#id rather it be iceman
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tomodachi-to-koibito · 1 year ago
my out of context spoiler reaction to x men 97 episode 2:
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scatterpatter · 1 month ago
MM1 + MM2 Robot Master Genders(tm)
Ive wanted to infodump about my headcanons for genders for the mm1+2 (mostly 1 sowwy) for a while now and im FINALLY DOING IT
All purely my headcanons for my uh... au? Interp of Classic Megaman?? ... Scatterverse????? Idk whatever you wanna call it
So the first line designed by Light was always meant to be fairly gender-neutral. The "man" suffix wasn't intended to imply every bot was male, but rather was meant to be derived from human, and meant to embody the fact that the robot masters are meant to work alongside humans.
Though, as designs came along and the bots began interacting with the world around them, they found that things just sort of defaulted to more masculine presentations for the bots, and in most eyes they're all considered pretty male
As time went on though, the DLN were definitely way "looser" when it came to playing with gender than the DWN. They were very much encouraged by Dr. Light to explore their own identities and what things meant for them, and so there's a lot more fluidity in how the DLN present themselves
Cutman (he/him) doesn't really care about gender, but is chill with being called he/him or masculine terms. Doesn't really care to label his gender- MAYBE nonbinary if he HAD to choose a label but like he really doesn't care to label it
Gutsman (he/him) definitely the most "cis" of the bunch but also the biggest trans ally on the entire planet. Certified Transphobe Puncher(tm)
Iceman (he/they) Like Cut, doesn't really care for gender, but feels that demiboy is the closest label to how they feel about themself
Bombman (he/she) If there are "rules" for gender then she is determined to break every single one. Torn between id-ing as bigender or genderpunk... definitely leaning towards genderpunk
Fireman (he/him) Like Guts, also very "cis" but also supremely enthusiastic about being an ally. He specifically practiced using your pronouns extensively so he could surprise you with getting it right next time he sees you
Elecman (he/him) "Cis" but like. "If gender is a performance, I'm going for a Tony". Super gender non-conforming and loves playing with gender presentations. 100% does drag and loves it
Timeman (they/them) Agender. Thinks identifying with a binary gender is stupid because they are a machine that doesn't have a sex. Frustrated why Oil won't explain what they mean with his own gender identity
Oilman (he/they) "I'm nonbinary, but in a boy way." Will refuse to elaborate if you ask him what that means. Drives Time insane with this
The DWN are a lot more "rigid" on their genders. Created to be weapons and not companions, they see way less point in "playing" with gender. Gender is a social construct, and the DWN very much want to tear society down so like. Yeah. They don't understand gender let alone gender nonconformity. They're all very masculine in presentation and gender identity.
THAT being SAID I have 2 exceptions to this and their names are Quickman and Bubbleman
So Quickman (he/him) was originally built to be a female bot, but due to naming conventions giving all bots the -man suffix (see above), Quick's name was always Quickman. The only female bot of the line, Quick had trouble feeling "right" in his frame, especially when all of his linemates were much more male-presenting.
For reasons he couldn't explain at the time, Quick decided to "pretend" to be a male bot during the events of mm2, and like- Quick being treated like a boy by the Lights was an instant shot of gender euphoria through his circuits and there has been no going back since.
Very shortly post-mm2, Quick came out to the others about being a boy now and they were all shockingly cool about it. Because no one other than Wily and the mm2 bots knew, they were very secretive about it, very much a "we take this to our graves" response, and as a result Quick was actually super closeted as a trans man. Everyone else (even the other Wily bots) were under the impression that Quick was cis for the longest time
Later down the line, though, Bubbleman (they/them) starts playing around with gender, and eventually comes out to the mm2 bots about being nonbinary. Again, they're received well, but Bubble runs into a different problem than Quick.
The general public always thought Quick was a boy, so Quick had no problems being perceived as his gender. Bubble was always known as a boy before presenting as enby though, and isn't received as well as Quick in some public spaces. Bubble will even get bullied over being enby by some transphobes, which really destroys their self confidence
After having enough of this, Quick decides to start being a lot more open about his trans identity in public spaces, and is much more vocal about his own experiences. He absolutely doesn't do this because of the transphobes, no they can all eat shit. He does this to try and give Bubble more of a safe space to be around. If Quick can be publicly proud about his identity, maybe that can help his linemate feel more comfortable being themself too
As a result, Quick and Bubble actually end up being, like, super close, and it's sweet. and i love them. a lot.
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makriiii · 1 year ago
Caught XIV (Arthur Morgan × f!reader)
Word count: 4.2k
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Special thanks to @iceman-kazansky! You're so sweet. I love the reposts, I hope you enjoy this one also! I know it was long awaited :)
Warnings: 18+, mentions of blood, swearing.
Caught XIV
The camp was lit with voices and laughing around you whilst you sat unbothered on a log overlooking the lake you had so admired when you had first laid your eyes upon it.
The day had been one of your nicest yet. The Arthur had not been buzzing around for you only to have to swat away. No, rather it was peaceful.
You weren't being unattentive but the sound of soft footsteps still made you snap your head around to look at the person approaching.
The finest lady in camp. Dutch's favorite girl. The one you had no opinion on yet as most of the time neither of you looked each other's way. The way she appeared made it seem like she strayed away too far from her well to do family, but you couldn't tell if that was true or just what it looked to be.
Her skirt dressed the worn wood kindly as she sat with distance from you. Quite frankly you had not a clue on whether you should say something or leave her to her own but she decided for you.
"You're that other O'Driscoll, aren't you?" She questioned, her green eyes giving you only a second of grace before scanning the horizon of the lake.
It took you a moment, unsure of where she was going with this and distracted by the sudden sight of Arthur, who was making his way toward an idling Dutch on the shore of the lake, not too far from you. "Unfortunately."
Molly's eyes scan you up and down, a familiar look of disparage glinted in her gaze. "You seem close with Arthur." She stated outright rather bluntly.
Shaking off the stare she had given you and comprehending her bold words you replied in short, "I suppose it could look that way."
"I feel like you're trying something." Her irish accent shone through with her clearly disdained words.
It was an accusation not unaccustomed by yourself, and you weren't in the mood for more of it. "I have no power to propagandize that man. He's as stubborn as an ass."
It seemed if it wasn't Arthur, it was someone else. Would the O'Driscoll talk ever end? You felt as though you had proved yourself more than needed.
"Why haven't you and your sly little buddy left yet then?" Her interrogation had you slipping on your hat in preparation of departure.
"We're just looking out for our lives, miss. If it's not the law, then it's our former members." You made sure to emphasize the past tense. O'Driscoll's gang was certainly in the past for you, whether you wanted it or not.
With that, you got up and started walking away. Perhaps you'd take a trip to town, get away from camp for a while.
"I didn't say you could go?" She scolded with a bark of her voice.
Saying more could be bad, saying nothing could also be bad. So you chose silence, you didn't want trouble with Dutch's girl.
As you walked through camp with a stretch of your back, a hand stabbed at your ribs, a sensitive part that reminded you unfortunately, you were ticklish.
You hunched over with a gasp, your arms throwing themselves to your sides to defend from further attack. It was already evident who it was.
Dutch and Arthur strolled by you, Arthur with a slight smirk watching you. Dutch caught on and studied you for a second.
"Why don't you come along to fish, Mrs. O'driscoll? Arthur told me of your struggle last time." He chuckled after Arthur gave him a slight shake of his head, a warning to redact his offer.
Mrs. O'driscoll was a new one for sure. The nicknames seemed to come from a never ending stream of creativity you despised.
