#idk I just wanted to use this color scheme and draw them cuddling
higgs-the-god · 2 years
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Unexpected Kisses
Pairing: BNHA boys x reader
Warnings: Talks about anxiety for a bit in Tamaki’s part
Request: Hi!! Uhm,, I kinda,,, don't talk to users on this app so idk where to send requests AHAJSHSJHS but I do know that you write BNHA stuff so,,,, if it's not too much, maybe Tamaki, Midoriya, Denki and Kirishima (separate) reacting to their s/o's suddenly scattering their face with kisses and complimenting them out of the blue?? you don't have to do all of them tho :''D thank you!! <33
I don’t have much to say about this one, other than sending thanks to @aahilovetheatre​ for sharing such a cute request with me! Sorry I’m slow about getting these out, but I am working at my request list the best that I can.
Characters: Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, Amajiki
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● You know, he really was just minding his own business
● Izuku sat at his desk, taking notes from a textbook like he did every Thursday evening. You were laying on his bed, reading a book for class. Every minute or so, the silence of the room would be broken by the scratching of a pencil or the turn of a page
● At some point, you started getting a little bored with your reading. The words on the page began to feel less and less comprehensible as your mind started to wander elsewhere
● Your boyfriend cleared his throat, and your fickle attention snapped to him
● He was so absorbed in his work, it was cute. The way his eyebrows furrowed as he scanned over the page; and how he tapped the worn down All Might eraser at the end of his pencil against his lips. His lips . . . his cheeks . . . . Yep, you were getting an idea
● Sliding a post-it note into your book to mark your progress, you set it down and stood up. Izuku, of course, didn't notice, still deep in concentration
● You came up behind him, glancing at the paper from over his shoulder
● He finally turned and straightened, meeting your eyes with his own forest green. "Hey, (Y/N), what's up?"
● You took the opportunity to slide down into his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I needed a break for a moment."
● "O-oh." Izuku's voice had taken on a higher pitch, cheeks flushing with warmth and color at your sudden proximity
● He dropped his pencil and wrapped his arms around your waist, beginning to relax into your hold
● It was then that you put your hands on either side of his face and started pressing kisses all over him, leaving no area of skin untouched by your lips
● You could feel the way his cheeks began to burn a bright red under your fingers, nervously giggling at the ticklish sensation of your breath and skin against his
● Once you were finally satisfied, you sat back, simply gazing at his face lovingly for a moment
● "What was that for?" he asked. “I—I mean, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy it—” You wondered if it was your own heart or his that you felt beating so rapidly
● "I just . . . needed you,” you cut in. “You're so cute when you study." You relaxed your grip on his cheeks, sliding back in to plant yet another kiss on his forehead. "You work so hard . . . ." You began to graze your lips slowly over to his temple, before pressing them back to his skin in a syrupy sweet moment
● You proceeded to praise him, whispering how strong he was, and how proud you were to have him as your boyfriend, and how attractive you found him. After every other sentence, you left another kiss on his face, whether it was his cheek, forehead, or nose. You even made a silent game out of trying to see how many of his freckles you could kiss
● By the end of it, Izuku looked almost like he was about to cry. He'd loved every minute of it and had hung onto your every word. Even so, he still couldn't help but wonder what brought all this on
● "(Y/N), what's—why would you—?"
● You poked at his nose gently. "Because I love you."
● He wrapped his own arms tighter around you, crushing you closer into his chest for a hug. "I love you too, (Y/N). So much."
● You rubbed his back while he stroked your hair for a moment, just letting yourselves hold each other
● "Do you have work you need to do?" you finally asked. "Sorry, I interrupted you."
● "No no, that's okay. We can stay like this for a little bit longer."
● You hummed, nuzzling further into the crook of his neck
● No doubt about it, Izuku's head was already spinning with schemes to surprise you and get you back. It was only a matter of when
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● Kirishima was just hanging out on the couch, casually scrolling through various feeds on his phone
● That is, until you came in the room, intent on sneaking up behind him
● You went up behind the couch as softly as you could, before suddenly wrapping your arms around his neck from behind
● He jumped, startled for a moment, until he realized it was you
● "Hey, there," he said, rolling his head back so he was looking upside down at you
● You giggled and kissed his forehead. "Hi."
