#idk any other rg blogs!
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Y’all Gemstones are the rednecks. Look at you. Fine. Old Gabriel is gonna blow his horn, and when he does, a reckoning will come. I think he might be blowing that horn a little sooner than you think!
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project-nightshade · 5 years
11/11/11 - Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @ofinkblotsandscript !! :)
Rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions of 11 people
1. What is your favourite genre to write?
Fantasy probably, especially high fantasy! It’s just so fun to build a fantasy world from scratch!
2. Who is your favourite OC and why?
I change favourites all the time but currently it’s Corinth because I’m so satisfied with his (planned) character arc!
3. Who is your least favourite OC and why?
I don’t really have a least favourite OC, but I do have several neglected ones haha
4. Do you ever find yourself self-inserting in your writing?
No, not really. But I do have something to say about self-inserts that is not actually related to the question.
This is going to sound controversial but I think the writing community is overly-critical of self-insert characters.
The main issue many may have with self-insert characters, is not so much the fact that it’s a self-insert, but that the writer can be too biased towards their self-insert character to a point where the writing becomes illogical. But if self-insert characters are given the same treatment and same amount of complexities as any other character, they can actually work really well!
For example, in Dazai Osamu’s iconic literary work ‘No Longer Human’, Dazai wrote himself into the protangonist of the story, and the character worked so well that I find myself crying at climatic parts of the story!
There are many other of such classic literary work, where the story is essentially a fictional autobiography of the authors themselves, like W. Somerset Maugham’s ‘Of Human Bondage’. And sometimes the author may write themselves into side characters of their story, like when Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote himself as the father in ‘The Brothers Karamazov’.
Heck, ‘Diary of a Young Girl’ was literally Anne Frank’s personal diary, and it resonated with so many readers worwide!
My point is made, it’s time to debunk the myth that self-insert characters are inherently bad, when they can in fact be written well when given the same amount of complexity as any other character.
5. Are you hoping to publish your work? If so will you submit your work or self-publish?
I actually don’t know. For Project Nightshade, I have the world, the character and the plot planned out, but I haven’t given much thought to publishing yet. Right now I’m inclining towards making it a visual novel, so I’m thinking maybe tapas? Idk I really don’t know yet, I might write instead if my art skills are not good enough :”
6. What is your favourite book and why?
Oh no it’s so hard to pick a favourite because I have so many! But if I have to, it’s got to be one is Jimmy Liao’s (幾米) book ‘Wo De Shi Jie Dou Shi Ni’ (我的世界都是你), which roughly translates to ‘My World is You’.
Jimmy writes short illustrated books, but he has such a unique storytelling style that it had struck a chord with me since I was very young (maybe 7 or so). His sentence structure and choice of words are very simple, such that even a child can understand it, yet the simplicity and authenticity of his words made them beautifully poetic. His accompanying illustrations are whimsical and beautifully composed, and lends his book such an iconic look, that it becomes immediately recognisable to his readers! I have so much admiration for him as both an author and an artist!
I adore all of his works, but his book ‘My World is You’ takes the cake for me. The book is about a little girl dealing with the loss of her mother (as represented by her puppy ragdoll), where each night she visits a different entity in a room and learns a different lesson about loss. The story is told from the little girl’s perspective and dealt with such a heavy topic in such a profound and astoundingly poetic way, that I find myself clinging tightly to every single word. The story is such a simple story, yet is so emotional that I still find myself crying my eyes out every time even though I’ve probably read it over twenty times already. The book is cleverly written, because while it appeals to children through its beautiful illustrations, it also grapples with mature themes like loss in a sophisticated manner, such that it can help children learn about loss in a healthy way. At the same time, his book also appeals to adults, who can relate with the little girl’s struggle with loss, and is also more capable of interpreting complex meanings hidden in the narrative.
Jimmy Liao is seriously underrated and I hope that someday his works can be translated so that they can reach a wider international audience. I had fallen in love with his writing (and drawing) at age 7 and even now I still absolutely adore his work, and if anything I learnt to appreciate them more! In other words, his writing is really one that ages well along with his readers, and his books will always have a special place in my heart.
7. Do you set yourself goals in your writing? If so what is your current goal?
Not really, I just work on my wip whenever I have free time. Right now I’m just focusing on polishing the worldbuilding as well as the outline :”
8. Do you like to handwrite your drafts or type them up?
Definitely type. It’s just so much easier to edit :”
9. What do you think is the hardest thing about being a writer?
Personally it’s writing in general, like finding the right turn of phrases, or appropriate metaphors. I only picked up English when I was like 10, and I wasn’t fluent in it until like 12 or something. Even now I’m still quite insecure about my English (especially pronounciation but I guess that falls outside of writing), but I am slowly gaining more confidence in my linguistic skills, and I hope one day I can reach a level that I can be proud of!
