#icons camilo
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world-enchanted · 3 months ago
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toon-tales · 2 years ago
Encanto grandkids!
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Idk i just love this style
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tboycamilo · 2 years ago
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mimi outfits!
drew this ages ago but i just remembered that i kinda love it and never posted it here so. throwback i guess!
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toranoya · 1 year ago
"Hey there, Camilo!" The boy walked up towards the teen, waving at him. He wore a sleeveless red shirt with a humanoid robot on it, blue jeans shorts and sandals
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Camilo smiled and waved as he walked over to Hiro and gave him a hug. "Welcome back to the Encanto, want some food my friend?" Camilo asked with a grin as he shape shifted to Hiro's form. "Hey there Hiro!"
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mazojo · 8 months ago
Eva your mind!!!
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mymanymerrymuses · 1 year ago
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clownmoontoon · 2 years ago
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thinking about camilo’s va in encanto thinking he did so badly during his wdtab verse that disney was sure to recast him when in the end his part became arguably the most iconic part of the most famous disney song of all time
and how perhaps, we shouldnt be so hard on ourselves
we really do not see AT ALL how we come off to other ppl, we’re doing fine
idk ilu guys be kind to yourselves <3
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ellieshyperfixations · 6 months ago
Silly little X-Men hcs!!
This is with X-men 97 in mind!
Logan snores LOUD, like a dad snore. He also sneezes like a dad.
Scott absolutely hates being late to things and will show up 15-30 minutes early regularly (The others have started telling him it’s 15 min later than it actually is bcuz of this)
Jean and Ororo have weekly “sleepovers” where they just kick out Scott to go be with the others so they can spend time together (They’re so sisters)
Jubilee is actually decent at cooking she’s just too lazy to make anything that takes more than an hour.
Kurt will hang upside down from things from his tail for unhealthy periods of time. All that blood stays in his head atp.
Rogue is the second best cook in the house (second to gambit ofc) She’s a southern lady!! Ofc she can cook good (This isn’t just bcuz I’m a southern person myself nooooo)
Gambit is the breakfast guy, he regularly makes breakfast for everyone most days. Ororo takes over on the other days so he isn’t having to do it constantly.
Morph absolutely does what Camilo did in Encanto and shapeshifts into other ppl to get seconds of food.
Beast hears so much of the drama and tea because no one thinks he’s listening or cares. Jubilee is aware of this and has begged him to tell her some specific info. (He always says no.)
Morph is weirdly good at math.
Morph, Rogue, Gambit, Scott and Logan are all bisexual, or at the very least like both men and women (So, could be pansexual, omnisexual, etc)
Rogue, Gambit and Ororo have no fear of storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. One once knocked out the power and they were just acting like nothing was even happening.
Logan listens to so much divorced dad rock and Beast hates it.
Jubilee would 100% be a Chappell Roan fan
Kurt would love Mitski so much, and it would be his top listened to artist absolutely.
Everyone loves Dolly Parton. She’s an icon.
Ororo has one of the dirtiest side eyes possible, she never uses it, but occasionally she’ll hear a guy be a dick to his gf or something and she’s just like 😠👀
Kurt has really good puppy dog eyes, no I will not elaborate.
Jubilee has burn scars on her hands from when she first got her mutation and didn’t know how to handle it.
Jean is banned from cooking. Just. Period.
Logan has absolutely destroyed a couple appliances due to annoyance with them before.
Erik actually likes mystery novels a lot, and read a lot of them, the old man. (As if my dad isn’t literally older)
Logan is a really good artist, like sketching and painting; C’mon! He’s been around for 200+yrs, he’s learned a thing or two.
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jacarandaaaas · 8 months ago
I rewatched the movie last night! here’s a quick summary of my thoughts:
- baby mirabel is so so cute she deserves the world
- “open your eyes” theme introduced!!
- the title card is so majestic we need to talk about it more
- yayyy 15 year old mira let’s go!! the silly!!
- mirabel is still my fave disney protagonist ever she’s so fun to follow her personality is great she’s so multifaceted i will always love her !!!
- the way she knocks on everyone’s doors LMAOOO
- “well US” 😭
- her waving to casita <333
- coffee kid needs to chill
- this whole song slaps
- accordion YEAHH!!
