#idk his real name but we'll go with that
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jaal-ama-daravv · 4 months ago
dissecting the mortal emmrich romance path scene
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dissecting the graveyard scene
mortal vs lich romance path
emmrich x rook cinematic (mortal)
lich version dissecting the alternate romance path dissecting the argument scene (lich path) dissecting the romance scene (lich path) emmrich x rook cinematic
welcome back my dears
Emmrich Volkarin - Choosing Mortality/Resurrecting Manfred
gonna start with how MUCH I love rook defending emmrich and therefore instilling confidence in him throughout the game, however it is particualry noticeable in this segment.
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oh yes
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after being knocked on his ass from johanna skeleton construct he is visibly hurt, but this is both physical and emotional pain. I implore you once again to read The Flame Eternal for context behind Emmrich and Johanna.
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emmrich's fear of death and cowardice rearing its head in the face of untold danger, until our beloved manfred makes the ultimate sacrifice, and demonstrates great courage.
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oh baby, thats the stuff. Rook instilling confidence in her necromancer.
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god is real and he is a hot necromancer. look at the confidence surge through him.
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moving on
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The scene cuts to Emmrich and Rook at the Necropolis asking to revive Manfred. Emmrich seeks out the advice from the Lich Lords of the Necropolis who inform that there are ways to return his spirit, at a cost -
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alright here we go. If emmrich chooses manfreds life over accepting his death, he will no longer be able to achieve lichdom as emmrich wouldve have failed to accept death as a natural part of life. in emmrich relinquishing lichdom and choosing to revive manfred instead it delves deep into his character. for emmrich to give up lichdom would mean admitting that some things mean more to him than his fear of death - that choosing to live, that he could choose to be couragous, and face life head on, in spite of inevitable death. emmrich is a known coward, but this - choosing this path, means being resilent, being courageous, overcoming cowardice in the name of love.
it should also be noted that in the lich romance path, during the arguemnt scene, emmrich is not able to accept the inevitable death of rook. THEREFORE -
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im telling you. man goes rogue, full blown, scarlet WITCH, rogue.
back to the mortal side -
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this is actually tragic. if you know both romance paths for emmrich, you know that regardless of which path emmrich follows, he does not accept death when it comes to himself, his love, or manfred. he just cant. this game portrays regret wonderfully, so wonderfully i cry.
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Rook's right, emmrich is much braver than he thinks. he rushes off to help rook FIGHT GODS, facing death every day considering we all know a romanced rook takes him on every mission. emmrich has also mentioned TWICE that rook inspires him, with how they have travelled so much, and how they are indomitable.
dont get me started on how confident he is in act 3. it makes me giggle.
this next line has confused a number of people so let me put my spin on it and break it down -
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Death's abyss - referring to the act of dying, and emmrichs fear of death always recedes - the fear of death dissapears with someone to brave it for - inferring to rook, facing death and being brave is easier with rook in his life
these two are made for eachother. mourn watch rook in particular, the love, desire, and connection OOZES that destiny. and my heart, explodes.
This could also be interpreted as wanting to brave death's abyss for manfred, but from a romanced rook perspective, it makes more sense for it be considered as rook. and im unsure what unromanced looks like yet - so im going with that.
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this line reiterates my point that the above line is referring to rook. facing alot of things would be easier if manfred was back... like idk, rooks death, maybe.
I cant tell you how much love shoots through my body knowing emmrich wants to face death and brave it for rook. which also makes the argment scene more tragic in a way, but we'll get there dear friends.
In choosing this path, Emmrich demonstrates resilence. and whilst he regrets the lose of lichdom, he knows that he has chosen the life he has always dreamed of. a life of love. a life with his eternal flame, rook. a life with their magic flinging skeleton son, manfred. an undying love that transcends. emmrich has yearned for the love he has in his life now, for a very, very long time. talking 45 odd years here. the man is terrfied, and lichdom was a way to avert his fears, but this, he is truly happy, despite his fears.
@askfordoodles reminded me of a banter dialogue that is available between Emmrich and Davrin. They discuss their sons, Assan and Manfred, and Davrin states, "What have we signed up for?", where Emmrich responds, "Love, I think." and yes, that most defintiely includes rook. emmrich, chose love. whilst it is stated that lichdom is his lifes work and dream. coming from someone who also overworks and grinds out work to get through the weight of the day without a thought of vulnerability. I understand him. When a chance of love opens its doors, its scary, a chance to be hurt. this man took that chance, to have the family he never had growing up. and never believed he would achieve. rook gave him back his heart and made him stronger for it. emmrich chose to pursue the life that his parents would've wanted for him. the thought...the dream.. that confirms his romance.
im not crying, you are. holy shit.
keep in mind this is man who grew up poor and alone. he has low self-esteem and never believed he was worthy, let alone would find the type of soul devouring love he craved. that love that you would go to the end of the earth for.
my heart is full.
He calls himself a coward on a frequent basis. but here? what growth. whilst his fear of death may never leave him, it is significantly easier with rook that loves him as deeply as he does. and manfred, a son to pass his knowledge onto.
it then ends with Emmrich stating that in regards to him giving up lichdom for manfred, he would not exchange the life he has now for anything. his now family -
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"The Volkarins"
short-ish post, but the next one will be very long where I'll touch more on Emmrichs personality traits more in the argument scene as this is where his traits really shine through, see you soon ♥
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dollfacefantasy · 2 years ago
Can't Help It
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pairing: dbf!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: your dad's coworker needs a housesitter, but the house isn't the only thing you'll be sitting on (haha pls laugh)
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, masturbation, oral (m receiving), age gap (i imagine early 20s/late 30s), both reader and leon are kinda pervy but not in a skeevy way <3
word count: 5.3k
a/n: hi hi i am back! this was such a pain to write for no reason, but as always, i hope people enjoy. i'm not sure what trope this really falls under, it's probably more accurate to say dcw (dad's coworker), but we'll go with dbf for convenience. i might make a part 2 of this idk. also, i know the header images are really giving graphic design is my passion but... it is what is lol. as before, thank you for all the support on my last fics. if you reblogged or commented, i'm giving you a smooch rn. and just wanna say that i do take requests. if anyone is interested, don't be shy ;) any who, feedback, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! <3
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When your dad’s new coworker asked if you’d be interested in housesitting for some easy money, you couldn’t find a reason to say no. Agent Kennedy, like your father, traveled for work a lot. Often gone for weeks at a time, he needed someone to watch the place and take care of menial tasks like getting the mail and watering the plants. It paid well and all you had to do was basically live in his house.
You had met him several times in passing before he offered you this job, and he was always nice to you. He would say hi when you’d come down for a snack while he talked to your dad in the living room. He’d ask how college was and about the different classes you were taking. One time he even told you about some old band he liked that he thought you would too. And that was all great.
But what was even better was that he was fine as fuck.
You had a fat crush on him from the moment you were introduced. The way his eyes pierced right through you but in the softest way. How his lips curled into a knowing smile while his hand gripped yours in a firm shake. The way he said “pretty name for a pretty girl” when you told him your name. From any other middle-aged man, that would have been so corny and had you internally shriveling up. But from him… you had to fight the urge to get on your knees then and there.
He’d approached you about watching his house, saying something about how there had been some nearby break-ins in empty houses and it would be a good way for you to get some spending money and blah blah blah. You were on board as soon as the opportunity to have more of him in your life presented itself.
Unfortunately, it was the nature of housesitting that you rarely saw your employer. You would see him when you showed up and when he came home and that was it. But those moments were enough to sustain your delusion.
The first time you came over, you walked into the house, glancing around the den of the man who enraptured you. It was pretty basic, but you figured that not being home a lot would be the reason for that. When you were done trying to psychoanalyze him from looking around his house, he gave you your own set of keys with a wink that had you blushing an embarrassing amount.
“Thank you, Mr. Kennedy,” you said softly.
“Call me Leon, Sweetheart,” he replied.
You had to look away to conceal your giddy smile. You didn’t think he noticed the effect he had on you. Or if he did, he didn’t care about your pitiful infatuation. But other times, you could have sworn he did this kind of thing on purpose.
Your first stint in the house went smoothly. You made sure to do everything he asked and even cleaned up the place a little bit. When he returned from wherever his work had taken him that time, he seemed impressed to your delight. He looked around, making small talk with you before writing your check.
“You get up to anything crazy while I was gone?” he said, smirking as he scribbled his signature on the small rectangle.
“Yeah, I was real wild - I brought out your vacuum for probably the first time.”
He laughed, handed you the check, and teasingly purred “good girl.” 
Now, he may have been joking, but your panties nearly soaked through with arousal regardless. You yet again hid your revealing expression as you said a timid goodbye and headed out to your car. You were shifting your thighs together the whole ride home, fantasizing about being a good girl for Agent Kennedy so he would relieve that ache between your legs that clouded your thoughts.
Honestly, all of this made you feel pretty pathetic. Lusting after your father’s coworker, now technically your boss, who was a good fifteen years older than you. Blushing and squirming every time he said something more than ‘hi.’ Weren’t you better than this? But then you’d see those thick biceps and mysterious eyes, and the answer in your mind would be a resounding no.
Because honestly, you weren’t better than this, you were so much worse. After the good girl incident, you decided that if he didn’t want you yet, he would. You would make sure of it. From then on, every time you were housesitting, you wore your most revealing outfits, did your hair all pretty, and even tried special perfume so you’d smell extra nice.
But none of it seemed to work. He kept up his regular teasing and charm, but to your dismay, he hadn’t railed you on that sad leather couch in the living room. You tried to convince yourself that his gazes lingered longer and that his touches were more strategic, but that felt like reach even for you. 
It was so frustrating. What more could you do? You touched his arm while he spoke. You laughed harder at his corny jokes. You even hugged him once or twice when you could justify it. You tried to drop hints every way you could without literally just trying to seduce him, and he did not seem to care. You nearly gave up. You decided that maybe you should just cut your losses and spare yourself the humiliation. Leave yourself with some dignity and resign to just being his housesitter.
You would have done this if not for the fact that he lets you sleep in his bed while he’s gone.
His house was meant for one person. It didn’t have a guest room. He told you on your first gig that you were obviously allowed to sleep in his bed since the alternative was the aforementioned sad leather couch in the living room. He told you to bring whatever you needed to be comfortable - sheets, blankets, pillows - since you’d be there for weeks at a time.
At first, it was too weird. It made you feel dirty, sleeping in his bed while harboring your secret carnal desires. But goddamn, that couch in the living room was uncomfortable. You stuck it out for the first time, but the second time you housesat, you relented and dragged your belongings back to the room you’d forbidden yourself from knowing. 
His bedroom, like the rest of the house, is pretty blank, but there’s a little more personality here. It made you feel like such a stalker, but you couldn’t help making observations, right? You got to see the type of cologne he wore, the few dusty books he kept next to his bed, what kind of stuff he crammed in the nightstand drawers. It sounded creepy, but you just had curiosity, right?
You set yourself up in his queen size bed, draping the plush blanket you brought with you across the mattress. The bed was comfy enough, but the absolute best part, the part that kept your fantasies alive and well, was the way the sheets smelled like him.
You nearly moaned when you took a deep breath, filling your nose with that familiar scent. It gave you such a rush pushing your face into those smooth gray linens. It was so wrong, but you couldn’t help shamefully slipping your fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts to play with your swollen clit. You clutch the sheets in your fists as you writhe on the bed, whining as you fantasize about your special agent.
Leon had gone years leaving his house desolate without an issue. All that nonsense about potential burglaries and spending money for you had been total bullshit. It’s not like there was anything of value in his house anyway. Those excuses served only as a way to get more of you in his life. He thought housesitting was a happy middleground, a tether to you without being obvious about his motivations.
Ever since he saw you for the first time, heading out your front door, offering a timid ‘nice to meet you,’ he had been hooked. You bewitched him with your sweet temperament, that soft laugh when he told you bad jokes, those gorgeous eyes projecting all the emotions in that pretty head of yours. God, you were so fucking cute.
You made him feel like a dirty old man, sick and perverted for coveting his colleague’s daughter. The embarrassment he felt within himself when he’d notice he was staring at your tits or imagining how your soft lips would look wrapped around his cock was immeasurable. Even though the guilt boiled inside him, he couldn’t stop himself. He craved you. He started finding more opportunities to visit your house, hoping he could steal a few moments of your time. That’s when he knew enough was enough.
Having you as his house sitter worked perfectly. He could have his moments with you without feeling too disgusted with himself. Even though he liked to tease every so often, he kept it friendly. He noticed that you, on the other hand, seemed to be doing everything to change that.
He wasn’t a fool. He could see the changes in your appearance. Those skimpy outfits you’d flaunt yourself in drove him crazy. The way you’d playfully roll your eyes and brush his arm had his cock twitching in his pants. It was becoming all the more tempting to spread you out on the dining table and take what he wanted. But he still wrestled with that part of himself that said to not take it too far. That you deserved better.
That was until you started sleeping in his bed.
He had come home after your second gig, given you your check, and sent you on your way quickly because he was exhausted from his mission. He went straight to his room and collapsed on the bed. He could tell the sheets had been freshly washed by the soft feel, but also because you were always going above and beyond to please him. Despite the recent cleaning, he swore to himself he could smell some of your perfume on them.
He looked like a madman, smelling his bed sheets for the faintest hit of that scent. He groaned, picturing you lying here, your beautiful body sprawled out on his bed. He inhaled deeper while conjuring images of your unkempt hair and sleepy eyes. It wasn’t long until his dick sprung to life as he saw images of you with one of his pillows between your legs, whimpering as you drag your dripping cunt back and forth along the fabric. He couldn’t help the need to desperately pump his cock to sinful visions of his precious girl.
This morning it’s about six when Leon unlocks the front door and quietly walks inside. He completed his mission hours before. He was tired, but it had been short, only about a week, and relatively easy. He told you he would be home in the evening, but he’d finished earlier than expected.
He trudges through the house and down the hall to his bedroom, collapsing in bed at the forefront of his mind. It’s not until he reaches the door and hears your deep breathing that it occurs to him that his bed is currently occupied. He gently pushes the door open and walks in, planning on rousing you so you could get your money and be on your way. When he sees you though, that plan vanishes from his mind.
The sight of you nearly melts him into a puddle. He pads closer to the bed, careful not to disturb you. Your shiny hair is draped across the pillow as you lie on your stomach with one leg hiked up. Your arms rest close to your face, their raised position causing your t-shirt to ride up and allowing him to see your waist. The blanket was tangled between your legs, and his eyes are immediately drawn to the junction of your thighs covered only by those thin panties you wore.
Despite your beauty, he controls himself. He pulls the blanket over your lower body and sits beside you to contemplate his next move. He came up with a few different things he could do, but all he wanted right now was to watch you sleep. He felt like such a creep, but you looked heavenly in this state. His ears strained to hear those delicate exhales coming from your parted lips.
He could just go sleep on the couch until you woke up. He could just wake you up and offer to let you stay until you had your bearings. Or he could just let himself enjoy this a little more.
He wanted to wake you though. He wasn’t fully sure of what he was doing, but if there was any part of you that had reservations he wanted to know. It would rip his heart to shreds if he frightened you somehow. He begins rubbing your back in long soothing strokes. He makes small circles with his fingers every so often. You stir a little, but don’t wake.
He continues his ministrations, smiling at your sleeping form. He uses his other hand to brush your hair from your face. He strokes the locks away from your closed eyes before leaning closer to you. He can smell that familiar scent that had driven him to humping the sheets for the last few months.
“Hey Angel, need you to wake up for me,” he coos in your ear, his hot breath fanning across the side of your head.
It slowly registers inside your unconscious mind that you aren’t dreaming. Actual fingers are coasting along your back. An actual voice is coaxing you back to reality.
A low hum emits from your throat as you shift to face the source of your disturbance. Your eyes open, still heavy from sleep, and Leon enters your field of vision. For a second, you wonder if you’re still dreaming.
