#id magazine 156
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studio-p · 9 months ago
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i-D Magazine n. 156, September 1996, THE PIONEER ISSUE
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mood2you · 2 years ago
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(ID: Page 156 and 157 of The Data Detective by Tim Hartford: "the algorithm to disregard--for example, flu cases turned out to be correlated with searches for "high school basketball." there's no mystery about hwy both fly and high school basketball tend to get going in the middle of November. But it meant that fly Trends was part fly detector, part winter detector. That became a problem when there was an outbreak of summer fly in 2009: Google Fly Trends, eagerly scanning for signs of winter and finding nothing, missed the nonseasonal outbreak, as true cases were four times higher than fly Trends was estimating.
The "winter detector" problem is common in big-data analyses. a literal example, via computer scientist Sameer Signh, is the pattern recognition algorithm that was shown many photo of wolves in the wild, and many photos of pet husky dogs. the algorithm seemed to be really good at distinguishing the two rather similar canines; it turned out that it was simply labeling any picture with snow as containing a wolf. An example with more serious implications was described by Janelle Shane in her book "You Look Like a Thing And I Love You": an algorithm was shown pictures of healthy skin and the skin of cancer. The algorithm figured out the pattern: if there was a ruler in the photograph, it was cancer. If we don't know WHY the algorithm is doing what it's doing, we're trusting our lives to a ruler detector.
Figuring out what causes what is hard--impossible, some say. Figuring out what is correlated with that is much cheaper and easier. And some big-data enthusiasts--such as Chris Anderson, author of that provocative article in "Wired" magazine--have argued that it pointless to look beyond correlations. "View data mathematically first and establish a context of rit later," he wrote; the numbers speak for themselves. To rephrase Anderson's point unkindly, "If searches for high school basketball always pick up at the same time as fly cases, it doesn't really matter why."
But it DOES matter, because a theory-free analysis of mere correlation is inevitably fragile. If you have no idea what is behind a correlation, you have no idea what might cause that correlation to break down.
After the summer fly problem of 2009, the accuracy of Flu Trends collapse completely at the end of 2012. It's not clear why. One theory is that the news was full of scary stories about the fly in December 2012, and these stories might have provoked internet searches form people who were healthy. Another possible explanation is a change in Google's own search algorithm: it began automatically suggesting diagnoses when people entered medical symptoms, and this will have changed what they typed in to Google in a way that might have foxed the Flu Trends model. It's quite possible that Google could have figured out what the problem was and found a way to make the algorithm works about in if they'd wanted to, but they just decided it wasn't worth the trouble, expense, and risk of failure.
Or maybe not. The truth is, external researchers have been forced to guess at exactly what went wrong, because they don't have the information to know for sure. google shares some data with researchers and indeed makes some data freely available to anyone. But it isn't going to release all is data to you, or me, or anyone else.
Two good books with pride of place on my bookshelf tell the story of how our view of big data evolved over just a few short years.
One, published in 2013, is "Big Data" by Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger. It reports many examples of how cheap sensors, huge datasets, and pattern-recognizing algorithm were, to paraphrase the book's subtitle, "Transforming How We Live, Work, and Think." The triumphant example of authors chose to begin their story? Google Fly Trends. The collapse became apparent only after the book had gone to print." End ID.)
If correlations is not causation then explain why do wolves have pelts and bichon frisés have curls? Because wolves were taken in out of the snow and created dogs
Actually a fun algorithm would be a dog breed guesser with mutt as a breed. But if you don't train the mutts to photograph like show dogs then the algorithm will use posture against them. You know how show dogs stand in profile with their back legs stretch out?
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(ID: A picture of a gray and white pitbull with its chest facing forward and the rest of it in profile. With no background, with one back leg bent and one strethced out, and its back sloped perfectly. Another photo of a red pitbull in a nice yard, panting and standing in perfect profile with its back legs stretche dout subtly to get the back slope.)
That's a good trick to teach any dog "stand funny!" Could be the new "stop" freeze! As a kid I would always do a crazy pose I guess because if you got shot with an ice beam you'd probably either try to run or stop it with your hands. Really. If you think about it. Freeze! Sticks my leggies out real far.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years ago
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IMAGES: Italy celebrates the 40th anniversary of Panavia Tornado in the Italian Air Force
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/11/2022 - 11:39 in Military
With the special painting of this Tornado, the Italian Air Force celebrates the 40th anniversary of the jet in service in the country. (Photo: Aeronautica Militare)
The Panavia Tornado multifunctional combat aircraft has been in service in the Italian Air Force for 40 years and so a celebration took place at Ghedi Air Base, where a specially painted Tornado was also presented to the public.
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Next year, the Italian Air Force will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its foundation. But this year the celebration goes to the Panavia Tornado multifunctional combat jet has been in service in the armed forces for 40 years and was acquired by Italy to complement the Lockheed F-104S Starfighter.
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Deliveries to Aeronautica Militare units began in 1982 when the 154th Gruppo of the 6th Stormo (Squad) at the Ghedi base near Brescia received the first fighter of this type (registration: MM7006/Code 6-01).
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Over the years, the Italian Air Force has received 100 Tornadoes, including 88 Tornado IDS and 12 training biplaces. In the Italian armed forces, the aircraft bears the designation A-200A/C or TA-200A/B. Between 1992 and 1994, 16 Tornado IDS were converted into Tornado ECR for electronic warfare.
Italy still has 38 Tornadoes in active service with the Italian Air Force and are deployed by the 102° Gruppo, 154° Gruppo, 155° Gruppo and 156° Gruppo. However, his days are numbered, since the service acquired the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II as the successor to the Panavia Tornado.
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The Italian Air Force celebrated the anniversary of the Tornado service on September 8, 2022 with a ceremony at the Ghedi base in the presence of the Chief of Staff of the Aeronautica Militare, pilots, navigators and old and active experts.
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The highlight of the ceremony was the overflight of ten Tornadoes, including the Tornado ECR (MM7059, Code 6-66), which was painted especially for the occasion.
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The special painting presents the four different painting finishes of the Italian Tornados, starting with the white and red painting of the X-586 and X-587 prototypes, passing through the two-tone gray-green discreet painting and the color used in the Desert Shield operation of the First Gulf War to the current light gray color scheme.
Tags: AMI - Aeronautica Militare Italiana/Italian Air ForceMilitary AviationPanavia Tornado
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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putschki1969 · 5 years ago
KEIKO Newsletter #1 Shared Journal- English Translation
This is a funny insightful journal exchange so be sure to check it out. This is fan club EXCLUSIVE CONTENT so DO NOT SHARE on other sites.
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KEIKO Official Fan Club 肉とチョコレート Fan Club Magazine Volume #1: KEIKO Self Introduction (p 10)
Meat 🍖 & Chocolate 🍫 Date: June 10 - Weather: Sunny - In Charge: KEIKO
SELF INTRODUCTION Name: KEIKO Nickname: KEIKO/Kei-chan Date of birth: 1985/12/05 Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Blood type: B
Hobbies: New training experiences in our current living situation in Japan, experimenting with the body with the help of nutrition, looking for beautiful women; Special Skill: Transforming women into a new and more beautiful version of themselves; Strong point: If I am interested in something I will thoroughly delve into it; Weak point: Once my switch is turned on I don’t know when to stop, I just keep on going until I am completely burnt out. I get tunnel vision and lose sight of my surroundings; Most attractive feature: My pinky fingers look like Pork Bits. By the way, I really love Pork Bits.
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Good News: During my hiatus I had a doctor’s appointment to get a physical exam. I found out that I had grown a bit. I am now 156 cm!! I was so happy!
Bad News: My phone broke. In a hurry I bought a replacement but it ended up not being 5G-enabled. That’s a real shame...
BEST 3 ~Speaking of Summer What Comes to Mind~ 1. Meat on the bone 2. Sparkling and clear things 3. Denim
Fashion News: I bought some white shirt-dresses to wear during the high humidity. They have an A-line shape so I can wear them loosely or if I feel like it I can add a belt to cinch in the waist. This way, there are two ways to wear the dresses.
I am obsessed with pleats!!
Puff-sleeves; Flower-pattern motif; I wore this dress in the video for fan club MEMBERS which was released on June 15!
The lapels are big, that’s GOOD! ♫
Those dresses are all completely white!
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Confidential: I had always believed that the cherry blossom slope in Masaharu Fukuyama’s “Sakura Zaka” was referring to Kagurazaka in Tokyo, a very romantic-looking place. Recently I found out that that is totally untrue. I was super embarrassed about my long-standing false assumption. Forgive me, “Sakura Zaka”!!
A Question for Everyone~ Q: If you could go back in time and meet yourself from 10 years ago, what would you do? A: (I am collecting everyone’s answers via letters and e-mails)
From Niku-Choco Members
Here in KEIKO’s Official Fan Club “Meat and Chocolate” we are collecting everyone’s questions so that KEIKO can answer them in the future. We are also happy to receive all kinds of fan art!
