#id look at it and just go 'hell YEAH we're crushing it'. (reader i was not crushing it ever)
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gloriousmonsters · 6 months ago
sometimes i'm like. am i actually a narcissist? just for a moment. then i remember that from the ages of like 12-19 i eschewed all other photographs or more normal forms of decoration to keep a framed photo of myself on either my desk or my bedside table where i could look at it constantly. cuz i thought i looked cute and confident and no it did not occur to me i might like to have a photo of like, a family member or some cool trees or something i just took like 7 years to go huh wait other people don't keep a photograph of themselves on their desks? what do you do when you want to look at yourself go all the way to a mirror??? anyway it wasn't realizing this was unusual that made me stop the photo just got water damage
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barnesandrogersfanfics · 6 years ago
Unexpected Arrival - 2
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn't exciting enough.... an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
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When the team got back from their mission Natasha went straight to Y/N’s room to check on her. When she opened the door and found the bed empty she started to panic, she had told her to go see Bruce if she got any worse.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y where's Y/N?" Nat asked the A.I.
"Agent Y/L/N was taken to medical by Captain Rodgers and Mr Stark"
"Shit!" Nat cursed as she turned and started running towards the medical floor.
"Nat? Whats going on?" Bucky asked seeing her running towards him.
"Y/N was taken to medical! I knew there was something wrong with her before we left! I should've trusted my gut and taken her there myself!"
"Well lets go check on her then" he said getting into the elevator with Nat.
Nat rushed out of the elevator and saw Tony and Bruce standing at one of the doors looking in while they spoke quietly to eachother.
"Hey, what happened is she okay?" Nat asked quickly wanting answers.
"Shes fine, we handled the situation" Tony said truthfully "did you not get my message? I tried calling you"
"My phone got trashed in the fight...."
"Its been an interesting night lets just start there" Bruce said running a hand through his hair.
"Interesting is the biggest understatement of the year Banner! It was literally the shock of a lifetime!! Especially for that girl in there" Tony said pointing towards the room behind him.
"Does someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on??" Nat snapped.
"You should probably take a look for yourself.... you’d never believe me otherwise".
Natasha walked over quickly, as she looked into the room Y/N was sleeping soundly.... Steve was sat in the chair next to her..... with a baby??!!
"What the fuck...... she.... she was pregnant???" Nat said turning to face the men behind her.
"What??" Bucky asked walking over to see for himself.... when he saw Steve holding the tiny baby in a yellow blanket he turned to the others looking horrified.
"Yep, a healthy baby girl. Born at 04:34am weighing 5lb 9oz delivered by yours truly!" Tony said sounding pleased of himself.
"How is that possible..... theres no way...." Nat was saying quietly to no one in particular.
"If you’re this shocked, can you imagine how shes feeling?" Bruce said nodded towards the room.
"Is it Steve's?" Nat asked seeing him holding the tiny baby and smiling.
"They say its not, she wont tell us who the father is until shes had a chance to tell him first"
"So she didnt know she was pregnant?" Bucky asked from beside Nat, his eyes glued to the tiny baby in Steves arms.
"Not a clue. She thought she had bad stomach flu" Bruce answered looking over her chart.
"She had been sick, she told me she thought it was stomach flu before we left. This is huge!"
"No shit" Tony rolled his eyes "she's gonna be out for a while, you want me to call you when she wakes up?"
"Yeah that would be good" Nat nodded
"I'm gonna check in with Steve quickly and make sure he’s okay" Bucky said and walked toward the room.
"just keep it down i don't want her waking up yet, shes had a tough night"
"Sure" Bucky nodded and headed inside.
Steve looked up when he heard the door open and smiled at his best friend.
"Guess you guys heard about the unexpected visitor we had" Steve said looking down at the baby in his arms.
"Yeah.... they just told us.... a..are they both okay?"
"Yeah they’re both perfect. Y/N is wiped out but after what she went through i cant say i blame her. It was amazing Buck!"
"You were there?... for the birth?"