Was there any way that you could say no to Dutch? No was never to be said to Colm, and learning from that, you agreed. "Alright, as long as it delights Arthur."
"It does not particularly-" Arthur rumbles before he gets guided forward by an interrupting Dutch.
"Oh, he might jump out of his boots with excitement." He laughs with a pat to Arthur's back. Like father and son. It was cute, admittedly, to see notorious outlaws have such a bond.
Hosea was waiting for the pair, and now for you as he questioned your proximity to them. "She taggin' along as well?"
"She needs to see your flare with fishing, Hosea." Dutch proclaims with a grunt as he pulls himself up in his saddle.
"Alright, let me show you how its done then." With an aloof attitude and a nod, he leads the group out of camp.
The ride you had with the three of the men wasn't heavy with feelings of stress or worry on your part. Dutch spoke of the activities he wanted done down in this town, of the money the gang needed. It felt as though you were finally one of them.
Dutch was sure to tell you all that he wanted everyone to be on the down low. Just to snoop around for now. That was easy enough for you.
It wasn't long after you got close to the tracks that the quiet atmosphere of hooves and voices was filled with the thundering of a train.
"Looks like law up ahead." Dutch chimes, his words directing your eyes to the stopped caged carriage up ahead. "Play it cool."
You and Arthur exchange glances before he made his way from your left to your right. A barrier between you and the law for whatever reason.
"Hello gentlemen." Came a mellifluous voice from the metal bars, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Well!" Came a surprised chortle from Dutch. "Look what the cat drug in."
"Ive seemed to have gotten myself in a spot of bother." You hadn't caught it before but now the smooth accent of a brit plastered his words.
You had not a clue who this man was or how he knew the gang. It was only so long that you would find out however.
"Quiet back there." Grumbled the lawman from upfront, his fist hammering down on the metal to rattle the cage.
Dutch examined this for a moment, "lets see if we cant sort this out."
The small talk that commenced turned into the talk similar of a lawyer. Defending the "silly fancy fop." Clearly, he was important if this was worth the trouble.
The other imprisoned men in the back took Dutch's distraction and started picking at the lock, providing entertainment for you and Arthur who sat there watching.
Dutch didn't get finished before the man had the lock off and the creaky doors opening, the other three men following with no hesitation.
"Shit!" Exclaims the sheriff, his and his partners eyes wide as their captives latched onto the train now departing. "The Anderson boys! I cant have more scandal!"
"Allow us to help, my friend." Dutch offers, his gaze not waiting a moment longer to send you and Arthur off. "Arthur... y/n."
Arthur sighed, "chase wanted men?" He confirms, ushering you on with a glance.
"And-" he points to the lawman's partner, "take Archibald with ya."
You followed, your horse already springing into action, your adrenaline not short after that.
"Just what I signed up for..." Arthur clearly discontent with what he got to be volunteered for. "Come on, big guy."
He helped Archibald up on his horse and took off beside you and after the train. The sight of the men on the back of the train and your chasing brought you back to the very day that was the reason you were here now.
Archibald hollered from the back, encouraging you forward with jarring words. "Keep your guns holstered, we need them Anderson boys alive."
You clicked your tongue, pushing your mare forward, surprised at the speed in which the train was already traveling.
Archibald nagged again. "Come on hurry!"
His words were met with swift retort of displeasure from Arthur. "All right."
"Come on, we're losing them!"
"Will you relax? We're not losing 'em!"
"Faster, come on! What's your name, sir?" Archibald seemed to have a speed in mind that a horse would have trouble reaching with two riders on its back. "And how about you, lady?"
"Arthur. Arthur Callahan." Replied a grumpy Arthur. Although you didn't have much sympathy for him, it made you smile in the face of this situation.
"Y/n Callahan." Without a fake last name in mind, you copied Arthurs.
"Faster, Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, please. My neck is on the line here!"
"I get it. We're doing our best." Arthur grunts. His eyes were trained on you, curious that you copied him.
The last of the four was dangling off the back of the train, struggling to pull himself up. His buddy fortunately came back for him.
"You sure I can't just shoot him?" Arthur asks, disregarding what he had been told moments earlier.
"No. Did I not say that?" Archibald scolds, watching the men escape further up the train.
"You've said plenty." Arthur was on his last straw and you appreciated the help from Archibald.
"So long deputies!" Came a man monkeying around on the roof of the final cart, teasing and whooping.
The water tower in the back posed a quickly approaching threat to the completely oblivious man who was but too quick to celebrate his victory.
You cringed back as the harsh smack of the back of his head met with funnel to the water tower. Your horse barely missing his body now knocked clean out on the tracks.
"Idiot. Now get after the others, come on!" He shouted at you and Arthur, keeping your minds trained on the ones who were conscious.
The train started slowing as it passed the big red building that was the station, which Archibald pointed out.
Your horses now were more of a match for the speed and you both came up alongside the train.
"You think you both can jump on there?"
"She can." Arthur outs you with non-existent hesitation. "But why me?"
"Because you ride like my grandmother!" Insisted Archibald, which would have you chuckling right in Arthur's face had you not been distracted.
One of the men started throwing bottles, one would've hit you if the man wasn't so bad at judging distance, the glass shattering in the distance that you covered quickly.
"Now he's throwing bottles. The lowdown bastard!" Archibald squealed, dodging one heading right for him.
You took the liberty of joining the Anderson boys on the train first as you were ahead of Arthur and Archibald. Arthur not mere moments fore he was behind you.
You caught your breath for a second, catching another bottle hurled at you while Arthur faced him head on.
The man atop the cargo on the train managed a good kick on Arthur who fell to the side. His neck quickly subject to the squeezing of the Anderson boy's hand.
"You bastard!" Screamed the man as he held onto Arthur with vigor.
You felt a strange sense of anger wash over you as you made for Arthurs aid, grabbing a good fistful of cloth and heaving the man off with Arthurs help.
"Thats it!" Came Archibalds encouragement from the side lines. In his hands were your horses reins. Kind of him, you thought, to bring your horse.
You helped Arthur up and both of you started for the rest of them, although admittedly, without a gun, you'd have to let Arthur do most of the strong arming.
"Come on, both of you! I'm relying on you guys!" Archibald was certainly one for constant reminding.
The sprinting on the train felt counter productive, it was certainly more work than just regular running.
Arthur made sure to be in front of you, he was like a big shield and ran surprisingly fast for how large he is.
"You hold it right there!" Arthur shouts at the other two men who were barely in sight ahead of you.
You had to jump atop the roof and Arthur, the gentleman that he is, helped none.
This normally would not have been a problem, but with your weak arm, it left you struggling.
Arthur had pushed through it despite his shoulder and was ready to go off and leave you but he didn't. He stood above you and held out his hand.
"Let's go, Mrs. Callahan." His face gave away the fact that he enjoyed this activity with you. Also by the fact he was picking on you again.
"I'm coming, grandmother." You were sure to tease back. His hand gripped yours and with the strength of not a grandmother, pulled you up with ease. He gave you a scoff before continuing on after the Andersons with you.
"Come on, shitbags!" Mocked one of the men from ahead. Jumping from cart to cart and down again to keep ahead of you both.
The second time you both needed to climb Arthur just grabbed you and heaved you up, his shoulder clearly bothered him as a pained grunt was heard from behind you.
Atop this car one of the men was right there, but your mind was on helping Arthur instead. As you gripped under his arms and pulled, footsteps pounded behind you.
The guy came right back around and started coming for you, which was not good. To say the least.
