#ice type poekmon
lostonessoulworld · 3 years
Pokemon Chaotic life
conkeldurrSince the Anonymous asked brought up the OG comic idea I suppose I can tell you a bit about it, or rather since it’s me and we know I don’t normally do short post a lot about it. Consider this post a mini-lore drop if you will divided up into sections.
1: my reality into fiction
So as I mentioned this comic, Originally going to be called “Pokemon Chaotic life”, long title I know, or just “Chaotic life” for short was going to be HEAVILY based off of my own play through of pokemon white version, but having the story be set in between the original BW games and there sequels. Our cast, aside from the trainer who I’ll get into later, would have been based off of my own team which for the most part I can’t remember minus two Sol the Chandelure, and Tsunami the Samurot and basically head honcho of the team.The rest are fuzzy but knowing me back then the others would have been a conkeldurr, Beartick, male Unphesant, and Zebstrika. Yes i was a basic bitch back then, I don’t care. The only real reference to Random doom would have been how Autumn’s friend, and semi-love interest winter, had been asked by professor juniper to breed a zorua egg to give as a gift to this trainer in Sinnoh named Jenna. Other then that unlike Random doom which seemed to be more of a breeder’s or competitive battler’s point of view trainer wise with Jenna, Autumn’s role as a trainer is more as someone into battling but is still a casual. He’s design would have been a mix of the male trainer from BW2 aka Nate, and the male trainer from BW1 aka Blair/white/Hilbert/whatever his official name is. All while having glasses cause A. Autumn is somewhat based on me and I got eye problems, and B. cool anime pushes up glasses scenes if i did that. The biggest difference from Random Doom though would be a slight bit more focus on the trainer’s. Just a bit since this comic still focus’s on the Poekmon.
2: the teams characteristics
Now in RD (Random doom RD for short) The pokemon had a lot of different characteristics, and of course the same would apply to the team of Chaotic life. In particular Tsunami was supposed to be the leader who would get hung up over the smallest stuff like running from a Peedove, or not defeating a pokemon when there health was extremely low. Causing him to develop slight anger issues. Sol was meant to be the more investigative of the team, learning Secrets she really shouldn’t have learned. Making her very on guard and very twitchy as a result. As the series went on I’d try my best to answer and resolve these issues only for new ones to pop up to replace them such as one of the team member accidently injuring Autumn seriously, causing them to be out casted and for said member to even wonder if there fit for the team. Other times it would be just tying up loose threads of other issues. Or...depending on how long it went on for...taking some relationships further.....
3: Autumn, Winter, and there roles in the story
Now I mention earlier on two trainer characters Autumn, the trainer of the main cast and our secondary focus in the story, and Winter his friend/love interest who is less a trainer for battle and more a trainer for the sake of loving pokemon, aka a breeder. A bit more on Winter unlike Autumn who use’s only Unovian pokemon Winter uses pokemon from different regions. The one’s I remember are a Espeon and a Aggron, with the Aggron basically being Winter’s body guard as Winter is VERY fragile, kinda like a snow flake. As for her main pokemon I know it’s a Ice type but I’m unsure if it’s a Frostlass or a Glaceon. Ether way she has a ice type. Unlike Autumn Winter is very calm but not emotionless. The only Unova pokemon she has is Sawsbuck. Autumn, being slightly based off of me is very blunt, can be read like a open book, and is loyal to a fault. The Open book part changes when it comes to battles though as he uses unorphidox strategies to screw with his foes. He takes a Manga Alder approach and trains his pokemon by physically playing with them. His main pokemon is Samurot. As I mentioned there a bit of a side plot of these two having crushes on one another but since it’s a side plot it wouldn’t get too much focus. 
4: Final thoughts
In conclusion if I had the money, and the skills to draw, I would definitly give this another shot. Though another problem has risen. I no longer have pokemon white which means I would have to superficially make these characters. if I could get white, and Black 2, I would certainly write this and draw it. But for now it’s just a dream.
