#icons actressses
harumi-web · 1 year
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꒰ ㅤ✦ㅤ⠀ׅ⠀໋⠀🐚​᭄ㅤ﹫ nᧉ𑜎 p𖦹st ⠀ش ㅤ ⊹ ㅤ◌ ꒱
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My gorgeous Lady Barbra Streisand as Dolly Levi in "Hello, Dolly!" (1969)
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heavenboy09 · 8 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To The 1 Of The Best & Brightest Actressses Of The UK 🇬🇧 & Has Been Worldly Reowned Known For Her Most Iconic Role In 1 Of The Greatest HBO TV 📺 Series That Started A Forever Changing Legacy Of Fantasy Genre of the 21st Century.
Please Wish A Very Happy Birthday To The Mother 👸 Of Dragons 🐉 Herself.
Ms  Emilia Clarke aka Queen 👸 Daenerys Targaryen  🐉
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#EmiliaClarke #DaenerysTargaryen #TheMotherOfDragons  #GameOfThrones
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galaxyistuff · 5 years
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adelaide kane icons
like/reblog or morgenwstern
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iloveyoujohnnydepp · 3 years
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Johnny Depp during the Penelope Cruz Hollywood Walk Of Fame Induction Ceremony in Hollywood, California (April 1, 2011)
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Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant behind the scenes in Charade,1963
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greysoblivion · 5 years
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Selena Gomez.┊Layouts, twitter packs.
✦ :・↳ If you use, please like or reblog.
✦ :・↳ Give credits to @greysoblivion on Tumblr/We Heart It/Twitter.
✦ :・↳ Hope you like it.
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iconscool · 6 years
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like or reblog if u save ❥
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saseumedits · 7 years
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( ♡‧₊˚ Like or reblog if you save, the ask is open for requests!  🐝 。)
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moonnette · 3 years
no because literally it’s them that are paving the way for vietnamese american celebrities. they are mainstream media. they are the icons, the stars, they’re the ones doing it. they’re showing the next generation that you can be a vietnamese women and rock the red carpet.
i did not know any vietnamese american actresss before the last jedi. i remember seeing her in theaters back in high school for the first time and i was so in awe. do you know how devastating, how HEARTBREAKING, it was to see the backlash, the racism, and sexism that came from fans after the movie? i would have done the same thing as kmt if i was in her shoes. there’s a line between constructive criticism and flat out harassment. it’s obvious that fans went way past that line.
then lana condor came along. it was after the first to all the boys movie that i found out she was vietnamese american. i was so excited beyond belief that a vietnamese american women was acting in a romcom. i had already loved the movie before but to realize her ethnicity was the same as mine made it even more exciting. i know people were focused on noah centineo at the time but my eyes were on lana condor. there was positive feedback. people loved her. she wasn’t a side character, she wasn’t a background actress, she was the MAIN CHARACTER. she would be getting (and DID get) three whole movies about her since this was a film adaptation of a book series. A teen romcom starring a vietnamese american woman is something i never knew would happen so soon. being able to relate to a character is so so rare for me. as i watched each tatb movies i had never felt so seen and so connected to a character before.
