#icons killian gardiner
moonaedits · 4 years
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fandomiconsx · 4 years
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tansdiary · 6 years
thank you @emily-vole and @melodic-dm-child for tagging me :) — and emily ik it has been ages since you've tagged me, i forgot to get back at it '-'
nickname, height, where i live, nationality, time: it’s a mystery to be solved (by you) :p
sign: gemini
gender: female
relationship status: single
mbti type: infp-t
birthday: 5 june, 2000
favourite bands: i don't have favourites, i like what i like :)
favourite solo artists: i don't do favourites, but taylor swift is my icon!
favourite colour: how can i choose one?? all are so lovely ♡
favourite flower: idk everyone is beautiful in their own way, but sunflowers make me happy, but so do others?? idk really
favourite animal: tiger? bc it stars with t, the same as my name :p it's my ideology since i was little XD — but i really do need a dog! ♡
favourite instruments: idk but i'd love to learn how to play guitar and piano
favourite scent: the earth after it rains
favourite food: depends on my mood :p
favourite fictional character: there are manyyy! drake walker, damien nazario, flynn o' malley all from my roleplay game *-* also, killian gardiner from woee, derek hale and stiles stillinski from teen wolf, daniel salvatore from tvd, eugene and aladdin from disney plus some wattpad characters and the list goes on and on and on.....
dream job: idk there are too many since being a kid, but archaeologist/anthropologist and writer/poet and a social worker and etc etc etc but sadly it's a dream
dream trips: any historical and magical places tbh
cats or dogs: i love dogs more, sorry cats :(
song stuck in my head: taki taki by dj snake and breathing and god is a woman by ariana grande
last movie i watched: i don't remember
last show i watched: some historical shows
top 3 tv shows: i'm not seeing many as of now, so i better not answer
books i'm currently reading: archie comics plus my textbooks XD
last thing i googled: starfish dream interpretation 
lucky number: 5, 42, 2, 25 (idk about lucky)
average hours of sleep: depends
how many blankets i sleep with: one
other blogs: @luredbywords, @magicandfantasies and some more
when i created this blog: 18th march, 2018
following: 245
followers on this blog: 0 followers, 8,455 lovelies  ♡
i further tag, @meaningfulsuggestion @yellowsuggestion @marecalrandomstuff @modern-day-lilith @cottonsuggestions @wisheswisheswishes @comfortingsuggestion @beamingsuggestion @titanicbuff1912 and @ whoever wants to :)
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bonniebird · 7 years
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I do not give my permission to be posted to any third party sites!!!
You can also read these Fics here:
Fic rating guide:
❤️ - Fic contains smut / steamy scenes or mature themes
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💛 - Character or Reader discuss / partake in murder
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Imagines: All my imagines for Killian Gardiner
+ Being Killian’s soulmate
- Requested by: Anon
- Killian Gardiner  x Reader
- Summary:
Fic Rating: 💚
+ Killian gets sick of seeing your boyfriend with other women so he tries to convince you he’d treat you better
- Requested by: Anon
-  Killian Gardiner  x Reader
- Summary:
Fic Rating: 💚
+ Working with Killian
- Requested by: Anon
-  Killian Gardiner x Reader
- Summary:
Fic Rating: 💚
+ Thinking Killian is cheating on you
- Requested by: Anon
- Killian Gardiner  x Reader
- Summary:
Fic Rating: 💚
+ Killian finds out you’re getting married
- Requested by: Anon
- Killian Gardiner x Reader
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Fic Rating: 💚
Oneshots: All my Oneshots for Killian Gardiner
- Requested by: Anon
- Killian Gardiner    x Reader
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Prompts: All my Prompts for Killian Gardiner
Moodboards: All my Moodboards for Killian Gardiner
- Requested by: Anon
- Killian Gardiner  x Reader
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Multi-Chapter fics: All my Multi-Chapter Fics for Killian Gardiner
- Requested by: Anon
- Killian Gardiner  x Reader
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Character Tag: All my posts for   Killian Gardiner
Gifsets: All my Gifsets for Killian Gardiner
Icons: All my Icons for Killian Gardiner
Edits: All my Edits for Killian Gardiner
Fake Texts : All my fake texts for Killian Gardiner
Videos: All my Videos for Killian Gardiner
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Tv show Masterlist
Film Masterlist
Witches of East End Masterlist
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readingfordummies · 8 years
Witches of East End - Chapter Eight
Gift Horse
Excuse me, Ingrid? There's someone here for you," Hudson Rafferty whispered, coming into the back office. The junior librarian raised an eyebrow so that Ingrid would understand this wasn't a usual patron with a question about toddler storytime hours or whether their library fines could be waived (the answer was always "no," so why they even continued to ask, Ingrid could never understand).