“There she is,” he whispers, giving you that charming smile. He runs his fingers along your jaw and tilts your chin to turn your face completely in his direction.
You feel your brain malfunctioning as he floods your senses. The morning light coming through the window illuminating him as he looks down at you. The deep timbre of his voice speaking to you. His rough fingertips dragging across the smooth expanse of your cheek.
Soon as your eyes come into focus and your mind clears the fog of sleep a little, you grasp enough of the situation to feel a jolt of panic. It felt like you woke up late for school. You shoot up in bed and look at him with wide, apologetic eyes.
“Oh my God, Leon, I’m so sorry. I thought you wouldn’t be back until tonight. I’ll be ready in a minute. Just-” you ramble. You go to fling the blanket off of you, but remember you didn’t wear shorts to bed. You have to sit there, looking at him as you feel heat creeping to your cheeks.
“Hey, it’s alright,” he cuts you off with a quiet chuckle, gently catching your arm when you sit up, “I finished a little early. You don’t need to rush out the door. I figured you’d still be asleep.”
The look in his eyes soothes you. He has that rugged, worn out look that he gets when he comes back from missions. Your heart rate falls back down to normal levels, but your eyes still cast downwards, a little embarrassed he’d caught you unprepared. His fingers trail up and down your arm, and you shift a little to try and hide the fact that your nipples are hardening beneath the flimsy fabric of your shirt.
“Thank you. I’ll be up in a few though. I know you’re probably tired,” you say, giving him a sheepish smile.
He moves so that he’s further on the bed with you. He lays back on the pillows and looks up at you, rubbing your back how he was before you woke up. 
“Mmmm, I am, but you still don’t need to rush. I’m not gonna complain about a sweet thing like you warming my bed,” he says, that teasing smile spreading across his face and his fingers starting to trace patterns exclusively on the small of your back.
Your eyes flit away as your own smile grows on your face. How were you supposed to be normal about this? You look down at your hands in your lap and mutter a thank you.
“Honey, you really don’t need to be so shy all of the sudden,” he says softly, but there’s a smug lilt to his voice as well. You bite your lip as his hand begins fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
He can’t help the smirk and predator-like glint in his eyes that form at your reaction. This was it. That little smile and refusal to meet his eyes was all he could stand. He was closing in now. The flirtation between you two had gone on long enough. He wanted this, and if you wanted it too, his mind couldn’t find a reason to deny the two of you any longer.
“Sweetheart, if you have something to tell me, you can come out and say it. I don’t bite. Unless you want me to,” he says as he reaches up to pull your hair behind your shoulder and out of your face, “And, lately I’m starting to think that’s what you want.”
You look over to him now, your eyes staring into his. Your limbs feel weak, disbelief coursing through your veins. Your thoughts stampede through your mind, but you eventually force the words from your throat.
“I think I want that too,” you breathe. Your heart seizes at his brows playfully rising. You lay down on the bed, resting on your side so that you and Leon are face to face. Your pulse thunders in your ears while you try to conceal how shaky your breathing is.
He scooches over to you, pushing you on to your back and propping himself on his elbow so he’s positioned above you. He leans down and presses two faint kisses to your cheeks. Pulling back, he looks into your eyes and strokes your cheek again with the same soft and slow movements.
“Think, babydoll? I think you know what you want,” he whispers, dragging his thumb over your bottom lip, “I think you’ve known for a while. Wearing all those cute little outfits, prancing through my house and brushing against me like a kitten. You were just begging for my attention.”
You squirm slightly under the spotlight of his affection. Somehow, you maintain eye contact even though every cell in you feels the urge to look away. Part of your mind wonders if he’s still teasing. If he’s about to pull away and leave you wanting.
Before you could overthink anymore, his head lowers to the crook of your neck. He takes a deep breath of you as he moves himself further on top. 
“Now, you’ve got it, but all you had to do, sweet thing, was ask,” he says as his mouth ghosts over your neck, “That’s all you have to do right now. Just want to hear that you want me as bad as I want you.”
“Yes,” you whimper without a second thought, “Please touch me.”
“That’s my good girl,” he hums as he begins kissing your neck. The kisses are soft. They’re barely there, but they’re overwhelming to you. You can’t help the pathetic sound that leaves your lips as you tilt your head back. The hand that had been touching your face trails down to your waist and begins caressing your side under your shirt.
His tongue gently laps against the skin of your neck between kisses. Your whole body is starting to heat up while simultaneously getting chills. Every inch of you aches for his touch. Your thighs subconsciously spread as your breathing becomes heavier.
Leon lets out a small laugh at your display. “You must really want this Baby. Just a few kisses and rubs and you’re already mine,” he murmurs as his lips move up your neck and down your jaw. He kisses your lips next, giving your bottom lip a little nip.
Another needy sound escapes your mouth. You return the kiss and flick your tongue against his lips. “I do, wanted this since I met you,” you moan, your body writhing for more.
“Naughty girl,” he teases against your lips, “That’s okay though, Angel. I’m the same way. Wanted a handful of these pretty tits since I saw you.” His hand moves up and kneads your breast. His fingers massage the flesh before centering and pinching your nipple. 
You whine and arch into his touch. Your eyes flutter as your face contorts with desire. He slides over you, straddling your waist. He stares down at you and takes in what was finally in his grasp. He coos for you to sit up a little while he pulls your shirt off of you. You comply and then flop back against the pillows. Now exposed from the waist up, his eyes feel even more intense. He’s locked on to the view of your tits.
“Oh, Sweetheart,” he mutters, “Even better than I imagined.” His hands cup the sides of your breasts, groping them a bit. You can now see his cock beginning to strain against his jeans. Your mouth waters at the sight, but it’s gone when he leans down to take a nipple into his mouth.
His tongue circles the peak before lapping against it, drawing more whines from you. Your body arches into his touch while his hands never let up their fondling. You take your lip between your teeth again. He moves to give the other nipple the same treatment, leaving the other one cold as the air touches the saliva-coated skin.
He plays with your breasts for a while more before drifting down your abdomen, lavishing your stomach with kisses. He squeezes your waist as he playfully tugs the hem of your panties with his teeth. He looks up at you deviously. “Your nipples were so hard, I bet your pussy’s fucking soaked for me.”
All you can do is nod, any verbal response tangled up in your esophagus. He leans back on his knees and swiftly pulls the garment off. His pupils seem blown out as he gets a look at your cunt. He pushes your thighs to your stomach, spreading you out for his gaze. You felt so exposed, at his mercy as he held you there and just looked at you. Your arms reach down and pull at the hem of his shirt.
“Wanna see you too,” you whimper with pleading eyes.
“Yeah?” he says with a soft smile. He leans back and pulls his shirt off. It takes everything in you to hold back a gasp. “Been fantasizing about me, have you?”
Your eyes rake along his chiseled abdomen, drinking in every line and shadow of his muscular frame. You reach out and pull him back on top of you. His grin grows, and he indulges you. You connect your mouths again, this time sliding your tongue inside his. He groans at your sudden eagerness. He runs his hand through your hair while you feel up his back, exploring the definition there.
You give him a little push, signaling that you want to roll over. His body flips over and takes you with him so that you’re positioned how you wanted. You make out for a minute more until you pull back, looking at him with your lustful eyes and swollen lips.
“Wanna suck your cock,” you say simply, sliding down his body so that you’re lying between his legs. You nuzzle against the bulge in his pants before unzipping them and tugging them down.
His eyes follow your every movement. He pets your head as you rub your face against the outline of his dick. He tilts his head back and lets out a sigh. 
“That’s a good girl, just gotta give you some love and then you loosen up, don’t you?” he coos.
“Mhm,” you hum. You kiss his solid length over the cloth of his boxers. Then, finally, what you had been waiting for since meeting Leon. You loop your fingers over the waistband of his underwear and pull them down, unveiling his beautiful cock.
You wrap your fingers around it, just an exploratory touch. You feel the veins in your hold and the heat radiating from his shaft. You slowly bring your head to the tip to give him some tiny licks. Your eyes dart to his face, looking for approval.
Leon’s chest ached from the way you were looking at him like he was a god. When your tongue sticks out and your eyes return his stare, he nods at you and keeps stroking your hair. Your lips soon wrap around the tip, and you bob your head a little. He groans and his hips twitch.
“That’s a good girl, baby. Good fucking girl,” he moans as your head slides further down his member. His fingers lace through your hair, pulling a little.
The praise only makes you more enthusiastic. You move up and down with more speed, making lewd slurping noises as you work. His hand on your head and his sounds of pleasure has heat collecting in your belly, leaking out of your dripping pussy.
His head rests against the head board as he watches you with half-open eyes. His eyes squeeze shut and his body tenses as you push your head all the way down, taking him into your throat. Spit trickles from your mouth and drips on to his pelvis.
“Fuck, Sweetheart,” he whimpers, tugging on your hair a little. You taste his pre cum leaking on your tongue. A gagging noise comes from you and his hips twitch harder. He barely restrains himself from bucking up and lodging himself deeper in your throat. You moan around his cock, driving him even crazier. He feels the rush of an orgasm approaching and tugs your hair with more firmness, guiding your head up and off his lap. You whine softly as you lose the taste of him.
“Sorry, pretty girl, don’t wanna cum just yet,” he says.
You crawl back up his body, so you’re in his arms again. You kiss his cheeks and the corners of his mouth as he rolls the two of you over so he’s on top again. He connects your lips in a deep kiss, tasting himself on you as he drags the tip of his cock through your slippery folds.
He doesn’t tease for long though. Soon enough, he’s pushing himself into your tight cunt. You both let out a symphony of sinful noises. Leon watches as your face contorts with pleasure as he stretches you out. You both felt a budding sense of satisfaction after finally receiving what you craved for the last several months.
He bottoms out inside of you. His head falls forward against your neck. He pants as he holds himself together and lets you adjust, keeping an iron grip on your hips. Your fluttering around him as you accommodate his girth. Your nails lightly dig into his back while you cling to him.
He begins thrusting with slow and deep strokes. You moan out his name a few times with a variety of expletives. He keeps his face buried in your neck, grunting as he feels the velvety sensation of your walls around his length. His motions become more fluid as he finds a rhythm with you.
“That’s right Angel, better than your dreams?” he murmurs against your neck.
“Yes, fuck, yes,” you whimper, “So much better. Think your cock was made for me.”
“That so, Baby? I’m made to fill up a precious girl like you? Keep you happy and full of cum,” he growls into your neck, his thrusts gaining intensity.
You nod thoughtlessly as he continues battering your insides, gliding over your sweet spot repeatedly.Your arms wrap tighter around him as you feel yourself getting dragged closer and closer to the edge. Your noises become more strained as Leon lays sloppy kisses on the side of your head.
He hooks his arms underneath your knees and brings your thighs up to your abdomen again. His arm loops around and thumbs your clit as he slams himself in and out. Your back arches and you squirm from the rush of white hot pleasure. You’re right there, not able to hold on for much longer.
“I’m gonna have you so full of my cum today, it’s gonna be dripping out of you still the next time you’re here,” he grunts into your ear, “Make sure your pussy remembers me till I can fill her again.”
His vulgar words rip a high pitched moan from your throat and cause your eyes to roll back. “Fuck, Leon, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper.
“Go ahead, sweet girl. Squeeze me nice and tight,” he moans, his own voice getting strained.
You do as he says. The orgasm overtakes you. You release a strangled cry as your body rhythmically rolls into the feeling. Your pussy clamps around Leon tight, sucking him deep and keeping the attention on that blissful spot. The thrill of satisfaction rushing through your mind only works you further. Your eyes flutter and your lips part as you completely let go.
As he watches you cum, he notes that it might be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. The sight of your gorgeous body writhing and trembling because of him. The primal sounds of your moans and cries. It’s too much for him. He growls and grunts into your neck, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He snaps even harder into you and floods you with his sticky, hot cum.
You both ride the waves of euphoria together until you both start coming down. He basically collapses on you as he catches his breath and you wipe the sweat from your brow. After a minute, he pushes himself off of you and flat on to the bed next to you. He gazes at the ceiling as his chest continues to rise and fall with the need for more oxygen.
You sit up slowly, realizing he probably wants you gone now. Like he said, you feel his cum leaking out of you as you move to grab your panties from the corner of his bed. This is how you expected it to be, but it still hurt a little. Nothing you couldn’t handle though. Your pulling them back on when your snapped out of your thoughts by Leon’s arm around your waist, dragging you to him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks teasingly, spooning you and softly kissing beneath your ear, “You got what you wanted and now you’re running out?”
“Oh, uhhh… I thought you’d want me to leave,” you say quietly.
He guides your face so you’re looking at him. His eyes are still soft but more serious. “You think I would just fuck you and then throw you out on your ass? You’ve been sleeping in my bed for months, but you don’t know me as well as you think,” he says and kisses your nose, “You don’t have anywhere to be today, yeah? You thought you’d be here till later anyway.”
You nod in agreement, your eyes casting down with some embarrassment over your assumption.
“Hey, don’t get all shy on me now. There’s no reason for it,” he teases, “We have all day for me to show you how I want to take care of you. Just give me a moment, I’m not as young as I use to be.”
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bloodstainedsapphic · 4 months ago
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guitar teacher!ellie x smartass!reader thank you for all the meet-cute requests @thatdammchickennugget -- they are my absolute favorite and this one is a classic. i plopped a lot of my real life into this lmao. i kinda wanna do a spicy part 2 here. idk. we'll see!
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you wait with bated breath inside the cramped, soundproof lesson room at your local music store, where you signed up on a whim to learn the guitar. it’s an impulse decision, really—all but doomed to be just another tick off the ever-expanding list of random cool skills you’ve tried. at the very least, you hope maybe you can whip this one out to “impress the ladies.” maybe even serenade them with some songs and actually sound good doing it—lord knows many have endured the clunky chords of a red hot chili peppers song from some mediocre man already.
you clutch your new guitar semi-awkwardly, plucking the strings and lightly tapping the cool basswood. you can tell that the tune is off, but damn if you know how to fix it. you wonder if you’ll abandon it after the first 40 minutes, just like most other hobbies you’ve sampled.
in your hasty decision-making, you hadn’t even requested a specific teacher. you’d only ever seen middle-aged men employed here, which is fine. you trust their experience, picturing some warm-hearted old rocker coming in and showing off his tried-and-true tricks. what you don’t expect, then, is when the door opens and a girl your age enters the room, extending her hand to shake yours.
“hi, my name is ellie. you’re the one here to learn guitar, right?”
you shake her hand, eyes glancing over her form, trying not to seem like a dumbfounded creep. jeez, she’s cute. she has reddish-brown hair in a choppy bob, freckled cheeks, green eyes, and a dorky smile. she’s adorned in a faded blue jacket rolled up to her elbows, revealing arm tattoos, and a ragged t-shirt with a band you’ve never heard of. and this is the cutie who will watch you fiddle with out-of-tune strings and act like a complete dumbass? you half hope the ground will swallow you whole.
“yeah,” you manage to reply once you remember how to speak. “that’s me. word of warning: i really don’t know what i’m doing, so i’m, like, a total beginner.”
ellie chuckles reassuringly, likely having heard that tired statement a million times over. she gently picks the guitar up from your lap, inspecting its quality. of course, in her hands, the instrument looks like it was made to be held by her. “hey, that’s fine. everyone starts somewhere, right?” she gets to tuning the strings as naturally as breathing.
“so, what’s got you interested in learning?” ellie suddenly asks, just to fill the dense silence of the room. your mouth runs dry, struggling with a response that doesn’t sound as idiotic as “i’m an obnoxious flirt.” she catches onto your fumbling, adding, “what? wanting to look like a badass guitar god, hm?”
“calling yourself a badass, then?” the tongue-in-cheek question escapes before you can rein it in. ellie pauses her tuning to look up at you, and your heart drops to your stomach. she’s going to kick you out, you reckon.