"Yeah she wouldn't let me leave" he chuckled "that woman has got one hell of a grip i tell ya! Nearly crushed my hands. And this little lady..... i cant stop staring at her Buck! Shes so tiny and perfect. Look!" Steve motioned for Bucky to come and take a closer look at the baby.
"Wow.... shes beautiful! Look at her tiny little hands...."
"She keeps making the cutest little cooing sounds i swear my heart is melting for this kid" Steve gushed as Bucky pulled up a seat "You wanna hold her?" Steve offered his friend.
"No.... no i might hurt her" he said looking down at his metal arm.
"You wont, it'll be fine. Besides i really need to go to the bathroom"
"Oh... Okay" he said letting out a shaky breath as Steve stood up and passed him the baby.
"You good?" Steve asked checking with Bucky before he left.
"Yeah.... i got her" he nodded settling the baby in his flesh arm.
"I'll be right back" Steve assured him before slipping out quietly.
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The room was quiet as i slowly opened my eyes, i could already sense there was someone else in here with me but just assumed it was Steve still. When i turned to look i was shocked to see Bucky sitting in the chair holding the baby.
"Hey..... you’re back" i said quietly so i didn't surprise him.
"Hey, Yeah we got back about an hour ago" he replied with a small smile "you had a busy night huh?"
"You could say that" i said pulling myself up in the bed so i was sitting up against the pillows.
"She's perfect Y/N" Bucky stated looking down at the yellow bundle in his arms.
"Yeah she is" i agreed "Buck....she's yours" I added quickly, there was no easy way to tell him that he was a dad "you know that right?"
"I had a feeling she might be" he nodded slowly and gave me a smile. Bucky seemed surprisingly calm about the whole thing actually.
"I swear i had no idea i was pregnant! I would've told you if i did. Having this dropped on you is huge.... i mean we're not even together! It was a one time thing and now we're parents!" I rambled away nervously "i was still going on missions for christ sake!"
"Y/N you didn't know, of course you'd still go on missions"
"I don't expect you to be okay with this, i can do this on my own.... no one needs to know shes yours, if thats what you want?"
"Is that what you want?" Bucky asked looking at me with sad eyes.
"No! Of course i want you to be apart of her life.... she needs her dad too. Im not ashamed to tell people she's yours Buck" i added knowing that was what he was really asking. He was asking if i was embarrassed about people finding out i had slept with him "but if you’re not ready for this i completely understand, i wont pressure you into it".
"Hey, you’re awake" Steve said smiling as he walked back into the room again interrupting whatever conversation i was having with Bucky.
"Yeah" i nodded with a quick smile before looking over at Bucky holding our daughter.....It really was a beautiful sight, he was being so careful with her. Steve must have noticed something in the way i looked at Bucky and Bucky was looking at his daughter because he suddenly let out an "oh my god....".
Bucky and i both looked up at him with wide eyes "what?" We said in unison waiting for Steve to tell us what was wrong.
"Is.... is she...." he pointed at Bucky and looked at you for confirmation.
"Yeah, she's Bucky's" i confirmed casually trying my best to act like this wasn't a huge deal.
"I didn't even know you two were a thing.....you never said anything Buck?"
"We're not together Steve thats why he never said anything" i said to save Bucky having to explain to his friend.
"So it was just a one time thing?"
"Yeah" i said with a shrug, i was trying my hardest to kept my shit together and keep calm. Keep my heart from trying to explode from my chest, i was pretty sure the two super soldiers could hear my heart racing though.
"Hey Steve, could you ask Nat to bring me a change of clothes down i really need to take a shower i feel disgusting" i said changing the subject before it became any more awkward.
"Sure, i know shes waiting to see you and meet this one here" he nodded to the baby in Bucky's arms "speaking of.... shes gonna need a name, have you thought about it yet?"
"Not yet, i don't want to rush into it and regret it. Parents normally have 9 months to decide on a name not 9 hours"
"Fair point" Steve chuckled "i'll go get Nat for you".
"Thanks.....hey Steve?" i called getting his attention as he reached the door.
