#idk how his relationship with bad foolish and karl is gonna change because . well there's a lot of different ways it could go 😭
napsaps-archive · 1 year
I just… it baffles me as to how Q is avoiding talking to the dteam so much - what does he do if, say, Bad or Karl or Foolish brings him up? Does he ghost them too? Or just breeze right on past it without acknowledging what they’ve said?
I just… I’m really sad about all of this and I want Quackity to at least reach out a little and make some effort. I don’t know why he’s acting like this :(
me neither :( and i've like made myself sick with worrying about it but i don't think that's a sustainable approach so while i think it would be nice if he DID say something i'm trying to lower my expectations that he will
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fuckyouquiznak · 4 years
Jschlatt's Return
= Future developments in the Dream SMP plot (theories)
How does resurrection work?
• According to Philza and Eret to revive someone his ghost must be killed in the same way he lost his last canon life (that would also explain why Glatt and Ghostbur came back online recently).
• We also know they may need a totem and the knowledge of the resurrection book, which is now kept somewhere out there in the server, considering Dream said he didn't have it physically in prison with him. (He also said he destroyed it, but do we trust him? Absolutely not)
• We didn't see Tommy's revival from Dream's point of view, so it could be that Phantommy actually appeared and Dream easily killed him on the same spot of Tommy (maybe using the clock or his mask as a totem idk), but we still don't know what kind of information the book provides and how resurrection really works.
What is going to happen?
1. Quackity and Sam
• Quackity's last stream made pretty clear Big Q's intention of taking the book from Dream using all the means possible.
• However, despite the torture, Dream won't give any information. First of all he doesn't like Jschlatt, because he finds him annoying and boring (not like Wilbur) and second, of course, he knows the book's knowledge is the only thing that prevents other people from killing him. And then again, why should he give away the same power that made him a god? Quackity won't kill him without the book, and he is used to pain. Moreover he'll have some company at least.
• Quackity won't give up. He will keep visiting Dream everyday and will eventually start to like making him suffer.
• Sam instead will feel more and more guilty for what he made possible and for the person he became. He has changed since Tommy's death. He had promise to protect him and then he failed him. And then everything went wrong. He likes to believe that Dream deserves this for what he did to Tommy, but he is not sure that's the right way. Sometimes he even feels sorry for him, especially after Quackity's visits. After all Dream is just a broken person. Isn't he?
2. Tommy and the boys
• Meanwhile Tommy goes to Puffy's therapy sessions and opens up about his traumas and fears. It's hard, but it really helps having someone to talk to. Especially now.
• Since he returned to the server he has felt so lonely.
• Everyone treats him differently. Some people see him as miracle and keep asking inappropriate questions. Some others pretend nothing happened. For few of them the server just moved on; for others he is still dead.
• Even so he can't focus too much on himself right now. Stopping Dream is much more important. If Wilbur comes back... he doesn't even want to think about what he is capable of.
• They need to kill Dream, but Tommy is still too scared to come back to prison or to even touch a sword. Every time he suffers a damage he can't breathe: it's like it's happening all over again.
• He can't stay at his house anymore, on the ashes of L'Manburg, nor at his hotel, which is in Jack's hands, and he doesn't want to be alone (it reminds him of exile).
• He'll pass the time at Ranboo and Tubbo's, meeting Michael and working out a plan to kill Dream.
• In Tommy's stream Tubbo showed him his investigation report, pointing out that both Foolish and Ranboo were online when someone damaged the prison (before Tommy's dead).
• Tubbo obviously blames Foolish, nonetheless Tommy understands that something in Ranboo is corrupted.
• He tries to warn Tubbo, who underestimates his friend's words, thinking he might just be jealous of their relationship. They fight. It's a huge argument.
• "It's like you don't want me to be happy" Tubbo screams, shaking his head.
• "I don't want you to be happy without me" as soon as these words leave Tommy's mouth he immediately regrets it.
• Tubbo stays silent for a while. He seems disappointed: "You've changed".
• Tommy tighten a fist. "That's what death does to people, Tubbo, it changes them".
3. Kinoko Kingdom
• At the end Tommy will leave Snowchester and will move into Kinoko Kingdom (he liked the sign of the "free stuff", so why not?). Tommy there is welcome.