“i mean… you are staring at me with your mouth open. must be in awe of my guitarist badassery or something. i don’t mind,” ellie replies with a knowing, smug smile, then returns to helping your sorry ass tune up your guitar.
yep, you definitely need that hole in the ground right now.
after that rocky introduction, the lesson takes on a more professional atmosphere, with ellie explaining the basics. she teaches you about the body of the instrument, the strings, and some basic history—you name it, and she knows it. it’s clear that ellie is enthusiastic about the guitar, her interest rubbing off on you, which does not help your case with how cute you already find her.
you try your best to be a good student, which isn’t the energy you typically bring to all your other short-lived courses. there is something special about ellie’s passion—how her lips move as she speaks about it, how her eyes light up, her fingers curling against the strings while demonstrating songs—it compels your attention. you listen respectfully to the multitude of rambles she embarks on and cuts short whenever ellie realizes she has led you too astray from the basics.
at approximately the 38th minute of the 40-minute lesson, you realize that you haven’t attempted to actually play the damn thing. ellie must have come to the same realization, flashing a tilted smile, hoping you aren’t too annoyed that this instructional course devolved into a ted talk, a worry she couldn’t possibly be more wrong about.
ellie assists your clumsy self in positioning the guitar onto your lap, showing you how to hold it correctly. the closeness has your heart racing, and every touch sends shivers through you—you hope the internal gay panic doesn’t translate outwardly. ellie takes her time helping you press your fingers onto the correct strings and frets to play a simple “c chord.” her fingers guiding yours with such precision causes your thoughts to veer into thousands of inappropriate possibilities. the pose feels a tad contorted, your fingers placed in a way totally foreign to you, but her reassurance builds your confidence to try. she crouches before you, making final adjustments before her greens glance back up to you expectantly, waiting for you to try.
you strum the one chord—a passable sound that resonates throughout the guitar. it gets the job done but, of course, lacks the flow that ellie could have had. but ellie is proud, her genuine smile and silly applause flustering you.
you find yourself feeling more accomplished in this single instance than in the last three skills you’ve tried combined.
“good start, guitar god. i’ll show you another one—if you think you’ll stick to a second lesson,” ellie then suggests, an endearing smile on her face as she watches you absent-mindedly fiddle with the individual strings a bit more. an effective bargaining tactic for sure.
“yep, no problem.” easiest commitment you’ve ever made.
"hell yeah," ellie rejoices, reaching out one last time to high-five you. she looks delighted. just happy to have a new, consistent student, of course--that has to be it.
you sign up for another lesson after—and maybe another. and another.
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esvcort · 1 year ago
collide - gojo satoru.
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cw: nsfw, 18+ content, gojo x fem!reader, clit rubbing for like 2 seconds, penetration, belly press, gojo has a little bit of a breeding kink, the way he was breathing so heavily in the latest ep AUGHHH, kinda implied coworker!reader idk
author's note: YES I'M AWARE OF WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE MANGA. i just don't care. anyway i had to get this out of my system omfg i've been thinking about this even while i was in class (i don't recommend it), about the reader being his coworker is something i kinda want to write about on maybe a real full fic idk we'll see, i did not beta read this!! just raw dog it like gojo did you ;)))
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gojo breathing heavily while doing slow thrusts into you, savoring the way your messy pussy clamps on his cock. it's so wet and sticky between your thighs but that doesn't matter when all you can think about is how the throbbing head of his fat cock gets caught inside your warm walls with every roll of his hips. his large hands are on the back of thighs, until your legs are spread wide open for him and - god it's so hot - he can't help but fuck your gorgeous pussy a little quicker. he's enjoying the small noises that keeps bubbling out of your mouth, the way you can't control it, that it's because of him, that you're feeling so good. you could feel his bright blue eyes watching, staring down where you were connected. how your cunt just swallows his dick whole and how a ring of white liquid was forming at the base of his cock. his eyes roll to the back of his head at the sight. suddenly, his thumb catches on your swollen clit, giving it a quick rub that has your toes curling. but the warmth of his hand moves upward and rests just below your bellybutton. and he presses, fucking presses and presses, the action making your back arch as a choked sound got stuck in your throat. he smiles when he feels himself going in and out of you, and your pussy walls tightening around his cock.
"g-gojo-san! don't- ah! ugh- hah- press!"
your hands try to hold on to his wrist to remove it, but it goes back flying to grip the sheets when gojo hits a deep thrust all while still pressing on your abdomen.
"c'mon, sweets. y'know my name."
he mutters beside your ear, leaning all of his weight down on you, and the added pressure on your abdomen creates a tingling heat inside where he's hitting your walls over and over.
"sa-! ah! -toru! g-gonna- hng- mhm-! cum! please!"
he groans, feeling your pussy squeeze his dick like a vice. he delivers another hard thrust and your legs shake, his free hand soothingly rubs your thighs as his thrusts become shallow.
"yeah, 'm gonna cum too, baby. cum on my cock. take all of my cum in that tight pussy."
you can feel him releasing warm spurts of liquid, filling you up until it's dripping back on his dick. he sluggishly fucks it back into your womb, relishing in the way that your tummy looked so full.
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likes and reblogs are much appreciated!!
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starberry-cupcake · 3 months ago
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SHORT STORY + BONUSES (read it like when gollum says bagginses) INTERMISSION!!! Today we'll take some time to dive into the Harrow bonuses and a couple of short stories, one of which I should have read before, but such is life.
previously, in the tlt universe:
I finished harrowcita del 9
Bonus 1: BoE google doc for the soldiers
differently from the other recaps, I did these while I was reading them, not when I finished reading a whole chapter/story
so maybe the thoughts are more rambly than usual
sorry about that
ANYWAY I have to give it to the BoE folks, they've got a lot to deal with over here
they're like the audience, coming into this blind
and have to try to understand how necromancers operate on the fly
'bullet to the head but don't be too confident on that' seems to be the most useful tidbit
it's like a resident evil gameplay
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BoE is in resident evil, gideon is in survivor and harrow is in a gothic pulp novel
the advice for engaging lyctors is "avoid them at all costs"
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I keep spelling it BoA instead of BoE because of her
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blood of adam? blood of awake me up when september ends? idk
Pronounciation guide (aka I do what I want, but apparently pronounce nonagesimus like the author)
dr reverend emperor john chose the name gaius for himself, it wasn't his real name
gaius sounds like gallo, the spanish name for gallus gallus domesticus, which in english would translate to cock and alludes to the fact that he is a dick
agustine is pronounced like in english and not like in spanish (agustín), I have been pronouncing that one right but I could have called him agustín all this time
cassiopeia was a queen but we already knew that
sixth house, ceramics, cooking, checks every one of my boxes
"CRIS-ta-bell. Rather than “crees”."
what is the difference oh my god is there a difference there
pyrrah is achilles's drag name, which is cool
valancy and cyrus were like this
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I'm still gonna call the mithraeum mithrandir whatnot the emperor's bolthole, it's in the sacred text
the nonniad is in dactylic enneameter, which is a ninth version of greek epics (which are hexameters) and it's making me send my ancient greek professor from uni good vibes wherever he is
we know more about the beasts now, or have more ordered info, the gist of it is this
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so the RBs are only the nine OGs from the nine planets of dominicus that the emperor fucked up
those are the ones that can go from the river to the physical world and viceversa
the other minor beasts can only exist in the river
I still think this is all the emperor's and the lyctors's fault for starting this nonsense and killing planets for power and whatnot
so yeah, Consequences of your Actions, johnny boy
the heralds, as we had established, are kind of like borg, responding to the RBs
necromancers kinda go mad at all this as if they were looking at cthulhu
I wanted to google what the two first verses of wake's name were but the first results that pop up are tlt sources and I'm not looking into that, in case of spoilers
I've already come this far without massive spoilers, I'm not gonna risk that now
what quotes would you like to have as a name if you were one of these folks?
If I could choose three, I'd probably pick: Yo tengo el corazón como la espuma / das Leben Sie nicht vergessen hat, daß es Sie in der Hand hält / Quieto en la tierra y sentir que mis pies tienen raíz
probably un monceau d’idées et un monceau de douleurs would be another contender considered
idk how that'd be shortened though, maybe espie because espuma
house quiz was book 1, boe name assignment is book 2
The Mysterious Study of Doctor [tumblr keeps blocking my post and I'm gonna try to avoid this word to see if this is it]
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from the blurb I can tell that:
1) all this time I thought Dr S was like a funny nickname someone had given palmolive for being correspondence-horny lmao
2) is this the magnus institute???
3) "Enter Palamedes Sextus and Camilla Hect, age thirteen" we're gonna look at some baby picturessss
"Every thirteen-year-old necromancer in the Sixth House is gifted."
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"I was born with four kids in my generation eligible to produce children with me. Palamedes had two"
maybe that's why he went for a correspondence gf
camilla describing that's she's the best and me just going
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this thing of 'being attractive' as a category would get me demoted at the sixth, though
but working in data, I can do that
I am really liking archivist zeta
there's something that was sealed for a lot of years and now is unsealed and that's very exciting!!!!
lost media!!!!
so many stairs would be a problem for me, but there's lost media at the end of the tunnel
archivist zeta: don't touch anything
palmolive: including the bone hands?
archivist zeta: the what now
apparently the hands are younger than the time the room has been sealed
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with the forms being color-coded, I'm starting to think this is less magnus institute and more office of incident assessment and response 
them making references to other houses remind me that other houses socialized, seeing everything from the ninth made me feel like everyone was isolated all the time lol
add to my list of sixth house love the fact that we have murder mysteries now too
gotta love the sixth house
kinda ominous the hand bones now that we know what we know, of camilla carrying palmolive as a tamagotchi in a bone hand after harrow changed the skull
palmolive and camilla age 13 are a whole other book I would have devoured at age 13 myself btw
giving me his dark materials vibes
there was a skeleton in the air vents above the hands
camilla says she's gonna start taking measuring tape with her alongside everything else and I also can relate to going places with 25 million things, just in case
palmolive steals pens, apparently
I've used this meme for palmolive before but it still fits
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the skeleton was possessed by the dr himself, he got kinda stuck on his way there after the fifth person tried to call him and got his hands into his study through skeleton shenaningans
palmolive needs to touch something in order to prove the "why" and everyone votes in favor, because he's on a roll
the cool wooden orb that was in the desk was a cool wooden puzzle, like the Karakuri Creation Group ones
man, I love those
the dr solving a puzzle after his death and coming back to prove it is me with some niche puzzles I used to have a sideblog for
don't ask me
there was paper inside and everyone got outside super fast and started congratulating each other (hello????? you did nothing????) and shaking camilla's and palmolive's hands
they don't wanna give palmolive multiple points for solving a several hundread years old mystery, which isn't fair tbh
"Don’t expire in a fit of hubris." oofffffffff
the paper had letters, which palmolive thinks are love letters
with his years of experience on pining letters
the one at the ends says "Tomorrow you will become a Lyctor and finally go where I can’t follow"
is this about cassie??? aka cassiopeia????
loved the camilla and palmolive murder mystery dinner
As Yet Unsent
this is judith's diary and this is how I imagine she looked while writing it and judging people
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judith assisted the BoE with her own healing but it's kinda tough when you're also handcuffed and with your eyes covered and whatnot
judith is still in the emperor's side
I don't blame her, she hasn't met the man
yandere twin has met him and still saved him so, I can't judge judith too much
there's a corpse that isn't rotting
promising stuff
there's a commander called We Suffer
they're wearing masks and camilla is being "converted" to their cause
and she didn't even meet the man, but apparently BoE had contact with the sixth house at some point in the past
cassie?????? is this you??????? who knows
sixth house though, earning more points
also, camilla says that palmolive would want to find out what they know and, you know what, fair
I would too
camilla is also good at chess, because she's good at everything
they're playing ceiling chess like in queen's gambit
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judith thinks about martita, who will soon do some awesome things next to mati nonnius
judith is also marinating the fact that everyone was fooled by the twinsies and the fact that regina george twin has no necromancy
she also complains about her being too emotional and prone to trust people
every point regina george twin makes about BoE sounds pretty solid to me tbh
the more I see, the more I think the emperor is a dick, like his name implies
judith argues with regina george twin a lot but also notices that her ears go pink when she's impassioned so...why are you noticing that judith????
how did you notice that???? *smirks knowingly*
judith has to deal with the limitations of medical care when you don't have a bunch of people who do body magic stuff
so she's dealing with recovery in a slow way and with machines plugged to her
it's hard for her because she was from the house where necros are also very able to do physical stuff
camilla is giving her strongly worded positive reinforcement
regina george twin and judith have a lot of moments that go from flirty to fighting
I can't keep using smirk reactions images so (¬‿¬)
regina george twin is also being trained to be rambo barbie and I think that suits her
"In a different time I would have found ways to apologise to Palamedes Sextus, whom I at the very least critically misjudged"
palmolive always getting the indirect compliments my goodness
he's so popular
"The princess has by turns tried to charm Camilla, play with Camilla, flirt with Camilla, and cajole Camilla. Camilla is currently unmoved"
nobody's good enough for her, regina george twin, move along
regina george twin is also being kinda aphobic towards judith's response on her being uninterested to romance camilla
I don't think judith is aro at all but that doesn't mean we have to be assholes about it, regina george twin, thank you
judith and regina george twin think BoE is wrong about necros having orgies and I'm here like
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so, apparently, judith propositioned martita because she was pretty much obsessed with her
and martita said no
and she thinks camilla is holding onto tamgagotchi palmolive out of some sense of not wanting to let go of him
unaware of the fact that he's in his river loft waiting for his bones to be womanhandled by harrowcita
also, the BoE has an old ship that judith wasn't helpful with, so they don't really have much patience with her
regina george twin and judith keep flirting in that intense tlt way
I'm starting to think regina george twin has a big crush on judith and I'm here for the dynamics of that
"It said, Ugh! Then it said, Eugh!" is this mercygirl??? it sounds like mercygirl to me
and fixing someone's insides as if they were cleaning a sewing machine also sounds very mercygirl
mercygirl is also curious about this body that doesn't rot and I wanna know what it is because I want so bad for it to be gideon-related but I can't let myself hope
also, she gave them the coordinates to find harrow in the cool planet
"And Camilla said, The Warden and I know they can die like anyone else" 👀
"The corpse of the Ninth House cavalier is as pristine as when Camilla Hect convinced them to take it on board"
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regina george twin proposes necro-cav marriage to judith and judith says no because no relationship here can be straightforward
"Why would I ever knowingly take Coronabeth Tridentarius’s, having desired her already for twelve long, stupid, fruitless years?!"
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AND THAT'S IT!!!! FINALLY!!! This took me a lot longer than I wanted it too but I enjoyed the stories ♥ See you in the next one!!
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asuyaka · 1 year ago
Eyyy it's been a while since I've requested anything, and since I'm back to my JJK brain rot how about a good old request for my favorite dead divorced gay couple?(how are we copin', manga readers?)
So idk if you've ever seen or heard of the "Missing Halloween" animation on YouTube, BUT--
What if satosugu found out that Reader(who they were very close with) was actually the spirit of an past special grade student that died in a mission by the hands of curse users (maybe they raided the school or something, idk it's like- 1AM in here my brain will not remember all the shit that happens in the JJK lore to make a coherent plot point) and now just roams around near the school, and that explains why everyone just seemingly ignored Reader's presence completely and gave the three weird looks whenever they hung out together. Also I like to think that these two idiots found out about reader's situation after fooling around during detention and accidentally tripping on some dusty old boxes that had some old stuff in it, finding one of those group school year pics from when Yaba was the boys' age and Reader was also in the pic from when they were still alive.
In much simpler words, Satosugu x ghost!reader that they didn't knew was a ghost until they found a picture of Reader's academic years.
-🌈, Anon.
★ - JJK brainrot 's so real f' me too !! (Satosugu once 'm get m grubby lil hands on you... >:(( )
☆ - Satosugu x Ghost! Reader !!