- mirabels iconic rap to avoid talking about herself 😭
- dolores casually saying she didn’t get a gift😭
- osvaldo STOP
- camilo telling jose “nice job over there” as he’s standing doing absolutely nothing himself 💀
- did someone say FLOWERS✨
- mirabels eyeroll at Isa 😭😭
- “our angel our angel!!” felix ily
- “I’m not in the way you ar😠” *walks into a pillar*
- ay agustín😭
- julieta & agustín telling her she has nothing to prove <33
- miras handcrafts <33
- “ i actually made these as a surprise! for you oooh oooohh” 😭
- alma trying to nicely tell mira to leave the decorations alone and mira pretending it doesn’t hurt 😭
- julieta saying to alma it’s gonna be a hard night for mira and alma saying if it doesn’t go well it will be hard for everyone :( and mira overhearing this
- how she knew exactly where antonio would be😭
- the jaguar she made him😭
- “what if it doesn’t work” 💔
- him saying to her I wish you could have a door meaning not a gift but just her own room and privacy aww
- “you don’t have to worry about me” ☹️
- the hug !!!
- the way casita pushes them out from under the bed and you can hear mirabel going “ow ow!” In the background😭
- how gently she brings antonio down to meet his family
- the entire interaction with warm family !!
- how you see antonio’s smile drop as soon as they leave :(
- camilos posture is ASS
- alma saying another steps into the light when mirabel is shown mostly in shadow😭
- the I need you scene still kills me
- mirabel zoning out of the flashback and you can sense the haziness of it
- antonio’s room!!!!
- it’s bigger on the inside!?
- isas smile in this scene <3
- camilo being supportive big brother!!
- dolores thumbs up is so cute and pepa kissing antonio all over is so cute
- agustín almost falling over because parce😭
- “a gift just as special as you” NOOOOO
- how this song starts as reprise of the family madrigal but when she admits she’s not fine it changes to 3/4 time :(
- comparing herself to everyone else
- open your eyes!!!
- love the fact she ends up achieving everything she sings about
- the high note ahhhh
- the cracks scene camera movement is so interesting
- and the sounds too ahh
- antonio’s got MOVES🙏 felix trying to get alma to dance ahhh
- this scene gives me second hand embarrassment I feel so bad for mira
- casita wtf bro
- mira saying she would never ruin antonio’s night because she knows that’s what people are thinking :(
- corn plate moment but I like the subtle noise of the arepa healing her hand
- julieta coddling her but mira rejecting it :(
- bruno lost his way :(
- mirabel super spy era
- alma actually crying here😭
- praying to pedro for guidance ugh my heart
- mirabel deciding this is now her mission
- mirabel and casita being besties!!
- agustín already getting swarmed by the animals💀
- pepa and her coffee <33
- mirabel trying to act all sweet to Dolores but it’s just camilo💀
- dolores mentioning rats talking in the walls ahh I love foreshadowing
- pepas cloud disappearing as soon as felix puts his arm around her😭
- mirabel yapping to luisa (she just wants to eat)
- mirabel oblivious to the fact she’s meant to be paying attention to alma
- YOU DO!!!🫵
- alma getting casita to move her😭
- “mmhmm I will help luisa!” “Stop😠”
- dolores look over at isa before saying the 5 babies like😭
- isa and mira both not looking where the other is going and then isa acting like it was just mirabel💀
- luisa casually lifting a church
- mirabel falling off a wall
- “you’re gonna make me drop a donkey!” (On you)
- mirabel angry stomping is so unserious
- surface pressure time!!!
- the visuals of this song are so good
- the way luisa is saying “can I somehow preserve this” as she’s adjusting mirabels glasses feels like how mirabel in this song represents the family and how luisa is always trying to preserve them
- how in the bridge the landscape is pastel and free of pressure ahhh!! unicorn donkeys and glitter !! (luisa is a girly girl I will believe this until I die)
- how as they get higher up the pressures in the background start building and getting higher in pitch until the drop omg
- casita imagery here!
- dancing donkeys cause she realized mira seemed scared :(
- luisa starting to have a panic attack and mirabel just silently hugging her :(
- luisa you big introverted softie <333
- alma and isa talking about mariano and isabela petals going everywhere :(
- mirabel being nervous because casita can’t help in here
- falling down the sand💀
- pico being sassy and just leaving her😭
- goofy the family madrigal reprise as she’s climbing the stairs lmaoooo
- almost dies swinging across chasm u celebrated too early girl!