"Who is it?" Ingrid asked, taking off the glasses she used to read the fine print in the design elevations.
"I don't know but he is quite attractive," Hudson said in his usual simple way. He preferred patterned vests, engraved cuff links, and bow ties, and was in his seventh year of getting his doctorate in Romance languages at Harvard. Hudson's family practically owned the eastern shore, and truly he did not need a summer internship shelving books. The other librarians joked that he was the world's oldest (he'd just turned thirty) and best-dressed intern; his suits alone cost more than their entire wardrobes. He was demanding in his work and moved very purposely. One could not imagine Hudson running, for instance, or hurrying for any reason, or perspiring. He was a natural amateur, with a width of knowledge on many subjects concerning the humanities and the arts, as well as a seasoned world traveler. Hudson was the one to ask if you needed to know, say, the price of a Ruscha lithograph, where to find the best tapas in Madrid, and whom to call if your hotel in Cairo suddenly "lost" your prepaid reservation. He had "fixers" and a network of acquaintances around the globe and happened to be one of Ingrid's best friends, as they shared a love for theater, opera, and classical music.
"Do excuse me, allergies are bad this year," Hudson said, wiping his nose and coughing. "Well, don't keep the gentleman waiting. Someone else might snatch him up."
For a moment Ingrid thought Hudson was talking about Matt Noble, and she felt irritated that the detective had come back so soon. Surely he couldn't be done with that thousand-page book yet? But when she walked to the front desk the man waiting for her was not Matt.
Killian Gardiner was leaning against the main desk. His gray T-shirt was pocky with holes and his jeans were slung low on his hips. Even in the heat, he was wearing a black motorcycle jacket. He looked like a movie star, with the gold-trimmed aviator shades and the five o'clock shadow. No, not a movie star. Like an icon. He had the kind of face that should be plastered on posters in every teen girl's bedroom. When he saw her he took off his sunglasses and pecked her on the cheek.
"Hi, Killian," she said, trying to add some warmth in her voice. Something about the younger Gardiner brother put her on edge. It wasn't just that he was insanely good-looking; as a rule, Ingrid was uncertain and hostile toward pretty men - she found them vain and selfish. Blake Aland had pretty much confirmed the fact on their first and only date. She preferred homely guys; not that Matt Noble was homely - far from it - which was probably why she felt annoyed with him, since she liked him despite his looks. Handsome men took female adoration as their due, and Ingrid did not take to people who assumed too much.
Killian Gardiner was vain, and it was clear he knew exactly how good he looked, with that dark hair that fell over his eyes just so, and that lean, ripped body underneath the T-shirt and worn out jeans. She could see the carved V shape of his hip muscles jutting above his waistband. When they had met at the party she had asked him what he did, and he'd been purposefully vague. Later she found out it was because he didn't seem to do much of anything. She heard that Killian was a fly-by-night, that he moved with the seasons, he'd run a scuba-diving boat off the coast of Australia, worked as a galley chef on an Alaskan ship. There were other rumors: that he'd gotten a girl pregnant, that he'd been in jail, that he was a drug addict. Whether they were true or not, Ingrid knew that a man that beautiful was definitely Bad News and she didn't expect to hear anything that proved otherwise.
"I thought you had left town already," she said. Hadn't Killian seemed bored and preoccupied at the party? "How can I help you?"
"Actually I'm helping you," he said, picking up an extra-large tote bag and setting it on the table. In the bag were several rolled-up blueprints. "I overheard you asking Bran for them at the engagement party, and I thought I'd drop them off this morning."
"Oh - that's so nice! I didn't expect to get them so quickly! Bran said he had to get back to me - he wasn't sure where they were or if they even existed. How wonderful!" She took the bag, handling it carefully. The library was setting up an exhibition of drawings from the collection that would showcase the design plans of all the important houses in town. As the oldest and most well-known house in the area, Fair Haven was crucial to their catalog. Many architecturally important homes had blueprints lying around somewhere; the former owners kept them in its original condition for the new owners as part of a tradition of handing down a precious object of art.
Ingrid clasped her hands and grinned at Killian, whom she regarded much more warmly this time. What he did with his time was no business of hers, after all. He was free to waste his life on idleness and laziness. "This is going to be so great!"