Furthermore, we have a QUESTION FOR YOU on page 10 (shared journal). We are eagerly awaiting everyone’s answers!
Question for this issue: If you could go back in time and meet yourself from 10 years ago, what would you do?
Please send in your answers via letter or e-mail! KEIKO and Niku-Choco-Members, let’s all bond through this exchange journal! ♫
Amongst all submissions, one winner will be chosen through lottery for each issue. They will receive a signed polaroid from KEIKO. Be sure to send in your mails and letters!
Letter: 〒154-0024 東京都世田谷区三軒茶屋2-11-23 サンタワーズB棟3階 (株)トライストーン・ホールディングス内 「肉とチョコレート」事務局 Mail: [email protected] Deadline: September 15 Be sure to add your Member ID and Nickname.
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r0rorowurboat · 7 years ago
All of them!
200: My crush’s name is: n/a lmao199: I was born in: naples, fl198: I am really: gay?? idk197: My cellphone company is: t mobile196: My eye color is: green/blue/gray/idk man195: My shoe size is: 7 1/2 8 sometimes194: My ring size is: um i think that was 7 too but i dont remember193: My height is: 5′4″192: I am allergic to:pineapples and penicillin191: My 1st car was: a v old red saturn190: My 1st job was: a waitress189: Last book you read: um i think it was uhhhhhh shit uhhhh god fuck it was the warrior cats book but!!! it was bc i was stuck at my sister house with nothing but bibles or that series to read188: My bed is: an air mattress atm187: My pet: is perfect and i love her her name is luna and shes a little black cat who loves cuddles and kisses186: My best friend:is wonderful and i love him185: My favorite shampoo is: uhm. error i hardly ever use shampoo bc i have v dry curly hair and it makes it horrible184: Xbox or ps3: pc boi183: Piggy banks are: cure182: In my pockets: they dont make pockets in womens fashion wtf are you on. but uh. usually my phone, wallet, and keys181: On my calendar: i.. dont.. have one. 180: Marriage is: alright i guess. tax benefits179: Spongebob can: do that annoying laugh 178: My mom: tries v hard177: The last three songs I bought were? *squints* i think... it was keshas new album?176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQuR8LVKhUE175: How many cousins do you have? 2174: Do you have any siblings? yes i have 3 older sisters173: Are your parents divorced? yeup172: Are you taller than your mom? nope171: Do you play an instrument? not anymore but i used to play clarinet170: What did you do yesterday? uhm spent the day at home as usual[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: nah man168: Luck: to an extent i guess?167: Fate: i dont think so. 166: Yourself: sometimes165: Aliens: yes164: Heaven: nah163: Hell: nah162: God: nah161: Horoscopes: yes160: Soul mates: nah159: Ghosts: hmmm probably158: Gay Marriage: yes!157: War: no156: Orbs: orbs?? what are those?? like in ghost hunter shows? bc if so then no155: Magic: hm. what type? i think theres stuff we dont know about but idk if id call it magic. I think certain things have more power than we give credit. idk its hard to explain.[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: drunk152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: redheadsredheadsredheads150: Blondes or Brunettes: hmmmm blondes i guess?149: Hot or cold: cold148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: hmmm oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: usually sneakers tbh but uhhh i own more heels then flip flops138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: hm i mean i guess sweet and poor? im already poor so137: Coke or Pepsi: i dont drink soda, water. or coffee136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: cremated134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: um. walmart? 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who or who?131: Small town or Big city: hm idk. probably city? 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither pls128: Manicure or Pedicure: hmmm manicure probs.127: East Coast or West Coast: i live on the east coast but idk west coast is home to a lot of friends so hmmmm126: Your Birthday or Christmas: its like a week apart there isnt much difference125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: i dont sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: icky121: George Bush: memes?120: Gay Marriage: im gay119: The presidential election: my vote didnt matter!118: Abortion: its your body your choice117: MySpace: never had one116: Reality TV: i mean, its fake? entertaining tho115: Parents: eh. 114: Back stabbers: icky113: Ebay: cheap stuff112: Facebook: only for family tbh111: Work: pays the bills110: My Neighbors: dont know them109: Gas Prices: expensive108: Designer Clothes: overpriced107: College: wish i could afford it!106: Sports: nah105: My family: haha104: The future: haha[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: my grandma a few days ago102: Last time you ate: pizza a few hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: moving day seeing my extended family again100: Cried in front of someone: the other night with my mom or uhhh in call with kina today actually99: Went to a movie theater: wow uh pretty long time ago i dont actually remember98: Took a vacation: haha idk man97: Swam in a pool: wow uh idk96: Changed a diaper: hm last time i was with the twins. not sure how long its been. maybe 2 or 3 months?95: Got my nails done: when did my sister get married? years ago idk94: Went to a wedding: ^^93: Broke a bone: never have92: Got a peircing: about a year ago91: Broke the law: heh uh 90: Texted: a few hours ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably kina or riley rn88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my mom tbh. the kids. wyatt. 87: The last movie I saw: the orphan86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: hm idk getting a job i guess85: The thing im not looking forward to: getting a job lmao84: People call me: by my name. but i have nicknames now!! Ray, rachi, babe, ray baby... its very nice and makes me feel warm and fuzzy and loved83: The most difficult thing to do is: hmmm clean? be honest about things that are bothering me? idk82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: capricorn sun aquarius moon80: The first person i talked to today was: the gc i think?79: First time you had a crush: i was v young and they had freckles and red hair and i died78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: um i try not to hide things in general! but someone who will call me out recently is raiken and archie lmao77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: riley lmao tho i beat her to it 
76: Right now I am talking to: riley75: What are you going to do when you grow up: i am grown up technically. uh. hopefully be an animator74: I have/will get a job: as a cashier probably73: Tomorrow: i have a job interview and then im gonna get coffee72: Today: was a long day71: Next Summer: hmmm idk70: Next Weekend: IDK GOD69: I have these pets: a cat!! who i love!!! and already gushed about but shes laying on my lap and purring rn and its so soothing68: The worst sound in the world: scratching against those uhhhh holographic things???? god i hate it67: The person that makes me cry the most is: hmnn my dad haha66: People that make you happy: my friends!!! Kina, Ali, Archie, Riley, Leo, Raiken, Mimi...... all of them good pals the squad my faves i love them65: Last time I cried: today rip64: My friends are: GOOD AND AMAZING I LOVE THEM63: My computer is: big! and i like it62: My School: none61: My Car: ded from the hurricane rip me60: I lose all respect for people who: are shitty? idk. 59: The movie I cried at was: hmmmm idk movies dont usually make me cry58: Your hair color is: uhm it was really dark blue but as the color has faded it kind of looks black/brown now57: TV shows you watch: a lot of them56: Favorite web site: uh i guess tumblr55: Your dream vacation: not being here!! probably just going around visiting everyone and hanging out having a good time54: The worst pain I was ever in was: tearing a ligament in my knee it hurt a lot53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: messy51: My favorite celebrity is: ummm idk50: Where would you like to be: home tbh49: Do you want children: idk48: Ever been in love: ye47: Who’s your best friend: hhhhhhhhhhhh raiken46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls and nb babes45: One thing that makes you feel great is: just hanging out with people tbh44: One person that you wish you could see right now: i guess that would be my mom haha43: Do you have a 5 year plan: i did once. idk what happened to it haha i guess things never really go according to plan and it just hurts more to make one. just set goals, not plans.42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: i did once but i dont think i have the same values as i did when i made that41: Have you pre-named your children: i used to but idk if i want kids anymore40: Last person I got mad at: ummmm hmm 39: I would like to move to: hmm somewhere with 4 seasons not just summer and less hot summer38: I wish I was a professional: artist[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: kit-kats36: Vehicle: um idk small ones i guess35: President: obama? idk34: State visited: ooohhh michigan33: Cellphone provider: ive only ever had the one so idk32: Athlete: uh31: Actor: uh30: Actress: uh29: Singer: hmmmmmmmm rn i would have to say Bea Miller but check back with me in a week28: Band: The Silent Comedy27: Clothing store: hmmmm cotton on has really comfy clothes26: Grocery store: target or publix25: TV show: rn? bnha24: Movie: hhhhhh um idk uhhhhh moulin rouge i guess? it used to be my fav but idk anymore23: Website: tumblr22: Animal: elephants21: Theme park: epcot20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: none18: Sport to play: none17: Magazine: none16: Book: hmmmmm A Monster Calls15: Day of the week: none14: Beach: hh13: Concert attended: never been12: Thing to cook: uh i guess eggs11: Food: sushi10: Restaurant: its a really good sushi place with bubble tea and thai donuts that i dont remember the name of9: Radio station: hhh idk8: Yankee candle scent: idk7: Perfume: i dont really like perfume it gives me headaches6: Flower: ooooh gardenia5: Color: blue/green teal4: Talk show host: john oliver3: Comedian: hh2: Dog breed: hmmm husky? also labradors and uhhh all dogs tbh ohhh pitbulls and rottweilers i love dogs good yes1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ye mostly
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weekly-tea · 6 years ago
8.7. - 14.7.2019.