(more on this another time.)
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askkrenko · 4 years
Krenko’s Guide to Pokemon: Mr. Line
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“If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, and it hits a mime, does anyone care?” ~ Gary Larson
Mime Jr.’s actually pretty cute, looking like a tiny little silly clown. The design is a bit generic but also very effective, making it a creature with just enough clown parts so that you know it’s a clown without so many clown parts to look terrifying. It also manages to look a lot like one of those clown-faced ice creams you can get at some places, where the cone is upside down as a hat. The point is, Mime Jr. is a small, cute pokemon that works perfectly fine.
Next is “Kantonian” Mr. Mime, and I put that in quotes because this Pokemon isn’t actually Kantonian. As with Farfetch’d, Mr. Mime is called Kantonian because that’s the first region we as players could get it, but the only ones available in Kanto outside of Let’s Go are either from trades or from the game counter, plus a very tiny amount that appear in the grass patch south of Pallet Town in Gold and Silver but not Red and Blue, implying that someone in Pallet Town has been breeding and releasing Mr. Mimes, and I’m not going to say who, but we all know these Mimes are a certain protagonist’s half-siblings, don’t we?
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So where is Mr. Mime from? Well, we’ve established that the first Mr. Mime we met, Marcel, didn’t come from Kanto, and there’s no Mr. Mime in Johto, Hoenn, or Unova. Alola’s a weird one, as they don’t appear in Sun and Moon but they do appear in both Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Still, they’re only in one location and Alola is known for having many imported Pokemon.  Sinnoh’s a possibility- while the Trophy Garden is clearly cultivated, Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. both appear in the wild in Diamond (but not Pearl). Still, I think the actual natural habitat of this Mr. Mime is the Reflection Cave in Kalos. Not only would a mime Pokemon make the most sense in the Kalos region, but it’d make far more sense for it to be living in a hall of mirrors than simply wandering grasslands as it does in Diamond. Further, this is in much closer proximity to the Galar Region, where Mime Jr.s and Galarian Mr. Mimes wander freely.  Thus, for the rest of this article I’m going to refer to this creature as Kalosian Mr. Mime.
And Kalosian Mr. Mime is terrifying. This thing is so Uncanny Valley that it goes down to becoming some sort of Uncanny Trench where light vanishes and there’s no hope for escape. It has all the most terrifying aspects of a clown, with a vaguely human form that isn’t quite right, hair that resembles horns, and an uncomfortably close relationship with your mother. Its bright coloration and curly feet are just sort of haunting, giving the illusion that it’s wearing clothes while in actuality that’s all just part of it’s horrible, horrible body.
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In contrast, Galarian Mr. Mime is much friendlier looking. The pants help a lot, but so do the big gloves and the nose. It looks less like a monster and more like a cartoony man, and while it’s still weird to see a Pokemon that’s so humanlike, this version doesn’t feel inherently wrong and unsettling. Much better design here, unless the goal is to freak people out. That said, I just don’t buy this as an evolved form of Mime Jr. Galar really needed a Galarian Mime Jr. to finish the set, because as is Mime Jr. turning into Galarian form in Galar and Kalosian form anywhere else just feels off.  The other weird thing is that Galarian Mr. Mime, with its new focus on tapdance, doesn’t still feel like it should be called Mr. Mime. It’s something I complain about a lot with alternate forms, but if a creature’s called Mr. Mime it should be miming, not dancing, and if a creature’s called Sandshrew it should be sand based. 
Visually, I love Mr. Rime. He’s got all the charm of Galarian Mr. Mime but now has a silly hat and an ice cane. He also gets the red bubble on his stomach back from being a Mime Jr. which makes me question why Galarian Mr. Mime doesn’t have it. Mime Jr. links fine to Mr. Rime, but through features lost along the way, like its hat and its big red poofs. Mr. Rime is also clearly Charlie Chaplin, and I love the pun of its name in that it’s both Rime and Rhyme.