- pico judging her😭
- pico hiding in mirabels hair aww
- alma noticing candle flickering as mira is piecing the shards together
- mirabel almost suffocated in sand because she didn’t use the handle on the vault😭
- all the sand details in this animation
- alma looking at mirabel when luisa said she was talking to her💀
- poor luisa 😭😭😭
- alma assuming mirabel did something and mirabel looking hurt by that assumption
- telling her again to stay out of the way 💔
- wdtab is so iconic
- felix dramatic burst in
- his face expressions as pepa is saying not to talk about bruno😭
- BUT!
- mirabel awkwardly dancing because this song vibes
- I’m sorry mi vida go ooonnnnn
- pepa imitating the mischevious grin shes so silly I love her
- felix spinning mirabel transition is underrated that scene is so cool
- dolores part!!
- footsteps as part of the beat ahhh
- how she’s foreshadowing again!
- “do you understand” she doesn’t but it’s ok!!
- camilo just spitting bullshit to try scare her😭
- his dramatic movements
- the villagers heeeyyyyyy line
- dolores going no noooo!!
- fish lady 🗣️🗣️
- mirabels imagination is so foul wym you pictured him with a wig💀
- everyone stopping for isas dramatic entrance
- the lighting here is so pretty
- isas voice!!
- miras face will always kill me here😭
- dolores “I can hear him now” as double meaning omggg I love this movie
- isa saying she wants not a sound out of mirabel and mirabel immediately starts singing out of spite 💀
- I love the time for dinner line
- the table choreography is iconic
- mirabel looking at her family doing this and thinking “wtf”
- luisa struggling to lift the pot :(
- the whole ending sequence omg
- “miraboo got your party pants on!?” I love agustín and his goofy dance as he enters the room
- just another thing mira inherited from him ig since they both do goofy dances😭
- casita being mirabels bff
- the whole animation of her rambling to him is so well done all the movements ahh
- agustín immediatly going let’s pretend this never happened😭
- “I know” their faces😭 dolores is so funny for that
- dolores and mirabels stare off will never not be funny to me
- alma pouring more wine😭
- this whole scene is so stressful and funny
- poor luisa :(
- those damn coatis are so smart
- miras face as she watches everything go to shit :(
- “I HATE YOU👹” isa is so dramatic 😭
- agustín going to comfort luisa <33
- mirabels defiance as it’s the second time she says she’s not doing anything
- rats!!!
- alma in severe denial to the townspeople
- “MIRABEL” 😠⚡️
- mirabel gets jumpscared by bruno
- brunos parkour
- camilo comforting pepa <33
- that wall slam must have hurt so bad😭
- cool slide under and kick out the stair
- mirabel thinking she’s gonna die
- “you’re very sweaty” 😭
- mirabel gets jumpscared by a rat and drops bruno into the void
- nvm lol
- “bye” 😐 he’s so me when I don’t want to talk to people
- mirabel is stubborn and therefore follows him
- mira slamming her elbow into something and going “ow” in the background 💀
- his real gift is acting!! this scene is even funnier after reading her inner monologue in the book😭
- bruno saying the rats are always hungry never satisfied
- the plate scene killed me
- how when she realizes how similar they are she opens up to him :(
- bruno looking over at her when she talks about wanting to make the family proud because he relates so bad
- “everyone always assumes the worst” poor bruno 😭
- “you left to protect me?” mira in disbelief at this will always kill me 💔
- bruno giving her a light shoulder punch as she’s leaving
- “yeah…. YEAH!!”
- I love how u can see her lightbulb moment😭
- mirabel kicking the door down like TIO HOLY FUCK- love ur enthusiasm but omg girl😭
- bruno gets jumpscared by his 15 year old niece
- miras optimism is cute
- “the rats told me everything” I love Antonio <333
- mira saying that bruno desperately needs to get out of the walls and him going “myeah” 😭
- antonio giving bruno the stuffie 😭😭😭
- “family weirdos get a bad rap!” “you can do this” guys I love mirabel
- bruno wanting to give up because every vision turns out bad😭
- julieta grabbing agustíns arm to show she sides w him <3
- Felix angry “yes😠” when supporting Pepa <33
- bruno supporting mirabel same way she supported him ahhh I love their dynamic
- “come visit?” “I’m bringing you home” <333
- with a huuuuggggg
- mirabel looking utterly disgusted as she attempts to apologize to isabela (and her stupid little dance she does)
- go on apologizeee🙏
- mirabel trying to get a hug still is so funny😭 girl she isn’t even looking at you
- isa reaction to the cactus is so cute
- rows and rows of roses is a banger line
- “it just needed to be and they’d let me be!”