● "Come 'ere." He patted the empty cushion next to him
● Without needing to be told twice, you circled around to the other side of the couch, settling onto his lap
● "So, how have you been—mmph—"
● You'd cut him off with a kiss to his lips; one he quickly grinned and melted into
● "Woah, okay," he breathed when you let him go. "Is there something going on?"
● "Hmm, no," you admitted, reaching up to boop his nose. "I just love you. Feel like showing it."
● "Okay, then. I can get behind that." He put your foreheads together and nuzzled his nose against yours. "How are you going to do that?"
● "By telling you how amazing you are," you said, leaning in to kiss his forehead again
● His blush nearly tripled. "O-oh. I—"
● "Like, how you're so strong and manly," you whispered, lips grazing the skin of his cheek. "And you've worked so hard to get where you are now. You're brave, and I'm so proud to say that you're my boyfriend."
● Your words went on as you languidly pressed kisses against his skin. After a few minutes, you’d worked him up so much, a tear or two spilled from his eyes, and you kissed those away as well
● "I love you," you whispered again, dipping to give him a full kiss on the lips
● When you leaned back, he simply gazed up at you in awe. He was a man in love, and it was as though you were some sort of deity or angel sent from the skies above
● "I—um, I don't really know what to say," he said, giving a weak chuckle and wiping at his eye. "Wow, uh, I wasn't expecting that."
● "Did you enjoy it?" you asked, pulling yourself into his chest a little more
● "Yeah! I'm just—not very used to it is all." He trailed off, glancing to the floor as his thoughts began to take flight on their own
● "You'd better get used to it," you said, tilting his chin so he could look at you again. "And I meant everything I said. If you try to deny it, then I'm going to say it again. But this time I won't be so nice."
● "Oh, really?" Eijirou asked, a smirk drawing a corner of his mouth up. "And what would that look like?"
● "Well, I guess I'd have to tickle you," you said, shrugging as if it were an unavoidable fact. Because it was. "And I wouldn't stop until you admit that what I'm saying is the truth."
● "Hmm, I'll keep that in mind then." He suddenly pushed you back a little from his chest so you were facing him again. "But I think a little payback's in order. Say, Pebble," he leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on your nose, "you're looking pretty cute today."
● It was a long time before either of you moved from the couch
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● Denki was just laying on his bed, alone in his room, reading
● This particular part of his book wasn't particularly interesting, and he was considering leaving it to come back to some other time
● Nevertheless, his eyes lingered on the page, skimming through sentences that did nothing to capture his attention. Maybe it would be easier for him to pick back up if he left on a better note
● You had other plans, though
● The silence in his room was broken when you flung his door open, running in without scarcely bothering to swing it all the way shut again behind you
● Kaminari barely had time to lower his book when you came barreling into his lap, throwing your arms around him in a mighty hug
● "Oof—(Y/N)-chan! What's going on?"
● "You're getting a vibe check."
● You adjusted yourself just enough so you would both be comfortable before peppering his face with kisses, rapidly moving over every key point
● "Ah—what?!" Denki started giggling at your actions, and soon enough you were unable to fight back the smile and laughs that were freely expressed by your own lips
● "Denki! If I'm laughing like this, then I can't kiss you!"
● "Then what if I kiss you?"
● He pecked the tip of your nose, making you giggle again as you eased in closer to his face. "No. It's my turn. I love you and I need you right now."
● "(Y/N), we just saw each other an hour ago."
● "Too long," you pouted, going back to planting kisses on his cheeks, although this time you were slower and more deliberate. "I want to make sure that you know how much you're loved. By me."
● Kaminari's cheeks flushed a bit. "Really? O-okay."
● You busied your hands by rubbing at his back and shoulders, your lips whispering praises into his ear
● "I love spending time with you," you said. "I love your jokes, and hearing your laugh always brightens up my day."
