#identity v prisoner x reader
snootysnoots · 1 year
-Flowers For My One & Only (IDV x Reader)-
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-Luca Balsa-
Giving Luca flowers would make him flustered. He never really received flowers before and getting them from you made him so happy. He had such a silly smile on his face.
He made sure to put them in a vase with water. And each time he stared at the flowers, he couldn’t help but smile. 
He made sure to get you something too, whether it was a batch of flowers or some jewelry.
-Aesop Carl-
Giving Aesop flowers left him confused. To him, flowers were given to those who were deceased or their family. So he was very confused when given the flowers. Aesop knew he hadn't lost anyone recently and knew he wasn't dead, so what were these for?
After you told him why you gave him the flowers, he kind of just paused and stared. He was grateful but unsure of what to do, he never really received a gift before, or flowers for that matter.
But that didn't stop him from taking care of the flowers until death made them depart. He assembled a funeral for them when they fully died.
-Mike Morton-
He was jumping up and down when you gave them to him, he just couldn't stop smiling. He kissed you all over your face and said thank you after each kiss.
He made sure to give you flowers as well, he wanted his significant other to feel appreciated too. He probably made you a flower crown.
If he had the skin "Cunning" on, he probably took his top hat off and reached inside to give you a batch of colorful flowers. He has been waiting for this moment, the flowers were starting to wither so you knew he has been waiting to give you them.
He low-key would try to eat them. You had to pull the flowers away from him and explain to him that they are a gift. 
He was grateful, but he probably still tried to eat them. It took a few more tries before he stopped trying to eat them. You had to wrestle the big bitch to make him stop.
He did put them in a vase...but he probably didn't put water in it so the flowers died pretty fast.
He did write you a poem though as a form of thank you, he even nuzzled with you.
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It has been so long since I’ve posted and I’ve been meaning to write for my boys. Originally I wasn’t gonna add “Nightmare” or Mike, but I thought it would be funny and I had ideas so I went for it. Have a nice day/night/afternoon!
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williamkisser · 2 months
A Luca x reader would be nice........... preferably slow burn and y/n is the shy type............. I'm hungry................. Thirsty............ Would beg....... Thank you.... *dying*
♡— The Prisoner with a shy S/O
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♡— Oh my god… anon… N-N… NO!!!! Anon please, don’t do this to me… breathe. Oh my god. BREATHE!! *sniff* *sob* i’m… I’m so sorry i couldn’t save you, anon…. I hope you’re in a better place now… *sob*
♡— Warnings: g/n reader, fluff, possibly ooc i’m not sure, word count is 1400
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♡— Luca Balsa, despite going through a turmoil of tragic events, never did once even try to stop working on his lifelong passion, god forbid even think of it. Yes, around him there were degenerates, murderers, thieves, even mystical, strange creatures - such combinations would drive any man crazy, as if anyone in here already wasn’t. But after all, finding something you could get absorbed in is the best method for killing time, don’t they say? Not even his developing issue with memory loss can stop him now.
♡— That’s why the prisoner, most of the time, could be found in the comfort of his own dorm, sitting by the desk while brain storming for yet another solution to the new experiment he was currently developing. And to be frank, he did quite like it this way. He had his own corner in the world, didn’t need to worry about money, could eat delicious meals and could even discuss some scientific matters with a few other enlightened individuals. And the prize for winning the game was even more tempting. Just imagine how much quicker he could develop his project with all this cash.
♡— Despite all the focus on his own dreams and scientific infatuations, Luca didn’t stray from engaging in interactions with other people. He’s certainly considered as one of the friendliest and most cheerful people in here. Some wonder if anyone im here ever managed to get on his nerve. He’s just very tolerable towards most, if not all, however, clearly he feels most comfortable near people who are willing to listen to his info-dumps, or engage in smart conversations, ask questions and give suggestions. There weren’t much residents in the manor like this. Most are either uninterested or too weirded out, therefore the prisoner always appreciated the open minded ones.
♡— Sadly, Luca’s past whereabouts left a permanent scar on him, making him a little unaware to some social cues. This man can not pick up on someone being painfully visibly attracted to him. He assumes all people willingly interacting with him are either friendly or just curious. Luca likes showing off and exchanging ideas with his mentor Alva, asking Helena for advice and letting her touch all of his tools or projects, trying to connect nature with science together with Luchino, or even explaining his ideas to the suspiciously fascinated Florian.
♡— And then there was you. A person very shy, awkward even. Everyone didn’t mind your presence, you just existed in your own bubble, in silence. Sometimes, someone would try to include you in some conversation, and while you did appreciate the gesture you just couldn’t grasp why you felt so uncomfortable, barely able to form a meaningful sentence. That was until you first encountered a young, quite charming in his own way man personally. You instantly became fond of Luca Balsa. Something about him just radiated pure happiness. He genuinely wanted to talk with you, sensing your anxiety, and you have no idea whether it’s for better or worse, because, oh God - he made you feel butterflies in your stomach and needles in your heart. You’ve got a crush on the Oletus manor’s „Prisoner”.
♡— You didn’t know what to do. The newly discovered feelings for the boy made your anxiety far more intense than it already was. Something in your head just screamed to not get too attached, after all, this is Luca Balsa we’re speaking of, he most likely doesn’t view you as anything else but a companion in matches. But, of course, the heart always does whatever it wants, ignoring the brain. That’s how you found yourself standing in front of his dorm doors, reflecting on if it’s alright for you to knock on them. What if he’s too busy right now and you’re just going to be a burden? This was a part of your mastermind plan - try to get into his interests and become a closer friend, and then…. maybe the friendship could bloom onto something else? You were in deep wonder, unaware that the doors are now open and Luca was waving his hand in front of your face. Earth to you.
♡— Either way, you spent some quality time with him together. He was very pleased to hear that you wanted to find out more about his projects and shared several insights related to his future plans. His dorm felt oddly cozy. You didn’t even realize that visiting Luca became some sort of a habit of yours, entering his workplace nearly on a daily basis - it made you forget about all the atrocities you witnessed during the bloody games. His voice was so soft and gentle, his eyes beamed as you kept asking questions about what is he doing right now. Luca felt so glad to elaborate and ramble about his passion. He’d even offer you to help him, giving you simple tasks as asking you to bring a certain tool. He was well aware of your shyness, so he was as understanding as he could, not forcing anything onto you. One day, Luchino teasingly called you „Luca’s little assistant”. The intense colour of your cheeks spoke for itself. You were head over heels.
