#idgaf im using the tag idc if i annoy people
bizarrescribblez · 9 months
me x dethklok minute host/marc tackett lore because i can and will info dump lore for this stupid ass crackship thats gotten a grip on me for the past two days
💜 - we both meet when we’re late teens, both coming off of entertainment/acting careers (me being an actress on a sitcom and him being a host for a kids channel’s entertainment segment)
🩶 - the reason we both meet is because we auditioned and passed @ being in a US tour for the musical Hairspray :) me being Tracy and him being Link. Traveling around the country and the instant connection makes up super close, so once the tour ends and the musical stays on Broadway we both stay in the same apartment together in NY. We always deny when asked if we’re in a relationship or like each other since we play a couple in the musical (every denial hurting him more and more)
💜 - while in NY, my pop star career starts to take off a bit thus garnering attention from other rock stars (r.ikki k.ixx) and having flings with said rock stars (which makes marc MORE SAD because he thought we had something). Said flings end up failing for one reason or another and becoming sort of just a shoulder to cry on (at least to him) starts to hurt him more and more. Once I sign onto a record label and once he signs up the contract to become the host for dethklok minute we go our seperate ways for a while which BREAKS BOTH OF OUR HEARTS. (Debating if theres even a goodbye since i know i hurt him and would feel terrible facing him.. ANGST THINGS !!)
🩶 - we meet again and hang out again/more when i get introduced in the series in dethstars cuz i imagine hes at the blood ocean premiere covering it live.. AND DUDE ALMOST MENTALLY FLATLINES ON LIVE TELEVISION SEEING ME AGAIN.
💜 - obviously in season 2 he.. GETS EXPLODED. So im by his side always till he recovers and ofc (this happens in any ship timeline) i made the dethklok boys pay for his surgery. He worries he fr wouldnt have a chance to win me over because of how he looks but i constantly remind him i’ll always love him no matter what. Yet i go “ill love you no matter what .. bestie hahaha”
🩶 - he tags along with me as i go to reunite with rikki in SnB2 and ofc marc (kind of jealous) lets me and rikki have time to ourselves and rikki is just like “yea hes still obsessed with you” and im like “😀.. whatre you talking about he just likes me as a friend hahhaha” (I NEED TO MAKE A FIC OUT OF THIS.)
AND thats about it for now ill have more ideas soon its easy when you can just do whatever but its also hard since theres not much going on with him like all the stuff that happens with skwis nate or mf DISBJSBSHAN
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genderificationbeam · 4 years
pinned post, pls read <3
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- testimony from @noelfieldinggenderenvy
heyy im tee jay/TJ!! the t stands for tboy swag and the j stands for jordaan
i dont Have to give u a list of all my Axes Of Oppression but it's probably of note that i'm a black (gender)queer AuDHD typea guy. FtM is alright, butch is alright, trans man or trans masc are alright, i'm really not picky about most labels
im 20 :] whooaaaaa immso fuggin old
he/it prns, emphasis on the it. tryin out zie/hir also!
i’m a gender accelerationist and generally pretty autistic about Gender, and a gender abolitionist when we define Gender as a System.
im an annoying choir kid and i am going 2 school for music ed :p (music studyblr / general nerd blog @mediantriaad !!)
im some flavor of communist and a few flavors of anarchist <3
idgaf about tumblr queer discourse, i refer to myself with whatever words i like and i respect that other people do the same.
i dont tag the word queer and if you tag my posts as “q slur” or "q word" i will block you. totally fine if the term makes you uncomfortable for personal use but Queer is my whole identity/community, and i really dislike seeing that facet of myself trigger tagged-- so i hide it when i see it. tag it as "queer" if you don't want that to happen but you do need to filter it for whatever reason
(i am also not a huge tag user in general outside of conversational tags! im pretty good about tagging unreality, everything else (including slurs) i tend to not tag or forget to tag, fair warning)
i dont really have a dni bc i just block ppl if i dont want to see their account but you will probably get blocked if you’re truscum, a capitalist, an exclusionist, yk.
i also rb a lot of stuff / have a lot of takes abt transmasc specific oppression, mostly bc its what i operate under and what im comfortable speaking on as a trans dude; that said, all my transfem and transneutral siblings-in-arms have a special place in my heart <3
spam likes/reblogs appreciated, i very often forget im on Someones Blog and not my dash so you'll get em from me too unless you explicitly say not to
interests + hobbies include: dimension 20 (sideblog), scaring the hoes music (noise, musique concrète, loud wailing indie, midwest emo, [contemporary] classical, prog, metal, occasional guilty-pleasure blink-182, you know the deal), bad horror movies, good horror movies, music composition/arranging (mostly contemporary classical, ttbb acapella, and noise), crochet, queer theory, Red!, shit, piss idc
alright heres some links since we're here:
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gay obama be like uhhhhhhhh let me be queer
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crazykacey · 5 years
Com-Myu-nity Survey!