i’m so so thankful for kelly marie tran and lana condor and i literally can’t wait to support them in future projects
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
10 favorite 1930′s horror movies
Horror really became it’s own genre within the 30′s,and it’s one of my favorite decades of horror
A child killler is being pursued by both criminals and police.Debates on whether this film counts as horror ,but that opening scene is pure horror in my mind 
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2.The Old Dark House (1932)
A group of travelers  arrive at an old dark house owned by an odd family .This film is full of atmosphere ,strange  characters and a great sense of humor 
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3.Spanish Dracula (1931)
Yeah as iconic as the English language Dracula is for Lugosi’s performance,it’s very stilted and feels incomplete .The Spanish Dracula however has  more engaging  performances ,more creative and spooky shots ,and has moments that for whatever reason were left out of the English version
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4.The  Invisible  Man(1933)
The tale of an invisible mad man ,,what makes this film work are  the effects which are still very impressive,James Whales sense of humor and the magnificent performance of Claude Rains ,who despite being unseen,this is unquestionably his movie 
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5.The Black Cat (1934 )
This film is wild ,about Bela Lugosi locked in conflict with a satanic priest played By Boris  Karloff ,with two newlyweds caught in the middle .This film is shocking for the time period ,Lugosi makes for a great if slightly unhinged hero ,Karloff is practically evil incarnate ,and the visuals are haunting 
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6.Mad Love(1935)
My favorite Peter Lorre movie ,about a surgeon obsessed with an actresss who is married to a pianist ,whose hands are destroyed in a train wreck .This is a tale of obsession and watching Lorre devolve into madness as he gaslights the pianist is truly scary .Lorre delivers truly one of the most terrifying performances of horror
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7.King Kong (1933)
One of the most influential movies ever and one I hold close .A film crew travels to a mysterious island and find  Kong ,a giant ape .The stop motion alone is incredible ,as Kong is truly a character .Also shout out to Robert Armstrong as filmmaker Carl Denham ,which is just such a great character  
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I saw this film as a child and it always stuck with me .Karloff delivers truly one of the greatest performances in all of horror if not all of cinema,as the sympathetic Monster
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9.Bride of Frankenstein(1935)
In some ways supperior to the original,with witty humor while also doubling down on the tragedy of the monster .The Blind man scene is bound to break hearts 
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10.Son of Frankenstein(1939)
While I feel Karloffs monster is underused (With the exception of one amazing scene),litterally everything else about this movie is great ,from the visuals toBela Lugosi’s truly creepy performance as Ygor which may be his greatest role
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily liveblogs Star Trek: TNG 1x10 - “Hide and Q”
oh, man, a q episode. I'm so excited. I’ve missed that crazy fucker so much.
No Troi this episode? Hahaha, right, because I'm sure the crew will get up to all kinds of shenanigans without their resident counselor (or maybe her actresss just needed a day off?) Too bad, though, I like Troi.
Okay, who has the miniskirt as part of their uniform? I keep seeing background characters wearing it, but none of the main crew. At least, it's gender-neutral, inasmuch as I've spotted both men and women wearing it.
Geordi picks up a force field on the scanners... "It's almost like..."
....the last time we ran into that obnoxious Q guy at Farpoint, Data finishes.
(Riker totally missed that bit, so it's gonna be hysterical watching him catch up.)
Picard: "Not now, Q, damn it!" (is there ever a good time, though?)
I see the show is re-using its SFX from the pilot to save on money.
Q, a floating three-headed cobra attached to a translucent balloon: Hey, wanna let me make your dreams come true?
so that's what a Starfleet Admiral's uniform looks like with the ridiculous gold trim? WOW.
(love how the music sweeps to a dramatic flourish as Picard and Q stare at each other there)
Riker crosses his arms over his chest, and looks all smug as Q flirts with Picard. RIKER KNOWS. RIKER KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE THIS IS GOING.
so much flirting. so much flirting. I can't keep a straight face.
Q decides to flirt with Riker instead since Picard is Not Buying It, and then kidnaps the bridge crew to mess with Picard
Q is dressed up as Napoleon because of course he is, lol
(Q is literally just fucking with them all because he's bored)
Worf refuses to drink with Q and stares up down while dramatically destroying his glass, #respect
Q puts Tasha in a literally penalty box for threatening him, so much for any female characters in this episode, sigh
oh, wait, she's on the Enterprise with Picard, trying to explain everything and Picard is so sweet trying to console her ahhhhhh my heart.
Tasha says, "If only you weren't Captain", oh no, that girl has some ISSUES with sex and intimacy that this show has only hinted at, but NO PLEASE I DON'T SHIP THIS and Q shows up jealous, WOW, lot to unpack there.
Picard, as a French person, has, uh, issues with Q's Napoleonic outfit, lol, that’s totally why Q chose it
ahahaha, picard and q get into an argument over Shakespeare, I am LIVING FOR THIS.
Riker is doing the thing where he props his leg up on a boulder again, lol
(where is wesley crusher in all this, anyway? no idea)
Riker asks Data a question and Data turns and its Q in Data's makeup AHHHHHHHH SO CREEPY AHHHHHHHH
Q gives Riker phenomenal cosmic power, this is gonna be fun
Data is hesitant to explain that they were being shot at by animal creatures in Napoleonic uniforms because Picard is French. Poor Data.