♡— Quickly enough, your small acts of kindness turned into something way more serious. At one point, you felt like Luca’s own caretaker, because he was literally too absorbed in his work to pay attention to his own well-being. After you began frequently assisting him in not only helping to build some programs, you just took care of his needs. While Luca would love to stay up all night and didn’t like when people complained about it, oddly enough, he didn’t hesitate to tuck himself into his bed after you offered the prisoner too. You made sure he went outside and ate enough. Simple gestures like that were your own way of showing him affection, as you were too shy to be verbally affectionate.
♡— The whole situationship was now taking way too long. You were absolutely crazy over Luca, while he viewed you as a good friend and a fast learning companion. Everyone could tell you were following him like a lost puppy outside of matches, and he didn’t mind it at all. You just wished he would finally pick up on your real intentions, but at the same time you felt worried. What if he won’t talk to you anymore? What if there will be weird tension between the both of you if you confess? On one ordinary day, you were sitting by his desk as always, silently reading the notes hanged on the cork board while Luca came to you and asked to help him draw a technical sketch in his work notebook, to which you agreed to. After months of practice in his dorm you already knew how to properly draw a project on a piece of paper with accurate proportions - yet this certain sketch was new to you, you weren’t quite sure how to do it. That’s when Luca held your hand and guided it, helping you be more precise, and what an amazing, ecstatic feeling it was, his hand contained a specific, electric even, feeling on top of that. You blushed so hard you were surprised Luca didn’t even notice, but you knew you can’t be with him this way. You were hurting yourself by not telling the truth.
♡— This is how you found yourself sitting on Lucas’s desk, looking down and fidgeting with your fingers after telling the prisoner to listen for a minute. The whole thing was so stressful you can barely remember anything from that moment, not sure if it’s because of your own anxiety or if it’s the curse of this wicked place you’re stuck in. Either way, your confession to him was probably the most awkward one this Manor has ever seen - and it certainly saw a lot. Luca was surprised he didn’t manage to connect the dots for so long. He was focused on all the wrong things and failed to notice your affection towards him. Those were a few painful months, but he was going to make sure you know he appreciates all the help, not only on the projects, but also helping him take care of himself. Luca asked you for permission to kiss you while holding your hand, which you agreed to, feeling happy like never, making all your shyness go away for once… which did not last long, as Florian entered the room without knocking, making a loud „EWW” sound. Luca was going to make sure no one will interrupt you, scribbling something about a doorbell in his notebook right after kissing you like his life depended on it. Turns out, Luca Balsa now has found something to look forward to in his life other that science and innovative inventions - which was you.
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Thank you for your request anon… i hope you can read this fic in the afterlife at least… anyways this my first time writing a fic for a character i’m not very familiar with. I tried to be as accurate as i could so i’m sorry if it’s ooc 😭 anyways it’s 2am now… idv x reader tag how are you doing on this lovely summer night
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dr4k0ns · 6 months
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Something meh I wrote for luca, def not my best work due to stress lol
Rated Explicit | Warning: oral (reader receiving), light (very) electro stimulation
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Silence. Late evening it usually is quiet in the dormitory area of the manor. The occasional sound of Luca tinkering though but nothing else. Dark and silent, you creep towards the door before you go still in front of the door. He told you if you ever could not sleep, you could join him in his room.
Usually, you stay there listening to him work. The ambiance of an inventor at work is rather soothing and amusing when shouts “Ow!” when he messes up a wire or two. Luca is tenacious and ambitious, though he does not remember much and often forgets to the point he has to journal everything important, he is like the spark of electricity fighting to find a connection.
Currently, though, he is not working when you come to visit. After an intense match with the new hunter Ivy, he had just finished bathing and greeted you with only his pajama pants on, hair wet, and for the first time, you see the scars of what electricity can do to the body.
The Decoder lets you in though it is inappropriate given his both lack of clothing and how late it is, something you both never cared about like some others do.
He sits on his bed and resumes drying his hair with a damp towel, idle chatter as you sit on the poorly maintained couch. It is not uncomfortable but definitely has seen better days. You lay on it while talking, him keeping the conversation going as you expect of a former aristocrat.
Though he was from a family of wealth, and clearly educated, you never felt how you do around Frederick or Edgar… Uncomfortable. The sort of peacock-ness air about them that often makes you not acknowledge even when waiting for a match. In the matches, of course, you help but post you are immediately getting away from them. Luca does not give you that feeling and maybe it is because he has “fallen from grace” sort of speak, or maybe he is just likable.
“You stare a lot these days.” Teasing, he likes to flirt when in the mood.
“Can't help it,” As your eyes shift to his face, “Does It hurt?”
He looks at his chest, his eyes staring hard, “It gets irritated but not so much hurting.” Then looking up, then pointing at the table near the couch, “Those usually help.” Bandages with a bottle next to them.
“Can I help?”
“If you want, you don't have to.” The shyness is unlike him yet you figure it is because no one has seen him like this.
It was unexpectedly intimate, you did anticipate being so close to him using the ointment and applying the bandages would create a new situation. You have been close to both dancing, patching each other during matches, hell, sharing the same bed when you both could not sleep. It was like you are seeing the vulnerable Luca Balsa, not the inventor but a man who is fragile and lost trying to achieve something beyond himself.
When you kiss him it is funny the shock of low-grade electricity that zaps you both, the laughter is sweet and silly.
Luca does not want that to end the moment he has thought of for many days and is trying to build the nerve to get here. He ushers you lay on the bed, his thin frame on top of you. The partly wet brown hair is like curtains blocking your peripheral vision, you can only see Luca and his smiling face. Kissing your lips, face, neck, and a few hickeys on the way down to your chest; the second to remove your shirt before he is on you again.
By the time he is between your legs, your body feels a buzz from his uncontrollably electrical minor shocks and his skillful hands and mouth. Your hands in his messy hair gripping it with one hand as your other hand grips the pillow behind your head.
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otakusparkle · 5 months
Today is the 6th anniversary day of Identity V, and it is also the 6th year that visitors have met and accompanied us. Thank you old friends and new partners for your tolerance and support.
The 6 years have left us with many precious memories. I hope that in the future, we can continue to share our hearts and create more beautiful memories that belong to you and me. Next, the anniversary concert brought by the manor partners is about to start - enjoy the wonderful anniversary time~
Happy 6th birthday, Identity V.
Happy 6th anniversary of meeting, manor visitors.
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lririx · 2 months
This ask
VALE boys x shy gn reader
I'm sorry it took so long anon😭
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Victor Grantz
Expressing yourself has always been hard. Being shy makes talking to people a really hard task for you. Victor understood. He isn't good with words but can talk in necessary situations so it's not as hard for him. But he still understands.
