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Toyotaro's Easter Eggs in Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 104.
Compiled by Niv Lugassi, February 19th, 2025. Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Boy, I know too much about this franchise. :)
#dragon ball#akira toriyama#dragon ball z#anime#dragon ball super#anime and manga#toyotaro#other world saga#tournament#Olibu#Idasa and Ikose#filler
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Abesor Adik Adiko Adim Adimo Adingodl Adis Adsarn Adsarnisa Adwo Aimaas Aimingodl Akkaingodl Algod Alining Allia Also Altis Altodl Aluodle Alwusl Amaosed Amaso Ameira Amelia Amfdiala Amiosa Amira Amiro Amirobaning Amizobaning Amka Ammas Ammo Amoisa Amria Amro Amvido Amwad Amwod Aniassa Aningam Aodm Arnamma Arningad Arria Asdiqua Asze Atoml Augasa Aumo Ausima Avadann Avamors Avamorsaomingiw Avo Awim Awimia Awimor Awwadiming Awwo Awwosuam Awwosuamma Badndosl Badndow Badningo Badsima Badsl Badsodl Badsolanna Bamislo Bamkor Baning Baningosor Bannor Banror Baon Baondima Baono Barria Bas Basalikn Basein Basjowis Baumoing Bavadmor Bdann Bdaslo Bdasn Bdeeka Bdiginna Bdilgan Bdinnosor Bdios Bdol Bdolmaor Bdoros Bdosles Bdosli Bdoslor Bduma Bduse Beb Bebbia Bebbor Bele Bessia Bimm Bimmia Bimmor Biosko Bmosminga Bmosmo Bodbodo Boddor Bopnirna Bordes Bornios Dabammo Dagir Dagisa Dagiso Dagisoml Daisingeml Daisingodl Dasa Dasaa Dawi Dawor Debadn Debadne Debadno Debis Debors Degad Delsaor Demf Demingamma Demosl Deor Dera Derawodia Derawodor Deria Deriso Dero Deromia Derr Des Desoml Dessia Dewois Dewos Dexossa Dimingaszo Dimingodl Dimk Dimkor Dimodle Dingeslo Dino Dofoam Doisad Domingam Domingoam Domping Door Doorwesl Doorwesla Dopingoam Doquam Doros Doslomm
Doslor Doum Dowes Doweso Dubas Dubor Dulemping Dun Duning Durramm Edndul Edo Elanna Elima Emaosa Emgo Emiva Emiviad Emivio Emmia Emof Eningwod Enne Ennewod Epom Ermod Fadlisosl Fadsosle Famimio Famix Fdal Fdaladim Fdaladimk Fdaldik Fdallia Fdalo Fdialawoss Fdialdiming Fdinz Fdosk Fdoskmis Fdosmar Fdosmeir Fdosmeira Fdosmir Fdosmirme Fdosmisa Fdosmk Fdosz Fdouka Fmedasma Fmedasn Fmedios Fmedo Fmeorl Fobdima Fobias Fobiassa Foining Foora Fossia Fossor Gabingodl Gadingodln Gadl Gadn Gadndula Gadodl Gadoml Gadomlisa Gadsen Gadwod Gadwoisa Gaedg Gaedga Gaedganna Gaedgar Gaedgio Gasa Gasaviava Gasavo Gdag Gdagedor Gdana Gdanam Gdanmingas Gdano Gdoma Gedles Gennfdial Gennmiab Gennrmingomk Genz Gimbadn Gimmar Gingirmoisa Girama Giramingad Giramo Gisanna Giso Gmas Gmaslo Gmass Gmedio Gmolorr Goamma Goanos Gobdiam Gobdiama Godor Goim Goorma Gornad Gtas Gtaslemors Guile Guimmouwa Guolomupa Guor Gusningad Idasa Idir Idwo Ilo Imeso Ingadbadn Ingadtig Ingadva Ingadwisa Ingadwos Ingadwoss Ingailawodia Ingaili Ingaisad Ingaisdiming Ingaise Ingaisi Ingaisz Ingalor Ingamas Ingamasa Ingamaso Ingamga Ingamgo Ingammwuning Ingamned Ingamwun Ingamwuning Ingaoningad Ingasdi Ingasdianna Ingasdianno Ingasdor Ingedrn Ingemgad Ingemmor Ingepa Ingetodl Ingimla Ingimlagodl Ingimlo Ingimwo Ingoddian Ingoddor Ingodeml Ingodoml Ingodvaor Ingonnia Ingosr Ingossa Ingossameda Ingossoing Ingozam Ingubadn Inguge