● Each sentence had him burning up, and the slow kisses you'd leave between sentences did nothing to help. Any minute now, he felt like he could short circuit
● When you finally leaned back, Denki stared at you, wide-eyed. "Where did that come from?"
● "I just felt like it." You shrugged
● "Wow, I—I think I need a minute."
● He glanced off to the side, touching at one of the countless places you'd kissed him. "You're so cute, babe," he muttered, grinning into his hand
● "Yeah?" you giggled
● "Of course." Denki wrapped his arms around you again so you were flush against his chest. "And you know what else?"
● "What?"
● "I'd say it's cuddle time." He pulled you down so you were lying on top of him, then rolled to his side so you were still facing each other. "And it's also my turn. I'm not going to be the only one who's getting compliments today."
● And with that, he held you; generously peppering your face with kisses as he professed everything he loved about you
● It was a wonderful end to his afternoon
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● Tamaki was alone in his room. He had turned the lights off and sat down in his bed. His head rested in his hands as he tried to stop the shaking, but it was almost as if there was nothing he could do
● He'd just had an awful day and his mind wouldn't stop going back to everything that had gone wrong
● First he'd had to do a presentation, which he could have sworn he was ready for. But fate—or at least, his anxiety—had other plans
● It was as if he was watching himself from outside of his body; watching as his own throat closed up and he lost the capability to speak. Watched as he stumbled over his own thoughts as his tongue betrayed him. He spat out an incomprehensible string of "um"s, and spoke too fast, and his thoughts wouldn't connect with one another
● And then, directly after that, he'd been unable to find either you nor Mirio. You both must have been busy with your own work, but seeing you was something that Tamaki always looked forward to. He could make it through any kind of day as long as one of you spoke your kind words to him, or showed him your sun-bright smiles
● But he'd been deprived of that, forced to retreat to his dorm room to sulk alone
● His mind focused on the memory of his words, replaying them over and over again
● It was so much, he almost didn't hear the knock at his door
● "Tamaki? Are you in there?" He immediately recognized your voice
● "Yeah," he called back glumly. He was glad he would finally get to see you, but now he wasn't sure what it would take to get him out of such thoughts
● You let yourself in, quietly shutting his door before making your way over to his bed. "Are you doing okay?" you asked him. "I've barely seen you at all today. How'd your presentation go?"
● "Awful," he responded. "I locked up again. Everyone was staring at me and I was under so much pressure." He paused and sighed, putting his face in his hand again
● "Hey, it's going to be okay," you said, putting a hand on his back. "I'm sure your teacher understands. And you're a really good student and hero."
● "Hm," he responded, not looking at you
● "You don't believe me?" you asked, reaching up to caress his cheek. "It's true."
● He still made no move to respond, merely sighing and leaning into your touch
● "Is it okay if I hold you?" you asked. "Would that help at all?"
● You knew it could be a little risky being too forward with touching Tamaki. It was always best to ask first
● He finally met your eyes, nodding. You both moved around on the bed until you were comfortably seated in his lap, thighs wrapped around his hips
● You held onto each other in a close hug, and soon your hands were rubbing little circles on Tamaki's back. You began to whisper things to him, telling him everything would be alright
● "Hey, hey. It's just you and me now, no one else. It's okay."
● Finally his shoulders began to settle from their tense, hunched position
● You nuzzled your nose against his ear before giving his cheekbone a small peck
● "Feeling better?" you asked
● "Yeah, a little," he admitted, his face still buried in your shoulder. "Thanks for this."
● "Of course."
● You pulled back so you could face him, unable to stop yourself from placing a kiss directly on the tip of his nose
● You grinned at how his face scrunched up a bit, so you repeated the action. Soon enough, you were leaving little kisses all over his face, and the boy beneath you even let out a few chuckles at the sensation
● "I love you," you said, watching as his pre-existing blush only deepened
● "I love you too," he said. "You always know how to make me feel better."
