#idk IDK ill go to you v_v
sunribs · 10 months
why was the warning bell rung? ( to yukari, from giyu or megumi! )
ꕤ   .     ᐟ     @diaboelic .          ❀  ˖  °     vikings sentence starters   .
her day starts strangely. she could open her mouth & taste metal, coppery red alarm clocks flashing for seconds before she figures it has to be nothing. any time she feels her own skin, there must be violence. she had been aware of her own eyes that day, oddly aware of the tragedy her fair skin dressed like the stars hanging by the moon. they whisper & hide, stuttering along the tide while the ocean pulls them in without trying. to be tragic is to be baffled, & the role loses itself upon her hands, dilutes itself in watercolors ; reds never quite become reds & blues never shade into doubts of black. yes, this was quite the unusual day for her. conflicts wait on the waves pushed back from shore, the sea takes & waits on no one, water becomes life the way a fire becomes ash. things bury underneath.
just the way ice water crashes her underneath herself. yukari breaks out in a cold sweat, silkspun ache blossoms in the back of her neck, fresh from the nap she had just woke from. everyone colors in life, but silence calls out & holds her arms like she won't come back. & once again, she snaps from it, the breath underwater consuming her air. everyone becomes fragmented graphite.
there's no one, but that cannot be right. an angel's body is translucent yet there, & the wings open up like dripping maws. something stings her chest, something like fright. she sees nothing, but nothing feels quite like right. so she does what she knows she must, splits the illusion inside-out before splitting sideways. nothing. nothing. yet light comes, yet voice comes like the laughter of her brother. bleary & exhaustive, she focuses on the one person before her, orange unfurls & implodes within her stomach ; she stands like a child who knows this is not their mother. bewildered does she paint her features, her limbs are stiff & cold. ❛ what are you talking about ?? i've been asleep. ❜
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Kissing Practice
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bisolationist · 1 year
I think the reason we (bisexuals) see our harassment from gay people go up after we deal with an incident of homophobia/biphobia from a heterosexual is that they literally think we're "asking for it" because a sentiment I see a LOT (even if sometimes it's a "joke") is:
"Bisexuals can literally choose to be straight, so why wouldnt you? How stupid are you"
Like they feel as though it would be easy for us to stay closeted our entire lives lol... on top of obviously playing into a lot of biphobic stereotypes about how we can pick and choose who we're attracted to (because we're down for anything you know lol) + that we only attract homophobia/biphobia when actively expressing same sex attraction (what a strange choice to make! Why would you victimize yourself like that if you can make it stop whenever by just acting straight?) Etc
Which is why I don't tolerate it from anyone... because it's the exact same shit that straight people give us, it's just being spewed from a different perspective. Its not "venting" lol... Aside from harassment not being okay regardless of who is doing it lmao it reinforces the attitudes that do get us assaulted/whatever by straight ppl and keep us marginalized in general.
Idk why the sexual orientation of the person saying it really matters, to be honest. Do women get a pass for being misogynistic to other women? Does any group get exempt like that when they are perpetuating stereotypes/harassing another marginalized group? I mean I hope not
Opression doesn't occur in a vacuum lol it always goes along with a certain cultural narrative about the group being opressed - in this case that bisexual are wishy-washy sex freaks who it's okay to sexually harass, because if it really bothered them they wouldn't be literally *asking for it* all the time. Everyone knows you can't trust us and take us at our word lolll
Yeah I think you may be right v_v or at least I think this is a huge chunk of it for bi women!
I think in addition to "you were asking for it" that bi women especially get**, I think they also just hate any contrary evidence to the "bihets don't really actually experience oppression". Like it's really made to be an absolute lose lose***, and bisexuals that experience an undeniable form of oppression like sexual assault just riles up both sides of that agenda :\
I'm repeating myself but I just wanna elaborate on this more. There's really this pincer. Where one half tells bi women that the main chunk of their oppression is "just" misogyny (and thus all women are equally entitled to talk about it, nothing special about bisexuality) or "just" homophobia (so again nothing special about bisexuality, in fact bisexuals are less entitled talk about it because there's a pretense we only experience incidental/'misdirected' homophobia + they were 'asking for it', as you said). And the other half just insists we're basically heterosexual and thus any and all attempts by bisexuals to discuss our own lives are histrionic BPD mental illness, malicious manipulation of the worst kind, a fictitious political agenda wherein we're 'weaponizing' our abuse, etc. etc. etc. it all boils down to Not Real Plug Ears Ignore.
Sidenote. "You Were Asking For It" wouldn't be any less evil of a thing to say to a woman experiencing homophobia from within a relationship, because women choosing relationships are never asking for abuse, but it has to be pointed out that it's a sentiment still deployed viciously against bi women that were assaulted by strangers or acquaintances. They like to pretend it's a righteous "Personal Responsibility" thing (Republican Moment) but it's clearly about pushing a political agenda and pushing a narrative about bisexuals and assault victims (Republican Moment).
**it has to be said bi men don't get this nearly so much, mainly just the latter one. But bi men still get the weird fucking reactions when they are victimized by sexual assault. That's why I think it has to be a mix. ***I think this is why they actually seem to tolerate bisexuals that are in OSA relationships and say things like "well I've been in an OSA relationship my entire adult life and have never experienced oppression so those other bis are just whiny homophobes <3". Like in addition to being a convenient mouthpiece of biphobia, it fits their narrative.
And sure, there are bisexuals that don't experience parental rejection, sexual assault, significant homophobia, etc. Yeah het relationships are a privilege. But if you try to pretend those people and those people only are the whole story when there are actively people telling much different stories than you have an agenda :\
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shadyparade · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @soccermomager ! thank you very much :)
Nickname: lol most people call me Shady
Zodiac: im not super familiar with zodiac signs but i think im a Scorpio?
Height: 5′6″ or about 167 cm
Last movie I saw: Lethal Weapon
Last thing I googled: apparently it was “geocities website”
Favorite musician: i dont really have one? i listen to songs, not specific artists. i guess i really like PUP and Oliver Tree right now. that’ll probably change in a few days though lol
Song stuck in my head: the song thats like “discord, im howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon” its a bop lmao
Other blogs: 
@silent-shady - its my interest dump blog, i post stuff about whatever im interested in to keep it from clogging up my main
i also have 3 other blogs but theyre cringy lol
Do I get asks: no lmao
Following: 151, i sometimes go through and unfollow inactive accounts to keep the list short
Followers: 71 wow
Amount of sleep: i typically get 3-6 hours of sleep depending on the day. today i got a full 8 hours because i dont have to do anything today lol
Lucky number: 8
What I’m wearing: a dark grey long sleeve shirt and red checkered pj pants
Dream job: i want to be a forensic scientist or some other type of scientist. or maybe ill work with computers? idk yet
Dream trip: i want to visit to new york, texas, canada, and england! ive been to new york and texas already and i loved both of them so much!!!
Favorite food: there was this little korean/american restaurant in texas and they sold kimchi fries and theyre still the best thing ive ever had!!! its too bad that theyre only in texas v_v
Play any instruments? i used to play the euphonium but it was too heavy for my skinny little arms so i stopped lmao
Languages: my brain is made of garbage so languages are super hard to learn but i know a bit of french, a bit of latin, and a tiny bit of korean
Favorite songs: right now its Hurt by Oliver Tree
Random Facts: i really love spicy and sour food!! spicy food is probably most of my diet right now lol
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: sweaters, coffee shops, old books, etc
Tag 21 Some People: no i dont even know that many people irl what the heck
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