Every day he saw how you struggled to keep a conversation and how nervous it made you feel.
He decided to leave notes for you. Notes that had words of encouragement. Notes that showed how much he loved you.
You always found notes in your pockets that had words that calmed you down.
It was his way of comforting you when he wasn't there.
Today was a tiring day. It was Emma's birthday and everyone decided to celebrate it together.
Parties aren't your thing. Kevin dragged you with him to talk to everyone else.
This was one of the most awkward days of your life.
You just stood there while everyone else talked and laughed.
Victor saw you and came towards you. He took your hand and walked to the green house.
The greenhouse is a quiet place. All the flowers and plants make the place feel like another world.
You sit on a chair as the moonlight shines on you.
Victor can't take his eyes off of you. You look beautiful is all he could think of.
He sits next to you and takes your hand.
“[Name].” He says.
“You know you can ask me for help right?”
You giggle. “Where did that come from?”
“I just don't like seeing you struggle so much to talk to people. I mean you slightly change when you're talking to different people. It's tiring no?”
You look down to the floor. He's right. Altering your personality every time you talked to someone was tiring. You could only be yourself around Victor.
“I know you're worried it's just…I can't do anything about it it just happens.” Your said with a low voice.
“I know.” He said while smiling. “That's why I said you can ask me for help."
You blushed. You felt happy. He was the first ever person you expressed yourself to. The fact that he goes out of his way to tell you this made you feel warm inside.
You lean towards him and kiss him on the lips.
“I love you.” You said.
“I love you too.”
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Andrew Kreiss
You've been participating in matches day after day.
You not only have your matches but end up participating in place of others when they can't attend.
This match was a long one. You ended up kiting Bane for pretty much the whole game but in the end you lost.
You came back to the Manor with cuts and bruises all over your body.
Andrew rushed to Emily's office to check on you.
“Are you OK?” He said as he panted.
“I'm OK don't worry.” You said with a weak smile. “I'm just tired.”
He took a deep breath and sat on a chair next to your bed.
He took your hands and sat there quietly.
The sight of you like this made his heart ache but also made his blood boil. Those selfish people. How can they keep giving their work to you?
“Andrew?” You said as you brushed a strand of hair away from his face.
“Why do you keep doing this?” He asked.
“This. Why have you been attending others' matches left and right?”
“...Are you mad?”
“Of course I'm angry. I'm angry at you for throwing away your needs. I’m angry at you for overworking yourself. Im angry that you never asked me for help.!”
He went quiet for a second and then continued with a lower voice.
“But most of all I’m angry at myself. At the fact that I’m so useless that I don’t stand up for you…Whenever I think of the times where I could've pulled you away when someone asked for you to do something. The times where if I didn't let you attend a match you wouldn't have been in pain. Whenever I think of those I hate myself. I hate myself because I didn't do anything.”
Andrew understands you well. You two are really similar. So you can understand what he's feeling right now. You know how much he's beating himself up for it.
You drag him into a hug and you don't let go.
You start to kiss the top of his head and caress his hair.
“I'm sorry.” You muttered. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
“Please. Just stop wearing yourself out. For me.” He said in a low voice.
You nod. “I promise.” You whispered.
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Luca Balsa
How many times has Orpheus made you “help him” and then dump all of his work on you because “he got a new idea”? You've lost count at this point.
You've gotten used to it but you obviously don't enjoy it but you just can't say no to him. You wanted to a couple of times but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to turn him down when he asked for your help. Well that was one of the reasons. You didn't want him to dislike you. You don't want anyone to dislike you but Orpheus was one of the people that the idea of him disliking you scared you.
It wasn't only you who was bothered by this situation. Luca was really worried about you. You would come to his room, exhausted and drop yourself onto his bed and pass out pretty much every night.
Luca always stays up late. You have to drag him to bed if you want him to sleep. But after this routine with you and Orpheus started you would sleep without a word out of exhaustion. On some days he barely even saw you.
Orpheus told you to wake up earlier than usual today. You didn't sleep last night which didn't help. You get up, wash your face, get changed and go to the library where Orpheus told you to meet him.
“These are murder case files. I'm going to use these in my Novel.” He says. “So read these papers and write me a summary of them. I need it by tomorrow evening.”
You blacked out for half of the conversation. Your mind started to properly work just now and this is all you understood. You sighed and were about to say “I'll do it.” When you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry Orpheus.” Said a person you cherish. “But I need y/n's help today. I know you had plans but it's really urgent. I'm sure you can do this yourself.” He continued with a smile.
“Oh.” Said Orpheus. “Well I guess I wouldn't mind since they've helped me so much. Then bye for now.” He takes the papers and takes a seat in the library.
“What's wrong?” You ask Luca.
“Come on I need your help.” He takes your hand and drags you to his room.
You enter and he closes the door. “Well?” You ask.
He lays on the bed and pats the spot beside him. “I need you to sleep.” He says with a cocky smile.
“You dragged me all the way here to sleep?” you asked a bit annoyed. “I was supposed to help Orpheus.”
He gets up and sits on the bed. “You call that helping?” He asks. “He is using you. Well even if he doesn't have bad intentions he still doesn't care if you want to do it or not. You can't just say yes to everything people ask of you.”
He sounds a bit mad but he's keeping his cool. You lower your gaze and play with your fingers. You don't know what to say. I mean what can you say? You know he's right.
He sighs and gets up from the bed to stand in front of you and takes your hand. He grabs your chin and gently pulls up your head. “I'm worried about you OK? You're just tiring yourself like this it's not good for you.”
“You're one to talk.” You say annoyed.
He laughs. “Well at least I do something I enjoy. Plus you always make me rest. But you just won't listen to me no matter how hard I try.” He kisses your forehead. “I won't let you try to please people like this anymore. You have to start saying no to them.”
You don't say anything. Instead bury your face into his chest. Luca wraps his arms around you and kisses your head. “Come on. Let's sleep. Neither of us have slept these days.”
You tighten your arms around him and nod in response. Then both of you get on the bed and drift away into a deep sleep.
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Edgar Valden
Failed rescues, terror shocks, short kites. You really messed up in today's match.
Well, everyone messes up.
But Freddy came up to you and started bickering with you.
“How can anyone be so bad?”
“Practicing is a good thing you know?”
“If you're going to mess up everything don't play the games.”
“Why did you even come to the Manor?”
His remarks didn't stop.