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​​
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juuheizou · 4 years
i may have went a bit overboard with choosing numbers. i just love those asks a lot. here they are: 4, 9, 13, 23, 28, 34, 36, 38, 47, 49, 51, 53, 63, 79, 83, 84, 97, 99
ash your overboard numbers are the best thing that ever happened to me dw about it tysm!!
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
i’ll drink it black/plain if i really want a caffeine fix and have nothing to put in it, but i have a big sweet tooth and i like it w sugar and/or flavored syrup, and milk is nice but not a requirement
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
yES. i love to sing. like really love it. not to be emo but music has always been therapy to me. i was in a choir too for abt 4 years, and did some talent shows/open mics, and would really love to be in a band or something someday. i sing and hum around my house all the time
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
when i got home from work and laid in my bed for almost an hour straight (i’m running on critically low spoons ok don’t judge me) peachie followed me into my room as he always does when i get home, and hopped up and sniffed/licked me as he always does when i get home, but this time he stepped up onto my torso and laid down on me and we cuddled for a long time and it was v nice  :)
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
listen to music and nap, maybe draw/write/do something creative if i have the spoons
28: sunrise or sunset?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
i don’t really remember the stuffed animals i had when i was v young, but when i was 16 i found this cute little stuffed giraffe at a thrift store and just had to have it. it’s not called anything. i tried thinking of a name and all i ever call it is ‘my giraffe’ but its a big comfort object of mine and i keep it in my backpack in case i need something to self-soothe with. i love stuffed animals and highkey want more
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
idk probaby like... velvet acid christ or some weird edgy ebm band like that. bc i am just CHILLIN and idk what i’m doing but i still like knives and blood and stuff
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
the list would be so long if i listed all of them, so imma just pick one and rant abt it a little. it really cheeses me off when ppl question u on irrelevant, personal stuff that i don’t wanna share and they don’t need to know. idk like the guy that helped my roommate move knew me for a few minutes and was immediately asking what i did for work, how many hours do i work, am i going to school, am i planning on going to school, why am i not in school, and i’m like ‘none of ur beeswax stranger.’ stuff like that. maybe its just bc i’m a v private person irl and have always been the person ppl share things with while not knowing much abt me, so it just seems unnatural and honestly intrusive when ppl i’m not all that close to start asking me personal stuff that i don’t readily share, esp when they get all pissy that i don’t wanna tell a stranger, my landlord, my coworker, etc a bunch of stuff they don’t need to know.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
fried onions in any kind of breading. they look so crispy and delicious, then u bite into them and onions.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
love it!! usually i’ll download the mp3s bc i’m broke, but when i can get them, i love having an album to hold and i love the little notes and lyrics inside the case and it’s just great. i haven’t bought a cd in a long time though bc money. the last cd i burned though was that ‘caress of steel’ one that i was so excited about
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
person: my mom. song: idek the name of the song or what verses are from which songs, but she played and sang patty griffin all the time so whenever i hear one of the songs of hers that i would hear so many times growing up i think of my mom
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
all of them but heathers. beetlejuice was ok. didn’t like pulp fiction but i might have liked it better if my pretentious film bro brother didn’t talk it up so much. for all it’s flaws, though, i love rocky horror and have it on dvd so i can watch it as much as i want
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
ehh i like to be able to find what i want, but my bookshelf is a mess and so is my music library and i just... don’t do anything about it. not successfully anyway
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
irl not much cute stuff happens to me, but i thought it was v sweet when my homie @nipnaap drew me a suzuya for my birthday last year!!
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
i like one-eyed doll’s album art a lot, both the drawn covers and the ones w photos. they just look super artsy and cool. sinister also has nice album art, which is not something i often say abt death metal bands, but its really well-drawn and the color schemes are cohesive and i like it. idk i like bands w kinda ugly album art lowkey, but those are the most consistent producers of album art i like.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
i want tattoos all over my fricking body. i’m not gonna go into a tattoo shop and breathe my pathogens everywhere during a pandemic seeing as enough ppl in my area are already selfish enough to do that, but i hope to get my first one soon.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
istp, libra, gryffindor
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
honestly i don’t have the foggiest idea lately. i’ve been kinda having a problem w any music really making me feel much. am i in a depressed spiral or do i need to listen to more music, who knows?
send me some cute asks!!