- the way isas voice deepens when she says “what else can I do”
- her room is so pretty
- a hurricane of jacarandas!!!
- mirabel casually upside down
- how mira stops interrupting and starts to listen to isa
- “careful it’s carnivorous” ☹️
- miras verse being same tune as isas wdtab verse ahhh
- mira becomes ultimate hype girl
- isas reaction to when the pollen gets on her
- how isa initiates the hug!
- “you’re a bad influence!” awwww
- the argument scene is so well acted it actually hurts me so bad
- how mira is so enthusiastic and gets shot down immediately :(
- the way isa and luisa look to eachother after alma mentions them
- “I will never be good enough for you” oh my heart
- mira is tearing up for most of this argument
- mira defending everyone
- the way her voice cracks when she says “we all LOVE this family”
- almas reaction when she mentions bruno
- almas face when mirabel says the miracle is dying because of you and mirabel in disbelief she just said that
- casita cracking right down the middle ooh symbolic
- corn plate but the vines isa uses to try grab the candle arent the ones she uses in wecid but the same ones she used when she was perfect isa. maybe a subtle way of saying how after what alma said she’s already reverting back to her old self and doesn’t have the confidence to embrace her new self anymore
- casita being mirabels best friend ever
- casita saving miras life <333
- the whisper of “no” when the candle goes out
- casita waving goodbye to her😭😭
- mira being almost in a state of disassociation after casita collapsed
- alma in total shock and probably relieve that night💔
- “let me help you” I love dolores shes so sweet
- pepa telling antonio to not cry😭😭
- the way julieta holds mirabels face here
- her reaction when mirabel is gone😭
- everyone calling for her and the village kids missing her :(
- mirabel crying at the river :(
- “I just wanted to be something I’m not” oh the way she says this 💔
- the transition into dos oruguitas is so smooth
- dos oruguitas is the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing ever💔
- pedro laughing when alma almost falls aww
- how they spent the whole night together stoppp
- the miracle candle being their wedding candle hurts
- pedro’s reaction to triplets😭
- pedro would have been such a good dad😭😭
- how pedro whispers “I love you” to alma in that scene
- almas apology since a lot of people forget this happened 🙏
- butterfly !!!
- mirabel changing what she said in the argument awww
- how they’re both crying here 😭 (same)
- “he sent me you” 😭😭😭
- almas reaction to seeing bruno ahhh
- horse girl mira lets go!!!
- the kids being so happy she’s back and the bell ringing ahhhh
- the way the entire family was lost without mirabel and had no idea what to do so when she returns they just let her take the lead
- how mirabel guides them all inside whilst singing about how everyone wants to shine
- mirabel helping luisa and luisa tearing up <333
- the townspeople coming to help!!
- mirabel being the one at the front to meet with the townspeople and collect the supplies but not alma
- this and scene with the blueprints indicate to me that alma fully trusts mirabel and is letting her play a bigger role in this project!
- the sisters singing together!!!!
- coffee kid going ham on the hammering
- priest going 👍 when bruno is laying out the sand
- mariano sitting on doorstep like a little loser :(
- how the background noise quietens a bit when dolores shows up
- mirabel and isa successfully set up their cousin and are celebrating their victory🙏
- we need a doorknob🗣️🗣️
- antonio guiding her to the door because she guided him to his door will never not kill me
- the family singing about how loved and appreciated she is (those harmonies OMGGG)
- alma repeating what her very first line in the movie was
- “I see me, all of me” oh no more tears 😭😭
- mirabel on the middle of the door 😭
- casita bringing in mirabel for a hug and her immediate reaction telling everyone else to get inside it’s party time 💃
- antonio and parce reunited!!!
- isas new dress and how happy and comfortable she is
- luisa resting !!!
- pepa dancing and felix going “yeah amor!” I love them
- family picture!!! casita hugging them in the photo and ending on the frame of the photo decorated by mirabel <33
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myminecraftfantasy · 11 months ago
DSMP x Encanto AU
Character Concepts:
This post is about my thought process why I assigned each character the role they have. Along with some concept art. (I’m not an artist, but I tried T^T)
Character Selection:
Philza — as Alma Abuela. The reasoning is simple, “His name is Philza Minecraft and he is quite old...” Also, he’s part bird because the wings are iconic
Nihachu & Puffy — Niki as Julieta. when I made this AU, I immediately casted Niki for this role because of her kind nature and the bakery she once had (in DSMP). Puffy as Augustin. I originally had Wilbur in this role, but I changed it because I thought Puffy would be more fun and I wanted to do something else for Wilbur. It’s a shame I can’t make Puffy a sheep, but I made Niki a cat because she has cats irl.