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Oh god this line is a mess.
First we get Mime Jr, which has first form starter stats, but evolves when knowing the move Mimic. With no TM or TR, Mime Jr. learns Mimic at 32, finally evolving into a Pokemon whose stat total is still a bit small for a final form. If it’s not in Galar, it stays a Psychic/Fairy type. If it is in Galar, it becomes a Psychic/Ice type, which then evolves again at 42 into something that’s not actually that big a boost over its previous for, making Galarian Mr. Mime a good user of the Eviolite.
And then Mime Jr. is an incense baby, so if you breed two Mr. Mimes (and you can because despite the name half are female) you get a Mr. Mime if you’re not using incense. This is a stupid mechanic that they need to get rid of. 
As with Farfetch’d, the fact that the original doesn’t get a new evolution while the regional form does bothers me, because it doesn’t do anything to bring the original back into playability, it just gives us a new different Pokemon that makes the original less relevant.
I will say Mime Jr. was a good addition. While some baby Pokemon are a waste of time, Mime Jr.’s actually a really solid early-game Pokemon, and Mr. Mime’s strong enough that it shouldn’t be appearing until mid to late game anyway. Adding Mime Jr. adds a lot of playability to this line in PVE.
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Art by Zerochan923600
Kalosian Mr. Mime spent a lot of time as a Psychic type until we actually went to Kalos and found out it was a Psychic/Fairy type this whole time. Defensively, this is decent. It only has three weaknesses, and while it only has three ‘resistances,’ one of them’s a double and one of them’s an immunity. Offensively, it’s super-effective against four types and neither type works well against Steel… but that’s Steel, and most things don’t work well against Steel.
Galarian Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime are Ice/Psychic types, with their only competition in that type combination being Jynx and the legendary Ice Rider Calyrex. Defensively, this is a really bad combination, with six weaknesses and only two resistances- Ice and Psychic themselves. Offensively, this gives super-effective options against six types with only Steel as a shared resistance. 
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Art by DarkraiLady
Kalosian Mr. Mime has a whopping 120 Special Defense, but a mere 40 HP, seriously inhibiting its ability to actually tank, and only 65 physical defense. It’s 100 Special Attack is respectable, but Speed 90 isn’t really enough to make a sweeper out of it,  even with Nasty Plot.
Galarian Mr. Mime balances its stats a bit, trading Special Attack and Special Defense for a bit more HP and Speed, but the only thing here that really works out in its favor is that it can equip an Eviolite, turning it into an actual defensive Pokemon, albeit one that still has poorer HP than most. 
Mr. Rime brings up most of its stats as evolutions do, but weirdly drops its speed from 100 to 70. It manages to be more defensive than average post-evolution, but its key stat becomes its 110 Special Attack. Overall, its stats are fine, able to dish out hits and take them, and its worst stats are only a bit below average.
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Singin’ in the Snow by Pizapioart
Kalosian Mr. Mime and Galarian Mr. Mime have entirely different abilities, with Mr. Rime having another.
Like Electrode, Kalosian Mr. Mime can get Soundproof, and there’s plenty of Sound based attacks out there, making this a decent defensive option. This improves in 2v2 where you can pair it with Boomburst.
Filter, a near-Signature ability of Mr. Mime, is another powerful defensive option, reducing the damage of supereffective moves from 2x to 1.5x. As you can reasonably expect most opponents to have Poison, Steel, or Ghost moves somewhere in their lineup, you really can’t go wrong with this.
Technician increases the power of any of Mr. Mime’s moves of 60 power or less by 50%, and in theory this is a good ability, but Mr. Mime just learns all the good moves anyway. There’s no reason to use a Technician’d Confusion when you can learn Psychic, or a Technician’d Magical Leaf when you can learn Energy Ball. Skipping this should be easy, because it’s Mr. Mime’s Hidden Ability.