♡ - 's nice ta see you again, 🌈 nony !! ヾ(^▽^*))) hope you're doin' well <33 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ | 'm have seen Missing Halloween! made me s'sad (◞‸◟;) but s sooo bittersweet! m nota huuugee animation fan, but Missing Halloween 's one of m favs! (๑≧▽≦)
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Being a ghost is interesting, to put it simply.
You get to see things you never got the chance to when you were alive, like the top of Mount Fuji and the vast streets of Shibuya. Sure, you missed what it was like to eat your favorite food or speak to people, but it's the price you have to pay for your naivety.
You thought you'd be alone, wandering the hallways of Jujutsu High forever until they came.
Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru.
The strongest sorcerers in the modern era.
Shock is an emotion you haven't felt since your death, but you feel it again when you notice that those two can not only see but touch you.
It's an odd feeling. Having someone touch your skin after years (it's only been two) of being dead. Weird, but nice.
"Suguru, back me up here!" Satoru whines, holding his friend by his shoulders and shaking him back and forth.
You and Satoru were arguing about which ice cream flavor was the best. Granted, you haven't had ice cream —or any food for that matter— in a long time, but there was no way you would let Satoru get away with saying Birthday Cake.
"This is your argument, and I like Vanilla." Suguru shrugs and the betrayed look on Satoru's face causes you to giggle.
Satoru turns to face you, chest out and voice boisterous. "Well, [Name], since we can't agree, I guess that means we'll have to go to an ice cream store to find out!
Suguru's face turns blank. "Where in that argument did going to an ice cream place happen?"
"Right now, duh." You huff, rolling your eyes dramatically.
"No, guys, I don't have money, and I'm not taking you dumbasses to an ice cream place at this hour." Suguru's voice is stern; like there's no room for back-and-forth bickering.
You three were now at a small ice cream shop a few minutes away from Jujutsu High.
You tried not to talk to Suguru and Satoru much, so to bystanders it wouldn't look like they were talking to literal air, but they didn't get the hint and kept talking to you anyway.
Sometimes you wonder if they even know you're a ghost.
The way Satoru uses you as a headrest (you're putting spiders in his bed tonight) and how Suguru tends to maintain eye contact when he talks to you (earning a couple of odd stares from some in the store), you’re 99.9% sure they think you’re a real person.
Which you are, obviously, but you’re only technically real to them. Why that is, you aren’t exactly sure yourself.
Before you three get to the counter, you make up a fake excuse of having to use the bathroom. You tell them the flavor you want, make sure Satoru doesn’t do anything weird, and order the flavor with the most sugar (you aren’t 100% sure if you can even eat but it’s worth trying) before you excuse yourself. 
You make your way to the roof, sitting on the edge and looking out into the city. It’s calming. 
You’ve always enjoyed how relaxing it was to be able to see people going about their lives, the soft breeze sounding through your ears accompanied by the smell of ice cream and bread from nearby stores.
It’s nice. 
From the corner of your eye, you spot Suguru and Satoru sitting at an outside table. They were talking amongst each other as they presumably waited for you, an empty spot only held by a cup of ice cream filled with your favorite flavor.
You drop down at the back of the store, brushing the dust off your body and making your way to where Suguru and Satoru are sitting.
“Jeez! Took you long enough.” Satoru rolls his eyes and immediately starts eating his ice cream. 
Suguru rolls his eyes. His posture is the same as always, a man spread and his arms crossed only breaking whenever he needs to eat his ice cream as well. 
Huffing, you kick Satoru underneath the table. Blowing a raspberry before taking a bite of the ice cream.
Good news, you can eat.
Bad news, you don’t taste a single thing.
Well… they don’t need to know that. They’re having fun, your inability to taste shouldn’t spoil that for them.
“Satoru, Yaga’s going to kill us if he finds us, you know?” Suguru huffs, keeping watch as Satoru looks through the yearbook of past students in Jujutsu High.
“Oh, hush!” Satoru kicks him in the knee, gasping when he finds a book tucked away behind several (thankfully sleeping) cursed corpses.
Satoru grins. “Found one.”
Suguru takes one final glance at the hallway before turning to see what Satoru dragged him here for in the dead of night (or early in the morning depending on the way you look at it).
They flip through the yearbook, snickering when they see what Yaga looked like two years ago. His buzz is shorter — if that’s even possible — but he still has his stone-cold resting face.
They make it to the back of the book, where there’s a special section dedicated to students who died before the year is over.
Really, Satoru was looking for what [Name] looked like when he was younger. He’s suspected you were older than the two of them since he never sees you during school.
“Satoru… is– is that…?” Suguru’s voice is weary as his finger points at a photo of some dude he recognizes.
A boy he recognizes.
It’s your picture, you look the same as you do now. “What’s he doing here? We see him all the time– right Suguru?” 
Suguru pales. “Is that why Shoko calls us crazy? [Name] isn’t alive—”
“Yes, he is!” Satoru almost yells. The book drops from his hands with a thump! small colors of blue peeking out from the bottom of his sunglasses.
“We can touch him, we can see him!” Satoru stomps his foot. “How is that possible if he’s dead, huh?!”
“He might be a cursed sp—”
“Then the curse alarm would’ve sounded!” Satoru’s voice sounds like it’s tethering over an edge. He’s confused– he’s known [Name] for as long as his first year, you, him, and Suguru are inseparable so why can Suguru accept the fact that you’re (supposedly) dead?!
“Let’s ask him then, is that okay?” Suguru puts his hand directly on Satoru’s shoulder, moving his thumb slightly for comfort. 
The albino takes a deep breath to calm himself. He shouldn’t be mad at Suguru, he loves Suguru.
So, he does what Suguru says. He lets Suguru lead the way to where they found you the first time. Close to the artifact warehouse but closer to the forest that surrounds Jujutsu High.
You’re there. Sitting on the grass as you stare longingly at a bird.
The sound of rocks crunching under their feet must give them away because in a second you lock eyes with Suguru, a soft smile on your face.
“Suguru!” Your voice is warm– comforting even. “What are you guys doing here? Aren’t you guys breaking curfew?”
“Are you dead?”
Satoru’s blunt question causes your body to freeze. He sounds angry. Maybe it’s because you didn’t tell them that you were a ghost, and they somehow found out themselves.
You weren’t all that popular when you were alive. You were an adequate sorcerer with mediocre abilities. Nothing that puts you out there– not like the two in front of you anyway.
“Y-Yeah?” You avert your eyes sheepishly. “I mean, I died a few years ago so—”
“Why didn’t you tell us anything?” Satoru cuts you off, the hand still holding Suguru’s tightens slightly.
Why didn’t you tell them? Because they’d stop hanging out with you? Were you scared you’d lose the only people who know you’re still technically here?
Because you’re bound to this school and have only ever left because your attachment somehow shifted to Satoru and Suguru.
Ah, that’s why.
You were scared to be left alone. That’s why every time you could, you’d rush over to where they were. Engage in conversation with them, and do mildly illegal things with them because they make you feel wanted.
“I guess… I was scared you two would stop hanging out with me..?” You let out a laugh even though nothing is funny. “You two are the only people who know I still exist, so I thought if you figured out I was a ghost…”
“— that we’d stop talking to you altogether?” Suguru finishes for you and you can’t help but nod.
“That’s stupid! We fight curses, why do you think being a ghost is going to stop anything?!” Satoru grabs you by the shoulder. You’re sure his grip hurts, but you can’t exactly feel pain anymore.
“Yeah, I know…” Your hand touches Satoru’s forearm. “Now that you know… it doesn’t change anything between us… right?”
The longer the silence stretches the more anxiety swallows you whole. If they stop talking to you or start avoiding you, you aren’t sure what you’ll be bound to.
Maybe that spot by the artifact warehouse. You’ll be forced to stay there– alone, with no one to talk to, no one to make you feel alive.
“Of course, not.” Suguru’s voice is warm, it makes something well up in your eyes.
“Sure, it might be weird since sorcerers can’t see you, but you’re our friend. You just have to promise not to keep life-altering secrets from us. Right, Satoru?”
Satoru huffs, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. “You owe me, stupid ghost boy!”
A smile stretches across your face and you’re unaware of the warmth rolling down your cheeks. “I’m glad.”
You won’t be alone.
You’ll be able to talk to them, now that they know your biggest secret.
You’ll have Satoru and Suguru, and they’ll have you.
Maybe being dead– or being a ghost isn’t so bad after all.
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obsessivestar · 7 months ago
'What If It's All A RomCom?' - a Ted Nivison x Reader.
{{-Story Description: You're a youtuber with a fairly decent following deciding to help your good friend Tanner with a minor film project, with you set as the leading lady. When the actor for the male lead is a no show, Ted takes up the role himself. One problem: This short film's a Rom Com, and you just met the guy.-}}
//18+, Def gonna be some smut. Reader is implied to be afab, under 5'5 and has specifically named friends, all who have no real connection to Ted.
This story will be in multiple chapters. Also gonna post this on Wattpad and Ao3 (when I figure them out LMAO) under the same username: ObsessiveStarla. Hope you enjoy :^)
Also idk how to do all the fancy Tumblr border stuff so sorry if it's all messy :^(((//
Word count: 2.3k
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Chapter 1: No Show, No Movie.
I'm keeping my eye on the road, occasionally glancing at the GPS to make sure I can guide my buddy Tanner as he drives. We had quite an early morning to get to L.A., having been on the road for the last 2 hours to get to this airbnb we'll be staying at. Tanner's nearing the end of film school, so he's getting all his classmates and anyone else that's available and interested to help him with his big final project: A legit short film, filmed, written and directed by him. Having some experience with being on camera myself, he elected to make me part of the main cast. I don't mind at all, if it'll help him out. Even if it's a romantic comedy. I'll kiss some dude, get him that 100%. I'm excited for this.
"Has Conner messaged me at all?" Tanner asks, breaking the last 20 minutes of silence. I quit out of my daydream to check Tanner's messages. Other members of the crew have updated them on their location, including a name I don't recognize, but Conner hasn't responded at all.
"Nope. Mostly everyone else is nearly there though." I responded, lightly shrugging my shoulders. A humorous but knowing smirk creeps along the edges of my lips. "Think he slept in?" "I fucking hope not." Tanner huffs, his tone suggesting he's half-joking. "He is literally /the/ male lead. He's like one of the people I need there the most today."
I put the GPS back up on the screen and lay back against the passenger seat, slightly raising a brow to myself. What would happen if he's late, or doesn't show up at all? Could we even get a replacement in time? We only booked this place for the next couple weeks.
As we get off the highway and get even closer to our destination, I see a notification pop up on Tanner's phone, it's the name I don't recognize. Ted. He's not in our friend group and I don't recall Tanner mentioning him from class.
"Is Ted a new guy?" I ask, turning my head to Tanner. "Oh, no, he's like...a friend of a friend." Tanner pauses before reiterating "He's going to be the editor. He's a youtuber, like you; he went to film school as well."
"Oh. He's like the only name I didn't recognize."
"Yeah, he's a cool guy, no worries, he'll probably be there with me to help with the, yknow, directing too."
There's room for a response, but I don't continue the conversation. We don't have a lot of money to put into this, so that airBnb is also where we'll be filming everything. Most of the film crew and extra actors got their own accommodations elsewhere, but some of us will be staying /at that/ location itself. Wonder if that includes the editor? It'd be weird to share a house with a dude I didn't know, but if Tanner trusts him, I will as well. "I know where to go from here, let everyone know we'll be there soon."
I take Tanner's phone and let everyone know we're close by, including Ted, before setting the phone aside. Tanner pulls into what I thought was a street at first, only to notice its the driveway of the airbnb. Wild how we can't afford multiple sets and hotels, but can afford this villa-like estate for nearly a month. Hey, whatever works, right?
Tanner parks by the many other vehicles and grabs his phone before we both hop out. I can't help but look up at how tall the building is. It looks like one of those frat houses an influencer would own, like if you told me this was owned by fuckin' 'disney channel flow' Team 10, I would 100% believe you.
Tanner and I are greeted by most of the cast and crew as we approach the front door of the house, giving the appropriate hugs and handshakes as we head inside. That's when I spotted a tall man in a dark green sweater fixing up some professional looking cameras, dark hair slicked up to add to his already impressive height, with circular glasses to match the relaxed vibe I'm getting from him. To be fair, he only stands out so much to me because I don't recognize him. This must be Ted.
He looks up from his camera when he spots Tanner and I greeting the other crew members. I casually glance away to one of the pictures on the wall to avoid giving the impression I was staring. I have a habit of fixing my eyes onto people without realizing it.
"Traffic?" Is the first word I hear out of Ted's mouth, directed at Tanner. I don't really know what I was expecting to hear come out of this man, but it certainly wasn't a voice like that. It's strong, deep, almost fake sounding, like he's already playing a character, but no, that's just him.
"Dude, we passed by, like, 3 accidents" Tanner shakes his head slightly, putting his hands on his hips. "And Conner hasn't even gotten back to me, It's been an interesting morning."
As they have their conversation, my thoughts turn to a more curious nature as I contemplate what this guy actually does as a youtuber. If he went to film school as well, does he make long video essays? Commentary, like me?
"This is (Y/N), mine and Joe's friend." My thoughts are cut by the sound of my name, realizing Tanner was introducing me to Ted. Makes sense. We don't know each other. "She's gonna be the female lead."
"Ahhh okay, nice to finally meet you. I'm Ted." Ted personally greets me with a gentle handshake and a winning complexion. I return the handshake with a shy smile. "'Finally'?" I repeat to him, raising a slight brow.
"Yeah! Joe's told me about you, 'said you'd be shorter"
A sudden chuckle escapes me. Joe's my best friend and is part of the wardrobe team, of course he'd say something like that. "He's a dick.." I kid, shaking my head to myself. "You, on the other hand, are a fuckin' giant."
"Oh I know. I have to fuckin' duck down to get into any room upstairs. Tallhood ain't what its cut out to be" We both get a laugh out before Ted returns to setting up the cameras. I notice Tanner checking his phone again, visibly both anxious and frustrated.
"Man." Tanner speaks, seemingly thinking aloud. "Still nothing." "Isn't he the other lead?" Ted speaks as he moves to adjust the stand of one of the lights, glancing up through his round glasses. "I figured he'd be here first."
"He should've been here first." Tanner huffs, masking his clear frustration with a chuckle. "I-I don't know what I'm gonna do if he just doesn't show." "What would we have to do?" I tilt my head at Tanner, feeling a little anxious myself.
"I have no idea, honestly" Tanner responds, shaking his head. "At best, we'd have to find someone to take his place within the next, like, couple days. At worst, I'd have to cancel this whole thing."
I frown, trying to think of some helpful alternative in my head, but nothing comes up. I'd hate for everyone to have to go home, and getting the money back for the airbnb would be a hassle. We all pitched in for this place. As much as I've joked about it, it's pretty nice. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, half the place is a giant living room and there's even more outside. I'd hate to leave without getting to sleep in one of those giant beds. All I can do is hope for the best, I guess.
About an hour passes. At this point, everyone except Conner has shown up on set and most of us that will be on camera are fitted and ready. We had already read through the entire script together over Discord prior to getting here, so all we need to do is just start filming.
I'm refreshing my memory with the script when I hear a notification ping from Tanner's phone. It takes him less than a second to pick it up and look at the message, pausing to read it. I see his expression go from relief to uneasy, his thumbs tapping on his phone's keyboard louder than usual as he responds before setting his phone down and taking a deep breath.
"Conner can't make it."
Silence fills the room for a moment as everyone looks up from their tasks. I approach Tanner, script still on hand.
"What? What does he mean he can't make it?" I asked, honestly shocked with what I was hearing. "So, yknow how he's just...not been responding since we left?" Tanner asks, looking understandably annoyed.
"Apparently he ate some bad food last night and has been throwing up since 4am. We left at 5."