Inguging Inguguanna Ingusnad Ios Iro Irobam Irobamma Irobammo Iroom Isar Isaz Ivos Iwamlo Jadawor Jaddor Jadewa Jadwoisa Jaff Jaffador Jaffdaor Jaos Jaosanna Jaosfdosmeir Jaosmeuir Jaosmmoula Jaosmum Jaospiadda Jaospoum Jaossa Jaossanna Jaossia Jaossisa Jaoswimingam Jaoswodia Jaoswodm Jarra Jarria Jarrimo Jarur Jassia Jassifad Jasso Jassor Je Jea Jeam Jeamma Jedg Jedga Jedlos Jeingoss Jeingossar Jeingosso Jeings Jeingssia Jeingssor Jeli Jelor Jemamorsa Jeomingiw Jeor Jeorma Jeos Jeoss Jeossa Jeosso Jera Jerafiso Jeranna Jeraping Jerapingisa Jeringuo Jern Jes Jesoningos Jesor Jimm Jiw Jiwwia Jiwwor Jodal Joiwa Jomeb Jomk Jomkia Jomquamisa Jomquamors Jomquar Joor Jores Jorwisa Jos Josa Josan Josia Josima Josir Josisa Joso Joviad Jowar Jowia Judgas Julining Julor Jumia Jumianna Jumias Jumie Jumio Jumios Junno Juos Juosino Juoso Jupp Jurnis Jurnisa Jusa Kaddor Kadrnis Kaining Kammaor Kammi Kammia Kammor Kas Kasldo Kasn Kassaning Kavis Kdirnas Kdirni Kdirnia Kdirnis Kdirnisa Kdirniso Kdirno Kdirnor Kdorrnom Kesdol Kidk Kiw Kiwbadmor Kmour Kmour-panad Kodas Kodi Kodis Kodisa Kodm Kodmingaisz Kodmo Kodo Kodrnas Kona Kondis Kondiso Konia Koningadisa Koningdors Koningmaas Koningor Konjo Konoro Koor Koormo Korma Kudn Labbia Labdo Labedoing Ladak Laddimk Lamedar Lamio Lammo Lampingisa Laos Laosso Laridaa Lasir Lasira Lassir Ledaas Ledeningor Ledir Ledo Lemedar Les Lesoml Lesso Leugmor Lewisiqua Lialdiming Lianad Lianadiming Liandiming Liliad Liosa Lioso Liossa Liosso Lixia Loddamm Loddas Loddorm Lodmasa Lodmo Lodorm Logebadn Logwod Loiror Loma Lormos Los Losiam Losiama Losiamma Loso Lossor Lots Lova Lovil Lowias Ltigingn Ltoorsa Luosa Lurnis Maa Madeor Mae Maes Maeso Maesodl Maiging Maldim Mamamio Mamim Mamima Mamimio Mamio Mamisa Mamo Manimio Mao Maoing Marmia Marnad Maso Matir Mavis Mdirniso Mdoig Mdorrnom Medanno Medaor Medasa Medasnz Medaso Meddoisa Medi Mediso Medissa Medo Medomia Medor Meim Meir Melor Memanna Membor Memmaas Memnes Memo Meningod Mesrnosma Messia Meuammo Meudnsaor Meuir Meuira Miarm Miesam Mimiosa Mimmia Mimmios Mimo Mingadorm Mingamrao Mingarnad Mingdir Mingdirnam Mingdirnamma Mingdirnef Mingdirnepinga Mingdirnepingad Mingdirnia Mingdirnios Mingdirniosa Mingdirnisa Mingdirniso Mingdirno Mingdirnor Mingmea Mingodmar Mingodmasa Mingodmenna Mingodmia
Mingol Mingosnom Mioso Mirbaning Miro Mislo Mislor Mislraor Mislroor Miso Mmawasma Mmawasn Mmeorl Mmiffedl Mmifnes Mmisnes Mmodasma Mmodo Mmoida Mmoornes Mmorla Mmoula Mmoulio Mmoulisa Moaninio Moddia Moddor Modem Modema Modemisa Modemiso Modemors Modm Modmer Modmo Modr Modwas Molirmour Momvis Moneoro Moningadisa Moningor Moraor Mordim Morlia Morlio Morrosldo Morsanna Morslo Morsningio Morss Morssa Moslima Mosloma Mosma Moso Motdasma Mouda Moudas Moudasma Moudasn Moudia Moudo Movadsa Mowimma Mudnir Muir Mukor Mulevim Multig Mum Mumia Mumias Mumiassa Mumimma Mumio Mumo Mumor Muneml Munz Muz Nadaro Naddasma Naddi Naddor Naddosma Nadi Nal Ndeor Ndimio Ndomaor Ndomi Ndomor Ndovir Nebior Nell Nesi Nesor Nesoro New Newwor Niffosor Ningadara Ningadaro Ningae Ningaeleda Ningamwo Ningewor Ningiaddor Niso Niw Niwe Niweningor Nobiningo Nodo Nordesa Noringo Normad