"You're the law?" He scoffs, your not so threatening appearance seemed to spur him on more. "We're runnin from you?" He hadn't seemed to notice that Arthur was also hot on his tail.
He was large and he was not letting up. His heavy footsteps thundering toward you shook the metal roof under you.
Your hand instinctively brushed the gun at your hip but Archibalds multiple requests lingered in your mind.
He was quick to be on you, throwing out your arms to brace yourself and push him away from you as his hands met your shoulders, trying to wrestle you off the train car entirely.
His strength was clear as you both struggled, your body wobbling closer and closer to the edge.
"Not so scary now, huh?" This man derides before his eyes widen at the friend you had in tow.
Arthur pulls him off and throws him to the ground, his back meeting the hard metal with a thud.
You take the chance to continue after the other, perhaps just threatening the man with your gun would do. You felt like you weren't being of much help, which hit you right in the gut.
"Damn bastard!" Hollers the man now at Arthurs mercy from behind you. "Get away from me!"
That was his final spew of nonsense before his consciousness loses itself to Arthur's fist.
Ahead was the final member of this gang that was in need of a catching. You had to jump down and get inside of the car he had slipped into.
The running came to a halt, the final cart being cold and the smell of fresh meat filled your nose. A particular pleasure that wasn't all that pleasurable.
"Quit runnin'. You ain't got much of a chance anyway, Anderson."
"Yeah? And what are you gonna do little lady?" He jeers from his cornered position at the front of the train cart.
"Don't worry your head about me. It's him." You point back to the man behind you. It wouldn't be like that had you been able to use your gun. It certainly felt strange being so powerless but not unfamiliar. Arthur always reminded you.
"Do we need to bother?" Arthur groans, rolling his shoulder with a wince.
"Let me go!" The man demands, his aggressive stomps closing the distance between him and Arthur.
"I can't do that." Arthur replies, holding up his fists. The man had a knife, which worried you slightly as you watched this fight ensue.
The sudden halting of the train threw all three of you forward suddenly, the man caught off guard, was doubly caught off guard by Arthur taking his chance to take him on.
They wrestled around, the sounds of fists hitting bodies were apparent. Despite Arthurs effort, the man kept getting closer to where you stood, which then had you counting your options on what to do if he changes his target.
His knife went clean through Arthurs forearm, who in turn gasped in pain. You wanted to do something, but getting in Arthurs way would do more harm than good.
He stumbled back from Arthur, his proximity to you no less than an arm length, it presented an opportunity. With your good arm and the back of your gun, you brought it down hard on the back of the man's head. Not enough to knock him out but enough for Arthur to.
You and Arthur stared at each other for a moment before hunching over to catch your breath. The spontaneity of this situation finally hit you and the realization made you laugh breathily. Arthur gave you a look before he couldn't help but give a small chuckle as well.
Motioning for his bleeding arm, you tear off the remaining cloth from his shirt and shape it into a decent enough improvised gauze.
"Can't fix my shirt now, I guess." Arthur observes the obvious but he didn't seem to be genuinely mad by the prospect of it.
"All this blood of yours ruined it already." You shake your head, tying the torn cloth gently around his arm gently.
"Suppose you're right." He admits, a conceded smile drawn on his face.
"That's how it always is." You tease, not being sure what to do with your hands now that they have blood on them. "At Least you got him."
"That's also how it always is." He repeats in a voice that sounded like it was suppose to be a mockery of yours.
"I expect no less from you, grandma dearest." You praise, even if it wasn't exactly that.
"Leave out grandma, please." He shakes his head, his laugh turning into a tired smile.
"Just dearest?" Your eyebrow raises with a teasing smirk.
"Just dearest." He confirms, meeting your eyes with an equal look on his face.
Despite him saying things like this before, you haven't found yourself any more prepared for it than the time previous. "If you're going to flirt, at least try."
"Okay then." He stands upright and as he gears himself up for the "flirting" a loud, galling voice comes from the outside of the cart.
"Hello? Is everything alright in there?" For the past minute, Archibald had vanished from your mind, only to return at an unsatisfactory time.
Arthur was audibly and visibly displeased as he reported back to the lawman, "well... I don't think he's dead... but I think we won the fight."
Arthur picked up the downed man, and Archibald pulled the door open to finally see what happened. "Bring him out here."
"Deputy." Arthur nods with a greet as you follow out behind him.
"Sounded like quite a commotion. Is that him?" The lawman examines the blonde Anderson to check.
"I sincerely hope so." Grumps Arthur. His temporary humor gone from just moments ago.
"Old Anders Anderson." Scoffs Archibald with a look of scorn.
That there was the head man, a surprise that he didn't have more in him. Though in all fairness, he got ganged up when you joined Arthur for a second.
You all mounted, following Archibald to where you needed to go take this man not unlike you and Arthur, to the can.
The ride basically amounted to nothing more than a tour from Archibald. He spoke of the Gray's and the Braithwaite's. One, a respectable family. The other, not so much.
Arthur kept glancing at you while you both listened to him talk about these families, their fortune and their feud. You both knew it sounded like something Dutch and Hosea would love to hear about.
The road brought you lot into town quickly, greeted by a fairly large saloon, sure to be mentioned was that it was owned by the Gray's. As most things were said to be in this town. Rhodes, so it was.
Hosea sat outside of the sheriff's office, greeting you all as you rode up and it wasn't long till Dutch barged out of the door behind Sheriff Gray.
"I told you Arthur would deliver, man has a passion for justice." Dutch exclaims behind the sheriff as he meets the rest of everyone back outside.
Sheriff Gray thanked you and Arthur for the help, setting Trelawny free from his imprisonment in return for the task you had completed.
All of this for a man you'd never met. Though as much as you thought about it, there was no regret. Running alongside Arthur and the two of you on that train together had been a surprising amount of fun.
Dutch and the Sheriff exchanged conversation for a short while before warning Dutch to keep Trelawny out of trouble.
Now quickly did you find that Trelawny was quite the talker.
"And you are?" He coo's with a slight bow and a hand shake.
"Y/n l/n." You nod, returning his hand shake.
"How lovely to meet you, Miss l/n." He kindly nods before spinning back around to lead the group of you.
Trelawny reiterated the story of the Gray's and Braithwaite's. Long standing feud, gold that was fought over, cousins marrying cousins or not marrying cousins. It was strangely interesting.
"I want you guys to check that out later." Dutch was sure to mention, directing it towards you, Hosea and Arthur.
Trelawny warned of all the talk, 500 miles around, north and south, "super agents" or sorts of that matter.
Dutch laughed with disbelief. "Super agents? All talk."
"Oh, no doubt." Trelawny agreed before turning back around to face all of you. His words were that of departure, which surprised you, having just met this man no less than five minutes ago.
Dutch shrugged when Hosea looked at him, even surprised, nodding a goodbye to Trelawny.
As your group of four made way back to your horses, Dutch brought up the rich families.
"Hosea, I want you to check out the Braithwaite's. Arthur, you and y/n sniff around the Gray's place."
You nodded your agreement and Arthur his. "Our friend Archibald showed us the Gray's place earlier." Told Arthur, recounting your recent ride.
Dutch and Hosea now chattered together up ahead, leaving you and Arthur to walk together behind them.
The two of you were so close together your shoulders brushed but neither of you seemed to care enough to make any distance.
"So who was that?" You ask Arthur curiously.
"Oh, Trelawny? A slippery con man of sorts. We've known him for a good while."
You hum your acknowledgement, "he's not a part of the gang?"
"He is. Just, that's why he's slippery. Doesnt stay nowhere too long."
