#ideally we'd get Polin over and done with
torchwood-99 · 7 months
I know that benophie fans are upset about Benedict and Sophie getting skipped for Polin, and I totally get it. But at the same time, a part of me's relieved that we're getting Polin out of the way. Their fandom has become so loathsome that I honestly can't wait for this season to be over and done with. I love Benedict so much, almost as much as Eloise, and unlike Eloise, I don't have any hang ups with his book relationship, so I'm truly looking forward to seeing him getting the limelight he deserves. And while it's miserable having to wait longer, I know I will enjoy his season all the more with Polin (hopefully) taking a backseat.
At this point, Polin is the broccoli I'm forcing down (or trying to skip) before I can get to the tasty part of my meal.
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