Picard's like, welp, we don't have to worry about Riker, because Q's interested in him. Jealous much, Jean-Luc?
Watching Riker annoy Q is so satisfying, lol.
oh there's Wesley in his rainbow sweater, finally
Riker uses his new Q powers to save the crew from DEATH then makes a promise to Picard not to use it, even though he could have saved a girl's life with it later when they visit a mining colony and this bothers him.
(I see why Troi isn't around, she would have SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN in a heartbeat.)
Riker is so impressed with the Q, and everyone else - who was there for that fucking trial farce - is like, nah, bro, Q's a bastard, don't fall for it.
Q shows up dressed as a monk now, and encourages Riker to give the rest of the crew "gifts" using his powers
Dr. Crusher startles to hustle Wes out of there but too later - Riker turns him into AN ADULT STILL WEARING THE SAME RAINBOW SWEATER AHAHAHAHAHA (because he wanted to be “a man” and not, you know, a fashion icon)
(Geordi's reaction to aged-up Wes is "Not bad," which is just *chef's kiss*)
Data's like, no, I want no part in this, and quotes Shakespeare, so Riker doesn’t make him play this stupid game
Geordi gets to SEE with his eyes and his first reaction is to tell Tasha how beautiful she is, SIGH
but Geordi makes Riker take it back because he doesn't want to owe Q anything
Rikers gets Worf a girlfriend. I shit you not. They start brawling/making out on the bridge, which must be so awkward for everyone else, and then Worf rejects her, saying he has no place for sex in his life now
(but really this is the equivalent of the drink-tossing earlier)
We are spared Riker trying to grant Tasha's wish because the writers are SHITTY AT WRITING FEMALE CHARACTERS AND IT WOULD BE AWFUL by Riker admitting he's wrong
Picard’s like “no really?”
and then the rest of the Q show up and nab our rogue Q and he disappears screaming
Data asks how Q can be so good at time and space and shit at humanity, and Picard says space and time are easier, and you can see Data's "well, that checks out" shrug
don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this, but the message got a little muddle with the incredibly convoluted plot, and none of the writers know how to write female characters AT ALL
this could have been really good if the writers had been on their A-game, but instead it's just cracktastically weird
I think if I were to re-write the episode I would focused on either  the “Riker having the powers of the god” bit OR “Q forcing them to fight to the death on a random planet for his amusement” but BOTH plotlines in a single episode was really a mess
but hey, I am a simple soul, and Q messing with Riker and flirting with Picard is pretty hilarious in my book.
I still maintain none of this would have happened if Troi had been there, though, because Riker would have been “yes, ma’am” and sat the hell down as soon as she looked askance at him.
(still no clue what the title means, though)
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kathryn newton icons
like or c jensenaley
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heavenboy09 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To The 1 Of The Best & Brightest Actressses Of The UK 🇬🇧 & Has Been Worldly Reowned Known For Her Most Iconic Role In 1 Of The Greatest HBO TV 📺 Series That Started A Forever Changing Legacy Of Fantasy Genre of the 21st Century. Please Wish A Very Happy Birthday To The Mother 👸 Of Dragons 🐉 Herself. Ms. Emilia Clarke aka Queen 👸 Daenerys Targaryen  🐉 @emilia_clarke #EmiliaClarke #DaenerysTargaryen #TheMotherOfDragons  #GameOfThrones https://www.instagram.com/p/CkExRY_POeLYVAt1TqVuRBde8Hs3Pl7lPYFous0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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if u could chose any actress 2 meet who would u meet
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk i’d like to meet natalie dormer and just talk about sci fi and life probs also i feel like if i ever met calista flockhart i’d just be like “im sorry i hope i’m not annoying you” and maybe laura benanti? she seems like she’s hilarious and she’s primarily a broadway star so if i met her in real life and los angeles like it probably doesnt happen often enough where it’s a bother idk dude i’m v tired and these actresss are also the icons of the people on the right side of my screen that i’m messaging so i’m a bit biased
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Audrey Hepburn and Luca Dotti, circa 1975
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