* 1. psih. stanje potpuna zadovoljstva i smirenosti zasnovano na unutarnjem, duševnom miru i skladu u odnosima prema vanjskom svijetu
2. ukupnost okolnosti ili okolnost koja čemu pogoduje [dobra sreća; loša sreća; imati sreće; neka vam je sa srećom]
3. sretan slučaj [ima sreću]
** Na hrvatskom pod rječju "sreća" podrazumijevamo dvije različite stvari. Jedna je ona koju bi Englezi i Amerikanci nazvali "happiness", a onu drugu bi nazvali "luck" ili "fortune" - onako kako mi koristimo riječ "sreća" kad kažemo "igre na sreću". Ova jezična zanimljivost mi govori da Hrvati smatraju da je sreća stvar sreće, poput dobitka na lutriji. Do nje se ne stiže nekim jasnim putem, ako ti se posreći, onda možda i budeš sretan.
Pitao sam danas ljude što je to sreća. Većina mi je odgovorila da je sreća zdravlje. Najoriginalniji odgovor dobio sam od svog novaka koji mi je objasnio da je sreća stanje uma, najčešće slabo povezano s realnošću i najčešće utemeljeno na nekoj zabludi.
Kahneman i Deaton kažu da se emocionalna blagodat povećava s logaritmom prihoda, ali samo do godišnje plaće od oko 75000 $. Nakon toga se osjećaj zadovoljstva saturira i ne isplati vam se više zarađivati i mučiti se jer će vam emocionalno stanje biti manje-više isto.
Može li biti sreće među siromašnima? Naravno da može, inače religije ne bi imale nikakvog smisla.
*** Što je to sreća? Ovaj osjećaj zapravo nije lako definirati, štoviše definicija sreće jedan je od najvećih psihologijskih problema.
Jedna definicija je da je sreća stanje u kojem ljudi ponašanjem dolaze do suprotstavljanja vanjskim silama koje bi inače dovele do nesreće (tuge). Druga definicija govori da je sreća trajno, pozitivno emocionalno stanje koje uključuje smireno zadovoljstvo svojim životom, ali i aktivno zadovoljstvo i postignuća.
Potraga za srećom temeljni je čovjekov cilj i vođeni tom činjenicom Ujedinjeni narodi prije sedam godina (2012. godine) proglasili su 20. ožujka Međunarodnim danom sreće.
*** Želite li otići na najsretnije mjesto na svijetu - otiđite u Dansku. Naime, Danska se već godinama nalazi na vrhu ljestvice najsretnijih zemalja na svijetu u kojoj žive najsretnije žene na svijetu. Mudre Dankinje podijelile su 5 savjeta za sretan život koje je lako slijediti:
1. Uživajte u malim stvarima
2. Prigrlite kišne dane
3. Jedite konkretnu hranu
4. Stvorite sretan i ugodan dom
5. Odlučite koji su vam ljudi prioritet
Osvrnimo se spomenuti i za primjer najčešće korišteni Indeks sreće.
**** Prema godišnjem istraživanju za 2019. godinu (The World Happiness Report), u obzir je uzeto 156 zemalja, a razina sreće određena je na temelju faktora poput društvene potpore, očekivanog trajanje života, odsustva korupcije i sl.
Finska je najsretnija zemlja na svijetu drugu godinu zaredom, a na listi predvodi top deset kojim uglavnom dominiraju nordijske zemlje.
U Top 10 slijede: Danska, Norveška, Island, Nizozemska, Švicarska, Švedska, Novi Zeland, Kanada i Austrija.
Dok u Top 10 suprotne liste, najnesretnije države spadaju: Haiti, Bocvana, Sirija, Malavi, Jemen, Ruanda, Tanzanija, Afganistan, Srednjoafrička Republika i Južni Sudan.
Hrvatska se našla na 75. mjestu što je u odnosu na prošlu godinu, kad smo bili na 82. mjestu, pomak nabolje. Ako se uspoređujemo sa susjednim državama, bolje od Hrvatske stoje Crna Gora (73.), Srbija (70.), Mađarska (62.), Kosovo (46.), Slovenija (44.), Italija (36.) i Austrija (10.). Lošije od Hrvatske stoji Bosna i Hercegovina (78.), Makedonija (84.), Bugarska (97.) i Albanija (107.).
SAD je u odnosu na prošlu godinu pao za jedno mjesto i sad je na 19., a Hrvatima omiljena Irska nalazi se na visokom 16. mjestu najsretnijih zemalja svijeta.
''Sreća je proces i put, a ne cilj, ona je zbivanje, a ne krajnji ishod.''
Korišteni izvori i detaljnije:
* http://hjp.znanje.hr/index.php?show=search_by_id&id=d1xuWBY%3D
** http://www.antoniosiber.org/sto_je_sreca.html
*** https://zadovoljna.dnevnik.hr/clanak/poruke-za-medjunarodni-dan-srece---470434.html
**** https://www.jutarnji.hr/vijesti/svijet/objavljeno-godisnje-izvjesce-ovo-su-najsretnije-zemlje-na-svijetu-hrvatska-se-malo-pomaknula-nabolje-no-cetiri-zemlje-bivse-sfrj-su-ispred-nas/8557985/
Zanimljivi članci:
Znamo li uopće što je sreća i tražimo li je na pogrešnim mjestima? (https://zivim.gloria.hr/rastem/znamo-li-uopce-sto-je-sreca-i-trazimo-li-je-na-pogresnim-mjestima/8619296/)
Sreća je stvar izbora, a ne životnih okolnosti (http://ordinacija.vecernji.hr/budi-sretan/upoznaj-sebe/sreca-je-stvar-izbora-a-ne-zivotnih-okolnosti/)
Godišnje izvješće o sreći (https://worldhappiness.report/)
Kako biti sretan? Evo što znanost kaže o postizanju temeljnog cilja svakog čovjeka(https://net.hr/magazin/kako-biti-sretan-evo-sto-znanost-kaze-o-postizanju-temeljnog-cilja-svakog-covjeka/)
Mudre izreke - o sreći, veselju i radosti (http://www.antonija-horvatek.from.hr/duh-kut/izreke-teme/sreca-veselje-radost.htm)
Od ovotjednih posudbi, za široki puk izdvajam knjigu koju sam čitala i ljeto 2015. godine; tad sam čitala i knjigu ''Opaki serijski ubojice (U umovima čudovišta)'' iste autorice.
Charlotte Greig: Veleumovi kriminala (Zli geniji podzemlja
''Kriminalci nas očaravaju. Ta očaranost ima ponekad razloge u strahu - kada mislimo na monstruozne ubojice i vrebajuće pedofile. Ona je ponekad pomiješana sa zadivljenošću (primjer Robin Hood). Ponekad ne možemo ne biti impresionirani golom energijom i domišljatošću kriminalnog uma. U knjizi je prikazano pedeset najbezobzirnijih, najlukavijih i najučinkovitijih kriminalaca svih vremena.''
Moji najdraži modeli nisu ni ovaj tjedan razočarali.
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studio-p · 9 months ago
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i-D Magazine n. 156, September 1996, THE PIONEER ISSUE
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shutterbughen · 6 years ago
i only shitpost my personal life on this social media so here’s tag thing
200: My crush's name is: Absolutely nobody lol
199: I was born in: 1999
198: I am really: Impulsive
197: My cellphone company is: Metro
196: My eye color is: Brown
195: My shoe size is: I’m Bigfoot so 9, sometimes 9 1/2
194: My ring size is: I have no idea
193: My height is: 5'9
192: I am allergic to: bees?