Nosoro Nowi Nowodo Nowwor Odmanna Odmasa Odningud Odseml Odsln Odsoul Odwis Odwosle Ogsar Olama Olamingail Oldiassa Oldios Olemf Olo Olow Omax Omaxir Omaxoslad Omaxoslda Omaxosldo Ombadn Ombadne Ombadno Omeir Omfdal Omfdale Omima Omimio Omires Omisa Omiso Ommas Ommires Ommos Omois Omorrro Omos Omtis Omvis Omwo Omwun Oodes Opdim Oremoslo Oringmaor Orndil Orne Oross Orossimk Orvanna Orvar Orvessa Osgam Osgamiko Osgamimo Osgamiqua Osgamiso Osgamo Osgia Osino Oslda Osldaa Osldao Osldaor Osldat Oslor Osneisa Osneisanna Osnes Osnesie Osnesio Osningesor Oso Osrgod Oss Ossa Ossamiara Ossamira Ossanna Ossawodia Ossia Ossimk Osso Ossomiara Oudamia Oudamias Oudeda Oudimk Ougurn Ouldaor Owamia Owamio Owbad Owomio Owor Owoslisa Owoslo Oxam Paddor Paggor Palde Panad Paodm Passor Pdirmimmo Piadda Piaddanna Pingimip Pingimipp Pingimippa Pingimippo Pingimmip Pingormmir Pon Pondima Pondimio Pondimk Ponni Ponnor Ponror Pormom Pormoma Poum Poumanna Poumisa Poumo Pow Powamo Quasnis Rabornias Rabornios Radga Radgie Ramwo Raning Raos Ravadis Ravadisa Remosga Repingia Repingio Resio Resjo Resoro Riagfdial Rigirwusl Rigwusl Rilsaor Rimvio Ringaddi Ringaddor Ringadi Ringadorm Ringaimo Ringamio Ringammaor Ringammor Ringidmaor Ringodes Ringodi Ringosa Ringosses Ringots Ringotso Riwes Riwesa Rmenn Rnafosio Rnammo Rnapingas Rnapingosa Rnapingosia Rnava Rnavas Rnomaor Rnomor Rnosmaor Robdiso Robisa Rodo Rodoing Rolia Rommor Romvoled Rormvarnad Rormvia Rormvio Rormvois Roslad Rosldisa Rosldo Roslor Row Rowosningo Rowuam Rua Ruria Ruros Rurossa Ruzossa Rvas Rvasjo Saim Sammia Samres Sannia Seawia Sedo Sedwo Sedwos Sikemo Simema Simemor Simemour Simingema Simingemor Siso Sivomle Soewi Solio Solisa Soningomia Soningos Soningosiam Sonomia Sonoringo Sosmor
Sossa Tadsad Tadsingad Tarmaor Taslor Taszam Temf Temfgosg Tiabka Timingamw Timingamwiso Timmia Timmiow Timmodl Timndul Timwo Tinginsaor Tisfdial Tisifdal Toddas Tola Tommoma Tomnad Toorsa Toslo Udrumo Ule Umdika Umdiming Una Unne Uta Vadesimo Vadesiqua Vado Vadses Vadso Vamwo Vemmdoning Vidgim Vidgisia Vidgisio Vieman Viemo Vimki Vimkia Vimkor Vimned Vimnedio Vismasn Vivios Vomadia Vomasnis Vomnad Vosarro Wadalining Wadmalar Wagingos Wagos Waisdol Walodl Wambo Wamelor Wamirro Wamislo Wamosia Wamvis Weddir Wedgosa Wedinz Weingowal Wemmor Wesiko Wesimo Wesiqua Weso Widaimma Widiow Widke Widme Widoslo Wiguam Wika Wime Wimingam Wimingama Wimingamisa Wimingamma Wimingaom Wimingoam Wimingoamo Wimkoam Wimldal Wimnes Winmingamm Wirnor Wislor Wissia Wisso Woa Wobam Wobma Wodgia Wodgodan Wodgodana Wodgodino Wodguadina Wodia Wodiamingdirnisa Wodiammoula Wodianingadara Wodie Wodies Wodimors Wodio Wodios Wodiossa Wodisa Wodiso Wodiur Wodjedia Wodk Wodm Wodmam Wodmamma Wodmammo Wodmasa Wodmio Wodmur Wodningo Wodnis Wodnisa Wodno Wodor Wodoross Wodringo Wodringomm Wodvis Woggia Woglomaso Wogomi Wolamaisa Wolamisa Womna Womviso Woningat Woningiau Woningimla Wonnia Wonningat Wonningiau Wonningior Woor Wordiow Wordnma Wordo Woses Woslor Wosuam Woudaas Woudima Wowia Wox Woxisa Woxiwa Woxiwimios Wudiam Xasio Xoviad Zomingodoroldias
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Dragon Ball Z 212