"Thank you for being there for me today, it means a lot"
"Of course" he blushed before leaving me alone with Bucky and our daughter.
"I wish i could've been there" he said quietly "I'm sorry doll".
"Its fine, we didn't know what was going to happen Buck".
He nodded slowly but looked kinda sad that he had missed it, or maybe it was because Steve had been there and not him.
"I should go and let you get some rest"
"You can stay, you can watch her while i take a shower if you want?"
"You don't mind? You trust me with her?"
"Of course i do! Buck you’re her dad you’re not going to let anything happen to her".
"Id die before i let anything happen to her" he stated staring lovingly at her.
"See" i said with a chuckle "ive got nothing to worry about. Well almost nothing"
"What do you mean?"
"I have nothing for her, no clothes, diapers....no nursery. All i can do is feed her right now. Tony said he'll take care of it all but i feel bad leaving it all to him"
"He’s probably enjoying it doll you know what he’s like"
"Yeah i know, i just wish i had had time to do all that stuff myself"
"You would've kept her then? If you had found out you were pregnant?"
"I would" i nodded happily and truthfully.
A knock on the door pulled my attention and i turned to see Nat making her way in with a bag.
"Hey sweetheart, i leave you alone for a couple of hours and you go and have a baby?"
"Yeah sorry about that, who knew?" I laughed as she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight squeeze.
"Let me see!" She cooed as she walked over to Bucky to get a good look at the tiny bundle in his arms.
"Oh my god shes so precious! Absolute perfection. Y/N.... Can i hold her?"
Bucky looked like he didn't want to part with her but eventually handed her over to Nat gently.
"Hey I'm your auntie Nat. Uncle Bucky doesnt get to hog all the cuddles does he" she said rocking the baby gently.
"Erm about that Nat..... its not Uncle Buck.... she's his daughter"
Nat looked up at me with wide eyes and then looked at Bucky "what?? When did that happen??!" She said loudly causing the baby to stir slightly "shhhh im sorry baby girl go back to sleep" she said quietly.
"I'll give you two a few minutes to talk, i'll come back to watch our girl while you take your shower"
"Thanks Buck" i smiled and watched him leave the room.
"Sooooo, spill! You never told me you and Barnes were a thing!"
"We're not a thing, it was just the once"
"When?? You didn't even tell me you two slept together! We're supposed to be best friends!"
"You remember that mission we went on, the one where we had to stay at that safe house for the night to make sure they weren't tailing us?"
"Yep that would be the one. We were both beat up and were helping each other clean up.... one thing led to another and here we are" i said pointing to my baby daughter in Nat's arms.
"And it was just a one time thing...."
"Yeah, it never happened again. He acted like nothing had happened the morning after so i didn't make a big deal about it. We just carried on as normal" i shrugged.
"Did you want things to change? With you and Bucky i mean"
"Honestly? I was hoping it would" i finally admitted "i had liked him for ages Nat and when we finally.... i thought maybe he felt the same way. But clearly i was wrong"
"Y/N..... you should tell him! You guys have a daughter now"
"Thats not gonna make him suddenly want me Nat" i laughed "it doesn't matter anyway, I've already accepted that we'll only ever be friends" i said as i slowly climbed out of bed to grab the bag that Nat had brought with her.
"Hey be careful!" She said taking a few steps towards me.
"Im fine Nat just a bit sore, i can get out of Bed by myself" i told her as the door opened and Bucky came walking back in.
"take it easy doll, should you even be up and about yet?"
"Guys I'm fine, really" i tried to tell them "i just need a shower"
"Okay, Buck you wanna take your girl and i'll get momma to the shower" Nat said handing over the baby, he soon had his daughter settled against his chest and took a seat again.
"You’re a natural Barnes" Nat said sounding surprised walking over to me and taking the bag "lets go get you cleaned up".
"I wont be long Buck, you okay with her?" I asked wanting to make sure he felt comfortable being left alone.
"We're good, go take care of yourself. We'll be waiting for you when you get back" he smiled.
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