191: My 1st car was: Chrysler seibring
190: My 1st job was: Technically Hardee’s but MJR
189: Last book you read: I can't remember
188: My bed is: Where I take tf out of my depression naps
187: My pet: N/A
185: My favorite shampoo is: OGX
184: Xbox or ps3: PS3
183: Piggy banks are: Probably fun to break
182: In my pockets: No pants ;)
181: On my calendar: If I had one it would just be work
180: Marriage is: Unlikely
179: Spongebob can: Keep making memes
178: My mom: Better when we’re apart
177: The last three songs I bought were? The last three I DOWNLOADED were Revenge by XXXTentacion, 6 Inch by Beyoncé & The Weeknd, and Self Care by Mac Miller
176: Last YouTube video watched? Joji - rain on me
175: How many cousins do you have? Too many
174: Do you have any siblings? 7
172: Are you taller than your mom? Yeah but barely
171: Do you play an instrument? I can somewhat play the piano but it’s been a while
170: What did you do yesterday? Slept in kind of late, watched Netflix. Depression days lol
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: I want to
168: Luck: That’d be nice
167: Fate: In a way
166: Yourself: Sometimes
165: Aliens: Absolutely
164: Heaven: Um
163: Hell: Who knows
162: God: I used to
161: Horoscopes: Not really
160: Soul mates: Yeah
159: Ghosts: Yes
158: Gay Marriage: Duhh
157: War: I guess it depends, generally no
156: Orbs: Anythings possible
155: magic: Nah
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: Both
153: Drunk or High: Lol
152: Phone or Online: Phone
151: Red heads or Black haired: Doesn’t matter
150: Blondes or Brunettes: ^
149: Hot or cold: Cold
148: Summer or winter: Summer
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
145: Night or Day: Id like to say night but I’m usually more prone to depression and missing my ex at night, so probably day
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly
142: McDonalds or Burger King: Neither
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Whiteee
140: Mac or PC: Mac
139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops be easier
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: Whichever option leads to me not being screwed over, but I’m not picky
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Burried or cremated: I don’t know
134: Singing or Dancing: Singing terribly while driving home from work at 3am
133: Coach or Chanel: Idgaf
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: See above
131: Small town or Big city: I like the vibe of both but I’ve always wanted to live in a big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure but I desperately need a manicure
127: East Coast or West Coast: East, although West Coast would be cool too
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: No opinion
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
124: Disney or Six Flags: I’ve only ever been to Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Red Sox I guess
[ Here's What I Think About ]
122: War: No strong opinion
121: George Bush: 9/11
120: Gay Marriage: Well I’m bi so clearly against lol
119: The presidential election: Trump sux
118: Abortion: My body my choice
117: MySpace: That’s how my dad met my step mom
116: Reality TV: Stupid but fun to watch
115: Parents: They screwed me up
114: Back stabbers: See ya
113: Ebay: I used to buy my cosplays on there
112: Sex: Not sure where I stand with that for myself
111: Work: Used to be a chore, but it’s better now. I like working
110: My Neighbors: Loterally no opinion at all
109: Gas Prices: RIP wallet
108: Designer Clothes: Would be cool if I could afford them lol
107: College: Expensive
106: Sports: Not a sports gal
105: My family: My sister is great
104: The future: Horrifying
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: Sort of recently but I don’t remember who
102: Last time you ate: Like an hour ago
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: It’s been a while
100: Cried in front of someone: I’m sure I have recently but not sure when
99: Went to a movie theater: Almost everyday
98: Took a vacation: I went to Chicago randomly a couple weeks ago
97: Swam in a pool: Now that I think about it it for a while
96: Changed a diaper: Never
95: Got my nails done: Too long ago
94: Went to a wedding: A couple of years ago
93: Broke a bone: I broke my toe last year
92: Got a peircing: Ears was the first and last
91: Broke the law: Ughhh is a cop asking me this lol
90: Texted: My sister was the last person I texted
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Friends
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: I already left, I miss my sister but that’s it
87: The last movie I saw: In theaters? Probably Endgame
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Nothing specific but in general getting my shit together
85: The thing im not looking forward to: All the work that comes with getting my shit together
84: People call me: Dani
83: The most difficult thing to do is: Staying vegan
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: No
81: My zodiac sign is: Scorpio
80: The first person i talked to today was: My coworker
79: First time you had a crush: on 2nd or 3rd grade to a boy named Tyler
78: The one person who i can't hide things from: Sometimes I feel like the only person I can ever be completely honest with is myself
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Me and my sister both said the exact same thing today
76: Right now I am talking to: Nobody
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Hopefully have everything under control, travel, be content on being with myself alone rather than relying on other people to make me happy
74: I have/will get a job: I’m a manager at MJR right now, not sure where I’m going from here
73: Tomorrow: I’m waking up early to go jogging then hopefully getting out and doing something later
72: Today: Go to sleep
71: Next Summer: Nothing planned
70: Next Weekend: Most likely work
69: I have these pets: None
68: The worst sound in the world: Nails scratching paper, also the worst feeling
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself
66: People that make you happy: Friends & Sister
65: Last time I cried: It’s been a second, at least a week ago
64: My friends are: Fun
63: My computer is: Broken
62: My School: Hard to bring myself to go to
61: My Car: dirty right now
60: I lose all respect for people who: Constantly change their story and go back on their word
59: The movie I cried at was: Endgame
58: Your hair color is: Brown & blonde
57: TV shows you watch: The Office, Lucifer, Shameless
56: Favorite web site: YouTube I guess
55: Your dream vacation: Bora Bora
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Breakups. Physically probably period cramps
53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat meat anymore, but medium rare when I did
52: My room is: Pretty cluttered
51: My favorite celebrity is: Brendon Urie
50: Where would you like to be: On vacation
49: Do you want children: Nope
48: Ever been in love: Once
46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girl
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Feeling motivated
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: I’m comfortable being alone right now
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I barely have my week planned
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No
41: Have you pre-named your children: Maybe my future PETS lol
40: Last person I got mad at: Not mad, just annoyed
39: I would like to move to: Seattle
38: I wish I was a professional: Idk
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Used to be Almond Joys
36: Vehicle: Tesla
35: President: Idk
34: State visited: Illinois (mostly for Chicago)
33: Cellphone provider: TMobile
32: Athlete: None
31: Actor: Chris Evans I guess
30: Actress: None
29: Singer: The Weeknd or Joji
28: Band: The Neighborhood
27: Clothing store: ZAFUL
26: Grocery store: Kroger
25: TV show: The Office or Hannibal
24: Movie: Captain America Winter Soldier
23: Website: YouTube
22: Animal: Sloth
21: Theme park: I’ve only been to Seaworld and Disney, so Disney I suppose
20: Holiday: Halloween
19: Sport to watch: Maybe I wouldn’t mind seeing a baseball game but not on TV
18: Sport to play: None
17: Magazine: No
16: Book: Idk
15: Day of the week: Friday
14: Beach: Never been to one so frequently that I have a favorite
13: Concert attended: Joji
12: Thing to cook: Stir fry
11: Food: Also stir fry
10: Restaurant: Townhouse
9: Radio station: 95.5
8: Yankee candle scent: Vanilla
7: Perfume: Don’t have a specific favorite
6: Flower: Sunflower
5: Color: Yellow
4: Talk show host: Idk
3: Comedian: None
2: Dog breed: German Shepherd
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yeah
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haught-at-waverly-place · 6 years ago
answer all of them
answers under the cut! only doing this cause im that bored
200: My crush’s name is: no one 199: I was born in: 1996198: I am really: bored197: My cellphone company is: wtf who cares?? 196: My eye color is: green/blue 195: My shoe size is: 6.5194: My ring size is: idk small 193: My height is: smol 192: I am allergic to: cats and all of nature in the spring and summer 191: My 1st car was: an hhr or as i liked to call it a poor mans hearse190: My 1st job was: an in home care taker aka i cleaned elderly peoples homes189: Last book you read: god i dont read188: My bed is: my best friend 187: My pet: is the loml 186: My best friend: she lives too far away tbh 185: My favorite shampoo is: i use old spice 2-in-1 like the basic bitch i am184: Xbox or ps3: ps3??? what year is it the switch is where its mfkin at 183: Piggy banks are: dope af 182: In my pockets: nothing cause im a broke bitch 181: On my calendar: nothing cause im a boring bitch 180: Marriage is: cool good on everyone who is married to their best friends 179: Spongebob can: new spongebob can die cause its garbage 178: My mom: is the best 177: The last three songs I bought were? who buys songs? 176: Last YouTube video watched: air crash investigations (dont ask) 175: How many cousins do you have? idk 174: Do you have any siblings? one sister 173: Are your parents divorced? nah 172: Are you taller than your mom? nah 171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play the violin and guitar but not anymore 170: What did you do yesterday? tried not to die [ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: idk maybe? 