#idk I just need to document padawan ushi and shaak ti relationship
cowpokezuko · 1 year
Star Wars AU Drabble
Tags-Genderbend, Padawan Ushijima, Autistic Ushijima, Overstimulation, Jedi Master Shaak-Ti, Stewjoni Ushijima, Unusual Stewjoni biology, Pre-Clone Wars era
Summary-As a young padawan who has spent most of her life in or around the Jedi Temple, Wakatoshi is not prepared to the hustle and bustle of Coruscant. Fortunately, her master is there to help her calm down.
Wakatoshi had never been around this many people before. For the first time since coming to the Jedi Temple, she was out on one of the busy streets of Coruscant. Amongst the throngs of species and the smells and noises of the street. Each person that brushed by her had their own Force signature and had their own smell, both of those things overwhelming her sharp senses. Above her, ships whizzed through the airways, their engines roaring in her ears, nearly drowning out the noise of the crowd. Her lower lip quivered and she wished she had another hand so she could cover her nose along with her ears. She sniffed, trying to clear the snot that was threatening to drip down her nose, but was flooded by all of those kriffing smells.
She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Wakatoshi." She looked up to see her Master, Shaak-Ti, smiling down at her. "I sense something is upsetting you." Wakatoshi nodded.
"Everyone has their own Force signature," she said. She pressed closer to Shaak-Ti until her shoulder pressed against her long brown robes.
"I know." She ruffled Wakatoshi's short hair. "That's why we're out here. It's the best way to learn how to tune it out," she said. "Come here." She directed Wakatoshi to an empty inlet in front of a building. She knelt down so they were eye to eye. Wakatoshi tried to look into Shaak-Ti's gentle black eyes, but quickly looked away when it got to be uncomfortable. She shuddered when her master held her hands, hating the slight dampness from her sweat. "Can you focus on our bond?" Wakatoshi closed her eyes and felt the Force prickling where their hands were touching. As she narrowed her focus in on her Master's tranquil presence, the buzzing of the crowd seemed to fall away. Her breathing slowed down and her heart stopped pounding in her ears. Even the myriad of scents was more tolerable as she concentrated on Shaak-Ti. Her sweet, floral scent was the only smell that stood out of the crowd.
After a few more moments, the thrumming in her brain stopped and she was able to relax. Cautiously, she opened her eyes to see her master's soft smile. The sounds, smells, and disturbances of the street came crashing back into her senses, but at least she had a clear link to a calmer presence.
"Is that any better?" Shaak-Ti smoothed her tabard.
Wakatoshi shrugged. "A little."
"Okay, that's good. We're just out here to help with this over sensitivity. Most padawans have this issue, so we don't have to stay any longer if you don't want to." Shaak-Ti stood up and shook the dust off her long skirt.
"I do not want to."
Shaak-Ti started to walk back toward their ship. Wakatoshi grabbed onto her robes, clinging to her oasis. "We'll try again later, but next time we'll try a less busy street. Okay?" Wakatoshi nodded. "We can stop at that sandwich place outside the Jedi Temple for a channelfish sandwich, if you want." Despite herself, Wakatoshi let a small smile pull at her lips.
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