@missemperor​ tagged me on this loong survey (thank you btw <3) and I’m excited to do it! lol
1. What is your hobby?
Playing video games, Youtube (Gaming & music), baking, singing
2. What is your special skill?
Baking I guess xD
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths: I really don’t care what people think of me like if someone comments my clothing or the way I do certain things I’m just like “lol idgaf”. I also am quite a empathetic and sympathetic person
Weaknesses: I get angry quite easily and sometimes I might get angry over super silly and stupid things and after a while I’m just gonna be like “omg why was I mad over such a stupid thing” so I’m sorry if I get mad at anyone over silly things xD
4. What is your favorite color?
5. What is your favorite animal?
a dog or a bunny <3
6. Which food are you into lately?
idk there hasn’t been any new foods that I have liked so much that I would just eat it like a madman but NZ has amazing sushi😍
7. What is the thing you never lose to from anyone?
I’m not really sure if I understand this question correctly but my dignity I guess? For example there are certain things I would NEVER do but then drunk me is like let’s do this but I hold to that small part of dignity still left and don’t do that thing if it makes any sense?
8. What is your most treasured item?
I used to be really materialist but nowadays I don’t care that much about that stuff and I want to treasure the friendships and all other relationships I have rn. (wow that was deep) BUT if I had to choose one I would choose this teddy bear that I’ve had since I was like 2 or 3
9. What is your cooking specialty?
OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES im coming for you pheebs
10. What is the thing you want the most at the moment?
To fix my fucking mental health
11. What is the thing you are most scared of?
To lose everybody who are dear to me
12. What is the thing you were happy about this year?
That I was able to get to New Zealand (and that I graduated from that hellhole aka high school)
13. What is the thing you were sad about this year?
I don’t actually know XD not that much have happened that has made me sad but if I had to choose one it’s that I had to leave my doggo to Finland ;_;
14. What is the thing you regretted this year?
focusing all my time and energy on people who I thought were my friends but in reality were just really toxic people who didn’t give a shit
15. What is the thing you were angry about this year?
my now ex-friend how just sabotaged everything and didn’t learn from any mistake that she did and just kept being shitty
16. What is the job that gave you a sense of fulfillment this year?
nothing yet lol (hope this volunteer thing does that tho lol)
17. What has changed about you since you entered com-myu-nity?
I have become more confident about speaking about the things I like (still need to work more on that tho lol) and also got more confidence on singing and doing what I like and not being afraid to be who I am (in social media mostly)
18. Which character would you play in Sera myu?
Sailor Venus D44
19. If you were to form a collab now, who would it be with?
omg I already have soo many collabs I have to do but I would like to collab with everyone from the Sera Myu Community or anyone in general (heck if you want to collab with me in any way; music, games etc. just message me I’m always up for meeting new people!)
20. What do you love about Sera Myu nowadays?
That it still exists and is getting more and more love outside of Japan too!
21. Which cast member catches your attention the most at the moment?
Mizuki Yamashita, Shiori Kubo & Rimo Hasegawa <333
22. Which cast member would you want as your significant other?
oh crap idk Hotaru, Rimo or Hironari
23. If you were to marry a cast member, who would it be?
24. If you would go to a deserted island, which cast member would you like to go with you?
For some reason I can only think of Yuu Takahashi so let’s just go with her then XD
25. If you would be born again, which cast member would you want to be?
Mizuki Yamashita or Hotaru Nomoto <33
26. Which Sera Myu production would you want to be a part of?
probs NogiMyu or UNV (so I could just cry my eyes out)
27. If you would create your own kingdom, what kind of country would you want it to be?
kingdom where everyone is equal and everyone lives in harmony (really cliche I know but idc)
28. What is an interesting book or manga you read recently?
omg lol I feel so bad I haven’t had any time for those but I like the Pokemon Special manga! can you just finish BW2 chapter plz
29. What is an interesting movie you watched recently?
Annabelle Comes Home! I don’t care what people say I LIKED IT and that is it. also it is not a movie but I watched the Zambi musicals and OMG THEY WERE SO GOOD I CRIED SO MUCH I RECOMMEND THEM PLEASE WATCH THEM (Especially Team Blue omg the feels ;_;)
30. What is your favorite Sera Myu song at the moment?
Knockin’ Down Hesitation is and will probably always be my favorite Myu song
31. What is your favorite Sera Myu song choreography at the moment?
UNV Ai no Starshine or SKSDK La Moon
32. What is your favorite Sera Myu costume at the moment?
LMF Eternal Sailor Moon or the Shining Moon Tokyo costumes (they are soo sparkly and cute I LOVE IT)