168: Luck: sure 167: Fate: yeah sure 166: Yourself: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha no 165: Aliens: fuck yeah 164: Heaven: ehhh no 163: Hell: no 162: God: not really 161: Horoscopes: lowkey160: Soul mates: every one has one 159: Ghosts: kind of 158: Gay Marriage: nah why would gays want to get married 157: War: war is p stupid 156: Orbs: wtf is an orb??155: Magic: no [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: black 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: cold 148: Summer or winter: winter 147: Autumn or Spring: autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: this is dark chocolate erasure and i will not stand for it 140: Mac or PC: mac 139: Flip flops or high heals: neither both are garbage for the feet 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: im already sweet and poor sooooo137: Coke or Pepsi: where is my dr. pepper representation 136: Hillary or Obama: obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated id like to go out in a burnin glory even if im already dead 134: Singing or Dancing: singing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are you people 131: Small town or Big city: big city 130: Wal-Mart or Target: im a lesbian so target obviously 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither 128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure only cause they message my feet and legs 127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: xmas cause snow 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither who cares about baseball [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: men bein garbage 121: George Bush: why? 120: Gay Marriage: hell yeah we got it 119: The presidential election: we might as well have elected a crackhead 118: Abortion: let women get them safely so they dont fucking die its that simple117: MySpace: jesus is it 2006 again 116: Reality TV: its trashy but ill watch it cause im trash 115: Parents: love your parents kids (unless they are abusive) 114: Back stabbers: are awful just like maybe dont stab people in the back literally and metaphorically 113: Ebay: ive literally never used ebay in my life 112: Facebook: its p garbage i barely ever use it 111: Work: capitalism has killed workers and quality work 110: My Neighbors: they are there 109: Gas Prices: i havent gotten gas in like 2 months so like idk 108: Designer Clothes: why are they all like so ugly??107: College: stressful and only vaguely worth something 106: Sports: fun to play but boring to watch. i only go to sporting events for the alcohol 105: My family: is v dope and i love them 104: The future: stressful and i hate thinking about it [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: last night it was my dad 102: Last time you ate: last night lol 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: probably back in december with my best friend 100: Cried in front of someone: oooof all the time 99: Went to a movie theater: like 2 wks ago 98: Took a vacation: january i went on a cruise 97: Swam in a pool: last summer i think 96: Changed a diaper: uhhh never…. 95: Got my nails done: god way back in high school when i thought i was straight 94: Went to a wedding: last friday! 93: Broke a bone: 3 wks ago haha 92: Got a peircing: i havent gotten a piercing since i was like 6 91: Broke the law: uhhh i plead the fifth 90: Texted: i texted my mom like 40 mins ago [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: myself 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog shes so cute 87: The last movie I saw: spiderman into the spiderverse 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: a vacation to see my aunt in indiana 85: The thing im not looking forward to: going back to school 84: People call me: uhhh my name? 83: The most difficult thing to do is: rn? pretty much everything 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: im a leo 80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 79: First time you had a crush: first time i remember was freshman yr of college 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: i dont remember 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody im a lonely bitch 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully something to do with neuropsychology 74: I have/will get a job: 73: Tomorrow: wtf does this even mean 72: Today: or this one 71: Next Summer: and this one 70: Next Weekend: and even this one 69: I have these pets: a golden retriever mix 68: The worst sound in the world: 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: hahaha myself 66: People that make you happy: my family and friends 65: Last time I cried: yesterday 64: My friends are: amazing wonderful people that i love 63: My computer is: my lifeline 62: My School: is small but good 61: My Car: is a lesbian wagon that looks like i live in it 60: I lose all respect for people who: cheat on their s/o 59: The movie I cried at was: i dont usually cry during movies 58: Your hair color is: confusing kind of blonde also kind of brown 57: TV shows you watch: she ra, killing eve, grey anatomy too many others to list 56: Favorite web site: youtube 55: Your dream vacation: to go to germany 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk maybe my post surgery foot pain 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare the only way a steak should be eaten 52: My room is: always a disaster 51: My favorite celebrity is: taylor swift 50: Where would you like to be: idk 49: Do you want children: noooo 48: Ever been in love: yes i have 47: Who’s your best friend: we aint naming names on here 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: playing with my dog 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: A43: Do you have a 5 year plan: god no i dont even have a 5 hour plan 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nah 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope40: Last person I got mad at: myself39: I would like to move to: somewhere other than where i am now 38: I wish I was a professional: at being not depressed [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: bottle caps or ritter sports 36: Vehicle: subaru wrx hatchbacks with a wide body kit are b nice 35: President: who tf has a favorite president 34: State visited: oregon or washington 33: Cellphone provider: who has a fave cell provider???32: Athlete: none31: Actor: idk like chris pratt or something 30: Actress: rn jodie comer 29: Singer: hayley williams 28: Band: paramore 27: Clothing store: h&m 26: Grocery store: target 25: TV show: law and order svu 24: Movie: princess mononoke 23: Website: youtube 22: Animal: red panda 21: Theme park: disneyland 20: Holiday: halloween 19: Sport to watch: none they are all hella boring 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: none i dont read 16: Book: i dont read books cant concentrate for that long 15: Day of the week: idk saturday 14: Beach: ive been to a beach like 3 times and i barely remember them 13: Concert attended: paramore after laughter concert last summer 12: Thing to cook: cooking stresses me the fuck out so i dont have a favorite thing to cook 11: Food: pasta!! 10: Restaurant: uhhh i dont really have one 9: Radio station: its 2019 who listens to the radio 8: Yankee candle scent: i dont really use candles 7: Perfume: i dont wear perfume 6: Flower: peach roses probably 5: Color: red 4: Talk show host: i dont watch talk shows they are all boring 3: Comedian: john mulaney or iliza schlesinger 2: Dog breed: corgi 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? hahahahaha
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marketingadvisorvietnam · 6 years ago
Vietnamese photograph gets ‘honorable mention’ in international contest
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/vietnamese-photograph-gets-honorable-mention-in-international-contest/
Vietnamese photograph gets ‘honorable mention’ in international contest
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By Nguyen Quy  &nbspNovember 4, 2018 | 10:00 am GMT+7
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The “In the Melaleuca Forest” photo, taken by Vietnamese photographer Pham Huy Trung, is posted on the Siena International Photography Awards 2018 website.
A flycam shot of a woman picking water chestnuts has gained an ‘honorable mention’ at Siena International Photography Awards 2018.
Taken by Pham Huy Trung, the shot is captured in a flooded melaleuca forest in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap.
The photo has claimed an honorable mention in the “Journeys and Adventures” category.
The contest is judged by world-renowned photographers and photo editors from National Geographic and the BBC. 
October and November are peak months in the Mekong Delta’s flooding season, submerging the Mekong Delta’s melaleuca forests, which are then navigated by boats.
The Siena International Photo Awards were launched in 2015 in Italy by Luca Venturi as part of the Art Photo Travel Association’s mission. It is considered one of the world’s prestigious photo contests.
This year’s contest received 48,000 entries from amateur and professional photographers from 156 countries worldwide competing in Nature, Urban, People, Animals, and Journey and Adventures categories.
Prize winning photos included a snowy owl in Canada, a wild Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia’s Gunung Leuser national park and a human-like mountain in Iceland.
Hanoian Trung is a passionate photographer who travels around the country taking pictures of landscapes and cultural features. Many of his flycam shots have been carried by National Geographic Magazine.
Last year, he won the first prize from SkyPixel, the world’s most popular aerial photography community, for his work on a lobster farm in Yen Island in the central province of Phu Yen.
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ramshariraut · 3 years ago
Global Publishing Subscription Software  Market: Analyse umfangreicher Finanzstandards, Indikatoren und Umsatzprognose 2021-2028
<strong>Marktübersicht</strong> Neben den Erkenntnissen bietet der Bericht den Lesern tiefe Einblicke in die Pläne führender Unternehmen, um diesen wettbewerbsorientierten Markt anzuführen. Publishing Subscription Software  Marktbericht ist eine Bewertung, die Wachstumsfaktoren und bevorstehende Trends bis Ende 2028 abdeckt. Diese Business-Intelligence-Studie enthält wichtige Details zum aktuellen und zukünftigen Status des Marktes im genannten Prognosezeitraum 2028. Der Bericht zielt auch auf wichtige Faktoren wie Markttreiber, Herausforderungen, neueste Trends und Chancen im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum von Herstellern in der Branche ab Weltmarkt für Publishing Subscription Software . Der Bericht enthält einige wichtige Vorschläge für ein neues Projekt der Publishing Subscription Software -Industrie, bevor dessen Durchführbarkeit berechnet wird. Der Global Industry, 2021–2028 Market Research Report ist eine professionelle und gründliche Studie zum aktuellen Stand der globalen Publishing Subscription Software  Industrie mit Fokus auf den internationalen und nationalen Markt.
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<strong>Methodik</strong> Die Berichtsforschung umfasst unterschiedliche Umrisse der verschiedenen Marktsegmente. Der Bericht basiert auf zwei Forschungsansätzen – primär und sekundär. Primäre Forschungsquellen umfassen Pressemitteilungen, Jahresberichte, Regierungswebsites usw. verschiedener Unternehmen, die in dieser Branche tätig sind, sowie Ansichten verschiedener Spezialisten, Analysten, Experten und Forscher. Sekundäre Quellen umfassen wirtschaftliche, politische, soziale und andere Szenarien des Marktbereichs. Diese beiden Quellen werden für die Erstellung des Berichts mit den entsprechenden Begriffen zur Erweiterung des Marktes kombiniert.