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sapphicwizzro · 5 years
oh dang its a syoc form
@iguessihavemore bet u werent expecting me b i h
all relevant stuff is UNDER THE READMORE YEE BEE
everytime ive submitted an oc to something something BAD happened so like let’s hope that doesnt happen again
Name: Paulie Rio (Paulie is short for Pauline) Stereotype: Punk... or Baker. Depends on the time of day p much Reason For Competing: money money money money motherfucker
Gender: Baby Girl... She/Her Ethnicity: idk shes black i made her at a time when i dont think about WHERE these people came from she just EXISTS and lives in CANADA Sexuality: Lesbab Age: Anywhere from 17 to 24 Audition Tape:
Paulie adjusted the camera, sticking her tongue out in the process. She's standing in her kitchen, wearing her pink apron.
"Is this thing on?" Paulie muttered to herself, before noticing the blinking red light, "Oh! Okay!"
She took a step back. She's standing behind a counter.
"Hi! I'd really like to be on Total Drama! I'm really cool and strong and I bake really awesome cookies-"
Paulie picks up a pan of cookies, forgetting the fact that they are freshly out of the oven and she isn't wearing any oven mitts. She shouts as she drops the pan, and shouts as it presumably hits her leg.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" She chants as she hops around, "Oh, I'm so stupid-"
Her hopping around shakes the camera, which falls over and breaks.
"Oh, dangit!"
You can see her shuffle in front of it.
"Uh." She says, "My name is Paulie, by the way."
Cut to black.
Body Type: A little thin, but you can see that she has muscles. Got abs. Skips leg day lol Height: Not like too short but like? 5'2? Idk Skin Color: Dark af Skin Markings: General "I get into fist fights sometimes" scars across her body. Eyes: Very round and open red eyes (or a reddish brown if you prefer) Hair Color: Light lime green Hair Length/Texture: Neck length! I like to imagine its very coily?? Is that the word? like you look at her hair very closely and its a bunch of very tight ringlets Typical Hairstyle: It just sort of. Exists. She doesn't style it, it's just. short!!! Face: Round!! Has a silver nose ring and several other rings in her ears!! Always has at least one bandage on her cheek.
Default Outfit: Black bandana with a flame pattern near the bottom. Black t-shirt. Ripped blue jeans. Black converse with pink accents. Might occasionally go out with black cuffs and a collar. Sleepwear: She's that kinda person who sleeps in a t-shirt and undies and all the girls resent her for it cause like "OMG PAULIE PUT ON SOME PANTS" Swimwear: If she could get away with just wearing trunks, she would. Instead, she just wears a black one piece with some skeleton pattern on it or somethin Their Fashion Sense: Dark punk bullshit with bright accents. Just very punk rock. She also wears a pink apron with a cat pattern on it when she's baking. Other Hairstyles: Sometimes she eschews the bandana and goes for a ponytail. Some girls think she looks hot like that.
Extra (optional):    
Their Voice: She definitely has a Slight Accent(tm) but its like. a lil androgynous and cracks sometimes. Rhondolite from Steven Universe maybe?? How They Smell: Cookies with the slightest hint of Axe body spray
Personality: Very kind and loving and SOFT. Full of energy. Vocally supportive of her peers. Mushy romantic who believes in the kindness of people or whatever. She's a little stupid sometimes and is the kind of person to try and climb onto the roof of places and fall off. She used to be a bad person, and she sometimes lets people step on her because she's afraid of regressing into that.