You couldn't say anything. You knew you did terribly in the match but it happens to everyone. He doesn't have the right to be this mad. But you couldn't say anything. Not a single word came out of your mouth. You just stood there while he said anything he wanted to you.
“What makes you think you can talk to them like that?!” You heard someone shout from across the room.
You look over Freddy's shoulder and see Edgar. He was fuming and coming towards Freddy.
“Your little lover over here messed up the whole game!” Freddy shouted. “Why do they even participate if they plays like this?”
Edgar grabbed Freddy by the collar. “You're disgusting.Have you forgotten how many times you've messed up the game yourself? How many times our win turned into a loss because of you? You think you have any right to be shouting at them like this?”
Freddy was surprised. His face was turning red. He quickly snatched away from Edgar's hand and left the room.
He huffed. Then he turned to you. “Why weren't you saying anything to him?” He looked angry.
You just burst into tears. He was surprised and came to his senses.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry.” He panicked and pulled you into a hug.
“I'm sorry. I couldn't stand seeing you like that.”
You just cried into his chest. Freddy shouting at you like that scared you.
He caresses your hair and whispers “It's OK.” Sometimes.
After you've calmed down he pulls you away and wipes your tears. “Please. Stand up for yourself OK?” Then he pulled you into a hug again.
“I'm always here for you.”
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blvb · 10 months
Characters: Lucas Balsa, Naib Subedar, Norton Campbell and Mike Morton
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Synopsis: s/o who give an insect in their hands.
a/n: My first time to write and show, have mercy to my writings please. it might have some grammar errors, my first language is french. The character might be ooc.
I think Lucas will be so happy if you want to show somethings that you find. If you tell him to open one hand to put your discovery, he will oblige to do so. At first Lucas will have a beautiful smile until he see what it is, his smile disapear and will take few second to look at the insect. Lucas will scream while throwing the bug somewhere. he might cry a little bit, and he will ask why did you pick that thing, only to learn that you like find and grab insects. Lucas is scars from this encounter, now he will always ask you what you have in you're hand before you give him.
Naib will ask what you have in your hand before you are close to him, only to be answer '' Something beautiful ! Open one of your hand '' he will sigh and open his hand only to feel something crawling in his hand. Naib will have a tiny heart attack, he will look closer to the bug and tell you next time to find something more beautiful like a ladybug or one with cute feature. He will let the bug go softly on a leaf or on the ground. or eat it
Sorry for the bugs lovers for this one, Norton will have a face a bit scary until he see you coming on is direction, his face will ease a bit. Norton will look at your hand close in front of him, he will be unsure what to do at first until you say open one of his hand. Weird but alright, he will look at first then crush it in is hand, you scream a big NO but is to late. You will look at him with disbelief, look at his face and then at his hands, back it forth. If you are sad he will make it back for you, like maybe a time for both of you to chase some insect together, but it will surely just watch with a smile while you're so happy.
I think Mike will not be scared by bugs like Lucas. when you run at his side with your hand in front of you, he will be so curious. You ask his hand, he will do it without asking. Mike will be amazed what you find, he will ask with so much energy where did you find this bug. Mike will follow you if you show the spot where the bug was discovered. I think he will like to spend time with you to find more.
a/n: there's a side in me say it's a bit funky, but oh well, i hope that you like what i write and so sorry again for the wrongs writing and bad grammar. I JUST REALISE !! I write the name of Luca wrong.
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ch6douin · 10 months
> Dᴇᴠᴏᴛɪᴏɴ. — IDV! SELF AWARE AU (5)
THIS IS PART FIVE OF MY IDV!SELF AWARE AU! I love this au but i cannot bring myself to do anything other than brainrot every single day. i would love to hear brainrots, feedbacks or anything related to this au in my askbox, so feel free to mark your presence there.
cw: obsessive behavior; mentions of feeling/being watched; romantic someway; religious behavior; idk what else
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Fiona loved the mystic. That's something not so surprising as she was given the title of a Priestess. She swore upon the Lakeside Village to adore the one and only Yog Sothoth, to be worthy of his blessings.
But she's incapable of escaping from this manor and honoring his name properly, incapable of escaping from you.
She knows you, to a certain extent because of the gossip and whispers around the survivors but you know her all too well, every single flaw and trait. Her devotion to Yog Sothoth didn't budge at that time, since at the end of the day, Fiona did not acknowledge you.
Skepticism could be her middle name, scripted to be deep into her heart, protecting it from any dangers. But you sneaked in, clueless of your effect on her. And so suddenly, her offerings to Yog Sothoth lacked sincerity.
She doesn't want to...be like this, be indecisive, she always criticized one for such weakness. But every time she thinks about choosing between you and the eldritch god, she is sent into a spiral of sentiments and beliefs, and anxiety settles deep within her bones. You're taking up too much space inside her, and she can't do anything besides hope that you give her enough room for breathing.
Yog Sothoth's presence is cold as ice and almost frightening, it is something Fiona thought that she was used to it. But she got way too comfortable with the feeling of your unique presence, safe as the embrace of a lover. It makes her dizzy, her heart is filled with tenderness but her brain tugs on it like a warning. Sometimes, it makes her sick in the stomach to sense that she failed to do something simple as to follow one god.
Little by little, her makeshift shrine with tons of trinkets for the ancient god is emptied. The overwhelming amount of items almost spilling out from the shrine are nowhere to be seen. Her loud murmurs from her requests to "Hastur" that every survivor could hear when passing by her door (which for a curious motive, is filled with thick locks and chains) are nothing now but a faint whisper of your name, so silent and soothing as if she is afraid to startle you or make you annoyed by her wishes. But did you hear her prayers? You must have, she likes to believe you do. That's the only explanation for her wardrobe full of luxurious clothes and accessories, silky materials that she would never even dream about touching.
She dreams of you, every night. It must be because she thinks about you almost all the time, but she fools herself into thinking it's you infesting her dreams despite the mindset being incredibly irrational. And every time you appear, her brain creates an individual that could only be described as breathtaking, because any idea that Fiona had about your appearance however you looked like was nothing short of ethereal, divine. She would kneel and worship you regardless of people's opinions.
The others be damned. They never gave her such a strong feeling.
And may you also give her enough patience to not wrap her fingers around that Mercenary's throat—when he stands with a look of nonchalance and crossed arms as if he didn't fuck up everything. She couldn't care less about the hint of regret in his sharp eyes, and she started blinking fast as if to dissipate the sudden urge to pounce on him. But you wouldn't want that, would you? After all, you graced him with your presence more times than one could count with their hands, even if his mouth was always kept shut, she knows because there was nothing that could justify his fidgety behavior when the subject was you.