<strong>Berichtszusammenfassung</strong> Ein Geschäftsbericht spielt eine zentrale Rolle im Management einer Organisation. Geschäftsberichte werden regelmäßig erstellt, um der Organisation zu helfen, die laufenden Aktivitäten im Auge zu behalten und die kurzfristigen sowie die langfristigen Ziele des Unternehmens regelmäßig zu überprüfen. Sie sind das wichtigste Instrument, um den Fortschritt und die Verbesserungsfelder zu untersuchen, die das Unternehmen machen kann, um seine Marke zu stärken. Es wird viel Forschung und Mühe von den Fachleuten auf diesem Gebiet verwendet, um diese Berichte zu erstellen, die sich dann in der Kommunikation korrekter Beobachtungen und Schlussfolgerungen in Bezug auf das Wachstum der Organisation widerspiegeln.
<strong>Marktsegmentierung</strong> Der Bericht bietet eine umfassende Segmentierung des Weltmarktes für Publishing Subscription Software  basierend auf Umsatz, Einkommen, Wachstumsrate und Marktanteil jedes Segments. Das Programm, der Endbenutzer und die Nation sind die wichtigsten bewerteten Segmente. Mit der richtigen Marktsegmentierung wird die Analyse viel klarer und umfassender. Die Datentabellen und die zugehörigen Grafiken sind im Papier zu sehen, sodass die Analyse leicht verständlich ist. Es ermutigt die Stakeholder, jeden Teilmarkt strategisch in Bezug auf das individuelle Wachstumsmuster und den Marktbeitrag jedes Teilmarktes zu klassifizieren und innovative Erweiterungen, Partnerschaften, neue Produkteinführungen und Marktakquisitionen zu etablieren. Um einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu erlangen, ist es notwendig, den prinzipiellen operativen Ansatz der Konkurrenten, die Marktleistung in der Vergangenheit und das Produkt- und Serviceportfolio zu verstehen, um eine bessere Geschäftsstrategie zu entwickeln.
<strong>Globaler Publishing Subscription Software -Markt nach Produkttyp und nach Anwendungen:</strong>
By Application ( Large Enterprise, SMB,)
By Type ( Cloud based, On premise,)
<strong>Top gelistete Unternehmen:</strong> AdPlugg,<br> Adobe,<br> Kotobee,<br> Magazine Manager,<br> Publishing Software Company,<br> Flynax Classifieds Software,<br> Digital Publishing Software,<br> SubHub,<br> Joomag,<br> AdvantageCS,<br> Multipub,<br>
<strong>Gründe, diesen Bericht zu kaufen:</strong> Der Bericht enthält umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur Wettbewerbslandschaft von Publishing Subscription Software . Der Bericht hilft Ihnen bei der Identifizierung und Analyse von Mikro- und Makrofaktoren, die das Marktwachstum beeinflussen und beeinflussen werden. Der Bericht enthält eine detaillierte Liste der wichtigsten Marktteilnehmer, die auf dem Publishing Subscription Software -Markt tätig sind. Es enthält eine eingehende Analyse der verschiedenen Marktsegmente wie Typ, Größe, Anwendungen und Endbenutzer.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/checkout/?currency=USD&type=single_user_license&report_id=65778>Do Inquiry Before Purchasing Publishing Subscription Software  Market  Report</a></strong>
<strong>Die Forschung liefert Antworten auf die folgenden zentralen Fragen</strong> Wie hoch ist die geschätzte Wachstumsrate des Marktes für den Prognosezeitraum 2021–2028? Wie groß wird der Markt im geschätzten Zeitraum sein? Was sind die wichtigsten treibenden Kräfte für die Gestaltung des Schicksals des Publishing Subscription Software -Marktes im Prognosezeitraum? Wer sind die wichtigsten Marktanbieter und welche Erfolgsstrategien haben ihnen geholfen, auf dem Publishing Subscription Software -Markt stark Fuß zu fassen? Was sind die wichtigsten Markttrends, die die Entwicklung des Publishing Subscription Software -Marktes in verschiedenen Regionen beeinflussen?
<strong>Regionale Analyse</strong> Die Untersuchung bietet eine detaillierte Aufteilung des Publishing Subscription Software -Marktes. Bei der Untersuchung untersuchte Schlüsselfragmente umfassen Produkt, Typ, Endbenutzer und Geografie. Mit Hilfe von Tabellen wird eine umfassende Untersuchung von Geschäften, Einkommen, Entwicklungsrate und einem Marktanteil jedes Produkts, Typs, Endbenutzers und Geografies für den bemerkenswerten Zeitrahmen und den geschätzten Zeitrahmen angeboten. Der Markt wird ortsabhängig untersucht und die Wettbewerbslandschaft in jedem Bereich wird referenziert. Zu den untersuchten Ländern der Untersuchung gehören Nordamerika (USA, Kanada und Mexiko), Europa (Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Russland und Italien), Asien-Pazifik (China, Japan, Korea, Indien und Südostasien), Südamerika (Brasilien, Argentinien, Kolumbien), Naher Osten und Afrika (Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Ägypten, Nigeria und Südafrika). Dieses Wissen hilft, Systeme zu entwickeln und neue Gelegenheiten zu schaffen, um außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
<strong>Anpassung des Berichts:</strong> Den maßgeschneiderten Bericht erhalten Sie von unserer Beratungsfirma zu einem günstigen Preis. Wir liefern aktualisierte Informationen entsprechend den Anforderungen der Kunden in der Marktwelt.
<strong>Leistungen:</strong> 1. Gut aktualisierte Informationen. 2. Statistischer Bericht bereitgestellt. 3. Rabattangebot in der Anpassung. 4. Service auf globaler Ebene. 5. Unternehmensforschungsbericht zur Verfügung gestellt.
<strong>Dienstleistungen:</strong> 1. Fachkundige Analysten zu Ihren Diensten. 2. Service nach Ihren Bedürfnissen 3. Klärung Ihrer Anfragen. 4. Ganztägiger Service 5. Gut aktualisierter Bericht.
<strong> <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/publishing-subscription-software-market>Full Report Summary of Publishing Subscription Software  Market </a></strong>
<strong>Über Statistify Market Research</strong> Statistify Market Research ist als Rahmen für die Verwaltung des Marktforschungsprojekts konzipiert. Statistify Market Research zielt auf einige grundlegende Forschungstechniken der explorativen Forschung, der deskriptiven Forschung und der Gelegenheitsforschung ab. In der explorativen Forschung werden Tiefeninterviews und Diskussionsgruppen eingesetzt, um ein Problem und eine Lösung zu finden. Die deskriptiven Forschungsmethoden umfassen persönliche Interaktion und Umfragen, die verwendet werden, um den Zustand auf dem Markt zu kennen. Die Ursachenforschung wird durch die Untersuchung geleitet und dient der Erprobung der Schritte und ihrer Auswirkungen.
<strong>Company Name - Statistify Market Research</strong> Office Address - 156, Sector 9 Vasundhra Aptts Rohini, New Delhi 110085 IN Telephone Numbers - (+44) 162-237-1047 (+44) 162-237-1047 Email ID - <a href="mailto:[email protected]"><strong>[email protected]</strong></a> Contact Us – <a href="https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/contact-us/"><strong>https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/contact-us/</strong></a>
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dontfollowmeimoved-blog · 8 years ago
200-1 (all of them LOL)
200: My crush’s name is: idk yet
199: I was born in: august
198: I am really: meme
197: My cellphone company is: verizon
196: My eye color is: turquoise silver
195: My shoe size is: id rather not
194: My ring size is: idk
193: My height is: 5′7
192: I am allergic to: milk
191: My 1st car was: im not old enof
190: My 1st job was: iM NOT OLD ENOF
189: Last book you read: the land of stories 2
188: My bed is: blue, purple, and shiny
187: My pet: luna (cat) ginger (dog)
186: My best friend: so many i cant even name them-can u blame me im 2 famous
185: My favorite shampoo is: herbal essence
184: Xbox or ps3: both
183: Piggy banks are: yes
182: In my pockets: i dunt has pockets
181: On my calendar: i dont hav one
180: Marriage is: ok
179: Spongebob can: food
178: My mom: is nice
177: The last three songs I bought were? top songs
176: Last YouTube video watched: steven bomb episodes
175: How many cousins do you have? 4
174: Do you have any siblings? yes
173: Are your parents divorced? no? yes? eugh??
