#idk how anyone enjoyed nancy thompson
girlfinale · 3 years
nancy thompson could’ve been so much more. and like. i feel like i’m being irrationally mean about it bc apparently everyone loves her and loves langenkamp but i...?
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You belong with me: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie finds Steve after he and Nancy broke up. So naturally he comforts him.
But after a few months; how do they feel about one another?
Note: yes this is after the Taylor Swift song, no the lyrics aren't accurate. This is an idea I had at 2:00 am last night, Enjoy!
Warning: Arguments, mentions of drinking, some angst idk?? A small spoiler for season 4, timeline doesn't make sense. And Typical period homophobia
'You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset. She's going off about something that you said. she doesn't understand your humor like I do.'
There were hushed whispers from one of the bathrooms, where Steve and Nancy were talking; with the infamous 'Its bullshit' speech. "Wait—wait. You.. don't love me?" Was all Steve could seem to say, he was shocked, of course they had only been together for a year, but the fact that Nancy said they had to 'Act like they were in love' stung. He did love Nancy, he was in love with her. He didn't have to pretend. "It's bullshit." Was all she had said, before she opened the door and walked out, disappearing into the ever growing crowd, leaving Steve alone in the bathroom.
'Im in my room, it's a typical Tuesday night, I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like. And she'll never know you're story like I do.'
Eddie walked into the bathroom, mainly to just be alone. There were too many people for his liking, not that he'd talk to them anyway. Stopping in the doorway infront of the ever do popular Steve Harrington, eyes red and puffy from crying, his face burning red. "Jesus Harrington, what happened to you? Did your keg record get beaten or something?" He was obviously joking, trying to make him at least feel a little better, maybe crack a smile. Which didn't end up working.
"it's stupid.. and nothing you need to know about so- y'know fuck off" Eddie shrugged and turned on his heel, before turning back around to close the door, Leaning onto the Sink counter. He hadn't ever talked to Steve before, but hey, he looked upset and really drunk. So why not? He could at least try to help "Okay but honestly, did you get to drunk or something? Or did something happen with Wheeler? I mean I saw her run off with- the byers dude" Steve's head whipped up, quickly wiping his eyes and trying to at least look presentable before putting o his sunglasses. "It's just bullshit is all. Nothing you need to worry about.. Munson"
'She wears short skirts, I wear T shirts, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find the one you're looking for has been here the whole time.'
After a few weeks, which then turned into months, Eddie and Steve had become friends. Which was an unlikely pair, but Steve needed a shoulder to lean on, and Eddie.. just needed more friends in general. So they said Hi to each other in the halls, hung out after school, the usual thing to do. Of course Eddie might have been hiding the fact that he had a huge crush on Steve, but it was nothing if not normal, especially since He had just gotten out of a relationship with a GIRL.
But he'd push it aside, Steve could always find someone else, like Tammy Thompson, or Carol whatever her last name is. So he'd push his feelings aside. Steve on the other hand, was oblivious to his feelings Towards Eddie, if he'd be caught staring too long, he'd play it off as anything else. The thoughts of Eddie in the back of head his head; playing on repeat all night.
How soft his hair looked, how pretty his eyes were, how pretty he was in general. All of it was confusing to him. But he wouldn't dare tell anyone about it, with his luck he'd end up at PennHurst with Victor Kreel as his Roommate.
'if you could see I'm the one who understands you, been here all along so why can't you see? You belong with me'
Steve was walking around Hawkins with Eddie, mainly just to talk, and because they had no other plans yet. Trying to think of what to do, it wasn't boring, just quieter than usual, definitely not normal. "Okay so I was talking to Dustin right? He says something about this girl who he likes and is like 'Oh I wanna ask her to the dance!' and I have to give him credit for being that Ballsy to do that."
Eddie nodded, he had heard A LOT, about all the kids Steve hung out with, which really seemed to be his only friends, so he wouldn't say anything about it, plus it wasn't that weird. " I don't understand how you're friends with literally 12 year olds. Not to mention Sassy ones."
Steve rolled his eyes and bumped into Eddie's shoulder as they walked, eventually getting to the park as they sat down for a bit, talking amongst themselves. "it's easier than it looks."
'Walk in the park with you and your worn out jeans, can't help thinking this is how it oughta be, laughing on a park bench thinking to myself, "hey isn't this easy?" '
After a bit of sitting at the park, they had finally decided on a plan; watching The first Star Wars at Eddie's place. Which was mainly Eddie's plan, but Steve had no objections, walking back with him with a grin.
A grin that if Eddie could say himself could probably make anyone swoon, even Himself. "Okay but seriously, how do you deal with 6 teenagers? I couldn't deal with one-" Steve shrugged after a minute, glancing over with a still apparent grin. "gets easier after Trauma bonding, believe me. A lot easier"
'Cause you've got a smile that could light up this town, haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down. you say you're fine I know you better than that. Hey where'd you find a girl like that?'
Once they had gotten back to Eddie's trailer, they had sat down on the couch, rewinding the tape and starting it from the beginning. Eddie wasn't actually paying attention, he had been telling Steve about small behind the scene facts; while Steve listened to them and nodded, offering small commentary.
"So.. what's your opinion on.. y'know the whole Nancy thing?" Steve questioned, filling in the comfortable silence with the question, which hung heavy in the air. Eddie simply shrugged, taking a sip of his drink and looking over. "honestly dude? I think Wheeler is way out of your league, and maybe you should y'know... Not cruise around for more girls?"