The only thing I can do is run my fingers through my hair in frustration. Dude probably ordered bad chicken or something. Of course. "So our main dude, THE male leading role or whatever, has food poisoning." I say that as a statement, but I'm honestly just so confused, I don't want to believe it. "What do we do now? Could we hire someone else in time?" "Even if we could, we wouldn't have time to get the chemistry built up between you two." Tanner shrugs. "There'd be no way of knowing if it'll work out."
"I'll do it."
Tanner and I turn our heads to Ted, who's joined in on the conversation shortly after assembling the last light. My first instinct is to let out a sigh of relief, but I steel myself, trying to really process what he's offering.
"You? You wanna be the male lead?" Tanner points at Ted, rather surprised he'd offer. Ted seemed to laugh at the expression on Tanner's face "What's that fuckin' look for? You think I can't be romantic, Tanner?" "No--" Tanner cackles, putting his palms up defensively as he laughed. "That's not it! I just-- you haven't read the script, and, yknow..." Tanner pauses, shrugging his shoulders and tilting his head in my direction. "You two just met, you'll have to, yknow--"
"'Yknow? Yknow?' I KNOW, Tanner. I. know." Ted begins to mock Tanner in a friendly manner while pointing at himself, his strong voice easily overpowering Tanner's timid tone. "I've been doin' this since you were in little baby diapers, alright? I can read the script, I can kiss the pretty lady, I got this!"
I suddenly feel a whole lot warmer, resisting the urge to put a hand to my cheek. I mean, I have blush on already, but now I'm definitely blushing. I'll have to kiss this guy?
I mean.
That ain't a bad thing.
That's a nice lookin' dude. I'd be blind not to see it.
But I did just meet him.
"I mean...." Tanner seems to be at a loss for words, glancing in my direction once more. I realize I've been one of the main talking pieces of this conversation, yet I haven't spoken a word. "Ah--I.." I stammer out what was meant to be a coherent response, realizing I'm a bit more sheepish about this than I thought I'd be. He called me pretty. I...don't know what to do with that. I can handle a compliment, sure, but this was...
"Hey, sorry, I don't wanna step over any lines..." Ted's smile faded after my lack of a response, resting his hands behind his back. "Oh no! I-I wouldn't mind it at all." I finally managed to speak up. I swear, I felt like a bashful damsel in those old transatlantic-accent films. "I mean, like, better this than sending everyone packing early, right?"
"Real flattering." Ted responded with a renewed smile and a chuckle, getting another sheepish blush from me. "Whatever works for everyone, I'm down for it."
Based on Tanner's knowing expression, I can tell he gathered something of use from whatever that exchange was. "I mean..." Tanner repeats again, as if to remind us he's also there with filler words before taking in a sharp breath of realization, or maybe it was one of acceptance, I couldn't tell. Either way, he had an idea. "OK, how about this: most of the crew didn't get breakfast on the way up here and we're all gettin' pretty hungry, we could use some caffeine. How about you two head back out and get everyone something from Dunkin' or wherever? Get talkin', see if it works."
"You setting us up on a breakfast run, or a date?" I collect myself fast enough to make a joke, actually getting a decent chuckle out of Ted. Part of me couldn't believe I had even made that joke aloud, I was also kind of genuinely asking. "I am testing the chemistry." Tanner clarified slowly with a half smile. "And I...don't want to do it myself."
Ted and I look at each other, giving me a brief moment to realize Ted's eyes are brown. Don't know why I've chosen to collect that information now. Just another observation I've made for the day.
...Man, I'm hungry.
"Alright, but I'm not driving your car." I agree with a shrug. "No need, I got my Tacoma." Ted responds, making a clicking noise with his mouth and gesturing me to follow him outside.
"You...have your city in Washington?" I ask genuinely, getting another laugh out of him, not intentionally this time. "Toyota Tacoma. My truck." He corrects me, guiding me to an old dark green pick-up truck. "I've had this baby since high school. Graduated with it."
"Ahh, your high school sweetheart. Lovely. Happy to meet her."
"Fuck off" Ted jokingly scoffs, hopping into the drivers seat. I have this big grin on my face as I get into the passenger side. He's giving me this...oddly comforting vibe. I can talk and joke with this guy so naturally, like I've known him for longer than an hour.
Somehow, I get the feeling we'll get along just fine, even if I'll end up having to kiss him once or twice this month....
....That's got me thinking, how many times am I kissing this guy again?
|| Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 (smut) || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 (smut) || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 (smut) || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 (smut) || Chapter 19 ||
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bjhlvr · 6 months ago
break up with your boyfriend
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synopsis! you knew jang wonyoung was pretty.. no, she was beautiful, obviously you liked her. but you couldn’t imagine that you would cheat on your boyfriend with her.. you didn’t know you liked her that much.
CRUSH! wonyoung x SIMP! fem reader GENRE! suggestive, a bit of angst, fluff, strangers to friends to lovers TW! reader is so down bad, cheating, pet names ( baby, love, darling, sweetheart, pretty girl ), reader is sunghoon’s girlfriend, drinking, making out(?) idk kissing, non proofread, prob poor language n grammar mistakes NOW IS PLAYING! . . . we'll never have sex by leith ross
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it wasn’t your first time going backstage since your boyfriend was an idol, but this time it was different. it wasn’t your boyfriend's group concert or photoshoot, you were actually here to meet jang wonyoung. well, actually sunghoon asked you to come just because he wanted to see you again and be able to spend some time together since he was busy with enhypen's tour and stuff, but he also wanted you to meet his mc partner.
everyone knows that sunghoon and wonyoung used to be mc partners on music bank. now they had to be mc together once again for some award that you couldn’t remember the name of.. to be honest you didn’t even know what award was that, because you didn’t care.
now you were sitting on the couch in your boyfriend's green room, feeling all nervous. your hands were sweaty, heart pounding in your chest like crazy, mouth suddenly dry.. what was wrong with you? you were just about to meet the jang wonyoung. of course you knew wonyoung, who doesn’t? she was one of the prettiest women you’ve ever seen and that’s why you were nervous as hell, feeling like your heart would explode. you took a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down.
“it’s just another person im about to meet, why am i so nervous..?” you thought before you heard the door opening, a quiet sound of a girl laughing.. such a beautiful laugh. then you saw her. jang wonyoung herself just walked inside the room where you had been waiting for your boyfriend. she looked stunning. you couldn’t lie, she always looked amazing, but today, in person, it was different. she looked like a real life princess.. or doll even. you couldn’t look anywhere but at her, your mouth was closing and opening, you looked like a fish without water while trying to say anything. something. fuck please say something stop fucking staring!
“are you okay, sweetheart?” wonyoung asked. fuck. the nickname. why why why why why. she looked so good, her laugh was almost the best sound you’ve ever heard, her voice was just like honey and the way the fucking sweetheart slipped out of her tongue.
“oh, um. yeah, im alright” you answered nervously, trying your best to not look like you were nervous at all. in fact, it didn’t work and you just hoped she wouldn’t notice. but she did.
“you’re y/n, right? sunghoon’s girlfriend? it’s pleasure to finally meet you!” wonyoung said with a slight smile playing on her face, her red lips were so glossy and shiny, you couldn’t help but steal a few quick glances at them. you cleaned your throat and smiled back shyly, wiping the sweat off your hands at the fabric of your jeans to shake her hand. “i’ve heard a lot about you”
“oh really?” you could feel your cheeks hitting up a bit when she mentioned the fact that your precious boyfriend was talking about you. you knew he was, he was talking about you quite a lot actually. in the past at least, bow he was too busy preparing for his upcoming comeback, photoshoots and this stupid ass tour. honestly, you felt lonely the past few months without your boyfriend. even if sunghoon was near you, you still had this feeling that something was wrong, that he was too tired to give you his attention. you weren’t asking for all his attention and to be with you all the time, no. but even when you were together it felt like he was.. different? that’s true, he was a bit different, his attitude changed since the begging of your relationship and you hoped that his feelings wouldn’t change.
“yes! that’s why i was so exited to meet you, he told me we had a few same interests and quite similar music taste,” wonyoung let go off your hand and your smile fell a little. you couldn’t really explain why tho, but the feeling of her hand on yours was somehow comforting and unique? she tilted her head to the side when she saw that you weren’t smiling like before and quickly apologised. “oh im sorry! maybe i shouldn’t talk about that?”
“no-no, it’s totally fine! i was exited to meet you as well, wonyoung,” you quickly calmed her down and explained, well not really explained, but the fact that you wanted to meet her since you started listening iz*one was kind of true.. “i was a big fan of iz*one, you know?”
“oh really? was i your bias?” wonyoung sat down on the couch next to you and smirked slightly. she was hoping she was right about this bias thing.
“yeah, actually! you and nako were my biases,” you nodded and looked at her. she was wearing this elegant white dress for photoshoot, it was covering just a half of her long legs. she sat down and the edge of the dress rolled up a bit so you could see her slender smooth tights… she quickly saw that you were looking at her legs and fixed her dress, apologising that she might cause you a discomfort. “oh no, it’s totally fine, sorry i was looking at your legs anyway!” you blushed a bit more and tried to fix your gaze on something else, on that fancy korean makeup at the table, on that stupid bottle of water you were drinking like twenty minutes ago, just on something.
“it’s okay, don’t worry. so i was right, i was your bias!” wonyoung smiled. her smile was so sweet and soft, you were sure that smile alone could light up the whole world if that would be possible. you nodded once again and reached for the bottle of water, suddenly feeling thirsty. “what’s your other interests? tell me about yourself” wonyoung leaned back on the couch stretching her long legs to give you full view of them.. you swallowed hard and took a deep breath. was you holding your breath without even noticing it? shit.
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it’s been already three weeks since you’ve met wonyoung. you exchanged numbers on the first day and now were texting each other and talking on the phone almost all the time. she was so nice, kind and open minded, you liked that a lot about her. she was really sweet, the way she was asking you questions about your day and plans all the time, how she was treating you: she would place a blanket on your knees if you were sitting wearing a short skirt, would give you her water and food if you needed it, would even pay for you. obviously you refused every time she said that she wants to pay, but she wouldn’t listen. you even met her members, they were all friendly and nice, leeseo once joked that you and wonyoung are acting like a couple.
it was friday night, wonyoung invited you over for a drink since it was her free time and she wanted to relax and talk with you about nothing and everything. her members were out, sunghoon was on tour, so you didn’t want to spend time alone and leave your friend alone either. you decided to wear shorts and oversized hoodie, it wasn’t too warm outside, but you wanted to feel comfortable and you would get a taxi anyway.
when you arrived, wonyoung opened her dorm door and smiled at you. you notice her slightly red cheeks, which means she already started drinking without you. she looked gorgeous without makeup, in her victoria’s secret pyjamas. such a simple but elegant look, just for her.
“you made it! come in~” you felt wonyoung’s arms wrapped around your waist, but before you could hug her back, which you wanted so badly, she let go and stepped back so you could walk inside. you smiled back at her and took your shoes off right when you stepped inside her dorm. it wasn’t your first time being here, so you knew where the kitchen was, what her room looked like and where you could barrow some things like cereal or napkins. you felt wonyoung’s hand on the small of your back, she guided you to the couch so you could sit down. her touch sent a shiver down your spine, it was a usual thing to be honest. every time she was touching you on purpose, when your hands accidentally brushed each other’s… the effect she has on you was visible for everyone.
“how are you, pretty girl? something new happening? tell me about your day,” she asked. oh those nicknames, they were doing something to you as well. at first you tho maybe she was talking with everyone like that, but you’ve never heard her calling yujin or liz with those nicknames. it was only you, you were the one who she wanted to call “sweetheart” or “pretty girl” all the time. she was actually calling you those pretty often tho, at first you thought maybe she forgot your name or something.
“it’s been pretty boring.. i haven’t done much, was just chilling at home and doing some relaxing stuff since sunghoon is out of town.” you shrugged and looked up at wonyoung. she was standing right infront of you, opening a champagne bottle. you placed your hands on your thighs feeling a bit nervous. yeah, you were alone with wonyoung a few times, but it was in public and you’ve never been at her dorm with her all alone, without ive members, so it felt a bit.. exciting?
“oh, okay. what did you do?” wonyoung asked after she finally opened the bottle and poured you both for a glass of champagne. she helded one to you and sat down on the other side of the couch, her exposed legs were on top of the fluffy cushions and you couldn’t help but look at her legs a bit more than necessary. you shook your head to clear your mind of those thoughts and looked at her face. her puffy lips touching her glass softly while she was taking a sip, her eyes never leaving yours. fuck.
“nothing much.. watched some movies, read a new book. regular stuff.” you answered, trying to act nonchalant while your voice were a bit shaky so you cleaned your throat like something else caused that tone in your voice, not your nervousness. you took a sip of your champagne as well, looking around to distract yourself a bit. “what about you?”
“oh i’ve been busy all week.. our tour just ended and we were on a couple of awards, just regular working stuff.” she answered and crossed her legs, exposing more of her skin when she moved. you could barely function now, knowing what color was her underwear behind those thin shorts.
“yeah.. regular working stuff.” you repeated her words and blinked twice to get yourself together. obviously it didn’t work, so you decided to took another sip of your champagne, feeling sweet sparkling liquid going down your throat.
after a few hours of talking and watching movies you both were drunk as hell. at least you were. you was never a great drinker, always getting drunk too quickly, but wonyoung seemed fine and almost completely sober, just a bit more talkative and touchy now. you wouldn’t notice the way she was craving your touch at first, she was always like that: could’ve hug you any minute, touch your hand or like when you just arrived guide you with her hand on your back or hip. now she was cuddling with you, laughing at the stupidest joke ever that one of “friends” characters just said. you weren’t going to refuse her suggestion to cuddle when she asked about that, because honestly you wanted to hug her too and alcohol was affecting your mind and body a bit.
“are you hungry?” wonyoung asked suddenly. she raised her head up from your shoulder to look you right in the eyes as she always did. you looked down at her, took a quick glance at her pretty lips and back at her eyes. you shook your head in protest, but you were, in fact, hungry. you just didn’t want to let go of this hug. “don’t lie~~ i’ve heard the sound your stomach made like half an hour ago, let’s eat some ramen!” she pouted slightly and you found that incredibly cute, she looked so adorable like that. you chuckled at her reaction and playfully rolled your eyes as you were annoyed and then nodded.
“okay” you agreed and waited until wonyoung stood up from the couch. you followed her to the kitchen on your a bit shaky legs and watched as she opened one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out two packs of buldak ramen. you watched as she cooked quietly, admiring the way she did that so skilled and gracefully… how can someone cook ramen gracefully? well jang wonyoung definitely could. she wasn’t talking with you, completely focused on her little mission: to feed you.
“you look so pretty..” you said, voice just a bit above a whisper. you wasn’t expecting this words coming out from your mouth like at all, you hoped she didn’t heard you. but she did and turned around almost immediately. wonyoung’s eyes widened a bit, cheeks redder than they’d been before, chest raising with every deep breath. she wasn’t expecting you saying that either, she was actually shocked. she didn’t know what to do, how to react. people called her pretty and other synonyms all the time and she always smiled at them, thanked them, that’s all. but now she was completely lost, she didn’t know what to do.
“you think im pretty?” wonyoung asked with a slight smirk after she finally could process everything and wasn’t that shy anymore. she finished cooking and placed a pot with ramen on the table where you were sitting.
“of course i do! you’re the prettiest person i know!” you confessed, feeling the heat raising on your cheeks. you really do think wonyoung was the mos beautiful person you knew, you always loved the way she looked. not that you loved just that, her personality was great and she was an incredible friend and hardworking woman herself, but you always admired her.
“thank you, y/n. you’re the prettiest person i know too,” wonyoung smiled looking down at you, a shy smile playing on her lips as she sat down. you nodded without saying a word before you could start eating.
it was already past midnight and you decided to stay at wonyoung’s. she suggested you to sleep with her in the same bed and you agreed, because why not? she gave you some clothes to sleep in and waited you on the bed while you were doing some skincare. you walked out of the bathroom to see her sitting on the bed, her legs on the floor and hair pulled up in a ponytail. she looked unreal. the moonlight was shining through the window’s curtains and falling right in her face, the way she looked under that light was literally unreal. like a scene from the movie.