Goten and Trunks are figthing for the Tenkaichi Budokai Junior Division championship!

But the real winner is the World Tournament Announcer, who’s been waiting for an awesome super-battle like this since the end of the Piccolo Junior Saga.

The boys can even do ki blasts. Trunks shoots one that misses, so he has to steer it so that it misses the stands.

But Goten can do it too, so he fires his “Kamakameha...”

Only he isn’t as good at directing the blast, so he takes out part of the stadium.

Elsewhere, Ikose and Idasa’s mom is chewing them out for losing in the first round, and she wants to train them extra hard so that they’ll win the next tournament. Aren’t they like 14, though? By the time the next tournament rolls around, they’ll be too old to compete in the juniors.

Their dad tries to stick up for them, pointing out that Goten and Trunks made short work of their other opponents, so it’s not fair to blame Ikose and Idasa, but the missus won’t hear of it. I do sort of admire this lady. She wants her family to be a martial arts dynasty, and she refuses to settle for less. The dad doesn’t get much attention, though. It’s weird how he’s the only one who didn’t get beat up by a Dragon Ball Z character. Maybe Goku punched him accidentally at the concession stand off-screen.

Back to the fight, Trunks manages to lure Goten into... well, I was going to say “Full Nelson,” except Trunks isn’t locking his hands on Goten’s neck. Even so, Goten acts like this hurts, and Trunks believes that Goten’s only choice is to tap out.... or die.

Down below, Vegeta low-key gloats about Trunks winning this battle which is about the most he’s said since they got here.

With no way to escape Trunks’ hold, Goten goes Super Saiyan to brute force his way out. But that’s cheating, because the gang all agreed that they wouldn’t transform during the tournament. Well, Goku didn’t, he wasn’t there when they had that discussion.

As for Goku, he’s just amazed that Goten can even do this at such a young age. Vegeta complains about Goten cheating, but Goku’s like “Well, what do you want me to do about it, dude?”

Meanwhile, Videl is shocked, since this is the first time she’s seen anyone do this. Well, she might have seen some transforming in the Cell Games. Maybe not, though, Goku and Gohan maintained their SSJ forms throughout, and I’m pretty sure Vegeta and Future Trunks didn’t transform until after Larry’s camera broke. So even if she was familiar with the appearance of a Super Saiyan, she probably had no idea that somebody could just turn into one on the spot. Least of all Goten.

But Mr. Satan’s seen this before, and he knows what this means. Goten and Trunks must be the children of some of the guys he saw at the Cell Games. I don’t think he’s realized the full implications of this, but for now all he needs to worry about is the fact that he has to fight the winner.

After Goten apologizes for turning Super Saiyan, Trunks declares that he can win this fight easily. So easily, in fact, that he boasts he could beat Goten without using his left arm. Goten’s like “Nuh-uh”, and Trunks is like “Uh-huh,” and Goten’s like “Prove it,” and Trunks is like “Okay.”