172: Are you taller than your mom? as tall
171: Do you play an instrument? piano and my voice
170: What did you do yesterday? http://bleuybleu.tumblr.com/post/155548979754/elvenchild319-bleuybleu-elvenchild319 this
[ I Believe In ] :steve
169: Love at first sight: yes
168: Luck:yes
167: Fate:yes
166: Yourself:yes
165: Aliens:yes
164: Heaven:yes
163: Hell:yes
162: God:yes
161: Horoscopes:kinda
160: Soul mates:yes
159: Ghosts:yes
158: Gay Marriage:YES
157: War:yes
156: Orbs:yes
155: Magic:yes
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses:both
153: Drunk or High:beyonce
152: Phone or Online:online
151: Red heads or Black haired:either
150: Blondes or Brunettes:either
149: Hot or cold:cold
148: Summer or winter: winter
147: Autumn or Spring: spring
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chOCOLAYtE
145: Night or Day: day
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: both
142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk
140: Mac or PC: mac
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke
136: Hillary or Obama: neither
135: Burried or cremated: burried
134: Singing or Dancing: singing
133: Coach or Chanel: coach
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who?
131: Small town or Big city: either
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manipedi
127: East Coast or West Coast: east
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: crEEMAHh
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate
124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY
123: Yankees or Red Sox: i dont like sports unless im playing them
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: 👍
121: George Bush:👎
120: Gay Marriage:👍👍👍
119: The presidential election:👍
118: Abortion:👎
117: MySpace:👍
116: Reality TV:👍
115: Parents:👍
114: Back stabbers:👎👎👎👎
113: Ebay:👍
112: Facebook:👍
111: Work:👎
110: My Neighbors:👍
109: Gas Prices:👎👎👎👎
108: Designer Clothes:👍
107: College:👍
106: Sports:👍
105: My family:👍
104: The future:👍👍👍👍
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: yesterday
102: Last time you ate: ....
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: yesterday
100: Cried in front of someone:i dont remember
99: Went to a movie theater: yesterday
98: Took a vacation: winter break
97: Swam in a pool: summer
96: Changed a diaper: oh boy
95: Got my nails done: last week
94: Went to a wedding: never
93: Broke a bone: never
92: Got a piercing: 2 years ago
91: Broke the law: yesterdayy
90: Texted: uhhh
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my best friends
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my family
87: The last movie I saw: Sing!
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: school
85: The thing im not looking forward to: homework
84: People call me: bleuy
83: The most difficult thing to do is: life
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no
81: My zodiac sign is: virgO
80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom
79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: school friens
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday
76: Right now I am talking to: nobody
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: nothing
74: I have/will get a job: yes
73: Tomorrow: school
72: Today: last day of winter break
71: Next Summer: sleep
70: Next Weekend: probably a sleepover
69: I have these pets: dog and cat
68: The worst sound in the world: crying children
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my parents
66: People that make you happy: you guys
65: Last time I cried: yesterday
64: My friends are: amazign
63: My computer is:amazign
62: My School: ok
61: My Car My Bike: cool
60: I lose all respect for people who: dont respect me
59: The movie I cried at was: into the woods
58: Your hair color is: sandy blonde
57: TV shows you watch: disney channel (IM STILL A KID)
56: Favorite web site: tumblr n’ youtube
55: Your dream vacation: hm
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: head surgery
53: How do you like your steak cooked: mettatons face
52: My room is: blue
51: My favorite celebrity is: hm
50: Where would you like to be: at the beach
49: Do you want children: ye
48: Ever been in love: yes
47: Who’s your best friend: sO MANY I CANT EVEN NAME THEM-
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: art
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my interweb friends
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: wha
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no
41: Have you pre-named your children: kinda
40: Last person I got mad at: my mom (the incident)
39: I would like to move to: the beach
38: I wish I was a professional: artist
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: hershey’s
36: Vehicle: whe
35: President: hhhh
34: State visited: idaho
33: Cellphone provider: veri-zon??
32: Athlete: idk
31: Actor: im an actor
30: Actress: ^^^
29: Singer: eh-i sing?
28: Band: top
27: Clothing store: hm… idk
26: Grocery store: ikea fkr
25: TV show: idk
24: Movie: disney
23: Website: tumblr
22: Animal: owl
21: Theme park: disneyland (nevr been to world)
20: Holiday: cREEEMAH
19: Sport to watch: i dont-
18: Sport to play: all of them
17: Magazine: hmm
16: Book: hp
15: Day of the week: friday durr
14: Beach: BEAxch
13: Concert attended: never been
12: Thing to cook: food
11: Food: spaghetti
10: Restaurant: all of them
9: Radio station: m
8: Yankee candle scent: hm
7: Perfume: rose
5: Color: blue
4: Talk show host: mtt
3: Comedian: mtt
2: Dog breed: dunno
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Did I?
5 notes · View notes
gossipent · 5 years ago
Report: Actress Pamela Anderson is ready to marry again
Report: Actress Pamela Anderson is ready to marry again
Actress Pamela Anderson is set to marry again. In an interview to the New York Times magazine, Pamela talked about their failed relationship, and reported that she was looking forward to marry again in the coming years, according to a report by Female First Dot.
Pamela when asked if she wants to marry again? The actress said, absolutely! Just one more time. Oh God, just one more time. Talking…
View On WordPress
0 notes
watchingtrend · 5 years ago
21 Rare Pics of Bollywood Auditions in 1951 - How Were Done
21 Rare Pics of Bollywood Auditions in 1951 – How Were Done
Here are some of Rare Pics of Bollywood Auditions in 1951
A R Kardar (Abdul Rashid Kardar) was director of famous movies like Shahjehan (1946), Dillagi (1949), Dulari (1949), Dil Diya Dard Liya (1966) etc.
Life magazine posted these photos photographed in 1951 with the aid of photojournalist James Burke even as Veteran Bollywood movie director Abdul Rashid Kardar of Kardar Productions is taking…
View On WordPress
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zibizuba · 5 years ago
var h12precont = 'h12c_300x250_' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000); document.write(' <div id="' + h12precont + '">'); (h12_adarray = window.h12_adarray || []).push({"adcontainer":h12precont,"placement":"c9d6b99f00114c5a436a0f497c7bb182","size":"300x250","type":"standard","width":"300","height":"250","name":""}); </div>
From incomes PhDs to beginning small companies, listed here are the neatest, geekiest and most pushed porn stars of all time. Porn Stars are sometimes derided for being unintelligent and shallow, however let’s be sincere, they have been good sufficient to make a dwelling at one thing all of us do free of charge. These girls have been profitable academically in addition to financially, from founding succesful enterprises exterior of the porn trade to main an Oxford debate group to victory. These 13 grownup movie actresses show they’ve huge brains to match their different massive belongings.
  Sasha Gray
Right here’s a video of Sasha Gray describing her 5 favourite movies.
Solely in her early 20s, Sasha Gray has starred in over 170 grownup movies.
She’s been on numerous packages all through tv and the web defending her life-style and people who select it. She has been quoted as saying that she’s by no means completed something she didn’t need to do.
How is she clever sufficient to be on this checklist? Effectively, she turned to p*********y as an artwork type. She says she used to look at it when she was in school and used it to m********e, and was an enormous fan, however at all times felt like one thing was “lacking” from it.
Her distinctive model of name-calling and vocal reactions to what’s taking place in each one in all her scenes are what she describes as a type of “psychological warfare” she wages on her co-stars and the viewers with the intention to problem all of them.
Along with her profitable grownup movie profession, she’s additionally starred in mainstream director Stephen Soderberg’s movie The Girlfriend Expertise and even has her personal band.
She has since used her recognition to herald such causes because the Individuals for the Moral Therapy of Animals’ initiative for animal contraception.
Shy Love
Shy Love has starred in over 250 grownup movies throughout her profession.
She legitimately graduated highschool on the age of 16, then earned a bachelor’s diploma and two Masters Levels. She received her Bachelor’s diploma in Accounting, then received her Grasp’s Diploma in Accounting instantly afterward.
Quickly after, she grew to become the comptroller of a multi-national pet pharmaceutical firm in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And through her employment there, she discovered the time to take evening lessons to earn her second Grasp’s Diploma in Taxation. By the age of 25, she was an authorized public accountant, which implies she’s in all probability REALLY enjoyable at events.
She’s at the moment a expertise supervisor, as she even began her personal expertise administration company.
  Asia Carrera
To not be mistaken with Wayne’s World’s Tia Carrera, Asia Carrera was born in New York Metropolis and studied piano as a toddler (which might be the place she will get her quick fingers). She was so good at this, in reality (the piano enjoying), that she carried out at Carnegie Corridor TWICE earlier than even turning 15.
She’s starred in over 275 grownup movies in her profession (as well as some mainstream films) and has as IQ of 156. She additionally attended Rutgers College from which she earned a full scholarship, the place she double-majored in Enterprise and Japanese. She was also an avid Woman’s Basketball fan.
She by no means fairly completed her full diploma, although, as a result of she made more cash on the stripping job she had throughout school and in accordance with her simply “had extra enjoyable” and, in accordance with Cyndi Lauper, that’s all women need to do anyway, so the whole lot appeared to work out.
She’s gone on to personal the rights to a few of her most well-known movies, together with “A is for Asia”, and has turn out to be one of the crucial well-known grownup movie stars of all time.