Biography: Paulie came from a Bad Neighbourhood(tm) and used to be the Baddest Bitch Around(tm), breaking noses and taking names until she accidentally hurt someone so bad that they went into a coma. The sudden introspective that moment gave her forced her to rethink her entire life. Since then, she's turned her entire personality around, turning from "I'll cut you" to "Let's bake cookies!". She doesn't talk about her past much, but she still lives in the slums lol!! Family: A dad who's probably nice. Idk i dont think about family much I always prioritize friendships Strategy: PSHAWWWW who needs that?? Paulie's strategy is to just make friends and be nice! It worked for Owen, right? What They Want the Money For: Moving away from her bad neighbourhood and opening a bakery! Fears: Nobody liking her, accidentally losing her temper, deep water, unfamiliar animals being just a LITTLE too close for comfort (she enjoys animals when she knows them) Life Goals: Moving to a nice little suburb and opening a cute little pastel bakery!!!
Type of People They’d… Be Friends With: Everyone! As long as you're nice and kind. She'd be Extra Friends with someone who can match/keep up with her energy and go along with her Fun Schemes Consider an Enemy: Assholes. Disloyal and dishonest people. Debbie Downers when they bring others down. People who remind her of what she used to be. Be romantically Interested In: A girl who'd validate her and make her laugh and bake with her. Someone who'd eat her cookies and cuddle and watch horror movies.
Favorite Flower: She actually loves pink flowers! It doesn't matter what kind, she just thinks pink flowers are cute. Cherry blossoms feel like something she'd love Favorite Season of the Year: Spring, at least when it doesn't feel like Winter's hangover Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate (she drinks it year round!) but otherwise she just drinks water because it's HEALTHY!!!
Skills Strengths: She's kind and caring!! She's full of energy!! She's like the mom friend, she cares so much about everyone around her and she's full of determination and love Weaknesses: She sees the world as black and white with no moral grey, she's a little ditzy, blunt af, extremely gullible because she's such an idealist, she worries a lot about things that are out of her control, worries that others secretly hate her Hobbies: Baking!!! She also likes to play on her Gameboy Advance and watch horror movies. Her favourite movie killer is Chucky or Freddy Krueger. She thinks a killer with personality can carry a movie well. Things They’re Good At: Running, baking, fist-fighting (much to her dismay), carrying things, climbing, most Physical Shit Things They’re Bad At: Swimming, anything that requires fine balance like dancing, physically incapable of singing or any fine arts
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look i just finished drawing her!!
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EPIC ART drawn by ylvaliiw on instagram and this is EXACTLY how i picture her in my head
ive also been throwing around an oc concept exclusively to audition for garden (paulie’s been my oc for years now) so keep ur. eyes. open.
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blacknihilism-blog1 · 7 years
1. have you ever been in love?
Yes. Twice. 
2. what are your favourite colours and why?
Black/Red. I love Black because it can typically match with any other colors and usually makes for dope color schemes. I also like darker colors more for some reason. I love bright colors as well but I’ve found that I don’t like to wear them too much or get them on items that I use often
3. who was the last person you held hands with?
If I ever hold hands it’s platonic considering I havent been in a relationship in 10 months lol. So probably one of my friends. 
4. what is your zodiac sign?
5. how many times have you read your favourite book?
Honestly I dont know any books that were so good to me that I read it multiple times. I don’t read as often as I like.
6. what are your favourite films?
I don’t really have a lot of “favorites”. Any time I’m asked for a favorite *blank* my mind draws a blank lol.
7. what kind of weather do you like?
I love rainy weather. I love cold weather. But I don’t like cold rainy weather. At least not if i’m outside.
8. do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I like sunsets. Although I love to see any transition of the sun whether it be rising or setting, since I love the night time I love to see it go from a beautiful range of colors to darkness rather than a beautiful range of colors into lots of sunshine.
9. what kind of weather represents who you are as a person?
Murky rain. But out in the corner of the sky u can see a huge ray of sunshine.
10. what’s your favourite animal?
I love dogs
11. what is your favourite song right now?
“Get You” by Daniel Caesar
12. what is your favourite song of all time?
Oof what did I say about favorites?
13. do you like sunny days or rainy days better?
I absolutely love rainy days unless I have to do a lot of driving.