'She wears high heels and I wear sneakers, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find the one you've been looking for has been here the whole time.'
Steve nodded, not saying for a quick beat; looking over at him once more, which a small grin. "Yeah I guess you're right. I mean I'm over her- definitely over her. But I think that.. maybe I like someone else, I dunno." Eddie nodded slowly, his usually smile crossing his face, trying to make his voice seem not sarcastic, or hurt as he muttered.
"oh that's great, I'm sure she's wonderful." Steve nodded after a moment, the words not fully sinking in, of course he didn't like a girl, he liked Eddie. He had tried to make it as obvious as possible, giving him extra sweet smiles, initiating physical contact, subtly flirting with him. He didn't know what else to do. So at the end of the night, as usual. He went home. "so I'll see you tomorrow?" Eddie asked hopefully, he had Invited Steve to come watch a show from his band. To which Steve had agreed "Yeah, I'll be there. Don't worry."
Steve had shown up like he said he would, cheering on Eddie and his band The 'Corroded Coffin'. It wasn't his taste in music, but he was glad to do so. He had to leave after though, even with promising to go he couldn't exactly force himself to go see Eddie afterwards, not after what had happened last night. It was several hours after that now, and Steve was in his car.
Parked in front of Eddie's house, just sitting in his car. He knew he had to say something to Eddie, about how he wasn't in love with a girl, but in love with him. How it had terrorized him got months, the thought of it ruining whatever had gone on in the bathroom at that Halloween party. Eventually he got out, knocking on the door, to reveal Eddie, half asleep, his Hellfire shirt messily hanging off one shoulder and his jeans with the chains twisted. "Harrington? What the hell are you doing here this late?" He grumbled before stepping out of the way so he could walk in, watching as he just stood there. "listen— you said something about me liking a girl last night and I wanted to clarify- I don't like a girl. It's just.. it's a dude that I like and I don't want that changing anything between us—" Steve cut himself off to take a breath, looking at Eddie who had an Amused look on his face, nodding slowly and closing the door.
"well hot damn, King Steve isn't so straight after all. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He muttered, acting like he was zipping his lips together and throwing a key. Which made Steve snort, before shaking his head and resting his hands on Eddie's shoulders, so they would technically be close. "no- no not like just some dude, I mean like... you. I like you, Eddie."
' standing by and waiting at your back door. All this time, how could you not know baby? You belong with me.'
Eddie blinked a few times, shaking his head like he was clearing Stupor from it. Then looking at Steve with an Eyebrow raised, his face red. Of course he liked him back, but somewhere in the back of his mind told him Steve was joking, that he was still heartbroken, and Eddie was what he clung onto to get over Nancy.
"No you don't, listen- I'm glad you know what you like- but just because I'm outed as the local queer doesn't mean that you like ME. You can like anyone else, not just me because I helped you through whatever that was a few months ago-" Steve shook his head, quickly; almost too quickly and he removed his hands from Eddie's shoulders, now to cup his face. "no. No I don't think you understand- I like you. Not because you helped me, but because you're you." He mumbled, his face flushed with embarrassment as he looked away, before Eddie nodded once again, for what seemed like the umpteenth time; a hand slowly reaching to behind Steve, resting on the back of his head.
The cool metallic rings that still sat in his fingers, burning into Steve's scalp, igniting a fire in his head, his whole body. After what seemed like hours, their lips were finally pressed together, Eddie's free hand resting onto Steve's hip, trying to pull him closer. Like Steve was his oxygen, and he'd die without him, without kissing him.
'You belong with me. Oh I remember driving to your house in the middle of the night.'
Once Eddie had pulled away, Steve burst into a small fit of laughter, hands still cupping Eddie's face. "So.. we both like each other?" He asked after a minute, and Eddie rolled his eyes half heartedly, shaking his head. "No, no I just go around Kissing guys in my spare time. Obviously you idiot."
'Im the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry.'
Eddie had gotten a call from Steve, which was absolutely heartbreaking, he had come out to his parents. Well really only his dad, since his mother had left the table before he could even finish his sentence; it hadn't gone well from what he had heard. So he had rushed over right away, sneaking in through Steve's window, as usual.
Sitting next to him on the bed, trying to comfort him as best as possible. Steve was absolutely heartbroken, laying there with his arms around his boyfriend, sniffling into his shoulder. "I just.. I dunno I thought they'd be okay with it.." Eddie nodded, rubbing patterns onto his back as he sighed, planting a small kiss onto Steve's forehead"Okay well parents are dicks.. and if you want, you could come stay with me?" He offered, to Which Steve had quickly agreed, at least until everything had died down.
'I know you're favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams. I think I know where you belong.'
Steve had Stayed with Eddie for a bit, and they spent their nights cuddling, watching movies; going on dates, all the things they could. Eddie would tell Steve stupid stories about the hellfire club, and Steve would listen. He had no damn clue what he was talking about, but Eddie looked so excited, so he'd listen. And everything had worked out, Steve had found someone to love, and Eddie.. had found a friend, and a boyfriend in the same person.
'I think I know it's with me. can't you see that I'm the one who understands? Been here along, so why can't you see? You belong with me.'
'Standing by and waiting at your back door all this time, how could you not know baby? You belong with me.'
'You belong with me.'
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