“what’s wrong??” wonyoung asked with a confused expression, she looked at you a bit worried since you were just staring at her with slightly open mouth.
“nothing! it’s nothing, let’s sleep..” you tried to change the topic and finally get some sleep. as you sat down on the bed next to wonyoung you felt her hand on your thigh, stroking your skin gently with her thumb.
“okay…” she said before she kissed your lips. she just kissed you. even if it was just a little kiss, a quick smooch on the lips, your eyes widened and you followed her with your gaze, looking how she lays down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep. maybe she was so drunk so she kissed you. maybe she just… you didn’t even know what to think about that situation. you couldn’t sleep properly that night.
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you haven’t spoken with wonyoung about the kiss, she probably forgot about that anyway, since she was drunk that night and you didn’t want to make things weird between you two. the way she was acting around you didn’t change, although you were a bit more awkward with her if that’s even possible. you thought about that kiss a lot more than necessary, you liked that in the way you should’t and you craved more. you wanted to feel her lips on yours a bit longer, just once again, a little kiss. her lips were so soft, you could remember that very well even if that smooch was less than a second long and you barely felt anything, but you just cannot not think about that all the time. you knew it was wrong, you had a boyfriend after all. you shouldn’t be attracted to his friend, to your friend. you couldn’t betray sunghoon, you felt so bad because you couldn’t resist the urge to kiss wonyoung again and again and again.
firstly, you thought that feelings towards wonyoung were because you felt lonely and you needed attention. sunghoon wasn’t home since last month, you were alone and all he could do is facetime, text or call you and obviously it wasn’t enough. you needed to touch him, you wanted to feel loved. you cried a few times. one time that was because sunghoon was angry at you when you said you needed him and his attention and he just blew up.
“listen, y/n…” he said that night. no ‘baby’, no ‘love’, just your name. you sighed. “im tired, i have work to do. i can’t just let you in my hotel room or came home for two days just to spend them with you. i need rest, im tired and i don’t have time, don’t be stupid.” he ended the call after those words and you couldn’t hold back your tears. sunghoon called you stupid, he said he doesn’t have time for you and that made you feel so bad and insecure. you understand that he’s tired and all, but the way he was talking to you the past few weeks, not days, weeks and you were sick. there was a moment when you thought maybe you should take a break in your relationships, maybe it’ll get better, but you never talked about that with sunghoon. you just.. can’t.
fifth week without your boyfriend. you called wonyoung, invited her to your place to hang out. she was your friend, even if you met just a month ago, she became your close friend really quickly. she understood the way you felt, could give you a great advice, comfort you when you needed it and said the words you needed to hear at the moment. it felt like she was your soulmate.
when wonyoung arrived at your place, she saw you almost crying as you opened the door. she quickly placed the grocery bags with snacks on the floor and hugged you. her expression was worried, but her touch was soft and gentle, she wanted to make sure you were safe in her arms. and you did. you always felt safe around her, she was so kind to you and you couldn’t remember anyone who would treat you as she does. with admiration, caring..
“did he do something? why are you upset?” wonyoung asked, pulling back from you and scanned your face to catch any answers in your eyes or expression. you shook your head in protest, biting your lower lip slightly.
“it’s whatever, wony..”
“it’s not, darling. not when you’re upset.” she cuts you off. you weren’t expecting your next move at all, that was the last thing you could ever imagine doing when you were upset because your boyfriend wasn’t giving you enough attention. maybe it happened because of this fucking nickname she called you, it definitely did something to you, but you kissed her. not like she did a few weeks ago, a real kiss.
you wrapped your hands around her neck, pulling her closer, craving her touch and warmth of her body. wonyoung kissed you back and your eyes widened because you weren’t expecting that.. you thought she would push you away, but she pulled you closer and wrapped her arms on your waist tighter. you closed your eyes and let her explore your mouth with her tongue, she led you towards the bedroom. when you both were in the bedroom, she sat down on your bed, pulling you on top of her to sit on her laps. she kissed your neck, her hands were rubbing your exposed hips gently. she sucked in your skin, bit it a few times, licked your collarbone and you moaned in pleasure. the most beautiful woman you could ever imagine now was kissing your neck and whispering the softest words against your skin.
“i would treat you so much better..” wonyoung muttered against your skin, her fingers found the edge of your pyjama shorts. “he doesn’t deserve you.. at all” she said before she pulled you in another passionate kiss. her tongue exploring your mouth with hunger, she kissed you like she wanted to eat you. well she did.
“mmm, i..i don’t think it’s right..” you found some strength in yourself to protest and placed your hand on top of hers, she was just about to pull your shorts aside.. you would be a fucking liar if you say you didn’t want that, didn’t want her fingers inside you, her lips on yours. but you can’t. that was wrong, you have a boyfriend.
“you really think so?” wonyoung looked at you and gently stroked your cheek with her free hand. she brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and you leaned into her touch instinctly. “look me in the eyes and say you don’t like me. don’t like the way im touch you, kissing you.. come on, pretty girl, say it”
you swallowed hard. the words stuck in your throat, you couldn’t say anything. not because you were nervous, because you didn’t want to lie to her. because you liked the way she was touching you. you liked that since day one, since the moment you two met.
“what is it, baby? can’t talk?” wonyoung chuckled at your reaction. she didn’t want to force you and obviously didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. “tell me you don’t want this and im not gonna do anything.” she said. her eyes full of love and adoration, you’ve never had someone looking at you like that in your life. you felt.. loved? like you were seen and understood. every time you were with wonyoung you felt like that and you loved it. maybe you loved her?
“i.. i want..”
“what? you want what, exactly?”
“you. i want you, wonyoung”
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author note: i tried so hard guys please let me know if there’s any mistakes, stupid parts or anything else. there’ll be a part two btw so wait for it ( idk when but HAHAH ) 💋 pls tell me if i forgot about any tw’s ‼️
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sturniolosass · 1 year ago
Date Night -
Chris Sturniolo x Fem!Reader
Angst, ends in Fluff
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Warnings: Swearing, fatphobia?, arguing, yelling, crying, kissing, anger?, another girl…bi-reader
Summary: Chris was never the type to be ready for a “first date” but when y/n asks him out, he can’t help but feel anxious about saying yes.
Chris was seated on his cream couch in the living room of the boys home when y/n decides to text him.
Hey Chris wyd
Nothing much just watching Tv chilling thinking ab running some games of fort…wassup
Oh nothing, I just saw the new Wednesday video you just released.. I was thinking it’d be funny for you to let me take your “first date virginity”..
lmaoo that’d be weird tho right? I mean you are one of my closest friends idk if we should hang out that intimately..
I mean it’d only be weird if we make it..I feel like this would be just a chill day and maybe I could give you some pointers on how you should treat a girl on your true first date…
I mean that’s true.. I guess it wouldn’t hurt..
Chris POV
Texting y/n about this date idea she has, has really struck some anxiety in me.. You see I like y/n a lot but I've been speaking to this new girl named Sade, she's gorgeous and sweet.. she sings, gets along with all my friends and don't get me wrong y/n does most of those things too.. but I've been waiting around so long for her to realize how I've felt about her.. she's had two boyfriends, one or two talking stages, and one girlfriend.. all in the four year span of us knowing eachother, two of which I was completely in love with her..
I was thinking of bringing Sade to half of our date around the ending just to make it clear to y/n that she knows this is exactly what is planned to be, I can't keep waiting around for her to come around to me, my life has to keep moving. I was never the one to out and tell her how I've felt but Nick and Matt tell me that they've both informed her of my feelings years ago...
As I get ready I make sure to text Sade asking her to join us later in the night to hang out.. however I'm not sure where we'll be hanging at so ill wait to give her to major details..
Heading out I call Laura to ask her to send a driver for the day because even though this isn't the real date I still want it to go how I planned it in my head...
Once the driver arrives I spray two squirts of cologne on my wrist and dab then against my neck heading out in my Betty boop Vintage Hollywood Tee, my black distressed jeans, and white air forces getting in the car and heading out on the way to y/n’s house
Your POV
As I’m getting ready to go applying lipgloss and my forces I receive a message from Chris saying He’s on his way.. which confused me a little because i swore that man couldn’t drive and that i’d have to pick him up from his house.. regardless i tie my shoes up and head out down the stairs..
For today i planned to head out to a Top Golf and after have some ice cream then later in the night stop at a park and just walk and talk and finally tell Chris my feelings for him.. Yea it’s been a while I’ve been feeling this way for Chris, maybe a month or two.. and remembering back in maybe 2021 when Nick told me Chris was “in love with me” and i was with Braden, I have no doubt this will go my way..
Chris texts me that he’s outside, i hop up from the couch and run out the door.
“hey” i say sliding in the seat next to him in the all black escalade with blacked out windows “oh hey” he smiles. “chauffeur” i nod insinuating the driver “yea, you know you’re special” he smirks smugly. “yea right” i roll my eyes laughing. “we are we going” he notices we’re still sitting in my drive way.. “oh 3756 cherry street” i tell the driver the address to top golf.. Chris automatically notices the address “Top Golf?!” he shouts excitedly “haha yeah! is that a good idea?” i ask hoping he likes the idea. “give me aux.” i say “ask the driver” he replies.. I get the aux from the driver and play a couple songs..
Once we arrive we walk in play a couple games until we tire eachother out. Sitting down to grab something to eat we start chatting.
“Yo! let me ask you a couple questions and see if you can answer them good enough.” i ask he looks at me weirdly “ok.. but i wanna let you know to help me if i answer then badly.. i have a date lined up after this practice” he laughed.. Me not know if he’s sure or not i begin to ask the questions “if you were friends with a girl and you had a girlfriend then the friend/girl posts pics in a bikini, would you like them?” i ask look at him suspiciously.. “Well it depen-“ he starts “ANNNNTTT” i say making the sound of a buzzer to signify he got the answer wrong.. “what do you mean?? i barely got to answer” he argues. “you shouldn’t like it regardless!!” i argue.. “well, that’s just crazy but i understand..” he nods in approval. “ok next one.” just as i start to ask he states “ oh by the way, Sade is gonna join us later.. where should i tell her to join us at?” he asks looking down at his phone as if he was reading a text message “oh what do you mean i thought i was teaching you some stuff today..?” i ask confused.. “i mean yeah but by the end of the night i kinda wanted to see if the things you taught me worked.. ya know like see if my jitters go away a little” he says nonchalantly.. i just look down, “oh” i say.. “hey how about we just head out to grab ice cream and then she could just join us at the park later” i ask.. “ok bet, ill let her know our plans” he nods.
Hearing Chris even mention another girl made my stomach feel as queasy as it would after eating a whole chipotle burrito in one sitting.. So we head out.. Getting in the car i see Chris Texting on his phone again.. assuming it’s Sade i grab his phone putting it behind my back “come on vibe with me it’s fucking skies” i shout over the bass. “come on just give me my phone back y/n” he stares blankly.. “no you’re stuck in it” i speak. “just give me my shit come on” he raises his voice a little. “na na na boo boo you can’t get it” i joke. “DUDE STOP PLAYING ALL THE TIME JUST GIVE ME MY SHIT” Chris shouts startling me.. i just hand him the phone and turn to look out the window..
It was so obvious i had an attitude but I’m sure Chris wouldn’t tell over the messages between him and Sade he was smiling at.. It hurt me how he was just so fine with being this way towards me when i’ve never once in my life raised my voice at him yet alone completely screamed in his face… however i assume that’s how someone you like a lot can make you feel..
Once we arrive at the Ice cream parlor I get a cone with cookies and cream in which Chris gets the same but in a cup with extra cookies, i look at him smiling “twins” i joke.. he just nods smiling before pulling his phone out his pocket “hey! is it cool if Sade joins us now? she’s around the corner at the Thrift shop and it’d just make sense” he asks.. clearly annoyed i say “sure, i mean that wasn’t the plan at all but what the fuck ever” i speak rolling my eyes.. “what’s is your problem..?” he asks offended by my response.. “like you’ve been acting weird since we left Top Golf and it’s annoying, if you’re just gone be an asshole you can just go home cause you’re definitely killing my mood” he adds.. “Chris what the fuck are you on about? I’ve been nothing but sweet while you just sit on your phone the whole day, the last conversation we had was at Top Golf dude since then you’ve just been on your phone..that’s what’s annoying” i respond.. “whatever i’m just trying to respond fast enough is that not what girls like?” he raises his voice “Sure Chris but am i not a girl sitting in fucking front of you??” i shout back.. he just rolls his eyes
Sade then walks up.. she’s very pretty, Brunette hair, tattoos, brown eyes.. she’s honestly everything like me which is odd.. because Chris makes it seem like i’m nothing his type and just one of the “bros”..
As the Night goes on they continue chatting and i’m just there as a third wheel.. the only time me and Chris are alone is when Sade gets in her car to drive to the park because we still have the driver in the escalade, “hey Chris, i’m just gone gonna go home, i’m not really enjoying myself anymore” i speak.. he looks at me then back to his phone, then back at me “hey look.. i’m not gonna lie, i treated you like shit today and..I’m sorry, but i really need you for this part.. seriously, i’m gonna ask Sade to be my girlfriend and i’m not sure i can do this without you” he looks up at me with pleadful eyes.. “huuuugh fine” you sigh out knowing helping him with this is gonna tear you apart…
Once arriving at the park you, Chris, and Sade walk around the park chatting for a while until you get bored of their constant flirting and decide to lag behind the two.. Hearing a fly near your ear you swat it away only to realize it’s a moth totally terrified you start to jump around stepping on the back of Sade’s shoe to which she speak “Ouch! What the fuck is your problem! that fucking hurt asshole” she yells at you.. which catches chris off guard “woah calm down im sure it was a mistake, there was a bug or something” He speaks. “girl i didn’t do it on purpose, calm the hell down” i say back. “yeah sure you didn’t, you almost broke my fucking ankle fat ass” she yells! “woah what the fuck chill out Sade” Chris yells. “In what world would you ever think that’s funny or whatever the fuck you thought saying that dumb shit” Chris spoke annoyed.. I just walked away knowing if i were to stay there I’d be in a fight..
Once i get a block or two away i hear my name being shouted “y/n! y/n!” i looke back and it’s Chris. Annoyed i continue walking…. “Y/n come on!” Chris yells getting closer.. i slowly stop…
“Chris what the hell do you want? you and that girl have been nothing but rude to me all day… i’m sure you’ve even been laughing at her little jokes she’s had to say about me” i speak… “what? no! i told her to go home.. i didn’t even know she acted that way..i wouldn’t in a million years have even thought about being with her if i knew she spoke like that about you or any of my friends for that matter” He adds.. “Chris can you just let me go home.. i came out today hoping to end up telling you how i feel thinking you’d feel the same but hearing you’ve developed these feelings for someone else has done nothing but broke me over the last couple of hours” I start to tear up.. “What? what are you talking about?” he asks, “Chris, i like you.. like a lot, maybe even love you.. and thinking about our past and how we’re practically the same person, enjoy the same things, same music, same games, same fashion sense, etc. i thought you’d feel the same.. shit apparently even Nick and Matt thought the same thing but they were wrong. I’m fine if you don’t feel the same way but all i ask for is time apart from you, we spend almost every other day together and i can’t take doing that with you knowing you feel the way i feel for you, for another women.” i confess… “wait y/n, i never knew you felt this way…i’ve been in love with you for 3 years now” he drops to his knees in a sort of begging way “you crying because you think i don’t feel the same would have to be one of the most crazy things ive seen all week” he adds… “all ive ever wanted to do was be with you, you’re my rock, my entire world, being without you for more than a week would cause me too much pain to even live with” he confessed… i just smile looking down at him awkwardly. Pulling him up from the ground i ask “so where do we go from here?” looking into his blue orbs.. “i mean we can try again on that date” he smiled hating to have just said that in such a corny way.. “ haha i'd like that. but you’ve gotta promise that they’ll be no extra girls.” i reply.. “i promise” he obliged.. looking down at me in the middle of the sidewalk..