Meanwhile, the poor cameramen stil can’t figure out what happened to all of their equipment. Piccolo sabotaged every camera in the stadium a few episodes ago, including the fans’ cameras. So they’re stuck watching this awesome fight go down, and they can’t televise any of it.

During the fight, Goten retreats to the air, and Videl accuses Gohan of giving him flight lessons that he withheld from her. Gohan plays dumb, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he can’t keep these secrets from her for much longer. If he can’t get Goten to hold back for his sake, he sure as hell can’t depend on the others. How did he think this would go?

In the ring, Trunks thinks he has Goten scouted. Goten starts flying down at him at top speed, and Trunks figures he’s expecting him to dodge, and then Goten will pursue him.

But instead Goten uses a ki blast to bounce himself after Trunks. That doesn’t seem too different from what Trunks was expecting, but maybe Goten’s speed is greater by doing this.

Cornered, Trunks does the same thing Goten did earlier. He instinctively goes Super Saiyan, and uses the increase in power to save himself. He also fires his own ki blast at Goten, which sends him flying out of the ring...

...and into the stands. Goten manages to put on the brakes...

But not in time to save himself. His feet touch the seats, and that’s ring-out. Trunks is the Junior Champion.

Bulma’s all happy about this, so she starts shakin’ it. Roshi ogles her from his seat. Master Roshi belongs in jail.

Vegeta rubs it in, telling Goku that his son is just naturally more gifted, that’s all. What I like about this moment is how Goku seems genuinely unsure why Vegeta even feels the need to say anything at all. He doesn’t especially mind that his son lost. He’d never even heard of the tyke until an hour ago. He’s just happy to have a second kid.
Also, look how happy Vegeta is here. Seriously, this is the most pleasant he’s looked in the whole series. His baby boy won a fight.

Goten’s kind of bitter about this, though. Trunks used Super Saiyan and a ki blast, even though they’d agreed not to, and Trunks used his left arm to shoot Goten.

Trunks tries to play it cool, pointing out that he didn’t use his left arm to punch, so it doesn’t count, and Goten uses Super Saiyan and ki blasts earlier in the fight, so that makes them even.

Then Trunks offers to give Goten any three of his toys, and Goten immediately forgets the whole beef. I’m guessing Trunks has some kickass toys back at Capsule Corp. Shoot, if I’m Goten, this is wayyyy better than the prize money. Chi-Chi wouldn’t have let him spend any of it anyway. So everyone’s happy! What a good prince Trunks is.

So now Mr. Satan has to come out and have an exhibition match with Trunks, and Mr. Satan’s like “Oh no, I’m fucked.” And Vegeta’s like “Ha ha, he’s fucked.” And Videl’s like, “What?” and Gohan’s like “Oh, Vegeta’s the funnyman in our group.”
What I don’t understand is why Vegeta just sort of ignores this. Why doesn’t he say “No, Gohan, I’m not joking at all. My son is going to murder Mr. Satan, because I’m from outer space and he inherited all of my super-murder power, just like you did from your space-dad. And if by some miracle he does survive, then I’m going to murder him in the adults tournament shortly.” I mean, what’s stopping him from saying this?

As it is, Videl seems to buy all of this. “Well, Vegeta does look pretty funny, so I guess that checks out.”

Anyway, Vegeta’s right. Mr. Satan is fucked. OR IS HE??????
#dragon ball#2019dbliveblog#25th budokai saga#goku#gohan#trunks#goten#vegeta#mr satan#videl#bulma#master roshi#chi chi#world tournament announcer#ikose#idasa
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when you inexplicably meet the guy whose ass you've kicked 20 years ago in a tournament, and would loved to do it again if wasn't for the fact you're in a parent-teacher conference with him and you have to endure the whole meeting without causing property damage
also featuring truten baby gosho
#dragon ball#dbz#dbgt#trunks briefs#son gosho#idasa is prob the most insignificant of one-off characters but i find this scenario very very funny#meanwhile gosho is just head empty the entire time#no thoughts just like dad
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Ok, so Idasa thinks Endeavor is a jackass too
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...interesting that this jealous bitch (seemingly) shares a voice actor with Idasa from MHA. And has wind powers, like Yuno
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guys icb mix ng geosciences sa idasa Qmart kasa ang asawa @kjmixchannel3...
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10 Die As Rival Cult Groups Clash In Osun
10 Die As Rival Cult Groups Clash In Osun
The renewed clash between rival cult groups in some areas at Ilesa, Osun State, has reportedly left 10 people dead. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) learnt that blood flowed as rival suspected cultists clashed at Brewery, Ifofin, Idasa and Irojo areas of the town on Monday and extended to Tuesday, leaving behind dead bodies. Mr Busuyi Agunbiade, a resident of the area, told NAN that the clash…
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1:27- Vegeta’s Voice: It was at this precise moment Idasa knew…he fucked up.
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Fire Outbreaks Destroy Properties Worth Millions In Osun
Fire Outbreaks Destroy Properties Worth Millions In Osun
It was gathered that the outbreak occurred around 12pm on Sunday at QB2 Ten-Ten line, Idasa in Ilesa.
According to one of the victims, Vincent Orichi, though there was no casualty in the incident, the properties in the building was completely razed by the fire incident.