"Any explanations for your foul behavior, Mr.Subedar?" Just like him, her arms are folded tightly on her chest as she spits out her words, cutting through the palpable tension in the room. And by the way he looks at her through the corner of his eye, she really has the impression of not even deserving his attention.
"It's simple, I don't trust them." Indeed, a simple and short answer followed by his thick accent doesn't satisfy Fiona that much. But that's just Naib Subedar, the mercenary is always stubborn and will feed you nothing but crumbles of information until you go crazy for good.
"Oh for god's sake. You don't trust anyone, Subedar." She sighs heavily, rubbing her forehead in annoyance. "The day you do, pigs might fly!" The woman walks around the dimly lit room with impatience, and he remains still as a statue. Aside from a twitch of his brows and a brief glare, there is no reaction to her words.
"Who I trust or not is none of your business, Gilman. Just like you being an obsessive freak with this person, if we can even call them that, has nothing to do with me." He is good at pretending to not be fazed as if he didn't experience goosebumps all over his body five minutes ago when he could finally hear your voice clearer than ever. And when the thought of how you looked from the other side of the screen went through his head for a fleeting second, he swears his heart rate did not increase. Why do you have this effect on him? On everyone? You were able to swoon the hearts of even the most reserved men and women in this manor, you even made him feel somehow special initially.
Emma plants flowers that you might like, Frederick and Antonio create tunes and songs inspired by you, Demi has confessed her admiration for you countless times in her drunken state—Hell, Naib is sure that he had a glimpse of Edgar Valden himself stressing over a painting and mumbling how he 'just had to see you in person, his lost muse'.
His thoughts are interrupted by a loud groan. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that for the sake of our partnership." He had hit a nerve, didn't he? It's written all across her face, eyebrows furrowed, lips in a firm line, eyelids twitching...It almost brings a smile to his lips how worked up she got. His eyes trail down to her hands for no particular reason, they are gripping her robe tightly in between her fingers.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night.." His mouth has a small pout of indifference as he shrugs, heavy boots accompany him when he walks away to finally leave and have some rest. There is nothing that he wants more than to forget about all of this for at least a few hours, that is if he doesn't end up having you appear in his dreams and waking up with wide eyes filled with evident embarrassment. Maybe he wasn't so different from the other survivors and hunters...
Twisting the doorknob and looking up through his eyelashes, much to his dismay, a person that he knows all too well stands proud. With his black and white clothes, it's Luca Balsa in the flesh. Even with the shaky postman wiping away his tear-smudged cheeks behind the prisoner's back like a shadow, his toothy grin never faltered. He must be sure of himself if he still remains unperturbed by the problems ahead. Naib steps away to give them enough space to enter the room and then vanishes without a word, not before noticing how the postman's irises followed him till he was no longer within eye's reach. If Naib was able to gain the hate of someone so calm, he indeed might be a jerk.
It doesn't take long for Luca to speak up. "Long short story, an unexpected error happened, and now no one knows how to turn it on without my help?" He's casual with it, maybe overconfident in his abilities as an inventor but some optimism was very much needed right now. After all, he should not disappoint in their pursuit to contact you!
There's a short silence, followed by the loud crack of his knuckles as he takes a long stride towards the machine. "Alright, this might take some time. I recommend for you two to take a break and have a little debate with the others in the main hall. Everyone is starving for good news."
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OBS: When Fiona mentions "luxury clothes" she's referring to the A/S tier costumes from the game.
naib wants u so bad bro 🤨 a lot of characters may appear next chapter but of course half of it may be a little more luca centered, and maybe if i make it long enough we will come back to reader's pov😆
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fishermanshook · 3 months
minor writing smut , hand kink [?]
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Luca whose hands are, to put it plainly, dirty. Oil and grease can be found underneath his fingernails from the constant work on the cipher machine, while dirt finds its way in the cracks and slivers on his palms.
Luca whose hands are littered with small cuts and scars from the electricity that bolts through him, refusing to settle down for even one moment before another currency charges through his body.
Luca who uses these same hands to worship your god like body in front of him. His fingers, smeared with black from being burnt poke and prod at the curves and blemishes on your body. The inventor finds it all so incredible how you let his hands, stained with blood, find your most sensitive area. How you let his hands gift you the pleasure you oh so deserve. And how you let him witness your fall into pleasure all over again.
note: consider this my apology for the lack of a proper fic lately, things have been busy. I’m working on two right now, and I hope to get them both out in the coming weeks.!
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© fishermanshook — no stealing , translating , plagiarizing or reposting my work on other any other sites + reblogs adored !!
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hello, and congrats for the blog's birthday! :D It's been a pleasure to see you in this blog, so here's a req. from me (hehe):
Luca and Ithaqua (if you write him, but if you don't feel free to replace Ithaqua with Orpheus!)
For Luca, perhaps the scenario would be about insomnia- like, how does he deal w/ it? How would he deal w/ it when his s/o can't sleep? etc
For Ithaqua/Orpheus, maybe some shenanigans in a friendly match! Any works, I just wanna see how these two would vibe if the hunter goes friendly (for Orphy) or if said hunter went friendly (for Ithaqua)
(disclaimer for both: idm if you go platonic or romantic with these, but if its okay, I'd like for it to be romantic.)
Once again, I wish you all the best and I hope you have a lovely day!
— 🌸🍒
HELLO AND THANK YOU SM!! of course - im gonna be writing for ithaqua (and sangria, too) ^_^ you too!!
luca balsa dealing w/ insomnia hcs⚡️
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he can't cope for shit honestly. once luca realizes he's not gonna be sleeping any time soon he's making himself a jezva full of strong coffee and sitting himself by his desk
i mean, what else can he do? he just deals with it the most logical way he sees it, no matter how unhealthy it is
although, once you scold him enough times, he's going to be curled up next to you in bed no matter if he likes it or not (he always likes it)
when it's him dealing with insomnia, what helps him the most is having his head held - no matter if it's you curling your arm around his neck, you pressing your palm onto his forehead or laying it onto your lap/chest - and having his hair played with. it's one of the rare things that lull him to sleep immediately, especially considering how he didn't get a lot of physical attention in his life so he melts right under your fingertips
when it's you dealing with insomnia, he prefers being the big spoon (in a "clinging to the little spoon like he's a backpack" way) and gently tucking his head by your neck, will also gladly make you a cup of warm tea at any hour to calm you down
he finds physical affection to be the best cure as he's not accustomed to it and the feeling of safety calms him down almost immediately
ithaqua going friendly hcs🌫
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his 1# favorite activity is playing hide and seek, and his favourite map to be friendly on is leo's memory!