I kiss him.. and it feel like the most soul shocking thing i’ve ever experienced… considering ive never been in love before after dating 3 men.. i can guarantee that this is what love feels like.. we both pull away and he looks down shyly “that was so corny” he jokes “haha kissing under the moonlight, headahh” i joke back. We both cry laughing as we walk back to the Car… Where surprisingly the driver is still sitting…
The end :)
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slothpower-central · 4 months ago
Here's my super early before everything Canto 8 bingo card
You all asked for it so I shall hand it over, keep in mind this is subject to change massively based on things like the intermissions, I want to be the first person to make a Bingo card for way in the future, call it a....long term investment Here is my super early Canto 8 Bingo card!!
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Okay so I kinda wanna explain the board choices for funsies!
Hong Lu is a rock-.....obviously the big theory is on here!
Mothershu crumbs-So my friends and I refer to like character moments and hints as crumbs and mothershu is what we refer to as Ryoshu being a mother or like alluding to that(like with smth like Spider Bud)
Sinclair snaps-We get another moment similar to his shut the fuck up moment in Canto 7
Freak Lu- uhm this one is more of a silly one since with the number of times that man is tied up or smth and is chill with it (What do you mean it was a unique and fun experience?!?!) my friends and I think he's into it, so we included it for fun
No romance plotline-sigh. Wishful thinking on the part of a Hong Lu yume shipper(me) one of the original novels main plotlines is a whole romance love triangle thing goin on with Baoyu. My friend an I were going back and forth on if/how they could adapt that madness so to subvert expectations,we said no romance
We go to the Land of Illusion-Look if Baoyu goes there in the original, who's to say we won't go in Limbus
Outis Family crumbs- Outis saying anything about her family or home or Penelope or any of that
Uhm the Lin Daiyu space is self-explanatory aside from the descriptors, it's more in reference to my friend's bingo card she made for Canto 7, and it had "Dulcinea is a baddie" on there so I had to carry on the joke
That Grey Bastard appears-uhm.... that's in reference to Demian. My friend group is not a fan of him (I'm literally close friends with the real reincarnation of Emil Sinclair, of course we have conflicting feelings on Demian)
Levels copy the style of chapter names- So the names of levels last canto matched up with the way chapters in Don Quixote are titled and it was the same way in Canto 5 so Amia and I thought it might carry over to Canto 8 ^^
Heathcliff crumbs-We kinda threw his one in here but y'know more Heathcliff family moments or more Heathcath
Baoyu name reveal-Okay before you say, "But Sloth, they did reveal it to the sinners!" uhm no, look at who was in that convo. It was Wei, Xichun and Hong Lu, the other sinners do not know, or they just really decided to not comment on that
Chapter with the most npcs-This one is a prediction because guys. The original novel has like 400 characters in it.
Story Dungeon in Canto-So I always like to ask whether we'll get one since in Canto 6,we didn't get a dungeon,so we put it on there
Hong Lu is a "Charon situation"- I proposed some kind of crazy idea that Hong Lu was like overwriting Baoyu's personality/old self or smth and Amia responds with "Charon situation" since in Leviathan Lapis gets herself overwritten by one of her mirror worlds, that being Charon. So maybe something of a similar nature happened to Hong Lu (Yes this is different enough from rock theory to me)
Hong Lu doesn't distort- Ha you thought! Amia and I are like *convinced* the Hell's Chicken line is a red herring meant to throw us off. Like Quixote distortion was a big theory for a while and she didn't distort (Can bloodfiends distort? Idk) I know we're in the minority but like unless something changes my mind, I'm gonna keep being in the minority
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star-lights-up · 8 days ago
okay i started having thoughts earlier. a dangerous thing.
i present to you: an idea. for a cherik she ra au.
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🤦‍♀️ i can't tell if a feel like a genius, a crazy person, or a moron.
(EDIT: there is now good art for this AU here)
moving on! details (oh and spoilers for she ra if you haven't watched it sorry):
first off, yes, charles is she-ra. idk the logistics here maybe it's just his family line or he's genderqueer or something (you know, i saw a comic once that had a transmasc main character who found out his family line was a bunch of magical girls and he had to figure out how that factored into his identity because he was a magical girl too like his mom. idk.) in any case. Charles is she ra. interpret how you like it's not plot important.
also just going to point out here that I really, really, really wanted to put erik in the she ra costume (ALSO catboy charles. need I say more?). but his arc???? SO MUCH like catra's i could draw so many parallels here.
So, anyway. Erik and Charles (Erik Applesauce Meowmeow and Charles Happysmile Rainbowfist, if you will. iykyk.) (if you don't please keep reading i'm sorry i'm not crazy those are real names) are living in the Fright Zone on etheria, happily working for the Horde. They're about ~17 ~18 at this point. Secretly, they talk about ruling the horde someday. It's a quiet, silly daydream, but they love it.
Umm it's been a while since i watched the show. actually. so this could be rough.
but Shadow Weaver, who, in this, is Sebastian Shaw... though he'd probably still be called shadow weaver? what was his mutant name? black king? idk how much hordak would like someone with a royalty title working under him but... okay. Anyway, Shaw's really awful, but mostly just to erik. So shaw starts rambling on about giving charles a promotion and leaving Erik and the rest of their team (az, janos, and angel probably) (oh my gosh az can be kyle. this is the best day ever.) and erik hears and gets angry and dejected and climbs up to the top of the fright zone.
which by the way if you haven't watched she ra looks like this:
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could not think how to describe this. it's too crazy.
anyways moving on. Charles climbs up after him and reveals that he's stolen a skiff, and they're gonna go out past the fright zone and just take a look around.
Erik, ever the rule breaker, is ecstatic. But when they get out of the fright zone he's like, Charles, let's go to the whispering woods!! and charles is like ERIK NOOO. THAT'S WHERE THE PRINCESSES ARE!
(also just to clarify since like all the x men characters are men 🙄 we are using "princess" as a gender neutral term for this au)
So, of course, Erik is like move over charles and starts piloting the skiff towards the whispering woods.
Charles falls of the skiff when they get in a tussle over the steering wheel (it's not a wheel but it steers the damn thing and i have no clue what to call it so bear with me) and gets lost for a bit. He finds a sword, shining brilliantly and calling out to him. But just as he touches it, he wakes up to Erik shaking him on the shoulders, begging him to wake up.
They're still in the woods, and they've got to get back to the fright zone before shaw notices they're gone and kicks their asses.
But charles can't stop thinking about the sword. he sneaks away again, to look for it.....
but just when he finds it, he's KIDNAPPED!!
Now, i've been going back and forth on who should be glimmer and bow. Because like, charles has a lot of people around him, and honestly? Jubilee or Kurt/Azazel's powers would match glimmer really well. BUT I think his two most significant relationships, outside of Erik, are Raven and Hank. So we'll have them be glimmer and bow, respectively. It does work, raven has the fighter spirit, and in first class she does kinda give off that bubbly but fierce vibe that glimmer has. And bow's always messing with gadgets, just like hank. So. We've got our token straights.
Anyways, Charles is like "shit y'all are EVIL you should not have my sparkly new sword!"
and raven's like "no YOU'RE evil you're a part of the EVIL HORDE"
"who calls us that???"
And so anyways. They're taking charles back to bright moon, Raven's city that she's the princess of. But it's kinda a long walk and Charles starts blabbing away with hank and well. They figure out that he's kinda nice.
So they go to this town and Charles is trying all this new food and seeing parties and flowers and all sorts of shit for the first time and Hank and Raven are like. Ummmm he's just a kid in a candy store?? Not an evil monster??? wtf???
And meanwhile charles is like "wow life is kinda cool here! maybe princesses aren't actually that bad???"
MEANWHILE back in the fright zone charles has been missing for a few days. Shaw is PISSED and erik is WORRIED and ANGRY. What if Charles is hurt?? what if something happened to him? what if a princess got him??? ....did he abandon erik??
Shaw gives Erik charles's promotion and tells him to go attack a place with his team.
That place ends up being the village charles hank and raven are at.
Charles sees the devastation around him, the innocent villagers being crushed by horde troops, and he realizes this was the upcoming attack. An attack he'd been told was on a crucial military outpost, not a CIVILIAN TOWN. obviously as a nice guy he starts freaking out and feeling totally guilty, but then Erik pops his head out of one of the tanks and is like "CHARLES IS THAT YOU???" and charles is like "ERIK WTF YOURE BLOWING UP PEOPLES HOUSES" and erik's like "I KNOW THEY LET ME DRIVE A TANK!!!"
anyways. They now have their beach divorce moment. Charles begs Erik to leave the horde with him, because what they're doing is wrong. Erik can't believe charles is throwing away their dreams, everything they've worked for their entire lives. The idea that maybe, someday, they'd be running etheria side by side together.
The badge that used to be Charles's but was given to erik by shaw when he got promoted in his place parallels the helmet. Just sayin.
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They fight, and part ways. Charles starts trying to help the villagers out, the horde troops keep advancing, Raven uses too much of her powers and then suddenly, Charles sees it: the sword. Calling out to him.
As if something is compelling him, he takes it, raises it, and shouts "for the honor of GRAYSKULL"
and he transforms into A FUCKING PRINCESS!!!!!
I'm thinking, appearance wise, for regular charles we have short first class hair, kinda scrawny age accurate dude, short king. Then She-Ra Charles has apocalypse hair and is totally buff like james mcavoy.
Charles goes back to bright moon with his new allies, his new friends, and pledges his allegiance to the princesses and the rebellion.
So begins years of back and forth fighting between the horde and the rebellion. Charles meets countless new princesses, we've got Sean! Alex! ummmmmmm other people! I'm too tired to think of! they're all princesses!! Also someone needs to be a sailor who sings sea shantys. I don't make the rules.
Oh my god i was on another paragraph but i just want to say that MOIRA has to be a princess omg. We will give her the character development she deserved <3 OH AND EMMA OH MY GOSH!!
anyways back to your regularly scheduled programming ranting
Erik is further abused by shaw during this time, constantly told he's not good enough and shit like that. He makes friends with/uses darwin. Darwin is technically a princess but his family sold their power stone or whatever the fuck they're called (basically just big crystals that give each of the different princess family lines their magic.) to the horde when they took over their territory, so he doesn't have powers. Just scorpion claws and a tail. he's lowkey a badass but also super friendly. (if you can't tell, he's scorpia).
At some point there is an alternate reality and time travel (? right?) fuckery that I only vaguely remember. In any case, they accidentally activate this thing that teleports the entire planet of etheria out of the void they've been in since the First Ones were there (the first ones were the first people to settle etheria, they have all these old ruins and writings that nobody can read except charles since he's she ra and she ra is a first one entity. his sword is first one's tech).
As soon as they do, HORDE PRIME catches wind of this and begins his siege on their planet.
It turns out Hordak, the guy in charge of the fright zone (i really can't think of a character for him besides apocalpyse but idk how I feel about that so we're just going to leave it as hordak and horde prime for now.) is a clone of Horde prime who was defective, lost his memory, has been working to teleport etheria out of the void and get to horde prime for like the entirety of his life.... yada yada.
Erik gets taken by horde prime. He's been kinda chillin with Charles and his friends since the whole void debacle and shit went crazy, so they know immediately and charles is like "I can't leave him" and they go back in this First Ones spaceship that they have picked up and named Cerebro (i would love to keep it as darla but alas we're already keeping so many names i need to keep this x men themed somehow) and Charles sneaks in to get Erik. Oh and Raven. She's been kidnapped too. I totally didn't forget this plot point.
Now. I must mention that his She Ra sword (I'm just realizing.... it could be the cerebro sword from krakoa... omg... because cerebro the spaceship and the sword are both first one's tech) was broken in the process of him trying to stop the teleportation. So he is no longer a princess. he has no powers. he is just a military trained 22 year old deeply in love with the antihero.
BUT! ERIK! IS NOT A REGULAR PRISONER!! he's been BRAINWASHED! Horde prime's whole goal is to mind control the entire universe and make them a part of his hive mind, using these chips he's developed. Actually, fuck it, he's apocalpyse. They have the same goal. Imma keep calling him prime tho because it's shorter and easier to spell.
He orders Erik to antagonize/hurt/maybe not kill but slightly maim or at least emotionally break Charles, leaving them alone in his throne room. So ensues the HOTTEST VERSION OF CATRA- wait what who said that. Um. SO ENSUES AN EPIC FIGHT BETWEEN THE TWO BEST FRIENDS.
Erik realizes that the best way to hurt charles? well that's easy. It's to kill himself. So he starts trying to jump off the edge. Charles wrestles him away, pleading with him to stop, to remember himself, to remember that he's good, that he's more than his pain and his anger.
The chip gets damaged, thankfully, in the fight, and Erik begins to come back a little bit. Of course, even though he's weak and a little injured and has just had all sorts of mind fuckery going on he's like "why did you come back for me -- we both know I don't matter!!" because he just wanted charles to stay safe and Charles is like "Erik, you matter to me!"
So they're like, fine! But then prime's clones start closing in on them, and they're pushed to the edge of the platform, and the only way to go is over and they're falling, surely to their deaths-
"for the honor of GRAYSKULL!!"
Charles is She-ra again! new and improved She-ra, being able to summon a sword from no where instead of having to lug that heavy old first one's artifact around!
Hank and the other princesses have rescued Raven and, together, they've blown up prime's computer system on the ship. She ra and Erik skedaddle to Cerebro.
There's this whole long thing involving chips and mnd controlled etherians and a really cute alien cat and all sorts of things. In any case, the main plot is: Apocalypse Prime (cool name huh) is trying to use the magic, restrained to etheria's core and concentrated into a weapon called the heart of etheria, to wipe the universe clean and build civilization as he wants it. Charles, Erik, and crew (by the way charles raven hank and now erik are called the best friends squad. that's not important but it's cute.) begin searching for the failsafe.
Turns out that the failsafe has to be transferred into a living person -- someone to go down and release the energy themself. But no one could survive that.
No one except she ra.
Charles takes the failsafe, much to Erik's dismay.
Since Shaw led them to the failsafe, Erik interprets this as Charles choosing Shaw over him. He runs away from the rebellion with his new alien cat friend, melog. (there's not enough creatures in x men )): no themed name for him)
Anyway, someone, probably hank though technically it's another princess in the original series but hey we can be flexible has made some sort of tech to shut down prime's base of operations (called the Spire) on etheria (currently also connected to his command ship). BUT they need to get close enough to activate it. So they make a plan: the princesses will go to the spire and try to sneak close enough, and they'll fight if they get caught, and charles will go to the heart and activate the failsafe.
What nobody knows is that he's having trouble summoning and staying in his she ra form. But it's fine. Surely, it's nothing to worry about. He has bigger problems -- erik has disappeared and they all have to put up with sebastian shaw and his friends are facing danger and everything's really just gone to hell.
Meanwhile, Erik follows some horde clones on a whim (melog can make them invisible) and he realizes that they're using tech to reach the heart manually, digging into the planet, poisoning it. He has to warn charles. He could die.
He goes back to the rebellion base only to find shaw there. Just shaw, mind you, everyone else is gone.
Shaw begins to patronize him, as usual, but Erik tells him to stfu, that charles is in danger. They go to the heart together. Shaw dies fending off some monster. Shadow weaver gets a redemption arc. Shaw just gets eaten i don't give a fuck.
Erik reaches Charles, but Charles has already been wounded by the monster and infected by horde prime's virus. Erik carries him to the heart, but Charles finds he can't turn into She-ra because of the virus.
It'll work, with or without she ra, but he'll die.
He's fine with making the sacrifice. He realizes that it's neccesary. Erik, however, refuses to leave him, staying with him as he prepares to die.