33. What is your favorite Myu at the moment?
Eien Densetsu Kaiteiban is and will probably always be my favorite Myu
34. What is your favorite Myu cast?
Kaguya Shima Densetsu Kaiteiban (Team Moon is also pretty cool tbh)
35. Is there something you say a lot recently?
irl: oh guurl, nasty
in social media: omg, lol, XD
36. What would you do if you could plan a Fan Kansha?
ALL THE MOONS SINGING LA SOLDIER and releasing the WHOLE Fan Kansa recording and throwing all the actors out of the recoring room cause that unnecessary yapping from them over the recording was SOO ANNOYING
37. What do you hope to see Sera Myu doing in the future?
also mixed cast sorry not sorry
38. What kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?
more confident about myself and have better self-esteem
39. What has been a memorable concert or event this year?
haven’t been to any this year
40. What do you want to do in your private life this year?
get my shit and mental health together
41. What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
sounds pretty cliche but maybe a Youtuber?
42. Do you have a hairstyle you would like to try in the future?
I actually have no clue AT ALL. Hair is one of the things I’m so lost with and have no idea what to do with it
43. What Sera Myu merchandise would you love to have?
something cool and useful (don’t get me started on those pins)like posters (maybe signed ones too)
44. Where would you want Sera Myu to come to?
I want Sera Myu to become an international phenomenon where the Myus would be translated and acted in a country’s native language!!!
45. If you could have a holiday with any cast member, what do you want to do?
BEACH HOLIDAY WITH RIMO omg that would be the best thing ever just sun bathing all day long
46. Please say something to your favourite cast member.
girl you are amazing and I’m so proud of you please never stop doing what you love. I would really like to meet you someday and just thank you cause you really inspire me and motivate me to continue to work on my dream. Thank you <3
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whence-the-woody · 4 years
Im not gonna tag my shameless posts this season because all my opinions are unpopular but I still wanna document for my own memz so
Frank ranting. Grand. Always been the worst part of the show and its still going on, and on and on. At first I wanted to watch the whole ep but I had to skip his bits
I’m not invested in Tami at all but I think what she was asking was fair enough so meh whatever. Lip is less of a dick these days but still a dick
The girls rolling joints - horrifying, not funny im sorry but who the fuck thinks that’s funny. It used to be that they were doing some kind of commentary on how poverty makes it hard to be a good parent but now they’re just like LOL child abuse ammiright
Debbie continues to be a terrible parent - aces
Another great Milkovich character wasted on a relationship with a gallagher. SIGH
The whole 5 times exchange is just so ick to me I cannot
Since when is Mick hanging around doing nothing. I mean maybe enjoying the luxury of a holiday/honeymoon for a while, sure, he deserves that - but six months? He was always aware of needing to run scams or do jobs to make money - who is this guy theyre writing now? 
Pet names also ick. And Im a sucker for a pet name but what are these choices??
Idgaf about any of the shit at the bar. Idc if they’re seeling weed or doing a  gym or whatever the fuck. Why the hell did those 2 characters fuck? What was the point of that?
WAIT WHERES LIAM? I’ve just realised that - where was he?
Carl’s story bores me I’m sorry. Fuck the police and fuck the idea Carl would want to be a cop. Let him achieve and get a good job yes absolutely amazing but why a cop?!
So they’re making Debbie being a sex offender a joke too? Amazing. 
Ian being a dick about Mickey to random people is still a thing and still shitty. Sick of it. 
Theyre SERIOUSLY gonna have a conversation about mongamy and 1. Suggest Mickey wouldn’t want that and 2. Not talk about the fact that Ian cheated the whole time they were together before?? REALLY? Just rewriting history as ever
Mickey is faithful as fuck he would not want an open relationship. We’ve never even seen him fuck other guys!! Who is this character? Nothing wrong with non-mongamy (hello britin) but it has to be in character and make sense. This doesn’t. It’d be fucking typical for them to go down that route tho
Trying to force a pilot callback in Frank’s voiceover. Sure whatever, fine. Why everyone is suddenly so smiley and happy idk
And the preview looks like more making Mickey out to be an idiot, at least two fistfights between a married couple and the shitty milkoviches getting more screentime then they deserve (ie ANY) plus other petty shit about gentrification and a beauty pageant - really taking advantage of your final season after 10 years there guys well done 
The good part is that I really don’t care anymore. Im going to watch it because I’ve invested the time but at this point I’m over the show and the ship - fanfic and my own AUs are better places to be. Its annoying what they’re doing, I would’ve genuinely been angry had they gone the non-monagmy jealous route for their last season but they didnt so I’m just mildly annoyed, rolling my eyes and completely unsurprised. 
The one positive I will say is that they managed to comment rightly on the issues of COVID and BLM while not being insensitive or pushing a negative agenda and keeping everyone in character. That wasn’t bad. 
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