Similarly, another fire outbreak at Dada Estate in Osogbo, the state capital affected parts of a Christ Apostolic Church,…
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Dragon Ball Z 244

Okay, so it’s been like four episodes and Goku is still explaining how to do Fusion. Part of the technique requires both participants to match their ki levels. Goku asks them to power up to their maximum level. The boys think they’ll freak Goku out with how strong they are, but he was actually hoping for a little more than that, so no good. Anyway, the whole point of this was so he could see which one is stronger (Trunks, since he’s older) and tell him to dial it down a hair to match Goten.

For some reason, Bulma takes great offense at this, and Krillin has to carry her out of the room.

Then Krillin imagines what it would have been like if he and Goku had learned the Fusion Technique from Master Roshi when they were kids. He imagines being the stronger of the two, and having to dial back his ki to match Goku’s, which is cute and all, but what does this have to do with anything?

At the World Tournament arena, Mr. Satan is still there, reassuring people that he can beat Majin Buu. Is this a second rally, or did the one from last episode just never end?

Meanwhile, Buu continues to destroy cities and kill people. How did a reporter film this without being killed?

Anyway, remember Ikose and Idasa? The kids who got wrecked by Goten and Trunks at the tournament? Well their mom is watching this on TV, and she knows Trunks lives in West City, so she contacts Babidi to snitch on him. Turns out she had a name, Idasam, although she never actually uses it while speaking to Babidi. She just identifies herself as being on the board of the PTA.

Needless to say, she won’t shut up once she gets started, and Babidi threatens to kill her if she tries to contact him again. But he has what he wanted, and now he’s planning to pay a visit to Trunks’ hometown.

At first, Goku isn’t worried about West City, because they can just bring all the dead people back with the Dragon Balls, but Bulma points out that this won’t rebuild the city. When has this crew ever worried about property damage before? Remember when King Piccolo destroyed Central City? Bulma wished everyone back to life from that, but they couldn’t fix the city then either. I guess it’s suddenly a big deal when Bulma’s house is on the line.
Anyway, Goku figures they have two wishes coming to them, so they can just use the second one to restore all the buildings, but Piccolo explains that this won’t work. After Dende reactivated Shenron, he fixed it so Shenron can grant three wishes, but if you use one of them to wish large numbers of people back to life, it counts as two wishes. So when they break out Shenron in four months, they’ll only be able to revive Buu’s victims.
Goku figures they might be able to work around that by asking Shenron to restore everything to the way it was before, which might bring back the people and the cities. Well, maybe that would work. They’re literally standing in Dende’s home, so they could just go and ask him.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because Bulma left the Dragon Radar at home, so if Buu destroys West City, they won’t be making any wishes, because they won’t be able to find the Dragon Balls.
So Goku hatches a plan to get them out of this mess. First, he sends Trunks to fly home to West City and fetch the Radar. In the meantime, he’ll intercept Majin Buu and hold him off long enough for Trunks to do his thing.

That makes Goten and Trunks nervous, because Vegeta tried to fight Buu, and they saw how that turned out. Goku assures him that he can do something for a little while, even if he can’t win.

As Trunks leaves, Goku assures Bulma that he’ll be okay, since he’s Bulma and Vegeta’s son. Well that’s nice of him to say.

Then he tells Goten to sit tight and he teleports into battle.