Sapnap & Karl — as Pepa & Felix. I immediately knew I wanted this couple in the AU since they’re a really fun dynamic. Karl would’ve suited either of the roles well, but I thought that Sapnap would suit Pepa better than Felix. Also, I made Sapnap a panda because Pandas.
Technoblade — as Bruno. they’re both quirky & introverted characters that I like (yes, I’m a bit biased). Also, he would fit in the song “We don’t talk about Techno, no, no, no~”. I think it was meant to be. And of course I made Techno a pig, he is “The Pig”.
Dream — as Dolores. their characters both have a ‘lying in wait’ sort-of-vibe, it’s hard to explain. It’s also pretty entertaining in terms of character interactions, and I put George in Mariano’s role. I also made Dream a wolf because of that popular GNF video.
Quackity - as Camilo. they both have really fun and goofy personalities, I think it’s a perfect fit. Quackity likes to change his mc skin a lot, so it matches Camilo’s gift. Also, Quackity is a duck because quack.
Wilbur — as Antonio. I was originally going to have Wilbur as Augustin, but I thought this would be a more interesting dynamic with Tommy with the flip in ages. I made Wilbur a fox because of his son Fundy in DSMP.
(I really wanted the bench trio in this AU, and I thought the 3 siblings would be perfect)
Ranboo — as Isabella. The character dynamics and relationships is really interesting with him in this role (prolly gonna make a mini-post for some hcs for this). Also, with Isabella’s gift, I could give Ranboo a flower crown. I chose a deer for Ranboo because the antlers and ears matched well with popular fan interpretation.
Tubbo — as Luisa. Not much to say for this one, I’ve seen the strong Tubbo fanart. This combo is perfect. Tubbo is obviously a ram for popular easons.
Tommy — as Mirabel. Main character energy, of course. Not to mention, their characters are often underestimated despite the attention they get. Tommy remains a regular human until the Casita gets rebuilt. He gets a bird too)
(Also, Casita’s nickname in this AU is Chat.
So remember those scenes with Mirabel saying “Casita”, now imagine Tommy saying “Chat” in the same way
Idk, I think it’s funny)
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feerz · 11 months ago
Ranking all the Jesuses from every version I've watched/listened to so far
without further ado let's get into it 🙌
Ian Gillan - 1970 Original concept album
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The True Doer that you cannot outdo. The og who made this role what it is today. And since the og album was were I got my start and obsession with jcs, I have a huge fondness for him. There's just something so- so... about him. His vocals? Insane, fantastic, the golden standard. His Gethsemane is Everything. He raised the bar so high (literally lol) and made this role harder for everyone that came after him and I respect that. I also love his characterisation. He is a rockstar and he knows it. Adore this whiny ass messiah and his dramatics. 9/10
Ted Neeley - 1973 movie
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Sad little mouse man. He's like some small rodent to me. His gethsemane is iconic, but beyond it I don't care to much about his Jesus. He's perfectly inoffensive, but I find him a bit boring. Poor guy also had the disadvantage of performing against Carl Anderson, who's too powerful and who commanded every scene he was in, outshining Jesus. Tedsus is not for me personally, but he's definitely not bad. 6/10
Camilo Sesto - Madrid 1975 album
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I like him! He reminds me of Ian's Jesus but sadder (love to see it). Really good vocals. That 'POR QUE' ate. And his Gethsemane in general too. I don't have that much to say besides that, but Señor Sesto is really good in this role. 8/10
James Whitson - San Jose Civic Light Opera's 1990 production
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Uhhhhhhh. Watched this in a discord watch party and for half of it we were thought this was Ted. It wasn't. Don't really know what to say, there wasn't anything really memorable or notable about him. Also has the disadvantage of being pared up with Carl Anderson, except it's even worse here. If Carl was anywhere near him, no chance I was paying attention to Jesus. Um... he chased Santa out of the Temple! That's something! 3/10
Steve Balsamo - 1996 London revival album
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Steve Balsamo Jesus, my dearly beloved. How can you not love him. Just rewatch his Gethsemane for the 1000th time. His vocals are out of this world, man has organ pipes in place of vocal chords. Props to him for actually crying in gethsemane and still killing it. Absolutely fantastic. And his beautiful hair and those brown eyes really add to it. He's such a sad pathetic man, it's great. No complaints 10/10
Glenn Carter - 2000 movie