• He explains the Wilbur situation to the others, but then something bad happens.
• Hanging out with Sapnap, they talk about Ranboo and Dream's friendship and about how he acted when he received the ":)" message.
• It turns out Ranboo is guilty for the explosions in the prison that kept Sam busy during Tommy's visit to Dream.
• Tommy shows Tubbo the evidences.
4. Platonic Divorce
• After that, the platonic husbands will go through a "divorce arc".
• "How could you?" Tubbo can't help crying and screaming. "I trusted you".
• Ranboo wishes he could do something. But he is scared. He doesn't remember any of that. Did he really help Dream? Why? He doesn't...
• "I kicked out Tommy, my best friend, when he most needed me because of you! I think you should leave".
• Tubbo goes back to Tommy, apologizing. "You were right". And as much as he hates Ranboo, Tommy is broken-hearted seeing his best friend that hurt.
• However he can't help smiling when Tubbo says: "Guess it's just you and me against Dream like it has always been". It's selfish, but he really missed his best friend.
5. Connor's betrayal
• Sam talks with Connor about his doubts related to the all 'torture thing'.
• Connor tries to comfort him and decides to visit Dream with Quackity.
• Dream is relentless: "That villain arc you sewed for yourself is nice. But I won't tell you anything. And the book doesn't exist anymore, now. You can control every book in the server. It will not bring it back" saying these words Dream keeps his eyes on Connor. "The only way to find it should be... be able to travel in time"
• Connor freezes.
6. Karl's arrest
• Karl finds the resurrection book during one of his travels.
• He immediately plans to give it to Tommy, but when he comes back, someone is waiting for him in the library.
• "Well, look what the cat dragged in" Quackity stays still, his arms crossed, next to Connor and Sam. They all wear armours. "So it is true. That's a huge secret you have, Karl"
• The library behind them is destroyed. Books lie on floor ripped. They were looking for it.
• Karl puts the book of Necromancy back, his voice shaking as he realises Sapnap and George aren't there. "What are you doing here?" He asks, making eye contact with Connor, who quickly looks away, ashamed.
• "I'm sorry, Karl" he whispers "But Jschlatt is my friend"
• Quackity walks slowly towards him. "Give me the book, Karl". He has a creepy smile on his face. Is that even the same Quackity? This one looks different.
• "Quackity, you don't have to-"
• "Don't tell what I have to do. If you refuse, I might have to declare you under arrest"
• Karl holds the book tighter. If he gave him the book... no, he can't do that. For Tommy's sake, and for the rest of the server. If the book has the power to revive Wilbur... it must be destroyed. He grabs his sword, ready to fight.
• Quackity looks disappointed "You didn't give me another choice, man" he says, before killing him and taking the book from his inventory.
7. Dream and Karl
• Karl is later taken to the prison and put in Dream's cell.
• "Well, green boy, seems like you service is no longer required. However, I want to keep having fun with you. I'll revive Jschlatt, and then I'll execute you publicly. Enjoy your last hours: I got you company" Quackity leaves with a victory smile on his face.
• Dream looks horrible. He is covered in blood, his body painted by new scars. Karl has never seen him like this. His hearts are low and he hasn't eaten in days.
• Dream is the first one who speaks: "You found it".
• Karl freezes. What does that mean? "I though I had hidden it too well" he keeps saying, washing his blood away. "Maybe I should have really destroyed it"
• How cool would it be if Dream actually hid the book in the timeline? He couldn't burn it. Otherwise if he died no one would have revived him. So he just hid it where only Karl could find it.
• So yes, Dream knows Karl's power because he has a similar one. And yes, the prison was actually built for Karl (that's the only theory I care about).
• "We are not that different, Karl. Forgetting the people you love.. I know what it feels. I can help you controlling it. Have you reached the In between yet?"
• What if Dream is the one leaving Karl books and suggestions about his travels?
• They spend some time together and they surprisingly get along well. It's like someone finally understands.
8. Sapnap's lore
• Sapnap finds out Karl has been arrested, but he doesn't know why. He is angry.
• He faces Quackity who giggles. "Apparently there are a lot of things we don't know about Karl" but he doesn't tell him Karl's secret.