Babidi is amazed to see Goku, since he assumed Vegeta had killed him. He suggests that maybe Goku’s come to tell him where to find Piccolo and the boys, but Goku tells him to sit ‘n’ spin. He’s here with a warning: Those guys are gonna show up and kick Buu’s ass.

He asks them to wait until their enemies come to them, but Babidi doesn’t buy it. He doesn’t think any training could possibly make a difference, and why should he stop having Buu kill people? What’s the point of waiting?

Babidi orders Buu to kill Goku, but he’s not very responsive, and Goku stirs the pot by asking how Buu could take orders from such a weenie. Babidi reminds Buu that he can seal him away if he doesn’t follow orders, but Buu observes that if Babidi does seal him away, there’ll be no one to protect him from Goku.

That chills Babidi to the core. He honestly never imagined Buu could be that smart. Of course, Babidi’s a fool for never picking up on this sooner. Buu’s been subtly trying to murder him for a while now. But it’s too late to do anything about it now.

Fortunately, Buu wants to kill Goku anyway, because he doesn’t like “goody-goodies.” Thinking he has the situation back under control, Babidi “televises” this battle to all the people on Earth, just to show them what’ll happen if anyone tries to get cute.

Goku opens by transforming to Super Saiyan 2, but Babidi mocks him for using the same form that got Vegeta killed.

So Goku announces that he’ll just have to transform again, becoming a Super Saiyan that’s surpassed a Super Saiyan who’s surpassed a Super Saiyan. Babidi might call that a bluff if he understood what he said.

Piccolo doesn’t get it either, though, and he’s been here since this show started.