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I'm shaking, please buy him brown contacts. I am a glensus hater, although I have to admit that during my second viewing I didn't dislike him as much. Easily my least favourite gethsemane (lmm excluded), except his delivery of "what you started, I didn't start it", that was surprisingly good. Again, I'm a hater but bonus points for the entertainment factor. 4/10
Paul Nolan - 2012 Broadway revival
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BORING! Sorry your trouple doesn't save you from being so incredibly bland. It's like looking at a white wall that has just been painted over and you're watching it dry. Gethsemane is solid vocally, I like his interactions with others. But Jesus himself? No thanks. The staging of the crucifixion was so great, but then there he is with his mouth agape like a baby bird being fed and unconvincing "suffering". Also, no blood? 3/10
Ben Forster - 2012 UK Arena tour
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THIS IS THE ONE. My roman empire. My most dear blorbo. He's been living in my head rent free for months. I love him so much. He's just so incredibly stressed out and angsty and pathetic and constantly on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. His gethsemane is my favourite. Just pretty much everything I could want from a performance of it. The way he curls up on the floor? The little moments when his voice breaks a bit from emotion?? The knee thing??? Great, fantastic, stunning, no notes. Also I adore his costuming, finally Jesus is given something more interesting. 11/10
John Legend - 2018 NBC
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Hot take, but he's not nearly as bad as people make him out to be. He's just fine. I do enjoy his voice, Poor Jerusalem is especially good. Although I don't love his acting in the second act, but I really liked him in the first one. This Jesus just seems really nice and friendly and I love that. Gethsemane is solid vocally, even without the G5. Anyways he's not bad at all! 6/10
Andrew Latobesi - 2018 Villanova College
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This was another wildcard from the watch party. Jesus didn't stand out much because we were all a bit distracted by Judi. And Mary. He was bland and the acting was not fantastic, but this is a high school prod, and for what it's worth he's not bad. Gethsemane was solid enough considering everything. The crucifixion surprisingly hit, good crying there. ??/10 since I don't think it would be fair to rank him against all those adult professional performers.
Jack Hopewell - 50th Anniversary North America tour
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The only Jesus that made me cry while watching. He suffers real good (and looks very pretty while doing so). He's just so- so... I just wanted to wrap him up in a soft blanket and give him a kiss on the forehead and feed him soup. Tbh I think he's one of the best vocally too. His high note is my fav. Gethsemane in general is just great too. Love how much he's just some silly guy who then has to face the Horrors. He's just very cute :] 10/10
Jeangu Macrooy - 2024 Netherlands national tour
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The most poor little meow meow Jesus ever. He's so pathetic it's great. Him smiling and being happy was also so cute. Really good vocals too, man killed those high notes. His gethsemane too... Jeangu Macrooy absolutely steels the show and it's fantastic and incredibly heartbreaking. Want to see his performance again so so badly. In the meantime everyone should check out a snippet of his performance 10/10
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the-gay-disney-games · 1 year ago
Round 1B: Encanto (2021) vs. Beauty and the Beast (1991)
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“Theres like a lot behind the characters, but i feel like the fandom would agree camilo is the most”
“As a lesbian I very much relate to Isabella and Luisa. Isabella being forced to marry a man and Luisa is just a masc icon”
“Isabela gives me very queer vibes. Like not only does her song What Else Can I Do have all this bisexual lighting in the movie, the messaging of the song, letting down your front and just letting yourself be…idk kinda sounds like a closeted queer anthem. Especially since in the context of the movie she’s singing the song right after she tells Mirabel that she never wanted to marry that one guy, who canonically is like the most eligible bachelor in town or something”
“IMO, it's easy to see it as an allegory for being ace in a world where almost everyone else is allo and overcoming acephobia, Mirabel being a stand in for an ace person (having no powers in the movie) and the rest of her family for allos (they have powers).”
“Mirabel is SO bi, Bruno is even more aroace and Isabella is such a lesbian.”
Beauty and the Beast:
“Cogsworth and Lumière are the definition of old married couple”
“Howard Ashman”
“Lumiere and Cogsworth kinda had that weird rivals to lovers thing going on. You could also make an argument for Gaston and LeFou (he’s canonically gay in the live action).”