• Quackity and Sapnap break up (I won't ever be over Quackity's stream with El Rapid)
• Sapnap joins the children group. They are breaking into prison, right? He needs to save Karl.
9. Escape from Pandora's Vault
• Tommy, Tubbo, Ghostbur and Sapnap manage to break into Pandora's Vault when Sam and Quackity aren't online.
• When they arrive in Dream's cell, he is talking with Karl.
• Sapnap, horrified, takes Karl away from him. He doesn't trust Dream anymore, not after what he did to Tommy. He is sure it's his fault if Karl is here now.
• Dream can't help smiling when he sees the little party there. Especially when he sees his best friend Tommy. He tries to get closer.
• "I'm gonna kill you man. What the hell-" Sapnap punches Dream away. The anger and the resentment spread all over his body. They didn't deserve so much pain. Maybe the server will be a peaceful place without him. "You killed Tommy and then you gave Quackity the book- you"
• Karl stops him, defending Dream. "Sapnap, please. He didn't give them the book. I was the one who did".
• Everyone hold their breathe. What? Why? Wasn't it burned? How did you...
• "We need to get him out"
• Tommy grifts his teeth: "No way he is coming with us". He tries to grab his sword trembling and gagging, but it's too much. He can't... that place...
• Dream steps away. "Oh, you came to kill me" he whispers. "Do it. I'll be dead by tomorrow anyway"
• "You can't die yet!" Karl screams.
• "C'mon, Karl-"
• Dream smiles. "Don't forget who you are, Karl. And don't stray from the path. The SMP needs you more than you know" (= Dream is the one who leaves Karl notes about time travelling in the In Between :])
• "We don't have much time, guys"
• "Yeah, Tommy you don't have much time. Are you going to kill me? Or are you too afraid?" Dream starts teasing Tommy. "I bet you can't do it, right? You're too weak. And down deep you know you love me. We are best friends after all, aren't we?"
• Tommy doesn't react. He is as pale as a ghost, his eyes wide open.
• Tubbo steps in. He can't look at Tommy like this. He hates Dream so much. "Stay away from him". Looking back at his life, Dream has always been responsible for the bad things happened to him. The discs, L'Manburg, Tommy's exile, his death...
• Dream raises his eyebrows. "Tubbo, how's Ranboo?"
• It happens in a moment. Tubbo just loses control and kills Dream. Don't worry Dream's stans he'll come back one day. Bigger plans for that greenboy.
10. Resurrection
• They all run away.
• That same night Jschlatt is publicly revived. "¿Por dónde empezamos?"
• Quackity, Sam and Connor stay behind him.
• "Tonight our country has faced a loss. Four intruders entered the Pandora's Vault, killed Dream and helped the prisoner Karl Jacobs escape. Sapnap, Tubbo, Tommy and Ghostbur are now officially wanted. Dead or alive."
End of the season? Maybe?
How does the server react?
• Tommy, Tubbo, Sapnap, Ghostbur and Karl are criminals. They become nomads for a while. Samnook gives them an hand.
• Tommy keeps thinking about what Tubbo did. They really didn't talk about it after the break-out. Tubbo just pretends nothing happened.
• Karl and Sapnap aren't talking neither. And when they do they fight.
• The only happy one seems to be Ghostbur, who is excited to be on a vacation with the boys.
• Dream's ghost (Specdream? Nightmare?) appears to Ranboo, who is alone in a self-exile because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. Dream's ghost would be much more like Clay, so he won't be that dangerous like c/Dream (cfr. Ghostbur and Wilbur). But still it would be insane to see those two hanging out.
• Jschlatt and Quackity open their Casino, helped by Jack, who sells the hotel.
• After Dream's death and the destruction of Kinoko Kingdom, George takes Quackity's side. He is sure Sapnap killed Dream and he doesn't know how to feel about it...
• Philza, Techno, Eret and Niki, wanting Wilbur's return, will do the same (they need Ghostbur btw). Techno in particular will hunt the fugitives.
• Puffy and Fundy, contrary to them, will try to find Ranboo and the others in order to stop Jschlatt and Quackity.
• Wilbur and Dream meanwhile are having so much fun in the afterlife.
Even if solitaire is not chess
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