She’s the self proclaimed “nerd of porn” and is an avid participant of Unreal Event (a well-liked First-Individual-Shooter recreation). She even went so far as designing her personal recreation skins.
Her gamertag is megabitchgoddess, for anybody who’s .
You could acknowledge her from the pretend porn movie in The Large Lebowski (Not to be confused with the Real Porn version of the Fake Big Lebowski) or from the motion figures of her which are bought in some novelty shops.
On this video: Asia’s rocky journey to success, fueled primarily by her clever survival.
Jenna Jameson
Jenna Jameson is extensively thought-about probably the most profitable lady in porn. (As well as starring in mainstream films.)
Whereas her educational profession isn’t a lot to marvel at now we have to provide credit score to the lady who nearly single handedly introduced porn into the mainstream. She owns a number of companies and constructed up, then bought to Playboy, an enormously worthwhile manufacturing firm in ClubJenna (that has over $30 million in income, with no less than half of that being revenue).
The largest cause for Jenna Jameson making this checklist, although, is her debating abilities. In 2001, the Oxford Union debating society invited Jameson to come back to Oxford to debate a proposed British legislation towards pornography. Shockingly, she led her facet to victory, successful the controversy 204 to 27.
She’s additionally taken Invoice O’Reilly to activity for a few of his hypocritical methods. Right here’s a youtube video of her look on his present, Jenna Jameson on Bill O’Reilly . Later, in February 2003, Pony Worldwide deliberate to characteristic her as one in all a number of porn stars in commercials for athletic footwear. This plan was attacked by O’Reilly, then Jameson despatched a sarcastic e-mail to the present, writing:
“I hope Invoice understands the distinction between a porn star and a hooker. I assume he has completed some analysis on the topic as a result of he requested a few of my movies after we completed taping my look. I think about he needed them for skilled causes.”
Jenna Jameson for the win.
A.J. Bailey
The Scottish 29-year-old blonde holds a Bachelor’s Diploma in Anthropology and studied artwork at St Andrews, the highest Scottish college attended by Prince William.
Whereas she attended the college and was in MBA programs with a few of Prince William’s associates, she received her first unfold in Hustler journal.
She’s admitted that she spends plenty of her free time studying Tolstoy and Oscar Wilde.
“I fairly like being referred to as the world’s brainiest porn star… it’s a cliche that every one porn stars are airheads.”
Laurie Wallace
Scottish grownup movie actress Laurie Wallace graduated Summa C*m Laude (should not… make… joke) with a double main in German and Political Science from Loyola Faculty in Maryland. She later attended legislation faculty at George Washington College.
She was additionally an intern on Okay Road, a middle for numerous suppose tanks and advocacy teams situated in Washington D.C.
She later moved on to modeling and intelligently moved onto p*********y afterward, as a result of that was (clearly) her calling. She used the pull from her modeling profession to make appearances in Maxim, FHM, many nationwide commercials and over 300 romance novel covers.
She’s undoubtedly somebody who might have stayed a scholar, and will have turn out to be a really profitable, well-connected lawyer, however CHOSE one other occupation she simply occurred to get pleasure from extra. And for that, we salute her.
Nina Hartley
Coming from Buddhist mother and father, Nina Hartley began working in strip golf equipment throughout her sophomore yr of nursing faculty to help herself. She graduated magna c*m laude (should not… make… joke….) from San Francisco State College’s nursing faculty, and is a registered nurse.
Considered one of her greatest quotes is: “Intercourse isn’t one thing males do to you. It isn’t one thing males get out of you. Intercourse is one thing you dive into with gusto and prefer it each bit as a lot as he does.” She’s a widely known intercourse educator and sex-positive feminist.
Earlier than Jenna Jameson’s rise to fame, she was just about THE go-to eloquent, well-spoken spokesperson FOR p*********y. She even appeared on Oprah Winfrey defending the topic in entrance of dozens of offended girls within the viewers.
She can also be a extremely skilled and clever intercourse educator and teaches through a sequence of “Information to…” movies that just about cowl your complete spectrum of sexuality. She has a “Tips on how to” video on how you can do absolutely anything and can educate you and your accomplice to do all that stuff you’ve at all times been afraid to do.
Joanna Angel
Joanne Angel will not be solely a star, however is a director and author of the grownup movies she stars in, which is scorching.
Even hotter nonetheless, she has a Bachelor of Arts diploma in English Literature with a minor in Movie Research from Rutgers College.
Like Asia Carrera, she enrolled in Rutgers College. She earned her B.A. in English Literature and minored in Movie Research.
She’s extraordinarily effectively spoken and really eloquent, in addition to knowledgeable about her commerce. Her writing has been featured in magazines and newspapers akin to The New York Instances. She even wrote a intercourse recommendation column for widespread music journal Spin.
Right here’s a video of her views on the evolution of p*********y and what impact the web has had on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGsKytQ7g5A
Right here’s her discovered perspective on the demise of reputable sexual contacts on Craigslist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhShhLRnb24
T. J. Hart
T.J. Hart graduated with a triple main in psychology, sociology and artwork, with a minor in early childhood training from the College of Colorado.
She was additionally member of the 1988 US Olympic swim group.
Beat THAT, anybody you’ve ever dated.
Lorelei Lee
A graduate pupil at NYU, Lorelei Lee, 28, is a well-known porn star who has managed being a pupil and grownup movie star for nearly 10 years.
(To not be mistaken with the wrestler)
Lorelei is a 2008 graduate from San Francisco State College. She enrolled at NYU’s artistic writing program.
Regardless of a lot criticism, she continues to juggle each her grownup skilled profession AND her grueling educational duties/schedule.
It is a image of her being studious (superior, proper? You haven’t any concept how exhausting it’s to search out clothed footage of her).
Beneath is a video.
Most of her work is predicated on her expertise within the grownup leisure trade. She’s even been featured in NYDailyNews, the place she informed the reporter that she “isn’t fairly positive what [she] desires to do after she graduates, however [she] doesn’t count on to go away the porn trade.” She says, “I nonetheless do get one thing out of my work in porn; I feel I’m good at it, the flexibility to concentrate on what’s taking place proper at that second. In these fields, you must have plenty of private drive.” (Giggity).
Right here’s an interview along with her discussing her grownup and educational profession: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZGjPG9gubs
Lisa Sparks
This pornstar who holds a world file for having intercourse with 919 males within the house of a day has a Grasp of Arts diploma in Multimedia with a minor in Enterprise from the College of Kentucky.
She even began her personal associates program through her private web site which receives tens of 1000’s of tourists a day. This program she developed permits her to maintain over 50-65% of preliminary gross sales from her adverts/web site. She runs the positioning, and her personal manufacturing firm (together with filming, casting, and so forth.) along with her husband.
Simply as a facet be aware, she received the world file throughout the Third Annual World Gangbang Championship and Eroticon in 2004. That’s proper, you learn it proper, these exist.
Right here’s an fascinating interview (NSFW) about her profession and her experiences within the trade, completed shortly after her world file: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ0nx76DiWo&feature=related
Annie Sprinkle
Annie Sprinkle is the primary porn star identified to have earned a Ph.D.
She earned her doctorate in Human Sexuality from the Institute for Superior Research of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, California.
Her work spans over three a long time and is at the moment being studied at many universities all through the U.S. in departments akin to Ladies’s Research, Movie Research and Theater Historical past. She’s additionally a college member at The New Faculty of Erotic Contact. So, for sure, she’s 100% a PRO.
Right here’s an fascinating video on Annie’s distinctive have a look at sexuality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S49VQSg1aVQ&feature=related
Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy, the world file holder for many appearances in grownup movies, truly was once a instructor. Earlier than he received into the p*********y trade, he was making nice use of his bachelor’s diploma in Schooling and Theatre and his Grasp’s Diploma in Particular Schooling from Queens Faculty in New York.
He’s since been famous as one of the crucial distinguished faces of the p*********y/grownup trade and has even been invited to deal with the Oxford Union, a debating society whose membership normally comes completely from both college students or alums of Oxford College. His speech, which defended p*********y, was well-received by critics and students alike.
Since then, he started a sequence of comparable debates on p*********y, visiting numerous U.S. and Canada college and school campuses as a part of his 2006 “Porn Debate Tour”.
He’s additionally helped open a Membership Sesso (which I imagine means “brains” (in meat type) in Spanish) situated in downtown Portland, Oregon.
Hooked up is a 3-part debate Ron Jeremy held at Laurentian College.
In regards to the writer: Viral Luck
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celebjar · 5 years ago
Elsa Hosk – Photoshoot for Grazia Magazine Italy, November 2019
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Elsa Hosk – Grazia Magazine Italy, November 2019 Elsa Hosk – Photoshoot for Grazia Magazine Italy, November 2019
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