You give it some thought. The man looked like a high fligher and in towns like this, spelled trouble. You had found that out before you had become particularly opinionated against the law.
You rubbed your sore arm, the scab formed around the wound was sure to leave a scar. It hurt everytime you prodded at it too much but admittedly it became a bad habit.
"How's your arm after that?" You guessed he was referring to the man you had scuffled with no less than an hour ago.
"It's not bad." You dismiss with a wave of your hand. "Your shoulder is more worrisome, that cut too. Think you should rest it for a while."
Arthur looked over at you with a subtle look of sarcastic shock. "Worried for me now, are ya?"
You bumped into him with your shoulder, your discontent frown unable to stay for long as a smile crept up on you.
As close as that man could get to giggling was what he was doing.
"Quite the fishin’ trip, huh?" Arthur proclaims ahead to Hosea and Dutch.
"The fish weren't so easy to catch neither." You sigh, tired from all that runnin you had to do.
"No, that they weren't." Dutch laughs in agreement, talking like the one who gladly had to do none of the fishing. "There's still time. I'm up for it."
"How about you two?" Hosea questions, looking you and Arthur up and down. "Or have you had enough of the chase for one day?"
Arthur meets your eye, seemingly checking if you'd want anything to do with it first.
"Pearson will need something for the soup." You agreed, pushing down the unsavory idea of handing over your catch for the stew Pearson would cook up.
"Yeah alright then." Arthur adds, agreeing with the rest. Hosea, happy with this, mounted his horse behind Dutch and Arthur.
Amongst the riding, Hosea and Dutch told stories of the past, ones involving Trelawny. Everyone in the group had a good laugh at these stories, and for this moment, you had not a care in the world. Not even the feeling of being an outcast haunted you as you and your fateful friends - perhaps, if you could call them that, made your way to your planned fishing trip.
So far, just a fishing trip is never actually "just" a fishing trip. Just a dangerous date.
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codradin · 10 months ago
I read the twitter thread and there's more in said thread so casually just gonna. slap it here. This is also the first time I'm doing Alt descriptions so if anyone has feedback I'd appreciate it, lol.
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(I have to put the ALT down here, I don't believe it fits.) ALT ID: A continuation of the thread by Lady Emily. She goes on to say "After another rebrand to The Achillean Boy (because man can’t help but use the same Greek mythology branding as Telos), he began going on tiktok, first using AI voices and emoji avatars before finally using his actual face and voice, which is how others discovered it was him" She has linked a tiktok, a screenshot, and then a second tiktok. The first tiktok shows James' emoji avatar, with red hair, blue glasses, blue eyes, pale skin and freckles. His emoji covers the twitter handle of the tweet he is referencing, but the title of the twitter is RMX. The tweet shows an image of a framed picture of two men leaning against eachother slightly. One is bald with sharp eyebrows, persumably Doctor Xavius, and he's leaning back against another older-looking gentleman with stylized white hair, a slight beard, and a smirk on his face. The second man's arm is around Xavius's shoulder in the image. There is a window with curtains behind them, sending light into the frame towards the camera. James's overlay has poorly formatted subtitles to say what an AI voice repeats, but they are formatted in a paragraph style to the right side of the screen. There is no punctuation almost at all in the subtitles, and the AI says each word oddly. The Tiktok handle is @william.the.wyrm James' AI voice goes on to say "so as the tweet says people have been pointing out that there is no heretosexual explanation for this image in the new x men series, and the straights have gotten their panties in a twist, being like why do you have to make everything gay" (the ai drags out the 'a' sound in Gay oddly). "It's because nothing's gay we dont even get Iceman in this new series. like just give us this little bit of headcanon for God's sake."
The screenshot Emily has added is of James himself, with reddish-brown, perhaps graying, hair, swooshed to the right of the camera. He is staring at the camera intently, almost ominously, perhaps maliciously, with small glasses with black, stylized frames. The glasses cast a blueish green tint over his right eye. The tiktok is by "The Achillean Boy", as of 4-23, and the tags are "#manorbear #bearorman #bearormaninthewoods #gay #gayman #feminist". It has 261 likes, 32 comments, 7 bookmarks, and 3 shares. Whoever took this screenshot (Presumably Emily) has not followed James. The final video shows James himself talking with his own voice. The tiktok handle is the same. James looks very similar to the previous screenshot. James says "So I've seen it going around a lot, the thing on tiktok of, would a woman rather be trapped in the woods with a bear or a man she doesn't know? And always picking the bear. And a lot of men being like really butt hurt about that. Uhm. I just wanna say, to add to that equation, uhm. As a gay man, bear jokes aside, uhm, as a gay man, if somebody asked me 'would you rather be trapped in the woods with a bear or a straight man you don't know'? It's the same answer, I'm picking the bear." There's a brief pause where he seems to consider his words before saying "Because I have obviously met tons and tons and tons of straight men in my life, and its a crapshoot, which one is going to be like "Yeah bro that's fine" and which one is just going to watch you and decide that maybe you shouldn't be waking up tomorrow." End Alt ID]
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girl WHAT (tweet)
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agencytheatercollective · 8 years ago
I’m Always There - Tashina Richardson
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This series will help acquaint you with the talented weirdos who are (almost) always at No Shame Theatre every Saturday night. Here’s Ms. Richardson. 
Who the hell are you? A Texas transplant who found a bunch of weirdos to hang out with (almost) every Saturday.
Why do you seem so familiar to me? I probably don't? Unless you're like "who's the blonde girl that's not Anna Lucero?"
What the hell do you perform at No Shame? Movement/dance pieces, primarily. But I've written some stream-of-consciousness stuff (most of it involves yelling at men), and done a few original songs as well.
What draws you to movement theatre? I'm gonna be vain and quote myself here, although it's in relation to movement as an exercise rather than performance: "Good movement exercises let you figure out how to relax into your character and naturally react to the people around you without TELLING you to do it. The actor becomes a proactive part of the process, creating in the moment, rather than just taking direction and figuring out how to motivate action later." It's a little different on the No Shame stage than in a fully-realized production, but I believe the intent is the same. Creating in the moment and naturally reacting to environment are important aspects of performing for me, and I feel most comfortable doing those through movement. (Click here if you want to read more of me yammering on about movement.)
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Who/What are you favorite artists/songs to move/dance to? Radiohead. Radiohead. Radiohead. Bjork, Adele, Sigur Rós, The Cinematic Orchestra, Sia, Alt-J... and Radiohead.
How’d you get started coming to No Shame? My friend Cody is a member of The Agency, and he along with Billy Baraw had mentioned it to me before I moved to Chicago. I decided to experience my first No Shame on July 18, 2015 - which also happened to be my birthday. I haven't looked back... except that one time, when I thought someone was following me.
Do you have any favorite f**cking No Shame memories? I've seen a ton of good stuff at No Shame, but my favorite memories are probably when I yell at men after the show because they spout some sexist crap at me. (I wouldn't normally say "crap" but I don't know if this is PG-13 or if Ethan and Huck are gonna whip out their wangs.)
Have you ever gotten engaged to someone you met at No Shame?? HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!? I did actually meet my fiancé at No Shame. I proposed to him on our one year anniversary with an art print from The Lincoln Loft that says "Bill You Murray Me?" He's a musician named Josh Rowe. Go like his Facebook page and buy his albums so that he gets rich and we can afford a wedding.
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I like the cut of your jib, Ms. Richardson.  I have a bunch of non sequitur questions for you now.
What’s up, doc? Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits.
You and Whose Army? Come on. Come on.
What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss? I'm not sure, but I used to eat coins all the time as a child. I hope the sewer monsters got all of it and took it to the casino!
