#idc I'll be whatever gender is needed in the moment
dandyshucks · 6 months
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posts that Guz would make/send to me
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papirouge · 11 months
Im not a chrisitan but I can respect how you don’t back down from your beliefs and aren’t as hypocritical as others I have seen.
I want to ask since I know the bible has strict gender roles for women to obey god and men, but why does it say that men just answer to god? Because I see a lot of men who are christian say that they follow god but just do what they want and claim the god is telling them to do it. How can men in this religion be held accountable?
You're welcome 🩵
"strict gender roles to obey God and men" I'll stop you right there anon. Women have to obey to their HUSBAND. There's a nuance. A women would never be married/remain celibate (which is highly encouraged in Christianism) she's not compelled to obey a man, but GOD.
Obedience to the husband in marriage is in the context of family that's considered as a ministry, and ministry have to have a hierarchy in terms of responsibility, not in nature. There's a reason despite all their screeching, anti Christian/feminist never found a word deeming women inferior as men. That's why they make all sort of reach, such as acting like woman being made out of man's rib is sexist (which is weird bc if anything, the woman being made to help Adam and be a company shows that men are those who need women and can legitimately be interpreted as "demeaning" for men 🥴) or this whole "the wife is the glory of her husband" thing...
And I wonder what "strict" gender roles you're talking about? The only physical prescription women have is to not wear men's clothes (which may vary depending cultures) and covering their head in the assembly. On the other hand, men are called to not wear anything in the assembly and to not wear women's clothes. Beside that, there's not specific gender distinction in Christianism. (Married) Women can work, carry money and her business (the famous Proverbs 31:10 girlboss lol)
It's always confused me as a Christian, the religion that explicitly states that we recognize a tree by its fruits, to see so many people acknowledge people self iding Christians without displaying the actual fruits of the spirit, as actual Christians..... That's why I'm so mad at pro gun Christian when they are unable to follow the very example that Jesus did on his last moments on earth: NON VIOLENCE. Those people are not Christians. IDC about whatever hoops they will do to argue that aKtcHualLy violence is acceptable. LOOK AT JESUS AND SHUT UP.
Interestingly, the same people using those fake Christians to argue that *this* brand of Christianism is the real Christianism, they will have no problem making the actual distinction when it comes to islamist terrorismfor example. They will say how terrorism don't apply real islam, etc etc. But they are unable to provide the same energy when it comes to Christianism. Deranged Christian zealot USAmerican Conservatives are supposed to represent ALL Christians... which is highly frustrating bc I dislike as much those people as the next sane person lol Those imposters aren't Christians. They are modern day pharisees
They will be held accountable - in hell. That's why it's sooo important for them to repent.
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bitter-limelight · 1 year
DANIEL. And also David.
@shittyravencarcosa also asked for Daniel!
Sexuality- gay. Gay gay gay. Call me whatever you want, debate me, idc. My head canon is that Daniel is gay. All his companions are male, he wad a traveler who chose to be in San Francisco in 1973, he's only shown with women that Armand made him be with. The one time he seems to even interact towards a woman, the girl in the book shop, he's blazed AF and obviously being dramatic. In my opinion. Don't agree? Awesome! You do you! But my Daniel is a raging faggot.
Gender - cis guy, but I've poked the trans idea on my head a couple times. It's not easy for me to do; as I said a moment ago, Yuri is pretty much my only trans headcanon. If we wanna get real degenerate though I'll also say in an a/b/o context he's an omega. That's where I get more of my gender fuckery out.
Otp- Marius/Daniel of course. Husband's <3 companions. Lovers. Saved each other
BROtp- Louis and Daniel need to be the much maligned gossip queens of the coven
NOtp- I don't really have one? Girls obvs since I think he's gay. I don't ship Armand and Daniel as lovers but calling them a NOtp doesn't feel right.
Headcanon- Daniel takes up photography modern day so he can still tell stories even when words fail
Opinion-, B E S T
David- I also think David is a cis gay man. I dont have the David hate that a lot of folks do! I ship him with Lestat but as his old body self- that's the good shit!!
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