“First first gay Disney character”
Mod note: as you may be able to tell, I’m a big fan of BatB and it was what inspired this tournament in the first place after I played Cogsworth in a production of it last year. Through that I also found out that both the actor that played him in the original movie and the live action remake are gay so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but yeah this is gonna be the only time make my own propaganda for the tournament just cuz it’s the inspiration
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spooky-spextre-arts · 1 year ago
Mirabel's Skirt Symbols (UPDATED HC)
Since a few years have passed since the full reconstruction of Casita and continuing mend of the family's relationship, I'd like to think a now slightly older Mirabel's skirt embroidery reflects on the progress made since then.
Abuela Alma & Abuelo Pedro | Two Caterpillars (Dos Oruguitas)
Instead of a single candle representing her Abuela Alma, Mirabel's new symbol design would probably be of two caterpillars w/ love hearts. (Bonus points if the hearts represent the colors of the OG triplets.) ❤️🐛 💙🧡💚
Julieta & Agustín | Bowl w/ Bees 🥣🐝💙
For Julieta, Mirabel would likely make a small bowl w/ a tiny bee on it, and two blue hearts rising from the top. Both would represent Mirabel's parents and their love.
Pepa & Felix | Rainbow/Sleet & Umbrella ☔🌈
Mirabel's Tiá & Tio would be proudly represented by an embroidery of a rainbow jutting upwards from an orange umbrella. Sleet and rain symbols could be near the rainbow too. (She's proud of her Tiá! No matter what kind of weather she has.)
Bruno | Rat wearing green ruana/drama masks 🐀💚🎭
Bruno's embroidery would likely be of a silly rat(s) wearing a green ruana and/or drama masks. OR or - maybe just the rats wearing green ruanas w/ the hood up/bucket on their head, all really depends on what Bruno's preferred vibe is.
Isabela | Cactus w/ blue/purple flowers 🌵💠
To help represent the stronger bond with her older sisters, Mirabel likely surprised Isabela w/ an embroidered symbol of a green cactus - but with a big dark blue flower at the top, bigger purple one in the middle, and light blue one at the bottom. All three flowers proudly represent the bond between the three cool-colored sisters.
Luisa | Donkeycorn! 🦄💜
For Luisa, Mirabel's skirt symbol would now be of her sister's favorite animal: the playful Donkeycorn! I'd like to think it would be in a proud and powerful stance, representing the unconditional love and both the physical and emotional strength of her older sister.
Dolores | Red Bow/Ribbon w/ Musical Notes 🎀🎶
Maybe in the time during reconstruction, there was a moment where Dolores freely showed the community her melodic singing voice. Mirabel wanted to help remember that moment w/ her cousin's iconic red ribbon, accompanied with little music/poetry notes.
Camilo | Mischievous Chameleon w/ Plate of Arepas 🦎🧡🫓
I like to think despite being older and probably expected to act more their ages, both Mirabel and Camilo never lost their mischievous sparks in the family. Mirabel's skirt symbol for her cousin represents this w/ none other than a mischievous chameleon in front of a LARGE plate of arepas.
Antonio | Jaguar & Big/Little Toucans
For her littlest cousin and partner in crime, Mirabel made, in her eyes, one of the best designs of them all. This being a mighty jaguar face like the first symbol, but with one big toucan and little toucan atop its head (representing the brotherly-sisterly bond they have. 🧡💙
Mirabel | Accordion with a Pink butterfly
I wanted to save the best for last. For the miracle herself, I'd like to see think Mirabel would make a symbol of her talents, being an accordion w/ a symbol of a pink butterfly in the middle.
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mercedesdecorazon · 10 months ago
Each of my MC's response to being asked about returning to All-Stars
Each of my MCs have their own story and their own answer. Bear in mind that all my MCs are black women so that plays a part too.
S1 MC Rachelle: "No. I'm a mother now so I have to think of my kids."
Rachelle is married and has two young children to take care of now.
S2 MC Rosalia: "No thanks. I have already done my time on the show so it makes no sense for me to come back again."
Rosalia is one of the more iconic Islanders in the franchise, being of the pivotal OGs in the most iconic and well-loved season so having her would bring in viewers, especially black viewers. But Rosalia thinks that she had her run on the show and doesn't want to come back as she is married to Lucas, whom she met on her run on the show.