"Glad to help," Killian said. "I can't wait to hear what you think. It's a really interesting old house, there's a lot of history there. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call." He glanced at the wooden postbox Ingrid kept by the main desk for "Library Donations." "What's this?"
She explained the situation: the city's shortage, the library's uncertain fate at the hands of the city council.
Killian frowned. "You're not going to raise money by keeping a box by the door. You know what you should do, Ingrid, is get them to pay for something only you can provide."
"I'm not really sure I know what you're talking about," Ingrid said, slightly confused. "But thanks for the plans." He really was so charming, she thought, getting the benefit of his smile. So thoughtful, too - to drop off the plans without being asked, and asking about the library as if he truly cared about its future.
"My pleasure," he said, waving a hand. "See you at the hoedown on Saturday?" A hospital charity was throwing a "barn-raiser" that weekend, complete with haystacks and square-dancing, the usual North Hampton summer theme party.
Ingrid shook her head. Freya threw herself into the social scene, but Ingrid liked to stay home to knit, read books, and listen to old songs on her record player. If she ventured outside the home it was usually with Hudson, two hens off to see a Truffaut revival. "I'm not going but I think Freya is."
At the mention of Freya's name Killian perked up. "Is she, now?"
Ingrid nodded. "So you're staying then? For the summer?"
"I think so." Killian nodded. "See what kind of action I can get going around here." He winked. "Don't worry, I'll be good."
"Guess we'll be seeing you around, then." Ingrid nodded.
Killian gave a cheerful good-bye and roared off on his motorcycle, making a huge noise that rattled the windowpanes.
When she returned to the back room, Hudson was waiting for her with his arms crossed. "Well?"
"Well what?"
"Did the handsome young man invite you out? Or did the two of you just exchange phone numbers" - Hudson made air quotes with his fingers - "for a future 'booty call'?" His lips twitched with a smirk. Sometimes Hudson was thirty going on eighty with the way he faux-adopted the language of "the youth," as he called it.
"No!" Ingrid wrinkled her nose. "Course not! He was just dropping off blueprints of Fair Haven. You know, for the show," she said, holding up the bag. "And anyway, he's much too young."
"Oh." Hudson looked disappointed. "Quel dommage. You looked so excited for a moment I believed you had a date." He went back to the card catalog. He had the difficult task of typing in all the archaic information into the computer. After resisting for many years, the library system was finally going digital. He began to type slowly with one delicate finger.
Ingrid shook her head. She checked on the drawing under the steam tent. Once she was done with it she would begin steaming the Gardiner blueprints. The exhibit was scheduled for the end of August, as part of the library gala that usually closed the summer season. The fundraiser would be the library's last hurrah, and all the profits would help offset the costs of moving, if it came down to that.
Caitlin Parker, who had a desk next to Hudson's, pretended not to hear their conversation. Unlike the others, Caitlin did not have a particular attraction for books or design and had fallen into the job almost by accident. She was pleasant and friendly enough, and never gossiped about anybody. Pretty and sweet, like a kindergarten teacher. Ingrid wanted to like Caitlin, there was nothing not to like, but she found her dull. Honestly, the girl was almost too nice; she always let patrons take out the rare books that were not allowed out of the reserve room and she never, ever collected late fees. It drove Ingrid crazy.
The three librarians worked in silence for a while, until Hudson piped up. "So, have you seen her yet?"
"Who?" Ingrid asked.
"Stevie Nicks."
"What do you mean?"
Right at that moment, Tabitha walked in. Her hair was long and loose. She was wearing a long T-shirt, a skirt that swept the floor, and some kind of tunic-like cardigan. The entire effect was not unlike a seventies hippie chick at the beach.
Hudson began humming "Landslide" under his breath.
"What's so funny?" Caitlin asked, looking up from her computer as Hudson giggled and Ingrid smiled broadly. "I don't get it."
"I feel weird," Tabitha admitted, looking self-conscious as she took her seat by the doorway.
"No, you look great. Really," Ingrid told her. She didn't need a pentagram to see that there were no more traces of the silvery menace anywhere around Tabitha; her friend projected health and happiness. Unloosening the knots had done the trick. Already she could see the magic working its way through Tabitha's body, weaving an invisible glow around her, opening her chakras, letting in the air, freeing the spirit, preparing her body and soul to create new life and bring it to the world. She would conceive by midweek.
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moonaedits · 4 years
Killian Gardiner icons please
done! ;)
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