very competitive when talking snowball fights. can be a bit of a sore loser too
will use his weapon to drag survivors around in the snow, sounds weird but it's actually quite fun!
itha likes doing parkour and climbing when he's not hunting, climbing onto the trees or up the lakeside boat
survivors can often get evil and swoop his weapon under his feet to make him trip and fall😭 it's just them channeling their inner anger from losing to him so often (or sometimes they just want to make him angry. at least that's not too hard to do lol)
if his s/o is in the match he's going to be subtle, playing with everyone but paying you extra attention - taking his precious time when tying you up or pulling you out of a locker and carry you for what seems to be a minute or two longer than usual... would definetly not mind having some alone time with them either, hidden on the 2nd floor of leo's factory or in the basement, laying their beloved onto his lap and cuddling together where no one can see them🤭
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snootysnoots · 2 years
-Christmas Joy-
 -Luca Balsa x Reader (pt.6)-
-Merry (early) Christmas! Sorry for not writing much, exams were last week and I just wanted a break. I have some more Luca headcanon, cause he is the best boy. This might be inaccurate because I haven’t played IDV in so long. Dazai! Luca was the last thing I saw or maybe nothing has changed idk. The new survivor looks cool though. -FYI, this wasn’t read through. So if there are any errors...no, no there isn’t. :)
♡I’m not sure if Luca would like Christmas or not, but I would say he does. He loves giving inventors as gifts to friends and his lover. But you know what Luca loves more? ♡He loves you more, but like. He likes decorating too. My man would go all out like the mansion could go up to flames kind of decorating. Luca would just go crazy, thinking nothing but decorating the house. Luca would make different Christmas decorations, like those blow-up decorations. "Little Girl" and Axe boy always give him ideas and Luca is happy to make them turn (Follower is just happy to be there). ♡Mistletoe...If you’re near one, Luca is magically right next to you. It’s like he can sense you near one, kind of creepy. He won’t kiss you unless you’re near one though, kind of annoying. But you shall not fear, Luca always carries a mistletoe with him. He likes your kisses and only he shall have them.
♡Luca gives you so many gifts, he is an inventor after all. He starts planning your gifts after Christmas. He plans your gifts all year round, which is why you get so many. Luca just enjoys seeing you smile.  ♡You still have to get Luca out of his room cause man is busy trying to make Christmas joy happen. Dragging him out is harder than normal, Luca really just trying to make Christmas joy happen. He tries a little too hard. Anyways, after trying not to kill your boyfriend. You guys are out and going for a walk.  ♡Walking in the snow is something I have never done, cause snow doesn’t happen over here. So here, live the dream I’ve always wanted. The walk you guys are having is nice, peaceful, and relaxing. Or it would be if Luca didn’t throw a snowball at your face. 
♡Luca would definitely play in snowball fights, he plays with the kids sometimes. He makes forts and everything, he is so extra. Anyways, you both are in this one vs one battle. I like to think it’s dramatic af, like come on, this man reads. You guys fighting like in the mid-evil times, it’s insane. And then it happens, a snowball hits your face. The silence that falls is so dramatic, what's even more dramatic is the fact that Luca is running toward your body. In slow motion and he was yelling. He ran toward your “dead” body, dramatically holding you, fake tears falling down, and he gave the best performance of his life.  ♡...Anyways, after all that you both go back into the mansion and start making hot coco (or another drink if you don’t fancy hot coco). You both are hella cold after having your oscar worthy play, than after getting all your snacks and your guys drink ready. You both sit at the fireplace, covered in a blanket. Both staying there, enjoying each other company.
            ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄♡♥♡▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ -Hope everyone has a jolly good day. I plan to (maybe) write another on Christmas but it won’t be Luca. I want to branch out more into other fandoms I’m in. Merry (early) Christmas!
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sandwichfordinner · 2 years
Since my close friend had a birthday and requested me to draw her favourite idv characters (Luca and Ithaqua) as yanderes I did a quick draw of them🚶‍♀️
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and I will be working on my requests I promise you guys I won’t die (i lied)
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oletus-writer · 1 year
hi! if you've got the time, could you maybe write some general relationship hcs [sfw and nsfw if you're willing] with luca balsa? thanks so much!
Of course!
General Relationship Headcannons with Luca Balsa
Warnings: includes nsfw
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Luca Balsa
While he’s a forgetful man, he’ll do his best to remember your favourite flowers, chocolates, and what presents to give. However, this has failed, so he has resorted to making a randomised machine that generates what presents (out of your favourites) to give to you for the occasion.
‘Y-you said you had some soreness after matches? I made you a-a little something that might help with it!’
He does his best to intricately plan out the dates, and, if you’ll let him, will ramble for hours on end about his sciences. He’ll get Melly to teach him about the meaning of flowers and get some recipes from Mary and Joseph, but forget to cook them - completely planned, a baking date. Don’t question his genius.
‘Oh, they’re d-doing a tea party now… I’ve made you some pastries - ah, no, no, um… we’ll sh-show them how it’s really done! Yeah. W-we’ll show them.’
You’ll be responsible for inducing him to bed with cuddles, and get him to eat a bit by feeding him when he’s working on his inventions. If you’re ready to nag him about taking care of him, then the relationship should work out fine - after all, he’s got to be healthy to be able to help you out in matches.
He’s got a bit of an oral fixation, and will teasingly kiss your sex and slowly lick it, all the while maintaining eye contact. He’s pretty skilled, as he has had a few lovers before, and his sharp teeth, while not sharp enough to cut skin, is a new stimulus.
His hair is thick and glossy, and his pubic hair is pretty wild, no matter how hard he tries to keep it well-groomed. He’s got a shorter penis, but it’s pretty thick. He also gives of dick piercing vibes
Luca has a bit of a praise kink and won’t hesitate to call you mommy/daddy, if you’re into it. Kiss his eye and tell him how good he’s doing, and you’ve got him wrapped around your finger.
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About that smut line
What do you think about "we're going to fuck right here? what if someone sees us?" and "you're such a fucking tease, you know that?" for Luca? Like he so busy with his invention so we decided to tease him "a bit".
Luca is a monsterfucker send tweet. This is my first time writing him f if not tht good ;w;
Rated Mature | Warnings: monster reader
Send a line
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Now all the survivors have the same styled rooms, same furniture, and various clothes for all of them to wear-- Aside from the special clothing Lady Nightingale would have them wear for anyone can guess her amusement. However, the room you are contained in is massive, full of wires, computers, and other marvelous things Luca has never seen before.
