'd forgotten the sensations that come with being pregnant. It's been such a blessing to be on this journey with her, hopefully we can repeat it a few more times - Lord willing of course.
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