#id hate to have to use my connections and talk with folks to ensure he DOESNT get elected again
calling-the-angels · 10 months
If you go to this handy little site (Find my Representative .gov) and look up your address, you find out who your representative is. :)
In light of recent world events, I've decided to stop being so politically sedative (i.e. "it doesn't really affect me") and was curious 1. who my rep even is?? and 2. how they vote.
Turns out my area is hella conservative (shocker) and that my rep is Republican and supporting Isn'treal. He also voted 'Yea' to censuring Rashida Tlaib and 'Yea' to providing more weapons to further the genocide of Palestinians. Are there things he is sponsoring that I support? Yeah, nothing is black and white, folks. Rural issues are still issues he has to work on. However, how else is he to know how his constituents feel about current affairs if no one is letting him know? :)) Him and his staffers are getting messages from me. Might call his team once the office opens Monday as well!
What I'm trying to get at here is that we - as Americans - have gotten really comfortable with voting in a representative and forgetting about them. That's selfish and short-sighted... as our reps have power in global problems we don't as individuals.
I've decided that my rep doesn't get to vote on bills without wondering whether anyone even realizes what he's doing. He'll know, because I'll let him know! :)
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