So what’s Goku up to? Is there really a level beyond Super Saiyan 2? Whatever would we call such a hypothetical level? Does it have an awesome theme song? The answers to these questions... next time!
#dragon ball#2019dbliveblog#majin buu saga#majin buu#babidi#goku#goten#trunks#piccolo#krillin#bulma#mr satan#ikose#idasa#idasam
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Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) Market by Offering (Solution and Services (Professional & Managed)), Deployment Type, Organization Size, Vertical (Real Estate & Construction, Healthcare, Retail, Education), and Region - Global forecast to 2025 published on
Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) Market by Offering (Solution and Services (Professional & Managed)), Deployment Type, Organization Size, Vertical (Real Estate & Construction, Healthcare, Retail, Education), and Region - Global forecast to 2025
The need for improved and efficient operational solutions across facilities and workplace to drive the growth for IWMS market
The global Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) market size is projected to grow from USD 2.6 billion in 2020 to USD 4.6 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2020 to 2025. The IWMS market is expected to grow at a fast pace, owing to the increased adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) across different industry verticals. In addition to this, the growth of the cloud-based deployment model for IWMS solutions is helping organizations utilize the benefits of advanced solutions, without investing in the physical infrastructure.
Solution segment to hold a larger market size in 2020
The solution segment is projected to contribute majorly to the market, while the services segment is projected to witness a higher growth rate during the forecast period. This growth is supported by the need for upgrades and maintenance of existing solutions. These solutions help in the alignment of administrative, technical, infrastructural, and environmental support functions to fulfill the core objective of businesses.
By vertical, manufacturing industry to register the largest market size during the forecast period
The manufacturing vertical is expected to hold the largest market size in the IWMS market. With rapid technology implementation across the manufacturing vertical, the degree of competitiveness among organizations has increased drastically. As a result, organizations are keen to implement efficient workplace solutions in their manufacturing facilities.
Asia Pacific (APAC) to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period
The APAC IWMS market is experiencing disruptive growth, owing to an increase in the adoption of IoT, which is encouraging the organizations in the region to integrate IWMS solution for streamlining their operational processes. The expansion of corporate and government networks, the proliferation of cloud services, growing businesses, and associated operations are expected to increase the use of IWMS solutions in this region. The major countries to witness high growth rates in this region include China, Japan, India, and others.
By Company Type: Tier 1 – 62%, Tier 2 – 23%, and Tier 3 – 15%
By Designation: C-level executives– 38%, Director Level – 30%, and Others – 32%
By Region: North America – 40%,Europe– 15%, APAC– 35%,MEA – 5%, Latin America – 5%
Major vendors offering IWMS solutions are IBM (United States [US]), Oracle (US), Trimble(US), Planon (Netherlands), Accruent (US), Archibus (US), Service Works Global (United Kingdom [UK]), Causeway (UK), SAP (Germany), FSI (FM Solutions) (UK), FM:Systems (US), iOFFICE (US), Spacewell (Belgium), MRI Software (US), Facilio (US), zLink (US), Nuvolo (US), VLogic Systems (US), Rapal (Finland), AssetWorks (US), Smartsheet (US), SIERRA (India), OfficeSpace (US), IDASA SISTEMAS (Spain), Collectiveview (US), Budgetrac (US), Tango (US), QuickFMS (US), and ServiceChannel (US).
Research Coverage
The market study covers the IWMS market size across segments. It aims at estimating the market size and the growth potential of the market across segments by offering, deployment type, organization size, vertical, and region. The study also includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key market players, along with their company profiles, key observations related to product and business offerings, recent developments, and key market strategies.
Key Benefits of Buying the Report
The report will help the market leaders/new entrants with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall IWMS market and its sub segments. The report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and to plan suitable go-to-market strategies. The report will also help stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provide them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.
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Krillin from DBZ always cracks me up. Watching the scene where trunks is in the junior league against Idasa.
Krillin: Do your best! Oh, wait trunks best might hurt someone... Do ok!”
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Michael Coleman
Michael Coleman is an actor, director, producer, and mentor. He began his career the old-fashioned way by pursuing a university education. Soon after, however, he realized that his passion and ambitions go far beyond what his school was able to offer. So, he withdrew from his courses and dropped his academic career in order to pursue his dream job. His portfolio includes performances on various venues that range from typical television and film opportunities all the way to cartoons and video games. Thus far, Michael Coleman successfully portrayed characters such as Bert Camp on Smallville, Stan on Hamtaro, Idasa on Dragonball Z, and many more. Additionally, he works as a producer who has successfully released “The Best Day Ever” and “Thirty Seven.” The future at his company, Rebel West Pictures, is looking even brighter with upcoming releases of projects that are currently under development.
What was your best/favorite subject in school?
I always enjoyed liberal arts much more than any other course that was deemed mandatory. I learned the principles of creating something straight out of my imagination and it blew me away. This is why I was not shocked when I found out that I am quite talented when it comes to making live programs, acting, and narrating. Also, I have always been in love with physical education as it gave me a reason to not focus on my present issues and simply play some sport to the best of my ability for a limited time.
Where and how did you first get into the industry you currently work in?
I started by working on some local plays and making sure that I got as much exposure as possible. In the beginning, I contemplated giving up dozens of times. After a while, however, I realized that it is just a matter of time before I break through. And sure enough, I was able to find a willing mentor who connected me with a lot of opportunities where I met popular directors and got to leverage those relationships later on.
How do you keep yourself motivated?
I just think back to the reasons why I decided to become an actor and a producer in the first place. I always saw this industry as a perfect opportunity to be creative without any of the boundaries that hold people back. Once I completed my first project and got to witness exactly how it feels to be within the entertainment industry, I did not want to leave. In fact, that particular moment helped me make a final decision to do everything in my power to cross the barriers to entry and have a fruitful career.
What kind of business ideas excite you most?
I currently have my own post-secondary education facility as well as a production company that monitors potential talents who would be a good fit here. In other words, I prioritize business ideas that give a sense of synergy. I have never been a fan of convoluted projects that are borderline impossible to even comprehend. In my case, everything is simplified to the point where I can make an investment and almost always know the explicit rate of risk that I am facing.
Have you ever tried any unorthodox techniques to attract attention to your business?
Absolutely. If you are a hungry actor, there is very little that you will not do to catch the directors’ eyes. After all, thousands of brave individuals decide to pursue this unique career every year. Most of them, however, fall off long before the first adversity even hits them. As far as what I did, I have a history of reaching out to the same people dozens of times, sending private letters, brand-building on social media, and more.
What personal achievement are you most proud of?
I am proud of the fact that I have been within this market for quite some time now. For those unfamiliar, the entertainment field is amongst the most unpredictable in the world. Just look at some of the outstanding actors and actresses that have been unable to live up to their expectations. So, the turnover rate is incredibly high, and people do not really stick around for a long time. Well, I am proud to recognize the fact that I have been in the same market for many years now.
What wisdom would you have liked to share with yourself when you first started out?
I would tell myself to begin leveraging social media sooner. Doing so would have given me a better chance to put together solid e-mail lists for recruiting events as well as spend some time talking to the team.
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