10. Do you plan out your projects or just start writing?
Plan, plan, and plan! I personally can’t dive into something without excessive planning, but I really respect those who can! I tried writing something spontaneously before but it was a trainwreck so I told myself never again haha :”
11. Do you like to stick to one project or have multiple ones at once?
One project. I can’t imagine juggling multiple projects at once, I’d be too overwhelmed! Heck, this entire blog is dedicated to just one wip! Mad respect to all of you out there with two or more wips. Wow!
Here are my 11 questions:
1. Tell us about yourself!
2. Tell us about your current wip(s)!
3. Tell us about the protangonist in your wip(s)! (Who are they? What are they like? What are their goals/motivations?)
4. What got you into writing? What was the first time you ever wrote?
5. What are some of your inspirations? (It can be a book, movie, tv show, anything!)
6. Is there a particular author you look up to? Who is it and why?
7. Have you ever experienced a writing block? How did you deal with it?
8. Do you outline your wip(s) or just go with the flow?
9. Is there a particular character archetype or trope that you are fond of writing? What is it and why?
10. Tell us how you name your OCs!
11. Tell us a random fact about either your OCs or your wip(s)!
Tagging: @hyba @sheabutterskyes @ofimber @amiable-cherry @royalbounties @nerdvanauniverse @the-real-rg @winonapeaks @coffeeandpurplepens @awritinglen @thelostandforgottenageha
Anyone else is welcome to answer the 11 questions too! Thanks for reading :)
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Yeah, so, this. And I finished most of Chapter 5 as well. As you'll remember, there's only two povs in chapter 5. Aaron and Ingram. So, we're resolving chapter 4's end in chapter 5 and we're setting up chapter 6 through 10 with Ingram's pov in chapter 5. I'm still unsure of whether or not I should split Aaron's pov into two and put one part after the other or if I should just rearrange the povs and call it a day. Like, I need to set up a very very short interlude as well with the end of chapter 5 and then we get another interlude with chapter the end of chapter 6. So, yeah. That's happening. There is also an interlude after chapter 4! Which, should be up on Wattpad in a couple of days! So, I will just tag you all when it is up! Prepare your schedules. I'm posting the new Ingram pov from chapter 4 in about an hour so, you should have plenty of time. And then I'll post the Aaron pov tomorrow late at night so it should be like early morning/midday for people in the US and evening for the Europe people. Well, that's it.
Tag list: @inexorableblob @hell-yeah-fantasy @lilac-written @aurumni-writes @vviciously @the-real-rg @three-seas-writes @cawolters @writersloth @writingwithteacups @westviews @godofdiverseinterests @alessia-writes @nobodywritesstuff (she deactivated her blog, left the discord servers she was in and idk if she's on any other platforms. A moment of silence, if you will.) @noahanthonyart @ouranox @death-over-coffee @vannahhere @ohlooksheswriting @yourwritingisgay @grimmwrites @leo-november @vhum @scrunchiestudies
BTW, if I'm annoying you by tagging you in the updates, and you just want to be tagged in the post itself or maybe just be removed from the list, or even added, just ask. :)
Also, kinda a sneak at the title for chapter 5. It is such a goddamn mood, to be honest lol
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deku-lily · 6 years
AtDGO update!
And the Dream Goes On Chapter 16: Operation Birthday (Phase 2)
Wherein I demonstrate my inability to write feelz. (Probably. Idk if I'm actually doing it right or wrong. Nobody's telling me what they think, so I'm just sitting here cranking out my self-indulgent garbage. -3- )
Oh! Speaking of which, I put some RG 01 and RG 02 cuteness in here. :3 I've always thought they were so cute. ^//w//^
A simple, unassuming box had been left in the middle of The Plaza, in New Home. Most of the people walking by wouldn’t have paid it any attention under normal circumstances. But, according to the Undernet, their princess posted a picture of herself holding it. People reading the discussions on her blog learned that the wishing box was special, and so they paid more attention to it. 
Many stuffed little notes inside, following tradition. Others found bullet-shaped cards that would fit through the slot and put those in. Some thought that a box sitting in the middle of the city when it should've been outside the princess’ home was strange. But then someone posted a new opinion on matter, albeit in a goofy font.
Although they’d welcomed Frisk to their kingdom when she was adopted, they hadn’t welcomed her home. Perhaps someone was trying to tell them they needed to let her know she was right where she belonged. And what better place to do that than in the middle of their biggest city?
And the Dream Goes On Chapter 16: Operation Birthday (Phase 2)
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