S3 MC Azere: "I'm good."
Azere was ghosted by Camilo after the show and after that disastrous Boat Party, she distanced herself from the show.
S4 MC Tanya (the Bombshell MC): "I would like to but I don't think it's for me anymore. Plus I'm too old."
Tanya is 31 years old as of 2024, so she believes she is too old for the show now (she was 28 on her season back in 2021). She did enjoy being a bombshell but she is done with the show.
S5 MC Coco (the Ex in the Villa MC): *Coco hangs up the phone immediately and the producer is blocked by her promptly.*
Coco resents the show after her short stint on it. From bringing her notorious ex on the show to the bullying and the gaslighting from the other Islanders, she is through with the show.
S6 MC Cheryl (Double Trouble MC): "Nope. Talk to Amelia instead."
Cheryl is grateful for the show in that the producers exposed how much of a snakey backstabbing person her own sister was but she won't come back again. Ever.
S7 MC Jenna (the Casa Amor MC): "Sure."
Jenna is the only MC of mine that I see coming back on the show, mostly because she thinks that she didn’t get a fair shot and she was eliminated earlier on after Alex left her for Estelle after Casa Amor.
So Jenna would be the MC I would play on All-Stars (if I do decide to play it)
S8 MC Eve (Tempted by Fate MC): "I just did my season though..."
Eve thinks that it's too soon for her to come back as her season finished a year ago.
That's it. So only Jenna is coming back on.
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characterdesignreferences · 2 years ago
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Art by  Juan Camilo Useche
Celebration Month! #100challenges
Presented by CDQ Magazine
This month we are celebrating the 100th session of the community by resharing some of the most iconic artworks from the past! Next month we will start again with our regular posts.
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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nerissalmao · 9 months ago
Unlikely Genderfluid Icons- Anastasia Romanov
So, we all know Nimona, the main character of my hyperfixation movie, is a genderfluid icon. We all know Acht from Splatoon is a non-binary vibe and icon goddess. And that’s not even to mention the rigid-looking dominatrix of gender euphoric femininity that is Callie Cuttlefish (also from Splatoon). Don’t make me mention Shiver from Splatoon! Or Camilo from Encanto! FREAKING LOKI FROM MARVEL!! As someone whose gender is a bit fluid, I’ve always loved characters like that, and it’s natural I’ve been looking for more of these characters I can project my juicy headcanons onto. And it so happens a friend of mine is in the musical “Anastasia” right now, so..
Anastasia Romanov is a genderfluid icon. Yes, you read that right. It’s not because she necessarily has to be genderfluid— it’s because she pulls off both feminine and masculine looks so well, which all fluid peeps have been wanting to do since forever. She’s an inspiration, honestly. And I’ll prove it with some delectable photos!!
See, here she is killing the newsboy look, short-looking hair included..
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She may not be entirely masculine, but the baggy clothes and raggedy appearance certainly give newsboy vibes.
BUT! She’s also killing the “tomboy of your dreams” look, with a ripped up dress-that-isn’t-really-a-dress, the spiky ponytail, and in this scene specifically the bike.
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Just a girl who happens to be a princess, biking with the commoners in baggy clothes, looking like Jo March from Little Women if she was a redhead with a dog.
So far she’s killing the tomboy look, but you know what else our villain-life-source-stomping not-Disney princess can pull off? That very specific kind of not-super-girly-but-also-very-pink look that was basically invented by that one god-awful pink polo shirt worn by Cady Heron in mean girls!
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She’d make a great Plastic. “My name is Anya Romanovvvv, and I am a massive deallll! I will grind your reliquary to sanddd beneath my fancy heeeellll!!”
Don’t forget that she also can be the most feminine, glittery, sparkly roaring twenties icon in the entire world..
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How is it possible that she can go from looking like a newsboy to looking like THIS?! And her hairstyle shifts more than Nimona herself!
I could share more pictures, but then I think we’d be here for hours. Especially more pictures of girly’s constantly-changing hairstyles, because heck! She has so many hairstyle changes, she’s genuinely a hair chameleon. And I’ve often wished I could just change my hair on the dot like that, so I’m pretty jealous. Maybe I’m crazy, but I think she’s a genderfluid icon. Or at least an icon in general, crushing gender roles by being the one to save her prince from Rasputin and slouching openly and being a scrappy badarse who knows what she wants. So yeah, respect for Anya, that movie is underrated, the musical made me cry, buy gold, byeee!
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