#id let kristen stewart throttle me
bird-of-eternia · 1 year
Persephone Anne- Parent Visit
Perry sat across the table from her mother. It was the obligatory parent visit of the week and she had driven 45 minutes to visit for hopefully only an hour.
As her mother talked about the same things she had talked about the last visit, Perry stared at the yellowed paint on the ceiling. The years of chain-smoking by her grandparents had congealed on the walls. In some spots you could see the accumulated cigarette smoke dripping like old molasses.
Perry's parents had tried remodeling but had only gotten half way done in the ten years since the grandparents passed.
"...I'm making her a baby basket. You know the ones made of diapers? I thought it'd be cute." Her mother sat back in her chair, hands folded around a coffee cup, smiling.
"Yeah, I think that's really nice of you." Perry tried. She really tried.
"Yup, I thought so....I love her so much," she chuckled. "Even though she's, you know....with a another girl. She was with a man but then she left him and got back with her ex girlfriend. Even though she's abusive...Liz knows I don't agree with that kinda stuff but she loves me." She took a sip of her coffee. "But oh well, I suppose. I almost made a joke the other day, because they both have the same name, you know Liz and Liz, she walked in and I wanted to say 'oh heres Lizzie the Lezzie.'"
Perry took a sip from the sprite, mildly uncomfortable with the conversation. She imagined the reason why her mother got so excited about her younger friends or employees having babies was because her youngest daughter Persephone Anne was still childless at 28.
She was searching for something to say or a subject to change to when her father interrupted. His most defined talent.
"Look at this for a minute." He tapped around on his tablet for what seemed like forever, then turned it to face Perry.
"Man, this would freak me the fuck out boy!" He pushed his glasses up his nose, readjusting the oxygen tube.
They sat there in silence, except the occasional commentary from her father, and watched a six minute video of a hiker backing away from a cougar.
"....just imagine."
"Suckin, right there man! I woulda freaked out!"
"That's crazy, wow."
Perry tried smiling and attempted to blink the fuzziness from her eyes. "Wow, that's pretty scary...cool though."
"Yeah it is!" He chuckled and brought the tablet back in front of himself.
On the drive back home Perry blasted the stuff she listened to in highschool. Bands like My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and some newer stuff like Yungblud. She yelled along to each song until she started to get a mild headache. The rest of the drive past corn fields, through small towns, and finally back into the city, she thought of Kristen Stewart in the Rolling Stones music video. The one where they danced around at a gas station. She thought about the music video and how crazy attracted to Kristen Stewart she was. What would she say if she met them? Probably choke and embarrass herself. There was no way someone like Kristen Stewart would date someone like Perry. What would her parents think?
'Oh hey, I like women and have a girlfriend now but don't worry she's rich!' Maybe that would ease their minds.
It was okay for Liz, her mother's coworker and 'adopted' daughter, to be gay but it would be a whole different story if Perry came out. An old anger rose up in her chest along with the resentment of Liz. It wasn't the girls fault but the fact Perry's mother gushed about her and her pregnancy made Perry jealous. Especially since she knew that if she came out as pansexual to her folks they would preach the Bible to her, pray for her, tell her she was going to hell...cry probably, but Liz got a free pass because she was kind and had a baby on the way.
She pulled into her usual parking spot in front of her apartment. The ending of Helena by MCR finishing up as she mentally prepared to hoist herself from the car.
Man...Kristen Stewart was fucking hot.
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