14. have you ever been heartbroken?
15. what does the perfect kiss feel like?
I think the perfect kiss is less about the physical kiss and moreso with the perfect person at the perfect time. As in the kiss that signifies marriage or whatever. I think that’s what the perfect kiss feels like. The realization that with this kiss, you are promising to always love and care for whoever you’re kissing.
16. what is your favourite poem?
17. who are you most inspired by?
I don’t have much inspiration as of right now. In the past it was Childish Gambino but currently I’m just eh.
18. are you spiritual?
I have an appreciation for some spiritual studies and practices but personally I’m not too spiritual. 
19. what is your favourite plant?
lmfao weed
20. what is your favourite feeling?
Being in love and content with life.
21. what is your favourite word?
22. are you an artist?
I don’t really make any art. I’ve made a few songs and I wanna get into poetry and video making. But I don’t know if my current level of confidence allows me to call myself an artist.
23. what is your favourite flower?
24. are you happy?
Not genuinely but I have my moments.  
25. what are you thinking about right now?
Honestly I’m thinking about someone. I wish I wasn’t just because I don’t like thinking about people who don’t want me in the same way that I want them. All that does is create pain and I rather avoid feeling that confusing feeling that is love. I mean if the love was returned then it’s great but who knows, Maybe it’s better if we aren’t together. We can only let time tell.
26. what emotion do you feel most often?
Confusion/Regret. In my head I’m always trying to avoid conflict/making someone feel any sort of negative emotion. And any time I make a mistake i regret everything. And I’m always feeling confusion because I never know how I can really improve who I am as a person. 
27. what is your favourite season?
Winter. I love cold weather. TMI but honestly I sweat too much to be comfortable during any hot season. And I’m a very affectionate person so I cant hug people as much during the summer. During the winter I’m always loving on my friends lol. Plus if you’re in a relationship, those “cold-outside-but-cuddling-inside” days are lovely.
28. are you in a relationship?
No. Honestly outta nowhere like yesterday or two days ago I realized that I had some strong feelings for someone I’m close to and dated in the past. I started talking about if we were dating and I just moved way too fast. I regretted everything i said instantly and just played it off as whatever. In the moments following her telling me that I’m moving too fast I was just snapped back to reality and decided I needed to calm myself down. Looking back I did seem crazy. But it’s been so long since i had any feelings for anybody (to the point that I’d date them) and I just got excited if im going to be real. And I was also sick at the time so I’m just laying in bed picturing me with them and it seemed like we could work really well together. But it’s okay. I’m just gonna take my time. I don’t know whether I should move on or pursue her at a slower pace. So for now I’m just gonna be big chillin.
29. are you an introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. Unless it’s really some people I’m comfortable with I’m pretty timid. Even with out with some of my closest friends I’d rather just be home. 
30. do you prefer the moon or the stars?
The stars. There’s this street not too far from my friends house and me and him have driven down it a few times now. When you’re on this street, if you turn off your headlights and look up the sky has very little light pollution and it’s beautiful. The moon is rarely close enough for me to enjoy. 
31. what is your favourite scent?
I love the smell of a lot of different foods. But looking back, my favorite smell used to be the perfume that my girlfriend constantly used. I ran into one person who used the same one as her some time after we broke up and for lack of a better term, it triggered lots of memories of her. But I used to love it. Not because the scent was so good, but rather because I was in love with her and everything about her.
32. where do you feel most at home?
In my room. I used to have these black bags over my window which allowed very little light into my room and as I said earlier, I prefer darkness. But I took those down recently as a metaphorical enlightenment and symbol for how my life was headed in a brighter, more positive direction. It sort of works, but mainly I love my room because at night time I’m never bothered. And it seems like a safe space. At 2 a.m. in my room, I’m alone. My parents won’t call me for random tasks, teachers can’t pester me about random assignments, and I can just do whatever I want.
33. what scares you the most?
Honestly the last time i was seriously afraid of something, I was afraid that I had caused some major damage to someone I trust and love. So I’m terrified of hurting other people. I’ve seen so many people be hurt by so many things. I never want to see myself become the source of someone’s terror.