Galarian Mr. Mime (but not Mr. Rime) gets Vital Spirit, which grants immunity to sleep. This is fine and usable and plenty of enemies will try and put you to sleep, but this isn’t the reason you’d be using this Pokemon.
Mr. Rime gets Tangled Feet, which is a garbage ability for garbage Pokemon. Nobody needs raised evasion when confused, what they need is to not be confused.
Ice Body, hidden ability of Galarian Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime, causes a Pokemon to heal in Hail. Of course, every Pokemon that can get this, other than the not-fully-evolved Seel, takes no damage in Hail anyway, and it really takes a fully defensive playstyle to worry about using your ability on sometimes healing 1/16th max HP a turn. There are ways to build Mr. Rime for this, but it’ll involve other Poekmon on your team setting up the Hail and wanting it, too.
Besides, Galarian Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime have the signature ability “Screen Cleaner” which negates Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil upon switching in. This ability is honestly the best reason to use these Pokemon, more than anything they’ll actually do once on the field. Any ability that has an effect on switch in tends to be good, because as long as it’s something you wanted done, you basically just got a free action. 
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Art by  PeregrineJazmin, formerly Retkikosmos
Psychic and Psyshock are both great options for your primary attack form. Psychic is a bit bigger, but as you’ll have a special move of your other element to fall back on, Psyshock adds a bit more versatility.
Kalosian Mr. Mime’s only Fairy attack is Dazzling Gleam so you take Dazzling Gleam. Galarian Mr. Mime/Mr. Rime gets your choice of Ice Beam, Blizzard, or Freeze-Dry. Freeze Dry has the drawback of being weaker most of the time, but extra strong against Water Types, which are rather common. Blizzard is more likely to outright end something, but without Hail its accuracy is rather poor.
Coverage options are pretty wide for the mimes. Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, and Focus Blast are available to both, with that last one being super effective against the Steel types that resist Psychic, Fairy, and Ice. 
If you think you’ll get a moment to build up, Nasty Plot is always a great move, as is the more defensive Calm Mind.
Mr. Rime gets two particularly interesting options: it can Rapid Spin, which combines well with Screen Cleaner to reset the field, and it can learn Slack Off, the normal type equivalent of Recover. 
The Mime family’s move pools are actually rather deep, and there’s plenty more options in there, like Hypnosis, Reflect and Light Screen, Baton Pass, Iron Defense, Stored Power, and, via older gens, Healing Wish.
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Art by albrt-wlson, which I have to assume is short for Albert Wilson, but might actually be Alberta Walesong.
I love to hate Mr. Mime, though overall the whole family winds up in the range of ‘fine.’ Mr. Rime’s speed loss is its biggest hit, but other than that there’s a lot of good stuff it can do, especially with both Screen Cleaner and Rapid Spin.  Having below average speed on a Pokemon with so many weaknesses is a problem, but with such a strong variety of moves there’s a lot that can make up for it.
Kalosian Mr. Mime, unfortunately, really needs that stat boost that Mr. Rime got or the ability to use Eviolite like Galarian Mr. Mime, and it just doesn’t have either. 
The other thing that really bugs me about Kalosian Mr. Mime is its abilities or lack thereof. In flavor, Mr. Mime is THE Barrier Pokemon. Reflect and Light Screen are supposed to be what it does better than anyone else… but it just isn’t. Sure, Soundproof, Filter, and Technician are interesting, but I’d have loved to see Mr. Mime have something like Prankster or an ability that mimicked Light Clay, anything to say ‘this is the Pokemon that is best at Reflect.’ Honestly it’s a problem I see in the game a lot, a Pokemon having a specifically mentioned ability or a clear signature move that the Pokemon just has no reason to use. At least Mr. Rime clearly wants to use Teeter Dance with Tangled Feet, even if that strategy isn’t a strong one.
It just really bugs me when a Pokemon isn’t good at what it’s supposed to do, even if it’s good in other ways.
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