Who framed Roger Rabbit? Christopher Lloyd? I think. Let's be honest, we were all too busy imagining what it'd be like to bang Jessica Rabbit. Or Bob Hoskins. Or both.
Are we human or are we dancer? We are all The Killers. The Killers are we.
Lastly, is there anything you’re working on now that you’d like to promote? How kind of you to ask! I am actually starting rehearsals on an original play called "ID," which I created with my friend Brittany Alyse Willis through our multi-city arts collective, Lady Square Arts. The play is like a millennial post-modern The Iceman Cometh. The production runs February 17-19 and 24-26 at The Lincoln Loft - if you come on a Saturday, you can stay afterwards for No Shame!
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harrythegreekblr · 7 years ago
CIA, FBI, and Hillary Clinton use CrowdStrike software to infect rather than protect nation's cyber networks
The CIA and FBI use CrowdStrike software as a back door into the nation's cyber systems.
CrowdStrike software is installed in nearly every federal agency and department including Congress, the FBI, the Defense Department, and the White House.
Stuart McClure, a founder of CrowdStrike, said their software "doesn't do anything around prevention", "only ... detection". And CrowdStrike software doesn't "do it all that well." McClure was quoted in Forbes, a global business PR network.
To prove McClure's point, Google has never used CrowdStrike software.
As an FBI contractor, CrowdStrike has top secret clearance.
According to a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) ruling, CrowdStrike has "unrestricted illegal access" to the nation's surveillance data. 
Homeland Security's first head, Tom Ridge, routinely called the FBI "a propaganda machine". If alive today, Ridge would say the FBI has upped its game. That FBI public relations (PR) fiasco is compounded at CrowdStrike by its President, Shawn Henry, who retired from the FBI.
A search of "CrowdStrike" on Reuters, a global PR service for businesses, shows 240 posts since 2012.
CrowdStrike was part of the Department of Defense's cyber program that granted top secret clearances to non-government employees and corporations. The program was designed by the Obama Administration in 2011 to fill the gaps in the nation's cyber defense programs. 
Pictured above is Shawn "Uncle Fester" Henry. He retired from the FBI to become President of CrowdStrike. Henry's real picture will appear later in this post. Uncle Fester was a character on the "Addams Family" television show. A light bulb would turn on whenever it was inserted into his mouth.
According to George Webb Sweigert, Henry is one of Hillary Clinton's "Three Henchmen" with FBI connections. The other two are former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey.
Deleting the back door in CrowdStrike software may be impossible. It may require a new non-CrowdStrike system, an act of Congress, or an Executive Order to plug CrowdStrike's back door.
Pulling CrowdStrike's troika is the CIA, FBI, and Michael Alpernovitch or "Papa Bear".  According to George Webb Sweigert, "Papa Bear" heads "Hillary's Hackers" (Clinton).
CrowdStrike and its top executives have a history of fiascoes and hacks.
CrowdStrike is the cyber world's  Clinton Foundation without the charity.
CrowdStrike has a real Russian connection. The key players, the Alpernovitch family, were born in Moscow. They are known as "Mueller's Moscow Mules" by the FBI after their former director, Robert Mueller. 
What is worse than being exiled to Siberia? Being "assigned" to the Chernobyl clean-up team. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in 1986. Chernobyl is 65 miles north of Kiev, in the Soviet Ukraine. 
Michael was to be sent to Chernobyl as part of a rescue mission. Many of Michael's close friends and colleagues died of radiation poisoning within months of the mission. 
After 30 years, the Russians are still cleaning up the nuclear radiation mess in Chernobyl.
The CIA made "Papa Bear" Michael Alpernovitch an offer he "couldn't refuse".
Come to America and work for the CIA. Or stay in Russia.
America! America!
To get him out of Russia, Canada approved a visa in 1994 for "Papa Bear". Once in Canada, the CIA made Michael an American citizen. He was granted top security clearance to work for the Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga office.
Alpernovitch may have found the work boring.
He was reputed to be one of Russia's top hackers.
His academic background was in mathematics. Only his son, Dmitri, said his father was a nuclear scientist. 
The CIA has used the Canadian embassy before to get CIA assets out of foreign countries and into America.
Dmitri was 15 years old when his family moved in America. 
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory near Knoxville, Tennessee, claimed it was hacked on Dec. 10th, 2007.
Oak Ridge is home to the world's five largest super computer. Oak Ridge is part of the Department of Energy. Its lab is 18 square miles. It is 111 miles from Oak Ridge to Chattanooga.
It has a Chattanooga office.
Dmitri's citizenship papers were approved Oct. 25th, 2010. The public record of his citizenship application is blocked from pubic records by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. His file is marked, "Withheld pursuant to (b)(6) COW2010000515".
Baby Bear earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science in 2001 and a master’s in information security in 2003, both at Georgia Tech
"Papa Bear" Michael (me KYLE) and son, "Baby Bear" Dmitri Alperovich (al PEAR oh VITCH).
There is no "Mama Bear" unless it is Hillary Clinton.
Margarita Alpernovitch is Papa Bear's sister. She retired from the FBI. She has no official connection to CrowdStrike.
Alperovich, Margarita CONTRACTOR 203-777-6311 US [email protected]
Russian President Vladimir Putin with "Mama Bear" Hillary Clinton
J. Keith Mularski sold furniture for five years before working for the FBI.
"But I've kind of always liked computers," said Mularski. "It kind of looked like cyber was the wave of the future." 
The FBI transferred Mularski to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the FBI's Silicon Valley. He helped start the FBI's Cyber Division in 1999 with seven other agents.
"The majority of all my computer training was just on-the-job training at the bureau," said Mularski.
J. Keith Mularski, FBI Cyber Unit, PIttsburgh
In 2005, the FBI named Mularski to lead in an undercover operation believed to be a Russian credit-card-theft syndicate. He admitted to Esquire Magazine that he had no Internet experience.
Keith relied on "Baby Bear" Dmitri Alperovitch, "a good guy and a friend," to teach him. For the FBI sting, Dmitri posed as a “Russian gangster” on spam discussion forums. 
The sting started in November, 2006 and was called "Dark Market". 
Mularski told Esquire he was working 24 hours a day for two years. His wife "didn't like it."
Mularski admitted to Esquire that he blew the operation by logging in from an FBI computer in Pittsburgh. That's when a real cyber criminal found the location. The hacker was "The Iceman", "Max Ray Vision". An FBI press release had his name as Max Ray Butler.
Even after the FBI sting was exposed, Mularski kept the Dark Market operation open.
Based on Butler's warning though, the real criminals stopped using the FBI's site. Only the posers, the non-criminals, many operating out of unsecure coffee shops, stayed on the site. These were the ones arrested.
The hacker impostors never stole a thing, but craved the attention of acting like a sly cyber thief. 
When a German radio network reported the Dark Market operation from court documents, the FBI shut down its sting.
One hacker offered 3.7 million records from a compromised online dating site for $110.
Eight of the 56 arrests were made in the U.S. Five were in Pittsburgh, two in Wisconsin, and one in Louisiana. 
It resulted in "preventing $70 million in losses", according to an FBI press release linked here:
Inside Keith Mularski's FBI Cyber Office in Pittsburgh.
The FBI's press release about Mularski's role in Dark Market was approved by the FBI's Cyber Division Assistant Director Shawn Henry. (In 2012, Henry became CrowdStrike's President.)
The taxpayers paid a lot of FBI overtime for nothing.
No one was convicted. No money was stolen. Therefore, the Justice Department was unable to charge anyone with a crime.