34. do you believe in soulmates?
God knows I do. But honestly something about soulmates that I always question is the setting of a pair of soulmate’s birth. For example, what if you weren’t born in the same location and/or time period as your soulmate. If it’s just the location, you can roam the Earth and possibly meet them if your lucky. But if you never leave your hometown, in my opinion your soulmate probably isn’t born in your hometown. I think you need to explore to find them. And I hate to be pessimistic, but i think that you aren’t guaranteed to meet your soulmate, if they do exist. So the vast majority of people don’t meet them. But I hate thinking like that. It puts me in a very nihilistic point of view.
35. what is your favourite thing about yourself?
I try hard to spread love and positivity. I have so much love in my heart.
36. what is the nicest compliment you’ve received?
Honestly i dont know. 
37. who is your favourite music artist?
Childish Gambino. I had a huge Gambino phase during early high school. I connected to a lot of his music and his personality that was portrayed through different interviews. He was mysterious to me because he doesnt use social media and just keeps to himself a lot. But I like “Camp” because i felt like a lot of that music was relatable to a “White, Black Kid” which was something i struggled a lot with in middle school. I’m fully black but people called me “white” due to my behavior. Which was basically not enforcing black stereotypes. And due to peer pressure I took on the role of the “White, Black Kid” or the “Oreo” (Black on the outside and white on the inside). 
38. what was your first kiss like?
It was for my 14th birthday. Looking back on it, it was a mess because I was hella insecure at the time. I was just nervous and asked like 3 times which ruined the mood. I was just surprised that someone wanted to kiss me period. But it was at an ice skating rink for my birthday. It was just me and a bunch of friends but I was “talking” to this girl at the time. Basically we went sit on the other side of the rink and was just talking. All my other friends were trying to look at us which also didnt help my insecurity/bad nerves. But I did it. And i was so happy for the following few days lol.
39. are you a sensitive person?
Tbh, probably. I’m very open to criticism but I also get hurt fairly easily.
40. when was the last time you cried?
A few days ago. Either out of pain from my tooth or heart ache whenever I was first told to slow it down with the girl i was into. Ik its silly to cry over something that small but idk. I’m just being honest and letting yall know the last time i cried. 
41. do you believe that love can last forever?
Yeah. That’s the kind of love I want. I want to take some time and enjoy my teenage years but then fall in love with one person and i want to be with that one person forever. I just dont trust enough people to think that we’d last forever tho. That’s why I don’t get into relationships too often. I won’t get into a relationship if I don’t see me and that person lasting. 
42. what do you think happens to us when we die?
I’m not too spiritual but I wouldn’t be surprised if Heaven and Hell existed. I’m way too simpleminded to try and comprehend what lies in the afterlife though. 
43. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Sadly. I cried hard as hell myself afterwards tbh.
44. what do you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night?
I’m not sure if this question is asking what thoughts keep me up, or what thoughts put me to sleep. A lot of thoughts keep me up. But it’s not the thoughts themselves, but rather my inability to sleep. I don’t have insomnia but usually if i’m up, I’m up because i don’t want to go to sleep, or im in some sort of discomfort/pain thats keeping me up. And sometimes I don’t go to sleep because I’m texting someone and either im hoping we can have an “interesting” convo or i just wanna stay up and talk to em. And lately either being sick, or my unattended dental problems keep me up.
45. do you believe in aliens?
Okay, lets be honest. As big as space is, you expect me to believe that we’re the only living beings? Yeah okay. Sure. Lol
46. what is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
My friend brought me medicine at work and lord knows I was so grateful because I was seriously struggling. It’s not the nicest but goddamn did I appreciate it.
47. do you find it hard to trust?
I find it hard to trust somebody with my heart. As in I don’t trust many people enough to date them. I’m actually very open which can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. I see it as good because I feel that it makes me pretty approachable. But it’s bad because I leave myself susceptible to getting hurt by being open.
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