Charles soon passes out - they're in the heart, they've made it. Erik begs him to hold on. "You've never given up on anything on your life, not even for me, so don't you dare start now!" He's sobbing, the magic is starting to come undone from the planet's core all around them, the failsafe is activating -- Charles is going to die. And he knows, even if Charles doesn't feel the same way, he has to tell him that he loves him.
"Don't you get it? I love you, and I always have!
So please. Don't leave me again."
Charles finally manages to drag himself back to consciousness, surprised at Erik's words. With the last bit of breath he has, he manages to whisper. "You... love me?" Erik nods, tears streaming down his face.
"I love you too." Charles, weakly, tugs Erik down for a kiss.
and with the POWER OF LOVE he turns into she ra!!!!!!!!!
The heart is deactivated, prime's ship and spire are exploded, and Etheria is returned to its full, magical glory, something it hasn't been since the first ones arrived.
Together, Erik and Charles find their way to Hank and Raven. The four friends face their world together, looking at the beauty they've helped to protect and restore.
They've done it.
....i was way to invested in this wasn't i. sheesh i have been writing for like an hour and half now.
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cherubshert · 8 months ago
omg ur so good at writing angst i need another toxic relationship heeseung post
❥Genre: Angst (cheating)
❥a/n: thank u so much for your request!! :)) this might sound a bit odd but i don't really like writing toxic relationships cause it feels too real 😭. idk I'm also a super over thinker lol... The name for the other person is made up !! This is purely fiction!! don't take it seriously!!! I am also a really bad writer so this maybe bad lol
You're so overwhelmed with emotion, Karina's words replaying in your mind. "...the way they held eachother, was so odd. i don't want to start something but they definitely have something going on behind your back."
It made everything make sense, the sudden wall that grew between the both of you, the excuses on why he couldn't meet you, even on days when you knew he wasn't busy, the lack of emotion in his eyes when he looked at you. You didn't want to seem insecure or clingy so you let it go, but now the puzzle pieces were coming together, so quickly you couldn't control it.
Him sitting before you drags you out of your thoughts. The Heeseung you once loved looked so different now, the previously shy man who chased you non stop before your relationship looked like a stranger. "Sorry I'm late." he says shortly, before ordering his drink. You ask him about his day, you didn't want to scare him off yet. His answers felt real but still distant. As his order arrived you watch him eat.
"Who's Cora?" You watch him pause, placing his cup down before looking up at you. "Classmate." "Karina said she's seen you two around, be... buddy buddies." "Oh? we have class together of course we'll be friendly with eachother."
You stare at him, struggling to read the look on his face. You reach for your phone, opening up your group chat with you lr friends, showing him the series of photos they got of them together. His face pales, your fingers helping him scroll through, stopping on a picture of them kissing.
"I... This isn't what-" "It looks like? it's fake? I have videos if you'd like to see them." You sigh. "I won't shame you for falling out of love, but you should have at least broken things off with me first. That hurts so much less than knowing I wasn't worth fidelity." He panics, shaking his head, reaching for your hand, you pull away.
"I can explain, please." "Go ahead, fill me in." you cross your hands over your chest, tilting your head to the side. A series of emotions fly across his face, his shoulders ultimately dropping in defeat. "I'm sorry." he croaks out. You stand to your feet, his hands grabbing your before you could leave. "I still love you, I still feel everything I told you I felt for you that night." you laugh bitterly, swatting his hand away. "The feeling isn't mutual, goodluck with your new relationship."
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codenamesazanka · 8 months ago
I guess in the end, every single villain gets a horrible and tragic ending. I would have never thought a few years back that the ending would have been this abhorrent towards the villains.
I would rather save myself at this point from even reading these last 4 chapters. There is no way in hell it's going to get better at this point. This ending really doomed all the villains to hell.
My last absolute, very last absolute hope is that the mystery character is Tenko, that he comes back and saves his league from their fates. But my faith in this story is in the negatives now.
To be honest, if Shigaraki comes back, I have to say I want him to come back as Shigaraki Tomura. Or pick a new name for himself (SAZANKA). But I feel he cannot come back as Tenko. If Shigaraki is coming back to save his League, then it's because the Heroes are utterly useless, the Heroes cannot save the Villains, so it's up to Shigaraki to save them. And so Shigaraki isn't acting in the capacity of a typical Hero, who have failed, he's acting in the capacity of a Villainous Hero for the Villain. As he's always have been. In coming back to save the League, Shigaraki is destroying the idea that Heroes succeeded, that Heroes have saved the day. He's pulling the rug out from under the Heroes. His work is not done, he is still the Shigaraki Tomura of 'Shigaraki Tomura fought to the bitter end to destroy'. He's staying a Villain, and so he kinda has to stay Shigaraki Tomura. Or have chosen a different villain name.
Shimura Tenko is the grandson of a Hero, having the last name that's tied to a Hero, and Tenko, which contains the 'Ko' of 'Kotarou', Nana's son that she gave up for heroism, further connects him to this legacy. Tenko is the kid who wanted to be a Hero, who liked All Might. Tenko is the ghost child that Deku focused on so hard to save, at the expense of the real person.
But in Chapter 418, despite Deku shattering his hatred, despite Tenko being transported back to happier times due to this relief, he rejects this. He rejects being a Hero. He chooses to continue being a Villain.
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He chooses the League - who have always known him as Shigaraki Tomura, who loved him as such. Whatever there is to say about Shigaraki Tomura being a name given to him by All For One to further AFO's control (tho Shimura Tenko's entire existence was engineered by AFO), it's clear that it's evolved beyond that. And Shigaraki himself never cared much for names.
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BUT this is my bias. And everything I said about the names evolving and Shigaraki not caring about names apples to 'Tenko' as well. And Deku did say in Chapter 424 that Tenko chose to remain the Leader of the League. So maybe he should come back as Tenko. idk! We'll see!
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cowboydisaster · 1 year ago
Christmassy idea idk if I’m too late with this but I just thought of it- Arthur dresses up like Santa to surprise Aspen and the new baby🥹🥹
* ˚ ✦ Starlight * ˚ ✦
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pairing: arthur morgan x f!reader word count: 900 a/n: Merry Christmas!! Thank you for this prompt, im glad you enjoy the little christmas universe.
cowboydisaster's christmas countdown: CHRISTMAS DAY!
christmas countdown┊main masterlist┊rdr2 masterlist
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“Aspen? Honey, I think someone's at the door.” You nod towards the threshold, a smile tugging at your lips as she peeks up from her seat at the table, abandoning her gingerbread men to look towards the door. 
“Who momma? Is daddy home?” She asks, a little spark in her eyes at the thought of her father. You pull the curtain back gently. Starlight trickles in as you fight a smile. 
“I don't know, baby. Why don't you bundle up and we'll go see.” 
She nods, and you help her zip up her coat, pull the boots over her feet. You add a scarf and gloves too, always erring on the side of caution. Aspen is so sweet and patient, waiting excitedly to check outside. She waits until you scoop Iris from her bassinet, and bundle the two of you up. 
The baby yawns, big blue eyes peering around, looking for her daddy no doubt.You smirk, holding her swaddled form close to your chest, leading Aspen towards the door. Your dog Bear rushes out first, barking loud, playing in the snow.
“Go on.” You smile warmly when she looks up to you, and then she pulls the door handle, revealing her surprise. 
Snow falls in beautiful intricate flakes, coating everything in white, falling upon fence rails and the big red wagon that is stopped in your front yard. Sugar and Jasper, yours and Arthur's steeds, stand proud at the front, decorated with red bridles and harnesses. 
The two horses bump their noses together, whinnying and entertaining each other as your husband– no, as Santa Claus himself steps down from the red wagon. 
Arthur had been gifted the outfit from an old friend, a designer from Saint Denis; his name was… Wasp, something or other. The rest had been Arthur's idea. The beard, the wagon, he'd planned it all. You had let him go along with it, seeing how much joy he gets out of spoiling them, making Christmas magical. 
“Ho, ho, ho!” Santa calls– with a particularly southern drawl, you note– as Aspen runs across the yard, a fit of giggles erupting from her chest. 
“MOMMA!” Aspen turns back to you, screaming. Her little cheeks are pink, a smile stretches ear to ear, “It's the real Santa Claus!” 
You rock Iris in your arms, watching the scene play out. Wishing you could live in it forever. 
Arthur helps Aspen climb into the wagon as she marvels at all the bells and whistles. She tells him how good she's been, how much she loves her family. She also tells Santa that her baby sister should be on the naughty list for crying too loud sometimes. Santa has no qualms with that one. 
Iris is far too little to stay out in the cold for very long, so after her nose begins to turn pink, you nod to Arthur, signaling that you'll be stepping back in the house. 
From your seat in the living room, rocking your daughter, you can see the pure joy in Aspen’s eyes. She sits on top of the wagon with Arthur, and he takes her for a ride around the property, talking to her all about Christmas. 
Iris stirs when the door flies open, your little girl running through. 
“Santa took me on a ride!” She hollers, pinks tinged pink from the cold. She pulls her scarf and boots off, dropping them by the front door, “He said ‘Goddamn!’”
Your eyes pop open wide, flickering up to your eldest, “He said what?” 
“Yep! He tripped and he yelled Goddamn!” 
“Baby–” You snort, covering your face with your hand, “Please don't say that word, okay?” You try not to laugh, knowing it will spur her to keep saying it. She nods, pure joy lingering in her eyes. Magic.
“Good, thank you.” You smile at her sweetness, “Go ahead and get in bed, honey. It's way past bedtime, and we have to get to sleep so Santa can sneak our presents under the tree before he leaves. I'll be in shortly to read you a story, alright?” 
— — — 
Bear’s head raises from its comfortable position as Aspen slides out of her bed. She knows it's way past her bedtime, knows that she should have stayed put, waited for you, but she can't help it.
She has Arthur's curiosity. She has your knack for mischief. The door doesn't creak as she pushes it open, little feet padding across the chilly wooden floor, down the hallway.
Ponderous eyes peek around the corner into the living room, going wide as dinner plates. There is a small pile of foil-wrapped presents under the Christmas tree, but more of her attention is locked onto the scene in front of the Christmas tree. 
She gasps, her little hand covering her mouth, suppressing giggles. She runs back to her room, and this time, her little padding feet reach your ears. She jumps back into bed, pulling the blankets up, giggling.  “Bear!” She whispers, gripping onto his big face, “Momma was just kissing Santa Claus!!”
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taglist: @margofiore @mrsarthurmorgan7 @woman-with-no-name @tillith @luvliewriting @pine4pple-b0i @photo1030 @dudsparrow @holyratrimony @twola @calcarius445
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
I'm not sure if you've done this before but
TADC cast with reader that makes plushiea of them?? I think that'd be comforting
bonus points if reader hugs it to sleep
anyways thank you for the content ily<33(platonic)
Gangle, Jax, and Ragatha x reader who makes plushies that look like them!
let it be known that the wheel kept landing on gangle, even after i had already written her name for this post so i think thats a sign that i should write gangle more hope you enjoy this anon!! im probably going to answer this request and maybe one more; idk we'll see how my brain is feeling after this
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I think she would think its cute!! Probably offers to make little outfits for mini her... oooo or maybe she makes a plush version of you so you guys can match. bonus because you made yours for comfort.. it kind of turns into "we have minis of each other so we dont get lonely".. at least thats what it sounds like to me! very sweet very nice, when you guys dont have the plushies you position them together and have them sit with one another... i think she would pick the plushie up if it were to fall from where ever you had it propped; as opposed to jax beating it up.. i dont think she would think its weird or raise any questions after initialing finding out about the doll! very open minded and she thinks its sweet that you find that much comfort in her
"why cuddle something fabric when you can have the real thing!", will say this regardless of if you guys are already a couple or not... need to bring back my flirty/little shit jax hcs... whether thats an actual invitation to come and cuddle him is up to you, though! probably lightly makes fun of it, perhaps even playfully calling it creepy... if he notices any hurt feelings hes probably going to slow down on that.. definitely the type to punch someones plushies while the owner is out of the room... you just walk in on him wailing on his mini self/j
if you guys are dating he probably feels slightly threatened if you show more affection to the doll than to him... his ego. wobbly
ooo gangle plushie would be... an interesting plushie... i think she would be impressed that you made it work more than her being weirded out that you made her in the first place... though i dont think "weirded out" is the correct term. do i think she would be a little confused and perhaps even a little put off? yes. but i think like ragatha, she would calm down and accept it if you explained why the plushie exists, you know? I think after that she would be fine with it for the most part..! sometimes turns the plushie to face away from her if shes alone in the room with it, though... not to be mean of course..!
probably helps you maintain it so it doesnt fall apart, me thinks
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aeruia · 1 year ago
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his feelings weren't rejected nor did you say you don't like him back and he wanna find out what your actual feelings are.
pairing/s : reo mikage x reader
warning/s : lowercase intended.
word count : 740
note : i thought it was long but it was shorter than i thought !
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you didn't expect the great reo mikage would confess to you. right after their game they won he ran up to you just expecting him to brag about it but he didn't. he confessed his feelings. you felt the time stopped when he said the three words you didn't expect that would come out of his mouth.
opening your mouth to respond but nothing came out making you just close your mouth. you two stood there awkwardly for a minute as reo waited for your answer. although he never got one since you left him there without saying anything.
after that “conversation” if you can even consider it one. you never saw reo again. well not really. you refused to go out of your apartment because of the talk you and reo had two days after the game.
you were brewing coffee while waiting for the food you microwaved to be done. a ring from your phone made you stop mixing the coffee you're preparing for yourself as you wiped your hand and grabbed your phone seeing that nagi messaged you.
“ hey [name], are you free today? ” the message says, making you tilt your head as you sigh before opening it.
“ hey nagi! i am free today, why? ”
“ oh, great. reo wanted to see you. ”
“ then.. why are you the one messaging me..? ”
“ idk? he's shy ig but he says meet him here [address] at 3pm ”
“ oh, okay, thank you nagi. ”
you sighed again, closing your phone as you got back to mixing the coffee again as you took a sip. and of course, when you're about to have some peace someone knocks on your door.
sighing for the third time, you put your cup on the coaster as you walk towards the door and open it. “ can i get some quiet- ” you requested but when you looked up, you saw reo there standing with his hand in his pocket. “ r..reo ” you stammered your eyebrows furrowed. “ nagi texted me earlier, what are you doing here? ” you said, your mouth can't shut up now as you said everything to him outside before letting him come inside.
“mmm, yeah but i just can't wait to see what you will actually say to my confession.” he straightforwardly said as he made himself feel at home.
what he said made you unintentionally spit your coffee you just sipped as you wiped your mouth. ” ah, sorry.. i was just a little… shocked. ” you explained, putting the cup on the coaster again.
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you do admit that you had a small crush on reo. that small crush became big. it all started when you got to know him because of nagi. jokingly saying you have a crush on him as you giggle, talking all about it with nagi when he plays his game.
“ so. . it's not a joke? ” you asked, reo’s head tilting to the side when you asked him that. ” joke? there's no joke here. ” he answered as you put your lips into a thin line.
“ your choice is yes or no, don't sweat it. ” you looked up to him and raised one eyebrow at him. “ if i said i don't like you? ” you asked as he sat properly on your couch. “ then, i’ll move on and we'll be staying as friends. ” he answered with a straight face but he hoped that's not your real answer.
nodding at his answer, he doesn't know why but he felt himself sweat when he saw you lean back on the couch and smiled. ” i was too shocked and certainly did not expect it. ” you explained first. ” so, i’m sorry for leaving you in the air like that. . ” chuckling as you looked him in the eye.
” i like you too. ” you said, his heart skipping a beat when he heard you say those four words. he felt the world slow down when he heard it. a big smile was now plastered on his face as he can't help but smile. “ really? ” the first thing he asks as you laugh and nod. “ really. ”
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that day, reo took you out for a date. the very first date. the date goes well, very very well that when you come home you have a smile. even going to bed you're still smiling. tucked in bed and eyes closed, the smile is still there.
that's how you will know that you had a good time with someone you like.
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date posted : 120223
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