Regardless of the results, the FBI still promoted themselves as super cyber sleuths. To the FBI, Mularski was like a national hero. He received an Award for Excellence in the field of Public Policy. He spoke at a convention for security cyber specialists.
It is unknown who referred "Baby Bear" to the FBI.
Dmitri was V.P. of Threat Research at McAfee in 2008.
Prior to that, he worked for CipherTrust. They were bought by Secure Computing (SC) in 2006.
Before Baby Bear started working for McAfee, on April 21st, 2008, the Hillary Clinton Campaign for President received a unique gift from an admirer. The website for Barack Obama's Campaign for President received no traffic. Blocked? No. They were transferred to Hillary's web site. i
Who was showing off? 
Here's the video:
A video of how the Obama for President Campaign site was flipped to Hillary Clinton's.
George Webb Steiger worked with "Baby Bear" at McAfee. According to George, their job was to hire a dozen "Russian hackers to write viruses to stimulate software sales".
"That was a common practice that we ran at the end of every quarter. (to write viruses to spike sales)
"You are most likely to buy the software when something like that happens", said Webb. Like what? Like your company's entire computer network freezes.
One of the hacker groups McAfee hired were "The Dukes". A 30-page report on them is linked here:
Webb's comments are in the video below. He has over a dozen videos on the Russian hacking groups, the Alpernovitch family, and CrowdStrike. They are on the internet's YouTube channel. 
Google's Chief Legal Officer, David Drummond, said his company suspected that a selected group of email accounts in China were hacked by unknown source or sources.
His press release was dated Jan. 12th, 2010 and appears here on Google's site:
Baby Bear led the investigation into Operation Aurora. Out of all the people in the world, Google chose Dmitri to lead the investigation. 
David Drummond, Chief Legal Counsel of Google
Three years later on April 22nd, 2013, Google discovered Dmitri's China email investigation was incomplete and its focus misguided.
What was stolen? The data base of current spy surveillance warrants from the FISA Court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), according to Dave Aucsmith. He is Senior Director of Microsoft's Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments.
"What we found was the attackers were actually looking for the accounts that we had lawful wiretap orders on", said Aucsmith.
Aucsmith was brought to protect Microsoft from being blamed for Google's loss.
Dave Aucsmith, Sr. Dir. of Microsoft's Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments
Ongoing investigations were compromised. No numbers were given. Warrants includes names of targets, spies, terrorists, government employees with surveillance data and contact information.
Aucsmith was Chief Security Architect for Intel Corporation from 1994 to 2002. According to President Donald J. Trump, Intel is the world's largest defense contractor. Intel is another company created by DARPA.
Like Baby Bear, Aucsmith was graduated from Georgia Tech.
David Aucsmith, Sr. Principal Research Scientist at the Applied Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington
Unlike Dmitri, Aucsmith is on the faculty of the Intelligence Academy. It consists of former senior executives from several national security agencies, including the major intelligence agencies: CIA, DIA, NSA, NGA, NRO, State/INR, and Dept. of Defense.
Dmitri Alpernovitch is no where on the Intelligence Academy's faculty listing.
Why did Baby Bear come to a different conclusion than Aucsmith?
Why did Aucsmith come to a different conclusion than Dmitri?
Was the Google suspected "hack" really a leak?
Intel buys McAfee on Aug. 21st, 2010. Intel reported record quarterly profit of $2.9 billion. Baby Bear keeps his job at McAfee. For now. The name McAfee is kept and operates as a separate company under Intel.
At a corporate publicity event for McAfee, Alperovitch admitted to a reporter that his personal information, his phone number, was hacked. 
“They (N.Y. Times, CNN, Reuters, PBS) started calling me on my personal phone,” Dmitri told Joris Evers, McAfee's Director of Public Relations.
“How did they get my phone number?”, said Dmitri.
Evers said, “Maybe you should change it.”
Joris Evers
Alperovitch wrote a 14-page report called "Operation Shady Rat" for McAfee. It was a five-year review of cyber attacks around the world. Baby Bear said he found "the “biggest transfer of wealth in terms of intellectual property in human history.” 
While being interviewed by Esquire Magazine, Renee James, President of Intel, called Baby Bear.
"Dmitri, Intel has a lot of business in China. You cannot call out China in this report", said James.
Baby Bear told Esquire that Intel was "terrified of losing their ability to market products in China." 
Alperovitch removed the word "China" from his report. He renamed it "Shady Rat". The date of Dmitri's report was deleted.
The McAfee name remains on Baby Bear's 14-page report and is linked here:
Baby Bear told Esquire that James' phone call "accelerated" his plans to leave Intel. Alpernovitch said he was "being censored because I'm working for a company that's not really an American company."
James told Esquire she had "no comment".
Renee James, President of Intel
Baby Bear's report was timed to be released the day of the Black Hat USA convention in Las Vegas, July 31st, 2011.
The Black Hat event is for information security specialists. Black Hat also has conventions every year in Europe and Asia.
According to Black Hat, "All presentations are vetted thoroughly by the Black Hat Review Board. Each submission is reviewed for uniqueness, overall content expertise and accuracy before any selections are made."
The Review Board never approved Alperovitch's report for presentation at their convention. 
A District of Columbia based media source posted a story about McAfee's report the day before the convention. 
The week before the convention, Alperovitch made confidential briefings on Shady Rat to Senior White House officials. He also met with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
After the convention, the fallout began over the "Operation Shady Rat" report. How big of a fiasco was it?
McAfee deleted Dmitri's report, Operation Shady Rat, from its website.
It took the smile right off his face.
Five weeks after the Black Hat Convention, Baby Bear was no longer working for McAfee. Neither were his friends and co-workers, George Kurtz and Steve McClure.
Dmitri "Baby Bear" Alpernovitch, smiling for the cameras at the Black Hat Convention
 George Kurtz and Stuart McClure are to business ethics as Dmitri Alpernovitch is to cyber skills. 
Kurtz and McClure started a company called Foundstone in 1992. They were accused of copying computer hacking prevention classes from Ernst & Young.
In 2003, Kurtz and McClure stole other companies software and sold it as theirs, according to Saumil Shah, a former employee. Shad called it "piracy".
In 2006, Kurtz and McClure increased their pay by backdating  stock. The practice is illegal. It happened for ten years. It increased their pay when they sold the company to McAfee. As a result, Foundstone lost $150 million. Foundstone's new President said he was fired because "it happened on my watch."
George Kurtz
Kurtz has top secret clearance as an FBI contractor. McClure no longer works for CrowdStrike. It is unknown whether he also has top secret clearance as an FBI contractor for Cylance. Now Kurtz and McClure are competitors.
McClure told Forbes, CrowdStrike "doesn't do anything around prevention. They only do detection. And they don't do it all that well."
Gregg Marston was CrowdStrike’s other co-founder. He worked as chief financial officer of Foundstone.
CrowdStrike started with $14,842.
New business filings were made on Sept. 12th, 2011 by CrowdStrike. It was incorporated in California the next day.
Kurtz started working for Warburg Pincus two months after he left Intel/McAfee.
The Warburg Pincus firm invested $26 million into CrowdStrike on Feb. 24th, 2012. With it, CrowdStrike hired 20 employees and set up offices  in San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.
Kurtz said CrowdStrike was "developing technology" and promised their first software product by June.
Why would private investors dump $26 million into a new company with no existing, pending, or developing products or services?
The only background check this troika of CrowdStrike co-founders could pass was with the FBI. Yet their top security clearance has never been revoked.
Would money laundering crime syndicates trust CrowdStrike with $26 million? They would if there was no risk and exponential reward.
