#idk guys just pls take this n loaf me ty
chaotiquetm · 7 years
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                    ho-ho-holy shit not only is it finally the fucking END OF 2017, it’s also a little past the 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this flaming dumpster of a blog !  i also hit 250 followers a couple of days ago, but that’s a celebration for another day...  nonetheless, let’s all be honest here --- 2017 was a complete and total shitfest of a year.  it was rough on all of us, so here’s to hoping 2018 will be kinder to us !  as seasons change, so do we !  darkness gives way to light, and new life begins.  so, to everyone, 明けましておめでとうございます !  今年もよろしくお願いします !
                    a good majority of my followers know who i am, but to those that are new ‘round here --- whaddup, i’m umby, i’m 19, and i never fuckin learned how to read !!  a couple of mutuals here have also followed me on blogs in other fandoms, and an even smaller amount of you guys might remember that i used to write a miles / mitsurugi.  so, in short... kazuma wasn’t my first rodeo in the ace attorney community !  and needless to say, this community is honestly such a good one ?  i won’t delve into deets on that, but... there’s definitely a reason as to why i’ve been in this community for over two years now !
          to all my followers, writing partners, mutuals i’ve never spoken to --- even the anons, both the good and the bad --- thank you so much for making my stay here stellar !  it’d be redundant for me to say how much i love writing kazuma and haori, as well as developing them, but i’ll say it anyway !  these two Disaster Disasters™ are incredibly special to me, and will always hold a special place in my heart --- and it’s all thanks to you guys !  you guys have stuck with my dumb ass for the past two years, through all of my shitposting, negativity, as well as the rare occasions where i actually do write here oops.  i’ve met some wonderful individuals through this community, and it’s all because of your support that i’ve gotten to where i am today !!  so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much, for your patience, for your kindness, for everything else in between.  thank you all for being a part of my 2017, and i hope to have held the same weight in all of yours !  i look forward to spending 2018 --- and hopefully even on --- with all of you guys, so i hope you’ll all have me !
                    anyway, words are fleeting and i don’t want to subject you guys to more sap than is necessary, so i’ll draw the line here.  to those that have made it this far, THANK YOU.  here’s to a new year --- to 2018 --- which will hopefully be kinder than the last.  again, 明けましておめでとうございます !  and of course, 今年もよろしくお願いします !!   ♡
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