You float around your tank, a giant ball with often purple mist within to keep you in a state of calm. You supposedly are a new survivor, a creature to level the playing field when it comes to dealing with those of the divine like Dream Witch or Feaster, or as you told Luca: you want to annoy them for a bit.
He can never single out your face while you are in the glass ball, you have no physical form constructed and seem unable to make up your mind on an appearance.
“Luca, imagine me.” You told him as he worked, and studied the tech used to keep you contained and translate your words. “What do you see when you hear my voice?” He shivers when he feels your presence touching his mind, it is strange for when he feels you within he feels stable. “You need to focus, dear one.”
The longer he spends time with you, the more he finds you show, or attempt to show attraction. After months of studying his fragile fragmented mind, there are others you have poked your way it but Priestess told you that is invasive.
“Let me out.” You are gentle, nervous, “I shall dawn the skin you see me as.” The ball is opened once the gas has been filtered out, and you hiss in discomfort then relax as you link your mind to Luca to keep yourself in this reality. You have tried to explain this to both Priestess and Luca but it is a bit too complex for mortal minds to comprehend. “Wait!” He places a set of clothes he had found in his room one day. They are not in his size but they match the way he imagined your human form. “Put these on.”
“Is not nudity ideal for your kind?” Shifting your body from the mass of darkness and light.
“Well, nudity is called for when it is for bathing or well…”
“Coupling. Though you have worn clothes during this.”
“(Name), I said don’t peek into those!”
“My apologies, Luca.” The mist of your form fills the clothes lifting them before your human body is made in an instant. You blink, turning your head to look around, “Fascinating.” Examining yourself in the reflection of the containment ball. “You humans have very creative minds.”
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Not many are used to seeing you outside of a match, and no one is used to being a human. It unsettles most who are not open-minded. You use it often once permitted by the Lady of the Manor. You find humans naturally make connections when in extreme circumstances or cut themselves off in order to protect themselves. Most are friendly but some are not ideal for bonding with.
You also learned sex can advance a connection when both are in agreement.
“We're going to fuck right here!?” Your room is not ideal, it is open for any to enter, “What if someone sees us?” He is being polite to you yet you have seen this man indulge in vices of the flesh in many of places.
“Then they may watch,” Deadpan as you sit on his lap, “Or join in if they need release as well.”
“Fuck.” That is hot in a lot of ways, “You're such a tease, you know that?” There is no way you do not understand what you are doing.
“I am aware.”
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otakusparkle · 4 months
Identity V Announcement
- LINE Collaboration might be reprinted
- Alexander pet reprinted
- Undead new costume (A-Tier)
- Little Girl birthday is September 13th
- Character song for all characters
- New Duo Hunt map will be released next week (Leo's Memory)
- The modern fashion costumes of IDV ES series that displayed in the PV will be implemented. The silhouette in the image is just a supplementary setting, but a silhouette of Naib as the OPH captain is also planned to be implemented
- The continuation of main story will be released next year
- Naib's diary will be released this year
- After Naib's diary, Hullabaloo circus will be the next story that will be released in game
- After Hullabaloo circus and Naib's diary, the next grup that will have diaries is Group 0
- Noir box (Seer 4th Anniversary Truth and Inference) will be restocked
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avinwrites · 1 year
IDV Men and their Love Languages pt. 3
Characters included: Victor, Andrew, Luca, Edgar, Ganji
Victor Grantz 
Victor’s intense Scopophobia as well as nervous habits made determining his love language difficult. Despite his inability to talk, as well as his social anxiety, I believe his love language is, in fact, words of affirmation. At first, I vetoed this, since he doesn’t take words at face value and believes that words written and passed back and forth mean so much more. And this still applies! He is overjoyed the first time he receives a letter addressed to himself, and this carries over to receiving letters in the manor. There’s so much one can say to him, and he doesn’t have to trip and stumble through social conventions to get the message!
-You take notice of this early on, not too long after he arrived in the manor
-You thought it’d be cute, or a little funny, to give him a welcome letter and say some sweet things and encourage him and teach him a bit about the games, since he’s a postman.
-He sends a letter back saying how thankful he is for the letter and reveals to you that he isn't one for face to face conversation
-So, you both get to know each other very well though letters
-but he observes you in conversation with others
-he believes that your genuine self comes through when you write letters and that sometimes you pretend to be different around the others
-He really wants to understand your true self better
-To do that, he writes you a letter, basically outlining his thoughts
-after a long time of correspondence, he’s come to trust you
-He asks you to meet him in a quiet, pretty place, like the garden
-There, he writes down a few questions that he expresses his wish for you to respond to them in your own voice, not to write them
-When he realizes that you speak to him the same way you write to him, he gets a little flustered
-One, he feels bad for doubting you, and two, he’s over-the-moon that you entrusted him with your true self practically without hesitation
-That's when he notices you, just as flustered as he is, for seemingly no reason
-“Victor, I have to tell you the truth about something.” You were going to do this through another letter, but now seems like the perfect moment, after having confided in each other with deep feelings and secrets.
-“I’m in love with you.” The words come out before you’re ready. You’re almost breathless, like the words were ripped from your lungs by the impenetrable claws of truth.
-He sits there for a moment, stunned, red gradually spreading across his entire face
-Then, he furiously scribbles something on the paper on front of him, scratches it out, writes something else, scratches it out as well
-Then, finally, he slides the paper towards you
-amongst the messy scribbles, four words in his distinct handwriting 
-“I love you, too!”
Andrew Kreiss
He is initially afraid of affection. Previous to his life in the manor, he could only rely on his mother for comfort, and now that she is gone, he couldn’t imagine the care of another. The letter sent to him to invite him to the manor gave him hope for the first time, and in this place, he isn’t ridiculed or mocked. He still has trouble interacting with people, but he’s growing as a person. In fact, while he is living in the manor, he discovers his love language!
-When he was young, he can remember his mother pulling him close in her lap, petting his hair and whispering such sweet things to him
-He really misses her
-Sometimes, he wonders what she would think of his life now
-despite doing some immoral things in his life, then taking a sketchy offer to go to an unknown location, he thinks he’s doing ok
-Surprisingly, he’s bonded with a few people while having to live here
-the main one being you
-You were so kind to him when he first arrived
-You were the first person he met that didn’t treat him harshly or whisper behind his back about him
-It was no question that he’d become close to you
-You engage him in such interesting conversations as well
-Particularly, the conversation the two of you are in now
-“Hey, Andrew, what do you think your love language is?”
-“What is that?”