Is the reward intelligence data? What else could it be?
Alperovitch told Reuters that the company hopes to release its first products in late 2012.
Denis O’Leary was named to CrowdStrike's Board of Directors on May 7th, 2012. In his 25-year career at JP Morgan, O'Leary was Chief Information Officer, Director of Finance, Head of Branch Banking and a member of its nine-member executive committee.
O’Leary is currently managing partner of Encore Financial Partners Inc, a company that acquires and manages U.S.-based banks.
Warburg Pincus history dates back to 1913. The Federal Reserve System was Paul Warburg's idea. He represented the U.S. at the Treaty of Versailles conference that ended World War I.
Who was sitting across the table from Paul in Versailles? His brother, Max, who represented Germany.
Warburg Pincus was the first one to begin venture capital associations in China. Warburg Pincus has a vested interest, like Intel, of never accusing the Chinese of hacking into anything American.
When Warburg Pincus invests, it is always as majority owner.
Tim Geithner is President of Warburg Pincus.
Tim Geithner, President of Warburg Pincus and Secretary of the Treasury under President Barack Obama
Geithner was Treasury Secretary in 2010 and headed the committee that approved Hillary Clinton's Uranium One.
President Obama credited Geithner with the plan to prop up Obamacare with $260 billion. The plan caused the 2008 market meltdown of the housing market. Federal mortgage investors were the victims of this theft.
Before he joined the Obama administration, Geithner was President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. He along with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson designed the bailout program. It saved the banks from bankruptcy in the 2008 subprime lending fiasco. The crisis was caused by the banks.
Google Capital invested $100 million in CrowdStrike on July 13th, 2015. Google knows better than use CrowdStrike software. When asked by directly by Fortune Magazine whether Google was a customer, CrowdStrike's CEO George Kurtz said, "No comment."
The first thing CrowdStrike executives Kurtz and President Shawn Henry did was pose with their race cars for Fortune Magazine. It is unknown what country their party was in.
CrowdStrike's President Shawn Henry (left top in black) with his CEO, George Kurtz.
Shawn Henry (above). The Patriots' in the FBI continue to call him "Uncle Fester" even after he retired in 2012.
Shawn Henry retired from the FBI on March 31st 2012. While at the FBI, he was the bureaucrat in charge of all the FBI's investigations around the world. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller promoted "Uncle Fester" more times than anyone else in the FBI.
Five private equity firms invested $256 million into CrowdStrike. Google was good for $100 million. 
Four other firms invested $156 million. They were Warburg Pincus LLC, Accel Partners, March Capital Partners and Telstra, a telecommunications provider in Australia.
President Barack Obama has direct ties to CrowdStrike too.
President Obama appointed Steven Chabinsky to his cabinet on April 13th, 2016. Chabinsky became a member of the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. At the time, Chabinsky was General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer for CrowdStrike.
Chabinsky was Chief of the FBI's Cyber Intelligence Section before quitting to join CrowdStrike in 2012. He also served as the Senior Cyber Advisor to James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence.
Chabinsky's job at the FBI was to protecting the country from cyber attacks and espionage, online child exploitation, and internet fraud. 
Chabinsky worked for CrowdStrike as General Counsel, Senior V.P., and Chief Risk Officer from Sept. 20th, 2012 to Dec. 1st, 2016.
Chabinsky quit CrowdStrike to become a partner in a law firm on Dec. 1st, 2016. Donald J. Trump was elected President Nov. 9th, 2016.
If President Donald J. Trump has failed to fire him, Chabinsky has retained his top security clearance.
Dmitri Alpernovitch is a "good fella" for the Atlantic Council. He is listed under "Cyber Statecraft Initiative".
Soros has given the Atlantic Council $181 million for Ukrainian military action against neighboring Russia.  Soros routinely says that "Russia is a greater danger to the U.S. than ISIS."
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (left) awarded philanthropist George Soros the Order of Freedom.
CrowdStrike's full report dated June 15, 2016 regarding Russia hacking the Democratic National Committee (DNC). It is linked here:
A test conducted by NSS Labs concluded that CrowdStrike software was 70 per cent effective on identifying cyber threats. Their competitors were over 90 per cent.
At $1500 per computer, CrowdStrike software was also the most expensive. The best brands in the study cost between $400 and $500.
NSS Labs' original publication date for their study was February 14, 2017. The authors were Thomas Skybakmoen and Morgan Dhanraj. It was published April 13, 2007 because filed a law study to prevent its release.
CrowdStrike never said an upgrade of their software was necessary to reach and surpass industry standards. They never announced their budget for research and development.
A federal court issued a 12-page ruling against CrowdStrike on Feb. 13th, 2017 in "Case 1:17-cv-00146-GMS". It is linked.
John Carlin headed the FBI's National Security Department. 
Carlin worked with Shawn Henry, Steven Chabinsky, and "Baby Bear" Dmitri Alpernovitch. Carlin was asked by CrowdStrike to moderate a panel discussion at an April convention of security professionals with Henry and Alpernovitch.
Carlin was called "a trusted adviser" by Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, for President Obama.
When Robert Mueller directed the FBI, he named Carlin his right hand man.
Carlin's official title was Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor. Carlin's job was to advise Mueller on legal and policy matters and to manage the FBI.
John Carlin (to left with red tie), Loretta Lynch (sitting down), and James Comey
The dots connected in this post are:
CIA, FBI, CrowdStrike, Michael "Papa Bear" Alpernovitch, Keith Mularski,  Robert "Moscow Mule" Mueller, Canadian Embassy, Tennessee Valley Authority, Oak Ridge Nuclear Laboratory, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Georgia Tech, Dark Market, Max Ray "The Iceman" Butler, Shawn Henry, President Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Steven Chabinsky, James Clapper, CipherTrust, TrustedSource, SecureComputing, McAfee, Intel, Operation Aurora, Google, John Carlin, Loretta Lynch.
0 notes
carlsonyoungnews · 8 years ago
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‪IG | livflores: nearly impossible to study for exams when id rather be reliving the most INCREDIBLE wedding weekend imaginable. all the love in the universe for our calliegirl and her iceman! #carlsongoticed‬
0 notes
marvelmaster616 · 8 years ago
X-men Supreme Volume 7: United and Divided Announcement and PREVIEW!
