#idgaf about silent hill 2 trust
crabcasino · 11 months
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did a study of the morgue from that game im normal about
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amandabe11man · 4 years
(long) unpopular opinion but idgaf really so here goes--
I understand thirsting for new content of that thing you like. I get it, it’s like what I felt before when Rammstein had their 10-year break between albums. But sometimes you have to be able to let something go as well. If Rammstein were ever to break up it would suck big time, but I wouldn’t turn on them and harass them into reuniting again and do the fans’ bidding, like they’re some puppet entertainers and nothing more. It’d be sad but I’d still appreciate all the amazing music they’ve given to us over the years. They’re creators and creators might not always wanna keep on going down the same road until they’re forced to retire. They might have different aspirations eventually, and we shouldn’t give them shit for it.
Now that you know where I stand, here’s the reason I’m making this post: 
the absolute entitlement some people seem to have within the Silent Hill-fandom. 
When Konami and Team Silent no longer wanted to make more games after SH4, there was a shitstorm, because people wouldn’t have it. But before that, people also gave them shit for making SH4 the way it is, because it wasn’t like the previous three. To this day, people are still heckling SH4 and the different spin the developers put on it, even though it kept the general concept.
Despite how disliked SH4 was, the fans still wanted Konami and TS to churn out more SH-games, because who knows, maybe the NEXT game will be like the first three? Or maybe the next one after that?! Hell, Akira Yamaoka even stuck around despite TS officially leaving. because hey, SHO and SHH might not be developed by the same people, but they can still have some of the usual SH-type music!
Wouldn’t you know it though-- Origins and Homecoming’s soundtracks alone weren’t able to save them from the fandom’s judgment, which is to just assume they’re bad from the get-go because the murricans made them. Then, Yamaoka left too, and SHD would not only look different from the first three games, but now it would have different music too! Of course, we couldn’t have that, so the game was pretty much torn a new asshole by most critics.
Then they released the actually laughable HD-collection AND the goddamn MULTIPLAYER called Book of Memories, ALL in the same year as Downpour. And then, of course, the oh-so-holy PT was cancelled (and that Kojima guy was fired? idek) and ever since then, SH-fans have turned on Konami, while STILL craving more SH-content? Some claim to even HATE Konami for these reasons, but... they still want them to churn out more uninspired SH-content from creators whose hearts just AREN’T IN IT ANYMORE.
I keep seeing people bitch about how Konami should treat SH like Capcom is treating Resident Evil and that it’s unfair that they don’t, or some bull. Okay, so you want SH1, 2 and 3 -- games that you love -- to be remade into soulless, photorealistic cashcows because... you like the originals? That literally doesn’t make any logical sense. Oh, and don’t forget that there also needs to be NEW games released, because we all know how much you liked the ones that came after SH3.
Basically, it’s come to the point where TS have had to tell people numerous times that no, they’re not coming back together to make more SH-games. They are done with that part of their careers. DEAL. WITH. IT.  So when that doesn’t work, people are now decrying Konami again for not going down the moneygrabbing-route like Capcom is doing, for some reason. 
These people are craving content with no standards at all anymore except “lol game remakes are necessary because graphics are all that matters durr”. For this reason, they have no standards, and yet I feel it in my bones that they still have overly high expectations from Konami. They won’t just settle for ANY SH-game; it has to be groundbreaking, just like the first three. People like this will never be happy regardless. They’re demanding content without knowing what they’re asking for, because for some reason, they want Konami to be uninspired and to sell out more? Eh, who cares, just as long as we got more content so we can hail it or tear it a new one and thus, keep the cycle going!
At this point, if Konami truly has dropped SH for good, then I’m actually relieved more than disappointed. In fact I’m GLAD, because that means the people there can go on to do other things instead of making forced SH-content because the fans demand it from them. And forced content rarely turns out good. Not to mention the working conditions must be shit if you can never let that one successful franchise go because otherwise, the fans would lynch you.
I, as an SH-lover, would rather the franchise die now then be run further into the ground because the developers feel pressured to make more. I even LIKE Origins, Homecoming and Downpour, and so I would rather it stopped there, before the series becomes irrevocably a sell-out. Trust me, you wouldn’t be happy with that either.
The basic point I’m making is that y’all need to stop hating on Konami when they’re really doing us fans a favor by just letting SH die peacefully. Maybe you can, y’know, replay your old favorites? Idk if you’ve tried that, but I promise they have high replay-value.
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