-Shocked, you explain to Andrew the main 5 love languages and what they entail. He genuinely has no idea. 
-“I think you best receive love through words of affection, but I also see that makes you uncomfortable, so I’ve been having trouble figuring it out.”
-“Do you think about everyone like this?”
-“Only certain people; people I care a lot about!”
-He’s blushing, maybe it is words of affection
-“Your kind words… remind me of my mother.”
-His pale face rapidly turning red, you can’t help but test the limits of his reception of intimacy
-You pull his calloused hands into yours, watching his face intently for any sign of discomfort, or appreciation
-He stares like a deer in headlights at your hands, but does not pull away
-“Maybe you like physical affection then?” You say, coy
-“I… I think,” he’s stammering, throat dry and nervous, “I think so long as it’s you… I’d be fine with anything.”
-Ah, now he’s got you blushing
-Guess you’ll have to show him different types of affection more often!
Luca Balsa
Luca spends a lot of his time working. He’s desperate to remember his old ideas, and often forgets to take care of himself. The best way to show that one loves him is through Acts of Service. He doesn’t need someone to take care of him, but he understands the difference between pity and genuine care. 
-Drag him out of his room when he’s been holed up in there for too long, he’ll fight, but ultimately, he’s appreciative of it. 
-He forgets to eat and drink, too focused on other matters. Tell him some silly joke about how “perpetual motion can’t exist without some kind of energy!” and make him eat. 
-If he’s having a particularly stressful day, migraines and amnesia making his brain swirl into oblivion, bring him a cold hand towel and a drink
-Sit with him until he’s feeling better and encourage him to get some fresh air
-He can’t think of anything but his invention until you come along and distract him
-now all he can think about is how thankful he is for your care
-He does things for you, too.
-He likes to do gentlemanly things for you
-Like pull out a chair for you, or lend you a coat if he happens to have one
-It reminds him of his life before the accident
-While his love language is acts of service, there is one particular thing he likes to do with you that doesn’t have much to do with that
-You notice he’s particularly chipper one day, practically bouncing up and down with energy
-“What puts you in a good mood today, Luca?” You laugh, he pulls you up from your seat with a hand and leads you to a large open space in the foyer
-“I remembered something earlier, something I wish to share with you!”
-“Then by all means, lead the way!”
-Once you reach the foyer, he doesn’t let go of your hand, instead positioning you close to him, he places your other hand on his shoulder, then moves to hold you soft on the waist.
-“You remembered a dance?”
-He doesn’t respond, almost as if he is trapped in the memory itself, he begins to twirl you around the makeshift ballroom
-Suddenly, he beams, laughing gleefully as he lifts you and spins you around!
-Its infectious, his smile, you laugh with him, enjoying your moment together
-When he slows down, he rests his forehead against yours, giving you his signature lopsided grin
-“Thank you for all that you do for me.”
Edgar Valden
Edgar believes that any “time” that he gives to someone else should be considered quality. But what is quality time to him? He thinks back to his younger years, his brothers always pestering him, telling him to do things or wanting to spend time with him. Back then, he would’ve called “quality time” being alone with his painting supplies, full of inspiration and ability. Now, he has a different idea of quality time.
-When Edgar met you, you sparked the remembrance of his sister in him.
-His poor, sister whom he lost so early in life, just after his mother left
-It was his first major inspiration since being in the Manor
-He tried to work using only his memory, but that was unreliable at most times. 
-So, he asked you to come meet him where he could see you and paint
-He sets up an easel outside near a bench in the gardens
-Back in Britain, he made a comment about how the weather was always against him, he hates rain
-But today, everything seems to be going in his favor
-The sun in its radiance directed itself in his muses direction
-You sit there in front of him, nervous, but excited to see the outcome of his painting
-He’s in quiet concentration, you hesitate to break the silence, but you feel a little uncomfortable sitting as he stares at you
-“The sun is brilliant today! Don’t you think so?” You say, awaiting his response. At first he looks like he’s going to tell you to keep quiet, then his gaze softens ever-so-slightly
-“I like the sun as well, rain is uninspiring.”
-The silence continues for a short moment before he speaks again
-“I used to have a friend, my cat, Mary. She loved sunny days like this, too. I can almost see her curled up, soaking up the rays.”
-He spends a short amount of time reminiscing of his past, remembering when Mary was young and his close siblings would run in the yard and chase after her.
-That didn’t last for very long
-He and Mary grew up similarly, as they grew older, they became slower and more content to be alone
-“I’ve never remembered so much in such a short time.” He comments. You almost don’t hear him.
-“Good memories, I hope!” You pipe up from your seat across from him.
-“Bittersweet.” A sigh, then a light breeze picks up, bringing with it dark clouds.
-When thunder rumbles in the distance, he groans.
-“It seems the weather always has it out for me.”
-“That’s ok, we have plenty of time together! Let’s do this again!” You help him carry his things indoors before any rain picks up.
-When he’s back in his room, alone, he rethinks his definition of quality time. 
-He would like to experience this day again. And again. 
Ganji Gupta
Words of Affirmation is Ganji’s love language. He likes to be reassured, and though he has a bit of a short temper, his anger is resolved with relative ease. He is also one to use his words to show appreciation. Despite looking displeased most of the time, Ganji is a perfectly pleasant man to be around. 
-His favorite thing to do is compliment you during a match
-Sometimes, it will distract you, which entertains him
-He likes the playful banter that comes with competition
-If you’re containing the hunter, he’ll run by and hit the hunter at the perfect time
-then direct some quip at you about how he “saved” you
-It is the opposite when he has to use his rampage skill
-he hates being so angry and violent, but he has to in order to gain strength
-so, once you’re both safe, you comfort him with your kind words, reminding him that he’s not a monster, and that he is a kind person
-the only part of his rage he appreciates. That is, the fact that you always comfort him.
-A lot of his attachment comes from open communication
-honesty is a really big thing for him
-If he has a problem with something, he’ll come out and say it
-but he’ll be cordial about it until it turns into an argument
-that doesn’t happen very often, though
-and rarely ever with you, he feels very guilty if he ever directs his anger towards you
-if, is the keyword, it really is unlikely for you to get in a fight with him
-he cares about you so much that only sweet words will flow from his mouth to your ears
-he makes sure of it!
Hi! Thank you all so much for reading and supporting my works! This will be the end of this "mini-series" if one could call it that! However, for the characters I didn't write for, I'd be happy to revisit them if requested! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Characters not included: Ada, Vera, Murro, Emil, Orpheus, Luchino, and Frederick, as well as any hunter.
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