It’s almost here. A new era of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is about to begin. The end of X-men Supreme Issue 148: New Divide effectively split the X-men into two teams. The events of X-men Supreme Issue 6.1: Beyond Top Secret helped solidify those teams. Now, it’s time for both teams to enter a world that is still fragile and wary after the assault by the Mutant Liberation Front. This won’t just be a matter of moving onto new enemies, confronting new threats, or forging new allegiances. The X-men must completely change how they’ll operate moving forward. Some of that is out of necessity. The Xavier Institute was destroyed, as it often tends to be in the X-men comics, during the events of X-men Supreme Issue 147: Vengeful Anarchy. The loss of their home, in many ways, triggered the initiative that Professor Charles Xavier crafted with General Grimshaw and President Kelly. He calls it the Mutant Monitoring Initiative. It will, for the most part, be the guiding force for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series moving forward. Since X-men Supreme began, the X-men have had a tense and fragile relationship with the authorities. Going all the way back to X-men Supreme Volume 1: Mutant Revolution, there have been times when the authorities have been adversaries. That relationship has been in flux ever since, but it gained a new dimension with the arrival of General Grimshaw in X-men Supreme Issue 75: Renegade. His emergence as President Kelly’s most trusted associate in mutant matters ensured that closer ties between the X-men and the government were inevitable. With events like Natural Disorder and The Cambrian Explosion, these ties only became more complex. In the end, the Mutant Liberation Front in X-men Supreme Volume 6: Liberation Decimation pushed both sides over the edge. Charles Xavier could no longer cling to full breadth of his dream. President Kelly and General Grimshaw could no longer tolerate the X-men’s method of doing things. Something had to change. The Mutant Monitoring Initiative is the catalyst for that change, but not everybody is on board with it. In the final moments of X-men Supreme Issue 148: New Divide, some of Charles Xavier’s most loyal X-men decided to cut ties. This included Cyclops and Wolverine, two X-men who rarely see eye-to-eye on anything. However, they agreed that their mentor had lost sight of his dream. They’ve now taken it upon themselves to fight for what’s left of it by forming X-Force, a new team that will operate outside the Mutant Monitoring Initiative. What does this mean for the X-men moving forward? What does this mean for the future of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series? There’s a lot of drama, upheaval, and struggle ahead. That’s why I’m proud to officially announce the beginning of the next stage of this fanfiction series. I call it X-men Supreme Volume 7: Divided and United. The first issue, like previous volumes of X-men Supreme before it, will jump ahead somewhat in time. It will also set the stage for a new set of conflicts in X-men Supreme. As always, I’ve prepared a preview of this new era of X-men Supreme. “State your business and show your identification. You have five seconds to comply,” said one of the MSA operatives from behind the gate. “The paint isn’t even dry on this place and you’re already treating it like George Washington’s tomb. Gotta love this city,” commented Melita as she showed her ID. “You must be the new press hound from the White House,” said the operative, “Tell me, how did you get roped into this job again? You make a pass at your boss or something?” “Believe it or not, I didn’t have to sleep with anybody to get this job. Doing PR for the Pentagon just wasn’t exciting anymore. I’m ready for something bigger and that something is waiting for me inside. Now if you don’t mind, can you let me through? I’ve got a deadline.” Melita spoke with a toughness not often heard from media personnel. The MSA operative stood mildly impressed. He turned towards the MPs and nodded, who opened the gate. The young woman then walked in confidently with poise, adjusting her sunglasses as she walked up the winding trail that led to the Xavier Institute. Along the way she passed more MPs and a few maintenance workers. Even though this facility looked like a private mansion, it had the feel of a government facility. Something about that seemed a little off, but that was why Melita was here. She followed the trail up to the front door of the institute. Upon arriving, she saw that Charles Xavier was already standing there waiting for her. He wasn’t dressed like a politician or a military man. Instead he wore dark pants, a dress shirt, and a blazer. He still looked like a Professor, which was reassuring in the sea of controversy that surrounded this facility. “You must be Melita Garner. The Mutant Monitoring Initiatives newest PR consultant,” greeted Professor Xavier. “Just Melita is fine. Let’s avoid unnecessary breaths and go straight to being on a first-name basis,” replied Melita as she shook his hand, “We’ll have to be if we’re going to make this work.” “Indeed,” Xavier agreed, “I hope you’ll bear with me because I’m not quite sure what this entails.” “You and everyone else at the Press Corp,” she said, “This is General Grimshaw’s idea so take it up with him if you want. He thinks that after the Mutant Monitoring Initiative was approved, it still requires a significant image boost. You and the X-men have been running around making all this noise, but not everyone is able to listen. My job is to sift through that noise and deliver the right message to the public.” “By right, you mean...” “I’d rather not get into semantics. For now, assume that John and Jane Q. Public are standing right in front of you. They want a full assessment of how the Mutant Monitoring Initiative has unfolded over the past seven months. They also want to know where it’s going moving forward.” “Sounds like perfectly reasonable concerns,” said Xavier, “I’m more than happy to discuss them at length. Care to walk and talk at the same time?” “Taking notes on the move is a requirement for everyone in PR. I’ll be recording this for the record so in the spirit of full disclosure, I’ll ask you to be concise,” said Melita, “It also wouldn’t hurt to be mindful of what you’re saying.” “I’m the world’s most powerful psychic. Paranoia is somewhat redundant,” he quipped in good humor, “Besides, I’ve nothing to hide, nor do I care to during this critical transition.” “So try anyways. In this town, saying too much can get you into a world of trouble.” It sounded like a warning. Melita clearly took her job seriously. He also sensed in her a touch of cynicism. She assumed every shortcoming was severe and did not shy away from harsh truth. It was little wonder why General Grimshaw selected her for this. So while maintaining his calm demeanor, Professor Xavier started walking while Melita turned on her recorder. “Let’s start with the basics,” she began, now holding the recorder up near the Professor, “Your team consists of seven X-men. Phoenix, Beast, Storm, Rogue, Gambit, Colossus, and Psylocke. You have two reserve X-men with Shadowcat and Iceman, who are currently attending school at the Academy of Tomorrow. Between each of them, you have a fairly limited number of mutants to head up such a bold operation.” “I’ve always been a strong believer in quality over quantity,” replied Xavier, “These gifted individuals have more than just mutant abilities and the training to use it. They have my trust.” “That trust must go a long way. Before the ink dried on the Mutant Monitoring Initiative, you and the X-men hit the ground running.” “We had little choice in the matter. The world was vulnerable. The Mutant Liberation Front may have been thwarted, but the Genosha exodus changed the stakes. Every nation on the planet was clamoring for some sense of clarity. They wanted to know where all these mutants were, what they were up to, and what happened to the valuable technology they took with them when they disappeared.” “And have your X-men obtained any answers?” “We’ve surmised part of the answer,” said Xavier, choosing his words carefully, “Before this new institute was complete, I worked with General Grimshaw to get a new version of Cerebrum up and running.” “Cerebrum…you mean that mutant-tracking computer that many find so mysterious?” “There’s nothing mysterious about it. The way it works is well-understood by those familiar with the biology and physiology of the X-gene.” “All of which could probably fit into a greyhound bus,” Melita quipped. “Even fewer understand quantum mechanics, but that doesn’t prevent people from enjoying its fruits. Namely computers, cell phones, and even the recording device you’re using this very moment.” There was a certain wryness to his tone. Melita tried to blitz him with finer details, but he didn’t skip a beat. It left her mildly impressed. He still had much to prove though. “Regardless of how it works, we were able to get a new Cerebrum up and running within a month. Thankfully, I had many of the files from my previous institute backed up in a secure location. So we were able to get to work. Thanks to the addition of the MSA’s resources, we were able to get a firm grasp of mutant activity.” “How much of that activity was from former Genoshans?” asked Melita. “Not nearly as much as we hoped,” Xavier conceded, “But we were able to confirm some of our early suspicions. The society that was created on Genosha is still active, even if it’s now fragmented. Just as before, they guard their thoughts and capabilities very well. So much so that Cerebrum cannot hone in on all of them at this time.” “I assume there are exceptions,” she stated. “There often are. We discovered early on that some of Genosha’s citizen’s are not quite on board with their leadership’s current agenda.” As I’ve said before, this will be a very different battle for the X-men. This fanfiction series is undergoing some of its greatest upheavals to date. Characters will be shaken. Relationships will be strained. Revelations will further test the bonds between the X-men. As I’ve done since I began this fanfiction series, I intend to make it as awesome as I possibly can. To do that, I still need feedback from all the passionate X-men fans I know are out there. Given the ambitious nature of X-men Supreme Volume 7: Divided and United, that feedback is more vital than ever. So please take the time to post your comments. Either contact me directly or post your comments directly in the issue. Either way is fine. Until next time, take care and best wishes. Xcelsior! Jack
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